POL Vance/Walz debate thread... 10/01/2024


passin' thru
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today

JD Vance knocked it out of the park. Tim Walz wildly stumbled early on but eventually put together a mildly coherent performance. A clear W for Vance on both optics and the debate itself.

Huge win for Trump-Vance tonight. All tailwinds going into November.
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passin' thru


Temperament is key here. We have to imagine either candidate stepping into the the role of POTUS. For me, it's a slam dunk. Walz would be a complete disaster and a babbling idiot. He is NOT presidential, period. Vance is polished, knowledgable, and even keeled. God forbid it ever happens, but if he had to take over, we'd be fine.
Sorry for the derail, but I thought this same thing BornFree, until I listened to Karen Kingston's most recent interview on USA watchdog. It is a must hear, and I might do a post on it on main. Basically, Trump knew he was being played, but was basically forced to approve the vax, so he wrote a contract hanging Pfizer out to dry and forcing them to name their .gov co conspirators involved. Apparently, he is also waiting to discuss the vax until after he gets elected and for now is sticking to his line because he's gotten word that if he tries to push it now even more people will try to assassinate him.

Trump has brought in RFK Jr and they are both talking about the POISONING OF AMERICA. That is the core of it. They BOTH KNOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN POISONED, ON PURPOSE, BY POWERFUL FACTIONS for decades and decades. It is not just the jab, but it wouldn't be so important MAHA if the vaxxine death jabs, for 30 years haven't been so destructive, and purposeful.

It is also vaxx related, I am sure.
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Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I find my self cynical, still. Vance having written memoirs at thirty, then a movie....made for tv comes to mind. Political TV

He's picture perfect, like so many of the deep staters. It's like a professional politician can't be trusted. It's like that, you know.

His road to stardom, is likely not a fluke, of any kind. You just don't get there, less you paid the price. Their power is such, that it just doesn't happen. And I hate to say it, that goes for Trump.

Diddy, comes to mind when it comes to the games played. Not saying Trump, Diddy'd, just saying, nothing happens by accident. Chaos is their goal, Trump will make that happen, just by winning.

I see a deep state that has such great power, they will blow up the world to retain it. And they have the means to do that.

So, enjoy the theatre, and be sure to shore up your theatre...shtf is just around the corner, and that will be measured in hours, from huh, to wham.


Veteran Member
I find my self cynical, still. Vance having written memoirs at thirty, then a movie....made for tv comes to mind. Political TV

He's picture perfect, like so many of the deep staters. It's like a professional politician can't be trusted. It's like that, you know.

His road to stardom, is likely not a fluke, of any kind. You just don't get there, less you paid the price. Their power is such, that it just doesn't happen. And I hate to say it, that goes for Trump.

Diddy, comes to mind when it comes to the games played. Not saying Trump, Diddy'd, just saying, nothing happens by accident. Chaos is their goal, Trump will make that happen, just by winning.

I see a deep state that has such great power, they will blow up the world to retain it. And they have the means to do that.

So, enjoy the theatre, and be sure to shore up your theatre...shtf is just around the corner, and that will be measured in hours, from huh, to wham.
You convinced me!!!

Harris it is …

Oh wait Harris was closer and seems to have had more direct contact with Diddy so
your Diddy reference has me absolutely confused.

I see the deep state trying to kill DJT, Harris not so much. So if one is pissing off the degenerates in the deep state, got to go against the deep state.


passin' thru
I find my self cynical, still. Vance having written memoirs at thirty, then a movie....made for tv comes to mind. Political TV

He's picture perfect, like so many of the deep staters. It's like a professional politician can't be trusted. It's like that, you know.

His road to stardom, is likely not a fluke, of any kind. You just don't get there, less you paid the price. Their power is such, that it just doesn't happen. And I hate to say it, that goes for Trump.

Diddy, comes to mind when it comes to the games played. Not saying Trump, Diddy'd, just saying, nothing happens by accident. Chaos is their goal, Trump will make that happen, just by winning.

I see a deep state that has such great power, they will blow up the world to retain it. And they have the means to do that.

So, enjoy the theatre, and be sure to shore up your theatre...shtf is just around the corner, and that will be measured in hours, from huh, to wham.
As I said earlier, when we discussed the hillbilly elogy, and his selection as VP- Without doubt this has been a predictable, scripted packaged roll out of a persona, in many respects not that much different than the one they used to roll out Obama.

The difference is, there was a few ounces of genuineness in Vance's disclosures, that O could not beg borrow or steal for all the talents and wealth of those who cobbled him together for the public square. All men are flawed. Far far fewer can master genuineness.

Perhaps more importantly, do we actually care if DJT/Vance/Kennedy/Tulsi/ and all their team are just orchestrating a cabal of their own to garner the power and serve as opponents and counter-weights to those who've grabbed hold of the reins now?

Even if we're destined to be enslaved, I still pick the pick the newest group o' potential slave masters on the scene, with Eyes wide open, and a glimmer o' hope wafting on the breeze.


passin' thru
Curtis Houck
ABC's Jonathan Karl: "I've got to say...Walz did seem unsteady and, frankly, what I saw in Walz is somebody who has not faced questions on...He was simply out of practice...JD Vance was very smooth. He took the arguments...to Kamala Harris. Overall, a tone of civility"


passin' thru
marchin' orders apparently been handed out, and "election denier" is the cross they'll be trying to crucify him/them on. . .

Ted Lieu

This is the defining moment of the VP debate. Vance disqualified himself by being an election denier. If you can’t honor the will of the voters, you have no business being Vice President.

And the reason Vance is even here is because Trump egged on his supporters to harm Pence.

