Border Collie

So, I upped my dose of DE from the equivalent of 1/2 teaspoon each morning to 2 teaspoons and definitely had more energy. The second day I took a second dose at 1 or 2pm, and within 30 minutes felt very tired the rest of the day. I backed down to the 2 teaspoons (a heaping kitchen/dinner spoon) and have more energy than before.

This got me to wodnering why anyone would have noticeably more energy from taking this stuff.
If it is parsites that cause me to be tired, then taking sufficient DE would kill some off and leave me with more energy, but in the first day?
And does taking twice that amount kill too many parasites for my body to expel or something, and I get tired again from dead parasites?

Could the energy be due to other reasons?
Border Collie


Veteran Member
The only thing I am consistant at is being inconsistant.

So with that said, if I get up and take a big glass of water with some DE in it, I feel X

If I just get up and go about things, I feel Y.

If I get up and drink a big glass of water with nothing in it, I am usually closer to X than Y.

Does this apply to the above post?

Border Collie

The only thing I am consistant at is being inconsistant.

So with that said, if I get up and take a big glass of water with some DE in it, I feel X

If I just get up and go about things, I feel Y.

If I get up and drink a big glass of water with nothing in it, I am usually closer to X than Y.

Does this apply to the above post?

I understand you are suggesting the difference is hydrating early in the morning, or more than usual. I drink easily two 32oz glasses of water a day, more if I'm working in the heat.
When I take DE, I put the heaping teaspoon (or previously the 1/2 level teaspoon) in my mouth and than drink a mouthful of water to rinse it down. Not much water.

It's the DE, itself, which does something. I try hard to limit my changes to one factor at a time for accuracy.
But your suggestion was a fair one.

Border Collie


Time Traveler
So, I upped my dose of DE from the equivalent of 1/2 teaspoon each morning to 2 teaspoons and definitely had more energy. The second day I took a second dose at 1 or 2pm, and within 30 minutes felt very tired the rest of the day. I backed down to the 2 teaspoons (a heaping kitchen/dinner spoon) and have more energy than before.

This got me to wodnering why anyone would have noticeably more energy from taking this stuff.
If it is parsites that cause me to be tired, then taking sufficient DE would kill some off and leave me with more energy, but in the first day?
And does taking twice that amount kill too many parasites for my body to expel or something, and I get tired again from dead parasites?

Could the energy be due to other reasons?
Border Collie

My theory is that it feeds the thyroid and/or adrenals, apparently low silica is a symptom of hypothyroid/hypoadrenia; silica must help the thyroid/adrenals function and as such your energy is that of someone with no thyroid/adrenal problems when taking the DE. Does that make sense?

I noticed that people who had hypoT symptoms seemed to get relief from their symptoms on DE, and lethargy is one of the many hypoT symptoms.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
It is quite a simple reason for more energy. The DIATOMACEOUS EARTH cleans the sidewalls of one's intestine allowing for nutrition to get absorbed.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
by Lawrence Wilson, MD
© February 2013, The Center For Development

The following definition is from the Encyclopedia Brittanica online:

“Peyer patch, any of the nodules of lymphatic cells that aggregate to form bundles or patches and occur usually only in the lowest portion (ileum) of the small intestine; they are named for the 17th-century Swiss anatomist Hans Conrad Peyer.
Peyer’s patches are round or oval and are located in the mucous membrane lining of the intestine. They can be seen by the naked eye as elongated thickened areas, and their surface is free of the projections (villi) and depressions (Lieberkühn glands) that characterize the intestinal wall. Usually there are only 30 to 40 patches in each individual.
In young adults they may be more numerous, and as a person ages they tend to become less prominent. Their full function is not known, but they do play a role in immunologic response and contain B and T cells similar to those found in peripheral lymph nodes.
In typhoid fever, these patches may become sites of inflammation, in which case they may develop into ulcerations, hemorrhages, or perforations.”


