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On TB every waking moment

Top Biden Health Adviser Issues Warning We All Feared - Get Ready for More Shutdowns

By Samantha Chang
Published February 2, 2021 at 8:33am

As if Americans haven’t suffered enough from endless coronavirus restrictions, more shutdowns are coming, according to a health adviser to President Joe Biden.

Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease professor at the University of Minnesota, was a member of Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board during the transition.

Osterholm claims that a new coronavirus mutation circulating in the U.K. might wreak havoc in the United States.

Accordingly, he’s calling for mass pre-emptive shutdowns.

“I think that the B117 or the U.K. strain is going to become the dominant strain [in the United States],” Osterholm said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“And fortunately, that one has not shown its ability to evade the protection from the vaccine. But its ability to cause many more infections and much more serious illness is there.”

Osterholm did not specifically say why he feels the U.K. strain will become dominant in the U.S. Nevertheless, he claims more shutdowns are the solution to stemming viral spread.

“As fast as we’re opening restaurants, we’re likely to be closing them in the near term,” he said.

Osterholm then continued the trend of left-wing fearmongering by predicting that the new U.K. mutation will decimate the United States within the next three months.

“The fact is that the surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks,” he said. “And if we see that happen … we are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country.”

8:07 min

This sobering projection comes just as California, Illinois and other regions have begun easing restrictions amid mounting public outrage and economic collapse.

What all this suggests is that the Biden administration will ramp up — rather than wind down — coronavirus restrictions now that Democrats have unified control of the White House and both chambers of Congress.

To be clear, COVID-19 is a serious health crisis for which everyone should take proper precautions.

However, it’s not deadly for the vast majority of people, and it has a staggeringly high recovery rate of 97 to 99.75 percent, according to WebMD.

So the nonstop fearmongering of the panic-pimping media and Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top medical adviser on COVID-19, is not helpful.

Moreover, it’s hard to take “experts” such as Fauci seriously when he has flip-flopped on key issues, including:
In January 2020, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases insisted that the coronavirus was not a serious threat.
In January, Dr Tony Fauci was on my show telling America not to worry about the Coronavirus—that it wasn’t a major threat to the people. January 21, 2020, 20 seconds:
— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) April 3, 2020
In March 2020 — at the height of the pandemic in then-epicenter New York City — Fauci declared that Americans did not need to wear face masks.
I’m old enough to remember when Dr. Fauci went on 60 Minutes in March 2020 and said, “Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. … There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 21, 2021
Now, Fauci is calling for double-masking.

Nobody elected Anthony Fauci and Michael Osterholm, so it’s understandable that many Americans are outraged at being forced to take their marching orders from these bureaucrats.

Moreover, it’s important to keep in mind that COVID-19 is not the first global pandemic, and it won’t be the last. And, as we’ve seen from viral hotspots California and New York, imposing unconstitutional lockdowns and draconian mask mandates has not curbed viral infections.

8:36 min

The United States cannot remain indefinitely shut down or panic every time a new virus hits our shores. Everyone needs to get a grip.


On TB every waking moment
17:16 min
247 - An Update on COVID-19 in Brazil

•Feb 4, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

After public health measures helped stem a massive first wave of infections, fatigue set in, and Brazil is now facing the worst moment of the pandemic so far. Dr. Luana Araujo, a public health consultant for The World Bank, talks with Dr. Josh Sharfstein about why Brazil is struggling despite a robust universal health care system. She also makes the case for greater inclusion of Brazil in discussions of global health.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Maybe someone can help me out.

I've seen a statistic tossed about which has piqued my curiosity.

"the Coronavirus SARS-COV2 has a 99.8% survivability ratio!"

Anyone know where that stat came from? Perhaps more importantly, anyone know what data was used to calculate that stat?

Much thanks to anyone willing to share.


On TB every waking moment

At least 50,000 Italian Businesses Revolt, Reopen, America Must Do The Same

By Ulysses S. Tennyson | Feb 4, 2021

In January, while Americans were focused on the tyranny at home and the illegitimate installation of Joe Biden, some massive changes may have been occurring across the pond as tens of thousands of Italians peacefully revolted against their own illegitimate lockdowns.


Breitbart Reports:
“Thousands of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations. The mass civil disobedience campaign — launched under the hashtag #IoApro (#IOpen) — has seen as many as 50,000 restaurants opening despite evening curfew restrictions.”

It turns out that while Biden was usurping the Whitehouse, 50,000 Italian restaurant owners reopened their businesses. This was in defiance of illegitimate globalist mandates placed upon them by their government under the guise of the China Virus.

Below, a video shows restaurant goers telling tyrannical police officers to shove it as they shout them out. To their credit, the police offers do leave:
"Civil disobedience" tonight in Milan as Italians sick of the Coronavirus lockdown, reopened restaurants anyway& full of customers enjoying life again. Police tried to prevent it but were outnumbered and chased off by the customers.@MoriartyProfJ @JamesDelingpole @simondolan
— AnnaAC (@Anna_A_C) January 16, 2021
.45 min

Here is a similar case in which police are chanted out of an establishment for their illegitimate and unjust demands. To their credit, the police officers leave and the situation doesn’t escalate:
BOLOGNA, ITALY: Customers escort police out of the #IoApro restaurant under the cries of "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) January 16, 2021
.25 min

According to this account, one of the 50,000 restauranteurs made a video explaining himself:
Italy. 50,000 restauranteurs have decided to open up against Covid19 restrictions, lunch and dinner, banding together to form an alliance. This is the only way to stop this, mass civil disobedience. Long Live the People
✖️RISE✖️® (@timesuppeople) January 11, 2021
.29 min

Italian opposition leader Vittorio Sgrabi made a video in support of the revolt as well:
A very angry Italian opposition MP (@VittorioSgarbi) backs the #IoApro (#IOpen) movement & calls for an insurrection against government restrictions on businesses, he says "Open up, & don't worry, in the end we will make them eat their fines".
The revolution starts tomorrow.
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) January 14, 2021
Italy has strong ties to China–specifically Wuhan due to its $100 Billion fashion industry labor. As seems to often be the case everywhere, many of the legal and illegal Chinese immigrants and workers in Italy do not support Italy and seek to turn it into China.

Italy’s northern region saw the largest outbreak of the virus. This is due to Chinese propaganda pumped into their country. Early in 2020, little was known about the China Virus other than the frightening videos being leaked via social media from Wuhan. The Chinese government was running a massive coverup campaign. This coverup included a massive global pro-China propaganda campaigns, including shifting blame for the virus to America and other places.


Pro-China propaganda telling people it was racist to be cautious of coronavirus prior to any data being available. During this time, China was covering up all their data from Wuhan, China where the virus originated. The internet was abuzz with leaked photos from Chinese people in Wuhan showing frightening depictions of government responses to the virus and deaths. No science was yet available regarding the topic.

Italians were bombarded by this pro-Chinese propaganda. While Donald Trump had rightly banned Chinese travel earlier in January to slow the spread in America, Italians were receiving indoctrinating messages in their airwaves telling them that it was racist to be cautious during the first days of the virus, despite no data being available to prove this at the time. Because of this, “Hug a Chinese Person Day” was instituted. This very likely a reason why so many people got sick so fast in Italy, especially in this region. China would go on to use this intentional infection of Italy by China as an excuse to blame Italy for the outbreak

Some of the videos of the Pro-Chinese propaganda campaign that bombarded Italians can be found, below.

1:31 min

.52 min

Italians have every right to be upset. They were used as guinea pigs and scapegoats for their government and industries who have massive allegiances to China and do not seem to care about their own people.

American business owners need to rise up and walk in the footsteps of their Italian counterparts, or they will lose everything.


On TB every waking moment

How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees
February 4, 2021 (6h ago)


If you were online during January 2020 you likely saw the barrage of video clips that were supposedly coming out of China depicting ghastly “Coronavirus” scenes.

Most of those videos have been quietly wiped off the internet, but back in January and February those grisly videos were a viral sensation and they scared the sense out of Americans.

The videos captured supposed Coronavirus victims in various stages of pandemic horror. Some showed people foaming at the mouth and collapsing in the streets, while others featured ominous government officials wearing Hazmat suits, hovering over lifeless bodies struck down from the virus.

It was a virtual buffet of fear-porn, and Americans couldn’t get enough of it.
Personally, I saw hundreds of those videos. The comments from people sharing the clips would range from sarcastic “Just the flu” type stuff — intended to mock and shame anyone who tried to downplay the seriousness of the virus — to wild conspiracy theories claiming Coronavirus caused brain swelling, spontaneous convulsions, and instant death.

It was some of the most powerful video propaganda I’ve ever witnessed.

Imagine being a soccer mom and logging onto Facebook and seeing your sister-in-law’s post of a Chinese man foaming at the mouth and dropping dead, with the caption “Just the flu ” You keep scrolling down your timeline and see the same clip over and over, and other similar shock videos shared by neighbors, friends, and people you work with.

You’d lose your mind, and rightfully so. That’s powerful messaging and it had a major impact on the American psyche, day in and day out for two months straight.