Resolute Square

This is the ballgame. JD Vance does not believe we live in a democracy or in the foundational American practice of a peaceful transfer of power. If he can brush those aside, nothing else out of his mouth can or should be trusted.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
As I said earlier, when we discussed the hillbilly elogy, and his selection as VP- Without doubt this has been a predictable, scripted packaged roll out of a persona, in many respects not that much different than the one they used to roll out Obama.

The difference is, there was a few ounces of genuineness in Vance's disclosures, that O could not beg borrow or steal for all the talents and wealth of those who cobbled him together for the public square. All men are flawed. Far far fewer can master genuineness.

Perhaps more importantly, do we actually care if DJT/Vance/Kennedy/Tulsi/ and all their team are just orchestrating a cabal of their own to garner the power and serve as opponents and counter-weights to those who've grabbed hold of the reins now?

Even if we're destined to be enslaved, I still pick the pick the newest group o' potential slave masters on the scene, with Eyes wide open, and a glimmer o' hope wafting on the breeze.
You and me both.....I'm just saying, I'm cynical. No doubt I vote for Trump. In the mean time, it's theatre of the absurd, on a daily basis.

I'm a card carrying American. I hate communists, called out two on the radio today. I won't get into the details, but facts don't matter to them....to say the least.

God's in control, I trust him, and the gut he gave me. I pray Trump is real, and the white hats become legend, and Q was right all along. And even Sessions was a good guy.

Shore up folks, no matter, no easy way out. The big Trib is coming.


Came This Far
marchin' orders apparently been handed out, and "election denier" is the cross they'll be trying to crucify him/them on. . .

Ted Lieu

This is the defining moment of the VP debate. Vance disqualified himself by being an election denier. If you can’t honor the will of the voters, you have no business being Vice President.

And the reason Vance is even here is because Trump egged on his supporters to harm Pence.

Resolute Square

This is the ballgame. JD Vance does not believe we live in a democracy or in the foundational American practice of a peaceful transfer of power. If he can brush those aside, nothing else out of his mouth can or should be trusted.
Vance and Trump are honoring the will of the voters. By not honoring the cheaters.


passin' thru
You and me both.....I'm just saying, I'm cynical
aye, i too was born under a cynical star n wake up on that side o' the bed every.single.morning.

I not only hate commies for their ability to lie w/o shame, I have zero respect for anyone who opens their mouths, or fingers, to falsely accuse or mischaracterize another- but as they say, men plan and Gods laugh, so I just sip my sweet tea and try and enjoy the kabuki acts, or at least, record the scenes as accurately as I can.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
marchin' orders apparently been handed out, and "election denier" is the cross they'll be trying to crucify him/them on. . .

Ted Lieu

This is the defining moment of the VP debate. Vance disqualified himself by being an election denier. If you can’t honor the will of the voters, you have no business being Vice President.

And the reason Vance is even here is because Trump egged on his supporters to harm Pence.

Resolute Square

This is the ballgame. JD Vance does not believe we live in a democracy or in the foundational American practice of a peaceful transfer of power. If he can brush those aside, nothing else out of his mouth can or should be trusted.
This is what made me go hhmmm. Vance could have stated the facts, he had two minutes to say, well actually.... no judge would even look at any case. We had all the evidence in the world, and we still do, that the election was stolen in multiple ways. Yet no Soros backed judge, would give us standing. This has never been looked at in a court. It was stopped in the streets. That's the reality. This election fraud was real, and it's coming in a matter of weeks. They are making it possible for illegals in our nation to vote. They are not citizens, but these communist states are paving the way to steal this election.....and you folks know the rest, and the reality. He did not come to bat for the Citizens who are on the cusp of seeing another election stolen.

In two minutes more he could have stated the case, succinctly. They are lying cheating communists.

Is that too harsh, in your face. Is there a diplomatic way of saying, screw me once, shame on you....................

America stands ready to make sure we have a fair election. No more fraud.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
America is just waiting for the sickening, sudden stop that will come 12/06/2024. The GOP is not unified, and has not mobilized on all fronts, to defeat the Democrap Party. They’ve learned NOTHING! It’s as if a super dense fog has descended upon the nation, and our enemies don’t even have to sneak in. They can march in with their jack boots, like the Russians put on a show in Red Square, marching for their supporters. There is no excitement, no hope, and no positive anticipation amongst our citizens. It’s as if nobody cares any more.

God help us- nobody else will…



Wishing I was Cruising with my Sweetie...
... Vance could have stated the facts, he had two minutes to say, well actually.... no judge would even look at any case. We had all the evidence in the world, and we still do, that the election was stolen in multiple ways. Yet no Soros backed judge, would give us standing. This has never been looked at in a court. It was stopped in the streets. That's the reality ...
You really think he could have said that with these two twits moderating? And, if he had, the media would be trashing him for the next three weeks. I think he had to walk the line very closely, rather than trying to convince them in a few seconds that we live in a .gov controlled by a deep state... remember he was only there to go for that 11 percent watching (per the Fox News poll tonight) that thought that this debate could possibly affect their vote, and, to be the straight man for Trump.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
You really think he could have said that with these two twits moderating? And, if he had, the media would be trashing him for the next three weeks. I think he had to walk the line very closely, rather than trying to convince them in a few seconds that we live in a .gov controlled by a deep state... remember he was only there to go for that 11 percent watching (per the Fox News poll tonight) that thought that this debate could possibly affect their vote, and, to be the straight man for Trump.
Truths the truth, I'm sure you could read what I wrote in two minutes......and that was off the cuff. The truth needs to be aired out, the election was stolen, and no judge would give standing to Trump or anyone, to debate the evidence in court. So when the other side say's it was thrown out, it was never looked at. What's that, thirty seconds.