Helpful foods appear to be cooked vegetables in large quantities. Helpful procedures include the coffee enema, red heat lamp therapy or using a heat lamp sauna. Plenty of rest, enough spring water, many vitamins, belly breathing, and some exercise are also helpful.
Also, according to the book, The Oil That Heals by William McGary, MD, Edgar Cayce stated that castor oil packs are helpful for the Peyer’s patches.
Particularly harmful foods are sugars of all types, including fruits, alcohol, and heated vegetable oils. The emotion of anger is also harmful. Irradiation of the intestinal tract is also quite harmful. This occurs with lower GI x-rays, intravenous pyelograms (IVP), and can occur with other x-rays and CT scans of the abdomen, ovaries, colon, liver, stomach and spleen areas.


Health conditions that are often related to problems with the Peyer’s patches include all of those related to the skin of the face and neck, and sometimes the hands. I do not know why this is so. It includes conditions such as acne, melasma, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis of the face, impetigo, spider veins, petechiae, and a nasty healing reaction that occurs during nutritional balancing programs in some advanced people called the agony. This is an itchy elimination of toxins through the skin of the face.
All of these conditions are secretory, meaning they are types of toxin elimination that occurs often when the Peyer’s patches are not doing their job correctly. The body compensates by eliminating more toxins through the skin of the face. As the Peyer’s patches are strengthened, this goes away, as well. In this regard, the Peyer’s patches are directly involved with having beautiful skin on the face and neck, in particular.

Slow healing. An important note is that healing the Peyer’s patches usually takes a while, and is not the first thing to occur during a nutritional balancing program. For this reason, some skin conditions, such as rosacea, can take a while to resolve. Others are easier, such as acne, eczema and others, but some skin conditions that are directly tied to the Peyer’s patches can take much longer to heal. One must understand this and not become discouraged if skin conditions, especially on the face and neck, take some years to clear.

Normally, as a person ages, the Peyer’s patches atrophy, meaning they become fewer in number and smaller. They also do not function as well, and this causes the proliferation of infection in the small intestine in many cases. It is a sign of aging that pathologists and others who study the human body in detail are well aware of.
Nutritional balancing changes all this. Slowly, the Peyer’s patches, which are very important lymphatic structures, are restored to their normal size and then they actually hypertrophy, or grow in size and number. This is a way for a surgeon, for example, to know if a person has been following a nutritional balancing program compared to all other nutritional or medical healing programs that I am aware of.
After a person has begun a nutritional balancing program, not only do the Peyer’s patches become restored and hypertrophy, but the same occurs with the thymus gland. This is another lymphatic organ or set of lymphatic tissues that normally atrophies as a person grows older. This is very important because this process of restoration of the lymphatic tissue throughout the body is a hallmark of a nutritional balancing program. This is the most important point of this article.


It appears to be due to a combination of factors, including:
1. The diet of mainly cooked, not raw vegetables. This provides many phytonutrients the patches require.
2. Targeted supplements based on the metabolic type and other factors that are specifically used not to combat symptoms, but to balance the hair tissue mineral ratios.
3. Making the body more yang.
4. Detoxification of the entire body.
5. Moving energy downward through the body.
6. Balancing and strengthening the autonomic or vegetative nervous system.


Peyer’s patches are involved in not only protecting the intestines from infection, but are also eliminative organs. This is a major function of the Peyer’s patches.

The lymphatic system. This has to do with their role as a central part of the human lymphatic system. All of the seven major energy centers or sectors of the body have lymphatic tissue, which is crucial for elimination. Roughly, here is the distribution of this tissue:

1st center. Groin lymph nodes
2nd center. Ovaries, testes and groin lymph nodes.
3rd center. Peyer’s patches.
4th center. Underarm lymph nodes and thymus “gland” (really it is mainly lymphatic tissue, as are some other glands.
5th center. Lymph nodes of the neck.
6th center. Tonsils and adenoids.
7th center. Lymphatics of the head.

