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Report: New York City Morgues Near Capacitya

Report: New York City Morgues Near Capacity
Medical personnel wait for motorists to pull up for COVID-19 coronavirus testing facility at Glen Island Park, Friday, March 13, 2020, in New Rochelle, N.Y. State officials have set up a “containment area” in the New York City suburb, where schools and houses of worship are closed within a 1-mile …

AP Photo/John MinchilloJoshua Caplan25 Mar 2020831

The Department of Homeland Security was notified that New York City’s morgues are nearing capacity, a federal official and another individual with knowledge of the matter told Politico.
Politico reports:
Officials were told that morgues in the city are expected to reach capacity next week, per the briefing. A third person familiar with the situation in New York said that some of the city’s hospital morgues hit capacity over the last seven days. If the available morgue space in New York City fills up as the number of COVID-19 deaths increases, federal help will be available, a former senior administration official said, noting that the George W. Bush administration sent mortuary assistance in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the September 11 attacks.
For now, city officials do not seem especially alarmed. Aja Worthy-Davis, a spokesperson for the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), said concerns about morgue capacity may be unfounded. In Manhattan alone, she said, OCME’s morgue can store up to 900 bodies. The city has a morgue for each of the five boroughs, she said.
Worthy-Davis told the news outlet that the city has the resources to increase capacity “pretty dramatically,” adding that “If you look back at what we did during 9/11, we have the ability to create mobile stations that allow us to house bodies if we run out of space.”

“All hospitals within the city tend to have small morgue spaces, so it’s possible that with the capacity of hospitals in New York City, there may be an expectation … that they’ll run out of morgue space,” she added.
The added pressure on New York City morgues comes as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Big Apple officials are considering closing some streets, along with parks and playgrounds to contain the coronavirus outbreak. As of Wednesday, the state has 30,811 concerned cases.

“The plan is going to pilot closing streets in New York City because we have much less traffic in New York City. We have many fewer vehicles in New York City. Open streets,” Cuomo said at his daily press conference. “People want to walk. They want to go out and get some air. You want a less dense area, so pilot closing streets to cars, opening streets to pedestrians.”


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
coalcracker said:
I would not go cold turkey and just stop taking it, but if you have the home machine to monitor your BP numbers (not expensive), and if you started to wean off the ace inhibitor bit by bit while constantly monitoring BP.....

well, I'm not a medical guy, and I would never give anyone medical advice other than consult with your doctor....

but maybe there is a dosage that would keep BP down (a pill every 2 or 3 days?) and not overly raise the complications from virus risk? (which we are not even sure about, but data suggests a correlation).

No health professionals would ever tell us to do this, of course.

Just pondering possibilities. None of this is advice. My doctorate is not in medicine. Nor is it in anything else. :)
As posted previously, contact your doctor and most are accepting telephone calls to write you scrips for you meds for 3 months and a total of 12 months. Then have your pharmacy fill the first 3 months supply and pay for the remaining 9 months and use a drug discount card such as GoodRx or CVS or Walgreen's discount cards.
Most pharmacies will do this.
Study links cardiac injury among hospitalized Covid-19 patients to greater risk of death
From CNN’s Jacqueline Howard and Gina Yu

Evidence is emerging that injury to the heart may be a common condition among people hospitalized with Covid-19, according to a new study, and it’s linked to a greater risk of death for those patients.

The study, published in the medical journal JAMA Cardiology on Wednesday, found that among a group of 416 adult Covid-19 patients hospitalized in Wuhan, China, 82 patients — 19.7% — had cardiac injury. The death rate was higher among patients with cardiac injury versus those without: 42 of the patients with cardiac injury died — 51.2% — versus 15 of those without cardiac injury, or 4.5%.

Cardiac injury, sometimes also referred to as myocardial injury, occurs when there is damage to heart muscle and such damage can occur when blood flow to the heart is reduced —vwhich is what causes a heart attack.

Though the study showed cardiac injury is a common condition among patients hospitalized with Covid-19, it did not indicate whether Covid-19 directly causes cardiac injury.

