
  1. C

    ECON Ex-AIG's Cassano Says Bailout Was Too Generous

    Ex-AIG's Cassano says bailout was too generous By Steve Eder and Kim Dixon Steve Eder And Kim Dixon – 2 hrs 13 mins ago WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The former head of the AIG unit that nearly crippled the insurer said the 2008 taxpayer bailout of up to $182 billion was too generous to customers...
  2. T

    ECON Once a Thug, Always a Thug

    Once a Thug, Always a Thug By Adam Lass, Senior Editor, WaveStrength Options Weekly Washington will almost certainly cave in to GM’s extortion. They always have and always will. So, how was the trolley ride to work today? Were you able to get a seat, or did you have to hang onto a strap...
  3. O

    ECON 'The Year Ahead: 2009' - Excellent Read ...

    An excellent read, summary, and warning. Ain't a pretty picture folks ... but, you already knew that! :dstrs: Fair Use Applies ... Source: The Year Ahead: 2009 by Glen Allport Exclusive to...
  4. skoaldiak

    ECON GOP Senator Warns of 'Riots' if Automakers Are Bailed Out

    This is an exclusive interview of Senator Jim DeMint by ALG News on 12-10-2008. Senator DeMint talks about possible reactions once people realize how unfair the 'bailouts' are. [ ] 20s Full uncut video on youtube... [...
  5. skoaldiak

    ECON Bailout BS

    Yahoo video from Good Morning America saying the bailout is up to 8.5 trillion ($8,500,000,000,000) Will most likely be at least 9.5 trillion. According to 2007 Population estimates there are 219,259,405 Americans ages 20+. [...
  6. ainitfunny

    ECON What is needed to "FIX" America's economic woes.

    I have spent quite a while listening to so called experts and totally ignorant people (who also have their opinions) argue about the economic problems America (and the world) is having and whether it was right or wrong to "bailout" the bankers and insurance companies and whether it would be...
  7. ainitfunny

    INTL Global Income Tax, they called it a "bailout" and we fell for it!

    My sister and I just came to the realization that Americans have been scammed into agreeing to a global income tax through this "BAILOUT" DEAL. THAT is why we are not seeing the money loaned out to American businesses and those wanting to buy homes and cars. IT IS BEING GIVEN FROM THE...
  8. T

    ECON Get Ready for Taxation Without Representation

    Get Ready for Taxation Without Representation Written by Justice Litle, Editorial Director, Taipan Publishing Group Regardless of whether a new bailout bill passes, Americans will be taxed heavily in the course of the ongoing “rescue.” Federal Chairmen Ben Bernanke all but guarantees...
  9. F

    WTF?!? Senate Bailout Bill Loaded with Pork!

    Setting aside for a moment the constitutional issue that tax bills (which this bill clearly is) must origionate in the House of Representatives, what's up with all the pork? FJ $223M for Alaskan fisherman $192M for...
  10. F

    ECON Speaker? Martial Law? ... Huh?

    I have to admit to being puzzled about this, and under what authority. I am also uncertain if he doesn't perhaps mean that he and his fellow congress-critters are unable to leave town, and so he refers to himself and his colleagues, but 1 min 20 sec into this 1 min 50 second clip: Rep Michael...
  11. skoaldiak

    ECON Lou Dobbs Poll on 'bailout' RIGHT NOW

    Yeah, I know polls are bs, but thought it was pretty interesting.... Do you support or oppose a federal bailout of Wall Street? Support 11% 58 Oppose 89% 494 Total Votes: 552 This is not a scientific poll (little more than half way down on right side)
  12. dstraito

    ECON Why not Bailout everyone?

    When I look at the upcoming bailout for companies that made incredible bad, if not fraudulent choices I wonder, why not bailout everyone then? How about bailing out the failing American Auto Manufacturers? Just because Ford, GM, and Chrysler should have made better choices and planned for the...
  13. F

    McCain Opposes AIG Bailout

    McCain Says U.S. Should Let AIG Fail to Prevent `Moral Hazard' By Nancy Moran Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential nominee John McCain said the U.S. government should let American International Group Inc. fail to prevent the financial burden from being placed on taxpayers. ``I think...