The fact that the Peyer’s patches are involved in elimination or detoxification is extremely important to appreciate. In order to restore the body, one must eliminate all of the toxic metals and hundreds of toxic chemicals from the body. This is a long and complex process. There are no short cuts such as chelation or any other simple way to do this. Chelation is dangerous, from my perspective, and I discuss this in another article by this name (Chelation Therapy).
Thus, the Peyer’s patches have a special role in detoxification or elimination of wastes. They are, in fact, an important part of the small intestine’s eliminative role.
Unlike all other lymphatic tissue, the Peyer’s patches, due to their location, are able to direct toxins either back to the bloodstream through the lymph channels, or toxins can be moved directly into the small intestine for elimination through the feces. This is quite unique and important for certain types of toxin elimination.


The small intestine is a major organ of detoxification. It is not just an organ that absorbs nutrients, as one learns in school. Here are the ways the small intestine participates in the process of elimination of waste matter from the body:

1. The bile is eliminated through the small intestine. Bile is a waste product of the liver and pancreas, to a degree, although it also contains certain enzymes and other nutrients the body requires. This is why some of it is re-absorbed.
2. Normal rapid turnover of the cells of the small intestinal lining. These can be used to eliminate some toxins. During a nutritional balancing program, the body may actually ‘shed’ entire, though small sections of small intestine that are very toxic. This comes out in the bowel movement as longer, twisted strings or pieces of tissue. Some people mistake them for tapeworms, on occasion.
3. Excretion through the Peyer’s patches, as explained above in brief.
4. Diarrhea, which is a more extreme and faster method of eliminating toxins from the stomach, liver or elsewhere.
5. Development of polyps, cysts, tumors and “draining infections”, on occasion. While some of these are simply pathological, others are a method by which the body walls off toxic material and then eliminates it. The latter occurs, at times, during a nutritional balancing programs. Symptoms may include some pain, some mild bleeding into the intestines, and the development of cysts and tumors that occasionally need surgical removal, although most will drop off by themselves after a time.


Peyer’s patches are located mainly near the navel or bellybutton in the lower abdomen. While it may sound odd, they may have something to do with what people call their “gut feelings”, which tend to be located in this area. The area can tighten up when something is not right, even if your brain says it is okay.


Peyer’s patches are not simply part of the body’s immune system, as is currently taught. They are also part of the body’s complex eliminative or detoxification systems.
On a nutritional balancing program, the Peyer’s patches are restored and even may hypertrophy as part of what I call “mental or spiritual development” of a human being.


1. McGary, W. A., The Oil That Heals, A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments, A.R.E. Press, 1993.'S PATCHES.htm

Border Collie

Well, to be faithful in reporting, since the first few days of more energy I've been as tired as ever. I get 5-6 hrs sleep each night, not enough for me, and keep busy with a full time IT job and side work doing home repairs of all sorts. I don't have any idea why it helped at first, I don't think it was psychosomatic. I'm 56, and too driven I guess (?)
Border Collie


Border Collie... try taking it 3 weeks on, one week off, and see what happens. Many adaptogenic herbs (which is what this stuff keeps reminding me of in it's actions) "wear off" after a bit of time. Echinacea is one which MUST be stopped occasionally, or it's immune system stimulating action just doesn't work anymore.

I quit taking the DE in late Spring, mostly due to the crazy life lately and because I never seemed to find time to fill the capsules (the way I prefer to take it). Well, I crashed hard, and my chronic fatigue and fibromylagia flared up big time- to the point where I was nearly bedbound most of the last week. Basically, I milked the cow, strained and chilled the milk, fed the chickens and turkeys and gathered eggs- and that was it. Hubby was even finding his own meals at times. Some of this was due to a very, very busy 3 week stretch, during which we butchered 103 meat chickens, spent a few hours cutting it up, flash froze it, then I had to divide it all up into the appropriate bag sizes for various customers, etc. Normally, after those three days, I rest on the weekend, but both weekends, some of our kids/grandkids visited. By the third Monday, I almost literally couldn't get out of bed.

