FASCISM Buffalo police shove 75-year-old man to ground, then say he tripped - UPDATE, post 11

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther

Buffalo police shove 75-year-old man to ground, then say he tripped

Posted on June 5, 2020 by Tribune News Service

buffalo police

As Buffalo, N.Y., police attempted to clear the city’s streets shortly after the 8 p.m. curfew kicked in Thursday, officers appeared to seriously injure a man when they shoved him to the ground, causing his head to hit the sidewalk with a sickening crack and sending him to the hospital with a serious injury.
The 75-year-old then stayed on the ground as cops continued to clear the area.
Buffalo police originally reported that the man tripped. Two officers involved were suspended Thursday night.
NPR in Buffalo says the man was taken away in an ambulance, and WIVB is reporting that he suffered a laceration and possible concussion.
Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown tweeted that the man is in “stable but serious” condition.
The mayor said he was “deeply disturbed by the video, as was Commissioner Byron Lockwood. He directed an immediate investigation into the matter, and the two officers have been suspended without pay.”
NPR quoted an earlier statement from Buffalo police that seems to completely characterize how the man fell.
“A 5th person was arrested during a skirmish with other protestors and also charged with disorderly conduct,” it says. “During that skirmish involving protestors, one person was injured when he tripped & fell.”
By Lauren Theisen
©2020 New York Daily News
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm not (at all) in political sympathy with the protesters, but I have seen many, many videos of cops mistreating citizens - including the elderly - and members of the press. A few days ago, a member here said that it was obvious that I "hated the police." Besides being utter BS, that member was apparently unaware that I'm a former deputy sheriff and spent several years in the security field in an executive position. I don't hate the police at all. I do hate bad police! They ultimately make all the other cops' jobs more difficult and generally hurt conservative's law and order positions.

In that previous post, I pointed out the juxtaposition of certain police officers mistreating members of the public over the insane social distancing and mask orders, while more recently ignoring violent rioters, arsonists and thieves. The earlier episodes included multiple officers arresting and dragging people to the ground - including an elderly woman in one case - over supposed mask infractions. I don't care who the eff you are; there's no bravery or "protecting and serving" in multiple men manhandling an old lady because she wasn't wearing a mask! There's no bravery or protecting and serving while, metaphorically, eating a donut while passively watching violent felons run rampant.

As I have observed here previously, I (generally) more firmly believe in sheriff's departments than police departments. Why? Sheriffs are elected and are more directly accountable to the public than are (most) police chiefs, who are appointed to their positions and are not directly accountable to the electorate. I have spoken with many sheriffs over the course of my career and most of them are acutely aware of their public perception. I've also known several police chiefs and while most of them were good guys, public perception usually didn't rate high on the concerns. Keeping the mayor and city council happy did. It's a different type of concern.

If a sheriff's deputies get a reputation for mistreating the public, it more directly affects the sheriff's re-election chances than bad police officers directly affect a police chief's job security.

In closing, I'm going to assume that most of you understand that I'm the farthest thing from a bleeding heart liberal that you could find. I believe in capital punishment and hangings in the public square! That position in no way reconciles with mistreating citizens.



Veteran Member
I saw the video. Shoving him was bad enough but what really sickened me was the fact that they left him laying there injured and kept walking on by without any regard to his well being whatsoever. Every cop that passed him by displayed a sickeningly callous indifference!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think street police dealing with the underclass trouble makers day after day are burned out...... and these recent riots are like their day job on steroids overloading the whole situation...... ..............not making excuses for them.......... but I know I wouldn't last a week busting thugs for crime until I'd just want to settle the score right there and blow them away....................


Veteran Member
I agree with PghPanther. These men and women must be burned out completely. They're forced to just stand there and keep EVERYTHING holstered while the most vile element of society spits on them and screams at them and rages and carries on.

They're human beings, and they can only be expected to take so much.

And what was the old guy doing? Reaching for them? Trying to grab something?

Anyone with an IQ in triple digits should know - you don't REACH for a cop in the middle of such a scene!


