
passin' thru
We're well into the phog n dis-info o' war, so keep yer salt cellars handy:
...military police n 3-9 months engagements are some of what they suggest...

Thread: few quick takes from our latest investigation on Russian military buildup near Ukraine. We chatted with several wifes/mothers/soldiers on the trains – but didn't pretend to change our identity. Even after learning we are journalists, some people continued to chat.

This girl is saying her husband, who serves in air assault battalion (155th Detached Brigade Naval Infantry) says it's "not an exercises, they're heading to Ukraine". Image

This woman reveals it took 11 days for her husband to make it from Borzya (Transbaikal region) to Brest, Belarus. Image

Spetsnaz is going too (14th Brigade of Special Forces, former GRU): Image

This guy from 38th motorized rifle brigade is travelling westwards himself now. Says half of the vehicles don't start, but good thing is they were given AK-12 instead of old type AK-72s: Image Image

Military police, which is necessary not only for large-scale exercises, but for holding the populated areas, is coming too. Image

Rus-BY exercises are scheduled to last for 10 days, but people say in TikTok their relatives are being sent for 3-9 months.

Read more here:

"На Украину едут". Родные и друзья военных – о переброске войск Российские войска, которые скоро полгода, как перебрасываются по железной дороге из регионов Сибири и Дальнего Востока на запад, находятся уже в 40 километрах от российско-украинской границы. Радио Св… "На Украину едут". Родные и друзья военных – о переброске войск

.@CITeam_ru version of this investigation is worth reading too, of course – for many more findings, photos, videos and TikTok comments which we didn't include:… Was happy to work on this with @RuslanLeviev and other CIT guys.

• • •



Veteran Member
Couple of questions and observations.

Other than we promised to protect the Ukraine when they gave up their nukes, why should we get involved? If I remember correctly it was the Ukraine that started this mess.

What strength and abilities does NATO have if the US chooses not to get involved with troops? I don't really see Europe having the muscle to do much considering how they were already behind on their NATO responsibilities. They just don't have the man power nor are they currently in place to act.

Another wrench is that recent treaty that Russia and Iran are putting together. That's not going to work out well for them.


The Dude Abides
If Germany and France decide to stay out, if and when Russia hits Ukraine, then NATO will be no more. I am surprised the United States has not put some kind of reaction force in Poland in the past month. Europe won’t lift a finger if the US does not have a strong force on the ground.


Veteran Member
Rep. Elissa Slotkin

I received a briefing this morning from @DeptofDefense on the situation in Ukraine ....
I have no beef with the Russian people, but if their leader is going to precipitate unprovoked aggression and invade a neighbor, they should feel the pinch as well. 5/6

So this bitch just put civilians on the spot as a legitimate target.... that works both ways! US just set the ROE for this shit show... no bitchin when Putin brings the pain to Joe Normie here en los Estados Unidos!


Live free and survive
Couple of questions and observations.

Other than we promised to protect the Ukraine when they gave up their nukes, why should we get involved? If I remember correctly it was the Ukraine that started this mess.

What strength and abilities does NATO have if the US chooses not to get involved with troops? I don't really see Europe having the muscle to do much considering how they were already behind on their NATO responsibilities. They just don't have the man power nor are they currently in place to act.

Another wrench is that recent treaty that Russia and Iran are putting together. That's not going to work out well for them.

Correction. Obama and Biden both had a huge roll in the Ukraine overthrow.
Putin, not only sees Biden as weak. But is up to his neck in the corruption in that very country he plans to invade.
Stolen elections have consequences...


passin' thru



U.S. approves allied weapons shipments to Ukraine as worries mount “Baltic NATO allies Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia can now transfer American-made lethal weapons such as anti-armor and ground-to-air missiles to Ukraine.”

“The Biden administration will also begin the process of shipping $200 million worth anti-armor missiles, ammunition and other equipment to Ukraine in the coming days.”


passin' thru
Joe normie is the enemy, in the mind of this admin.
Won't bother em a bit to see us payin the piper; saves them the trouble of taking care of us themselves.

