Sacajawea and Firedance, forgive me, but I do not understand your position. You had a choice. Everyone did. And you chose your job. And thats fine, I am not questioning your personal calculus, but it was just that, your personal choice. Everyone had a choice. No one was strapped to a chair and forcibly vaxxed (except those children who were "accidently" vaxxed during "routine" shot appointments). No one "had" to work. It was a personal choice. At the end of the day, you ultimately raised your hand and volunteered to take the EUA experimental mRNA "vax", in exchange for keeping your job.
If I did not take the vax, the military was going to discharge me, first with a felony, and then (after Congress stepped in the first time) with a "general" discharge (which is basically you didnt do good, but you didnt do bad). I had a wife and mutliple kids, mortgage, credit card debt, and a personal loan, but I knew I still had a choice. My waiver was denied, and I was given the choice: take the jab, or start discharge proceedings.
I chose the discharge, and was prepared to lose my house to foreclosure, default on my debts and go bankrupt, and start with both everything and nothing. You could have done the same, and had the option to do so. Nothing material, but retain my health and family (the "everything"). I do not go to bed at night with the specter of not waking up in the morning because I throw a clot or otherwise have a "suddenly", and that security was worth my job and everything it entailed.