I things get dicey, hopefully, maybe will turn into yes as it will make it much easier for both of you to leave together if you have to.
Hopefully you won't have to, and I can totally understand making music in a more local venue, often that is a much easier way to start out a seriously professional career.
melodi, i can't imagine where we could go. except for the looming russian threat this beautiful ancient city is literally the best place to be right now, i believe. food is cheap and abundant, i live in a literal fortress (2 ft thick concrete walls, built in the austro hungarian era) with a deep basement, gas is produced from local fields, really good pure water (in my building at least), very conservative, traditional society ( no trannies, in your face fags, antifa, junkies, or, thank God, black people).
not back to madison, that's for sure. and anyway, they have stopped giving out visas for ukr women, even if married to you ... too white or pretty or some other idiot reason.
this summer there was a big parade down the main promenade on 'день прапора' (flag day) that was so touching i nearly cried.
if the global system breaks down, as it seems it probably will very shortly, i realized the other day i may be here for the rest of my life. i speak the language better and better each day, and everyone seems to accept me as somehow belonging. the other day two couples even asked me for directions in the 'високий замок' (high castle) park, in Ukrainian. was i pleased!
i can get legal residency by being the 'father of a Ukrainian citizen', which i want anyway... we have discussed it quite seriously. she's half my age, but i am good for a bit longer , lol.
i've even transmogrified my name into Ukrainian for professional reasons.