For me, being a suspicious person by nature, it all felt very hysterical, staged, and phony. But at a time when fear, confusion, and distrust were at an all-time high, it was virtually impossible to talk rationally about the virus with friends and family who were sucked in by the “terror propaganda.”

It’s understandable because even though I didn’t buy into the hype, there was still a nagging voice in the back of my head whispering “what if…”

And even that quiet little “what if” was tremendously powerful.

In just two short months Americans were whipped into a fear-frothing frenzy which set the table for the tyrannical lockdowns and mask mandates that would follow. Lockdowns that consumed our nation, pitted neighbor against neighbor, struck down our booming economy, and wiped out small businesses from coast to coast.

Two years ago, if you would have told Americans they would voluntarily shut down their businesses and lock themselves in their homes they would’ve laughed in your face. But those viral videos laid the groundwork for lockdown acceptance. They were the first of many perfectly-timed events that Americans would use to justify tossing away their rights and livelihood in exchange for harsh restrictions and lockdowns — after all, nobody wanted to foam at the mouth and keel over while shopping for cappuccino makers at Bed Bath & Beyond.

However, there was one very big problem… little did we know back then that all of those spine-tingling videos were fake.

That’s right, the beginning of the Coronavirus mass hysteria and the very first building blocks that led to a nation-wide lockdown, the destruction of our economy, and the great global reset was a complete and total hoax.

You’d think a bombshell like that would concern everyone or at the very least pique the interest of journalists and politicians, right?

But it didn’t.

Many people shrugged off the videos, claiming there’s always fake or sensational news online. And they’re right. But this was different. Very different. Those “Chinese fear videos” were hand-picked, edited, and manipulated in order to market a very specific horror story to Americans.

Those video clips played night and day into the darkest and most personal fears of every single American who watched them.

And there was a running narrative, as well. It went like this:

Dear America,
A deadly virus is coming to get you, and your government will downplay it and tell you it’s “just the flu,” but it’s not. It will kill you and your family.

Thanks to those videos, millions of Americans didn’t trust President Trump right out of the gate. While he was working to calm the nation, frantic Americans were thinking about all those Chinese people keeling over in the streets. “Why isn’t Trump as frantic and scared as we are,” many people wondered… what was he hiding?

It all came back to those videos. They set a powerful narrative and programmed countless American minds.

But who would do this? That’s the million-dollar question.

Internet trolls are brilliant and have pulled off some mindboggling stunts, but this felt very different from that. This felt highly organized, sophisticated, and had consistent expert messaging peppered with very cunning psychological warfare.

It looked and felt like a professionally coordinated marketing campaign.

For me, the answer to the million-dollar question is obvious: the people who did this are the ones who would benefit most from the collapse of the US economy, a return to a globalist agenda, and the removal of President Trump.

The next logical question is: who has the means, talent, and resources to successfully pull off a campaign like this?

My theory would go something like this: Some entity, perhaps associated with the Chinese government, weaponized a cache of carefully edited “video clips” and used them as phase one of an intricate “gorilla-type” propaganda war designed to scare the American people into surrendering their lives and livelihoods in an effort to collapse the world’s greatest economy, oust a popular America First President, and reset the globalist agenda. Once these videos were in circulation, it is possible that certain sectors of the American establishment amplified the fear in order to justify the brutal consolidation of power right around the corner.

I’m not an investigative journalist, and I don’t have the resources to uncover who created, uploaded, and marketed those videos. But together, you and I can look back at some of the fake viral videos and stories from last year, and examine how they were cleverly marketed to the American people to achieve peak fear and submission.

One of the biggest viral sensations at the start of the COVID pandemic was a collection of videos showing Chinese people keeling over from the virus.

At the time these videos came out we didn’t know that COVID-19 doesn’t cause people to spontaneously “drop like flies.” I’ve had COVID – a very bad case, actually, that lasted for over three months – and even so, I was still able to stand upright. However, the videos that came out last year told a much different, far scarier story.

They showed random Chinese people dying in the streets from the virus.

(Video removed)

That video looks particularly menacing and “virusy” thanks to the officials in Hazmat suits.

That’s a theme you’ll see a lot throughout these videos and images — Hazmat suits. They’re everywhere.

And speaking of Hazmat suits, when digging around for these clips, I discovered that first-responders in China routinely wear Hazmat suits on the job. It’s part of their uniform.

However, thanks to TV shows and Hollywood movies, most Americans immediately think of scientists and highly-contagious deadly viruses when they see a Hazmat suit and it instantly legitimizes the claims that are being made. So it’s easy to see how that viral clip would have a major impact on many US citizens.

The next video was everywhere on social media as well. It claimed to show dead COVIID victims lining the streets and waiting to be picked up like piles of garbage.

Here’s what a Twitter user tweeted out about the video on February 17th, 2020:

“Wuhan China. Dead Bodies waiting 4 pickup. Coronavirus NO ordinary Virus. Is it intentionally released BIO WEAPON?”

.35 min

Imagine watching this video and picturing your city’s “Main Street USA” lined with dead bodies?

“Coming soon to a town near you…”

That’s a terrifying image and can really mess with someone’s head.

However, this was also a lie.

The video actually shows people sleeping on the streets in Shenzhen, China — a city over 600 miles away from Wuhan, according to the AP.

However, the imagery in this video and the idea that some “bioweapon” was coming to your town was tremendously powerful.

Would you voluntarily stay locked inside your home to avoid being struck down by a bioweapon?

After seeing that video, probably.

Another popular viral image showed a man supposedly suffering from COVID, who collapsed at the airport.

These types of photos were everywhere — they fed into a popular “Wuhan/Coronavirus” narrative that showcased people trying but failing to “escape” the city.

The stories were dramatic tragedy-type tales of victims and scared citizens desperately trying to flee but were either captured or killed by Hazmat officials or they collapsed and died just before they made it out of the city.

It sounds like a Lifetime movie, right? Very emotional stuff involving the human spirit and the will to live — you can relate, can’t you? Sure you can. These poor people are just like you… bla bla bla.

Only, they’re not exactly like you, because unlike you, this story isn’t real.

The man in this photo did not have COVID. In actuality, he was drunk and passed-out according to fact-checker Poynter.

Another running theme in the “China fear clips” were videos showing authorities (oftentimes listed as “armed doctors” by the person posting the video) violently apprehending or killing COVID victims in order to help save the world.

Imagine seeing doctors so frightened of a virus that they’re forced to use weapons against innocent sickly victims. It’s unthinkable and terrifying to even imagine, let alone watch it unfold before your own eyes.

Suddenly, the COVID pandemic felt like a Mad Max movie with apocalyptic themes and “good and evil” trading places.

The doctors have been made evil by a virus so insidious that it turns heroes into villains — what a plot twist!

However, the videos that were shared as actual encounters were really just training videos, many of them with actors.

You have to keep in mind that China is a communist country and they don’t allow just anyone to randomly film things especially involving “government officials,” as we do in the US.

If something was recorded, it was ok’d by the government.

But the people who posted these types of videos went to great lengths to make you believe that you were watching a real-life takedown.

Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

Here’s a sample of the type of “training videos” that were passed off as real encounters.

1:58 min

One of the most compelling videos is no longer available online.

When I watched this particular video it had a rather big impact on me. It was definitely one of my “what if…” moments.

It was a clip of a woman lying dead in the street and the story was that she was shot and killed at the border by doctors as she attempted to flee Wuhan.

There are those powerful themes again… Lifetime movie meets Mad Max.

I remember watching it and thinking, could this be true? Is there a virus so awful that doctors who took an oath to save mankind are now murderers?

Again, what an unthinkable horror and it really made me pause and question myself. Was I not taking this seriously enough? There are so many videos out there… Am I ignoring the ugly truth?

What if…

But like all the others, this video was also a lie.

I was able to locate a screenshot from the video:


The actual video was real, but it had nothing to do with COVID. It was a well-documented motor-scooter accident involving two teenagers, one of whom tragically died. However, the video was artfully edited to remove the “scooter” from the frame in order to tell a completely different story, with an entirely new narrative and theme.
From Observers France
People all over the world have been sharing a video that they claim shows a woman killed by police in China for trying to escape quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, which has infected more than 70,000 people since it first appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The propagation of this video is evidence of the rising hysteria about the virus online. However, our team took a closer look, and found out that the video itself tells an entirely different story.

The 21-second video shows a person wearing a yellow jacket and black trousers lying motionless on the ground. The person’s face is covered in blood. In the background someone is screaming, and at the very end of the video a woman runs towards the person on the ground. The video has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on social media, especially Twitter.
Social media users claimed that the person on the ground was a woman fatally shot by police when she tried to break past the blockade set up to try to contain the virus in Wuzu, a city in Hubei province.
Zhang W. sent us another version of the video shared online, which is a fraction of a second longer. If you pause the video, you can see that there is a motorbike or scooter lying on its side on the sidewalk a few metres from the person on the ground. Also, at 0’04, you can see that the concrete barrier around a nearby tree has been damaged.