Anyway... long story short, I sat in the recliner and filled capsules all one afternoon (I was behind on more than just the DE, so finally got caught up a bit). Started taking it again, at the 3 capsules (about 3/4 tsp) dose, and REALLY crashed; chills, body aches, splitting headache. After two days of that, suddenly I could feel my metabolism and energy levels "shift"- began actually waking up in the morning, and while I'm just now working back into a full schedule, (and paying for it a bit with my old injuries), I'm surprised at how much it's helping.

I should add that I almost certainly have some thyroid dysfunction, and I *really* need to see an endocrinologist. My local idiot is worse than useless, and is beginning to strike me as downright dangerous. In the last 24 months, I went from rock solid, normal "slightly low" blood pressure (same as it has been since I was 16) to stroke level BP, and now it's back down again- but to the point where I'm blacking out if I get up from a sitting or lying position quickly. Her solution? "add more salt to your diet". Funny thing- it was just a year ago she was telling me to cut all salt OUT of my diet!

Speaking of which, if you are still suffering from extremely low energy levels, especially if it's not depression (one way to tell: people with chronic fatigue usually have lists of stuff they want to accomplish. Depressed people can't think of anything they really want to do) an endocrinology consult might not be a bad idea. Chronic stress (which I know you went through over the years) can really deplete the adrenals and cause other long-term effects.



Would absolutely love to hear some updates? What type of floaters did you guys have and for how long? Do you have clear skies now? :)

Deena in GA

Mistyx7, good to see you made it here! I thought about you the other day because I suddenly had floaters again. It only lasted a few minutes, though, and they've been gone ever since.


The end times are here.
I'm still using DE daily and have since early on since the beginning of this thread. I'm putting DE on the cat food to help the newest kitten addition to the family get rid of worms. It doesn't take much on their food to get results, haven't seen a tape worm in a while. I'll continue their treatment for another 2 weeks or so, that will make 6 weeks.

Floaters were mentioned; I have occasionally had them, but don't have them at this point and haven't for months. There have been times when large floaters, (black ones) would distract me particularly when riding my motorcycle, but that hasn't happened for quite a while. I had bright flashes out of the side of my right eye, but those went away, too. I can't say that I could attribute their disappearance to taking DE, but it's possible.

Dosage for me has been 1 level teaspoon per day. That's a kitchen measure type spoon, not a silverware type spoon. IMO, it doesn't take much DE to achieve a therapeutic dose.


Time Traveler
Summerthyme, the salt was to help your adrenals (low salt diets are really harmful, IMO). I use a half to one teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt in a glass of water if I really start dragging and my left eyelid starts twitching (weird sign of adrenal weakness, and I've had it since I was a little kid).

Go to to get read up on which thyroid tests to get, as well as other tests that will help you figure out what is going on. If you have the money, get a hormone and 4 stage cortisol test from ZRT Labs, it's a saliva test, and you can get a discount if you go through Canary Club. They also have a thyroid spot blood test available, all can be purchased as a kit.

Neighbor girl I told about the Diatomaceous Earth has been taking it 6 months, has lost 35lbs, and for the first time in her life her menses have regulated, she was given no hope by her doctors, but is sold on the DE. She's getting her family on it, too. Weight and hormone irregularities are both symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Border Collie

Would absolutely love to hear some updates? What type of floaters did you guys have and for how long? Do you have clear skies now? :)

I had red colored floaters for past 2 years. Eye Dr friend examined them, said he saw no problem, and was the fluid in my eye swirling around and pressing slightly on the retina, and that it makes different colors for different people. I tried to get a better explanation, but that was it. I only saw the red floaters in my peripheral part of vision, and only when I turned my head side to side quickly (checking road before making a turn, and only at night. The floaters were likely present in day time but I didn't see them.

Then in March of this year I started having black floaters and they would float in line of sight sometimes. Having recently read of summerthyme's experiences, and never before suspecting DE would do anything for the eyes, I started taking DE each morning (1/4 to 1/2 eating teaspoon directly in the mouth and then water to swish and mix and swallow, VERY carefully holding my breath to avoid breathing it into my lungs.