The authors state the mechanism of cardiac injury among these patients with Covid-19 remains uncertain, and more evidence is needed to demonstrate Covid-19 directly injures the heart.

Another key “is the potentially important long-term issue," said Brooks Gump, the Falk Family Endowed Professor of Public Health at Syracuse University in New York, who was not involved in the study.

"Many patients who pull through may still have cardiac injury and associated long-term cardiovascular issues as a consequence of Covid-19 infection."





Sean Davis


Covid Act Now's models are demonstrable garbage, yet panicky and incompetent public officials who are too stupid to look under the hood are using them and destroying millions of livelihoods all across the country.
Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-Advised Lockdowns

How a handful of Democratic activists created alarming, but bogus data sets to scare local and state officials into making rash, economy-killing mandates.

As U.S. state and local officials halt the economy and quarantine their communities over the Wuhan virus crisis, one would hope our leaders were making such major decisions based on well-sourced data and statistical analysis. That is not the case.
A scan of statements made by media, state governors, local leaders, county judges, and more show many relying on the same source, an online mapping tool called COVID Act Now. The website says it is “built to enable political leaders to quickly make decisions in their Coronavirus response informed by best available data and modeling.”

An interactive map provides users a catastrophic forecast for each state, should they wait to implement COVID Act Now’s suggested strict measures to “flatten the curve.” But a closer look at how many of COVID Act Now’s predictions have already fallen short, and how they became a ubiquitous resource across the country overnight, suggests something more sinister.
When Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins announced a shelter-in-place order on Dallas County Sunday, he displayed COVID Act Now graphs with predictive outcomes after three months if certain drastic measures are taken. The NBC Dallas affiliate also embedded the COVID Act Now models in their story on the mandate.

The headline of an NBC Oregon affiliate featured COVID Act Now data, and a headline blaring, “Coronavirus model sees Oregon hospitals overwhelmed by mid-April.” Both The Oregonian and The East Oregonian also published stories featuring the widely shared data predicting a “point of no return.”


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer cited COVID Act Now when telling her state they would exceed 7 million cases in Michigan, with 1 million hospitalized and 460,000 deaths if the state did nothing.
A local CBS report in Georgia featured an Emory University professor urging Gov. Brian Kemp with the same “point of no return” language and COVID Act Now models.

The models are being shared across social media, news reports, and finding their way into officials’ daily decisions, which is concerning because COVID Act Now’s predictions have already been proven to be wildly wrong.
COVID Act Now predicted that by March 19 the state of Tennessee could expect 190 hospitalizations of patients with confirmed Wuhan virus. By March 19, they only had 15 patients hospitalized.

In New York, Covid Act Now claimed nearly 5,400 New Yorkers would’ve been hospitalized by March 19. The actual number of hospitalizations is around 750. The site also claimed nearly 13,000 New York hospitalizations by March 23. The actual number was around 2,500.


In Georgia, COVID Act Now predicted 688 hospitalizations by March 23. By that date, they had around 800 confirmed cases in the whole state, and fewer than 300 hospitalized.

In Florida, Covid Act Now predicted that by March 19, the state would face 400 hospitalizations. On March 19, Gov. Ron DeSantis said 90 people in Florida had been hospitalized.

COVID Act Now’s models in other states, including Oklahoma and Virginia, were also far off in their predictions. Jordan Schachtel, a national security writer, said COVID Act Now’s modeling comes from one team based at Imperial College London that is not only highly scrutinized, but has a track record of bad predictions.

