CORONA You are unvaccinated and you are the problem. The unvaccinated are scum!


Non Solum Simul Stare
Never forget what they did to us, no matter how much they claim ignorance. Because they knew, and they will do it again.

Media: You are unvaccinated, and you are the problem.
RT 3:44 (multiple links to same video)




Has No Life - Lives on TB
Almost unbelievable how many brainwashed people there are in this country!
Although I have to add that several close friends that are triple vaccinated are a whole lot healthier than myself.
So I personally have not witnessed the horrendous side effects from the jab.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Before y'all tar EVERYONE who CAREFULLY decided to get a version for good and valid reasons (RELIC and I have respiratory fragility and felt there wasn't a lot of choice as to "Shot or Not"), job-related reasons etc. remember just how hard the Gooberment shoved.
RELIC and I sat and spent a goodly time in choosing the shot we DID take. And it is HIGHLY INTERESTING that we have seen almost NO discussion OF the J&J shot issues. It certainly LOOKS like the J&J shot was missing SOMETHING they wanted us to have, since the boosters were OTHER shots.

MANY of us spent a LOT of time praying about this issue.

And, as Raven points out, all of us here who DID get shot, are Scum WITH A HEARTBEAT!!


Contributing Member
Almost unbelievable how many brainwashed people there are in this country!
Although I have to add that several close friends that are triple vaccinated are a whole lot healthier than myself.
So I personally have not witnessed the horrendous side effects from the jab.
Remember that the studies showed that some “batches” of the vaccines caused almost no side effects and other batches caused incredibly high incidents. It wasn’t uniform and I personally believe that was intentional to make it harder to trace and allow many people to say they didn’t see the effects. I personally know people and had a cousin with horrendous clots and lost toes and spent months in the hospital. It was hit and miss.


Voice on the Prairie
Of course they lied, and yes -- there were "hot" batches.

I was ready to lose my job rather than take that jab. Fortunately, I didn't have to. I know it's not over. I'm transitioning into more "at home" work. The less contact I have with the general public and my co-workers, the happier I am.

(I don't hate all people, just the really stupid ones with attitude, who demand I follow their orders.)


TB Fanatic
The old covid was designed for the fat people.
The new covid will be designed for skinny people.
It'll be the same shot.

You do not honestly think you can outsmart them by participating?

Old Greek

Veteran Member
Of course they lied, and yes -- there were "hot" batches.

I was ready to lose my job rather than take that jab. Fortunately, I didn't have to. I know it's not over. I'm transitioning into more "at home" work. The less contact I have with the general public and my co-workers, the happier I am.

(I don't hate all people, just the really stupid ones with attitude, who demand I follow their orders.)
And there are "a lot" of stupid ones with an attitude!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The old covid was designed for the fat people.
The new covid will be designed for skinny people.
It'll be the same shot.

You do not honestly think you can outsmart them by participating?
It'll be kids, now they really need to put the fear in fearmongering. Bill Gates said recently that the next outbreak will hit young kids the hardest. It's best to listen when Gates predicts something because he knows.

Let's not forget the production of vaccine for H5N1 Avian flu has already been running.


Non Solum Simul Stare
It was still a choice. It was my hill to die on, no shot, period! I know many people who changed jobs as their choice.

Indeed. I was ready to walk, and was very close to getting booted until Congress rescinded the mandate.

Before y'all tar EVERYONE who CAREFULLY decided to get a version for good and valid reasons (RELIC and I have respiratory fragility and felt there wasn't a lot of choice as to "Shot or Not"), job-related reasons etc. remember just how hard the Gooberment shoved.
RELIC and I sat and spent a goodly time in choosing the shot we DID take. And it is HIGHLY INTERESTING that we have seen almost NO discussion OF the J&J shot issues. It certainly LOOKS like the J&J shot was missing SOMETHING they wanted us to have, since the boosters were OTHER shots.

MANY of us spent a LOT of time praying about this issue.

And, as Raven points out, all of us here who DID get shot, are Scum WITH A HEARTBEAT!!

This was not directed at you, NightDriver, and Quiet Man sums it up nicely. However, I will ask you the same question I ask everyone who tells me that they needed it, thought they needed it, or were coerced, etc.

When we, the unvaxxed, were losing our jobs, our healthcare, and our ability to buy food; when TPTB wanted us to be sent to concentr "quarantine camps", and when they wanted our children to be forcibly taken from us at gunpoint and vaccinated (because we were unfit parents), what did you do? Did you speak out against it? Did you fight against it? Did you keep your head down and go with the flow to avoid attention?

I do not know and I am not accusing you, just asking (though there is no need to reply here on this thread, it is a personal question). If you did speak out for us, great! Thank you so much for having the courage to do so! If not, think about why you acted the way you did, and contemplate if you would do the same thing when the next plandemic or crisis that "you simply must act on!!!!!!!!" comes down the pipe.

