Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


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Mark drove into town, headed for Toby's place. All the while he was mulling over the strange call he had gotten. There was something not quite right about the call, and he couldn't exactly put his finger on the reason.

The insignia looked authentic, but it flashed up, blinked several times and then disappeared He needed to ask Clora about her 'take' on the matter.

Toby's place was calling with law, and Mark had to park almost a block away, and walk to the house. He had to provide identification before he was allowed in. Toby looked up blankly, his eyes so clouded with pain that he couldn't see past He was sitting at the formal dining room table, all alone.

Clora came from the kitchen and drew Mark into a hall way. "He blames himself, he neglected to set the alarm when he went to pickup the kids from a party. In some way, the assailant knew the alarm was disabled. That's a lead someone needs to investigate, there's something wrong there."

"Clora, I had a disturbing thing happen on my computer." Mark didn't get any further than Clora putting her hand on his arm. It doesn't seem legitimate, but there's so much going on here right now, I'm not getting any clear impressions. I do want you to call Milo and the retreat and put them on alert. The same goes for here. I fear for Lyric and Barry; there might be a kidnapping. Mark, I'm pretty sure it was Rennie's Dad that shot her. There's a prince involved in all this, and I believe we are all in danger."

Mark suddenly pulled her closer as three officers brushed past. "I don't think anyone else needs to know about this, right yet." he whispered in her ear. "Toby's like a zombie, do you think he will backslide like he did when Meg shot the family?"

"Anything is a possibility; we need to keep a careful eye on him. I need you to take me and the kids home, they need strong protection, say in an hour or so."

"Ok, I want to nose around a little. What do you think of the new couple? Do they pass the 'smell' test?"

Clora nodded, and Barry came wandering by.

"Grandma, what's wrong with Dad? He's sure acting awful strange." Barry stared over at his father.

"He's blaming himself for leaving your Mom, he's feeling guilty and we need to be careful with him."

"That's what I want to know Grandma, should Lyric and I feel guilty for being at the party and Dad had to leave to get us?" Barry was very serious.

"No, there is absolutely no reason for you and Lyric to feel guilty. Sometimes Barry, people do bad things due to their own thinking. Who ever shot your Ma, thought they had a reason." Barry's eyes filled with tears and he leaned into Clora's embrace. Clora held him and pretty soon Lyric was there, struggling to keep from breaking down.

Mark put his arms around them all and they let the children cry. Clora's eyes were tearing, and Mark was glad he didn't have to speak through his tight throat.

Gary passed through the house, noting that Ma and Dad were there to help with the kids. He looked at Toby and figured the man was worthless at comforting his own children. Gary intended to say something sharp to Toby, and then backed down. The way the man looked, it wasn't worth it.

Minnie went looking for the Grandma that had showed up. She found them all in a group hug in the hall. She approved, those kids needed warmth and love, and lot's of it.

Gary phoned Milo, when Mark mouthed, "call Milo, alert." Milo was still in his paperwork, and did the "uh huh" sound, as he halfway listened to Gary.

"Snap to brother. We don't know who did the shooting, it could be a clan vendetta. You might be next." Gary tried to raise Milo's awareness.

"Yeah, I hear ya; I'm just deep in the paperwork of all the incoming shooter's. Do you think Robbie might be in danger? He's after school tonight at practice, will be home on the activity bus. Honey and Mila will be here any minute"

"It's up to you how much caution you want to take, don't let me influence you, one way or the other." Gary was curt. "Do your damn paperwork tonight when everyone's safely home."

"Ok, thanks." and Milo hung up on Gary, ending the deserved scolding.

Gary called Big, finding out the large man was out in the barn pouting over the sale of the work horses. "Get to the house and be on high alert. There's some kind of sicko on the loose Get Breezy and tell her she has to come to the house; if you tell her there's a gun toting killer on the rampage, she'll come. Alert Tess and have her keep her boys inside. We have to worry about a kidnapping."

Gary was out of breath, by the time he relayed the orders Mark had given him, and all he got was silence on the other end of the line.

"Do you savvy?" Gary shouted into the phone.

"Yes, but there's one of those high and mighty guys driving in. I really think Mr. Mark should be here.".


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"Listen Big, don't say much beyond Hello and welcome. Have Tilly make tea, I'll have Dad call you right away." Big acknowledged and went inside the house to confer with Tilly.