Jessica Hamzelou at New Scientist notes the systematic errors researchers and scientists have found with the modeling COVID Act Now relies on:

Among other issues, COVID Act Now lists the “Known Limitations” of their model. Here are a few that seem especially alarming, considering they generate a model for each individual state:

So why is the organization or seemingly innocent online mapping tool using inaccurate algorithms to scaremonger leaders into tanking the economy? Politics, of course.
Founders of the site include Democratic Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins and three Silicon Valley tech workers and Democratic activists — Zachary Rosen, Max Henderson, and Igor Kofman — who are all also donors to various Democratic campaigns and political organizations since 2016. Henderson and Kofman donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, while Rosen donated to the Democratic National Committee, recently resigned Democratic Rep. Katie Hill, and other Democratic candidates. Prior to building the COVID Act Now website, Kofman created an online game designed to raise $1 million for the eventual 2020 Democratic candidate and defeat President Trump. The game’s website is now defunct.
Perhaps the goal of COVID Act Now was never to provide accurate information, but to scare citizens and government officials into to implementing rash and draconian measures. The creators even admit as much with the caveat that “this model is designed to drive fast action, not predict the future.”
They generated this model under the guise of protecting communities from overrun hospitals, a trend that is not on track to happen as they predicted. Not only is the data false, and looking more incorrect with each passing day, but the website is optimized for a disinformation campaign.
A social media share button prompts users to share their models and alarming graphs on Facebook and Twitter with the auto-fill text, “This is the point of no return for intervention to prevent X’s hospital system from being overloaded by Coronavirus.”

The daunting phrase, the “point of no return,” is the same talking point being repeated by government officials justifying their shelter-in-place orders and filling local news headlines.
Democrats are not going to waste such a rich political opportunity as a global pandemic. Americans already witnessed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats attempt to take advantage of an economic recession with a pipe-dream relief bill this week. Projects like COVID Act Now are another attempt to play the same political games, but with help from unknown, behind-the-scenes Democratic activists instead.
Our community leaders, the mayors and the city councils, deserve better than to be swindled by a handful Silicon Valley tech bros. Our governors and state officials deserve better data and analysis than a Democratic activists’ model that doesn’t adjust for important geographical factors like population density or temperature. Americans and their families deserve better than to be jobless, hopeless, and quarantined because of a single website’s inaccurate and hyperbolic hospitalization models.

Madeline Osburn is a staff editor at the Federalist and the producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Follow her on Twitter.

posted for fair use

A virus model is just that, a model. Like if your into weather at all you know there are over a dozen forecast models and depending on the inputs you get different outputs. No forecaster of any reputation makes a forecast on one model. But it's not like we don't have empiracle evidence along with the models. Simply look at Italy and the rapidly degrading situation in New York. I wouldn't throw this particular model out because we don't like the results just yet.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
New York City is in free fall and is going to go critical mass in the next 82 hours MAXIMUM. New York State now has 32,000 cases, and New York City now has 16,000 with a state wide kill of 300 or so. Yep, di blasio has doomed us all. The numbers don't include the YENS IF THOUSANDS OF NEW YORK CITY CITIZENS WHO HAVE FLED NYC IN TERROR, ARE NOT GOING TO SELF ISOLATE AT ALL AND ARE SPEWING VIRUS EVERYWHERE THEY GO. IT WILL BE THE ASYMPTOMATIC ONES THAT BUILD UP THE MASS OF CASES.
Britain’s deputy ambassador to Hungary, Steven Dick, has died after contracting coronavirus, writes the Guardian’s Shaun Walker in Budapest.

Shaun Walker


Deputy British ambassador Steven Dick, 37, died yesterday after contracting coronavirus. He was a really nice bloke and a great diplomat. Last week he told me he had the virus but was feeling fine. Awful.

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11:11 AM - Mar 25, 2020

1,944 people are talking about this[/URL]

Dick died in hospital in Budapest on Tuesday. He was 37. He had been with the foreign office since 2008 and had previously served in Kabul and Riyadh.

In a statement put out by the FCO this afternoon announcing the death, Steven’s parents Steven and Carol Dick said: “Steven was a much-loved son, grandson and nephew. He was kind, funny and generous. It was always his dream to work for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and he was very happy representing our country overseas.”

I got to know Steven a bit in the short time since he was posted to Hungary last October. He was a jovial, intellectually curious and extremely helpful person. He spoke fluent Hungarian, having undergone a year’s training before taking up his position last autumn.

