
Veteran Member
That Is Irrelevant

Now we are back in agreement. He is Kenyan till I can be shown different.

His father was not a U.S. Citizen when he was born...Obama has stated it; it is on record...so he is not a natural born citizen. He could produce a birth certificate proving he was born in the USA does not matter. The Kenyan thing was a rouse...to divert from the real issues...Hell one of his attorney friends wrote an essay that claimed the Natural Born Citizen Clause was outdated & racist.


Veteran Member
Now Back To Sarah

Sarah 03.jpg


Veteran Member
Sarah Palin on Hannity Tonight!!!!



Mon Jun 08 2009 10:29:02 ET

Sarah Palin hits FOXNEWS tonight for the big 'Told Ya So' interview, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

As President Obama vows to spend the 'stimulus' faster, Governor Palin tells host Sean Hannity: 'You gotta quit digging that hole!'


HANNITY: What do you make of – look at the state of the economy now...

PALIN: Well, when you consider that the federal government is about eleven trillion dollars in debt, and we’re borrowing more to spend more.. it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college. It defies economy practices and principles that tell ya ‘you gotta quit digging that hole when you are in that financial hole’

Palin continues:

"America is digging a deeper hole and how are we paying for this government largesse. We’re borrowing. We’re borrowing from China and we consider that now we own sixty percent of GENERAL MOTORS – or the U.S. government does… But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America."

HANNITY: You know but it goes back - It does go back a little to the campaign. I mean, ‘spread the wealth, patriotic duty…’

PALIN: Kind of a ‘we told ya so’.

HANNITY: Well, is that how you feel?

PALIN: That’s how I feel! I feel like… and I think that more and more constituents are going to open their eyes now and open their ears to hear what is really going on and realize ok… Maybe we didn’t have a good way of expressing that, or articulating that message of ‘here is what America could potentially become if we grow government to such a degree that we cannot pay for it and we have to borrow money from other countries, some countries that don’t necessarily like America.

And this many months into the new administration, quite disappointed, quite frustrated with not seeing those actions to rein in spending, slow down the growth of government. Instead Sean it is the complete opposite. It’s expanding at such a large degree that if Americans aren’t paying attention, unfortunately our country could evolve into something that we do not even recognize.

HANNITY: Socialism?

PALIN: Well, that is where we are headed. That is where we have to be blunt enough and candid enough and honest enough with Americans to let them know that if we keep going down these roads… nationalizing many of our services, our projects, our businesses, yes that is where we would head. And that is why Americans have to be paying attention. And we have to have our voices heard. And ultimately it need to be our will, the American people’s will imposed on Washington, instead of the other way around.

The interview is set to air tonight on FOXNEWS, 9 PM ET.

Developing... :popcorn1::popcorn1::popcorn1:


Digital Omnivore

Veteran Member
Sarah Palin was more of a liability for McCain than an assist.

McCain shot up in the polls after Sarah's speech at the GOP convention. She was an asset.

She was picked as an attempt to draw the Hillary vote,

She was picked to draw the conservatives out to vote for McCain, as well as the women dumb enough to just vote on gender. The exit polls showed about 7% of McCain voters would have voted for Hillary had she won the nomination.

People gripe about Obama's supposed inexperience....she's got waaaaay less, as the governor of a sparsely populated state.

Being a governor and a mayor outranks being a senator, never mind one who had only been around for a few years. Running a state is the second best experience anyone can have to be president.

This is really immaterial though, since by 2012 Obama will have the best experience for being president...actually being president for the four years before hand.

I don't think she's a terrible person, but she's certainly not impressive.

How she inspired people was impressive, and her credentials are as well. To call someone "Inexperienced" who's been a governor and a mayor is to ignore what has historically been very valid experience for the white house.

The idea that Palin doesn't have the resume to be president is a democratic talking point with no basis in reality.

The GOP needs to see the REAL jewel in their midst.....Ron Paul...and start giving him some attention. HE would draw votes from all walks. Sarah won't.

The GOP should realize that Ron Paul and Sarah Palin were the only two politicians they had in the last election cycle that generated any kind of excitement. They need to sit back and ask themselves why that was. Was it pure ideology, or what it simply that the Republicans saw two politicians with real principles that they followed in their own lives?

After 12 years of Bush 1 and Bush 2, Republicans are probably sick of "Fake Conservatism".