So this bitch just put civilians on the spot as a legitimate target.... that works both ways! US just set the ROE for this shit show... no bitchin when Putin brings the pain to Joe Normie here en los Estados Unidos!


passin' thru
Rob Le

Ryabkov is being quite explicit. Russia believes further negotiations with Kyiv are pointless and neither France nor Germany forced Kyiv to make concessions as part of the Normandy format. So either 1) the US makes Kyiv concede or 2) Russia uses force to compel Kyiv to concede.


passin' thru
The EU’s unforgivable failure

The EU should respond to the Russian threat to Ukraine by making use of its main strength – economic influence. There is no other way for the union to persuade the great powers struggling over Europe’s future that it is a force to be reckoned with.


Piotr Buras
@PiotrBuras1 on Twitter
Head, ECFR Warsaw
Senior Policy Fellow

Note from Warsaw 19 January 2022 4 minute read


Sergey Lavrov and Josep Borrell on 6 November 2018
Image by Russian Foreign Ministry

Confronted with the stand-off between Ukraine and Russia, the European Union is failing.

The Russian military build-up on Ukraine’s border and the Kremlin’s political blackmail of NATO constitute the most dangerous security crisis in Europe this century. The European security architecture is in tatters. Institutional arrangements that have been vital to the continent in the post-cold war era – such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, other arms-control agreements, and the NATO-Russia Founding Act – now exist only on paper. And the threat of an all-out Russian assault on a country associated with the EU has never been more real.
This is, therefore, a defining moment for Europe – even if European countries are not the key actors in attempts to reduce tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Due to their own failures, weaknesses, and divisions, the EU and its member states are not seen by Russia as equal (and, accordingly, desired) partners in discussions of issues that are crucial to their interests. On arms control, military arrangements, and other security issues, the EU has almost nothing to bring to the table. So, Russia can simply ignore it.

What, then, can the EU then do to defend its interests as best it can? Close cooperation with the United States is part of the answer, as is an effort to unify member states against the threat. But that would not be enough in itself. Most importantly, the EU should make use of its main strength – economic influence – and prepare to do so strategically. There is no other way for the union to persuade the great powers struggling over Europe’s future that it is a force to be reckoned with.
It is unforgivable that the EU has failed to prepare a robust package of sanctions to impose on Russia if the country invades Ukraine again. The US administration pushed the EU to accelerate its work on such sanctions in December and January – to little or no avail. With the flurry of international talks last week having produced no breakthrough, Russia is seemingly preparing for further aggression against Ukraine. But the EU is still calibrating its potential response. While the bloc will discuss the issue at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council on 24 January, this is unlikely to result in a final decision on how to address the threat.

Meanwhile, as reported by Handelsblatt, the US and the EU have ruled out the possibility of cutting Russia off from the SWIFT financial messaging system. Moreover, there are open divisions within Germany’s ruling coalition over whether and how to leverage the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to deter the Kremlin – demonstrating that there is little prospect that this will ever happen. Admittedly, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasised during a press conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on 18 January that “all this [Nord Stream 2 and SWIFT] will have to be discussed if there is a military intervention against Ukraine”. But Scholz’s striking absence from the debate in preceding weeks and the fierce disagreements over Russia within his Social Democratic Party raise doubts about the firmness and consistency of Berlin’s approach.
On arms control, military arrangements, and other security issues, the EU has almost nothing to bring to the table. So, Russia can simply ignore it.
Many European diplomats and decision-makers believe that it is either impossible or unreasonable to plan sanctions based on contingencies. They argue that, to adequately target sanctions, one should only begin to design the measures once it is clear how and to what extent the adversary has breached its international commitments. If the EU was to use the threat of sanctions as a deterrent, another argument goes, such measures would lose the element of surprise. These are no more than bad excuses for inaction. For now, the EU is only communicating what it would not do in response to Russian aggression. Therefore, its repeated warnings that another invasion of Ukraine would come with massive costs for Russia are not a credible deterrent.

