CHAT Heartwarming Memes and Stories


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
What is your human and animal bonding of the day 132?

Human-animal bond. A homeless with his inseparable friends that were found abandoned in the streets of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil.

For many the love of animals is natural and never comes short. The relationship built with animals is a long haul to death do us apart and can not be ridiculed. Many see homeless as second class citizens who doesn’t contribute. I don’t necessarily agree with this, as they can be as compassionate and meaningful in their own way. The animals saved this man from further depression and he has a purpose to live well and provide the best for his family of animals.

As money is tight and he still use what he has to feed his family. Look how happy these fur babies are? They are loved and even if one day you lose all your assets, you still have your fur babies. This man is a hero to these animals and vice versa. They live for each other. Too all who is abusing animals out there, lessons can be learned from this guy and the many who considers animals before themselves. The animals seem to understand the human parent’s conditions and they don’t run away. Just stay because they want to be there for him. This loyalty and love the man deserves every ounce he receives!


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Love at First Sight

Easton's Mom told him he could adopt a new pet. He had the choice between a puppy dog or a cat. He chose to adopt Tiny, a 10 year old cat who had just lost his home. On the ride home Tiny got out of his cage and cuddled in with his new owner and has been stuck to him ever since.

Great job Easton, Tiny is one lucky cat!

Credit: Exploits Valley SPCA Adoptables


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
When my daughter Nikki was about 16 months old I gave birth to my twin boys.

One day I took one of my twins to the nursery to change his diaper when I heard the front door open. I ran into the living room and couldn't find my older two children anywhere. Panic set in. Without thinking i set my newborn on his activity mat and yelled at nikki to watch her brother and ran out the door and down the apartment stairs and outside where i found my kids playing in the parking lot. I ran after them and of course they ran away laughing. My husband came home while i was chasing them and he came to help but I yelled at him to go upstairs to check on the other kids.

I finally caught them and dragged them inside. My heart was racing so fast. I think that was the first time i was genuinely scared as a parent. I got them upstairs and sent them to their rooms.

My husband was holding our son with a look of pride as he told me what he walked into. Nikki was crouched next to Jeremy stroking his forehead and singing him a lullaby she had made up. When my husband went to pick him she said “Mommy told me to watch him. I loves my brother.”

I'll never forget that. My baby took care of my baby. I'll be telling that story for the rest of my life.

She is still extremely close to her brothers

Edit: I need to clarify a couple things. At the time I had 5 children. My oldest was almost 5 and had figured out how to unlock the door. It was locked. I was not being irresponsible. I stepped away for 2 minutes to change a diaper. My other twin was asleep in the swing.

And yes we lived in an apartment. It was a 2 bedroom but we had turned the dining room into a room for me and my husband. My twins were a surprise and we were house hunting at the time. We only lived there for a few months after my twins were born.

Please try not to mom shame. I'm trying my best just like every other mom.

Thank you for all the upvotes

The most frightening occurrences that a parent can experience is a child disappearing. It is great that no harm came from the children escaping the apartment. We fixed this problem by putting door locks up high on the exterior doors where they could not reach.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
A single act of kindness helped and saved countless lives.

“Back in the 1950s, Danny Thomas was a major TV star who had a successful comedy series on national television (CBS) called ‘Make Room for Daddy’ (Later changed to ‘The Danny Thomas Show’). The son of Maronite immigrants from Lebanon, read that a young medical student, the son of Chassidic immigrants from Ukraine, was struggling to pay his tuition, and donated the shortfall. As a result, countless lives were saved and made better by Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski.

Rabbi Twerski described the story in an interview with the Pittsburgh Quarterly on November 19, 2007:
“By that time, I had several children, so my dad and some members of the congregation helped me to pay for school. I applied for a scholarship through a foundation, but it didn’t come through, so in my third year, I fell two trimesters behind on tuition.

