ECON Why not Bailout everyone?


TB Fanatic
When I look at the upcoming bailout for companies that made incredible bad, if not fraudulent choices I wonder, why not bailout everyone then?

How about bailing out the failing American Auto Manufacturers? Just because Ford, GM, and Chrysler should have made better choices and planned for the day when the gasoline to run their products would cost too much and they should have been making scaled down models as Europe has been doing for decades, why not bail them out? A Trillion dollars would probably do it.

Let's bail out the Airlines Industries who have had inefficient working models and have been losing money for a long time.

Why don't we bail out American companies who have had to Outsource manufacturing and services to foreign countries to keep their shareholders happy?

Why don't we eliminate poverty by forgiving ALL CONSUMERS any debt they may have accumulated while trying to get by?

I've been trying to reduce my debt so I've all but eliminated desired purchases. I don't owe on my 12 year old car so I could go out and get a new $40,000 car. I'd really like a home theater systems so $10,000 for that but I'd have to have another $30,000 to modify my house to compliment it.
I'd like to replace all my SLOW computers with faster newer models. I'd use my credit card to buy all my prep items. I'm sure we could all spend unlimited money on prepping. There are countless things I could go into debt for and I would consider doing that knowing that my debt could just be forgiven at the stroke of a pen.

Since the Fiat Government can print money, why shouldn't we be able to do it. Don't have the $300,000 you need? Print it.

Even better, create any amount of money you need electronically by wiring yourself a financial line of credit.

Where did capitalism go? Where did accountability go? How about responsibility? Sensibility?

Where did our train derail and leave the Constitutional track?

If the government doesn't follow the rules then why should we?

I believe they call that ANARCHY!

Of course I stand by one of my dad's favorite sayings:
