UNEX Tales from the rainbow bridge – evidence of our pets in the afterlife


Res ipsa loquitur


Res ipsa loquitur
there are a great many who dispute the fact that these most precious gifts have been given to us by FATHER complete with their very own soul. following the loss of Moses 2 years ago and seeing my despair with that awful loss, the following scripture was given to me by a close friend and Baptist preacher:

"In whose hand is the soul of EVERY living thing, and the breath of all mankind" JOB 12:10 KJV

that sounds pretty danged inclusive to me. they'll be waiting for us when we hit that far side bank. for us it may be years - perhaps decades . . . but for them, they will have simply looked up - and there we are . . .


Social ButterFly
I just posted this to my FB page....

sharing here, too

This post is not for everyone, but those that know me and understand how I tick, I just had to share this before I continue on my day. (got the cats done already). planning another busy day in the garage.

I had a dream visit last night...Dan, Pride,Scatman and Mr. Mack were all out in my front yard.. I ran out the door so happy saying "What are you all doing here? I am so happy to see you all....." I then had the fleeting thought, maybe they came to take me home with them...but there were no dogs and cats with them.

I said "I don;t know why you are here, but I will enjoy every minute you guys are all here...."

Dan said "hop up on him and lest go enjoy the leaves."

In real life we loved the fall trail rides and I think the horse enjoyed it as much because it was cooler and no bugs.

Pride came over to me, and "thought" to me.."Just hop on, you don;t need a saddle, I won't let you fall".. so he stretched way out so I could get up on him... and off we went.. (I never rode bareback!) we did a glorious canter through woods with colors I can't even begin to describe, and when we slowed to a walk... the scents and textures of the paths were just profoundly real and I could hear the "ticka tocka" rhythm that Tenn Walking Horses are known for. His head was nodding and there was Dan ahead of me on Scatman...just bouncing along.. lol!(he never quite got the gait just right..lol, funny , I guess in Heavens' Meadow he didn;t either...

we stopped to rest and I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent... and told him I missed him every day but I knew Dan was taking great care of them all until I got there. I looked over at Dan and said "Thank you so much, I really needed this visit"... he said "I know you did, we didn;t forget tomorrow will be a tough one for you. I truly forgot, it was not till then that I realized what tomorrow was.....the day I loved my horse enough.... to let him go gently, quickly before the pain got unbearable for him.

I said very quietly to Dan, "so you remember time on that side?, I thought there was no time over there"... he told me that time is only real here, but they "feel" special days and anniversaries and if they can, they come to us to help ease us through the toughest of days.

Again, I thanked Dan and the horses for loving me as much as I loved them, still and always.... Dan said for me to share , because he of all people was the hardest one to believe.. I smiled at him and told him I knew they'd have to go soon, but I would carry this particular visit with me forever and tell as many as I could.

Heaven is real, our beloved animals DO go to a special heaven, and their humans can visit them.

when we got back to the front yard, I slide off his back and Dan stayed on Scatman and the 4 of them started off down the road and got more and more translucent until I could no longer see them, but I was waking up and smiling and I soaked in all that love and feeling of that dream.

this is now 4 times on special upcoming days my loved ones let me know as we hold them in our hearts, they live on and love us right back.

you are free to believe or disbelieve, but in my heart of hearts.. I so truly believe.

have a wonderful day!


Veteran Member
I just posted this to my FB page....

sharing here, too

This post is not for everyone, but those that know me and understand how I tick, I just had to share this before I continue on my day. (got the cats done already). planning another busy day in the garage.

I had a dream visit last night...Dan, Pride,Scatman and Mr. Mack were all out in my front yard.. I ran out the door so happy saying "What are you all doing here? I am so happy to see you all....." I then had the fleeting thought, maybe they came to take me home with them...but there were no dogs and cats with them.

I said "I don;t know why you are here, but I will enjoy every minute you guys are all here...."

Dan said "hop up on him and lest go enjoy the leaves."

In real life we loved the fall trail rides and I think the horse enjoyed it as much because it was cooler and no bugs.

Pride came over to me, and "thought" to me.."Just hop on, you don;t need a saddle, I won't let you fall".. so he stretched way out so I could get up on him... and off we went.. (I never rode bareback!) we did a glorious canter through woods with colors I can't even begin to describe, and when we slowed to a walk... the scents and textures of the paths were just profoundly real and I could hear the "ticka tocka" rhythm that Tenn Walking Horses are known for. His head was nodding and there was Dan ahead of me on Scatman...just bouncing along.. lol!(he never quite got the gait just right..lol, funny , I guess in Heavens' Meadow he didn;t either...

we stopped to rest and I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent... and told him I missed him every day but I knew Dan was taking great care of them all until I got there. I looked over at Dan and said "Thank you so much, I really needed this visit"... he said "I know you did, we didn;t forget tomorrow will be a tough one for you. I truly forgot, it was not till then that I realized what tomorrow was.....the day I loved my horse enough.... to let him go gently, quickly before the pain got unbearable for him.

I said very quietly to Dan, "so you remember time on that side?, I thought there was no time over there"... he told me that time is only real here, but they "feel" special days and anniversaries and if they can, they come to us to help ease us through the toughest of days.

Again, I thanked Dan and the horses for loving me as much as I loved them, still and always.... Dan said for me to share , because he of all people was the hardest one to believe.. I smiled at him and told him I knew they'd have to go soon, but I would carry this particular visit with me forever and tell as many as I could.

Heaven is real, our beloved animals DO go to a special heaven, and their humans can visit them.

when we got back to the front yard, I slide off his back and Dan stayed on Scatman and the 4 of them started off down the road and got more and more translucent until I could no longer see them, but I was waking up and smiling and I soaked in all that love and feeling of that dream.

this is now 4 times on special upcoming days my loved ones let me know as we hold them in our hearts, they live on and love us right back.

you are free to believe or disbelieve, but in my heart of hearts.. I so truly believe.

have a wonderful day!
Thank you Saro1 for sharing this special moment with us. What a gift the Father gave you with sight, sound, smell and touch. This brought tears to my eyes!
Can't say I've had experiences with my pets, just a few bizarre instances in Meatworld.

I was 13 and we found a baby bluejay in the yard. We had a Mulberry tree and I would sit on the shed under it, eat them and toss them to an adult Bluejay that hung out so it might have been on of hers.

I did what I could to rescue it but could tell it was in bad shape and it died cupped in my hands. At the very moment it died a large Crow fell out of the trees above me [[us as my sis and some friends were there]] and it landed at my feet and lay there. I pocketed the Jay to bury it, picked up the Crow and it perched on my arm for a few minutes then flew off.

South of Austin around 86 or '87 I would drive around and scavenge/metal detect abandoned houses. Pulled up to one-windows busted out, overgrown. Walked around back and pokled thru a dump pikle then went inside the back door. It was a mess, of course. Small kitchen with a door leading into the rest of the house. Had a strange feeling so I drew my weapon and cracked the door. Livingroom on other side, again and abandoned mess except-in front of the main window was a sofa, curtain was blowing inwards and on the sofa was a huge black dog. He just looked at me, me at him, I bade him farewell and went back out.
I'm confused. Was the dog a ghost dog or real? Was it homeless? Did you call the SPCA to come get the dog?
The best Twilight Zone ever, for dog lovers... The Hunt..

Quote.. "even the Devil can't fool a dog!"

Much more at link...

I saw that movie. Man and his dog died. Got to heaven and dog was not allowed in so man said he ain't going in either. Found out later it was hell. He ended up at another place which was the real heaven and they were both let in. The devil was trying to trick him by pretending it was the real heaven.
I've always believed that since heaven is perfect happiness, if our pets gave us love, and w them, then they will be there when we arrive. I lost my little 8 lb doxychon (mom a dachshund and dad a bichon fries) on Thanksgiving, 2015 when I let the 2 dogs out in the morning. I was so busy I didn't notice for a couple of hours, but she was gone. We looked for her, told a neighbor who knew her and everyone in the neighborhood (rural area) and the mail carrier because she traveled thru the area all day. Nothing, no collar. I think she was taken by coyotes. I wish I could find one of those animal psychics and ask the other dog what she saw. I love my new dog, but I miss Bella every day. I even dream of her. I NEVER remember my dreams, but a couple of days ago I woke up from a nap and I had been dreaming about her recognizing me as I recognized her, and she ran towards me. She could jump straight up into my arms. I miss her so much.
I always see my dogs in my dreams. If you call their name in a dream they will come to you. It's like they are hiding and just waiting for us to call them.
Lost two of the above dogs to the road hazzered. Crying shame too. My smartest dog was vary street smart but minded me to a tee. She was accross the street, I called her to "load up" and yelled it. I didn't note the truck coming, she just seen my truck door open, me yelling load up, and ran right out to get hit vary hard by said truck. Grrr.......
I'm so sorry to hear that. It brings a tear to my eye.
I could do a count, but I suspect some of our 'family' pets will end up with one of my daughters, or possibly my ex-husband, when we get to the other side. I just lost the Rottweiler-mix puppy I'd been raising (she was almost a year old) -- ran over her in the driveway because I couldn't see where she was from in the cab of the truck. That hurts really bad. When she was younger I always made sure she was penned up, or even took her up in the cab of the truck with me so I was sure I knew where she was when I moved the truck, but I thought by now she'd learned to stay away from the tires. Still feel sick about it, and sure hope she'll be there when I get to Heaven.