One day, I called my wife at lunch as always, and she asked, “What would you do if you had $4,000?” I said, “I’m too busy to talk about fantasies.” She said, “But you really do have $4,000!” I said, “From where?” She said, “From Danny Thomas.” “Who’s Danny Thomas?” She said, “The TV star.”

Then she read me an article from The Chicago Sun. Local officials had told Mr. Thomas about a young rabbi who was struggling to get through medical school. Thomas asked, “How much does your rabbi need?” They said, “Four thousand dollars.” He said, “Tell your rabbi he’s got it.”

Rabbi Twerski was (Edit - A renowned psychiatrist and) a prolific writer. He authored dozens of books on a wide array of subjects: from addiction and mental health to religious law for medical professionals and commentaries on Jewish texts. Twerski also collaborated with late “Peanuts” comic strip creator Charles Schulz on a series of popular self-help books featuring Charlie Brown and Snoopy.”




Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
"Today I saw a video that made me tear up. An elderly veteran on hospice wanted to get a meal with his wife at a local pizza restaurant.”

“There he sat with his oxygen tubes and oxygen machine and his cap that identified his branch of service in a long past war. In the same restaurant, a middle school choir was also enjoying lunch. Several of them saw him and started to sing the national anthem. The entire choir stood up, faced him, and joined in singing. This old and broken down warrior struggled to stand, placed his hand/cap over his heart, and wept as the choir sang. The humble and noble expression on his face said everything to me. There stands a true hero. Also, the actions of these kids tell me that even though some people say America is bruised, she for sure ain't broken. God bless us all."

Credit: Wendell Nope



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
“In the last week I’ve had 6 police officers in my home because my sons meltdowns turned to rage. With so much negativity shown towards law enforcement lately, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show my appreciation for the empathy these officers had for my son.

They showed up not knowing much about autism but they listened and learned while they kept us all safe. They also asked ALOT of questions so they wouldn’t do the wrong thing.

The meltdown today was because John wants to dress like Joe on Blues Clues but I can’t find that same shirt anywhere.

After calming him down, the officers went and bought a blue shirt and with Jenn’s fabric markers they attempted to create the shirt John wants. That’s what this pic is, 3 officers going above and beyond to help a severely autistic teenage boy! Sadly, it didn’t work, but the fact that they were willing to do this for my son made them hero’s in my eyes.”

Credit: Sherry Lynn Hillard

There are more great LEO's than bad LEO's. :applaud:


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
What has restored your faith in humanity?

In a race, athlete Abel Mutai, representing Kenya, was just a few feet away from the finish line but he was confused with the signage and stopped, as he thought he had completed the race. The Spanish athlete Ivan Fernandez was right behind him and realizing what was happening, he started shouting at the Kenyan for him to continue running, but Muttai didn’t know Spanish and therefore didn’t understand.

Then the Spaniard pushed him to victory.

A journalist asked Ivan, “why did you do that?”

Ivan replied, “my dream is that someday we can have this kind of community life”.

The journalist insisted “but why did you let the Kenyan win?”

Ivan replied, “ I didn’t LET him win, he was GOING to win.”

The journalist insisted again, “but you could have won”.

Ivan looked at him and replied, “But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of that medal? What would my mom think of that? Would my country have felt proud?”

Ivan desperately wanted to win, but more importantly, he wanted to win fairly. Doing the right thing in life counts more than anything else.

This story was shared by the actor R. Madhavan on his Instagram account.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
“I stopped at Whole Foods on Tuesday, excited to surprise my Mom with her favorite smoothie of all: Banana! After I ordered the drink, I realized that I had made a huge mistake and had to cancel the order.
The woman who took my order was very kind and didn’t seem angered by my change of heart, which made me feel relieved.

I told her that I completely forgot that my Mom is going through Chemotherapy treatments and can’t drink or eat anything cold. “She has a chemo bag attached to her for the next 46 hours and is extremely sensitive to the cold right now, ” I said.

