POL Vance/Walz debate thread... 10/01/2024

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
knew it wouldn't happen in a million years >>> but - if I was a Vance with more than honorable combat service - and I was expected to be on stage with a plain and simple dildohead coward and duty shirker - one that deserted his men on the eve of going into combat >>>

I'd opened with a direct hit - called Walz out - told him how disgusting it was just being on the same stage >>>

set the damn stage for a nite of constant hits & jabs ......


Dot Collector
Tampon Tim Walz and Barackamala Harris, what a pair.

Tampon Tim is 'friends' with school shooters?


Since most school shooters recently have been trans, this is accurate


View: https://twitter.com/UN_wokeness/status/1841474305776877643


Veteran Member
Walz did better than I thought he would against JD Vance, even with the help of the moderators and being given questions to the debate that are so similar as to not have any real difference, if not the actual questions. I had very low expectations for Walz, he didn’t raise those expectations any.

I did like how he got red faced and flushed when called out about his lie about Tiananmon square.

Tampon Tim is not an accomplished liar, which is a positive thing really. He’d not win a hand of poker that’s for sure.

He’s not a high intelligence man either.

Vance is highly intelligent, he’s got my vote in 28 if he wants it, it’s his to loose. I think he has all the qualities once Trump is done nuking politics as we know it.

Vance will bring decency and decorum back

But right now we need Trump to burn it down, he’s the man for that job.
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The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB


I've become friends with school shooters - I'VE SEE IT.
RT 05secs
View: https://fxtwitter.com/5dme81/status/1841452864536715745?s=19
He must have been so nervous. It's one of those moments where you say the worst possible thing in the moment but can't call the words back. Almost as bad as showing up on stage in your underwear.

Walz proved that there are 2 candidates on the Dem ticket who aren't ready for prime time.


Would *I* Lie???
Your food.....
This. But also, your water, air, & dirt your food is grown in.

And Plastic. **ALL** of our food packaging, most clothes and materials...We're all goners by now, but If I was trying to raise a family I'd avoid it at all costs. ADMITTEDLY, COSTS WOULD BE PROHIBITIVE.

And lead pipes. STILL IN USE IN FLINT. WTF?! What SANE person, WHO HASN"T BEEN DRINKING LEAD FOR YEARS, would not take the first bus or WALK AWAY FROM FLINT. Rebuild, start over. Drinking LEAD? Cognitive dissonance. ENTIRE TOWN should have been CONDEMNED the day it was -"air quotes"-"discovered."

We are being poisoned cradle to grave.

Because people are MOST PRODUCTIVE, PROFITABLE, and GULLABLE before they are 30.


On TB every waking moment
This. But also, your water, air, & dirt your food is grown in.

And Plastic. **ALL** of our food packaging, most clothes and materials...We're all goners by now, but If I was trying to raise a family I'd avoid it at all costs. ADMITTEDLY, COSTS WOULD BE PROHIBITIVE.

And lead pipes. STILL IN USE IN FLINT. WTF?! What SANE person, WHO HASN"T BEEN DRINKING LEAD FOR YEARS, would not take the first bus or WALK AWAY FROM FLINT. Rebuild, start over. Drinking LEAD? Cognitive dissonance. ENTIRE TOWN should have been CONDEMNED the day it was -"air quotes"-"discovered."

We are being poisoned cradle to grave.

Because people are MOST PRODUCTIVE, PROFITABLE, and GULLABLE before they are 30.

It's a combination of the lead pipes and the use of a "cheaper" water treatment chemical that leeched/dissolved the lead into the drinking water.


Veteran Member
If the popular vote is stolen, that effectively steals the electoral votes.

Even at that, you said that you've posted info before...

Where? At numerous threads, that are easily found using the Search bar, typing in "state appointed electors".

Now as far as the popular vote, what authority has produced and proven the number of votes stolen in just one state, let alone any of them, would be enough to overturn the popular vote in that state?

All I hear, here, is that the election was stolen. Where has anyone posted the number of votes stolen? To me, it seems like people are channeling their inner liberal self, and feelz that the election was stolen. But, that's my speculation, which may not be true. It's up to someone who say the election was stolen to prove it with hard numbers.