P.S. to a previous poster. No, Fruit Loop's mama probably doesn't care what I think....she's been in heaven for the last 19 years.

I'm sure she still cares. :)


Veteran Member


That is if Obama does not get CONUS nuked back into the stoneage


Veteran Member
How About






She was picked to draw the conservatives out to vote for McCain, as well as the women dumb enough to just vote on gender. The exit polls showed about 7% of McCain voters would have voted for Hillary had she won the nomination.

True. I was one of those conservative women who were set to vote for Hillary had she gotten the nomination. I don't particularly care for the woman, but between her and the junior community organizer we have as POTUS now, I thought her to at least have far more experience, an attitude of effectiveness let's get 'er done-ness.

When I saw the shameful way in which she [Hillary] was treated by 0bama, I was not going to vote, was going to sit it out. Until Sarah showed up.


I wish the people so ready to call Sarah inexperienced because she's 'only a governor' would go DO THE JOB. You have NO CLUE.


Membership Revoked
True. I was one of those conservative women who were set to vote for Hillary had she gotten the nomination. I don't particularly care for the woman, but between her and the junior community organizer we have as POTUS now, I thought her to at least have far more experience, an attitude of effectiveness let's get 'er done-ness.

When I saw the shameful way in which she [Hillary] was treated by 0bama, I was not going to vote, was going to sit it out. Until Sarah showed up.

That pretty much expresses how I felt. At least Hillary is an American.

You know this country is in really, really bad shape to consider voting for Hillary. But that's the way it was.


Conservative Liberal
Palin-Jindal ??? ??? ??? Loser-Bigger Loser.

PLEEZE...Get a grip.

However, I would vote for Tina Fey. She is a better Palin than, uh, well Palin is.

However, I wont deny she isnt hard to look at. I guess that qualifies her for POTUS.

It should be apparent we will NEVER have a President that actually backs what the people of the USA want done, regardless of party affiliation.

It should be also apparent when it costs many hundreds of millions of dollars to become POTUS, that you OWE somebody $$$$$$$$$$$$/FAVORS for your $500,000 job.

Just thinkin.....


Veteran Member
Listen To Skippy

John McCain Says Putin Wants Alaska Back
Aug 12, 2008


Oh, this is perfect. Now that America is almost free of its bellicose twat of a president who thinks it’s fun to holler at random countries sitting on large oil supplies, we have another bellicose twat in the ranks making lots of noise at, let’s see, RUSSIA.

Here is what “our friend” John McCain said recently, about Putin always invading things: “I think it’s very clear that Russian ambitions are to restore the old Russian Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the Russian Empire.” As Wonkette Cartography Operative “Leigh” helpfully points out, Imperial Russia once included Alaska, which now belongs to America. Ted Stevens is not going to like this one bit


Boy don't you love the MSM Quisling's mocking McCain


Veteran Member



Lord God, literally, it feels good to have a real American leader arising in these darkened times as the sun over mountain majesty wanes from the shroud placed upon it by Barack Hussein Obama.

The leader of course is Gov. Sarah Palin in choosing a brilliant time to be the shadow government of the United States in building her alliances with Rudy Giuliani and now bridging to Sean Hannity to get the message out that Americans are not alone and she is there.

The message is simple and concise. Barack Obama has spent America now into an 11 trillion dollar hole and Obama with Democrats in Congress only response is to dig the hole deeper, connecting it to the Chinese communist masters who own US Obama debt Americans will have to pay for.

Gov. Palin warned of this and now is informing the world, "We told ya so."

Those who were simple and ignorant in falling prey to the lies that Gov. Palin was not intelligent made the typical mistake in being sucked in by the stage propaganda. I could sit any radio host, pundit or reporter in the middle of a Ted Turner buffalo ranch and fire off a dozen questions from the price of beef, the necessary range to run a unit...........I will stop with that one as that second question would have had Katie Couric adjusting her granny panties in trying to ascertain what a unit is.

Gov. Palin knows an incredible amount of information in what it requires to appeal to people who work for a living, because one learns this in bouncing around in Arctic waters, netting salmon in frigid weather, knowing the fuel mix in your engines and I would ask the detractors of Sarah Palin if they knew how to take on a 15 foot wave without sinking your vessel?
Gov. Palin and her husband know this information. I know this information, but yet people will question her intelligence when they are not the ones with the vital information.