Early last week, when I was on my way back to Budapest from abroad, he helped coordinate arrangements for me to get back into the country, and mentioned that he had tested positive for coronavirus, but at that time said he was feeling fine.

The foreign secretary Dominic Raab said: “I am desperately saddened by the news of Steven’s death and my heart goes out to his parents Steven and Carol. Steven was a dedicated diplomat and represented his country with great skill and passion. He will be missed by all those who knew him and worked with him.”




Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak
January 11, 2017

Anthony S. Fauci, MD,
director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades, advising the past five United States presidents on global health threats from the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s through to the current Zika virus outbreak.

During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.

“The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said.

While observers have speculated since his election about how Trump will respond to such challenges, Fauci and other health experts said Tuesday that preventing disease pandemics often starts overseas and that a proper response means collaboration between not only the U.S. and other countries, but also the public and private health sectors.

“We will definitely get surprised in the next few years,” he said.

‘Risks have never been higher’

Trump, the real estate developer-turned-Republican politician, has worried some infectious disease experts with controversial and sometimes unclear views on certain health issues.

Ronald Klain, who coordinated the U.S.’s Ebola response for the Obama administration, said Trump’s virtual silence about the Zika outbreak and harsh comments about American volunteers infected during the West African Ebola outbreak is “not the kind of leadership we need in our next president.”

“It’s hard to think of a more important time to show a willingness to speak out in the public health community and the global health community than it is right now on the eve of Donald Trump becoming our next president,” Klain said. “The risks have never been higher, and the question of his perspective on these issues has never been more dubious than it is with Donald Trump.”

Fauci and others noted some of the disease outbreaks that recent administrations have faced, including current President Barack Obama, whose administration was tested early on with an H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009. More recently, the administration was forced to repurpose almost $600 million in federal funds set aside for the Ebola outbreak when Republicans rejected Obama’s request for $1.9 billion to fund the nation’s Zika response.

Current Deputy Homeland Security Advisor Amy Pope, JD, said it was “typical” of the U.S. government that money meant for the Ebola epidemic was appropriated for Zika because of the proclivity of populations to worry about what is currently threatening them.

“We shouldn’t ask the American public to make those choices in the future,” she said. “It doesn’t keep them safe.”

Klain said pandemic preparedness should be approached from a nonpartisan angle. A Democrat, he referenced Republican President George W. Bush founding the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and said Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham collaborated with the Obama administration on the Ebola response.

“The mosquitoes don’t know if they’re biting Democrats or Republicans,” Klain said. “They don’t know what party you are.”

Other highlights

According to some of the experts who spoke on Tuesday, preparing the U.S. for pandemics requires proper funding and starts by battling disease outbreaks overseas. This is not just the right thing to do, but the best way to keep Americans safe, Klain said.

“There is no safety for us and our populace when infectious diseases rage,” he said. “The only way the American people can have safety and security in their lives is to promote safety and security around the world.”

Some other highlights from the forum:

  • Hamid Jafari, MD, acting director of the Division of Global Health Protection at the CDC, said the CDC has been productive during past presidential transitions and expects the same will be true as control of the White House passes from Obama to Trump: “We have room for optimism that there will be continuing support,” he said.
  • Pope said there is no playbook for fighting emerging infectious diseases: “We never know what’s going to hit us, so we need to be prepared as possible,” she said.
  • According to Pope, some in the health community are wary about working with the security community because they think it will be detrimental to their work, when the opposite is true: “Marrying these communities actually leads to more resources and more attention,” she said.
  • Bill Steiger, PhD, chief program officer of Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon and former director of the HHS Office of Global Health Affairs, said his first piece of advice for the incoming administration would be to budget time for HHS to focus on things other than domestic health issues, because a larger problem is inevitable: “Some international global health crisis will happen that will divert that attention. It has happened over and over again,” he said.
  • Steiger said the global health agenda, including programs like PEPFAR, is an “easy win” for the new administration: “Expand the funding if available, but at a minimum keep it going,” he said.
  • Fauci said he is in favor of a public health emergency fund that would be used to combat outbreaks like those involving Ebola and Zika: “It’s tough to get it … but we need it. What we had to go through with Zika was very, very painful when the president asked for $1.9 billion in February and we didn’t get [funding] until September.”
Near the end, Fauci speculated about the possibility that there will be a resurgence of Zika this summer. The virus has caused many travel-related cases in the U.S. and some locally acquired cases in Florida and Texas. Fauci said other concerns for the Trump administration include the potential for a new influenza pandemic and outbreaks of diseases that are not yet on anyone’s radar.