“Two teenagers were going too fast on their scooters,” explains one of the messages posted in the group alongside the video. “They hit the edge of the road and lost control. The driver died.”
There were hundreds and hundreds of these types of videos floating around social media — and all of them went viral, and many news outlets and blogs covered them as well… they were everywhere, and they shaped so much of what was yet to come for our country — but they were all fake.

Yet, even so, nobody in the media or our government is asking who made them and posted them online, and why.

Their silence speaks volumes.

But that wasn’t the end… those early videos were just the tip of the psychological warfare. They were just the beginning. Part two quickly kicked in.

I like to call this the “affirmation phase.”

Just as the dramatic COVID videos were starting to taper off, a bombshell report from the Imperial College in London splashed on the scene and its findings all but validated the slew of China horror clips that we’d been watching for months.

The report, which was covered in-depth by The New York Times in April 2020, estimated that as many as 2.2 million Americans would likely die from COVID-19 if we didn’t go into quarantine.

That’s right, if we didn’t lock ourselves in our homes we would end up like all of those poor Chinese people in those videos.

Here’s a blip from the NYT piece:
American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public.
Imperial College has advised the government on its response to previous epidemics, including SARS, avian flu, and swine flu. With ties to the World Health Organization and a team of 50 scientists, led by a prominent epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, Imperial is treated as a sort of gold standard, its mathematical models feeding directly into government policies.
“Gold standard” indeed… By mid-May Mr. Ferguson’s erroneous “model” that predicted millions of deaths would be lining birdcages all over the world.
But at that time we didn’t know any better. We simply trusted the “gold plan.”

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, the COVID catastrophe in Italy was unfolding right before our eyes. The world watched in horror as Italy’s medical system collapsed under the weight of all the sick people.

Now, as someone who once lived in Italy, I can tell you that they don’t exactly have “red carpet” healthcare to begin with. Much of the medical system in Italy looks and feels as old as the Colosseum. So, the implosion was not all that shocking for those of us familiar with Italy’s hospitals. But to the average American, it was a horror show. And the images coming out of Italy, coupled with the China videos and the “gold standard” report, was enough for most people to throw in the towel and declare “we’re doomed…”

The COVID fear train was traveling full-steam ahead. All aboard.

Terrified Americans watched in real-time as Italy’s hospitals buckled — stories began circulating showing COVID patients lying on gurneys under trees, on dirt-covered roads, and in parking lots.

It was quite a sight to behold.

Imagine how many Americans pictured themselves or their loved ones on those same outdoor gurneys somewhere in LA, Nashville, or Indianapolis – gasping to take their last breath, waiting for the foam to bubble up and death to snatch them away? It’s a gory picture to paint, but this was the vibe in early Spring of 2020.

Only, just like the China videos before them, many of the stories coming out of Italy were also fake.

One viral Facebook post showed a series of photos with slews of hospital patients lined up on gurneys outside with the caption: “This is Italy. There is no more space in hospitals. Think twice before you put your foot outside the door”

That last line, “Think twice before you put your foot outside the door….” is some top-shelf fear-porn. Would you wander outside the safety of your home if you just saw a line of gurneys under a tree? Probably not.

However, the image was not from Italy, and it had nothing to do with Coronavirus. The image was actually from Croatia and those patients in the photo were earthquake survivors, so of course, they’re not going to be inside damaged hospital buildings.

Here’s what the BBC said about that Facebook post:
The images being shared are genuine, but they are not from Italy.
A reverse image search reveals they were taken in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, after it was hit by an earthquake on 22 March.

The most widely shared post seems to have originated in India just as the government there imposed a nationwide lockdown on 25 March.
And the fake videos and images weren’t just coming out of China and Italy. The US also got in on the fun.

During a segment on New York’s “overcrowded hospitals,” CBS used B-roll footage from an Italian hospital with a banner that read: “Coronavirus Race to Respond: America’s Epicenter: New York Now Accounts For More Than Half of US Cases.”

Why did CBS use a hospital in Italy to try and convince Americans that New York was buckling under the demand?

Another good question that deserves an answer.

And as a side note to that, Americans had a hard time finding these “overflowing” hospitals… and trust me, they searched and searched. At one point the hashtag #EmptyHospitals was trending on Twitter and videos like this popped up all over the place (most have since been deleted by Youtube):

.45 min

As it stands now, we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of this Coronavirus pandemic plot…it would be the most bizarre story ever told if it wasn’t so obvious what really went down.

We were purposely bamboozled and tricked into thinking that a virus that caused brain swelling, convulsions, and spontaneous death was coming to our shores, and if we didn’t close our businesses, lock ourselves in our homes, and surrender our liberties millions of us would die.

That was the message which was delivered loud and clear for two months.
It all started with those early videos out of China. They were the very first building blocks of a coordinated marketing campaign to reboot America.

Just look at the totality of what happened as a result of the pandemic and ask yourself who benefited most from all of those “perfectly-timed” events. I think if you do that, and also consider the well-crafted fear campaign that was foisted upon all of us, you will agree that my “working theory” holds water.


Veteran Member
Snip from #53,221 that all should see:

As an immunologist with a good understanding of how antigen specific immune responses could cause organ and tissue specific damage, I am recommending to you, as our lead FDA regulators, not to gloss over the real possibility that vaccinating persons with pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 viral antigens in their tissues could cause that subset of people grave harm — and especially the frail with cardiovascular disease.
^^ What worries me about that (if true) is that some people may have had covid without realizing it (little to no symptoms or thought it was just a cold) and so they will not know that they should avoid the vaccine.
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On TB every waking moment
36:08 min
Coronavirus Variants - What They Mean - Feb 4, 2021 1:20P Central
•Streamed live 5 hours ago

JAMA Network

2021 has brought news of emerging SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants that increase transmissibility. Will they diminish vaccine efficacy and leads us to lose pandemic control? @Michigan Medicine's Adam Lauring, MD, PhD, a molecular virologist who uses evolutionary theory to study viral transmission and pathogenesis, joins JAMA's Q&A series to explain the variants and what they mean for public health. Read Dr. Lauring's "Genetic Variants of SARS-CoV-2—What Do They Mean?"


On TB every waking moment
11:49 min
Coronavirus Update 121: Johnson and Johnson Vaccine - Efficacy and Safety vs. Pfizer & Moderna
•Premiered 5 hours ago

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

Professor Roger Seheult, MD explains the Johnson and Johnson / Janssen Pharmaceuticals vaccine candidate for COVID 19. Dr. Seheult illustrates how the Johnson & Johnson adenovirus vaccine works, the efficacy/safety (based on preliminary data), and how the vaccine compares to the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. (This video was recorded on February 4, 2021).

Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. Interviewer: Kyle Allred, Physician Assistant, Producer / Co-Founder of LINKS /

REFERENCES: A Study of Ad26.COV2.S for the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2-Mediated COVID-19 in Adult Participants (NIH) | Johnson & Johnson Announces Single-Shot Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Met Primary Endpoints in Interim Analysis of its Phase 3 ENSEMBLE Trial (Johnson & Johnson) | J&J one-dose Covid vaccine is 66% effective, a weapon but not a knockout punch (STAT) | One-shot COVID-19 vaccine is effective against severe disease (ScienceNews) | UK COVID Symptom Study | Doctor Explains The PREVENTION & TREATMENT For The Coronavirus | Roger Seheult & Lewis Howes (Lewis Howes YouTube Channel) | THE MEDCRAM WEBSITE: Visit us for videos on over 60 medical topics and CME / CEs for medical professionals:


On TB every waking moment

Johnson & Johnson requests emergency authorization from FDA for Covid vaccine

Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BERKELEYJR

  • Johnson & Johnson applied for an emergency use authorization from the FDA for its coronavirus vaccine.
  • The company released data last week showing it was about 66% effective in protecting against the virus.
  • If J&J’s application is approved, it would be the third Covid-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use in the U.S. behind those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.
Johnson & Johnson submits application to FDA for vaccine authorization

Johnson & Johnson applied for an emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for its coronavirus vaccine after releasing data last week showing it was about 66% effective in protecting against the virus.

If J&J’s application is approved, it would be the third Covid-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use in the U.S. behind those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Pfizer’s vaccine was authorized by the FDA on Dec. 11, and Moderna’s was authorized a week later.

“Today’s submission for Emergency Use Authorization of our investigational single-shot COVID-19 vaccine is a pivotal step toward reducing the burden of disease for people globally and putting an end to the pandemic,” J&J’s chief scientific officer, Dr. Paul Stoffels, said in a statement.

“Upon authorization of our investigational COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use, we are ready to begin shipping,” he said. “With our submission to the FDA and our ongoing reviews with other health authorities around the world, we are working with great urgency to make our investigational vaccine available to the public as quickly as possible.”

The FDA has scheduled a meeting of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on Feb. 26 to discuss the emergency use authorization.

“A public discussion by the advisory committee members about the data submitted in support of safety and effectiveness of Janssen Biotech Inc.’s COVID-19 vaccine will help ensure that the public has a clear understanding of the scientific data and information that FDA will evaluate in order to make a decision about whether to authorize this vaccine,” acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement. “The FDA remains committed to keeping the public informed about our evaluation of the data for COVID-19 vaccines, so that the American public and medical community have trust and confidence in FDA-authorized vaccines.”

