What will you do if Obama wins?


Veteran Member
Really thinking about selling our home that we can no longer afford because we will have lost all hope that my husband's income will ever come back up to stay here. And I plan to stop speaking to everyone that I know that voted for him. I can't stand the fact that after all we know about him and after all he has done to destroy our country already that they would vote for him again. I also plan to sell off a lot of my antiques if I can find anyone to buy them.
A Romney win is a hope on my part that what ever is coming is perhaps delayed slightly.

I don't think it can be turned around.

We're too far gone, globally, and I see a plan to hit "reset" in the future.

We're too far gone, locally, with too many in this country feeling too entitled to what others have.

Nearly half of us have lost the moral compass that pointed us toward personal responsibility, independence, and a desire to work hard in order to achieve.

So, if Obama wins, I go dark and prepare hard (quietly).

We're already on borrowed time.


FWIW That is what me and mine are doing NOW! And though we still have a bit to go, nevertheless, IF! TSHTF tonight, we'd just close the gates (Heh! Come to think of it, those front gates are closed. And since the middle of last month, they are locked as well (Some one kept coming around and opening the front gates, leaving them standing open).

The motion sensor lights are now functioning, the security cameras will go up next (they are on the shelves, we just have to mount them in the places they need to 'address' The solar panals and their charger montiors are ready to be put up. I just have to go buy some 12V batteries for them to charge (if TSHTF now - we'd use the batteries in the four vehicles we pocess).

*For the past few weeks, I have been so busy getting us ready, that I have not had the time to post the WoW news (And for the first time in well over 10 years.)

The prospect of TEOTWAWKI in the near-term future is, to my judgment, increasingly more likely.



Veteran Member
I do feel like Dennis a bit here... if he wins time is short, if R wins, there is more time to prepare... So, if O wins? Will I go buy more ammo? Prolly... more food? Prolly... Then I will go to work and hope to keep my job for a couple more years... If I am lucky.


Veteran Member
I am not voting for the lesser of two evils -- I am voting to remove 0 from office.

As to what I'll do if 0 wins, I'll keep plugging away at prepping, but with even more urgency than now.


well food has really jumped up in price, well everything has. IF O. wins things will go bad really. But I often wonder which will come first. us being attacked by some one, or civil war?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If Obama wins we're going to continue praying, speaking out, exposing and spreading all that we can while we're able to. (Unless the internet goes then it'll be down to simple flyers.) By the fact that Romney gained so much against Mesmeriah Obama-siah means that albiet slowly, people ARE waking up!! Obama, feeling complacant and full of himself just might "slip up" BIG TIME turning the tide so totally against him, impeachment is a possibility. That's what my prayers and hope are for.

Not depending in that though, it's a given I'll be prepping all the harder but I'll step up my defense, decoy and preserve what I can of what America is/was for my grandchildren. That will also be the time to continue and seriously step up my search for like-minded people who feel the same so we can band together for defense, skills trade and food production. Bugging out is on an Emergency Only basis so we have no choice.
A Romney win is a hope on my part that what ever is coming is perhaps delayed slightly.

I don't think it can be turned around.

We're too far gone, globally, and I see a plan to hit "reset" in the future.

We're too far gone, locally, with too many in this country feeling too entitled to what others have.

Nearly half of us have lost the moral compass that pointed us toward personal responsibility, independence, and a desire to work hard in order to achieve.

So, if Obama wins, I go dark and prepare hard (quietly).

We're already on borrowed time.


Those are pretty good observations---remember though, the next president will probably get to appoint two or three new Supreme Court justices---and the ramifications of that alone will be felt for many years to come---frightening, isn't it?

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
They are good, clear observations. Especially when you consider that a large part of the GOP considers many of us to be "extreme". Yes, they"ll take our money, make vague promises about the Constitution and talk about "personal responsibility" and then go right on with business as usual. We don't have near enough actual reformers elected to do anything and I don't believe that we can elect enough of them to fix this machine. It needs to breakdown and be rebuilt.

Jeff B.


Resident Spook
If Romney wins, there will be riots in the streets.

If Obama wins, there will be riots in the streets.

I want Obama out of office. But the script has already been written for the coming year. My goal is for my family to survive and try to be part of the future.


Veteran Member
I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

And before you jump on me yelling "they're all the same" let me say this: I have no illusions about Romney and he's definitely not my first choice but at least with him we have a chance of not ending up in a socialist one world hellhole state. With Obama we have no chance, he's already shown us what he wants to do with us.