Even if it can be proven the popular vote was stolen, both parties effectively hate Trump. It is being talked bout that if Trump wins the popular vote this time, enough electors may vote for Harris, screw any party loyalty. It could have happened in the previous election, but wasn't necessary. I believe the Never Trumpers, on the left and right, will try every last trick in the book to defeat him.


Knuckle Dragger
It is being talked bout that if Trump wins the popular vote this time, enough electors may vote for Harris, screw any party loyalty.

Nope, they have to follow the popular vote.

Where? At numerous threads, that are easily found using the Search bar, typing in "state appointed electors".

You are missing the point..

People are not going to waste time searching for your crap.

If you want to back up a statement, post the info and source.


Veteran Member
Nope, they have to follow the popular vote.
I've read that the Supreme Court has yet to chime in, and has no need to, but a few of them have commented on it, privately. They say there is nothing in the Constitution, where the electors must vote according to the popular vote of a state.

Some states have set up penalties for voting the other way. Does that mean that the electors can vote the other way? Does that mean a vote can effectively be bought for a $5,000 fine? This has been talked about at a few places online, Where? I don't remember. I doubt that it will come to that. But if it does, the election outcome might be held up for many, many months, going through the slow court system. Win or lose, I believe this is what the commies want. Losing one election means nothing to them. Weaken our institutions at all times, and divide and conquer.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Debates are to get undecided votes not strike hits for your base.

If there are undecided voters then they should not be allowed to vote. Anybody who is undecided at this point is just plain ignorant.
Coulda woulda shoulda. Thank God you’re not in charge.


Faithful Steed
Nope, they have to follow the popular vote.
Some states are divided by "electoral districts." Conformation to the popular vote is required by district, but a state could be "split."

Google query: Split Electoral Vote States

Answer: Under the District Method, a State's electoral votes can be split among two or more candidates, just as a state's congressional delegation can be split among multiple political parties. As of 2024, Nebraska and Maine are the only states using the District Method of distributing electoral votes.

For the remaining 48 states, the contest appears to be "winner take all" and at least the first vote congressionally is kept to this formula.

More detail at Which States Split Their Electoral Votes? - Electoral Vote Map


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Truths the truth, I'm sure you could read what I wrote in two minutes......and that was off the cuff. The truth needs to be aired out, the election was stolen, and no judge would give standing to Trump or anyone, to debate the evidence in court. So when the other side say's it was thrown out, it was never looked at. What's that, thirty seconds.
Boy, do you sure have a tin ear politically.


passin' thru
Did i miss the closing statements?

WATCH: JD Vance's closing statement honestly gave me goosebumps

"We need change. We need a new direction. We need a president who has already done this once before and did it well. Please vote for Donald Trump."

Everyone, including myself, finally realized tonight why Trump picked him. His relatability & communication skills are next-level.

It was a legendary debate performance from Bighilly Vance.

rt 2m22s
View: https://twitter.com/BehizyTweets/status/1841310152537887232

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
America is just waiting for the sickening, sudden stop that will come 12/06/2024. The GOP is not unified, and has not mobilized on all fronts, to defeat the Democrap Party. They’ve learned NOTHING! It’s as if a super dense fog has descended upon the nation, and our enemies don’t even have to sneak in. They can march in with their jack boots, like the Russians put on a show in Red Square, marching for their supporters. There is no excitement, no hope, and no positive anticipation amongst our citizens. It’s as if nobody cares any more.

God help us- nobody else will…


QFT. The reason is because the people who DO care have been driven into silence and inaction by the Marxist hordes running this country. Beatings, cancellations, ruined lives. That’s what’s happened to shut us up.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
And, I've explained it many times, that the courts were correct that no one filing the suits had any standing, therefore there was nothing to be looked at.

If the true voters, according to the Constitution, the state appointed electors, had their votes stolen, they're the only ones to have any standing in a court. And, their votes were not stolen. That's the truth, which many cannot accept.
You’re wrong.


Neither here nor there.
And, I've explained it many times, that the courts were correct that no one filing the suits had any standing, therefore there was nothing to be looked at.

If the true voters, according to the Constitution, the state appointed electors, had their votes stolen, they're the only ones to have any standing in a court. And, their votes were not stolen. That's the truth, which many cannot accept.

you sound like a democrat! ;)