U.S. officials and Wall Street analysts are eagerly anticipating the authorization of J&J’s vaccine, which could happen as early as this month. President Joe Biden is trying to pick up the pace of vaccinations in the U.S. and experts say his administration will need an array of drugs and vaccines to defeat the virus, which has killed more than 450,000 Americans over the last year, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Unlike Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines, which require two doses given about three to four weeks apart, J&J’s medication only requires one dose, easing logistics for health-care providers.

J&J said on Jan. 29 that its vaccine was 66% effective overall in protecting against Covid-19. The vaccine, however, appeared to be less potent against other variants. The level of protection was just 57% in South Africa, where a new, highly contagious strain called B.1.351 is rapidly spreading. South Carolina officials detected the first-known U.S. case of that strain last month.

Infectious disease experts point out that J&J’s numbers can’t be used as a direct comparison with Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines, which were found to be 95% and 94% effective, respectively. That’s because J&J’s vaccine is a single dose and the company’s trial was conducted when there were more infections and new, more contagious variants, they said.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said the most crucial finding of the J&J data was the vaccine appeared to be 85% effective in preventing severe disease.

“The most important thing, more important than whether you prevent someone from getting aches and a sore throat, is preventing people” from getting severe disease, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said on a call with reporters on Jan. 29. “That will alleviate so much of the stress and human suffering and death in this epidemic.”

The FDA has indicated it would authorize a vaccine that’s safe and at least 50% effective. The flu vaccine, by comparison, generally reduces people’s risk of getting influenza by 40% to 60% compared with people who aren’t inoculated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

J&J has said it plans to ship the vaccine at 36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit. By comparison, Pfizer’s vaccine needs to be stored in ultra-cold freezers that keep it between negative 112 and negative 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Moderna’s vaccine needs to be shipped at between negative 13 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced in August that it reached a deal with Janssen, J&J’s pharmaceutical subsidiary, worth approximately $1 billion for 100 million doses of its vaccine. The deal gives the federal government the option to order an additional 200 million doses, according to the announcement.


Veteran Member
Doctors say getting infected twice with Covid is 'far more common' than we think (

Doctors say getting infected twice with Covid is 'far more common' than we think
Rhona Shennan 10 hrs ago
Doctors have revealed that people may be able to catch Covid-19 twice, and suffer from its symptoms in completely separate infections of the virus within just four months.

In a case report written by Dr Jessica Tuan, Dr Anne Spichler-Mofarrah and Dr Oneyema Ogbuagu for the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the authors state that “cases of reinfection have been identified and mounting evidence shows that protective immunity after a first episode of infection may be short lived”.

The authors explain that there is currently “limited data” in regards to Covid-19 reinfection, as reported cases are “very few”. The experts also say that it is unknown whether the case reports represent a genuine reinfection, or if it is actually continued viral shedding from the initial bout of the virus.

‘Reinfection is possible’
The authors of the study, which has been peer-reviewed, say: “As the Covid-19 pandemic has evolved, emerging reports have shown that SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is possible, such that positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA testing over a long period of time does not necessarily indicate persistent viral shedding from prior Covid-19 infection.

“If patients with severe disease develop more robust antibody levels, their duration of protection against reinfection and resulting severity of disease, if it does occur, may be muted.

“Future observations would certainly shed more light on this if this hypothesis holds true.

“The role of the presence or absence of antibodies after initial infection in survivors of a first episode of Covid-19 and its role in mitigating the risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is not clearly defined.

“It is plausible, however, that waning immunity or absence of antibodies after the first episode of SARS CoV-2 infection may make one more susceptible to reinfection.”

The case study
The case study in the report showcased a 43 year old man with a past medical history of well-controlled type two diabetes, hypothyroidism and class three obesity.

He had initially been diagnosed with Covid-19 in April 2020 and had been hospitalised. This hospital stay had been complicated by “chronic respiratory failure for which he had a tracheostomy placed”.

Three months after his initial positive test, the man produced four interval negative SARS-CoV-2 RNA tests.

In early August 2020, he was admitted to hospital again, and tested positive for Covid-19. He stayed in hospital for just one day, but was readmitted to hospital again two weeks later, and was kept for a week.

‘We know that Covid-19 reinfections can happen’
Ashleigh Tuite, assistant professor at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health said: “We know that reinfections with [Covid-19] can happen.

“The bigger question is: if reinfections are going to happen, how frequently are they happening?”

Speaking to Sky News, Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, said that while there are only 100 proven cases worldwide of reinfection, his discussions with doctors suggest that it is “far more common that we’ve imagined”.

He said: “Reinfection can happen a fair bit.”


On TB every waking moment


On TB every waking moment

During Pandemic, China Sent Millions Of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits To US: Customs Data

FRIDAY, FEB 05, 2021 - 23:00
Authored by Frank Fang via The Epoch Times,
China accounted for about 51 percent of counterfeit or substandard COVID-19-related products seized by U.S. customs officials from October 2019 to Sept. 30 last year, according to a newly-released report from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Among the products seized by U.S. customs officials were over 12.7 million counterfeit masks, 177,356 COVID-19 test kits prohibited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and 38,098 FDA-prohibited chloroquine tablets.

The effectiveness of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and its closely-related chloroquine in treating symptoms of COVID-19, which is caused by the CCP virus (commonly known as the novel coronavirus), is of much debate.

The FDA initially issued an emergency use authorization for the two drugs, but later revoked the authorization in June last year, saying that they were “unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19.”

However, there have been studies showing their effectiveness: one study showed hydroxychloroquine lowered the death rate of COVID-19 patients, while another study demonstrated a drug cocktail containing hydroxychloroquine could lower the hospitalization and death rate of patients infected by the virus.

The FDA currently has a database listing fraudulent COVID-19 products, including test kits. The list contains company names and the names of their products.

In December last year, customs officials in Cincinnati seized 10,080 counterfeit surgical masks, which were labeled “3M Mask Model 1860,” in a shipment originating from China, according to a press release. The boxes containing the masks were fraudulently labeled as “Made in the USA.”

If genuine, these fake 3M masks would have an estimated manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $65,520.


Counterfeit masks were also arriving in the United States from Hong Kong. Customs officials in Cincinnati seized 6,080 fake 3M masks in freight from Hong Kong on Dec. 6, 2020.

Another seizure took place in Chicago in September last year, when local customs officials stopped a shipment containing 500,000 counterfeit N95 masks.

These masks were determined to have an estimated retail price of $474,905, if genuine. The shipment originated from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen and was destined for a company in Manalapan, New Jersey.

Forced Labor Products
The CBP report also mentioned that customs officials issued a record number of 13 new withhold release orders, banning the imports of products made with forced labor, in the 12-month period that ended on Sept. 30, 2020.

Most of these targeted products—including disposable gloves, seafood, and cotton—originated from China. Together, these products were valued at nearly $50 million, according to the report.

On Jan. 13, the CBP issued a new withhold release order banning all imports of cotton, apparel, textiles, and tomato products from far-western China’s Xinjiang region.

Beijing has detained more than one million ethnic Muslims, including Uyghurs, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz people, in internment camps in Xinjiang.

Detainees are subject to forced labor, torture, and political indoctrination sessions. Beijing claims these camps are “vocational training centers.”

In August last year, a U.S. company was fined $575,000 for importing stevia powder and derivatives there were made by prison labor in China. Several months later, in October, CBP asked all U.S. ports to seize stevia products made by an Inner Mongolia-based company, after evidence showed the company used convict, forced, or indentured labor to manufacture the products.

“Currently, CBP is enforcing 44 active withhold release orders and seven active findings,” according to the report.

General Products
Finally, the report concluded that CBP officials seized a total of 26,503 shipments with products found to have violated U.S. intellectual property rights, with China being the “top source” of such seizures. These products would have a total estimated manufacturer’s suggested retail price of over $1.3 billion.


In December last year, customs officials in Los Angeles seized three cargo shipments from China containing counterfeit products that could be worth over $32 million. Among the seized fake products were one million knockoff Viagra pills, footwear, belts, purses, and headphones.

Counterfeit toys from China that could be worth about $1.3 million were also seized at the Port of New York/Newark, the CBP announced on Dec. 21 last year.


On TB every waking moment
12:32 min
Doctors are Unravelling the Mystery of COVID 19
•Feb 6, 2021

Doctor Mike Hansen

Doctors are Unravelling the Mystery of COVID 19

There is NEW evidence to suggest that COVID 19 is causing the body to make antibodies that attack itself.

COVID 19 is mysterious in a lot of ways, despite us already knowing a lot about it. Researchers & doctors are working hard to unravel the cause and effect of the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the immune system. COVID causes several symptoms that may point to a phenomenon called autoimmunity as a potential cause of long COVID. This includes pulmonary fibrosis, meaning scarring of the lungs. Unfortunately, I’m seeing the same picture unfold in so many of my patients who have had COVID, with all this scarring in their lungs. And COVID can cause other issues, like brain changes, skin rashes, excessive blood clotting, inflamed blood vessels, and more.