So sorry to hear that. Guilt hurts bad. I once put a dog down I think too early and one that I waited too long and she had a heart attack on the way to the vet. I think it's best not to remember these things and just know in our heart that we will see them all when we pass from here too.
HI All - I am working on my story about Phantom....will post it soon.

In the mean time...here's the short story my vet, Linda, told me the day she came out to put my K9 GSD Banshee to sleep. This is the day I told her I had a story about my dead dog Phantom and that she probably wouldn't believe me.

This is her story she shared with me.

Recently one of her two dogs dogs had been diagnosed with cancer...she knew it was a fatal cancer - against her better judgment as a vet she let the kids talk her into getting chemo for the dog...but the dog died soon after. She said the kids were really broken up and she felt bad about doing the chemo - she said she knew better. She was taking it all pretty hard about this dog.

This particular dog would always come and sit by her when she'd be in her rocking chair; she'd come home from work and sit down to rock and relax. She said this dog always came over and in a very uncomfortable and awkward way (since he was a rather big dog), he'd twist and squirm and after a few moments would finally get his head around to place it on the arm of her chair.

She said it was the most awkward looking dog position! And how could he ever possibly be comfortable! And she'd rock away with him all awkward. And he'd stay this way until she got up. She said her and the kids use to laugh at the dog as he worked himself around to her armrest.

When they came home without this particular dog that sad day, she said her and the kids sat down to contemplate and grieve over all that had happened. As she was sitting there in her rocking chair, the OTHER dog came over - they watched this dog twist himself all around - squirming and fussing to get himself into that exact same awkward position to rest his head on the arm of her chair - exactly like the other dog did!

She said this was such a HUGE comfort to her and the kids that day! They knew something extraordinary had happened and they felt peace about the dog that passed. (When she was with me, she said she still felt bad about the chemo part.)

She told me her dog continues to do this to this day every time she sits down in her rocking chair.
I think the first dogs Spirit was inside the other dog or right next to the other dog. I used to have a little dog that would jump up and down. She was old. Put her to sleep. For the next couple days my other small dog started jumping up and down like the first dog did. The second dog was old and never jumped up and down before.
Out of curiosity...

Where in the Bible is there support for the idea in the OP?
How in the world can one(you?) Believe in Jesus and the Bible, and yet believe that God would create animals and yet destroy them forever and not allow them into heaven??? What kind of a loving God would DO that? And it doesn't HAVE to "be in the Bible". We should just all KNOW that God is pure LOVE and ALL of Gods creation belongs to God! There are NO "strays" left out. All of Gods creatures go to heaven.

What kind of heaven would it BE with no animals at all? That sounds like Hell!! Humans and all animals are Gods CHILDREN!! Would you destroy your own children you created? Why would God destroy his own children that HE created? ALL animals are in heaven....dogs, cats, horses, lions, lambs, birds, and so on. Oh thou of little faith.......

well we've had our kats and we've had our Rotts, but there has only been ONE schweepe. I've loved each and everyone of them but schweepe is my heart kitty. This is her story and it begins in mid January of 2003.

back in the day we lived in a very rural area of Central Florida. People would often drop their "unwanteds" out where we lived - and Raggedyann developed a habit of "collecting" cats. she had a sign up outside the front door and it said "STRAYS WELCOME". When we hit 13, I made her take it down. Of the 13, SIX (6) were inside cats – the others were barn and warehouse kitties.

Beginning in 2000, we had the house in Florida and the house up here. until we retired, we'd go back and forth between them every chance we got. She had a big white Tahoe and a Rottweiler named Noah and Noah went everywhere with her - including into most of her accounts. the tag on her Tahoe read NOAHARK - and it warranted that name - because not only did it cart Noah everywhere, it also carried Noah and his herd of 6 inside kitties between central Florida and Western NC at every possible opportunity.

After one particularly exhaustive trip, we had returned home to Florida and unloaded everybody and everything. I was sitting at the kitchen table, my back toward the front window across from Raggeyann who was looking OUT the front window. I have an EXACT RECOLLECTION of this moment . . . we were having "THE DISCUSSION" – the one I frequently had with her – the one about "thinning the herd" because it was getting increasingly difficult to transport 110 lbs of Rottweiler and 6 of his kitties along with two humans back and forth between Western NC and Central Florida.

All of a sudden I heard an incredibly tiny "meow". I stopped talking, but didn't turn to look. Then came a second incredibly tiny "meow" and she said "DON'T EVEN TURN AROUND!" and I said – "I'M GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THIS RIGHT NOW" – at which point I got up, walked straight to the front door, opened it and ran out - SHOUTING as loudly as I could and WAVING MY ARMS in the scariest fashion I could muster. This tiny little black and white tuxedo cat – quite obviously not one to be intimidated – ran TOWARD ME and tried to get in the house through the still open front door.

I beat her to the door and quickly slammed it shut, at which point she returned to the front window sill and commenced instant replay of all prior efforts. undeterred when that ploy didn't work, she came around to the side door and began to JUMP UP, trying to look in the window. Finally Raggedyann got me to agree that we would put the cat in her warehouse for the night and in the morning she'd take her to the animal shelter - PROMISE.

When I left the house at 5 am the next morning, I'd already began to soften. after all she was SO CUTE and she was SO TINY. It was 10:30 before I got a break long enough to call Raggedann – and - I had decided that one more little kitty face in the crowd would probably be OK – BUT NO MORE DAMN IT!!! and that's how schweepe came to us.

Eventually schweepe came to be MY KAT. I guess she just sort of claimed me – particularly when I retired. She was with me whenever I was in the house. If I was reading she was on my lap. if I was on the radio she would curl up on the amp. When I was on the computer she'd be patient for a while, but then she'd walk across the keyboard.

One early December morning in 2012 I found a tiny spot of blood on the hardwood floor. later that day I noticed schweepe was chewing on the toes of her left rear foot. I looked but I couldn't find anything. A few days later there was more blood. I took her to the vet and together we agreed that perhaps it was simply an infected toe. We got some antibiotics and hoped – but the combination didn't work. we biopsied what had become an obviously involved digit on the left rear paw 2 weeks later. the path report suggested non specific sarcoma – undifferentiated - and therefore likely very fast growing. the week between Christmas and New Year we took the toe and we hoped, but within 2 months the mass had returned more proximally on the left leg, and it was obvious that this was very aggressive disease. Within 5 months the entire left rear leg was involved and I agonized over the decision to take the leg. In retrospect that act was the beginning of the end for her and I regret it to this day.

Schweepe went through the complete gambit of emotions after that surgery. At first she was puzzled; then she was angry – but ultimately she was depressed. We took the leg in May of 13, but the cancer came back by the end of July. when the lesions began to show up on her sweet little face, I had to acknowledge that schweepe was going to be leaving us. mornings previously spent reading with her were now spent rocking and brushing her. I would sit with her on the porch overlooking the pasture and rock her on my lap. I'd brush her and tell her I loved her and she'd purr at me. Sometimes I'd tell her about the meadow where it was always sunny and warm with lots to do and all the beautiful colors there.

One Saturday morning in early September I was holding her; she was on her back cradled in my forearm against my chest and I was scratching her under the chin. Raggedyann came out on the porch and said I though we'd be taking schweepe "very soon". Just as I finished that sentence I was filled with incredible sorrow - and schweepe reached up and tapped me on the cheek with her paw.

Two days later we took her for her last ride. What follows next is that day, and her return visit. because it was so overwhelmingly reassuring for me, I wrote it up so as not to loose ANY of it to a faulty memory.

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the way to cat heaven

9.25.13 a visit from schweepee​

After a long battle with cancer we gave schweepee back to the LORD at 3:38 PM yesterday. She meant very much to all of us here, but was especially close to me. With her in her basket, before we left the house, the last thing I did with her was to walk through her favorite rooms and stop by the places she liked to be. I told her I was taking her to the meadow – and that for sure this time she was not going to be back. During this time I was talking with her and she was purring and looking around a bit. Raggedyann had spent the morning with her, but was unable get her to purr or to be very active. I also stopped to let each of the dogs and Mr Biddles (our cat) see her and say goodbye. I told them all that schweepe wasn't coming back, and that I was taking her to the meadow.

