Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member

Donny pulled into the sixth car lot of the search. He was privately thinking Tess was like Goldilocks. The cars she had looked at, were either too this, or that, or hopeless in the motor department.

But there, un the corner, shining in all her faded white paint glory, was a Cherokee jeep. The older square ended vehicle had room in the back seat for youth seats, the motor sounded strong, and Tess approved in a test drive.

"How much?" Tess asked, as there was no tag in the window.

"Well, ah, I ain't wantin to sell that one, thats my personal car. I just got it in, and ain't had time to go through it like I do, afor I puttum on the lot fer sale." The older salesman rubbed the side of his nose.

"How much?" Tess repeated stubbornly. "I like Jeeps."

Donny was thinking that Tess shouldn't act so interested, that might make the man hold faster to the price.

Tess however, had her secret weapon. She knew the Jeep was one of the better cars the guy had for sale, and she also knew what his bottom line price was. So she kept pushing, until the man finally agreed.

"I cant pay over $2800.00. I have to have it inspected and buy tags and insurance." Tess had one eye on the salesman and the other on her boys.

"I don't know about that, I got 3 in the outfit, I ain't in the habit of selling at a loss." he stalled for time.

"But, $2800 is a reasonable price for the year and condition,' Tess countered, "and it's cash." she enticed.

"All right, but yer plumb robbing me," the salesman had to have the final world.

"That's got to include the sales tax," Tess said sweetly. "let me count out my money," she added in a rush, before the guy decided to balk. It was the sight of the hundred's that smoothed the man's reluctance.

So, that was how Tess and the boys drove out of the car lot with happy smiles. Donny followed to the DMV and they transferred the boys into the van and he headed to the retreat, while Tess stood in line to register, tag and part with the last of her money.

She had to pull out of the line, when she realized she had to have insurance first, so she went next door to the ultra handy insurance agency and put what she needed on the sporty little Jeep. Then she got back in line and waited somewhat patiently for the line to move.

Donny was just pulling in the retreat drive, when Gary drove in. The triplets all clamored for "Uncle Gary guess what we got." They were jumping up and down in excitement.

Gary was patient, and listened carefully to the language most other people had trouble deciphering. But Gary had listened to his boys and their peculiar way of talking, and he understood most of what they were saying..


Veteran Member

Gary deposited Breezy at the table and went to talk to Mark. Clora was in taking a shower and Mark slid his feet to the floor and demanded Gary walk him to the dining room.

"I'm so sick and tired of being sick," the patriarch complained. "Clora won't hardly let me breathe by myself. What you want is in the bottom drawer of my desk. There's a throwaway in there that it fits on, just don't lose the silencer."

"Yes Sir," Gary answered a superior officer. "I have to have the opportunistic time, and so far, there's not been one. Also, Breezy has no idea. And..........." Gary paused dramatically, "I go for Marshall training in a week and a half. I've read and re-read the manual several times, and I understand how you can be proud of the organization."

Mark nodded his satisfaction. "Just be careful with this current job, it's enough to stop your chances to be approved."

"Yes Sir, I fully understand." Gary felt like saluting but didn't.

"There's money in the top drawer for you. Now help me to the dining room, I heard Clora turn the water off, so let's hurry."

The old lion was pretty weak in the knees by the time he made the long walk down the hall. Leaning heavily on Gary, Mark was more than thankful to reach his chair.

Breezy was chatting with Tilly and as usual, Big was hanging around the fringes, providing security. Donny had the triplets playing in the lee of the patio, and they had fringes of sweat beads along their faces. It was a fine hot, muggy day.

"Has the other real estate person showed up?" Mark asked Big, and got a negative shake of his head.

"It's been very quiet, how are you feeling? Miss Tess has told us of your first encounter with the poison."

Mark winced, he really didn't want Breezy and her curiosity brought into the conversation and clan confidences. That was something he really did have against Big, the man wasn't cautious with what he knew. He had stepped up and defended the clan, and by that action, he was accepted, but Mark really wished the man would keep his mouth shut.

Clora had already told Mark that she felt Tilly and Big wouldn't be moving with them; preferring instead to stay at the more rural retreat.

At first Mark was fussed with the idea, and now, he was happy to be thinking the large man would be staying behind.

At the sink, Breezy stopped talking to listen to the exchange and drew a breath, getting ready to as a nosy question, when Tilly hissed a low "no, none of your business."

Tilly tapped Breezy rather sharply on the arm to re-enforce her warning. Breezy looked at her stubbornly, thinking the cook had no right to be giving her orders.
But then that darn Gary gave her one of his inscrutable looks, and Breezy, caught the meaning. Giving a short curt nod, she held her peace.

"Did I hear your voice, Gary?" Clora showed up with a handful of papers. "You need to look these over and fill them out. It looks like Woody will be here on Thursday, and that would be a good time to turn them in."

"OK," Gary said "thanks".

Tilly brightened the silence with coffee and cookies, and naturally the triplets could hear the cookie plate slide on the table.

Gary and Breezy stayed through dinner, Gary finally satisfying his appetite with more bowls of stew, that Breezy could count.

"We need to go to the grocery store, this is a good time, while we have a crew at the house." Gary finished his stew, took a long drink of coffee and looked at Breezy. "In fact, we'd better get going, daylight's burning. Let me get some clothes and I'll be ready to go.."and he left the table.

Breezy was curious to see what Gary's room looked like, but once again she was stopped by Tilly. "No ladies are allowed in the men's quarters. Please sit back down, he won't be long." Tilly tried to smile and reassure the young woman.

Breezy nodded, but boy she sure had the questions, and Mr. Gary was going to do a lot of talking.


Veteran Member
the Easter rush is on. Auntie and a friend are here, and it's taking me a lot longer to get my act together.. The young man that comes is here, and he sits quietly with the laptop, reading the stories. This gives his parents a short vacation from their constant care duties.

Be back soon. May the message of Easter rest in your hearts. We owe it all to Him. Pac.


Veteran Member

Gary and Breezy headed for her house. When they got there, the house was locked, but there were no workmen in sight. Gary made Breezy go back to the car and locj herself in. "Lay on the horn, if you feel threatened. It'll take me a little nit to clear the house, so don't get impatient and come inside, I will consider anyone I hear inside, an intruder and shoot."

"OK," Breezy had a frightened voice. "Please be careful." she asked, "pretty please?"

Gary nodded. He was so angry; he didn't want to frighten Breezy with his show of temper. The workmen that had promised to stay until they got home, had evaporated, and Gary was ready to kick butt and ask questions later.

It was clear that Ernie had been in the house between the men leaving and Gary and Breezy getting there. The files had been re-scattered on the floor, the bar was off the basement window and the old bedroom windows had been hit and cracked. It was obvious Ernie was beset by deamons, and when Gary found the piece of paper tacked on the law office door; he was infuriated.

It was an official notice to vacate the property by order of the Sheriff. Ernie had done the unthinkable. He had finagled the deed to Breezy's property by claiming a lien on the property that hadn't been satisfied. Breezy was essentially out on her ear. It was a two week notice, they had work to do,

Gary took the paper and went to sit in the car and let Breezy read the heart stopping news.

"Can he do this?" Gary finally asked into the shocked silence.

"He evidently took my deed and paper issued Title insurance and forged a bill of sale. He's very well versed in what to do to be sneaky and shady. He knows everyone in the correct offices, and has done so much work for me, the gals hardly pay attention to what he's doing. They know I am always totally correct, and I'm afraid some of it gets rubber stamped through."

Breezy sat with the paper in her lap, a feeling of total despair, a lead balloon in her stomach. "What am I gonna do?" was her plaintive wail. "This makes me sick to my stomach. This was my Mother's Mother's house. It's been in the family for years., and I can't believe that pond scum would do this to me."

"Let me make some phone calls, before you start crying , maybe I can help. maybe not." Gary went to get out of the car, he needed to call Mark and see if Breezy could move into Toby and Rennies old house in the retreat.

It took a lot of talking, and Mark had to stress several times that they intended to move within two months, so it was temporary at best.

"Thanks Dad, I can get her moved within the week and a half before I have to report for Marshal training. This guy is a real piece of work. There's some way he's getting in this house that we can't find where. He's maniacal and probably suicidal He's got Breezy so scared, she can't think straight. We'll get as much as we can stuff in the cars and be out there tonight. Don't wait supper on us. Thanks again from the both of us." Gary signed out

Breezy was astounded and sputtered her heartfelt thanks. "You're Dad seemed like he didn't like me, I'm surprised that he agreed to let me stay."

"Breezy, you're there on my say so. I'll try to tell you all the clan's rules, but it's a straight and narrow path you will be walking. You will be welcome to eat at the big house, but the meal times are set, and if you miss the fend for yourself or go hungry. Dad has total control, do as he says with no backtalk, or prepare to get out. His expertise and Mom's attention to detail, have kept us alive through some very incredible situations.. Yes, it can be frustrating, but it has worked for us, so that's the way it is." Gary wasn't smiling, feeling that Breezy's independence would probably have her outside looking in, quicker than he could predict.

