Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member

Donny got to Mark's study the same time as the phone rang. Mark did a lot of listening and finally mentioned for the voice to send him the paperwork; and they would go from there..

"I can come back, if I'm interrupting something," Donny offered, wanting to have Mark's attention for his vacation scheme.

Mark waved him down, "sit, sit; this will only take a minute. I need to send my address to this guy." and he turned around to tap the keyboard.

"Now, how may I help you; you obviously have something on your mind."

"Dad, I've had a heavy thought bothering me.. I'd like to go back where I used to live, to see if there are any relatives. I can't explain why I feel such a push to do this.
It's so strange to have this dominating my thoughts. I mean I'm content here, I know my Dad died, and it's puzzling to me to be so obsessed."

Mark leaned back in his chair. "Humans are funny," he began. "Often times, when they are getting ready to do a major life change .they feel the need to tidy up loose ends. You, going to school, is a major change from your life up to this point. Both Ma and I feel bad that you had such a slow start, with no formal schooling, but we also know that you are smart and capable of handling anything that comes your way. Do you have any specific questions, besides needing to borrow money?" Mark teased with a twinkle in his eye.

"Gosh Dad, I was hoping I was smoother than that," Donny almost looked upset that Mark caught him hat in hand.

"Relax Donny, I was teasing. I am well aware that you work and work around here and for the rest of the clan and don't ask for payment of any kind. You are willing to give of yourself, and I'm afraid we all forget and take advantage of you. I am more than willing to front you money, please accept it in the spirit it's given." Mark opened the bottom drawer and grabbed a handful of bills.

Mark counted out several thousand, and pushed them toward Donny, smiling "Take and enjoy, although could we ask you to be back here the last week in August to help us move?"

"Yes Sir, I'll be back. Let's see," and Donny turned around to stare at the calendar behind him on the wall. "That's more than eight weeks away, that's plenty of time." he said with a young man's assurance that he knew exactly what he was doing.

"How are you going?"

"Gary's Jeep, he's busy with other things," Donny laughed at the foibles of his brother.

"It happens that way," Mark shared a laugh, but refrained from telling Donny he might fall for the same dread disease. Donny wasn't healed, as of yet, Sally's death had delt him a severe blow.

Tess and Clora coming in the door, was a case of full blown excitement. Clora was bubbling with enthusiasm, talking about the 'new' house at a fast clip.

"I take it, you found a house," Mark observed with a smile.

"Yes, we would like you to come look. How are you feeling, up for it tonight?" Clora sat in her chair, happier than Mark had seen her in a long time.

"I'm really tired, any chance it will be there tomorrow?"

"It will be there until 4:30," Tess was grinning.

"Humm, I'm sensing a certain undercurrent happening here. Am I guessing that this house has a wood stove?"

"Bingo," Tess called out.
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Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
"Humm, I'm sensing a certain undercurrent happening here. Am I guessing that this house has a wood stove?"
"Bungo," Tess called out.

Daddy has learned thru the years being married to Clora.

Thanks Pac for the chapter.


Veteran Member

"Well, it's not a very big stove," Clora defended her choice with a worried voice, and, it's not hooked up, but it's all there." she hastened to add. "It's a little green and cream colored Harvest Maid, it's almost like a doll house stove. Don't worry, it has a very big, modern kitchen with a nice gas stove. It's a decent place, the rest of the rooms are good sized, there's a study," she added for Mark's benefit, "it is two story with an attic and a basement. The basement has plenty of fruit shelves, and a double laundry." Clora ran out of breath and Mark laughed.

"Sounds ideal, now what are you not telling me?" he jested.

"It has a family in it right now, and they are dragging their feet getting out." Clora looked sad, "if we want in, we may have to move them out ourselves, or pay to have it done."

Mark merely nodded. He intended to tell Clora he had contracted a cleaning and moving service, but not right yet. No woman Clora's age needed to be doing such hard work.

"Is there a master bedroom and a separate bath on the main floor" he inquired.

Clora nodded yes.

"Is there housekeepers quarters?"

Clora shook her head no.

Mark reared back in his chair, "I'm not much in favor of that. I think we should consider help quarters as a strong necessary item."

"Dad, there are eight bedrooms upstairs, surely that's enough to put up a housekeeper." Tess interjected, giving her Dad a sideways glance. Tess was thinking, don't blow this, old man. Ma's not sure she wants to leave here, and she's interested in this house. Go with the flow, she was silently urging.

"When do we go look at it?" Mark gave in, but intended to withhold his approval until he saw the place in person.