I told her that the meadow would be warm and sunny all the time and that all our other dogs and cats would be there with her - that it would be very colorful and that there would be lots for her to do - that she’d never be lonely or hungry or thirsty again and there would never be any pain or unhappiness in the meadow. I told her she didn’t need to be afraid, but that when she saw the meadow she should run into it because she’d have her leg back. I told her several times don’t forget to RUN into the meadow when you see it.

Dr. gave her a combination of tranquilizers to snow her a bit and to ease the anxiety of being in the place that she’d been afraid of before. We were able to spend about 15 minutes with her. during that time she was there but “in between”. We told her again how much we loved her and we thanked her for being ours. We talked about our other furry kids being there – all of us now together – we here on this side, to hand her over to them over there. I reminded her that she should RUN into the meadow several times – and on several occasions her legs and paws twitched as I spoke those words to her. I do believe that she heard me - and that she was running.

When she was given the final shot I leaned over and whispered in her ear:


- and she was gone

the schwepee-gram

Last night just as I was drifting off to sleep - when I was in that place where you’re not asleep yet but you’re not fully awake - I dreamed I was walking through the house. It was very dimly lit because all the lights were off except the light over the stove. I walked around and looked back toward the rocker I had always put schweepee on before I went to bed. She’d either sleep there, in that red basket behind the wood stove, or on her bed under the TV.

The room seemed a little different though; as I looked I noticed that the table I had made was now over next to the rocker I always put her on. There, under the table, between it and the rocker – sat a very large dark colored cat. At first I thought it was biddles but it was too big and I realized that there were no tiger markings. Suddenly, it leapt up into my arms. It was so big and heavy that it actually pulled me forward a bit. When that happened I was instantly filled with the most intense happiness I had ever felt – and - I was immediately awake. I realized that schweepee had payed a visit.

She was happy and whole and I think she was so big because of the love and gratitude that she had for us. It was her way of saying it’s OK and I’m OK; goodbye for now and thanks.

Thank you for the visit, tiny schweeps . . . and I hope you’ll come back again.
They can change colors and size on the other side. My poodle was gray and white, but in one dream the gray was darker. My one dog had a tumor on the chest and when I saw her the tumor was gone cuz I looked for it in the dream.
I wasn't going to go into this story but it's one I'd really like opinions on.

Six months into our marriage, a friend begged us to take his 6 week old puppy because his landlord was threatening him. Even though my DH was terrified of dogs due to a traumatic experience as a child, we took him and named him Chippy. Needless to say, this 35 lb. mutt won us both over and when he left us 14+ years later, we grieved like we didn't know we could.

Chippy had two distinctive characteristics: When you'd get him to stop wiggling and hold him in your arms, he'd raise an arm and lay it on your cheek. Also, when he got near sheets or pillowcases, he would nibble them. (This will mean something as the story continues, I promise.)

Six weeks after we lost Chippy, we rescued a 7 week old Golden Lab mix from a shelter. We named him Ruffy and he turned out byto be the best dog that ever lived! Ruffy got up to 75 lbs. and also had 2 distinctives: He would lean against a wall, sit up like a prairie dog and cross both paws over our arms. Also, any time we sat on the sofa or bed, he snuggled us in the most amazing contortions. He had none of Chippy's characteristics and we lost him 13+ years later.

It took us many months to get another puppy but we finally rescued a Lab mix, KC who eventually got up to 60 lbs. His funny distinctives were backing into a room, not looking back and parking his behind on a footstool. He also would run around the house in a frenzy and when he did, he'd "tuck" his bottom under his tummy. We lost him when he was 9 years old and he had no traits of Chippy or Ruffy.

When we recovered from that loss, we got a Lab/Dobey mix we named Riley who got up to 75 lbs. Riley was the 2nd best dog that ever lived. His distinctives were that he was very, very verbal and also had a funny habit of slowly slinking off a bed or sofa with his hind legs straight out. When we lost him last May, he had just turned 13 and shared none of the characteristics of Chippy, Ruffy or KC.

Through a miraculous (seriously) set of circumstances, we got a 10 week old Lab mix last month that we named Ziggy (his pic is my avatar)

The whole reason for this post is to tell you how shocked we have been to see him spontaneously lay his paw against our cheek when we hold him and also nibble sheets...just like Chippy! Then he began to "prairie dog" just like Ruffy and has turned into the biggest snuggle bunny ever...just like Ruffy! Next thing we know, Ziggy is backing into rooms and as he runs around the house, he "tucks"...just like KC! Believe it or not, Zig is even more verbal than Riley and slinks off the bed with stiff back legs!...just like Riley!

WE ARE IN SHOCK watching all this but knowing this will be our last dog, we are convinced that God specially made this little guy for us!

I do not believe in reincarnation especially since Scripture tells us it's appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. But is it possible that animals can come back? This is too much like the movie "A Dog's Purpose."

Not that animals "come back", but the last one you got was picking up the energy or spirit of the other dogs as the other dogs are all still in the house, but you can't see them. Your new dog is picking up on their energy and that is why your dog is doing what the other ones did. I don't believe animals come back, but they can receive energy from the dogs who are now in another dimension which we call
They say losing a loved one can damage the heart. My heart at this late date is barely beating, I know your grief all to well. Hope this brings it all in to focus. I lost a cat a month ago, not just a cat but a very special cat. I cry at night calling her.....then early morning I was in a half waking sleep place and I SAW HER, she was no longer old or blind, she was playing with a toy with great joy. I got up with a smile on my face for I knew it was a visitation, she heard my cries.

Do you ever wonder if when you die will you remember your family or pets?

My dad loved a black stray cat that he allowed to sleep on the end of his bed at night. When he died, I took his cat with me from Texas to Wa State. I lived in a small house on a the busy road up from Snoqualmie falls. I had built a nice big covered cat cage on the back deck overlooking the river. I put my cats in that cage at night and since they all seemed to get along for the last couple of months, I put Dad's cat in that cage one night with the others.

Around 5am my land line rung. I answered it in a very sleepy voice and heard my Fathers voice say, K aay, My southern dad always pronounced my name, Kay, with two syllables. I knew instantly it was my Father who died 3 months earlier. My mind raced to what I could quickly ask regarding the other side but he went on with, ''don't you ever never ever put my cat in that cage with your cats" and he was gone.

Stunned, I turned over and looked out the slider to the deck and cage. Dads cat was sitting ON TOP of that cage and there is no way she could have got there unless he let her out, my cats were in the cage and the door was locked.

Two weeks later on his birthday as I sat early drinking my coffee, I saw her walking up the center line of the road into an oncoming log truck. She never altered her gate or direction and didn't even try to avoid the truck. Dad got what he wanted for his birthday and led her to the portal to be with him always.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
#1 --- After my beloved cocker spaniel 'Honey' died of a sudden stroke, several things happened. My white spitz 'Missy' watched as someone or something walked around the house. She was fascinated by this and even went around the corner to watch it walk over to Honey's food bowl which I hadn't picked up yet and then walk to the back door. This was a habit that Honey did (she was a pacer and paced this same path all during the day.)

Later that night, I actually saw Honey with my own two eyes as she walked past my coffee table. I could only see to the top part of her back, but when she came out from behind the table, she was invisible again. But for a second there, she was solid. I'd never had anything like that happened to me before.

#2 ---- Several years later, after our Spitz 'Missy' died of old age, both my husband and I were grieving pretty bad. On the 3rd day we decided to go out for breakfast instead of moping around the house crying. At breakfast we started talking about the strange dreams we had that night. Both of us had profound dreams where Missy came to us to show us she was OK now and that she loved us. There the 2 of us sat, in a crowded restaurant, holding each other's hands and crying our eyes out.

Lastly, story # 3.

After 2 dogs, we adopted a stray cat that we called Miss Kitty. She took to us right away and I had a strange call I'd make that carried through-out the neighborhood when it was time for her to eat...no matter how far away, she'd come running. One day she didn't come. I called and called. Hubby and I walked the neighborhood and looked for her.
He even made up flyers and handed them out to all the people for blocks around.

Several days later I got the impression of where she was... I kept hearing her tell me to come get her. I got in the car and made it 1 + 1/2 blocks, stopped the car suddenly and got out, I walked across the street and directly into the woods a few feet where she was telling me that she was. There she was, dead, laying on her side. It appeared she'd been dead for several days. I called my husband to come home and we went back to get her together. We buried her in the pet cemetery with all our other pets...... She was home now.
:ld: :bwl::bwl::bwl:

Old Reliable

Veteran Member
A Dogs Purpose

(From a 6-year-old)

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old
Irish wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa,
and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they
were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the
family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform
the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would
be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt
Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's
family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for
the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any
difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's
death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are
shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly,
piped up, 'I know why.'

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next
stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a good
life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The
six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so
they don't have to stay as long.'

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle
them gently.

Being always grateful for each new day and for the blessing of you.