"We need to tell Miss Tess, I'll run and tell her the royalty guy is here." Tilly made for the suite down the opposite hall.

Gary gave Mark the high sigh and held up his phone. Mark disengaged from the group hug and walked over. "The prince is at the retreat, it's Big, Tilly, Tess and the boys. Breezy is there, but she'll probably hide.

Mark said some dark swear words as he hit redial. What a bother, especially right at this time. "I'm on my way home," he told Big." It will be at least 25 minutes for me to get there. Make tea, let him guide the conversation; he'll ask all sorts of nosy questions, but stall any direct answers. Suggest they use the metal detectors to look for more urns and keys. Be very cautious and don't say much, they rake offence very easily, and usually someone dies." That was as strong as Mark could make it, trying to impress upon Big to hold his cool.

Tess cane to the kitchen to assist Tilly, her boys playing on the floor with cars in the atrium. "Where's Breezy?" she qustioned.

Tilly nodded toward Toby's former place.

"I hope to heaven she stays there and doesn't make a sound." Tess muttered.

Big finished listening on the phone, and went to open the door for the burly guards. They swept the house and one spoke into his microphone. The prince swept in, instantly assessing the people gathered.

"The American, he is not here?"

"He is on his way here, twenty minutes or so." Big answered. "We did not know you were coming."

"Out of necessity, I do not always inform people of my plans. I'm sure you can understand. May I sit?"

"Yes, please do. Would you care for tea?" Big tried hard to remember what formalities Mark had gone through.

"Tea is acceptable, as long as you drink the first cup." The young prince smiled at his own cleverness.

"I hate tea," Big muttered before he remembered that their distinguished guest was very ruthless if he perceived a slight of any sort.

His comment made the prince snort with laughter. "I take it you drink the beverage that the woman of the house makes here. What we call brown poison." This time, Tess and Tilly both laughed.

The prince looked up, seemingly pleased he had made a joke the Americans understood. "With your permission, I will have my men scan the ground the American has said he will sell us. We will not disturb the land unless we find metal."

Big nodded his permission, In the almost strained silence, the tea kettle's shrill whistle startled everyone. The two guards whirled around, looking for the source. Tilly made a frantic grab for the kettle.

Carefully, Tilly made the tea exactly as Clora had instructed her previously. Tess took the tray with the tea pot and cups, poured the tea and with a bold look, sipped the hot beverage.

The prince chuckled to himself. In a flash, he had his mind think horrible thought about killing the three boys playing.

Tess almost betrayed her unique ability and at a split second, she wiped the thought flash from her mind. The prince was obviously testing, to see if she had her mother's talent.

Tess pretended indifference and took another sip of the scalding hot tea. Actually, she was thinking about dumping the pot full on the prince for his crude test. It would serve the boorish man right.

There was a knock on the door. A word was called out, and the nearest guard opened the door to allow a man covered with dirt to stand on the threshhold.

The Arabic words flew back and forth, the man bowed and backed away.

"The urn we have been looking for, has been found. Strangely, it was located in ground that we had already inspected. Do you know how this could be?" the prince questioned haughtly.

Big shook his head no, and Tess opted to speak. "My father has already spoken several times, that we have no idea how or why this is happening. He has been very up front about that fact. If you buy the ground, that will be your problem to clear up."

The prince coughed in his tea cup. The woman was very bold The guard closest to him tightened his stance, and the prince shook his head no. "Tell me the time," he requested. "is the American near."

"He will be here in less than five minutes. I see his van in the distance." Big answered.

"Very well, I will wait," the prince gave his opinion.


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Gary patrolled the house, earning Art's approval for the additional security. Dinner time rolled around, and Minnie put a great spread on the table. Roast, potatoes and gravy, green beans and platters of biscuits. The law enforcement officers that were still there, enjoyed a good meal, and the smell eventually brought Tom out od hiding.

There was a big to-do when it was discovered that Tom had been in the house all the time.

Officers with drawn guns surrounded the limping and pained man, demanding an explaination. "I'ze been sleepin. You folks were makin such a racket, I locked my door and put my ear cotton in. I'm a sick man and need to rest." he complained in a crabby tone of voice. "But nows I'm hungry, soes get out of my way, I need to eat."

Minnie took one look at Tom, and fixed a plate worthy of a rugby team. Tom smiled his thanks and dug in with gusto. Along with the food, Tom got a grilling by sweet and gentle Minnie, getting the scoop on how to run the household and favorite recipes.