The EU has not only failed to confront Moscow with substantive measures it would apply in response to a Russian attack. It has also neglected to engage in the internal preparations that would allow it to find a consensus on the matter. In June 2021, the European Council tasked the European External Action Service (EEAS) with creating a package of potential restrictive measures on Russia. Six months later, there is no EEAS paper on the subject – and little discussion of such measures among EU member states. According to diplomatic sources, only Germany and Poland came up with concrete proposals in a recent meeting with the EEAS, while no other large EU country put forward any ideas.

This is a devastating indictment of European diplomacy at a time when it faces its most serious test. The EU’s inability to ready the single most important tool of deterrence and pressure at its disposal stands in a stark contrast to its complaints that the US and Russia are going over Europeans’ heads in their discussions of Europe’s security architecture. There is talk of opening a direct communication channel between EU High Representative Josep Borrell and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. But what would they discuss? The proposal sounds more like it is designed to soothe the EU’s anguished soul than to resolve the crisis. And the union’s show of discontent about being side-lined in the US-Russia discussions only provided the Kremlin with another opportunity to publicly mock it. As Lavrov sarcastically noted, this “is a question for Mr Borrell and EU members, and as for the possibility of a separate dialogue with the EU that would not involve the US and NATO, the US needs to be asked if it is willing to let [the EU] take any independent action”.

The geopolitical crisis in Europe’s east is the worst possible moment for the EU to pretend to exercise strategic autonomy without backing this up with meaningful action and strong leadership. The new German coalition is divided on Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron is hesitant to engage in the debate, Poland is politically discredited within the EU, and Borrell is sleepwalking. There is a real risk that the EU will not address the striking deficits in its response before it is too late – and Russia alone will set the deadline for doing so. What should have been another opportunity for the EU to become more mature and sovereign could become the opposite: a final blow to the idea the union can develop into an independent global actor. And, for all Europeans, this is the worst possible moment to be forced to come to this conclusion.
The European Council on Foreign Relations does not take collective positions. ECFR publications only represent the views of its individual authors.


Country exile in the city
Correction. Obama and Biden both had a huge roll in the Ukraine overthrow.
Putin, not only sees Biden as weak. But is up to his neck in the corruption in that very country he plans to invade.
Stolen elections have consequences...

If memory serves--it was after Bidet's accession to the throne last year (so, after January 6 and after January 20) that Putin laid it on the line, basically telling America where do WE get off telling RUSSIA what to do, when now WE have POLITICAL PRISONERS?


Country exile in the city



U.S. approves allied weapons shipments to Ukraine as worries mount “Baltic NATO allies Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia can now transfer American-made lethal weapons such as anti-armor and ground-to-air missiles to Ukraine.”

“The Biden administration will also begin the process of shipping $200 million worth anti-armor missiles, ammunition and other equipment to Ukraine in the coming days.”

“The Biden administration will also begin the process of shipping $200 million worth anti-armor missiles, ammunition and other equipment to Ukraine in the coming days.”

But left how many TIMES that much equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan?

What a joke! A sad, sad joke............

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Have a feeling, Russia will hit our "Missile defense" bases in Poland and Romania. Once this kicks off.
That is a major point of their issue. Ukraine is only secondary.
Keep that in mind folks...
russia attacks NATO? I do not think so. BUT.... if it blossoms into that, this will no longer be a conventional war, it will, rather, immediately convert into the “abomination of desolation”: a nuclear hot mess, meaning Russia intends to take down Europe altogether, leaving China to deal with the US...


Country exile in the city
russia attacks NATO? I do not think so. BUT.... if it blossoms into that, this will no longer be a conventional war, it will, rather, immediately convert into the “abomination of desolation”: a nuclear hot mess, meaning Russia intends to take down Europe altogether, leaving China to deal with the US...

If this happens--

then as noted in your post,
and in Jward's post above, (What should have been another opportunity for the EU to become more mature and sovereign could become the opposite: a final blow to the idea the union can develop into an independent global actor. And, for all Europeans, this is the worst possible moment to be forced to come to this conclusion.)--

a world power vacuum will be created.

Russia & Europe self-destruct
US & China self-destruct

And who then will rise to heal, lead, and rule the world?