Veteran Member
Animals are surely in heaven. IF God created the earth, the universe and all that is in it, and his works are wondrous in our eyes, how could heaven not be similar, including animals?

When I was very young one of my Sunday school teachers told us that there were no animals in heaven, only God's saved people. That was the moment I became a skeptic. I didn't argue because one didn't argue with adults in those days. But I never believed it for a moment. My heart told me it couldn't be true. I don't resent that they were teaching wrongly; it was one of those moments that allow thinkers to be become. I thought about it a lot and that's when I realized neither teachers, nor preachers, nor their authority (the Bible) were infallible.

Love reading everyone's stories. Thank you all.
I've mentioned this in other threads, but when DH died, it gave me a lot of comfort imagining the greeting he got at the Rainbow Bridge from all of our beloved furbabies.


Res ipsa loquitur
That was the moment I became a skeptic. I didn't argue because one didn't argue with adults in those days. But I never believed it for a moment. My heart told me it couldn't be true. I don't resent that they were teaching wrongly; it was one of those moments that allow thinkers to be become. I thought about it a lot and that's when I realized neither teachers, nor preachers, nor their authority (the Bible) were infallible.
:applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:

that individual did you a GREAT SERVICE willowlady

one of my very favorite sayings is "have an open mind but not so open as to let your brain fall out" the very next is "rigidity of thought is a profoundly debilitating weakness" after all . . . we're told to "study to show ourselves approved."

most dogma is man made and not GOD given . . . MOST of it doesn't even affect your salvation - yet we'll fight over it and destroy the peace were intended to have . . . seems like the enemy's perfect plan to me


This too shall pass.
Animals are surely in heaven. IF God created the earth, the universe and all that is in it, and his works are wondrous in our eyes, how could heaven not be similar, including animals?

When I was very young one of my Sunday school teachers told us that there were no animals in heaven, only God's saved people. That was the moment I became a skeptic. I didn't argue because one didn't argue with adults in those days. But I never believed it for a moment. My heart told me it couldn't be true. I don't resent that they were teaching wrongly; it was one of those moments that allow thinkers to be become. I thought about it a lot and that's when I realized neither teachers, nor preachers, nor their authority (the Bible) were infallible.

Love reading everyone's stories. Thank you all.

Ah, but the Bible is infallible. It's your teacher who was mistaken -- as Jesus Himself said to someone, ye do err, not knowing the scriptures (that's directed at that teacher). First, there are most certainly horses in heaven, because when Jesus returns to the earth at the second coming, He and all His armies will be riding white horses.

Second, there are the four beast in Revelation 4 which worship at the throne of God. One is like a lion, one is like a calf, one is like a man, and one is like a flying eagle. While these have spiritual applications and representations, I believe they also show the value God has for the different forms of life He created.

And third, as I think someone else has already mentioned, animals were an important part of the initial creation. When God finished creating, He called His creation 'very good.'. That included the animals, and I believe that Heaven, and the ultimate New Earth, will also include the animals. Probably including the ones which have gone extinct in the years since the initial creation.

So it is very Biblical to assume that Heaven includes the animals, and very unbiblical to assume it doesn't. Although, if all of our beloved critters are there waiting for us, some of are going to have huge herds, flocks, packs, and clowders!



Veteran Member
My beloved dog Teddy ("Theodora" - a beautiful Sheltie) died September 3, 2021. It was one of the most wrenching losses I have experienced. I had to have her euthanized (she was 13) because of cascading health problems. The last straw was when she lost the ability to walk, due to severe arthritis.

In 2016, after my husband blew out his brains (at our home), Teddy tried to lick him back to life. A neighbor had to pull her away (she wouldn't leave him voluntarily) and then my dear neighbor cut out bits of her white mane and fur because it was stained with his blood and other things.

By the time I got back home that awful day, they had successfully cleaned up Teddy. But she was never the same. One of the reasons that I sold that house (where he did this) was because Teddy wouldn't leave the spot where she last saw him. She went right to that place (outside the back door) and laid down again and again. It was heartbreaking.

I lost my mind for a while (psychotic break) and another neighbor took care of Teddy for a few weeks. In that first year, Teddy had three emergency surgeries, each of which were caused by a bizarre (unexpected) life-threatening illness. The financial costs were significant but I didn't care. Teddy was my priority. Before this, Teddy had been the healthiest dog in the world.

In late 2017, I took Teddy to a "dog whisperer" and that was an amazing experience. She said that Teddy was terrified of losing me, and that Teddy knew that I just wanted to be dead, and Teddy could sense that. The dog whisperer said that I had to stop thinking those thoughts, and then Teddy would calm down a bit. She was right.

In October 2019, Teddy had a sinking spell. She awakened from a nap, unable to get to her feet. She was 11. For three days, I carried her in and out to go potty, and took her to three vets. Multiple tests were done. Teddy had arthritis in her back and her hips, and that's why she couldn't walk.

On the evening of the third day, I placed Teddy on the edge of my bed and looked in her beautiful eyes and said, "My love, if this is the end of our road, I will make my peace with it - somehow. But please know that I am so grateful for every moment that I've had with you, and please know that I will always be grateful that you stayed with me after W's death. You're the best friend a girl could hope for, and I know you'll be waiting for me when it's my time. However...I would rather that you stay with me a little longer. But this is your choice now. I release you, I love you and I give you back to God."

That night, I felt more calm, and when I awakened the next morning, Teddy was standing on the floor, looking at me as if to say, "What does a dog have to do to get a meal around here?"

For the next 23 months, I thanked God every day for this dog. And then there came more problems. In late August (2021), after another trip to the vet (we were going once a week), the vet said, "Mrs. R., it might be time for Teddy to go on." I broke down in tears then and there. We got through a few more days but then her health problems were so severe that there was no doubt.

I held this 47-pound Sheltie in my lap when they gave her the two shots, and I stroked her fur and told her, "I know where you're going, and I know you'll wait for me. Thank you for being my best friend."

For the next four days, I cried constantly. Then one night, I had an intense dream. There was a golden veil, shimmering and glowing and sparkling, and it was full of the most heavenly radiance, and I could see Teddy on the other side of that golden veil. She was running around in tight circles ("zoomies") at a very high rate of speed. She ran and ran and ran, and she came as close to the veil as she could and sat down and said (mentally), "Look Mom! I can run again! Just like I used to! I can run so fast now!" And then she took off running again.

It was God's grace, I'm sure.

After that, I was comforted in knowing that I had done the right thing, and that she was happy.

My Teddy was something more than a pet; she was a mature soul sent here to help me get through W's suicide. And she performed admirably. She was my angel, and I think that sometimes, animals go to this "rainbow bridge" but I also think that sometimes, they stick around and help us through the hard patches.


  • Teddy at Age 3.jpg
    Teddy at Age 3.jpg
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Veteran Member
My beloved dog Teddy ("Theodora" - a beautiful Sheltie) died September 3, 2021. It was one of the most wrenching losses I have experienced. I had to have her euthanized (she was 13) because of cascading health problems. The last straw was when she lost the ability to walk, due to severe arthritis.

In 2016, after my husband blew out his brains (at our home), Teddy tried to lick him back to life. A neighbor had to pull her away (she wouldn't leave him voluntarily) and then my dear neighbor cut out bits of her white mane and fur because it was stained with his blood and other things.

By the time I got back home that awful day, they had successfully cleaned up Teddy. But she was never the same. One of the reasons that I sold that house (where he did this) was because Teddy wouldn't leave the spot where she last saw him. She went right to that place (outside the back door) and laid down again and again. It was heartbreaking.

I lost my mind for a while (psychotic break) and another neighbor took care of Teddy for a few weeks. In that first year, Teddy had three emergency surgeries, each of which were caused by a bizarre (unexpected) life-threatening illness. The financial costs were significant but I didn't care. Teddy was my priority. Before this, Teddy had been the healthiest dog in the world.

In late 2017, I took Teddy to a "dog whisperer" and that was an amazing experience. She said that Teddy was terrified of losing me, and that Teddy knew that I just wanted to be dead, and Teddy could sense that. The dog whisperer said that I had to stop thinking those thoughts, and then Teddy would calm down a bit. She was right.

In October 2019, Teddy had a sinking spell. She awakened from a nap, unable to get to her feet. She was 11. For three days, I carried her in and out to go potty, and took her to three vets. Multiple tests were done. Teddy had arthritis in her back and her hips, and that's why she couldn't walk.

On the evening of the third day, I placed Teddy on the edge of my bed and looked in her beautiful eyes and said, "My love, if this is the end of our road, I will make my peace with it - somehow. But please know that I am so grateful for every moment that I've had with you, and please know that I will always be grateful that you stayed with me after W's death. You're the best friend a girl could hope for, and I know you'll be waiting for me when it's my time. However...I would rather that you stay with me a little longer. But this is your choice now. I release you, I love you and I give you back to God."