Autoimmunity is when the immune system mounts an attack on its own healthy cells and tissues—mistaking them for foreign or virally infected cells. Under normal conditions, the immune system can discriminate between self and foreigners. Meaning it can differentiate between the body’s proteins and foreign antigens. But sometimes, in some people, the immune system can mistakenly identify its own proteins as foreign antigens, and it launches its attack on itself. When these autoantibodies react against self-antigens, the outcome can be inflammation and damage to tissues. This is what happens with autoimmune diseases like Type 1 diabetes, Graves' disease, multiple sclerosis. This is also what happens with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, where people develop scarring in their lungs, much in the same way that this happens with COVID 19. In fact, there are lots of auto-immune conditions that can cause scarring in the lungs, like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, polymyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, and more—the evidence to support the role of autoantibodies as a cause of more severe COVID 19. The vast majority of people who get COVID 19 will have a disease isolated to the upper respiratory tract. But in 20 percent of people, the infection will go deep into the lung parenchyma and have the potential to cause more severe disease, meaning COVID pneumonia, which sometimes blossoms into ARDS.

Autoimmunity as a potential cause of more severe COVID 19 disease was brought up when autopsies. Cytokine storms are an overreaction by the immune system and are more systemic and short-term. In contrast, autoantibodies are more targeted and long-term. Dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, and the arthritis drugs tocilizumab and sarilumab have been used to modulate an overactive immune response. In a clinical trial, tocilizumab and sarilumab improved critically ill patients' outcomes on a ventilator in the intensive care unit. A study at Rockefeller University in New York enrolled almost a thousand people with severe COVID 19. About 10% had antibodies that blocked the action of type 1 interferon molecules, a protein that helps the immune system fight pathogens. These autoantibodies were more common in men, who had 12.5% compared to 2.6% in women. This may explain why men are more likely to have severe disease. Thes are now screening study's researchers 40,000 people to see what proportion of uninfected people carry these antibodies and their distribution by age, ancestry, and gender. This data will be compared to the distribution and percentage of each factor in people with severe COVID 19.

Researchers in another study supported the finding of increased autoantibodies in COVID patients. The antibodies they found were directed towards B cells, a type of immune cell that produces antibodies and interferon. Although the researchers noted no "COVID 19 specific" autoantibodies that distinguish COVID patients from uninfected controls, the levels of autoantibodies were correlated with known markers for inflammation. The correlations became more extreme as the disease worsened. These medications require careful timing to interrupt an overreactive immune system without interfering with a normal immune system fighting the COVID 19 infection. COVID 19 is often a biphasic illness with an initial phase, primarily respiratory symptoms caused by the virus and the immediate immune response, with innate immunity. Sometimes, it is followed by a secondary inflammatory phase.

There are two immune system arms, the non-specific innate immune system and the specific adaptive immune system. Whenever you are infected with a pathogen that is new to your immune system, you rely on the innate immune system to fight the pathogen. Interferons are essential to the innate response. Interferon-β is one of the first cytokines produced and drives the innate immune response in the lung. This connection illustrates the importance of the finding that SARS-CoV-2 may inhibit interferon activity in those who develop more severe COVID 19.

Doctor Mike Hansen, MD Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine


On TB every waking moment
51:18 min

TWiV 716: COVID-19 clinical update #48 with Dr. Daniel Griffin
•Feb 6, 2021

Vincent Racaniello

In COVID-19 clinical update #48, Daniel Griffin reviews effect of spike amino acid changes on neutralization with monoclonal antibodies, Sputnik V safety and efficacy results, increased reactogenicity after a single vaccine dose in seropositive individuals, single dose vaccination in seropositive health care workers, and results of three clinical trials on the use of anticoagulants. Show notes at


Veteran Member
Maybe someone can help me out.

I've seen a statistic tossed about which has piqued my curiosity.

"the Coronavirus SARS-COV2 has a 99.8% survivability ratio!"

Anyone know where that stat came from? Perhaps more importantly, anyone know what data was used to calculate that stat?

Much thanks to anyone willing to share.
I don't know where that came from but here are Indiana's numbers:

639,711 total positive cases, 11,401 deaths.
92.6% of the deaths are in ages 60+.



On TB every waking moment

COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks
by Cassidy Morrison, Healthcare Reporter |
| February 08, 2021 06:37 A

More than 40 million doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the United States, mostly to seniors and healthcare workers, since the rollout began in mid-December.

With the growing number of immunizations comes a clearer picture of the negative side effects associated with the shots.

Here are your questions, answered:

Q: Are the vaccines safe?

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the only ones authorized for public use in the U.S., appear to have the same types of adverse effects, called risk patterns, as those of other shots, such as, for example, the meningitis B and shingles vaccines.

“In terms of trying to put it in context and say, these vaccines have similar risk patterns to other vaccines that have been used for a while, I think that’s a fair assessment,” said Dr. Archana Chatterjee, dean of the Chicago Medical School and a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s panel of vaccine experts charged with reviewing clinical trial data and recommending the shots for public use.

“All vaccines have some local adverse events associated with them; injection site redness, tenderness, swelling, those things occur, we know that. And it's the same with these vaccines. Typically, both the local and systemic adverse events would last for a day or two,” Chatterjee added.

Q: How do we know what kinds of side effects there are?

There are different sources of data for the vaccines.

One is a platform, established in 1990, that allows patients who received the shots or caretakers of those patients to report their side effects, called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It’s limited in that it only contains info that people voluntarily submit.

The other uses data from a smartphone app called V-Safe that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set up just for monitoring reactions to the coronavirus vaccines. During the first week after getting the shots, V-Safe sends the patient a daily text message as a reminder to complete a brief survey about how he or she feels. The frequency of the check-ins dips to only once a week for five weeks. All reports of adverse reactions are sent to the CDC.

Q: How do the rates of negative side effects of COVID-19 vaccines compare to other common shots?

The side effects associated with the Pfizer and Moderna shots are comparable to, though slightly worse than, those of other vaccines.

For example, 24.1% of recipients of the first Moderna shot reported headaches, compared with 25% of those receiving the meningitis B vaccine, according to VAERS data.


The most common adverse side effects of the COVID-19 shots are headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, chills, fever, and pain at the injection site, according to the CDC.

One unusual side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines is difficulty breathing, which a relatively small share of recipients have noted, though it is unclear how many of those fully recovered or needed further medical attention.

Note that the VAERS data reflects the first roughly 22 million doses of vaccine administered out of the total 40 million-plus total doses administered since the rollout began in December.

“That's just your immune system working, so that I don't consider anything serious,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a virologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the FDA’s panel of vaccine experts.

It appears that the side effects are more pronounced with the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, according to data taken from V-Safe. For example, 7.4% of users reported fevers after their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared to 25.2% who reported fever after the second dose.

Vaccine experts have likened the effects of the coronavirus vaccines to those of the vaccine to prevent meningitis B, normally given to adolescents, and the vaccine to prevent shingles, normally given to adults 50 years or older.

Q: What about serious problems?

There is some indication that the rate of serious reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines may be higher, but it’s unclear, given how quickly the rollout has taken place.

The VAERS platform keeps track of these “serious” adverse reactions, that is, ones that result in hospitalization, life-threatening illness, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or birth defect, or death.

There were 45 reports of serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots per 1 million doses administered. Nonserious adverse events were more common, with 372 reports per 1 million doses administered.

In comparison, the rate of serious adverse reactions for the meningitis B vaccine is 15 reports per 1 million doses. The rate of serious reactions for the shingles vaccine is 40 reports per 1 million doses. The shingles vaccine was given to adults older than 50, making it a better point of comparison, given that the COVID-19 vaccines have been given only to working-age and older people.


The rate of serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines is, in context, “minuscule,” Chatterjee said. She noted that there tend to be more bad reactions reported when a vaccine is first rolled out, meaning that as more shots are administered, the rates should decrease.

Q: What about severe allergic reactions?

Reports of severe allergic reactions, or anaphylaxis, to the coronavirus vaccines are rare, CDC data shows. Reporting in VAERS shows that for every 1 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered, only five cases of anaphylaxis occurred. For every 1 million doses of the Moderna vaccine administered, 2.8 cases of anaphylaxis occur.

The risk of anaphylaxis is higher for the meningitis B and shingles vaccines. The rate of anaphylactic shock in each dose of the meningitis B vaccine is 6.16 cases per 1 million doses. Meanwhile, for every million doses of the shingles vaccine, 6.58 cases of anaphylaxis occur, according to a 2018 report published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


Cases of anaphylaxis usually occur within 30 minutes of receiving the vaccine, which is why healthcare providers who give the shots keep the recipients under observation for about half an hour.

Q: What about other reports of people dying?

Reporting in VAERS showed that 129 nursing home residents who had received either the Pfizer or Moderna shots died within a few days. However, the CDC determined from these reports that the vaccines were not directly linked to any deaths.

“Deaths in [long-term care facility] residents following COVID-19 vaccination are consistent with expected all-cause mortality in this population,” members of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices said in their most recent meeting in January.