I'm not about to place in print here the outlay of advice which I have shared with certain people who matter. I will say though that I'm quite delighted that it appears someone from Alaska did listen to some advice given. What Governor Palin is accomplishing right now is exactly what this eager beaver of this blog was anxious for her to do months ago.
She in her patience and understanding by God's Grace is moving exactly at the time necessary and proving herself the caliber of World Leader she is every bit as equal to Margaret Thatcher and that wonderful old man, the Bush family is trying to kill off yet in Ronald Reagan.

In these blogs you will find me quoting Shakespeare in Henry V concerning Sarah Palin. Do not ever make the mistake that this Lady in her greener days of those like this blog who saw her potential ever think she is the same person of those salad times. She is showing quite clearly she has not only walked the line, but she has laid the line others are now going to walk.
These will be the years she masters now as her rivals soon find out that apologetic Newt and listener Jeb are going to carry with them the Obama abyss they were telling the Patriot to be like, while Gov. Palin on her battle mark has set the order precisely as it requires setting for her venture into the 2010 elections, the primaries and the 2012 White House which she will take the Oath for.

Much needs to be accomplished, but I have seen her interesting choices in associates in being the heaviest of hitters who were the few non Obama voters in the GOP or Conservative leadership. I suspect another large figure might appear to anchor this when he wakes up and starts becoming an American again.

At this juncture, these are years Sarah Palin will master. This is her field, her battle and her Christ will win her for this appointed time in history. All she needs to do is to move onward Christain Soldier as the reverse wave will come, sweep away the Obama patricians and lift her to a glorious office for God's Glory.

Being on point, it feels good to have the Leader come and visit the troops.

This has dawned a most enjoyable day as spring flowers into the blessed summer of this daughter of the Alaskan star.


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Veteran Member


As numbers of people have commented recently on the Barack Obama photo in lecturing at Benjamin Netanyahu and the continuous verbal rape by David Letterman on Gov. Sarah Palin and her innocent children, I wanted to invest a look at this a little bit different as most people have never been involved with the White House communications office or a network television program.

Things like the Obama photo or the sexual assault on Gov. Palin just do not happen. What you see is a snapshot in time of a few seconds which in fact has been in the process of a several hour period been quite scripted.
For example, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Paul Begala and James Carville have an early morning coffee clatch. In that discussing many things are compared, polled and bounced around in what the message is that Axelrod Inc. wants to portray in that day and the coming days of a theme.
The photo of Obama at his desk is then put to a photographer who is instructed that, "The White House wants to convey a message of Barack Obama is in charge, lecturing, comfortable and directing what Benjamin Netanyahu is doing.
We want this message to undermine him politically, so as to install Ehud Barak and to send a message to Muslims worldwide that Barack Obama has the Jews on a short leash and under foot."

The photographer goes in with Axelrod in the room pointing directions, all the while Benjamin Netanyahu has no idea what is occurring no more than Yassir Arafat knew that Monica Lewinski was sucking on Bill Clinton's cigar.
Arafat was priceless in his embarrassed expression when he found out what Clinton had done. He took it in stride and probably tried it out himself with one of his pedophile boys, but at the same time was equally humiliated in finding out what was going on when he was being serious.

Benjamin Netanyahu now knows the same humiliation in being released as a press event by Obama trying to initiate a coup.

There were hundreds of photographs to be looked at and sorted through. The press office, Axelrod and Obama all chose this picture to humiliate the Jewish leader and to convey college professor Obama was lecturing the student Jew on how to solve the problem.

What people are seeing is a deliberate and calculated photo which was also vetted in various intelligence fields to see their reaction to how this would play with Jews, Muslims, allies and enemies of the United States.
Likewise, David Letterman's psychotic assault on Sarah Palin and her daughter just did not happen in off the cuff remarks. CBS actually does not have a great deal of control on the maniacal Letterman in his screwing around with a CBS news feed humiliating that division in attacking John McCain.
They do though have lawyers who have to vet the things Letterman says, even if the things Letterman says are coming from Les Moonves mouth in sanctioning all Letterman does.

That is the fact in David Letterman has standing permission from Moonves to do anything he wants in attacking any Christian, Conservative, Republican or American and the network and station owners will just ignore it, because Letterman's job is to smear people who are not globalists.

Writers are hired to carry this out. They spend at least 8 hours a day directed by Letterman as he scours in his office being the Andy Rooney fungus infected passed turd he is. They then come up with the most debased things they can think of, Letterman laughs, they do a rehearsal and it airs with full network cooperation after a 12 hour process.