That night, I felt more calm, and when I awakened the next morning, Teddy was standing on the floor, looking at me as if to say, "What does a dog have to do to get a meal around here?"

For the next 23 months, I thanked God every day for this dog. And then there came more problems. In late August (2021), after another trip to the vet (we were going once a week), the vet said, "Mrs. R., it might be time for Teddy to go on." I broke down in tears then and there. We got through a few more days but then her health problems were so severe that there was no doubt.

I held this 47-pound Sheltie in my lap when they gave her the two shots, and I stroked her fur and told her, "I know where you're going, and I know you'll wait for me. Thank you for being my best friend."

For the next four days, I cried constantly. Then one night, I had an intense dream. There was a golden veil, shimmering and glowing and sparkling, and it was full of the most heavenly radiance, and I could see Teddy on the other side of that golden veil. She was running around in tight circles ("zoomies") at a very high rate of speed. She ran and ran and ran, and she came as close to the veil as she could and sat down and said (mentally), "Look Mom! I can run again! Just like I used to! I can run so fast now!" And then she took off running again.

It was God's grace, I'm sure.

After that, I was comforted in knowing that I had done the right thing, and that she was happy.

My Teddy was something more than a pet; she was a mature soul sent here to help me get through W's suicide. And she performed admirably. She was my angel, and I think that sometimes, animals go to this "rainbow bridge" but I also think that sometimes, they stick around and help us through the hard patches.

What a beautiful soul you had in Teddy. Sometimes our fur babies are angels on earth.


Stone Cold Crazy
I'm confused. Was the dog a ghost dog or real? Was it homeless? Did you call the SPCA to come get the dog?

I did not ask it.

It was a long time ago but I remember the location in Texas outside of Austin, I can give you directions if you want to see if the place is still thee and if the dog is still there and *you* can ask it.

Actually, by this time it would have outlived 10 or twelve Dog lifespans so you'd know immediately-maybe you'd even be allowed to come ack and talk about it or maybe, like Rose Red-the House will eat you. :)


Res ipsa loquitur
INTENSE and VERY personal . . .many thanks for sharing this wonderful "tail" from the bridge.

we call it "zoomies" when Gracie runs around the pasture chasing Bear . . . what a nice "wink" from FATHER. I have so many "tails" from Moses - and from BO as well - I haven't been able to bring myself to write them up yet. and Mosie left us on 10.2.19 well over TWO YEARS now.

BO has been back 3 times - Moses however has been back too many to count. as Chance has said - and Seeker 22 has echoed -
they go and they wait and they remember
ETA: there is a very involved tale of how "Bear came to be ours" I've promised to write that up - I've started and there are several pages involving uncanny circumstance dealing with my FIL who I know is keeping Mosie till I get there incredible impossibilities a double rainbow and the HEALING that the "Care Bear" brought to both of us. to be brutally honest - I have difficulty getting through it as well.

to anyone who does NOT have - or who has NEVER HAD a loving relationship with an animal
you have my PITTY


Social ButterFly
I still over the yrs have my beloved pets appear.. some for not years until I see them.. funny how it is usually after another one passes that had the same "characteristics".. I'll try to put some more down here.. as there is NO DOUBT at all, NONE that we will be with our pets and people again.


Veteran Member
Ah, but the Bible is infallible. It's your teacher who was mistaken -- as Jesus Himself said to someone, ye do err, not knowing the scriptures (that's directed at that teacher). First, there are most certainly horses in heaven, because when Jesus returns to the earth at the second coming, He and all His armies will be riding white horses.

Second, there are the four beast in Revelation 4 which worship at the throne of God. One is like a lion, one is like a calf, one is like a man, and one is like a flying eagle. While these have spiritual applications and representations, I believe they also show the value God has for the different forms of life He created.

And third, as I think someone else has already mentioned, animals were an important part of the initial creation. When God finished creating, He called His creation 'very good.'. That included the animals, and I believe that Heaven, and the ultimate New Earth, will also include the animals. Probably including the ones which have gone extinct in the years since the initial creation.

So it is very Biblical to assume that Heaven includes the animals, and very unbiblical to assume it doesn't. Although, if all of our beloved critters are there waiting for us, some of are going to have huge herds, flocks, packs, and clowders!

There are apparent contradictions in the Bible, but I don't have to perfectly understand everything in it to believe the message. And as a child, given incorrect information, my heart already knew it was wrong. Jesus was with me even before I was publicly saved, I have no doubt of that. (That's a different story altogether) Yes, I expect Heaven to contain dinosaurs and other extinct animals. They were all part of his creation, and that was very good indeed. That was kind of my point.


Veteran Member
Cool thread, brought me to tears reading through the story’s. I’ve always believed our pets, and all animals go To heaven! The Bible cleanly says animals don’t have souls, well, they don’t need’em! They KNOW who their father is! They don’t have to make that choice, the one humans do, if they believe in Christ or not! They KNOW!
all my dogs have been heart dogs, I believe my Holy Spirit is an animal person! All my cats as well. Some took longer to become my heart, but they all were! Even pet rats!
my Stryder came to me for a couple nights after he passed, heard his nails on the wood floor, and felt him jump in bed with me! My little lady, I don’t believe did ever did, but she was pure heart, not the brightest, she was a bate dog that was abandon with a broken back, I rescued her off the street! She was my shadow for 4 years.
after I hug Jesus, and place my crown at his feet, I WILL, be mowed over with my heart animals! with laughter and tears!BC61E9CC-5D0B-483F-8BEC-563C9DAE0CDD.jpeg


Veteran Member
My story. We found a blood hound, red tick sitting in the desert where we lived. No tags and we tried to find owners, no luck. Probably 4 yo. Wonderful dog. She never licked you, her kisses were putting her big wet nose in your ear and sniffing. 11 years later it was her time to cross, which she did at home. Now, in the twighlight of my sleep, I can feel that wet nose and sniff in my ear. Happens frequently. When I pass I am going to where she is, and meet all of our dogs. Just added this, she always slept next to me on the floor, on my left side. The sniff was always to my left ear, the one closest to her.
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Veteran Member
Hello All,

Recently Raggedyman's Tales from the rainbow bridge popped back up...and I have been wanting for some time to add my story - Jazzy and my story - to it.

It's been almost a year since my GSD Jazzy went to Heaven. It's been a long, hard year...full of all kinds of 'crap' - it's actually felt like one LONG day. I keep expecting something to happen...I don't know what. There is more to Jazzy's story...it's just continuing without me...for now.

I've missed my dear Jazzy every day. I've been meaning to write this up and post it...so here it is, finally. I've had Jazzy in my heart, my life for a lot of wonderful years - I bought her from my K-9 instructor who told me she was two years old. She was pretty old when she went Home.

I wanted to share what happened to Jazzy before and as she was 'dying' or 'changing and leaving this world' - that's a better way to put what happened...and then add what happened over the next two weeks.

When someone recently 'liked' a comment I made on the "Tales of People Crossing Over" thread
UNEX - Tales of People Crossing Over - Evidence of Our Friends/Family in the After Life

- I reread what I'd written and then I realized - that's what happened to Jazzy! That's when I decided that I needed to add this story to the Raggedyman's "Tales from the rainbow bridge - evidence of our pets in the afterlife." UNEX - Tales of People Crossing Over - Evidence of Our Friends/Family in the After Life

In the 'people crossing over' thread I wrote:
"...I noted in many of the stories in this thread that people saw and/or heard things BEFORE they died. Like their mortal eyes and ears changed to immortal to be able to see/hear beyond this world - beyond 'the veil'. Yet, they were still cognizant of 'here'. Like in two dimensions/worlds. These people were being changed before they died. Death was imminent - no turning back. The 'change' was occurring. I know the mortal bodies are left behind - so this is a spiritual change - but 'physical' also. They verbalized what they saw/heard. Don't really have the right words to describe this. Definitely, supernatural."

I had known for some time that Jazzy's body was failing (back end mainly - she had a whole slew of bone spurs down her back and issues with nerves and for the last few months I had to help her stand up; she had at some point in her life torn her ACL in a knee and that was causing her at lot of problems in her old age.

Jazzy also had been diagnosed in the fall of 2018 with a heart murmur, mitral valve regurgitation, and arrhythmia - her heart beat could not be heard with a stethoscope by her regular vet, Dr. Gane (or me - I used to try over and over to hear her heartbeat so I could monitor it between cardiology appoints and I couldn't, so I gave up trying) - it was just a sloshing noise at best. Jazzy saw her cardiologist every 6 months and was on heart medicine. Her heart never changed in these problems from the initial diagnosis - so the meds worked well for her. But there was no actual heart beat.

I knew that it was just a matter of time...and I would be picking a date. I had an appointment about two weeks before to see Jazzy's regular vet, Dr. Gane, for an 'evaluation' - they know why - but an hour before the appointment she called and said she couldn't see Jazzy due to am emergency C-section she needed to attend to. So, I decided that was a sign to hold off and so I contacted Jazzy's second vet, Dr. Jones, to follow up with him - was there anything else I could do to help Jazzy's mobility issue? He suggested a specific pain shot for her bad knee. So I scheduled that.

It was early on Saturday morning, April 3, 2021 at 0830...shortly before leaving for the appointment - I knew - it was time, I called his office and asked if they could change it to "sending Jazzy off to Heaven" - my continuing with 'band aids' for her was just not the right thing to do anymore. They said. "Yes". So my mom and I took Jazzy in to his office.

They had a room 'prepared' with candles and soft music (that's how I want to go when I cross the Rainbow Bridge!) and a small blanket on the floor. I helped Jazzy lay down on the blanket. Before Dr. Jones came into the room, I turned to his assistant and I said, "You know, this is Heaven's Waiting Room". I don't think she understood what I meant.

Dr. Jones took time to explain to me the 'process' he went through in sending a dog off to Heaven. That this was the last kind thing he could do for an old dog. I've had numerous dogs 'sent off to Heaven'...so I'd 'been there done that', but it is 'different' with each one of them. Even though the process is basically the same. He left the room to prepare the tranquilizer for Jazzy.

Then Dr. Jones came back into the room, knelt down and injected the tranquilizer and left the room. He gave me a few minutes to spend with Jazzy.

When Jazzy was tranquilized and in that deep sleep, I laid down beside her and put my arms around her. I wanted her to know I was with her.

A few minutes later, Dr. Jones came back in with the pink drug in the syringe. I sat up as I didn't know where he wanted to be to inject this...but I didn't want Jazzy to think I'd left her, so I put my left hand on her back and my right hand on the back of her head and held them there, as I was sitting beside her.

The second I put my left hand on her back, I felt a strong steady heart beat. I could feel it and hear it...like it was part of me. Hard to explain. But I remember focusing on the heart beat as I watched him kneel down and inject the pink drug in her left front leg. He then stood up and left again. He told me her brain would die first and then her heart would stop. So I was focusing on her heart beat...waiting for that last beat. I noted how strong and steady it was. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Strong and steady.

I sat there beside her feeling/hearing the beats. I focused on how strong and steady the beats were because he said her heart would die last. But it was traumatic waiting for that last beat...and when I felt/heard that last beat...I looked up at Mom and said, "She's gone." I stayed beside her a bit longer. Kissed her again and lovingly stroked her ear. Then I stood up and thanked God for taking Jazzy to Heaven and for giving her a new body.

I then walked over and got my coat and was helping Mom up when Dr. Jones came back in with his stethoscope.. I almost told him he didn't need it, but then I remembered he said he'd be back to check for a heart beat. I could have told him I felt/heard the last beat and she was gone...but I knew he needed to confirm it to himself. He listened and said 'no heart beat'.

When I returned home without Jazzy, I called a good friend and left a voice mail. I said "Jazzy is gone. She's in Heaven." That's all I said.

It wasn't until that following Monday that I realized one can't feel a dog's heart beat by placing one's hand on their back! And neither I nor Dr. Gane could hear a heart beat with our stethoscopes. Jazzy had moderate mitral valve regurgitation, arrhythmia and a grade 3 heart murmur. There was no strong, steady heart beat! It was sloshing. Because of Jazzy's bone spurs, I use to rub her back - up and down her spine and feel for 'hot spots' of inflammation - and massage her back in different spots. I never felt her heart beat. It's impossible.

That next Wednesday, my friend that I had called with the voice mail, dropped by with a potted flowering plant in Jazzy's memory and what looked like a plaque but I couldn't read what was on it as she had wrapped it in bubble wrap. After she left, I unwrapped it - it had that saying about a dog giving you a piece of their heart when they die...."every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart." I was shocked! I never said anything about Jazzy's heart or feeling her heartbeat at the end. I only told my mom that following Monday. It was such a traumatic morning and weekend.

I was telling Joe (my K-9 instructor that sold me Jazzy years ago) about me feeling her heart beat, and I showed him on his German Shepherd Dog, Ormas (because he was lying beside me), how I had my hands on Jazzy. Joe said, "Wait a minute! You can't feel a dog's heart beat like that!" I said, "I know. But I did." When I saw my PCP later, I told him about feeling Jazzy's heart beat...and he said "You can't feel a heart beat like that." He then said dog's are special to God. Yes, they are! (I told him about Jazzy because he told me and Mom about his dog leaving in January.)

And then something else strange happened:

I had been in contact via email with a gal at Pederson Toyota. I was looking for a specific new vehicle. She left me two voice mails and an email - saying, "Hi Judy, thanks for contacting Toyota, sorry I missed your call. Call me back if I can help...". I was at Toyota the following week and actually met this woman - I introduced myself, and she remembered me and the vehicle I was looking for. We just spoke for a minute or two.

The following week, which was about two weeks after Jazzy left, I sent her an email, asking her to call me. She called and left me a voice mail: "Hey, this message is for Jazzy Judy. Hi, Judy, this is Anya at Pederson Toyota returning your call." (I still have that voice mail on my phone to this day!)

I was SHOCKED! She called me Jazzy Judy! I let my mom listen to the voice mail and a neighbor. Wow - we were all shocked at what this woman said.

So, I called Anya and after we talked about the vehicle I was interested in, I asked her why she called me "Jazzy Judy". She said she didn't know why she said that...she said "it just slipped out." Then I told her about Jazzy. Later, when I actually bought a vehicle from her, she told me that she has a special closeness and connection with dogs.

Now back to what I wrote in the People Crossing Over thread - Jazzy was going to die. Death was imminent - no turning back. The 'change' was occurring. Jazzy was being changed before she died. Her spirit was going to leave that worn out body that day, that time. It was suppose to happen. And I believe that God gifted me with feeling her heart that He had changed to immortal - with a strong, healthy heart beat. There was nothing wrong with the heart beat I felt - there was no mitral valve regurgitation, arrhythmia or a grade 3 heart murmur. I don't know how else to explain what happened.

I've had a year to think about this...I was worried I would call the vet too early or too late or I would do this because it was getting physically too hard for me...I didn't want to 'put Jazzy down because she had become inconvenient for me'. I would not want to live with that...feeling her heart beat made me understand this happened exactly like it was suppose to. There is a time for all of us...animals, people.

Jazzy's story isn't over...but it's all I know to tell - she started a new chapter of her life with a new body.

When I die, I want to cross the Rainbow Bridge because what's on the other side is my Heaven.

PS If you'd read my story about Phantom coming back, you'll know I believe that after an animal has died they have a type of physical body - it can be felt/touched - and it's 'like' they were. But immortal.

Edited to add a bit more...
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Veteran Member
I wanted to add, that the same friend who gave me the plaque for Jazzy's memory gave me two pictures - years after two other GSDs had died.

Here is that story I posted on this thread a few years back:

I wanted to add this story about my two GSDs - Banshee and Phantom.

Well, it's actually MY story. Or so I thought....

I always wanted to take them to the beach...don't know why. Logistically it was not feasible - not enough vacation time and I was not well. Living in Colorado and driving to an ocean beach with two GSDs was just not possible.

For some reason, years after they were both gone, this was just eating me up - I wanted to take them to the beach and now they were gone and I missed my chance. Don't know why I felt so sad and guilty about this - it was ridiculous - I did lots of other things with them. Banshee went with me to Kentucky one summer when she was one. Both Phantom and Banshee got to do lots of things outdoors - lots of short trips. But it always went back to 'the beach'. My thoughts always returned to them at the beach.

I pictured Banshee, my saddleback GSD, the daring one who was adventurous and loved to swim - in the waves, running through the waves as they splashed up on the shore. I picture Phantom, my black GSD - less adventuresome, walking in the sand just a bit away from the rushing waves. That was my picture of them. That was always my picture of them years after they died. Them on the beach. Even though we'd never been.

Long after they'd died, a friend of mine gave me two paintings. One was of a saddleback GSD running in the waves on a sandy beach. There other of a black GSD walking on the sand of a beach. They looked just like Banshee and Phantom. Exactly as I pictured them.

I couldn't believe it! I never told anyone about my beach wish or how I pictured my two dogs.

And there they were - just like I imagined them! Oh, how those paintings did my heart good!

To me - this is a message from them/G-d telling me all is well. They know I'm thinking of them and I know they are thinking of me.

Every time I look at those pictures, I'm just amazed....


Res ipsa loquitur
in and throughout this thread I've told about several others who have gone on ahead . . . and now, I will tell you about my BO . . . how she came back and how she delivered TWO very specific and very clear messages. In order to do that, I have to provide a bit of “back story” . . . this has been hard to write but its a story that I need to tell now.