The dark floaters went away after a month or so. The two red ones went away after 2 or 3 months.

I stopped taking DE about early August.
The red floaters returned, slightly, not as bad as before the DE, but in the past 2 months the black floaters have not returned.

Border Collie

ETA: I use a simple metal spoon to take DE, and usually with my half spoon of raw honey (for allergies) and just before a couple slices of toast for breakfast.
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I actually registered here to talk to people about taking DE for floaters, but after about three months on DE I think I'm done. The only thing I've noticed after taking it is terrible constipation that isn't relieved by drinking massive amounts of water (over 65 ounces every day), eating lots of fruit, taking extra fiber, AND taking Miralax daily. And I only took 1/4 tsp of DE every other day, but I still ended up with a fissure from the constipation. Very disappointing. Truthfully, I wish I had never heard of this stuff now.

Border Collie

I'd be pretty sure the effects will go away in short order. It's truly sad you suffered those side effects.

It's very curious how various remedies, whether pharmaceutical or natural, affect individuals very differently. Some are helped, some are not.
Medical science does no better than we do in this regard, side effects are a crap shoot for them as well, warning patients of possible side effects and prescribing in a wait-and-see mode. And what else can they do? What else can we do, but try things out and wait for results.

I hope you find relief for these floaters.
Here is one discussion of them from 2006:
It describes the cause of them (post 24) better than I relayed from my eye doctor friend.

Border Collie


It's a bummer alright. I've heard a lot of people say DE actually made them more regular. At first it made me sick - I couldn't stop going. And then after a while, I had trouble even when I was pounding the water, fiber, and Miralax. And with such a small dose, too! Very strange. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I certainly didn't notice any change in energy (I'm constantly tired), muscle aches, my neuropathy, or anything else. Just bad side effects all around. I thought at first I was detoxing, but who knows? Maybe my body just doesn't want it.

Thank you for the link!
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Girls with Guns Member
I truly believe that not everything is going to work the same for everybody.

The majority of the population can take this or that, but there is always a small percentage who cannot for whatever reason, as their body rebels against it.

Lynn, you must be one of those people.

Regardless, I hope you stick around for more than one or two posts here at TB2K.



Time Traveler
Lynn, you may be reactive to silica. Are you on any medications? The silica could be interacting with that.

Or it could be a filler in the DE that you have, maybe try a different source for the DE? I got my last bag of DE at the feed store, (I've used several sources), it's for chickens and is certified food grade.

I've been getting floaters-I really need to make daily DE and Lugol's Iodine a habit again.


TB Fanatic
I've just started taking it again after a good while doing hit or miss. When this thread first started I had problems with being constipated, which was common for me. I just upped my magnesium capsules and it worked great. I have a brown spot on my cheek which diminishes greatly when I'm taking it and gets worse when I'm not. I'm determined to stick with it this time.



Veteran Member
Yes, that works, which is the idea behind Milk of Magnesia (much stronger, I am sure).

I also like to take some magnesium every day for various reasons. Have never tried this D earth stuff.


Veteran Member
I think I found a new use for DE . Hubby has jock itch. He put a paste of DE on it and within 10 minutes it felt much better.
Maybe the DE kills the yeasty beasts. Anyone else tried this ?


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
My usage of DE has been on and off again since I found this thread in May of 2013 (post #581 of this thread). I use it regularly (daily) for 5 to 8 months . . . and then just kind of "fall off the wagon", until I remind myself to climb back on. Then it's back to daily dosage. I take a simple spoon out of the silverware drawer (is that a Tbsp or a Tsp?), get a heaping spoon full, drop it into a 6 oz glass and fill it up with Almond milk. Makes a smoothie. I pound that and then head to work. At this round, I've been on it for several months. Again, I feel bloated, but BM's are regular. It's December, so, this time of year always leaves me sluggish. I don't know if the DE is doing me any good or not. LOL. I do use it around the house every year - a one foot sprinkle around the foundation to clear away 'creepy crawlers', I use a turkey baster to blast it onto wasps and wasp nests, sprinkle a little on the cat food in the morning, etc.