Veteran Member
I saw the video. Shoving him was bad enough but what really sickened me was the fact that they left him laying there injured and kept walking on by without any regard to his well being whatsoever. Every cop that passed him by displayed a sickeningly callous indifference!
I saw it as well Zahra. I think, that the fact they left him there like that, is what has me the most incensed. The man was trying to return a helmet, you can see it in his left hand. The cop just pushed him back and that sound, like an overripe melon hitting the pavement, haunts me. At a minimum, the cop who pushed him, the cop who pulled that guy away from the victim AND any supervisors in that line need to be brought up on charges. I get it, they were out after curfew. but is it worth breaking a 75 year old man's skull for it? Geese I swear, some people ARE their own worst enemies. IF this was an old black man instead of an old white man, Buffalo would be burning tonight.


Contributing Member
I saw the video. Shoving him was bad enough but what really sickened me was the fact that they left him laying there injured and kept walking on by without any regard to his well being whatsoever. Every cop that passed him by displayed a sickeningly callous indifference!

He approached a riot response team responding to a call for their assistance. They are going to treat anyone approaching them at that point as an impediment to their mission. Would you are any sane person approach them at that point in time?

They were going where they were ordered to go and were not going to let one man stand in there way. Agree with it or not it’s the truth.


Agree, their actions were callous (even contemptuous), and I am not a particular fan of most cops.
Nevertheless, I am OUT of patience with these "protests"!
How much protesting on this is ENOUGH?
Anybody with peaceful intentions should have gotten their "protest" over a week ago.
Frail elderly people attending these rowdy events are just asking for trouble...YES they are.

My apologies for sounding like a bitch.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
www.breitbart.com /politics/2020/06/05/57-member-buffalo-police-team-resigns-over-officers-suspension/

57-Member Buffalo Police Team Resigns Over Officers' Suspension
Joshua Caplan
2-2 minutes

All 57 members of the Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team resigned on Friday in response to the department suspending two officers after a video surfaced showing them shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground.

The Thursday footage shows the man approaching officers amid a George Floyd protest in Niagara Square and an officer pushing the man, causing him to tumbled backward and fall. Upon hitting his head, blood could be seen running down the side of his face and onto the pavement.

Two officers were suspended without pay shortly after the footage went viral, said Buffalo Police Department spokesman Mike DeGeorge. The man is currently in stable condition, according to reports.

The now-resigned officers remain employed by the department, but are no longer on Emergency Response Team, which was formed in 2016 for the purpose of managing mass protests.

“The City of Buffalo is aware of developments related to the work assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force,” Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement. “At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community. The Buffalo police continue to actively work with the New York State Police and other cooperating agencies.”

This story is developing. Check Breitbart News for updates.

Jonas Parker


Buffalo PD's Emergency Response Team resigns in protest of suspensions for officers who pushed 75-year-old man
They're still employed by the department

Every member of the Buffalo Police Department's Emergency Response Team — 57 officers in total — have resigned from the special unit in protest of suspensions assigned to two officers seen pushing a 75-year-old man down in a now-viral video, Spectrum News reported.

The officers are still employed by the department, but will no longer serve on the ERT.
Two Buffalo police officers were suspended Thursday after video showed them shoving an elderly man who was standing in their path. The man stumbled backward, hit his head on the ground, and began bleeding from his head.

BPD's initial statement on the matter referenced the incident by saying "one man was injured when he tripped and fell," even as video showing that he was pushed down spread quickly online. As backlash grew, the officers were suspended Thursday evening.

Viewers of the video were appalled by the shove, and also by the disregard shown by the officers to the man who was clearly seriously injured. The man, identified by Spectrum News as activist Martin Gugino, was hospitalized with serious injuries, but is reportedly now active and alert.
John Evans, president of the Buffalo Patrolman's Benevolent Association, said the officers resigned from the response team because they were disgusted with the city administration's handling of the matter.

"Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square," Evans said, according to the Buffalo News. "It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."
Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown issued a statement Friday afternoon.

"The city of Buffalo is aware of developments related to the work assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force," he said. "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community. The Buffalo police continue to actively work with the New York State Police and other cooperating agencies."
Evans said: "We stand behind those officers 100%."