We gave BO back to the LORD on 12.27.22. of all the Rotts we've had over the past 30 years, BO had been the longest lived. Born on my birthday, October 10'th in 2007, BO and I shared a special bond; she was "my dog". Her given name was "Hannah", but I called her "Bo Bo Leigh" . . . just becasue she was so . . . "bo-bo-ey". When BO left us on 12.27.22, she'd been with us 14 years and 3 months. 20% of my entire life. virtually the entire time I'd been retired. BO was the Rottweiler equivalent of METHUSELAH. You can (and I would encourage that you do) visit her thread here: https://www.timebomb2000.com/xf/ind...ing-bo-pictures-added-44.613225/#post-8898367 there are many pictures of her and you'll realize what a special girl she truly was.

I can tell you unequivocally that BO worked very hard at staying here with us as long as she possibly could. We'd never had a dog that lived beyond 10 years. In her lifetime, BO had shared her home and her people with four other dogs: Noah and Moses who predeceased her, our 4 YO rescue Bear, a Rott/Dobie mix, and finally Gracie, who came to us at 9 weeks in July of 21.

I will tell you without reservation, that I had second thoughts about getting Gracie. I wasn't sure I wanted another dog – much less a puppy – primarily because I didn't want any attention taken away from BO.

You see, in the 14 years and 3 months of her existence, BO had been an "only dog" in our household for a very short time. BO had 12 months between the time Noah left and Moses came and another 10 months between the time Moses left and the Care Bear arrived. In other words, in her entire 14 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS of existence, BO had received 100% of all available attention units for JUST 22 MONTHS of her entire life. To make matters worse, Moses – who lived life at warp 9.9 – had compounding/cascading orthopedic injuries. By the time he was 3, Moses had undergone 2 knee surgeries. Just as he turned 4 he herniated two contiguous lumbar discs and required spinal surgery. 5 months out from the first spinal surgery, he herniated the two contiguous segments immediately above those and required a second surgery. At that point Moses became a "special needs dog". more specifically, following his second spinal surgery, Moses was necessarily never outside off leash. He was walked everywhere he went. Because of my background, his care fell primarily to me and he received the bulk of my attention. During that time, BO willingly and without complaint or evidence of jealousy, retreated into the background for the remaining 5 1/2 years of Mosies existence. It was not until after Moses left that BO, once again, was front and center and received all of our attention. That continued for 10 months – and then came Bear. That the "Care Bear" was SPECIFICALLY SENT to us is QUITE clear and with certainty, beyond ANY DOUBT. Its also a very complex tale and a separate story for another day.

You'll see why the details above are important shortly.

Early on the day BO left us, I'd told Raggedyann I felt like a book was being shut in my life. The book opened with our permanent move here from Florida. when BO came another chapter began and yet another when Moses came; when he got hurt and my sister Denise was sick, another . . . and yet another chapter when Denise and Moses passed. Then there was the chapter that started with BO being lone dog in the house - getting all the attention she'd never gotten but deserved because of Moses needs. That was a shorter chapter than it should have been. Another chapter began with Bear and still another with Gracie, and now that BO has left we've opened yet another . . .

also, on the day she left, I've not forgotten the way BO rapidly – I almost want to say frantically - licked our faces and our tears before the first sedative took effect. First one and then the other of us. What was she thinking and expressing at that moment? Did she know and was she telling us goodbye I love you? Was she telling us don't cry mom and dad because I'll see you again soon? Was she telling us don't feel bad because its my time and I've stayed as long as I could?

I believe we ALL come here with “soul contracts”, and I believe we were ALL were fulfilling them. ALL OF US. we humans AND the dogs FATHER gave us to steward for that ever-so-brief-period in which HE allows us the GIFT of THEM. I believe BO was given her extended time because of the agreements made between her and Moses. When Moses turned 9 he “got old” very quickly. I believe Moses left early in order to allow BO to receive what he'd necessarily taken from her.

BO sent me two very clear messages and several of what I call “winks” from the other side. now that I've given you some back story, I'll begin to lay those out below.

BO left in the early afternoon of 12.27.21. she came back to visit on 12.31.21 in EVERY OTHER INSTANCE of losing an animal they came back to visit me THE EVENING OF THE DAY THEY LEFT. There have been several of those “visits” (you can read about them right here on this thread), yet it was 3 days before BO came back. before she left, I invited BO to come back, and - to come back in a very specific way. she DID come back - but NOT in the way I'd asked her to, or as I'd expected. And when she didn't visit, I was not only disappointed, I was deeply grieved by her absence. Ultimately she DID return; as I said it was on 12.31.21. now look at that date . . . and look at the date I started this thread. It was opened 12.31.17 the SOLE PURPOSE of this thread is to establish the CERTAINTY of the existence of our pets in the afterlife.

think on that.

on 12.31.21 BO returned in a very specific way. It was NOT the WAY I'd asked her to return – or WHEN I'd hoped and expected she'd return, but in her own way and with her own very specific message – a message specifically for ME.

On 12.31 several days after she left, I saw BO in a dream. she had a bright red bandanna on and she was up by the barn standing on an old logging road where we'd walked almost every day. she loved that walk. That road led up past the barn and wound around to the pistol range and woodlot. it had been one of her favorite places to go, but because of the small grade, in her debilitated condition it was a bit difficult for her to do in the last few weeks of her life. Despite the difficulty involved, on several occasions she'd wanted to go there. Since I knew she was leaving soon, I'd helped her to go and we'd been able to walk it together as we'd done in the past.

In the wood lot were several large blocks of ash waiting for the splitter. when we arrived at the wood lot we'd sit for a bit; me on a block of ash and BO beside me. I'd talk to her there, scratch her special places and tell her that I loved her. I'd explain that soon she'd be going to the meadow; that when she got there she should go and find grandpa Joe and Moses and all the others who'd run on up ahead. I told her she'd be staying with grandpa Joe and that I'd come to get her as soon as I was free to come. I asked her to go and to wait and remember and, I reassured her that we'd be along “soon enough”. I told her that although I wouldn't be able to see her for a little while, it would be just like when she'd run on up ahead of me and gone around a curve in the road on our walks. That just like those times, she'd be out of my sight for just a little while. I told her I'd always love her. I told her that no one would ever be able to replace her in my heart.

In the dream on 12.31, her first visit, I saw her standing on the road just past the barn. She was headed toward the wood lot. I was looking at her from the right side and slightly behind her, maybe 15 feet. she was stopped on the road looking back toward me, smiling, but ready to continue on. the impression was "I'm waiting for you to catch up to me. Lets go!" about 10 feet past where she was standing, the road takes a turn to the left. if I were to remain stationary, standing where I was when I initially saw her, and, were she to continue walking, within 15 - 20 feet she'd have gone around the bend and disappeared from my sight.

At first I didn't understand any of this imagery. Eventually I came to understand that BO WAS SHOWING ME THAT SHE'D SIMPLY RUN ON AHEAD. she wanted me to know she'd arrived safely and I knew that she understood that SHE WAS TO WAIT FOR ME, just as I asked. Also bear in mind – this visitation occurred 3 days AFTER BO left - not immediately as had ALWAYS been my experience – but on the day I'd started this thread “evidence of our pets in the afterlife” 4 years earlier. as I said above, this thread was started with ONE PURPOSE in mind: to document evidence of our pets in the afterlife.

BO returned a second time – once again, 3 days later – on 1.3.22 with yet another profound and very specific message clearly for me. Remember Gracie? Remember that I was uncertain about her? to be brutally honest, although I loved Gracie, I was feeling a bit GUILTY about having her, given the above history

on 1.3.22 I dreamed I was standing in the living room and a dog came walking out from between the couch and the crate we'd set up for Gracie when she first arrived as a puppy. The dog in my dream looked up at me. It was BO with her characteristic smiling BO face. The same face that's in the picture I've labeled “one of her last” (in her thread above). I said very excitedly OH LOOK! BO's HERE! And then suddenly, as she continued to walk toward me the dog changed and it became Gracie's face that that I was seeing. It was GRACIE – NOT BO – that was walking to me. I didn't understand that imagery right away either. Eventually I came to understand that BO was telling me I need to be focused on Gracie now; that I shouldn't feel guilty; that I should love Gracie the way I'd loved her, and that it was OK. That Gracie wanted to become - and WOULD become - my dog now that BO was gone. Not only was that “OK” it was what BO had wanted and what BO had understood from the very beginning.