One question I have is this: I just got over a sinus infection. I usually do salt water netty pot treatments when I get a sinus infection (about once a year in the late fall). I'm wondering if DE in a Netty Pot would be a good thing or a bad thing? I thought about doing it, but was hesitant to actually try. Any one have any thoughts?

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TB Fanatic
I'm always glad to see this thread come up again. I have been taking it again, had the constipation, but get it regulated with additional magnesium. When I first started back in 2013 I noticed a surge in energy, not so much again though. I lost 40 pounds that year, not from DE, but eating a lot less, so that may have had something to do with my energy level.



if DE in a Netty Pot would be a good thing or a bad thing? I thought about doing it, but was hesitant to actually try. Any one have any thoughts?


Please, NO. This stuff doesn't dissolve... it suspends in water. You sniff a solution of DE in water into your sinuses, and you're going to have THE worst sinus irritation you can imagine...



Veteran Member
I'm not an expert in parasites, ....

but.... wonder if a person (or animal) with large tapeworms (which can grow more than 10 feet) may have a bout of constipation, as the parasite could block the intestinal tract temporarily, ... If the DE causes constipation, my thought is to use a good herbal colon cleanse for a time, and get the gunk moving out.

>>>>One of my professors (way back when) said that in autopsies performed, they'd typically find 8-40 pounds of impacted fecal matter, and parasites in 80% !!! :shk:

Excerpt from:

As parasites die, they release toxins through their excrement and from rotting. The most common parasites, the worm type, attempt to escape by burrowing deeper into the intestines, which can cause sharp cramps.

Even when dead, the body is still burdened with the task of flushing them out. This whole process can make the person feel sicker than he was before he began the cleanse, but this is only temporary, and it is a sign that the cleanse is working.

It is known as a Herxheimer reaction when people become sicker as a result of the toxins that are released by dying parasites. While fatigue and grogginess are to be expected, normal life may be continued, and diarrhea should not occur.

Eat a good, wholesome diet throughout the cleanse to ensure that your immune system is at its strongest. After the cleanse, you should feel better, have more energy, and experience sickness less often.

Ku Commando

I concur w/ summerthyme....however, I had this mental image of just foregoing the liquid and.....well, you know where I'm heading w/ this....

d69eaa51cf633c4af657b43d6fac2ecc.400x259x1.jpg not snort DE !!!!


Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
One question I have is this: I just got over a sinus infection. I usually do salt water netty pot treatments when I get a sinus infection (about once a year in the late fall). I'm wondering if DE in a Netty Pot would be a good thing or a bad thing? I thought about doing it, but was hesitant to actually try. Any one have any thoughts?


No! See above responses.

The only thing I have added to a sinus rinse, of salt and baking soda, is colloidal silver. I did this toward the end of my bot with west nile when I was desperate. I used 500ppm from Whole Foods and just squirted some in from the dropper.


Veteran Member
DE is not a cure all..

It eliminates parasites if a person uses it properly.. and eliminating parasites can bring better health..

The best way to take DE is to drink it in a glass of water,...BEFORE breakfast.
This puts a straight flush of it into an empty digestive system.
And be sure to drink MORE water than usual, at least 8 cups a day, because DE is dehydrating.

Taking it dry, or snorting is irresponsible and could have serious physical consequences.. .... not diagnosing and prescribing... just my thoughts.


Veteran Member
I guess this thread will never die...

Getting diatomaceous earth into your lungs could cause a lot of problems and even serious illness.

Just not a good idea.


Veteran Member
PS. I have a buddy that dabbled in chemistry and is pretty smart. I asked him about taking diatomaceous earth. He said, "Betty, do NOT ingest that stuff. Not a good idea."