“What about the things we are not even thinking about?” he said. “No matter what, history has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen because [facing] infectious diseases is a perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we’re going to see this in the next few years.” – by Gerard Gallagher

Disclosures: Fauci, Jafari and Pope report no relevant financial disclosures. Infectious Disease News was unable to confirm relevant financial disclosures for Klain and Steiger at the time of publication.



passin' thru


Veteran Member
I fear a lot of them have fled to upstate N.Y. Born and raised there, I'm in N.C. now but most of my family live there.
Any stats on upstate? I'll try and find but I'm busy trying to play catch up on the thread. So much busier these days....

New York City is in free fall and is going to go critical mass in the next 82 hours MAXIMUM. New York State now has 32,000 cases, and New York City now has 16,000 with a state wide kill of 300 or so. Yep, di blasio has doomed us all. The numbers don't include the YENS IF THOUSANDS OF NEW YORK CITY CITIZENS WHO HAVE FLED NYC IN TERROR, ARE NOT GOING TO SELF ISOLATE AT ALL AND ARE SPEWING VIRUS EVERYWHERE THEY GO. IT WILL BE THE ASYMPTOMATIC ONES THAT BUILD UP THE MASS OF CASES.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Britain’s deputy ambassador to Hungary, Steven Dick, has died after contracting coronavirus, writes the Guardian’s Shaun Walker in Budapest.

Shaun Walker


Deputy British ambassador Steven Dick, 37, died yesterday after contracting coronavirus. He was a really nice bloke and a great diplomat. Last week he told me he had the virus but was feeling fine. Awful.

View image on Twitter


11:11 AM - Mar 25, 2020

1,944 people are talking about this[/URL]

Dick died in hospital in Budapest on Tuesday. He was 37. He had been with the foreign office since 2008 and had previously served in Kabul and Riyadh.

In a statement put out by the FCO this afternoon announcing the death, Steven’s parents Steven and Carol Dick said: “Steven was a much-loved son, grandson and nephew. He was kind, funny and generous. It was always his dream to work for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and he was very happy representing our country overseas.”

I got to know Steven a bit in the short time since he was posted to Hungary last October. He was a jovial, intellectually curious and extremely helpful person. He spoke fluent Hungarian, having undergone a year’s training before taking up his position last autumn.

Early last week, when I was on my way back to Budapest from abroad, he helped coordinate arrangements for me to get back into the country, and mentioned that he had tested positive for coronavirus, but at that time said he was feeling fine.

The foreign secretary Dominic Raab said: “I am desperately saddened by the news of Steven’s death and my heart goes out to his parents Steven and Carol. Steven was a dedicated diplomat and represented his country with great skill and passion. He will be missed by all those who knew him and worked with him.”

So much for the idea nobody under 60 can't both get the virus and die from it. We still have to the 28th for all the young fools who went to the Texas, Florida,and California beaches to start showing symptoms, and till april 4th to 1tth for the se ond wave of YOUNG AMERICAN FOOLS TO SHOW SYMPTOMS, SAY GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER.


Veteran Member

Donald J. Trump


Just reported that the United States has done far more “testing” than any other nation, by far! In fact, over an eight day span, the United States now does more testing than what South Korea (which has been a very successful tester) does over an eight week span. Great job!
But to late. Testing should have been much earlier and people not allowed to circulate sharing the virus. He has done better than many world leaders but we are past the testing phase and now into the suppression phase. Maybe next time CDC will get off their asses and make a test that works or get the hell out of the way of private labs that make test that work.