I saw the video. It appears that a line of police were advancing to move the protestors back. The guy was standing up against them and a cop pushed him back. The man lost his balance and fell back hitting his head on the cement. It wasn’t a violent shove and appeared not to have been done to cause injury. One of the cops stopped and started talking into his shoulder mic to call for EMS. Unfortunate, but wasn’t intentional to cause injury. A 75 year old shouldn’t be resisting the clearing of a street.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
Agree, their actions were callous (even contemptuous), and I am not a particular fan of most cops.
Nevertheless, I am OUT of patience with these "protests"!
How much protesting on this is ENOUGH?
Anybody with peaceful intentions should have gotten their "protest" over a week ago.
Frail elderly people attending these rowdy events are just asking for trouble...YES they are.

My apologies for sounding like a bitch.
Hi! Get on board the bi**h train with me! What's this older man doing in that area? Stay the hell out of the way if you don't want to get hurt. Let the cops do their job.


Finally not a lurker!
I saw the video. Shoving him was bad enough but what really sickened me was the fact that they left him laying there injured and kept walking on by without any regard to his well being whatsoever. Every cop that passed him by displayed a sickeningly callous indifference!
Exactly. They walked away from an obviously injured elderly man. Only one or two even bothered to look back.


Senior Member
HFComms has it pegged as usual.
Any younger person shoved like that would have had zero problem staying on their feet. That guy cracked his head because he could barely stand up on his own.
There was curfew, this guy was in the square long after the curfew was in force, he approached the cops (he has what looks like a police helmet in his left hand) and tried to stop them to engage them for some reason - clearly argumentative and they did the job they were ordered to do, shoved him out of the way and told him to get back.

And FYI the cops are not EMTs and undoubtedly would have gotten in big trouble for assisting this guy instead of calling the medical guys.

I am NO FAN of cops, but you have them for a reason to do the specific job of maintaining order thru the use of force because most people don't really understand anything short of violence in reigning in their shitty behavior.

The geezer was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he did a stupid thing.

Do stupid things win stupid prizes.

He should have learned that when he was 5 not still being an idiot at 75.

The bleeding hearts in this country are going to get their wishes come true and a great many cops will just stop doing their jobs from now on, I sure as hell would if I were a cop now. I'm a cop - See a crime ? Not my problem any more because I end up in prison for doing my job from this point forward ? **** that.

Collect my paycheck as long as I can, eat donuts - THAT's going to be law enforcement from this point forward. And you have only yourselves to blame for the end results of that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Agree, their actions were callous (even contemptuous), and I am not a particular fan of most cops.
Nevertheless, I am OUT of patience with these "protests"!
How much protesting on this is ENOUGH?
Anybody with peaceful intentions should have gotten their "protest" over a week ago.
Frail elderly people attending these rowdy events are just asking for trouble...YES they are.

My apologies for sounding like a bitch.

As to how much protesting (rioting) is enough? I don’t think that’s the point - the point is there’s nothing else for them to do. They’re most likely out of work but receiving enough $ from the government to fund their behavior. So why not? Also, they get great selfies and other pics to post on FB and instagram to virtue signal all their friends.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I saw the video. Shoving him was bad enough but what really sickened me was the fact that they left him laying there injured and kept walking on by without any regard to his well being whatsoever. Every cop that passed him by displayed a sickeningly callous indifference!
Going to disagree with you on this. The mission of the police unit was to clear the street of protesters/rioters. It was not to take care of the collateral damage caused by their actions or the P/R. That's the EMT's area of expertise. They called the injury into the EMTs? Job done. Of course don't expect the EMTs to show up until after the police declare the area: "safe". After all, they're EMTs not front line battle field medics.

The guy got hurt resisting? That's totally on him. He chose to be there. He chose to resist.

If the police had stopped to help that would have taken one probably more officers out of the line, lessening their numbers and weakening their strength. Like it or not with large numbers of violent distsructive rioters some rules of war come into play.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Would anyone here have stayed on that street (or even been there at all) after being told to disperse?
I don't think so.
Every person has to take responsibility for themselves. If you are where danger is present then leave, fight, or plan on getting hurt.


Veteran Member
I continue to be baffled by the continued jackboot licking coming from many people. When has THIS become a thing, even?