Tom responded with a torrent of information, between bites, of course. Art joined them and they traded stories, and ideas on what they might do to help the family.

Clora and the kids finally came in the kitchen; she needed a glass of water and the kids wanted cookies. Clora had a small plate of food, dawdling as she picked around. "It's very good Minnie, I'm just having a hard time eating," Clora apologized.

Minnie nodded, the Grandma looked terrible, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. The Grandpa had taken off after a phone call, so there must have been other complications going on for them.

The Cororner and Medical examiner had come, made their determinations, and removed the body and still, Toby sat at the table staring into nothing.

Gary had an idea, "Tom, may I use your car to take Ma and the kids home?"

"Only iffen you take me with ya; I cain't do no good here, Miss Minnie and Art have everything under control, and are better equipped to deal with Toby."

"Ok, deal," and Gary went to talk to Clora. It was decided that it would be best to take most of the children's belongings, they needed the security and structure of the familiar ways of the clan.


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Mark was involved with the prince, Gary and Tom were on their way home with Clora, Lyric and Barry; and Donny had the radio cranked up in the open air Jeep, headed for his former home.

His attention was on nothing more than the road and his supposed adventure, and the little faded red Jeep was shadowed by a dark green Volvo, hanging back about four cars.

With Donny's dark cowboy hat pulled low against the buffeting wind, and a dark jacket, the driver of the Volvo couldn't tell any difference between Gary and someone else. Had Ernie known that it wasn't Gary, he might have left off the chase, but in his hatred, he couldn't fight the grip on his thinking.

Donny went his way, unsuspecting and as the miles rolled by, the heaviness eased out of his heart. For over five years, his life had been the clan's, now he wanted a smidgen for himself.

Toby waited until everyone had left, Art and Minnie were in the kitchen talking low, Minnie was writing out a week's menu, checking for food on hand, using what was available. Art was drinking coffee when Toby walked in, looking for a cold soda.

"Please don't say anything, I want you to stay and work, eventually things will be back to normal. Just be very careful with strangers, The man's profile that I suspect was the killer, he is a tall, stoop shouldered but heavy bodied. I'm supposing that his hair is white, but no confirmation on that. His name is Camron Cooper and he is Rennie's Dad."

Millie dropped the plate she was drying. "Oh, my heavens," she gasped, and looked around, wondering if the man was lurking in the shadows.

"His daughter?" Art's doubtful voice was dep and strong.

"There is a long and unbelievable back story between Rennie and her Dad, There's devil worship and missing people, a gun fight during a court case, and no contact for many years." Toby felt exhausted, it was happening all over again.

Art spoke up. "I remember the gunfight in court. Don't remember much of the details, but it wasn't pretty."

Toby shook his head, he didn't want to talk about anything. He just wanted to sit alone.


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Mark rubbed his chin, feeling the slight rasp of the whiskers he forgot to shave. He was thinking that the prince was the last person on earth, he wanted to deal with.

The atmosphere was slightly short of hostile in the kitchen. Tess had a thunderous expression, Tilly looked scared to death, Big was standing with his arms folded, but his gaze never wavered from the craftly smiling prince.

"Ah American, welcome to your own home," the prince chortled. Mark noticed the tea preparations, so he was satisfied the prince ha been welcomed properly.

"Your highness, I didn't know you would be gere today. We have had a family emergency, or I would have been here to greet you."

"No matter, I came to inspect the property you have offered for sale. My man explained to you that I wish to only purchase the undeveloped ground?" the prince was watching Mark carefully.

"Yes he did. It is perfectly fine with me. I have a buyer for ten acres and the buildings; so I'm well pleased." Mark spoke as he sat and poured himself a cup of tea.

"I see, why wasn't I informed of this?"

"I have no idea, no one ever asked the question, I suppose." Mark carelessly shrugged his shoulders. "The buyer for this property won't bother you, and will keep to themselves."

It was apparent the prince was not happy that his scheme had been for nothing. The bare property was worth a couple millions, such a big chunk of land along the river was prime development opportunity. If his plan to acquire the buildings for nothing, was a instant anger producing flash.

Controlling himself, the prince turned to ask if Clora was available.

"No your highness, as I said we had a family emergency, Clora is in town."

"I would like her to be summoned, I have need of her expertise." The prince issued orders.

"Let me see if she is ready to come home," that was as much as Mark would try and order Clora to appear.