So what people see in a photograph or an attack is something which has taken an entire day to initiate in that one phase and in cases like Obama slapping Jews around or Letterman sexually assaulting women, there is a color board which has a list of a long term scenario to destroy people as it literally is a plan.

The fact is Congress should censure Barack Obama for this photo and the Justice Department should convene a Grand Jury on Obama illegally trying to overthrow a foreign government.
The FCC on Letterman's case should not just fine CBS, but revoke their broadcast license and Eric Holder should indict David Letterman on multiple sexual assault charges as that is exactly what he is doing in degrading women in verbal slander.

There are dozens of people involved in this though from David Axelrod, Les Moonves, legal counsels, writers, photographers and the myriad of assistants who are part of this criminal enterprise.

These two are reprehensible people and their cast enabling them are equally reprehensible. There is nothing one can do with people this base, but reside in God's Hope that He sees all and will repay.
Think of the fact though that this kind of venom comes out of them daily. It is in their soul and their soul is what makes them unfit. Think of getting up and looking in the mirror and being so deluded that Letterman and Obama never have the guts to tell their children...............

Daddy raped a woman today ..............Daddy was an anti semite.


fruit loop

Letterman goes off on every president, and a lot of other politicians. Sarah should learn to take it, or get out of the kitchen (so to speak).

Sorry, Skip...but she is NOT "an Esther."


Veteran Member

Letterman goes off on every president, and a lot of other politicians. Sarah should learn to take it, or get out of the kitchen (so to speak).

Sorry, Skip...but she is NOT "an Esther."

Ever heard of Ronald Reagan
NOV 8, 2008

I'm amazed often on this site in how the limits of birth have eluded the education of Americans posting here. People just think Ronald Reagan happened and all was sugar and spice.

I will remind the uniformed voting in this poll that Ronald Reagan and all Conservatives went through 1000 times more than what Sarah Palin has just whet her teeth on. We were born in the brier patch and have the scars upon scars to prove it.

You have no comprehension of the Warren Buffett / David Rockefeller nation rape of the 70's which Reagan inherited. It was a depression and for 2 years Americans wanted Reagan's hide as his tax cuts took that long to start the expansion again.

We fought every day without Rush, but had EVERY media outlet screaming about Reagan the crazy failure every moment of every day.

You people have no idea the paradise you inherited and have no idea what that old man, Cap Weinberger and Bill Casey pulled off.

In stating that, you have no idea of "the breed" which hates, loathes and sneers at the western peoples. Those eastern original colonists are of a different bloodline from the Angles and Dutch then the Irish, Scott and Germanic lines which formed the American thrust into the heartland.

Those people are Patricians, old money, old blood and they hate Reagan and that is why Obama thought he could kick Nancy Reagan around as that is what he hears in this Letterman cocktail crowd.
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS, these smarmy Al Franken types are cuddled up in Letterman's booze, sex and dope crowd with Chafey, Hagel, Noonan, Brooks, Gergen and yes the Bush family too is Patrician.
I don't care what these people tell you in public, but Romney, Rudy and whoever else from John McCain hate Conservatives.

Sarah Palin is Ronald Reagan and these big shots hate her as she scares them to death. They were delighted when the old man went tits up as they though they had finally driven a stake through his corpse, but here comes Palin again turning the funeral pyre into the consuming Conservative Flame of God again.

They know just like George Allen if they can hurt Sarah Palin's feelings more she won't come back. That is why Gov. Palin needs all of our support as the GOP is filled with there backstabbers like Bill Buckley's spawn, Junior Reagan, Peggy Noonan and whatever else you know betrayed the Revolution.

Mitch McConnell better watch his step in this too, because there is going to come a real sorting out of the wheat from the chaff in this entire nation by forces outside America and I'm not about to stand around covering his cuddle with Harry Reid's butt one more day.

This is the fight and it does not matter if it is just me alone or 100 or 50,000 or 50 million, because I'm on God's side and not He on my side.
Limbaugh gets this and is torqued. The real Conservatives get this and we are smiling. Our people are the ones who faced down Persian Empires, Greek Empires, Roman Empires, British Empires, Germans at the bulge and Indians where we still can dig out the bullets from attacks. The fight is in our blood and we are never more alive than when someone sets fire to our brier patch, because get us in the fight and we love the dirty tricks.