"Let me get my Jeep out of the garage, you make a list of the most important things you need to take tonight. Keep in mind that Ernie will probably be in here again tonight."

"Again?" Breezy was sharp enough to catch the again, and Gary nodded. "He's been in here since the workmen left. Work smart Breezy, I'll be in to start hauling items to the Jeep, Take the files important to your work and important house papers. Clothes in garbage sacks so they don't blow out, he'll wreck stuff in here tonight, so think on that."


Veteran Member

Breezy gathered up the paperwork for her most recent cases, bags of clothes and whatevers.The move was complicated by the fact that they had grocery shopped and the bags of food were in the way.

She could hear Gary start his Jeep and position it close to the kitchen door. "I can't get everything I want, but need all the paper work I've piled on the desk." she told the muscular man as he bounded up the utility room steps.

"He'll try to mess the paperwork as much as possible, don't forget to include accounts receivable, any valuables from the safe, the usual." Gary gathered up a box of papers and stuffed them in a plastic sack. He loaded his Jeep with as much as he could manage to stack without it falling off the open air Jeep.

Breezy jerked hangers of clothes from her closet, threw shoes in a sack along with anything else she thought she might need in a panic. Jewely went in a small carry on suitcase, and she looked longingly at her antique perfume bottles, gave a deep sigh and gathered up the clothes and started for the car.

Dumping her load in her car, she jumped a foot when her phone rang. "Sorry Uncle Cam, I can't talk right now. I'll call you tomorrow at this number"

Gary came out of the house with the rest of the clothes and sacks. "Does he need babysitting?" Gary smarted off.

"Probably, he's in a real snit, he has a restraining order against him and he'd like to think he's powerful enough that no one would dare do that to him. I'll look into it tomorrow. I blew him off, and he's not happy. I wouldn't mind it if he used another lawyer, I call him Uncle Cam, but he's an Uncle of a great aunt, or something like that. Now, let's go for a second look, of what I need to take."

Breezy, once she was over her initial shock, used a determined mind to go through her belongings and case work. "Oh, I almost forgot the chargers to my phone and laptop." and she hurried back inside,

Gary played pack horse, loading Breezy's car to the hilt. "We can't get any more in the car, let's go, I have work I have to do tonight with all the paperwork Ma shoved at me this afternoon."

The drive to the retreat was uneventful, Gary unloaded a lot faster than he loaded, dumping everything in the middle of the kitchen floor. Toby's house was cool and empty, and Breezy was left looking at the surprisingly small pile of her stuff.

Gary had asked Donny for help and they hooked up a small trailer and took off again for whatever they could get next at Breezy's place. Breezy was firmly told to start putting stuff away, they didn't need her help this time.

Tess wandered over to lend a hand, and that effectively closed off Breezy's complaints about being abandoned.

Gary and Donny pulled up to the old colonial and Gary was sure Ernie was inside. He saw a shadow flicker across the office window, and felt for the pistol and silencer as he charged into kitchen.


Contributing Member
Gary better use some caution and Do proper room clearing so he doesn't get shot in the face by the little Rat.


Veteran Member

The kitchen door, locked and fortified by the re-modeling they had just finished, didn't budge an inch. Instinctive training kicked in and Gary rolled to the side; saving himself from the first of three 'piffts[ sounds of a silencer at work.

"So that's the way you want to play," Gary said under his breath and he looked straight into the camera and spit at it. Guessing that the act of disobedience and displeasure would infuriate and trigger Ernie faster than anything else, he taunted the inside intruder with faces and hand gestures.

Moving quickly away, Gary hid in the only space outside the house, that wasn't covered by the security cams.

Three more muffled shots were heard, and then nothing. From his vantage point, Gary watched Ernie come from the back of the house and head around the solid wooden fence to where he probably had his car stashed.

Gary listened to the car start, and as it passed the opening in the fence line, he shot at the rear tire. It exploded with a satisfactory sound, and it didn't deter Ermie a bit. He continued at a rapid speed down the back alley with a thumpty thump tire.

Hiding his gun under his shirt, Gary understood one very obvious fact. Somehow, Ernie was getting in and out of the house and not using the basement windows or a door.

