CHAT Heartwarming Memes and Stories


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

“I work at CVS, and had an emergency call-in shift after an already-scheduled shift. Towards the end of my shift, about an hour and a half before close, a mother and her child came in. I helped her carry her heavier items up front so she could continue shopping, and then tried to help her get some soy-based Similac for her baby boy (of which we were out of). She came up to pay for what she had grabbed, and when the total came up, she couldn’t afford it. She immediately took some of the bigger items and went to put them away, telling her child he would have to wait to get his snacks.

This wonderful woman behind her, who had snuck up to the register, told me, ‘no, no, leave it there. She can get it.’ And not only paid for what the woman was going to put back, but for her entire cart of food, diapers, and other baby items.

Kindness is alive in America; today it showed itself with simple items for a baby boy.”



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Walking Was the Only Way Cristian Felix Could Get Home

“18 year-old Cristian Felix walks 6 miles to and from work at a fast food restaurant in Pheonix, Arizona. Due to the late hours of his shift, there are no buses running and he does not drive a car.

Phoenix Police Sgt. Natalie Simonick was patrolling the area one night and noticed Felix was out very late walking around. She pulled over for a curfew check to see if he was underage.

Says the officer: “It’s really not a safe area, there were no residential homes or businesses. It was kind of desolate out there so I asked if he wanted a ride and he said sure,” “I asked him if he ever had a bicycle, because that’s a little safer than walking.”

Felix told the officer he has never ridden a bike before. The officer was quite impressed with his initiative that she decided to give him his first bike. She had an extra bike at home and talked with her husband about teaching the young man how to ride.

She said: “We brought him to the precinct and we taught him how to ride in the parking lot”.

Well not only did they give him his first bike, but they bought him a bike lock, a light, and a helmet.”

Photo courtesy: Phoenix Police Department
Another caring LEO. :applaud:


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

1. Make your bed every day, even if it’s right before you get in it.

2. Don’t wear holey underwear…in case you’re in an accident and they cut your clothes off.

3. Travel light through life. Keep only what you need.

4. It’s okay to cry when you’re hurt. It’s also okay to smash (some) things; but, wash your face, clean your mess, and get up off the floor when you’re done. You don’t belong down there.

5. If you’re going to curse, be clever. If you’re going to curse in public, know your audience.

6. Seek out the people and places that resonate with your soul.

7. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

8. 5-second rule. It’s just dirt. There are worse things in a fast food cheeseburger.

9. Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Don’t confuse these.

10. If you’re staying more than one night, unpack your bag.

11. Never walk through an alley alone.

12. Be less sugar, more spice, and only as nice as you’re able to without compromising yourself.

13. Can’t is a cop-out.

14. Hold your heroes to a high standard. Be your own hero.

15. If you can’t smile with your eyes, don’t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.

16. Never lie to yourself.

17. Your body, your rules.

18. If you have an opinion, you better know why.

19. Practice your passions.

20. Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.

21. Wish on stars and dandelions, then get to work to make them happen.

22. Stay as sweet as you are.

23. Fall in love often. Particularly with ideas, art, music, literature, food and far-off places.

24. Fall hard and forever in love with nothing but yourself.

25. Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me, whenever the situation warrants it.

26. Reserve “I’m sorry” for when you truly are.

27. Naps are for grown-ups, too.

28. Question everything, except your own intuition.

29. You have enough. You are enough.

30. You are amazing! Don’t let anyone ever make you feel you are not. If someone does….walk away. You deserve better.

31. No matter where you are, you can always come home.

32. Be happy and remember your roots, family is EVERYTHING.

33. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

34. No one will ever love you more than I do.

35. Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you.

36. If in doubt, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Widow Sends Husband on an Unknown Journey

“Found in Florida! So one of the owners of a hotel, Judi was walking on the beach this morning cleaning up the junk that washed into shore and finds a bottle with a message in it. There is also some sand and 2 one dollar bills. Once we get it open and read the notes we find out that it is in fact NOT sand. It is the ashes of this woman's husband of 70 years named Gordon. She writes that He loved to travel so she sent him traveling in a bottle with a note and money for someone to call home and tell her where he landed. He started at Big Pine Key in March of 2012 and then went to Islamorada where someone found him. They added a note and sent him traveling again and he landed on our beach in Key Colony. Judi called the wife in Tennessee who was excited to know of Gordon's travels! Judi added her note, we put him in a rum bottle (you know added a little fun to his trip) with the three notes. We added another dollar in case Gordon travels far and a long distance call is needed. We will be having a memorial service or celebration of his life on our beach later today before sending him on his way again."