Anyway, been thinking alot about this. Frankly, Obama and ESPECIALLY his followers disgust me so much at this point that I don't think I can stomach financially supporting these people via my tax dollars any longer.

I'm strongly considering going Galt, either by ratcheting up my withholding into the tax revolt zone or quitting my job entirely. Another option is getting a government job, one where I contribute absolutely nothing of productive value and am a drain on the tax system rather than feeding it. Another option is getting a job at a much lesser salary where the tax due will be zero.

DH already has a govt job (state level) so we could stay alive without me working, albeit without being able to save yet also without the current horrendous tax burden.

Are any of you also thinking this way? I've really about had enough.

The same thing I've done since W was president, and the same things I'll continue to do regardless of which bankster puppet/socialist wins.

I really feel bad for the people who believe that Romney is somehow different, that electing Romney will make any difference in our quality of life, or that Romney will change the essential core policies of the United States government.

You have to be either seriously lacking in critical thinking or seriously brainwashed by the propaganda box. Didn't the election of W, or Obama, show how they completely ignore their campaign rhetoric once elected? What makes red koolaid drinkers think Romney will be any different? Why set yourself up for disappointment? Why consent to the evil that is the US government in its current incarnation?

There is not one shred of evidence that D/R matters when examining core policies and trajectory of this country over the last 40 years, not one. There is however a lot of wishful thinking and spin to make that appear to be not true.

Doesn't matter.

I withhold my consent and I go into the coming collapse with a clean conscience knowing that I did not approve of either evil, lesser or greater.

If more Americans would shut off the propaganda and the party loyalty, would stop judging candidates by their looks and instead by their records, then maybe we'd have a chance of reversing the trajectory that's leading directly to collapse.

But that ain't happening. Everybody wants their free shit. Reds and blues just represent different divisions of the free shit army IMO.

Fiscal conservatives have no party, no representation, and no realistic hope of a fiscal conservative ever being elected. Anybody who speaks the truth in our electoral process gets attacked and/or marginalized... called 'unelectable'.

Screw that.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Bear in mind foothiller that these people have been INDOCTRINATED (brainwashed is too light a term) since early childhood. We all were. It takes an iron will to break free of that indoctrination. It takes the overarching desire to know the TRUTH. Most people in America, yes, even on this forum, actually want and need to be lied to by their leaders. They need it like oxygen. Without those comforting lies, they look like a fish gasping on a river bank. And to be honest, we who broke free of that indoctrination went through something akin to that, as well as a death/grieving process as we gained our freedom from the Matrix.

What really bothers me about these sheep is the fact that they WANT to have their heads in the sand. Try to tell them how things really are, and they lash out violently. HOW DARE YOU point out reality! They need the Matrix to survive. And as members of the Matrix, as in the film, they are your enemy, and can be used by the "agents" at any time and without notice.

Coppertops. That's what most of them are. But to themselves, they're patriots. Read my sigline....

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
A Romney win is a hope on my part that what ever is coming is perhaps delayed slightly.

I don't think it can be turned around.

We're too far gone, globally, and I see a plan to hit "reset" in the future.

We're too far gone, locally, with too many in this country feeling too entitled to what others have.

Nearly half of us have lost the moral compass that pointed us toward personal responsibility, independence, and a desire to work hard in order to achieve.

So, if Obama wins, I go dark and prepare hard (quietly).

We're already on borrowed time.


It would take generations and great suffering to crawl back
up the cliff, and I don't see ANYONE in the mood for harder
times. Everyone wants the "good times" back again.
I'll bet that most people voting for Romney have that notion
in their heads. Laissez les bons temps rouler.

I'll vote for Romney only in the hope that we squeeze out
another few years before TSHTF.
Another few years to prepare for the inevitable.

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
Now I remarked earlier that if Obama wins I would be bugging out to the wilds to live. In all actuality am thinking of this no matter who wins. I just think like others that with Romney and Ryan we just might have a little more time to prep. And how much can I just not stand the kenyan. It seems anymore that in what I have seen, not many are back in the deep wilds with the knowledge of how to live back in the deep wilds anymore espicelly with the young people. The elites have really done their job well with getting the masses removed from the land with losing the knowledge of what it takes to live in the deep wilds and becoming so overly domesticated it seems.