"Tomorrow at ten. Do you want me to call Woody and tell him we have found a place, so he can get an appraiser?" Tess volunteered eagerly. This would be a good excuse to get in touch with the man.

"Let me have a look at it," Mark protested mildly, but he could see it was a foregone conclusion. "Yeah, call him, get the number of the firm he wants to use, and we can call them if we all agree." That was all Tess needed to hurry for the privacy of her room to make her phone call.

Clora laid the real estate magazine with the house circled on the desk, and went for the kitchen to supervise Tilly and supper.

Mark looked at the glossy picture. Actually, the place did look decent. There was a three car garage with a small shop in the back. There was a good sized garden shed and several raised beds, but also almost an acre of ground; for more garden if needed. The back yard was fenced in wrought iron, and there was grass to mow and several big trees.

Not bad, Mark was thinking to himself, as he held his phone to the QR maize to get pictures of the house interior. He approved of the hardwood floors, especially on account of the three spilling machines.

"Did you see it?" he asked Donny, and shoved the booklet in the young man's direction. "Looks like plenty of room for us all. I wonder how close to the university it is?" and Mark turned to activate the computer.

"Thanks Dad." Donny reached out to shake Mark's hand. "I'll be careful and be back in time."

"Be safe," Mark said to the retreating form of his youngest.

"Will do." cane floating back. Donny headed over to the gals place, he needed to talk to Gary.


Veteran Member

Mark looked at the photos on the computer screen. Chuckling, he noted that Clora had missed telling him that the house was painted a shade of light lavender. Now Mark considered himself very tolerant and adaptable, but he was NOT going to live in a purple house. That would be a number one priority, as soon as the ink dried on the papers.

As for the family still ensconced and refusing to move; that was easy enough to handle. A moving van and burley men would make a great difference. The house was on a hill, thus the basement in a high water table area. Clora had chosen well. The price was reasonable, not cheap for sure, but well within the 1041 exchange rate for the retreat's buildings.

Mark laughed out loud, he had practically read Tess's thoughts, as she tried to mentally chastise him into agreeing with Clora. So, Tess must like the place as much as her mother.

Donny knocked on Breezy's door. "Hey Gary, have you got a few? I need to put a proposition to you."

Both men stepped outside so as to not disturb Breezy when she was working. "Whatcha got going?" Gary asked the serious young man.

" I need to take a trip, back to where I came from. I'd like to rent your Jeep for the trip." Donny was almost holding his breath.

"Well, ah yeah, I guess so; how long do you think you'll be gone?"

"I'm planning on two weeks. I've got to be back to cram for the GED test."

"You'll do fine on that, after all your smarter than me, and I passed in order to get in the Marines." Gary smiled in remembrance. "I did have to sweat a little, but it turned out alright."

"How did you get to be a major? without going through all the fancy schooling that the brothers did?"

"Battle field promotions, the dirty, nitty, gritty of blood and guts in the battlefield kind of promotion. Really nasty stuff, and I don't talk about it, ever." Gary said with great finality.

"I guess I could get Dad to take me in for Marshal training, I go in a week. Too bad I'm not going along; I'm sure we could find some trouble to get into." Gary left the thought open ended. "How old are you now?"

"Almost 21, but I feel many years older. So much has happened to me and to the family as a whole. You should hear them in the house, Tess and Ma found a house, and wouldn' you know, it has a ......."

"Woodstove," Gary broke in with another laugh. "Ma wouldn't have been interested if there wasn't one."

"Yeah, and Dad was muttering dark thoughts about living in a purple house." Donny tattled on Mark.

Gary smiled, "I bet that changes in a hurry."

"What's your plan for ..." and he jerked his thumb in the direction of the house.

"My plans are, whatever happens, happens. I'm gone in a week, for two weeks, so most things are on hold. I'm not rushing this. I did before, and it wasn't good for anyone."

Donny agreed, "I know the feeling."


Veteran Member

"Hey, when are you leaving?" Gary thought to ask.

"Tomorrow," Donny replied.

"Hang on a minute, let me ask Breezy if it's alright to use her car." When Gary asked, Breezy looked up from her paperwork and waved her fingers. Gary took that as a yes.

"Great, thanks Gary, I appreciate it," and Donny went for the house.

"Hey, don't you want the keys?" he shouted. Donny reversed and Gary tossed the key ring.

"Thanks bro."

Tess made her phone call. She was a tough mixture of nervousness and excitement .Woody answered on the second ring. He sounded as nervous and excited as Tess.

"Tess, hi, how are you." his smooth baritone was music to Tessee's ears. They talked for a long time, Tess finally got around to telling Woody they had found a house in town. "If you give me the number to the appraiser you intend to use, if dad Ok's the place, I'll call the man and we'll get this show on the road."