I was thankful BO had passed by once again, but I was also sad . . . somehow I knew that was the last in depth message I'd receive from BO . . . and thus far, other than for several winks and “pop ins”, it has been. I'll share some of those below . . .

as described and pictured in her thread (https://www.timebomb2000.com/xf/ind...ing-bo-pictures-added-44.613225/#post-8898367 ) we had a very special baby blue spruce tree for BO's last Christmas - her 15'th - with us. We called it “the BO tree”. As you learned in the “BO thread” (above) and can see in the pictures below, It was decorated with special ornaments commemorating our fur kids – both here and on the other side. You could see this tree from a window in the master bath. The tree sat on the fireplace hearth in the cook house. After BO left, there was ONE small light on a string of lights that flickered on and off incessantly despite the fact that EVERY OTHER LIGHT on that tree burned steadily. that had NOT happened before BO left and that tree had been out there easily for a week. One night I went out to investigate that. The light was directly behind a clear glass ornament that had been specially made for BO. it had been made THIS YEAR and had arrived just before she passed. It had her name on it. Just as we promised her, the “ BO tree” has since been planted up on the bank between the wood shop and the house. It overlooks the drive where it can be seen when ever you come up the road to the house or walk out the back door. I like to think that BO sits there and watches our comings and goings



BO loved to be out in cook house. In the summer she'd go and lay in a specific spot near the hearth on the concrete floor. Once, several weeks after she'd left, when I was in that place between sleep and wakefulness, I saw her walking away from me toward the cook house along a paver sidewalk I'd built between it and the back porch. Raggedyann wanted it; said that the dogs didn't like walking on the wash stone. BO ALWAYS used that walk – the others not so much.

more recently, I was sitting at the computer in my chair; I'd dozed a bit . . . once again I'm in that “between sleep and wakefulness” state. the instant I became fully awake, I recalled that I'd been looking down at BO from my chair - right where I was sitting at the time. she'd been there, beside me - looking up at me - just as she would have done in life. I saw her face perfectly. she had a certain way of licking her lips and shifting her weight from side to side on her front legs; her ears would be up and her head would be cocked in a very specific fashion and she'd shift her weight from side to side in the front. she'd just done that, and she'd done it just as she'd done in life when waiting expectantly to get a treat of some kind. It was EXACTLY what she'd done when she was in the kitchen or here beside the desk with me. and there just then, she'd done it once again, as I was "in between".

There have been several other things - “winks” as I call them. here are just a few . . .

when she was younger BO used to “dance for her breakfast” . . . she'd excitedly jump up in the air and twirl around 3 times. never more and never less. it was ALWAYS THREE. Gracie has recently started to do that. and she's done it EXACTLY as BO had done. BO had a unique way of greeting me when I came in the house. I'd get down on my right knee and BO would come over and put her head under my left thigh so I could scratch her and cuddle a bit. Grace has started to do that. None of the others have EVER done that with me. The day we arrived back home with BO's ashes there were TWO cards in the mail for BO. one was from Chance and Jazzy . . . the dogs had a unique bond in a way I'll not go into here, but suffice it to say there were strong similarities between them. the card advised us that there'd been a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation made in memory of BO. . . .there were 10 trees registered and planted in Superior National Forrest as a living memorial tribute. . . Remember that BO tree on the back bank? The other card was from a neighbor down the road. In the case of the latter when I first saw the card I thought the handwriting looked familiar . . . I actually thought it was my fathers handwriting, but he's been gone now just over a year. remember "Grandpa Joe"? that's my father. they adored each other. I fully believe BO is staying with Grandpa Joe until she can be with us once again.

just think about that. TWO cards arrive on THE day and at THE time we're bring BO back home. BOTH of them with greatly relevant, meaningful and indisputably direct spiritual connection to BO.

This last may be a reach – I don't know, but because there's been so much I'm going to share it anyway. Gracie came into heat the day BO left us. actually we came home to it having just started. I pondered the significance of it; BO leaving and Gracie rising and maturing - a real sea change. I'd considered it as a sign of the ending of one life and beginning of the ability to create another. Perhaps that's reaching – I don't know, but it seems to me that 7 months is kind of young for a first heat. I also know with certainty that NONE of her litter mates have yet come into heat but one - and that very recently – like within the past 2 weeks.

to summarize BO DEFINITELY returned twice with two separate and very specific messages for me. Each of those messages addressed a specific concern I'd had. The first - “I'm just up ahead; you can't see me from there, but I'm close and I'm waiting and watching”. BO repeated BACK TO ME exactly what I had told her. . . she'd UNDERSTOOD and she'd made that "understanding" clear to me. The second: “I'm still here but now you must love Gracie as you did me and BTW, that's perfectly OK”. that was important to me; I'd not felt as comfortable with Gracie as I should have. BO made that right. and she did it in a very specific way.

BO in the cook house

I got this from one of you here . . . who ever you were - many many thanks

"Grief never ends, but it changes.
It is a passage, not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith.
It is the price of love."

know dear old friend that you have always been - as you shall EVER BE - loved beyond measure.

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Res ipsa loquitur
writing the above for BO was tough. I am wrung out like a dish rag. the despair and the loss can just come out of nowhere and literally kick your butt into next week

I don't know if I can do Moses. he was not only more involved but visited more often. dreams; scents; the overpowering feeling of his presence at my side . . . MULTIPLE winks and what I call "pop ins" - the "dreams" that aren't really dreams but more like semi-waking visions and which occur when you are in the "in between place" . . . that place between being awake and being asleep. they slowed dramatically when Bear arrived. without doubt they are the reason Bear came.

Bear was sent to ease the overwhelming and perpetually present feeling of despair after the loss of Moses. Bear was sent by my FIL together with Moses. the story of "how Bear came to be" would be absolutely amazing to those who read it - believers or not. I know with certainty that Moses is with my FIL Bob. I also know with absolute certainty that the two of them SENT Bear to us.

the "Care Bear" - as we've come to call him - is the most incredible dog we've ever had. loving. empathic. gentle yet certainly able to disembowel you SHOULD the need arise. he is HANDS DOWN Raggedyanns dog, and she is "his person". Bear helped to heal my heart after Moses left. Grace will heal it again now that BO has left. it goes without saying that neither the Care Bear or Grace will ever be able to replace the others.

ETA: given that whats been provided above isn't really sufficient to satisfy "inquiring minds", I suppose I should provide a bit of "lead in" to satisfactorily answer the WELL HOW DO YOU REALLY KNOW where Moses is and WHO sent Bear?

for those who are interested or care to explore further, you can start to assemble some of the background regarding "evidence that Grandpa Bob passed by" here: UNEX - Tales from the rainbow bridge – evidence of our pets in the afterlife

and some discussion regarding Moses over all situation just before he left here:
PRYR RQST - Moses needs prayer

at SOME POINT I will fill the rest of this in. BOTH as regards Moses and "how Bear came to be" . . . It's doubtful that will be in the near term future.
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Veteran Member
writing the above for BO was tough. I am wrung out like a dish rag. the despair and the loss can just come out of nowhere and literally kick your butt into next week

I don't know if I can do Moses. he was not only more involved but visited more often. dreams; scents; the overpowering feeling of his presence at my side . . . MULTIPLE winks and what I call "pop ins" - the "dreams" that aren't really dreams but more like semi-waking visions and which occur when you are in the "in between place" . . . that place between being awake and being asleep. they slowed dramatically when Bear arrived. without doubt they are the reason Bear came.

Bear was sent to ease the overwhelming and perpetually present feeling of despair after the loss of Moses. Bear was sent by my FIL together with Moses. the story of "how Bear came to be" would be absolutely amazing to those who read it - believers or not. I know with certainty that Moses is with my FIL Bob. I also know with absolute certainty that the two of them SENT Bear to us.

the "Care Bear" - as we've come to call him - is the most incredible dog we've ever had. loving. empathic. gentle yet certainly able to disembowel you SHOULD the need arise. he is HANDS DOWN Raggedyanns dog, and she is "his person". Bear helped to heal my heart after Moses left. Grace will heal it again now that BO has left. it goes without saying that neither the Care Bear or Grace will ever be able to replace the others.

ETA: given that whats been provided above isn't really sufficient to satisfy "inquiring minds", I suppose I should provide a bit of "lead in" to satisfactorily answer the WELL HOW DO YOU REALLY KNOW where Moses is and WHO sent Bear?

for those who are interested or care to explore further, you can start to assemble some of the background regarding "evidence that Grandpa Bob passed by" here: UNEX - Tales from the rainbow bridge – evidence of our pets in the afterlife

and some discussion regarding Moses over all situation just before he left here:
PRYR RQST - Moses needs prayer

at SOME POINT I will fill the rest of this in. BOTH as regards Moses and "how Bear came to be" . . . It's doubtful that will be in the near term future.
I hear you RM, I hear you!

We got our Chippy just months after our wedding. When he died we were suffocated with grief. But then came Ruffy and after him KC and after him Riley. Each loss nearly killed us. I can cry just thinking of each of them and can.not.wait. to meet them again in Glory.

Needless to say, our newest little (60 lbs.) guy Ziggy has been the God send to heal us and embody the rest of his brothers. (post 126) I don't think we could do life without a dog!