The vaccine recipients who died were either very old and already sick with chronic diseases such as heart disease and kidney failure. For instance, one report from a healthcare provider said that at the time of infection, a coronavirus outbreak was underway in the patient’s nursing home.

“She had a number of chronic, underlying health conditions. The vaccine did not have enough time to prevent COVID-19. There is no evidence that the vaccination caused the patient's death. It simply didn't have time to save her life,” the healthcare provider reported to the VAERS platform.

In another report to VAERS, a caretaker said that her grandmother died a few hours after receiving the second Moderna shot but said they “don’t expect that the events are related,” but the hospital treating their grandmother “did not acknowledge this, and I wanted to be sure a report was made.”

“The adverse events that have been reported associated with these vaccines, both through the clinical trials and … now through the vaccine adverse events reporting system, have not raised concerns about any increased or different adverse event profiles that we see with other routinely administered vaccines,” Chatterjee said.

The CDC has been working with vaccine manufacturers to investigate the reported deaths. Pfizer announced last month that the company is “actively investigating” the recent death of Miami Beach gynecologist Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, after he received a dose of the Pfizer vaccine. He had developed an unusual blood disorder and died 16 days later. The CDC said that it would “evaluate the situation as more information becomes available and provide timely updates on what is known and any necessary actions.”


On TB every waking moment


A recent study in the journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. Long-term use of face masks may help breed these dangerous pathogens.

Microbiologists agree that frequent mask wearing creates a moist environment in which microbes are allowed to grow and proliferate before entering the lungs. Those foreign microbes then travel down the trachea and into two tubes called the bronchi until they reach small air sacks covered in blood vessels called alveoli.
According to the study, after invading the lungs these microbes cause an inflammatory response in proteins known as cytokine IL-17.
While analyzing lung microbes of 83 untreated adults with lung cancer, the research team discovered that colonies of Veillonella, Prevotella, and Streptococcus bacteria, which may be cultivated through prolonged mask wearing, are all found in larger quantities in patients with advanced stage lung cancer than in earlier stages. The presence of these bacterial cultures is also associated with a lower chance of survival and increased tumor growth regardless of the stage.Corona Mask Mandates: Science or Political Dogma?

Additionally, research into the cultivation of Veillonella bacteria in the lungs of mice found that the presence of such bacteria leads to the emergence of immune suppressing cells as well as inflammatory ones such as cytokine IL-17.
As more evidence emerges pertaining to the long-term effects of mask mandates and lock downs, doctors and scientists are beginning to reconsider whether these authoritarian measures really are doing more harm than good. One Canadian public health expert named Dr. Aji Joffe found in a related study that lock downs cause “at least ten times” more damage than benefit.

In a recent working paper by researchers at Harvard, Duke, and John Hopkins Universities, academics concluded that “for the overall population, the increase in the death rate following the COVID-19 pandemic implies a staggering 0.89 and 1.37 million excess deaths over the next 15 and 20 years, respectively.”

Since forced mask wearing began, dermatologists have coined the term ‘maskne’ to describe an onset of pimples near the mouth caused by masks clogging up pores with oil and bacteria. This can be caused by either disposable or cloth masks.

Dentists have also been warning about a phenomenon known as ‘mask mouth’ in which patients are arriving back to the dental office with an increase in gingivitis and tooth decay as high as 50% in a period of just a few months since mask mandates began.

This discovery sheds light on the growing evidence of harm caused by long-term mask wearing.

Via Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds - Global Research


On TB every waking moment
17:28 min

250 - An Update on the Impacts and Opportunities of COVID-19 on Schools
•Feb 9, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Although the CDC has found little evidence of COVID spreading in schools with proper precautions in place, 17% of districts in the US are fully open for in-person learning. Dr. Annette Anderson of the Johns Hopkins School of Education returns to the podcast to give an update about the impacts of the pandemic, academically and socially, on K-12 students. Dr. Anderson also talks with Stephanie Desmon about why schools may not fully reopen until the fall, and the opportunities now for schools to address a longstanding lack of innovation.


On TB every waking moment


Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder

A second New York Times article quotes doctors who say the mRNA technology used in COVID vaccines may cause immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that last month led to the death of a Florida doctor after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Children's Health Defense Team

Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder

For the second time in under a month, The New York Times has published an article about people who developed a rare autoimmune disease after receiving COVID vaccines.

Monday’s article featured two women, both of whom were described as healthy before they received the Moderna vaccine. The women, ages 72 and 48, are now being treated for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), a condition that develops when the immune system attacks platelets (blood component essential for clotting) or the cells that create them, according to the Times.

On Jan. 13, the Times reported on the death of Dr. Gregory Michael, a Florida doctor who died 15 days after getting the Pfizer vaccine. Michael, who was 56 and described as “perfectly healthy” by his wife, developed ITP three days after being vaccinated. He died of a brain hemorrhage on Jan. 3. As The Defender reported on Jan. 13, Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, said it was a “medical certainty” the Pfizer vaccine led to Michael’s death.

FREE Webinar - The Covid Vaccine on Trial - Feb. 10 - Sign Up Now
Spivak, who was interviewed for Monday’s article in the Times, reiterated the link between the vaccine and ITP. Another doctor, Dr. James Bussel, a hematologist and professor emeritus at Weill Cornell Medicine who has written more than 300 scientific articles on the platelet disorder, also said he thinks there is a “possible” association between the vaccines and ITP.

Bussel told the Times:

“I’m assuming there’s something that made the people who developed thrombocytopenia susceptible, given what a tiny percentage of recipients they are. Having it happen after a vaccine is well-known and has been seen with many other vaccines. Why it happens, we don’t know.”

Bussel and a colleague, Dr. Eun-Ju Lee, have identified 15 cases of ITP in COVID vaccine recipients by searching the government’s database — the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — or by consulting with other physicians treating patients, and have submitted an article about their findings to a medical journal, according to the Times.

In a statement provided to the Times, Pfizer said it was aware of ITP cases in vaccine recipients and that the company is “collecting relevant information” to share with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The vaccine maker added, however that “at this time, we have not been able to establish a causal association with our vaccine.” Moderna also provided a statement, but didn’t address cases of ITP, only saying that it “continuously monitors the safety of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine using all sources of data” and routinely shares safety information with regulators.

Directly following Michael’s death, Pfizer said there was “no indication — either from large clinical trials or among people who have received the vaccine since the government authorized its use last month — that it could be connected to thrombocytopenia.”

But, as Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, president emerita and director of Children’s Health Defense said at the time, Pfizer’s statement didn’t square with the facts — because ITP is a well-known adverse event associated with vaccinations.

The vaccine most often implicated in ITP is the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, where the disease occurs in approximately 1 in every 25,000 to 40,000 doses of the vaccine, Redwood said.

ITP has also been associated with hepatitis A and B virus (HBV), human papilloma virus (HPV), varicella-zoster, diphteria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTap), polio and pneumococcus vaccines.

According to the Times, ITP is “generally treatable” but can persist for months or become chronic and last for years. The American Hematology Society advises patients who already have ITP go ahead and get vaccinated, “but after consulting with their hematologists.”

Meanwhile, the two women featured in the Times yesterday are recovering. Luz Legaspi, 72, was hospitalized in New York City on Jan. 19 with a severe case of ITP, but is home now, being cared for by her daughter.

A 48-year-old Texas woman who asked that the Times not use her name spent four days in the hospital, receiving platelet transfusions, immune globulins and steroids to restore her platelet count — a situation she described as “terrifying.”

She said her doctor told her to go ahead and get the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, but she has not yet decided if she will.

The Defender reached out to the Florida Department of Health for an update on the investigation into Michael’s death, but did not hear back by deadline. Florida health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating the death.


Talk is cheap

COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks
by Cassidy Morrison, Healthcare Reporter |
| February 08, 2021 06:37 A

More than 40 million doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the United States, mostly to seniors and healthcare workers, since the rollout began in mid-December.

With the growing number of immunizations comes a clearer picture of the negative side effects associated with the shots.

Here are your questions, answered:

Q: Are the vaccines safe?

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the only ones authorized for public use in the U.S., appear to have the same types of adverse effects, called risk patterns, as those of other shots, such as, for example, the meningitis B and shingles vaccines.

“In terms of trying to put it in context and say, these vaccines have similar risk patterns to other vaccines that have been used for a while, I think that’s a fair assessment,” said Dr. Archana Chatterjee, dean of the Chicago Medical School and a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s panel of vaccine experts charged with reviewing clinical trial data and recommending the shots for public use.

“All vaccines have some local adverse events associated with them; injection site redness, tenderness, swelling, those things occur, we know that. And it's the same with these vaccines. Typically, both the local and systemic adverse events would last for a day or two,” Chatterjee added.

Q: How do we know what kinds of side effects there are?

There are different sources of data for the vaccines.

One is a platform, established in 1990, that allows patients who received the shots or caretakers of those patients to report their side effects, called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It’s limited in that it only contains info that people voluntarily submit.

The other uses data from a smartphone app called V-Safe that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set up just for monitoring reactions to the coronavirus vaccines. During the first week after getting the shots, V-Safe sends the patient a daily text message as a reminder to complete a brief survey about how he or she feels. The frequency of the check-ins dips to only once a week for five weeks. All reports of adverse reactions are sent to the CDC.

