POL Vance/Walz debate thread... 10/01/2024


Veteran Member
I'm looking forward to it. VP debates have little impact, but it will be fun to see this matchup hit prime time.

Speaking as a long-suffering Minnesotan, Walz is a big BS'er, but he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. He's MN DFL (modern Commie) to the bone, and has no clue and worse in a debate, no respect, for the other side of the stage. That's what I think will bite him. Walz is too arrogant to give JD and his skills anything but contempt. The joke will be on him.

Adding: Also, Walz can be a real nasty little prick when he gets mad. Thinking that's something JD, as a pretty smart lawyer (and a Marine) will keep as a tool in his back pocket. :lol:
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désespéré pour le ciel
View: https://twitter.com/MuffWorldStudio/status/1840580572919308459

According to CNN's sources within his team, Tim Walz is experiencing significant anxiety ahead of his upcoming debate with JD Vance on Tuesday. Aides have noted Walz's doubts about facing off against someone with Vance's legal background.

There's also mounting pressure on Walz, as poor performance could let down Kamala Harris, who has reportedly voiced private irritation with Walz's social gaffes, including mistakenly calling her a "prostitutor."

Gwen Walz is upset about her husband being subjected to the ordeal of debating Vance. Where’s the joy?



Faithful Steed
I'm looking forward to it. VP debates have little impact, but it will be fun to see this matchup hit prime time.
It may finally be a matching of "philosophy." Here, finally, one gets to see the "differences" between a Trumpian/Free Enterprise modus, and the "Feelz' modus of socialism/Marxism.

Kamala won't go there, she intellectually and informationally CAN'T go there. Instead never really outlining a stand, but relying on "feelz" and "Joy." And never really outlining WHAT EXACTLY her feelz & joy will mean to Joe 6-P.

Trump does go there - but unfortunately falls back too easily on "attack" against an inferior adversary. And the personal attack "obfuscates" Trump's better weapon, i.e. reason/cause-effect, in MEEDIA publication.

Vance, with some debate skill and probably a quicker mind than Trump, will be sure to mention cause/effect, and leave the debate "standing" - and if he's lucky, Walz will be "mortally wounded."

One hopes...



Has No Life - Lives on TB
CBS News is the lead network on it, but I think you'll be able to find it on multiple outlets, like the presidential debate.
Oh, so you are going to watch the whole thing and do the color commentary! I can tell you, everybody's relieved and happy. The whole board will be hanging on your every word. On behalf on everyone, allow me to say, "Thank You, Hammer!"

How to be swell. :xpnd:


We're all Devo!
Tonight we will see the work of a metaphorical "surgeon's knife" (JD Vance) versus a blunt and rusty meat cleaver (Tim Walz).

If you look at the interviews and statements made by Vance; it's clear he's slick, intelligent, and thinks on his feet. Walz comes across as not the sharpest knife in the drawer :) and prone to get angry like John McCain used to when faced with a hard question or a tough audience.
I'm thinking a George Bensen/Dan Quayle type debate, honestly.

It should be a fun debate-I love the smell of fried communist/democrat in the morning (or evening for that matter).


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Tonight we will see the work of a metaphorical "surgeon's knife" (JD Vance) versus a blunt and rusty meat cleaver (Tim Walz).

If you look at the interviews and statements made by Vance; it's clear he's slick, intelligent, and thinks on his feet. Walz comes across as not the sharpest knife in the drawer :) and prone to get angry like John McCain used to when faced with a hard question or a tough audience.
I'm thinking a George Bensen/Dan Quayle type debate, honestly.

It should be a fun debate-I love the smell of fried communist/democrat in the morning (or evening for that matter).

But Walz has mastered Jazz Hands. Gotta watch out for those.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Besides the expected entertainment value I have a right away survey scheduled immediately after the conclusion, the results of which CBS is supposed to air live yet this evening.

This is just a reminder that the vice-presidential debate is tonight at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific. Earlier, you agreed to take a survey immediately following the debate. We will send you an invitation to that survey as the debate is concluding around 10:25pm eastern/7:25pm pacific. We need you to respond as quickly as possible, because CBS News will air the results live tonight.

I probably ought to take notes so I don't miss any lies by Walz.



Has No Life - Lives on TB