And then I found this:

Here's a quote from that forum:

Do not take DE. I wasn't skeptical to take it at all because of all the amazing benefits that people seemed to encounter after ingesting it. I ordered food grade DE from a reliable website. I drank it for about two weeks and started having mild stomach pain, so I stopped drinking it. Then, I took acetaminophen for a headache one night and woke up the next morning with terrible stomach pain. After a few days of awful pain and nausea, I went to the ER. DE strips away ALL of the lining (mucus) in your stomach and intestines, so taking any sort of pain reliever is a bad idea.

The medicine seeps directly into the walls of your stomach and intestines causing severe gastroenteritis (which causes nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, lightheadedness, diarrhea, etc). Now, you may say that it was my fault for not doing enough research on taking a pain reliever soon after drinking the DE (which is true), but every doctor/PA/nurse that I spoke to said that drinking DE in the first place was a terrible idea.

Your stomach/intestine lining is there for a reason and stripping it away is never good, no matter how many benefits there are. You are getting rid of all of the good bacteria in your system. It's not worth it. It took weeks to recover, taking Zofran for nausea, hyoscyamine for diarrhea and cramps, and probiotics to replace what the DE had stripped away.


Veteran Member
DE is not powerful enough, or abrasive enough, to strip away your linings. As with anything else it should be used with common sense.
I take aspirin everyday and experienced no issues with DE. That one post was made by someone with two total posts. So, someone had issues (if it was really an honest post)? What about all the positive testimonials? I guess we should just ignore them and jump on the fear wagon.


Veteran Member
PS. I have a buddy that dabbled in chemistry and is pretty smart. I asked him about taking diatomaceous earth. He said, "Betty, do NOT ingest that stuff. Not a good idea."

And then I found this:

Here's a quote from that forum:

Do not take DE. I wasn't skeptical to take it at all because of all the amazing benefits that people seemed to encounter after ingesting it. I ordered food grade DE from a reliable website. I drank it for about two weeks and started having mild stomach pain, so I stopped drinking it. Then, I took acetaminophen for a headache one night and woke up the next morning with terrible stomach pain. After a few days of awful pain and nausea, I went to the ER. DE strips away ALL of the lining (mucus) in your stomach and intestines, so taking any sort of pain reliever is a bad idea.

The medicine seeps directly into the walls of your stomach and intestines causing severe gastroenteritis (which causes nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, lightheadedness, diarrhea, etc). Now, you may say that it was my fault for not doing enough research on taking a pain reliever soon after drinking the DE (which is true), but every doctor/PA/nurse that I spoke to said that drinking DE in the first place was a terrible idea.

Your stomach/intestine lining is there for a reason and stripping it away is never good, no matter how many benefits there are. You are getting rid of all of the good bacteria in your system. It's not worth it. It took weeks to recover, taking Zofran for nausea, hyoscyamine for diarrhea and cramps, and probiotics to replace what the DE had stripped away.


To much info missing from that post... How much did they take? Any prexisitng problems? Whats their medical history? etc...

Ive been taking this stuff religiously since the beginning of this thread (1 tbsp per day) and have not had anything remotely similar to this person experience. Actually the opposite. Im so skeptical when a low cost, effecient remedy, that works, is made to look so bad and terrible. Makes me think someone (drug industry) doesnt want you to use it.


I agree, there is no possible way a small amount of DE daily is going to hurt or damage the HEALTHY stomach lining of anyone. Someone who already has serious irritation (say, from taking aspirin or other NSAIDs) may possibly experience more inflammation, but that's it.

I've been taking it regularly (albeit with some "vacations" since my first post on this thread. It still consistently gives me more energy, needing less sleep, etc. Hubby takes it, but stopped when he broke his back, because "it makes me want to get too much done"... and of course, with a several fractures in his spine, that's *not* a good thing at the moment. He found the same thing when he first started taking it, before his hip replacement. It was giving him even more energy and "drive" (and this is a man who still works circles around men 1/2 his age), and that wasn't doing his trashed hip any good. He decided to stop it until after he had the joint replacement, then started it again about 4 weeks later.

It's funny... the person in the above post "took a pain reliever shortly after taking the DE"... but is blaming the DE... when it's a *proven* fact that NSAIDS cause exactly the damage/pain/problems she experienced.