Who, indeed.......

"Higher and higher in the widening gyre............."

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
If this happens--

then as noted in your post,
and in Jward's post above, (What should have been another opportunity for the EU to become more mature and sovereign could become the opposite: a final blow to the idea the union can develop into an independent global actor. And, for all Europeans, this is the worst possible moment to be forced to come to this conclusion.)--

a world power vacuum will be created.

Russia & Europe self-destruct
US & China self-destruct

And who then will rise to heal, lead, and rule the world?

Who, indeed.......

"Higher and higher in the widening gyre............."
“Illumined“ muslims and their Obama of course. “Obamanation” of desolation indeed...

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord



U.S. approves allied weapons shipments to Ukraine as worries mount “Baltic NATO allies Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia can now transfer American-made lethal weapons such as anti-armor and ground-to-air missiles to Ukraine.”

“The Biden administration will also begin the process of shipping $200 million worth anti-armor missiles, ammunition and other equipment to Ukraine in the coming days.”
Insuring that Russia moves sooner than later, with potential vigor against the Baltic’s...


TB Fanatic
So this bitch just put civilians on the spot as a legitimate target.... that works both ways! US just set the ROE for this shit show... no bitchin when Putin brings the pain to Joe Normie here en los Estados Unidos!
I thought her statement was rather...roguish, myself.
She said just, a little too much, probably due to the initial “outlandish intel briefing” she listened to.


TB Fanatic
Correction. Obama and Biden both had a huge roll in the Ukraine overthrow.
Putin, not only sees Biden as weak. But is up to his neck in the corruption in that very country he plans to invade.
Stolen elections have consequences...
Your point is the same as one that was bouncing around my head yesterday.
What a twisted up mess.
Consequences, indeed.

In my opinion, Putin has all “of the dirt” on Brandon’s underhanded dealings, which whatever those are in there totality emboldens him to go forward with the invasion.


Veteran Member
Russia has done a magnificent job of splitting NATO.
Germany is hiding. France is getting it's Russian dance on. Which is odd, cause the largest army between them and Russia, is the Ukrainian army.
The US is a hot mess.
US Gov. Folks that are talking just economic sanctions are getting flamed.

It looks like the Russian destabilization campaign has been their best investment in 30 years.


Talk is cheap
Samuel Ramani


BREAKING: Turkey’s Erdogan will travel to Ukraine on Feb 3. Drone sales and mediation with Russia will likely top the agenda

Will he be announcing to enthralled masses that "peace and safety" are the top priority. He has a god complex. . .

ETA...after reading more above: Macron does too, could he be the anti-christ? He and Erdogan both have that look about them, but of course, they aren't the only ones.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
NATO starts work to upgrade Albanian communist-era air base
NATO has started work to upgrade Albania’s communist-era Kucova Air Base, which will allow it to be used for alliance operations
By The Associated Press
20 January 2022, 08:45

TIRANA, Albania -- NATO started work Thursday to upgrade Albania's communist-era Kucova Air Base, which will allow it to be used for alliance operations.

The 51 million-euro ($58 million) upgrade will include renovating the runway, taxiways, and storage facilities and is designed to increase NATO interoperability and support airborne early warning missions over the western Balkan country.

The base in Kucova, 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of the capital Tirana, will serve Albania and also support NATO air supply operations, logistics support, air policing, training and exercises

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said NATO's choice to use the facility as a tactical base "confirms the fact that tiny Albania is, nevertheless, an added value to this alliance.”

Kucova air base was built in the 1950s when Albania was a close ally of the then-Soviet Union. The first Soviet Ilyushin Il-28 bomber landed there in 1957, and Mig-17 jets were deployed later. Albania's communist regime collapsed in 1990.

Kucova remained a military air base though its old Russian and Chinese-made jets stopped flying in the late 1990s.

Albania has been a NATO member since 2009. Last year the country hosted the U.S. Army-led Defender-Europe 21 multinational military exercises.

NATO starts work to upgrade Albanian communist-era air base - ABC News (


TB Fanatic
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Tommy Lund


