1)We sounded un-vaxxed, because we were LOUDLY opposed to being FORCED.
2)We provided personal support for folks who were NOT getting vaxxed as well as for folks who were forced successfully.
(P.S.: Our two batches tracked as cold with minimal sequelae. I WILL admit that we also did the Shingrix sequence since we BOTH have the herpes virus present. Shingles is no joke as we are aging into that age group.)
Agree with ^^, wife and I both finished the 2nd shingles shot this week. Sore arm for half a day. No other side effects.
We are both retired. Wife is a couple of years older than me. Been married almost 49 years. I'm diabe. We both chose to get covid vax. (5 times each) No side effects at all except for sore, hot arm for a day.
Neighbors on one side got all 5 shots too. No side effects, although the diabetic wife came down with the new covid strain 2 weeks ago. She stayed at home and in 5 days was feeling fine again after taking whatever her doc prescribed for her. Her husband, although caring for her, did not come down with it.
Neighbors across the street, did not get the vax. So far neither one of them has gotten covid although he was in the hospital for atrial fibrillation.
My son the nurse practitioner, sees patients in home every day and makes rounds in the hospital. He had 3 vaccinations before the hospital stopped requiring additional boosters. He caught covid once. Wasn't very sick, but took Paxlovid and was good to go in less than a week.
Bottom line is I have many good friends and family here. Some got the vax and some didn't. Some got covid and some didn't. I respect and love them all regardless of their decision. 99% of people have formed their opinion and made their decisions on the vax and it's pretty much set in stone. No point in ranting on and on about it because it will change no one.
The only ones I know personally here in Florida who were forced to get the vax were either in the military or working in the medical field. I'm sure there might have been others , but I know of no others personally.
As far as not being able to buy food or go where you wanted when you wanted.... all I can say is, if this happened to you, your state must suck. and your governor too! You should maybe try and change them.
I live in Florida. We believe in personal freedom here.
NightDriver: If you happen to read this, I have a question for you.
My son will be working for the VA up near Cleveland in a place called Parma Ohio. He will be evaluating veterans for disability ratings. Are there any particular areas he should avoid or good areas he should look for housing. I grew up in Toledo, but never heard of Parma.