Credit: Allex1337



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

A mother made a run to Walmart with her young son. While in the store, she turned around and he was gone. She looked all over for him, and was on the verge of becoming frantic when she walked to the front of the store and spotted him.

She was just getting ready to lay some scolding on him when she realized he was doing something very strange. He was kneeling at one of the benches just inside the store and he was praying. She could not understand why he was doing this. Then she looked above him at the huge poster he was facing. It had photos and descriptions of missing children, and it read: “Every second counts.”

So she took a photo of her son doing this and posted it on Facebook. It went viral in no time. And as it did, one Facebook commenter summed it up pretty well, writing: “Whether or not you believe in God really doesn’t matter. This was a child in Walmart who was thinking about others and doing the only thing he could to help. The world would be a better place if everyone followed his example.”

Photo courtesy: 89.5 KVNE



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

According to the account given by his son, the choice was given because of his service in Africa.

Rommel’s son Manfred was 15 years old. He heard heard his father come upstairs and go into his mother's room. Anxious to know what was afoot, he got up and followed him. Rommel was standing in the middle of the room, his face pale. 'Come outside with me,' he said in a tight voice. They went into Manfred’s room. 'I have just had to tell your mother,' Rommel began slowly, 'that I shall be dead in a quarter of an hour.' Rommel was calm as he continued: 'To die by the hand of one's own people is hard. But the house is surrounded and Hitler is charging me with high treason. ' "In view of my services in Africa," ' he quoted sarcastically, 'I am to have the chance of dying by poison. The two generals have brought it with them. It's fatal in three seconds. If I accept, none of the usual steps will be taken against my family, that is against you. They will also leave my staff alone.'

'Do you believe it?' his son interrupted. 'Yes,' Rommel replied. 'I believe it. It is very much in their interest to see that the affair does not come out into the open. By the way, I have been charged to put you under a promise of the strictest silence. If a single word of this comes out, they will no longer feel themselves bound by the agreement.'

His son tried again. 'Can't we defend ourselves…' He cut me off short. 'There's no point,' Rommel said. 'It's better for one to die than for all of us to be killed in a shooting affray.

What a dad. :applaud:
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Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Have you ever had a premonition that saved your life?
My father-in-law did. He was moving some tools around in his garage and suddenly had a strong urge to move one of the cars, a Subaru, out into the driveway. He tried to ignore this feeling, because the car was not in his way and it seemed like a needless waste of time. But he couldn’t shake it, so he went and got his car keys and backed the car out of the garage.

Just as he had done so and was getting out of the car, a speeding Tesla flashed past him a couple of feet away and crashed into the open garage, then burst into flames. If he’d stayed in the garage working, he would most likely have been killed.

The resulting fire destroyed the entire garage and his other car. It was 9 months before he and his wife were able to move back into the house. But he was alive, and they still had their Subaru. There was no good explanation for the “little voice in his head” that told him he needed to get himself and his car out of the garage.

By the way, the Tesla driver, who was pulled out of the burning car by a neighbor, was uninjured but was convicted of DUI and had to pay restitution and perform community service.

EDIT: I’m touched by the number of upvotes and comments to this answer. Thank you! This is a photo of my father-in-law, contemplating the wreckage to his garage the next day and no doubt thinking about how close he came to being in there.

He was suffering from pancreatic cancer at the time, but from that moment his desire to oversee the restoration of the house gave him a new determination in life. It was a very busy and stressful time, during which he and his wife lived in rental housing. At last they were able to move back into the house which had been perfectly restored to its original state, including a new garage of course, new roof, new heating & a/c, new paint and flooring, and every item inside the house had been removed, professionally cleaned, and replaced. It was and is beautiful. However, his condition declined rapidly after that and he passed away in August 2018, not quite a year after the fire.