“I totally understand! I have two family members going through chemo right now, too,” she replied. “Does your Mom like Almond Milk? I could easily make her a smoothie without ice and with room temperature almond milk. My god-daughter, Diamond, loved her smoothies that way,” she continued.

Ever since my Mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in October, things have been very chaotic. It never even occurred to me that I could make my Mom’s favorite drink that way, because I have been so focused on a million other things. I excitedly yelled, “Yes, please! That would be perfect!!”, and introduced myself.

My new friend told me that her name is Natasha and that she loves working at Whole Foods Market for this EXACT reason~ So, she can help others stay on top of their nutritional goals & health. Natasha proceeded to give me a long list of other natural drinks with electrolytes that will hydrate my Mom and settle her queezy tummy.

“My god-daughter, Diamond, was diagnosed with Cancer at Stage IV. It had already spread all over her body. She passed away at only 12 years of age…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes filled with tears.

I told Natasha that my Mom was already Stage IV, too, when her Cancer was found and that I was so sorry to hear about Diamond’s passing. As she made my Mom’s smoothie, Natasha and I talked about God, Angels and Love. It’s hard to put into words what this random encounter did to uplift my spirits and boost my mood. I was feeling very stressed about my Mom’s diagnosis when I headed into the store moments before. Natasha’s vibrant smile, kind words & compassion instantly soothed my soul.

We constantly hear about all the negative aspects of society in the news. It’s easy to go about your day feeling alone and smothered in problems. And, then, you come across someone, like Natasha Barnes, at Whole Foods in Madison, NJ and you realize that there are truly good-hearted, beautiful people who care, all around us.

I thanked Natasha over and over again for all of her advice and encouragement before leaving with my Mom’s smoothie. Natasha flashed me another huge smile and pleaded, “Wait!!!”

She then ran from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug. It may seem simple. But, Natasha’s actions were life-changing for me & a reminder that Angels are all around us. It only took a few minutes of conversation for her to restore my faith in humanity. Hopefully, Natasha’s kindness, my Mom’s strength & both of their smiles restore your faith in humanity, too.”

Credit: Amanda Sullivan

1651003773178.png What a sweet and caring young woman.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Who is the most badass person you've ever met or known?
This guy.

His name is Vernie.

He served 29 years in Missouri maximum security prisons for killing a man (22) who was abusing (no, I do not mean beating him up) his 14-year-old brother.

I know what you're thinking. “How in the world could a guy get 29 years for protecting his brother??”

It was not considered self defense since the guy was not in the act at the time. Vernie was only 17, didn't think he would be going to prison for protecting family. Prosecutors offered a plea for 25 years but, Vernie tried to escape. They pulled the plea and gave him life. He was finally released on his 6th parole hearing. And yes, he DID try to tell his parents and police prior to this event.

He's been free for four years now. He spends his time helping others and trying to prevent young kids from going down the same path. He is the strongest, kindest, most humble human you will ever meet. ♡

Edit: Just for the record, because this apparently needs to be spelled out for the internet. I am not glorifying murder. Vernie, does not condone what he did. He was 17 years old, he made a mistake. He paid heavily for it. Please, do not judge the lives which you have not lived. I promise you, he's not some cold-blooded killer without remorse - but a very kind soul. Thank you for all the up-votes and kind words for Vernie.