"Excellent," Woody approved, "now tell me how the boys are doing?" And that was good for another twenty five minutes of talk.

When the call ended, Tess was happy, filled with a peace about her interest in Woody. Besides she was appreciative of his slow but unmistakable interest, giving her time to get herself collected.

"Were you talking to Mr. Woody? Is he gonna come see us ?" Paul asked. "You sure were on the phone for a long time."

"Yes I was; as for visiting, he is a very busy man. He's the head of a large business and doesn't get much time off." That satisfied the boys.

Toby interviewed the first of five couples he was interested in. They were nice, qualified in their duties, but there was no spart of interest on either side, They also shied away from agreeing to protect the children with weapons.

It was the same thing with the next two applicants. The fourth couple had a small yappy dog they had to have with them, and the dog yapped all the time he was in the house. They seemed not to notice the noise, and it drove Toby crazy.

By the time he got to the fifth couple, he felt frazzled, but they seemed to fit the requirements. The man was a retired cop, handy with a broad background of talents, and Minnie was a small bird like woman that practically had to stand on a stool to reach the bottom of the sink.

Toby showed the duo the 'help' quarters, and they seemed to like what they saw. Toby let them look at the modest apartment, while he went to get Rennie for her approval, and Minnie and Art Carver were hired to start in two days.

Tom approved and promised to be out of the room and get it cleaned. He was happy to show the new people the inner workings of the household and school routiene. Everyone was happy with the deal.


Veteran Member

Tom had a plan. There was a certain lady at church, that had caught his eye. He had smiled at her, and she had dimpled up and smiled back. In a bold move, Tom moved to her side of the aisle and sat behind her. He listened to her chatting with her pew neighbors, and came to understand she was a 'spinster' lady of good moral standing.

Bessie Billet was a comfortable sized woman, and to Tom, that meant she cooked, and it was good enough to eat. It had taken him a while, but now he was sitting in the same pew at the end.

Several of the displaced ladies were giving him the side eye, for daring to invade 'their' pew and keep sitting there in all his manly splendor. Over the Sundays, he crowded closer and closer as to make the protective wall around Bessie crumble in frustrarion.

Saturday afternoon, Tom went for a haircut, washed his 'go to meeting' clothes and got ready for the final assault on Miss Bessie. Tomorrow was the Sunday he intended to sit next to the lady with the deep chocolate eyes and ready smile.

It worked.

His moves caused quite a twitter among the church basement kitchen brigade, but Tom was a single minded man on a mission. He had it all planned out. They shared a hymnal, because Tom had moved the other one, and sometimes Miss Bessie forgot to sing.

She had watched with amusement as the distinguished, salt and pepper haired man worked his way into 'her' space, and now she felt giddy with... well, she rightly didn't know the proper word, but she was feeling it.

After the service, Tom asked the amused minister to introduce them, observing strict Southern protocol. Tom didn't want to come across as ill-mannered and uncouth. Nervous as all get out, but not ill-mannered.

It worked. Up to a point. He escorted Miss Bessie to the basement for a coffee fellowship, and asked to walk her home. (Miss Bessie was very adamant that she wouldn't get in his car).

Personally, Tom thought that was carrying things a bit too far, but he smiled, relaxed and when she was ready, Tom set out to stroll Miss Bessie home. The lady was a fierce walker, and Tom had to grit his teeth and suffer his hip injury silently. Miss Bessie simply walked everywhere, and it showed.

Finally, sweating hard in the noonday heat and humidity with considerable pain, Tom had to ask that they stop for a moment. "It's an old war wound," Tom tried to pass it off as inconsequential, but once Bessie took a good look at the not so dapper Tom, she felt bad for deliberately exercising the man so vigorously.

Tom wasn't sure how far they had walked, but he was thinking they must have come a good ways across Raliegh.

He was going to have to call Toby to come get him, there was no way he'd be able to walk back to his car. Toby was agreeable, and showed up a half hour later.

Tom sat on the porch and had a glass of tea with Miss Bessie, getting to know her. He reluctantly took his leave, giving Bessie a wink and a promise to see her next Sunday. It was difficult to walk with dignity to Toby's ride, he was hurting so much.

A wave to Bessie, and Toby clocked the miles back to the church. "You must have it bad," Toby teased. "That's almost two miles."

Tom could only groan, getting out of Toby's rig and into his own. The empty church and parking lot, attested to the amount of time that had lapsed. "Miss Bessie, you just might be the death of me." he sat, gathering strength for the drive home.