Tired of hearing how great the team is doing when at best it gets a C for a grade.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When we have a quick test for antibodies, to show who has already had it, gotten over it,
and also can't infect any others now, all those people can start going back to work, yes?

Panic Early, Beat the Rush!
- Shane


passin' thru


Veteran Member

^^ I am posting the info on this tweet so no one misses it.
Some doctors are hoarding medications touted as possible coronavirus treatments by writing prescriptions for themselves and family members, according to pharmacy boards in states across the U.S.

I was going to post the article but it required a sign-in.


TB Fanatic
Atul Gawande


Social Distancing Scoreboard uses GPS location data from millions of phones. Gives NY an "A" compared to other states, with NYC at -70% distance travelled post-COVID. Other states scare me, given case counts. We need national shelter in place.

Maybe that is due to the fact that so many of them CAME TO FREAKIN' FLORIDA!!! :gaah:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Why are they even going to the morgue? Shouldn't they be going from the hospital to the funeral home?
They don't go to the medical examiners office here unless there is some sort of foul play suspected.
Excludeing any dead homeless types that would go to that (I can't remember the name) place that NYC buries all that type of body.



NBC New York

#BREAKING New York now has 30,811 cases of COVID-19, 5,146 new. There are now 17,856 cases in NYC, 2,952 new

How Many in Tri-State Tested Positive for Coronavirus? See Latest Cases by the Numbers
More than 19,000 tri-state residents have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and health officials caution the number of confirmed infected will rise as the capacity for testing increases. The...

9:48 AM · Mar 25, 2020

The numbers for counties in MY are at least 4-5 days old. For example-Essex has 3cases, clinton has 4, saratoga has 54 and these numbers are from about Sunday. Albany is near or above 200. Saratoga, Warren, and Essex, probably Clinton are no longer testing anyone but people being admitted to hospital and first responders that document exposure. Albany and probably surrounding counties are doing same. There is now no way to observe where we are on the curve. Isn't that convenient for TPTB!
Call me pissed off about this. Just got an email from Dept. of Health NY asking if I would be willing to volunteer for more exposure, I think not. My age and wife's medical issues. Have agreement with squad capt. that I will again be avail for calls on the other side of this fiasco. Still, am about to shave beard of 53 yrs. so I can get N95 fit tested in a couple of hours. Take care, stay healthy, and to quote Nowski,"arm up".
The numbers for


Has No Life - Lives on TB
View attachment 188771

USPS logo
Breaking: USPS Priority Mail Guarantee Suspensions
March 24, 2020/in Reducing Transportation Costs /by Tony Nuzio

Priority Mail Express International Guarantee Suspension to Certain European Countries beginning March 23, 2020
Effective March 23, 2020, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) will be temporarily suspending the guarantee on Priority Mail Express International due to airline travel restrictions and widespread airline cancellations destined for the following countries:
  • France
  • Great Britain
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
In addition, the temporary suspension of the guarantee on Priority Mail Express International destined for China and Hong Kong, which has been effective since Monday, Feb. 10, 2020, is still in effect.

These suspensions will be in effect until further notice. The Postal Service is undertaking all reasonable measures to minimize the impact to our customers.

Please contact: Ashok Parasuram ( if you have questions.

Makes sense. International mail only hitches a rid to its destination country. Postal service does not run its own planes for mail.


Veteran Member
New York City is in free fall and is going to go critical mass in the next 82 hours MAXIMUM. New York State now has 32,000 cases, and New York City now has 16,000 with a state wide kill of 300 or so. Yep, di blasio has doomed us all. The numbers don't include the YENS IF THOUSANDS OF NEW YORK CITY CITIZENS WHO HAVE FLED NYC IN TERROR, ARE NOT GOING TO SELF ISOLATE AT ALL AND ARE SPEWING VIRUS EVERYWHERE THEY GO. IT WILL BE THE ASYMPTOMATIC ONES THAT BUILD UP THE MASS OF CASES.
See my post in the Bomb Shelter re Syracuse and Rochester