Completely undisirregardlessly of the intentions, motives, organizers of the current goings-on, the police, local, state or federal are NOT your friend, and we all knew this once. Was it the post 9/11 "first responder hero" idolatry that changed this, or did I miss something else? JBTs are gonna JBT. They're gonna drop bombs on you, they're gonna bayonet you, they're gonna shoot you in your sleep and stomp your cat and then sprinkle some crack on you.
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Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
A 75 year old shouldn’t be resisting the clearing of a street.

It was wrong for the police officer to shove the elderly man, but I would agree that he shouldn't have been there in the first place. That was also along the lines of talks I used to have with the young gals about staying away from demonstrations: they used to get groped and occasionally raped! This is war, and the protest areas should be treated as battle fields: not safe places for young women or the elderly!


Knuckle Dragger
It was wrong for the police officer to shove the elderly man, but I would agree that he shouldn't have been there in the first place. That was also along the lines of talks I used to have with the young gals about staying away from demonstrations: they used to get groped and occasionally raped! This is war, and the protest areas should be treated as battle fields: not safe places for young women or the elderly!

There are at least 3 generations of snowflakes that don't understand this.

They have lived their whole life without any exposure to real danger and passed the lack of caution to their kids.


Veteran Member
I'm going with "fake" although he probably did get the concussion. With HIPAA, the doctors won't give any info other than the concussion. I don't think that's a shadow on his neck and his ear doesn't even look right. Blood gushed out too fast after the fall, imo.

Darwin award for walking up on cops and not wearing his helmet.

Old Man.jpg


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
There are at least 3 generations of snowflakes that don't understand this.
They have lived their whole life without any exposure to real danger and passed the lack of caution to their kids.

I know. I've had to speak about things I've seen in the 60s that I really didn't want to recall, but you're right: there are too many clueless young women involved. We've lost a lot of our history.


I’m just here for the gasoline...
What we are seeing with incidents like this is a lack of understanding of any proportionality of response. The cops should have responded - but in a way that was proportional to the threat. After the shove, what shocks me given todays environment, is that officer after officer seemed to walk right on by.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Yes, I realized after I typed that post that I should've included the soy boys (etc). I don't usually talk to them but if I have a chance, I'll try to enlighten them.


TB Fanatic
www.breitbart.com /politics/2020/06/05/57-member-buffalo-police-team-resigns-over-officers-suspension/

57-Member Buffalo Police Team Resigns Over Officers' Suspension
Joshua Caplan
2-2 minutes

All 57 members of the Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team resigned on Friday in response to the department suspending two officers after a video surfaced showing them shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground.

The Thursday footage shows the man approaching officers amid a George Floyd protest in Niagara Square and an officer pushing the man, causing him to tumbled backward and fall. Upon hitting his head, blood could be seen running down the side of his face and onto the pavement.

Two officers were suspended without pay shortly after the footage went viral, said Buffalo Police Department spokesman Mike DeGeorge. The man is currently in stable condition, according to reports.

The now-resigned officers remain employed by the department, but are no longer on Emergency Response Team, which was formed in 2016 for the purpose of managing mass protests.

“The City of Buffalo is aware of developments related to the work assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force,” Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement. “At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community. The Buffalo police continue to actively work with the New York State Police and other cooperating agencies.”

This story is developing. Check Breitbart News for updates.

Then you know where they stand. But ... why aren’t the white law abiding citizens rioting over it.

Let them leave... it probably saved someone’s life.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
The time to sit down with the police *is not* during a demonstration, not to mention that those are line officers, not the ones who are going to be responsible for lasting change.

Protests are another "feelz good" activity for many but they really don't do much for actually changing laws.

It's bringing the policy holders together in a room and working things out that accomplishes things at the local level. At higher levels, the stake holders generally need to be bribed or blackmailed, depending.


Veteran Member
Curfew if no other reason..... and once again Tex, would you have done what he did and invade the space of a riot cop, specially knowing/ feeling what you do...

Karen breaking lockdown because she wants a haircut is OK. People breaking curfew because getting killed for no good reason by JBTs is an outrage. Gotcha.