I hope our Esther in Sarah Palin understands one battle is not the war. She whet her teeth on this in her greener days and we know in awe what this Lady is capable of in these days she masters now.

All she needs to do is get out in front of this as we Americans are going this way. I already have in place political plans to check that usurper Obama. For too long you children have sat around gnashing the same vomit over being spewed without thinking out of the box like Ronald Reagan did 24 / 7. God bless Rush in teaching you how to think and process, but we're going to ramp this up now as the real war against America has started and if she burns down, then we will be there as we always have been.

Let the Patricians sit in their Obama ball gowns, curling up in Lincoln's lap getting Dowd orgasms, following that blaphemy to hell in their cozy enclaves not giving a care about the poor, the enslaved and the afflicted, because the doors will come down on them and they will be the first begging and crying for Conservatives to save them.
Not this time. You Patricians chose the fire so enjoy the flame.

Keep the Faith Gov. Palin and everyone who is considerate enough to contact her tell her to keep that Faith. She is America's future, because enslavement is coming and the people will need Esther to light the lamp. Read the story people, Esther didn't win the first time out either. She was melancholy, but when it came to the fight she showed her stuff against all odds.

Sarahcuda, I'm on your side Sister. Don't worry we been here before in the prairie fire nights, on the English shores watching Roman fires in the mysts, on the pass watching the Persian fires to those fires which burnt our homelands. Americans are here because we survive and we win.
I'm not going anywhere. We have them right where we want them just like our fox George Washington had them.

By God I pity Barack Obama, his fawnlings and those Europeans, by God I do, because they have no idea the people they just stuck a pike in to.

Reagan's mantle like Esther's crown is Sarah Palin's hereditary right.

Mock Nancy Reagan.

We will make your Louvre shake for your Paris balls matey.

Attack Sarah Palin.

Go right ahead, I dare you because that woman has the right stuff and she will come back and you witless spirtual bastards will rue the day you ever crossed swords with that Lady.

The fun begins.


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fruit loop

WHERE???????? Do you dig up this crap?

(By the way....Reagan is one of those "old patricians" and so is Nancy. They're both descended from King Edward I)

NOBODY is "scared" of Sarah Palin. Trust me on this. Puh-Leeze, and your blogger, by the way, is barely literate.

Reagan's mantle like Esther's crown



Veteran Member

WHERE???????? Do you dig up this crap?

(By the way....Reagan is one of those "old patricians" and so is Nancy. They're both descended from King Edward I)

NOBODY is "scared" of Sarah Palin. Trust me on this. Puh-Leeze, and your blogger, by the way, is barely literate.

Reagan's mantle like Esther's crown


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fruit loop

As I have said before.....

I do NOT "dislike" Sarah Palin.

I fail to see what the fuss is about.

She embarrassed herself too many times during the campaign. I certainly wouldn't call her incompetent, but her ability isn't outstanding, either.

She was picked because she's a woman, and because of her conservative religion. McCain was viewed by the very powerful right wing of the GOP as too conservative. He needed someone who would appeal to them, and he also hoped to attract women voters. The typical Hillary voter, however, is liberal, so this backfired.

I don't dislike her personally at all. I just don't see anything particularly impressive, and the continual fawning over her is ridiculous. "Called by God" (supposedly El Shrub was too, and we all know how ridiculous that was) and "an Esther"???? Come on.

The GOP stands to make the same mistake with her that the Democrats did with Walter Mondale back in '84.

fruit loop

skip, if you and Sarah both came to my house....be assured that you will find no garlic over the door.

Your continual accusations of "jealousy" and "fear" are infantile at best. Didn't you outgrow that stuff in elementary school? I know I did.


Veteran Member

As I have said before.....

I do NOT "dislike" Sarah Palin.

I fail to see what the fuss is about.

She embarrassed herself too many times during the campaign. I certainly wouldn't call her incompetent, but her ability isn't outstanding, either.

She was picked because she's a woman, and because of her conservative religion. McCain was viewed by the very powerful right wing of the GOP as too conservative. He needed someone who would appeal to them, and he also hoped to attract women voters. The typical Hillary voter, however, is liberal, so this backfired.

I don't dislike her personally at all. I just don't see anything particularly impressive, and the continual fawning over her is ridiculous. "Called by God" (supposedly El Shrub was too, and we all know how ridiculous that was) and "an Esther"???? Come on.