Membership Revoked
Bear in mind foothiller that these people have been INDOCTRINATED (brainwashed is too light a term) since early childhood. We all were. It takes an iron will to break free of that indoctrination. It takes the overarching desire to know the TRUTH. Most people in America, yes, even on this forum, actually want and need to be lied to by their leaders. They need it like oxygen. Without those comforting lies, they look like a fish gasping on a river bank. And to be honest, we who broke free of that indoctrination went through something akin to that, as well as a death/grieving process as we gained our freedom from the Matrix.

What really bothers me about these sheep is the fact that they WANT to have their heads in the sand. Try to tell them how things really are, and they lash out violently. HOW DARE YOU point out reality! They need the Matrix to survive. And as members of the Matrix, as in the film, they are your enemy, and can be used by the "agents" at any time and without notice.

Coppertops. That's what most of them are. But to themselves, they're patriots. Read my sigline....

So tell us, oh wise one, with all your smugness and conceit about how stupid all the rest of us are, who are *YOU* voting for come election day?

Ron Paul?



Membership Revoked
Strategic relocation outta W WA looks likely. Tired of beating
my head against the wall of the "perfectly domesticated" 0-bots
here, that's for sure. Alan Watt of http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.... for integrity of thought and spirit. Ranger


Veteran Member
If Obama is reelected, he has four years to complete his agenda. If Romney is elected, Obama has two and half months to complete his agenda. Best case scenario is he gets some sense and decides to go for a polished "economy is improving" graceful exit. I don't expect it. I expect rioting and violence, and a huge leap in the debt. Possibly getting us into another war we can't afford and can't keep feeding our youngsters to. But Romney will be stuck with it.

If Romney is elected the economy is still in the mire. It's just not sunk as deep as four more years of Obama would sink it.

So, specifically, what I'm in the middle of doing:
Getting the savings out of the bank, out of the FRNs and into land and/or equipment that will help with surviving a true EOTWAWKI. I'm shopping for land, and looking at small tractors, right now. I have some equipment left from when I had more land, but the old tractor is past my mechanical ability to get it running again.

DH's car is getting up there in miles. It may be time to buy an almost new car.

Next spring I'll enlarge my garden, depending on where I buy land, and how farmable it is. I would love a small mixed orchard.

I'll keep some cash reserves. But I'm think we're going to be facing high inflation, so the money sitting in the bank will be worth much less, real soon now. So I'm going to spend it before it's worthless.


If ObamAss wins then things will remain the same here.. If he loses then I move ahead with some property purchases that I have been looking at...

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
If it has been asked and answered a dozen times why do you continue to troll this thread with the same message? And the sheep is just insulting. Stop trolling.

I can make any comment on a political thread that I want. If you are personally offended, tough toenails.


Not offended, I had just previously asked that this thread be kept on topic, which is post election plans if Obama wins.
But you seem intent on repeatedly stating how right you are for not participating in the farce of the election and how stupid everyone who doesn't agree with you is, which is not the topic.

Do I, as thread starter, have the right to ask that it stay on topic? We always did in the past. If this is no longer the case I can ask that this thread be closed and I will not bother to start another one.



Veteran Lurker
Another thousand rounds of 7.62.

Another thousand rounds of 5.56.

More silver, if I can still afford it.

Taking my daughters back to the gun range.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Yes Tweak you do. But bear in mind that historically, we give political threads in an election cycle more leeway than other threads. Think of a political discussion thread as "TIO-Lite." It's just the nature of the discussion. Also, giving my OPINION is not trolling. Trolling is by definition an inflammatory post designed solely to elicit an emotional response.


Veteran Member
I have no illusions about Romney and he's definitely not my first choice but at least with him we have a chance of not ending up in a socialist one world hellhole state.

As I said on another thread, that's the FEAR that the elites rule your thoughts and actions by. Until you get past your FEAR, you'll always be a tool of those elites.


How can you realistically picture imprisonment in a concentration camp and not have some degree of fear?

IMO that picture is not quite as vivid with Romney as with obama.


Veteran Member
First, If he loses I will be locked and loaded for a few days. I would expect rioting and general disorder for the next week.

If He wins we will be a country drifting into the long goodnight. No sudden destruction but day after day of deterioration until we end up in a constant state of disorder. That's what preps are for.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Then you are fooling yourself. Romney will do exactly what his globalist masters command, just like Obama. I guess the fact that he's "your scum" rather than "their scum" is what leads you to your EMOTION....


Country exile in the city
Then you are fooling yourself. Romney will do exactly what his globalist masters command, just like Obama. I guess the fact that he's "your scum" rather than "their scum" is what leads you to your EMOTION....