Q: How do the rates of negative side effects of COVID-19 vaccines compare to other common shots?

The side effects associated with the Pfizer and Moderna shots are comparable to, though slightly worse than, those of other vaccines.

For example, 24.1% of recipients of the first Moderna shot reported headaches, compared with 25% of those receiving the meningitis B vaccine, according to VAERS data.

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The most common adverse side effects of the COVID-19 shots are headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, chills, fever, and pain at the injection site, according to the CDC.

One unusual side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines is difficulty breathing, which a relatively small share of recipients have noted, though it is unclear how many of those fully recovered or needed further medical attention.

Note that the VAERS data reflects the first roughly 22 million doses of vaccine administered out of the total 40 million-plus total doses administered since the rollout began in December.

“That's just your immune system working, so that I don't consider anything serious,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a virologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the FDA’s panel of vaccine experts.

It appears that the side effects are more pronounced with the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, according to data taken from V-Safe. For example, 7.4% of users reported fevers after their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared to 25.2% who reported fever after the second dose.

Vaccine experts have likened the effects of the coronavirus vaccines to those of the vaccine to prevent meningitis B, normally given to adolescents, and the vaccine to prevent shingles, normally given to adults 50 years or older.

Q: What about serious problems?

There is some indication that the rate of serious reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines may be higher, but it’s unclear, given how quickly the rollout has taken place.

The VAERS platform keeps track of these “serious” adverse reactions, that is, ones that result in hospitalization, life-threatening illness, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or birth defect, or death.

There were 45 reports of serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots per 1 million doses administered. Nonserious adverse events were more common, with 372 reports per 1 million doses administered.

In comparison, the rate of serious adverse reactions for the meningitis B vaccine is 15 reports per 1 million doses. The rate of serious reactions for the shingles vaccine is 40 reports per 1 million doses. The shingles vaccine was given to adults older than 50, making it a better point of comparison, given that the COVID-19 vaccines have been given only to working-age and older people.

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The rate of serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines is, in context, “minuscule,” Chatterjee said. She noted that there tend to be more bad reactions reported when a vaccine is first rolled out, meaning that as more shots are administered, the rates should decrease.

Q: What about severe allergic reactions?

Reports of severe allergic reactions, or anaphylaxis, to the coronavirus vaccines are rare, CDC data shows. Reporting in VAERS shows that for every 1 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered, only five cases of anaphylaxis occurred. For every 1 million doses of the Moderna vaccine administered, 2.8 cases of anaphylaxis occur.

The risk of anaphylaxis is higher for the meningitis B and shingles vaccines. The rate of anaphylactic shock in each dose of the meningitis B vaccine is 6.16 cases per 1 million doses. Meanwhile, for every million doses of the shingles vaccine, 6.58 cases of anaphylaxis occur, according to a 2018 report published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

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Cases of anaphylaxis usually occur within 30 minutes of receiving the vaccine, which is why healthcare providers who give the shots keep the recipients under observation for about half an hour.

Q: What about other reports of people dying?

Reporting in VAERS showed that 129 nursing home residents who had received either the Pfizer or Moderna shots died within a few days. However, the CDC determined from these reports that the vaccines were not directly linked to any deaths.

“Deaths in [long-term care facility] residents following COVID-19 vaccination are consistent with expected all-cause mortality in this population,” members of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices said in their most recent meeting in January.

The vaccine recipients who died were either very old and already sick with chronic diseases such as heart disease and kidney failure. For instance, one report from a healthcare provider said that at the time of infection, a coronavirus outbreak was underway in the patient’s nursing home.

“She had a number of chronic, underlying health conditions. The vaccine did not have enough time to prevent COVID-19. There is no evidence that the vaccination caused the patient's death. It simply didn't have time to save her life,” the healthcare provider reported to the VAERS platform.

In another report to VAERS, a caretaker said that her grandmother died a few hours after receiving the second Moderna shot but said they “don’t expect that the events are related,” but the hospital treating their grandmother “did not acknowledge this, and I wanted to be sure a report was made.”

“The adverse events that have been reported associated with these vaccines, both through the clinical trials and … now through the vaccine adverse events reporting system, have not raised concerns about any increased or different adverse event profiles that we see with other routinely administered vaccines,” Chatterjee said.

The CDC has been working with vaccine manufacturers to investigate the reported deaths. Pfizer announced last month that the company is “actively investigating” the recent death of Miami Beach gynecologist Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, after he received a dose of the Pfizer vaccine. He had developed an unusual blood disorder and died 16 days later. The CDC said that it would “evaluate the situation as more information becomes available and provide timely updates on what is known and any necessary actions.”

FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes

***Subject to change***  Guillain-Barré syndrome  Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis  Transverse myelitis  Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy  Convulsions/seizures  Stroke  Narcolepsy and cataplexy  Anaphylaxis  Acute myocardial infarction  Myocarditis/pericarditis  Autoimmune disease  Deaths  Pregnancy and birth outcomes  Other acute demyelinating diseases  Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions  Thrombocytopenia  Disseminated intravascular coagulation  Venous thromboembolism  Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain  Kawasaki disease  Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children  Vaccine enhanced disease



Has No Life - Lives on TB
They've started counting the active cases of China flu differently now that Bai-den is in office here in El Paso, Tx anyway.
We dropped from 34,321 to 8,152 overnight.


Contributing Member
I wonder when Twitter and Facebook are going to call out this nonsense as fake news! You know when someone gets COVID and recovers they do not have to quarantine if exposed to a positive case within the 3 months they had covid. So they are considered immune for up to 3 months after having the disease. There were articles all over the place yesterday and the day before with screaming headlines that if you get vaccinated you do not have to quarantine. Well, if you open up and read any of these articles they go on to say you have to meet certain conditions in order to avoid quarantine and guess what one of them is? Yes, you have to have had your vaccine within the prior three months of being exposed in order to avoid quarantine.


On TB every waking moment

US Life Expectancy Grew in 2020 Showing Negligent Effects of China Coronavirus — US Death Rate Shows Lowest Growth in 9 Years Despite COVID Hysteria

By Jim Hoft
Published February 12, 2021 at 7:49am

The US life expectancy rate actually grew in 2020.

This means you can expect to live longer despite the hysteria of the China Coronavirus.

United States – Historical Life Expectancy Data
Year Life Expectancy Growth Rate
2021 78.99 0.080%
2020 78.93 0.080%
2019 78.87 0.080%
2018 78.81 -0.030%

The US Historical death rate in the United States was the lowest in 9 years.


In November The Gateway Pundit reported on an article published by Johns Hopkins University that showed the total deaths in the US had not increased dramatically in 2020 when compared to prior years.

Johns Hopkins later took down the study.

We now know that our previous reporting and the Johns Hopkins study by Genevieve Briand was absolutely accurate.

The elites have been lying to you as they continue to crush your spirit and your livelihood.


On TB every waking moment
15:10 min
253 - Schools Week Finale: Is It Safe to Reopen US Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

•Feb 12, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

While schools may not be inherently safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, they can be made safer. Dr. Caitlin Rivers of the Center for Health Security talks with Dr. Josh Sharfstein about what schools can do to consider reopening safely including the data to consider, and risk-reduction methods like masks, distancing, testing, and more. They also discuss how variants of SARS-CoV-2 could factor into these developments.


Senior Member
Man dies after receiving vaccination at Javits Center; doctor says initial indications show no allergic reaction

Man dies after receiving vaccination at Javits Center; doctor says initial indications show no allergic reaction
News 12 Staff
Feb 09, 2021, 5:37pm EST
Updated on:Feb 09, 2021, 5:37pm EST


The New York state Department of Health reported that a man collapsed and died Sunday morning about 25 minutes after receiving the coronavirus vaccine at the Javits Center.
However, the health commissioner says initial indications are that the man, whose name has not yet been released, did not have an allergic reaction.
"The benefits of this vaccine far outweigh any potential risks,” said Dr. Rossi Hassad, “He was observed for 15 minutes following the vaccine, which is the required protocol."
Hassad added that the most severe reactions will occur in that time period.
Health officials say the man who died exhibited no adverse reactions during observation.
"Their death might be linked to the vaccine because of the proximity, but it’s a coincidence - it’s not a causal connection,” said Hassad.
Dr. Hassad said he understands some people may be concerned but says there are no known negative outcomes and those allergic reactions to the vaccine are rare.
"This is a very safe and very effective vaccine...Vaccines do not kill, not having vaccines kill," said Hassad.
He says that if anyone has concerns, they should consult with their doctor--especially if they’ve had severe allergic reactions to vaccines in the past.
He says some people may experience a fever, aches and headaches afterward, which is completely normal.
"Mild vaccine reactions you get which are indicators that your immune system is responding appropriately,” said Hassad.