Veteran Member
Many thanks pac. Winter yard cleanup here with tree trimming and thinning.
For several months now every time I get all of the tree debris picked up from my yard and driveway, it is only a few days until we get another strong wind and I have to do it over again. Most of the time no thunderstorms involved, just strong fronts or low pressure systems. At least I had all of the large dead limbs removed last summer, so it is all 2" diameter or less.

BTW, thanks Pac!


Veteran Member

Tom called Toby from the driveway, asking that Toby gather up his things from the service room, throw his clothes in his car. He needed to go to Clora's and mend.

When they got to the retreat with Rennie following, they gingerly carried Tom in the big house and put him in bed. Clora helped in all the right ways.

Rennie was standing in the kitchen, watching her old house, when she discovered there was a woman apparently well ensconced in HER place. Gary was in and out, and the woman waved at him.

Rennie was astonished. She had NO IDEA that the family would allow another person to hive in HER house. She had barely been away from the retreat for three months, and there was this WOMAN there.

It was very upsetting, how could they dismiss her, this way.

Toby could see the gathering storm clouds on his wife's face, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he felt the need to make tracks, before something did.

All the way back to their expensive mansion, Rennie ranted and raved.

Finally Toby asked, "what did you expect? You were unhappy there, shunned the clan and isolated yourself and the kids at every chance, you were disdainful at the mess created by butchering and canning. The food you were happy to eat when it came to your door already in jars. You ca';t have it both ways, so which way is it you want?"

Rennie calmed down and sat with her arms folded in silence that last several miles to the house.

"I don't know what I want, but it wasn't that." Rennie stubbornly spit out. She went to her office and shut the door. Lyric and Barry called at that moment. The birthday party was over and they needed a ride home. Toby went to get them.

He forgot to reset the alarm as he stomped out. Rennie's Dad was watching. He entered the silent house and shot Rennie in the face as retribution for the trouble she had caused in the past. Was he in his right mind, he never said.

Toby and the kids got home to a sight no one should ever have to see.

The aftermath lasted way into the night, Toby called Mark for help and Gary, Clora and Donny came right away.

"It's that man," Lyric confided to Grandma Clora, and Clora looked at her sharply.

"Who Lyric?"

"I don't know who he is, but he parks across the street and watches the house all the time."

"Honey, why didn't you tell your Dad?" Clora quizzed the almost teenager.

Lyric looked right and left and whispered, "he came to school on day and told me that he'd work Barry over with a knife, if I said anything. I was real scared, but he showed me a knife and made a stabbing motion at me."

"Oh Lyric," and Clora gathered up the tall thin child and held her in the power of her arms.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
He forgot to reset the alarm as he stomped out. Rennie's Dad was watching. He entered the silent house and shot Rennie in the face as retribution for the trouble she had caused in the past.

One slip of awareness can be catastrophic. Never let your guard down for you have no idea who is watching.

Thanks Pac for the chapter.



Veteran Member

What had been a quiet Sunday afternoon, disintegrated into a sordid situation. Toby sat at the dining room table, with arms around each of his children. He didn't want to let then out of his sight, and they had no intention of moving.

Clora took over the kitchen, making drinks and sandwiches. Her heart ached for Toby and the kids, She needed to speak privately with Toby. When Clora had been hugging Lyric, she had gotten a flash about who Rennie's killer was.

Before she made any public accusations, she needed to make sure the family was securely protected. Clora also had the notion that the retreat needed to be on alert.

Gary and Donny were acting as security guards, mostly in the way as they vetted every little question of piece if evidence by the police. Two of the officers investigating, were the two that had been involved with Gary, Breezy and the ferocious Ernie.

Both officers were highly interested in Gary being in the center of this new shooting. "This is your brother and sister-in-law? What do you do, run around town and manage to get in the middle of every suspicious happening?"

"No," Gary replied, "I would never want anything like this to happen."

The shorter of the two officers was thinking so hard, the wheels in his mind were smoking. "You don't suppose," he started to talk, "that little weasel that burned your girlfriend's house down, was responsible for this?"

Gary shrugged, "I have no clue, he worked for an attorney, and my brother and his wife are attorneys. Ernie could have had dealings with one or both of them."

The idea led to a tangent that took the investigation off on a side track, delaying the wheels of justice.

Clora found the paperwork for Art and Minnie, and a brief talk with Toby, had her calling the couple to come help; even if they weren't scheduled to start until the next day.

When he got to the house, Art was like an old fire horse at the clang of the bell. He was friends with most of the officers attending the scene. He was welcomed by all. except maybe the young incident commander.