"There in the back of the house, neatly camouflaged by a trellis with some kinda vine growing all over it, was a hidden door. Gary tried for long minutes to find a door knob or hidden trigger that would let him access the portal. Nothing.

To make matters worse, in his haste, Gary had forgotten to get the house keys from Breezy. So now the old white building with it's formerly weak defenses, was mocking him with it's tight security and impenetrable entry. Gary felt like swearing and did some to relieve his anger.

There was nothing to do but return to the retreat empty handed.

Mark was thankful he was in the kitchen, but rapidly losing energy. A car pulled up to the gate and honked for entry. Annoyed to the max with Donny gone helping Gary, Mark sent Big out to gather information and let the car and driver into the compound if the occupants were real estate appraisers.

The large sized man ambled, and didn't hurry, causing Mark to think dark thoughts about his handyman. Big brought the man in, and with the printout that Clora brought from the office, he sent the man out to do his job.

Mark noticed the old white Cherokee Jeep and started to laugh. "That looks like the old one we used to have. Clora, do you want to try driving ?"


Veteran Member

Clora shook her head and vehemently said "NO, absolutely not. NO DRIVING."

Mark had to laugh, it felt good to have a special recall with Clora, she hadn't changed one bit; she was just the way he liked her. Now to convince her that he was recuperating well. Only her worried concern was showing and like it or not, he was feeling pretty darn tired.

"Will you handle the appraiser? I'm going to have to go back to bed. Big, will you assist me please." Mark struggled to rise from the chair, and Big had to hustle to grab his arm and steady the frustrated man.

Clora watched them walk down the hall and turned to grab her coffee cup. She was chuckling, Mark hadn't changed one bit. He was just the way she liked him.

It took the appraiser four hours to walk the perimeter and make all the notes he needed to translate into hard numbers. He looked a little worse for wear, burrs and stickers all over his socks and snazzy trousers. He looked disgustedly at his clothes and happened to see Clora standing on the patio.

"There are snakes down there and I'm sure I heard wild hogs," he protested, waving his arms in fright. "I can't believe you people live so close to a swamp, I'm sure I heard gators bellowing. Why don't the authorities drain that swamp, I'm sure that's where the snakes are coming from."

"Probably" Clora agreed with a smile, "They wiggle in here once in a while, we just shoot'em."

The man shivered, as he stared at the white haired, grandmotherly looking woman.

"You shoot? you look like a grandmother."

"I am, many times over. Do you have any questions about the property?" Clora was ready to get the man back on a business level.

"I have what I need, you may expect my paperwork in a week." The man looked like he'd rather take his pants down than get in his Escalade with fouled trousers, and it made Clora smile. To ensure privacy, she turned away, heading for the kitchen door.

Mark was asleep when she got to the bedroom, and she closed the door gently. He needed more starch than he thought.

Tess and the boys were at the table, she was leafing through a real estate pamphlet, and shoved the booklet toward Clora.

"Ma, this one seems like it might be interesting. Not too far from the school and certainly big enough. See what you think?"

Clora sat down and pulled the magazine to her. It did seem like a possible fit. An acre in town with beautifully manicured grounds and a 'Grande Belle' type home that was a three levels of living space.

"This is bigger than Lemmie's mansion by far. It looks like there is a possible ten bedrooms. And look at that kitchen and pantry, my goodness is it fancy" To Clora, it looked wonderful and then she looked down at the price. There was no set of numbers, just a notation that price was given by request.

"Oh my, I can just imagine what the price must be, higher than the clouds."

"I have faith in both you and Dad to bring the price down to reasonable." Tess laughed. "It might be worth going to look at, if nothing else, to have a benchmark for other places."

"It doesn't look like it has room for a wood stove," Clora said sadly, "that would be like loosing a good friend after all these years."

"No, but that looks like a heck of a big gas stove," Tess encouraged, shifting her eyes to watch Tilly, wondering what the cook and her husband intended to do.

Tilly looked at Big, gave a deep sigh, dried her hands and came to sit at the table. "We would like to stay here, Big, he likes the animals and the work here in the kitchen would be not as much. Me and the Mister are going to have a baby, and Mr. Woody says we would not be busy all the time."

"A baby, how wonderful. Any time you need to rest, please do so. Tess and I are here and can take care of our day to day. When is the baby due?"

"The first of the year, like the colts here that have a New Year's birthdays." Tilly beamed, "we may have a big surprise, twins run in my family."

Big looked alarmed and managed to swallow hard. "Twins?" he almost squeaked, "you mean two of them?"

, "you mean two of them?"