On TB every waking moment

Desperate Americans Who Can't Afford Housing Are Becoming "Modern-Day Nomads"... But Not By Choice

FRIDAY, FEB 12, 2021 - 20:20
Authored by Robert Wheeler via The Organic Prepper blog,

A recent story floating around mainstream media regarding “modern-day nomads” reads like a contemporary article on Henry David Thoreau. It shares stories of people looking to downsize their life and live simply and stories of people who have fallen on hard times, unable to afford rent.

However, what is lacking is the exposure of the dark underbelly of the “modern-day nomad” culture. In other words, they neglect to mention the fact that the enormous growth of the “modern-day nomad” is rooted in the fact that the world economy has all but collapsed, now mired in a global economic depression of unemployment, low wages, and personal financial catastrophes.
While it sounds romantic, it’s often rooted in desperation.

Nevertheless, some of the stories begin in the following way:
If you look closely on city streets, campgrounds, and stretches of desert run by the Bureau of Land Management, you’ll see more Americans living in vehicles than ever before. It was never their plan.
“I wasn’t prepared when I had to move into my SUV. The transmission was going. I had no money saved. I was really scared,” said April Craren, 52, bundled in blankets atop a cot inside her new minivan, a 2003 Toyota Sienna.
She flipped the camera on her phone to show me the camp stove she uses to make coffee and her view of the sun rising over the Colorado River. She has no toilet, shower, or refrigeration.

After separating from her husband, April found herself homeless in June 2020, exacerbating the depressive disorder for which she receives $1,100 a month in disability benefits.
“I could have gotten an apartment but in a crappy unsafe place with no money to do anything at all,” she explained.

Last year, where April lived in Nixa, Missouri, the average rent for an apartment was $762, slightly less than the national average. Like nearly half of American renters, she would have been crippled by the cost.
It’s not surprising, then, that job loss, divorce, or, say, the sudden onset of global health or financial crisis can push so many over the edge.
Many Americans have found themselves trapped in a spiral of poverty from which they simply can’t recover.

It doesn’t sound so bad to those of us with minimalist persuasions

At 52, April Craren didn’t choose this life. It was thrust upon her by unfortunate life circumstances. Craren couldn’t afford the exorbitant rent that is now average across the country on a fixed income. (Partly due to inflation but mostly due to the housing crash in 2008.)

The coordination of lockdowns and COVID restrictions have plunged the world into a deep depression of which we are only beginning to see. Even Wall Street couldn’t have caused this much damage.

“If the Great Recession was a crack in the system, Covid and climate change will be the chasm,” says Bob Wells, the nomad who plays himself in the film Nomadland.

Thankfully, Wells was able to help Craren adopt her lifestyle so she can now survive as a “nomad” through his Home On Wheels Alliance.

Wells’s lifestyle was a choice. But the newfound interest in the nomadic lifestyle is not a choice for many.

From Yahoo:
Realizing he had something valuable to share, he bought the domain name Cheap RV Living in 2005. He posted tips and tricks about better vehicle-dwelling, but what he was really offering was a road map to a better life.

Four years later, when close to 10 million Americans were displaced after the Great Recession, traffic to his site exploded. Finding himself at the center of a growing online community, he decided to create a meet-up in Quartzsite, Arizona. He dubbed it the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR), and in January 2011, 45 vehicles showed up. Eight years later, an estimated 10,000 vehicles convened for what was said to be the largest nomad gathering in the world.
The event’s explosive growth is undoubtedly a reflection of America’s increasing interest in van life as an answer to the affordable housing crisis, an idea made accessible by Bob on his YouTube channel, also named Cheap RV Living, created in 2015.
The “increasing interest in van life” that Yahoo News refers to is not some petit-bourgeois fantasy being realized by privileged middle-class white kids, able to go home at any time. It is the necessity of formerly middle class, working-class, and poor people all across America who are out of work or are working but cannot afford housing.

Minimalism is a legitimate lifestyle for some; others have no choice

For many, this culture of minimalism is genuinely how they wish to live. Nomads have a genuine desire to see empty overconsumption come to an end. However, we can not ignore that minimalism is being promoted to prepare the Western population who are used to high living standards to accept those that are much lower.

Why do you think we continually see articles promoting insects as a legitimate dining option? Why are The Great Reset promoters at the World Economic Forum telling the public that they will soon own nothing and learn to love it?

Being a nomad doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared.
For those who are already nomads, whether by choice or forced by economic circumstance, it might be helpful to know that there are many prepping options available to you. There is no need to be left to the mercy of wherever you are right now.

I highly encourage you to access Daisy Luther’s article, “There’s Another Option Besides Hunkering Down and Bugging Out: Nomadic Living.” It will give you the perspective of someone who has voluntarily experienced and lived the nomadic lifestyle while also the mindset of remaining prepared for anything and everything.

At the rate the Great Reset is taking shape, many of us may find ourselves embracing the nomadic lifestyle, willingly or not.


On TB every waking moment
27:37 min

COVID 19 and Pregnancy: Vaccines, Fertility, & Breastfeeding with Dr. Viki Male
•Feb 13, 2021

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

Dr. Victoria Male explains key issues related to COVID and pregnancy including coronavirus vaccine safety, questions about fertility, breastfeeding, antibodies, and more. Victoria Male, PhD is a Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College in London and Lecturer in Reproductive Immunology. Dr. Male's PhD was at the University of Cambridge on natural killer cells in human pregnancy. Full bio: Interviewer: Kyle Allred, Physician Assistant, Producer / Co-Founder of

TOPICS IN THIS VIDEO INCLUDE: 0:00 Interview Highlights 0:21 What does pregnancy do to the immune system? 1:31 Do COVID 19 vaccines impact fertility? 3:08 COVID 19 fertility questions - how did the vaccine rumor start? 5:16 COVID and pregnancy - disease severity and fertility 6:31 Other viruses that impact fertility and pregnancy? 8:41 Should pregnant women have been excluded from coronavirus vaccine trials? 11:22 Can babies receive COVID-19 antibodies from breastmilk? 12:19 5 types of human antibodies 13:24 Are T cells transferred by breastfeeding? 4 key cells of immunity 14:06 Should breastfeeding mothers get a COVID 19 vaccine? 14:19 Should people trying to get pregnant get a COVID vaccine? 15:06 COVID 19 prevention for pregnant women in the workplace 16:15 Should pregnant women take a COVID 19 vaccine? 16:53 First trimester pregnancies and COVID 19 - should they wait? 18:01 Tips for optimizing immunity during pregnancy 19:54 A perspective on balancing risks 21:25 Dr. Viki Male's path to becoming a scientist 24:58 Current research on natural killer cells in pregnancy 25:50 Following Dr. Male's work 26:20 FACS: Flow Assisted Cell Sorting (This video was recorded on February 12, 2021)

REFERENCES: Clinical manifestations, risk factors, and maternal and perinatal outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy: living systematic review and meta-analysis (British Medical Journal) | Explainer on COVID19 Vaccination, Fertility and Pregnancy - Maintained by Dr. Male | Coronavirus Update with Anthony Fauci - February 3, 2021 (Jama Network) | I'm Pregnant. Should I get a COVID vaccine? A decision-making tool (UMass Medical School) | Dr. Male on Twitter: Seheult, MD At Home COVID 19 Antigen Testing & Vaccine Update with Professor Michael Mina, MD All coronavirus updates are at ad-free (including over 100 COVID-19 updates and interviews and more on covid fertility, covid vaccine pregnancy, breastfeeding covid 19 antibodies, covid 19 vaccine fertility, covid pregnancy):

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member


Senior Member
And another sudden death. Unrelated to the vaccine.

Woman dies after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona; no link to shot suspected

Woman dies after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona; no link to shot suspected

POMONA, Calif. (KABC) -- A 78-year-old woman died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona, but her death is not believed to be related to that shot, according to officials.

The woman received the shot Friday afternoon and was being observed when she started complaining of feeling discomfort and lost consciousness, according to a statement from Dr. Michael E. Morris, physician director of Kaiser Permanente's Southern California's COVID-19 vaccination program, which runs the site.

Paramedics on scene rendered aid to the woman "but she ultimately could not be revived."

"Her cause of death has not been determined; however, there were no signs or symptoms of a severe allergic or anaphylactic reaction," Morris said in the statement.

The woman's family says she had a history of heart-related illness. Her husband of 57 years also received the vaccination and is still urging people to get the vaccine, adding that he intends to get his second dose in a few weeks.

Kaiser says the site will remain open and vaccinations will continue as long as supplies are available.

"On behalf of everyone involved in the vaccine site, led by Kaiser Permanente, we extend our sincere and heartfelt condolences to her family," Morris said


On TB every waking moment
10:31 min
254 - Sleep Issues and COVID-19

•Feb 15, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

COVID-19 is tied to sleep issues like insomnia but is this a result of stress and anxiety or is there a biological issue caused by the virus? Dr. Rachel Salas, a neurologist and sleep specialist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep and Wellness talks with Dr. Josh Sharfstein about sleep anxiety and the neurological drivers behind insomnia in patients regardless of whether or not they’ve had COVID. They also talk about the sleep issues plaguing health care workers, changes in circadian rhythms for people working from home, treatment plans for sleep issues, and why seeking help for insomnia may be easier than ever.