"I don't understand why you Americans allow your women such freedom. I would tell my wife to be here immediately."

"In your culture it might be your custom, it is not here." Mark retorted mildly. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of ordering Clora, he could imagine the look with her raised eyebrow. No sir, he wouldn't fuss Clora in that way.

"Do you find our customs to be funny?" the prince grated out.

"No," and Mark did laugh aloud. "I was thinking of what would happen if I went to order Clora to do something. You do realize she would know about it, before I could say anything."

"That would be most difficult," the prince allowed slowly.

Mark dialed Clora's number, and then had to dial again as he could imagine her trying to find her phone.. She finally answered and let him know they were about twenty minuses out. "We have company,"Mark informed her.

:Yes," Clora replied," tell him to cool his heels."

"Not me," Mark laughed, and ended the call. "They will be here shortly," he told the prince. "Would you care for more tea?"

The prince declined, and spoke to one of the guards and the man went outside to gather information on the urn hunt.

It took a while, but Donny finally noticed the dark green Volvo. He took an exit and stopped at a gas station. Gassing the Jeep, he went inside to gather up snacks and spend a few minutes staring at the Volvo. Finally, he made the profile of rat faced Ernie and put together a plan. Going back to the cooler, he looked for the largest and heaviest glass bottles, and bought four.

Donny went back on the freeway, driving slower than usual. He unwrapped a snack cake and ate it. If there was going to be a confrontation, he needed some quick energy. The GPS on his phone let him know there was an alternate route he could take, but Donny needed the freeway to accomplish his plan. He just needed a stretch with no traffic.


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It took several miles for the perfect time and place to happen. It couldn't be near an interchange or a over/under [ass, there was a risk of cameras. Donny sped up until he was pushing the speed limit, needing to suddenly slow down and let rat faced Ernie get within throwing distance before the jerk realized he was in trouble.

The first bottle was low and bounced off the flat hood. Ernie was busy braking when the second bottle went through the windshield on the driver's side. Ernie jerked the wheel and went through the cable guard rail into the median. The unequal height of the East and West lanes was shored by a four foot high stone retaining wall.

There was a cloud of dust, flying dirt and peeled up sod as the dark green Volvo hit the stone barrier with a satisfying crunch. The horn was blaring as Donny continued driving. Thinking quickly, he went as far as a crossover, made an illegal U turn and went back towards the wreck and parked well off the highway and called 911.

He could see that the airbag had deployed, and that Ernie wasn't moving. Unable to get cell service in the hills, Donny went back to the exit that put him on the alternative route, and headed North.

Drinking the evidence and throwing the last two bottles into the ditch, Donny unwrapped another dark chocolate snack cake and continued at a reasonable speed away from the area. The road was a peaceful but winding and the scenery was calming and soon Donny was driving and signing in the loudest voice he could master. "Country Roads, take me hone......."

His burdened and over worked wounded heart, eased the strain in the mindless singing and driving. Donny actually didn't care if he got to his old home or not. Just for a little while, he needed to be carefree.

Gary had a car full of people, Tom had insisted he drive by a strange address and stop. Tom went to the door and spoke briefly with the woman that answered the door, and then limped happily back to the car.

"You kin go now and stop gawkin at the lady," Tom informed Gary thumping his cane on the floor boards for emphasis.

"At your service," Gary flippantly retorted, and what he intended to say next was interrupted by Clora's phone ringing. In the depth's of her famous pocket, she couldn't get under the seat belt to catch the ringing item. It shut off and then immediately started again.

"Must be Dad," Gary chuckled, "no one else is that impatient."

Clora answered and listened. "I believe we will be there in about twenty minutes." and she looked to Gary for confirmation.

He nodded and Clora tried to nicely say, the prince should go fly a kite, but stopped and said goodbye.

"The prince is there," she said sourly. "I wish that man would stay home and attend to his own problems."

"Mizz Clora," Tom spoke from the back, "meybee you should tell him you see an uprising the next time he leaves home; that outta spook him good."

:Good idea, I'll remember that," Clora managed to smile, in a day there wasn't much to smile about.


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Toby went to his office, using the motives and expertise he had learned from Mark, he plugged the name of Rennie's dad into a shadow website and sat back. waiting for the information. With single minded devotion, he set about to ruin the man that had shot his wife.