A few posts ago, you mentioned that the folks who were not for Romney were "ridiculing" those who were, and how bad that was.

But.........what are you doing, now?

I thought that, in the past, the "Election Day" sigs were a "storage place" where all the many threads re elections were put, in one place, AFTER the election, for easy finding and reference.

I have never seen ALL threads that mention either candidate consigned to this sig BEFORE an election---even when the topic of the thread is NOT the election itself.

This is also a departure in that we've BEEN discussing Romney and Obama (along with all the other candidates) on MAIN ALL THIS TIME--and NONE of those threads was put into the "TIO" sig for politics......until tonight.

What's going on here?

Can someone explain it to me?

I think it would have been polite, if the Admins had suddenly decided that now is the time for any threads that are even peripherally related to the election to be moved to the Election Sig, that they put up a thread on Main giving notice of that---so folks wouldn't start a thread only to have it moved away from Main.

Are no discussions concerning Obama and Romney now to be allowed on the Main forum?

I am confused---???
Last edited:


Heart of Dixie
For all you folks that are voting for Romney to drag this out just a little longer,

Whats going to happen to that logic when all the Gibsmedats start rioting if Romney wins the election?

If the sole purpose is to prolong the collapse, wouldn't it be better to vote for Obama so there's a less chance of the Gibsmedats rioting?

Or does that throw a wrench in the lesser of two evils formula?


One Day Closer
For all you folks that are voting for Romney to drag this out just a little longer,

Whats going to happen to that logic when all the Gibsmedats start rioting if Romney wins the election?

If the sole purpose is to prolong the collapse, wouldn't it be better to vote for Obama so there's a less chance of the Gibsmedats rioting?

Or does that throw a wrench in the lesser of two evils formula?

For all you who are rooting for a collapse to think that is going to give us a new start - do you really think that is a gamble worth taking?
Most countries that have collapsed have fallen into communism with brutal dictators. What makes you think the US is going to fair any better?


Heart of Dixie
For all you who are rooting for a collapse to think that is going to give us a new start - do you really think that is a gamble worth taking?
Most countries that have collapsed have fallen into communism with brutal dictators. What makes you think the US is going to fair any better?

There are those focusing on a mass reversal back to our constitution.
Those that want to pacify the two evils concept.
I'm sure there are collapse folks out there too.

The pacify two evils concept will be the cause of collapse. But I think the lesser of two evils approach will get us there much quicker. which is my point.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
A few posts ago, you mentioned that the folks who were not for Romney were "ridiculing" those who were, and how bad that was.

But.........what are you doing, now?

I thought that, in the past, the "Election Day" sigs were a "storage place" where all the many threads re elections were put, in one place, AFTER the election, for easy finding and reference.

I have never seen ALL threads that mention either candidate consigned to this sig BEFORE an election---even when the topic of the thread is NOT the election itself.

This is also a departure in that we've BEEN discussing Romney and Obama (along with all the other candidates) on MAIN ALL THIS TIME--and NONE of those threads was put into the "TIO" sig for politics......until tonight.

What's going on here?

Can someone explain it to me?

I think it would have been polite, if the Admins had suddenly decided that now is the time for any threads that are even peripherally related to the election to be moved to the Election Sig, that they put up a thread on Main giving notice of that---so folks wouldn't start a thread only to have it moved away from Main.

Are no discussions concerning Obama and Romney now to be allowed on the Main forum?

I am confused---???


First, you are incorrect as to the timing of election threads. In actual fact, in every cycle, the discussion was only allowed in those rooms. As always, election/candidate NEWS was still allowed on Main, but the discussion and editorializing was kept in the Election sigs. Further, in this cycle we actually allowed the discussions to stay on Main for far longer than earlier cycles because of the importance of this particular election. But another staffer pointed out that it was well past the time to start enforcing the earlier methodology.

As to the ridicule: I am ridiculing people who are so stupid as to: 1) vote for ANY rep/dem prez candidate, and 2) believe that Romney is better than Obama, and will do what's right for the country. If that shoe fits, you are absolutely delusional. The "need to be lied to like you need oxygen" comment applies directly to anyone in (1) or (2).

As far as starting threads on Main vs. in here, you can't seriously believe that people would voluntarily start them in here, can you? I mean GET REAL. And we leave redirects for every thread we move. If you can't click through on the redirects, you have "other issues"...

That help?