Minnie took over the kitchen, easing the strain on Clora. Lyric wanted to get something from her room and begged Clora to go with her. "I don't want to go by myself, what if that guy is still in the house?" Lyric's fears were reasonable.

It started Clora, to think that perhaps there hadn't been a complete search of the house. She mentioned that to Art and he drew back with a busy eyebrowed glare.

"Oh, they had better have done a search," he roared, and all movement stopped in the house. Officers looked at one another, and shrugged. They hadn't done it, so maybe some of their fellow officers had.

The IC gestured with his hand, and without saying a word, four teams left the room to search the many room mansion. Art was muttering under his breath about the incompetency of these young hot shot college graduates.

The Incident Commander pretended not to hear, or understand what the grizzled veteran was complaining about. Most of the words went past Toby in his shock, and he shut down in his pain and grief.

Clora held Lyric back, and they sat in the kitchen in silence. Silence was better than saying meaningless platitudes.


Contributing Member
Sometimes the basics are forgotten. A older guy shot his neighbor over property dispute. The Officer decided not to cuff him. When they got to jail the jail personal found his backup revolver on his ankle. The Officers excuse. “Who would think a old guy would carry a backup?”


Veteran Member

Mark, at the retreat, waited for information to come through. Pretty quick, Donny came driving in with Gary's Jeep.

"No use for me to stay, there's enough people around there to fill a football stadium. Gary and Ma and maybe the kids will need a ride home after a while. Maybe Tess can go get them. I've got to get ready to leave tomorrow morning."

Tess got ready to snap back with a snarky attitude about Donny leaving right when he needed to stay, and Donny stepped back from the table and said "Stuff it."

Tess gave him one of her better outraged looks, and Donny told her she wasn't his wife and go order someone else around.

Tilly, behind the sink had to suddenly bend over and look for something in the bottom drawer. She was almost unable to stifle the laugh that threatened to burst out at any moment.

Mark looked away, but held his poker faced discipline. Donny was right, Tess was busy keeping everyone on the straight and narrow, whether they wanted the advise or not.

When Mark didn't reprimand Donny, Tess picked herself up and went for her quarters. Donny stared at her retreating back with a sour look. "That woman needs to be married," he said to no one in particular. "So she can irritate someone else."

That was more than Tilly could handle. She laughed out loud, still under the counter, her jolly laugh rang out and caused Mark crack a smile."

"So you think it works that way?" Mark said in mild reproof.

"It does with her," Donny grumbled. "She's mad I won't be around to torture over the GED exam for a couple of weeks.. I appreciate her desire to help me, I just don't care for her attitude. She acts so much like Judy did, and I'd sure hate to see her wind up like that witch. She mase Andy's life hell with all her constant criticisms."

Mark had to agree, not that he would voice such thoughts aloud. Tilly poked her head up and said the safest thing she could think of. "Donny, would you want a lunch tomorrow, maybe some cookies?" She sweetened the deal.

Of course he did.

Mark retreated back to his study, pondering on Rennie's murder. He really had no doubt that it must have been some of her relatives, a payback for the mess with the devil. Mark went to his computer and logged into a secret database and went searching for Rennie's name and a list of her relatives.

There was an annoying little pop up that kept pinging in the lower right hand corner, until he looked carefully at the creds and clicked to enter.

Rennie's dad had defaulted on a large shipment of diamonds and disappeared. Mark was ordered to immediately divulge any information he had on the subject. He carefully listed all the details he knew, including Rennie's murder by an unknown assailant.

It wasn't long before he got a phone call, instructing him to immediately go to a phone store near the center of town and accept a package. The voice was quite annoyed that Mark didn't have a secure phone, and the rules that had been broken.

Mark told Tilly he was leaving, and that he would go by Toby's to check on Clora. He called Milo and inquired if Milo knew about Rennie. He did, Ma had called and let him know.

"If you need me, I'll be there, otherwise, I have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning with the first class of sharpshooters." Milo was up to his ears, going over the paperwork.

"No, it's done and now the hard work begins," Mark sighed heavily. "I am having sorrowful thoughts because I never felt that Rennie wanted to be a part of the clan, and I didn't care one way or the other."

"You're not the only one to feel that way. I put it to the fact that she had a different upbringing, but I never felt warm fuzzies from her."

"I'm on my way to town to see if Ma and Gary want to come home." The other stop he needed to make was better left unsaid.

"Ok Dad, drive safe." and Milo was back to reading about his students.

Mark wondered about Milo's warning to drive safe, he didn't think Milo had ever said that before. Why now? Why today?

It was the annoyed voice that flashed back into his mind. Was that really a communication from the agency, or was it something else.