But for sure, it's NOT mainstream, and any doctor or nurse who values their license *can't* tell you to take the stuff. If they are completely unfamilar with it, I don't even really blame them. But this sort of thing is why I research and filter *any* advice I get from medical professionals... there are excellent ones, and then- the majority, sadly, at least out here in the depressed rural boonies- who lack any intellectual curiosity, and who stopped learning anything meaningful about the time they closed their school books.


China Connection

TB Fanatic
Ah, listen to the establishment and you will die young.

Does one need DE????

Depends on diet and exercise. Really god diet with plenty of exercise then it is probable that you don't need DE. Very few are on such a diet these days.

Look at the claims below.


Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Human Benefits
Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits (18)
Pet Benefits (7)
Pest Control (35)
Farm & Garden (15)
A-Z Guide (84)
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Food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is a gentle abrasive that's also highly absorbent. DE is almost entirely made of silica, an important component of human ligaments, cartilage, and musculature. This unique resume makes DE one of the cheapest and most versatile health products on the market.

Taking DE:

DE works as an amazing supplement; there are a couple of main reasons for this: 1) DE helps move things out of your intestines and 2) helps promote healthier hair, skin, bones, and joints.


Take DE on an empty stomach. We recommend starting small and slowly working your way up to a higher dose; begin with a teaspoon added to at least 12 ounces of liquid. Mix vigorously and drink immediately.

The chalky flavor and gritty texture are typical of DE mixed with water. Try adding DE to a drink with more flavor (milk, orange juice, coffee, smoothies) or to foods like yogurt or oatmeal.

You may experience your body responding to the detox effects of DE. Counteract these by increasing your fluid consumption.

Try either of our Green Smoothie or Coconut Cocktail DE recipes.

The Benefits of Taking DE:

Now that you know how to take DE, you need to know what DE will do for you. As stated before, taking DE can help promote healthier stronger hair, skin, bones, and joints.


The part of DE that our bodies absorb is actually a primary ingredient in many of the over-priced hair supplements at your local pharmacy. If you have thinning hair you can begin to see new hair growth in just a few weeks.


Collagen, another fundamental building block of healthy skin, production is helped by the presence of silica from DE. That extra collagen will make your skin smoother and fuller, keeping that healthy look.


DE's silica is not only an essential component of hair, but it is essential to having strong nails. So if you have nails which are brittle, take some DE to see them get stronger in just a few weeks.

Interested in learning more about how DE can help your hair, skin, and nails? Click Here!

Internal Benefits

Taking DE won't just be a help to the way you look externally, but it will help your internals too:

DE can actually help create more regular bowel movements and detox your digestive system.

Increased collagen production supports healthy digestion allowing your body to absorb more nutrients and flush out more unnecessary waste.

Looking to lose some weight? Collagen helps support a healthy metabolism which can help you manage your weight when combined with diet and exercise.

Collagen helps promote joint health and can reduce joint pain over time and strengthen the cartilage that cushions our joint movements.

Studies have also shown that DE, when taken daily, can help promote healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

External Use
DE is also a long-time ingredient in many dental, skincare, and cosmetic products. Why bother spending money on costly cosmetics and personal care products when you can make your own?


DE is used in teeth polishing compounds and toothpastes but, did you know that you can make your own all natural toothpaste using DE? That's right, a simple recipe that combines all natural ingredients can help give you cleaner teeth.


DE Also works as a fantastic exfoliator making it a perfect addition to many skin care products.

If you make soap at home, consider adding DE for some gentle exfoliation
Mix your DE with essential oils to create a skin cleansing cream or mask; it will help clear up your skin and clean your pores
Add DE to the skin care products you already own to improve them
You can even add DE and essential oils to your bubble bath for extra scrub!
The scope of DE's ability to promote your health is extremely broad making it the best "bang-for-your-buck" option on the market. is the only DE supplier in compliance with FDA supplement regulations. We pride ourselves on our ability to supply a product thousands have come to rely upon for maintaining their health.