Edit #2!: If you support the abuse of children, do not comment, instead - block me, please. I will not ever, EVER, agree with you. Yes, human lives do matter. But, the moment you put your hands on a child, is the moment you forfeit your right to life in my opinion. I could never, ever tell a victim or someone who loves that victim, how to handle that pain. I have been abused, my abuser saw no prison time and went on to hurt 7 other children after me. There is no justice in this country for those of us who have been harmed by these people and to top it off, you support them and slap all of us in the face who have lived it and continue to live it for the rest of our lives. Does my life mean less to you than a person who hurts children??! Because that is exactly what you are saying to me when you argue that his life mattered. What about mine?? What about all the other kids? Some who may go on to become their abusers and continue the cycle. Well, you can go ahead and let them destroy your kids, but my kids will never experience the pain I did. So I'll leave it at this: I will not respond to anymore sympathizer comments, so if you're trying to get a rise out of me, don't bother. I would absolutely do exactly what Vernie did, if ever it comes to protecting a child from a grown adult who believes their sexual needs come before an innocent person’s LIFE. Ask yourself, is it worth your life? To protect them? To be one of them? There are many more just like me, and we will not stand for you to continue hurting us and trying to normalize your disgusting mental illness anymore. Go away and go find your people, trust me there's plenty of them here on Quora
Sadly, many pay the price for their actions whether warranted or not.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Found a cat in the garbage. She was put in the carrier and thrown out. Her previous owners obviously don’t want her. I’m taking her to the vet for a routine check up. If the veterinarian finds a microchip will they take her away from me?
Thank you so much for your answers! I didn’t expect so many people to reply to my question! This cat, who I named Magdalene, is the cutest and friendliest cat I’ve ever met, she loves cuddles and is always next to me no matter what I’m doing in the house. Can’t imagine what would happen if she wasn’t rescued. I can’t understand how could someone throw out such precious angel. Hopefully everything will be good at the vet and my baby will be ruled out healthy. Here’s pictures of her!




Edit 04.07.22

Hey everyone!

Just brought Magdalene back from the vet. Besides being a big scared, she’s a totally healthy kitty. A bit underweight, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed. Got two shots and took it as a champ

This is her curiosity taking over fear. (The scale has been knocked over seconds after).

There was no microchip in (which is kinda obvious) and I will microchip her soon enough.

Thank you, guys, for your support!!

Edit 04.09.22 Omg, 2.1K upvotes! Thank you so much, you’re sweethearts!

Wanted to give you a little back story:

For about a year I wanted to adopt a cat. My old apartment had a strict no-pet policy, so I had to look for a new one in order to adopt. I never wanted to buy a cat, only adopt the one who’s really in need. As soon as I moved out I started looking through shelters but couldn’t find the one my heart chose. That night when I found Magdalene and brought her home, I knew it was my destiny to be with her. She’s everything I was looking for in a pet. She’s exactly the way I imagined her. I think that God wanted me to find her and I really hope I’ll be able to give her the life she truly deserves!

Edit 04.16.22

Hey everyone! Here’s a little update. By a complete accident I saw an adoption ad and couldn’t resist getting this little angel. She’s a tortie too and she’s only 3 months old. I’m so happy that we have a new family member! Now, Eve and Magdalene (after a day of fighting) can peacefully sleep next to each other. I’m so blessed to have these little angels by my side!



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Tash Collins is Very Proud of Her Son

"I am so proud of my 13 year-old son. Earlier this week, a student at school did something to him that was absolutely awful and left him feeling humiliated and extremely upset. I was extremely upset for him and I went to see the school. It was pretty awful and could have been completely detrimental to my son's mental health. (It isn’t the first time he has been tormented. He often gets a lot of nastiness because he isn’t your 'typical' 13 year-old boy.) In my eyes, he is a beautiful boy and I wouldn’t change him for the world.

This evening, he informed me one of his teachers brought him a drink today. When I asked why she had done that, he explained there is a girl at school who gets teased and tormented. Today the student got really angry and the teachers couldn’t calm her down. My son went and spoke to her and told her he knows how she feels. When she asked him how he would know how she felt, he replied, 'Because it happens to me all the time too. I know what it’s like and how it feels, but don’t let those people get to you. Rise above them.' He managed to calm the girl down and she went off with the teachers.

I am so incredibly proud of my beautiful boy for showing kindness and empathy. My heart literally could have exploded at that minute. I don’t know if he realizes just how powerful he was in that moment when he reached out to that student. I told him she will remember that and you for being so kind. In a world where you can be anything, Be kind."