Either way, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you are treating yourself in accordance with the FLCCC protocols, because even the J&J vaxs caused permanent and continuing harm to all those who took them.
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night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
1)We sounded un-vaxxed, because we were LOUDLY opposed to being FORCED.
2)We provided personal support for folks who were NOT getting vaxxed as well as for folks who were forced successfully.

(P.S.: Our two batches tracked as cold with minimal sequelae. I WILL admit that we also did the Shingrix sequence since we BOTH have the herpes virus present. Shingles is no joke as we are aging into that age group.)


Neither here nor there.
I was shamed on this board when I took an early stand against the vaccine. That is when Trump developed his skip the FDA process plan. Shamed might be the really polite version. Even by one on this thread now claiming to be high and mighty unvaccinated

I'm not sure who you are referring to here, there are many who claim this status in the pure bloods thread. I didn't get vaccinated for the same reason I skip almost all vaccines, because I have MAST cell disease and it was decided by me and my doctors that I should skip this round. My body reacts poorly to all vaccines.


Isaiah 27:1
When we, the unvaxxed, were losing our jobs, our healthcare, and our ability to buy food; when TPTB wanted us to be sent to concentr "quarantine camps", and when they wanted our children to be forcibly taken from us at gunpoint and vaccinated (because we were unfit parents), what did you do? Did you speak out against it?

Yes. That and the stolen election, speaking out, ended a lot of relationships for me. The divisions have stayed and grown with time.


Three-Time Trump Voter
Almost unbelievable how many brainwashed people there are in this country!
Although I have to add that several close friends that are triple vaccinated are a whole lot healthier than myself.
So I personally have not witnessed the horrendous side effects from the jab.

Yeah, same here. My folks are multijabbed. But they seem all right, and they're in their 70s. Thank God, of course! But it does make a fella doubt a bit.


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
Yeah, same here. My folks are multijabbed. But they seem all right, and they're in their 70s. Thank God, of course! But it does make a fella doubt a bit.
In my family, all my siblings and their spouses are vaxxed and eagerly await every booster. Thus far only my middle sister's 75yo husband is showing signs of increasingly failing health.

To be fair, he was undergoing cancer treatment during the "panicdemic". But I have to wonder if he would have recovered better if he had not taken the vax and boosters, because he seems as if he has made zero progress at recovering from the day he got home from the hospital.

Gone from an active, bear of a man to a frail old man. Sad to see.


Non Solum Simul Stare
Yeah, same here. My folks are multijabbed. But they seem all right, and they're in their 70s. Thank God, of course! But it does make a fella doubt a bit.

Understandable, but were barely 3 years in at this point. Greg Hunter on USAWatchdog had Dr. Sheri Tenpenny on recently and she broke down vax injuries into categories. If I remember correctly it was:

Category-1: Dead immediately after taking the vaccine
Category-2: Dead within 1-2 years from clots/organ failure
Category-3: Dead in 3-4 years myocarditis/pericarditis, turbo cancer, etc.
Category-4: Dead 5-10+ years, from now manifesting autoimmune diseases.

Most of the "suddenly" we have seen so far have been Cat 2s, and we are just starting to transition to Cat 3s. She also said which category a person falls into is both manufacturer and batch dependent, but that everyone who got the vaccine has and is suffering damage, and now has a shortened life span. This fits with the models we've seen from many other Drs, who say that winter 2023-2024 are going to be drastic when it comes to the amount of deaths.

As I've said from the beginning of this who thing two years ago, I sincerely wish and hope that I am completely wrong, but so far the data breaks this way, and its only trending worse.



Three-Time Trump Voter
Understandable, but were barely 3 years in at this point. Greg Hunter on USAWatchdog had Dr. Sheri Tenpenny on recently and she broke down vax injuries into categories. If I remember correctly it was:

Category-1: Dead immediately after taking the vaccine
Category-2: Dead within 1-2 years from clots/organ failure
Category-3: Dead in 3-4 years myocarditis/pericarditis, turbo cancer, etc.
Category-4: Dead 5-10+ years, from now manifesting autoimmune diseases.

Most of the "suddenly" we have seen so far have been Cat 2s, and we are just starting to transition to Cat 3s. She also said which category a person falls into is both manufacturer and batch dependent, but that everyone who got the vaccine has and is suffering damage, and now has a shortened life span. This fits with the models we've seen from many other Drs, who say that winter 2023-2024 are going to be drastic when it comes to the amount of deaths.

As I've said from the beginning of this who thing two years ago, I sincerely wish and hope that I am completely wrong, but so far the data breaks this way, and its only trending worse.

IS a bit too early to tell, isn't it? And when folks in their 70s start dropping over of a cardi, cancer, or autoimmune disease, those intermingle handily into "old age".