Toby, for all his shortcomings, had a secret life parallel to Marks. By silently observing his father's actions, he answered to a spook agency that paid him well. Now he was going to exact revenge in the most brutal way he could imagine. Whatrever it would take, Toby was determined to see it through. Using the resources of the agency.

He had a narrow window of time to accomplish his cold blooded exactment; the kids needed him as a parent. Next on Toby's list to accomplish, was enrolling Lyric and Barry in a secure, private school. He could see no greater good for Granddad Warrens money, than securing his children's future.

Calling the school, he made an appointment to observe the curriculum and rules, his kids would be exposed too. The school also came with a secure bus system that transported them to and from school. just as Toby had been taught at the Applewood years. He well understood his children were prime kidnapping victims, the payback for foiling Rennie's parents plot to use Barry as a brimstone offering.

As Mark might have responded to the threat with hard eyed reasoning and emotionless revenge, Toby followed suit.

Clora arrived at the retreat and tended to her grandchildren first, leaving the prince to chit chat aimlessly with Mark. She finally came to the kitchen, and sat wearily next to Mark.

"What is it you wish to know?" she challenged the young prince, not waiting for the usual formalities.

The prince raised an eyebrow at her brashness, but he could clearly see the woman was under a tremendous strain, and decided to reserve his usual haughtiness.

Clora was about full to the top of her ears with the various autocratic acting princes, and once again challenged the man.

"Why do you come here and ask me these questions? You have advisors that tell you what you want to know.You don't take my advise anyway, so why do you bother?"

The prince was taken aback by her sudden attack, and the guard would have most likely shot her for speaking in such a manner to his royal highness but Mark's sudden alertness had the prince considering that he might die in the cross-fire.

He motioned the guard to stand down, and accepted that Clora was correct. "I would like to ask you if the woman you spoke about would still be a suitable wife? She is not acting interested."

"She is questioning your ability to run your country in a rational manner. You have married and divorced all three women that I told you not to marry. I wasn't kidding, nor was I talking just to be talking. You are going to have to display adult judgement, if you want a quality woman to become your wife. She is very capable and trustworthy, but does not want to marry a boy pretending to be a man."

Th prince just sat staring at Clora. No one had ever talked to him in that manner and he didn't know how to respond. "I...ahh," and he lapsed into silence.

Mark was swallowing hard, he was wondering what in the world was getting into Clora to speak to the prince in such a manner.

"Send the guard outside and I will tell you more." she ordered the prince, and went silent until the young man made up his mind.

The guard retreated to the outside door, and Clora waited for the prince to get over his shock. Then she opened the 12 gauge.

"I am telling you these things as a grandmother. You are dabbling in foolish behavior that will ultimately bring on your death. Do you want me to specifically detail what behavior I am referring too?"

The prince shook his head no.

"Then stop it!" Clora said harshly, "you are a person responsible for the lives of your many people. That is a heavy, major responsibility. You have the opportunity to do so much good, and what are you doing with it. Nothing." Clora was scathing, her irritability and lack of sleep causing her to speak out as she would have never done otherwise.

The prince sat quietly, digesting what Clora had said. "There are many traditions and long held customs that are difficult to overcome," he finally said weakly.

"Balderdash," Clora sputtered in indignation. "That's a feeble excuse for a man with absolute power. The thing is, are you the leader, or a puppet? Is someone pulling your strings or are you responsible enough to take control? You are spoiled and your many toady's indulge you as long as it is inconsequential matters. They are sucking the power away from you and leaving you a laughingstock among your peers. If you have the ability to govern, then do it or let another guide your country.' Clora got up, she needed coffee.

"Are you this outspoken with your husband?" The prince spoke before he really thought about what he was saying.

"My husband is a very competent man, well versed in his abilities." Clora ripped the prince a new one. She poured herself a mug of good fresh coffee, and went to sit next to Mark.

"I can't say I like hearing what you have to say," the prince replied slowly, "but I also can't deny the soundness of what those words are."\\

"Then stop dabbling in,.... what you are dabbling in." she replied obliquely. "It will be the death of you, so choose your path carefully."

The prince sighed hard, "you must be hell to ilve with," he said in a very normal, American voice. "I'm not sure your gift makes up for your boldness."

"I invite you to stay away, I'm not asking you to come here and disrupt our life. Now if you will excuse me, I have two grandchildren that just lost their mother." Clora removed herself and Tess followed with a wave for her boys to follow her.