Credit: Tash Collis
:rs::rs::rs: What a kind young man and a proud mom.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
My wife had a serious condition during pregnancy. Our girl, Sunny, spent every night with her head just next to my wife’s abdomen as if listening to her for a problem.

When our daughter was born, Sunny always cared for her. Waiting for her safe wake up running to us for informing. Sunny passed to heaven in March 2019.

Our boy, Fox, is probably the most friendly creature ever. He taught how to love nature and inhabitants.

Back in 2013, when my father passed away both but especially Fox was always next to me. He was giving me a real support, sitting next to me giving me morale. Without saying a word, he was my biggest supporter.

He had a hard time in 2019 when Sunny was gone, even went bald unbelievably. We were next to him, he recovered. In early 2020, we had problems between me and my wife. He was there again to solve problems. After many years, he decided to sleep in our bed binding us together. I managed to win my wife’s heart again, thanks to him.

During the pandemic, in lockdowns, he helped our daughter to concentrate on online lessons, possibly paying more attention to lectures than her

He passed to heaven on May 27. I hope Sunny and him are together as they always slept hugging each other.

:rs::rs::rs: Our furr buddies do more for us than we realize.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
In 1996, a newborn baby girl was left in a garbage can near the city of Kolkata, India. Three friendly street dogs discovered and protected her for nearly two days, even attempting to feed the child before authorities were contacted and the young one was saved.

The locals thought that the dogs had got hold of someone’s clothes and were playing around with it, when the scooter owner was leaving for work the next day , the dogs started wagging their tail and sat near the cloth , he thought that the behavior was strange and when he unwrapped the cloth, he found the new born . Authorities were informed , the child had symptoms of Jaundice but she survived . She was 8-10 days old when this incident occurred.

:rs: :rs: :rs:


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

“This is Patrick. He is 86 and he stopped me in Leeds yesterday to ask me how my day was. He then asked if by any chance I had time for a coffee. Meetings cancelled – I spent 2 hours with the most wonderful man. He opened doors for me, told me about his marriage to his late wife and shared pictures of his family. He said that when he married his wife, he told her “the best is yet to come”…and that he still lives by that now. Patrick was the perfect reminder that amongst the hustle and bustle of everyday life and work, time really is the greatest gift to give someone. It was the best gift I’ve received in years.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Kids go searching for missing woman becoming heroes when they actually find her

Just as they had hundreds of other times, a group of young kids decided to go bike riding. It was an ordinary day just like any other. With the weather beautiful where they lived in Sacramento, California.

While out and about on their bikes, a police officer approached the kids. He explained to them that a 97-year-old woman from the area had gone missing. So, he asked them if they’d keep their eyes open for anything unusual.

The four young kids thought it would be best to ride their bikes up and down the streets. But they did a lot more than that. They rode through parks, over hills, and anywhere else they could think of to try to find the missing woman.


All of the sudden, one of the kids spotted the woman. They would later find out that this lady suffered from dementia. Quickly, they went home to let one of the fathers know they found the missing woman.


The police showed up and escorted the woman safely home. Then, the kids were told they did a great job. Something like this could be all it takes to shape the minds of these children so that someday, they do something amazing with their lives.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
One of the little boys in this picture had a grandfather in the stands last night who had a major health scare while he was watching his grandson’s game. As the adults all jumped to get medical support for the man, something special happened that most of us were unaware of.

These boys, most 10, some younger, all got together, on their own, took each other by the hand, and joined together in prayer. They didn’t know everything, they didn’t have all the answers, but they knew that it was a time to pray.

This is the faith we all should have. Like a child who comes to a loving father. We don’t have all the answers, we aren’t sure what to do, we may be afraid, and we sense in these moments that we are powerless……so we turn to Him. And our loving father listens and delights in our prayer.

Thank you for the lesson, boys.

Credit: Blake Bastin, Crossings Community Church



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

:rs::rs::rs: How wonderful to say this to the young girl for it changed her life.