Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 1 ~ 7, 2021


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I need to quit dragging my feet, and get all my online orders done. Sam's, Walmart, and Chewy. I also plan to go grocery shopping, probably , Wednesday. I also, need more bed sheet sets, rugs, and towels. Hopefully, I can get those at Hometown Market in small town where I buy my groceries. It's like a Walmart, but smaller. Not as crowded, either. I want to make a stop in Dollar General, too. We're back to limiting our exposure to people other than family.


Veteran Member
I think I need another cup of coffee - had to check 3 times to make sure it was Sunday before I started the thread. Of course, that could be because I got the end date wrong last week... :lol:

It was miserably hot and humid here on Friday but the neighbor lady and I went to the Farmer's Market anyway. It was hot enough that we didn't do hardly any other running around besides hitting Wendy's for lemonades and Aldi for some minor grocery shopping. Oh, and lunch - had to keep our strength up for the drive home :) I stocked up on a few things at Aldi, but not much. I need to finish getting the pantry organized before I buy too much more.

The kittens and I only lasted about 15 minutes outside once I got home on Friday since it was so nasty outside, but it did cool off into the 70's yesterday so they spent most of yesterday outside, and are back out on the porch today. I had picked some tomatoes on Friday, but then we got rain overnight Friday into mid day yesterday so there was no getting back in the garden unless I wanted to be in mud up to my ankles. I'm hoping it dries up enough to get out there and pick stuff tomorrow.

It's nice and cool again today - mid 60's right now and the humidity isn't horrible. Hubby is off to an IDPA match - I had stayed up way late re-reading a couple of Kathy's stories on and didn't even hear him leave the house. So far today all I've managed to get done is gather the laundry and carry it down, do the dishes, toss some chicken thighs in the crock pot for the kittens (anyone have homemade cat food recipes they'd like to share?) and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. I still need to get the stuff I picked up at Dollar General last night put away - picked up some more Hefty gallon size freezer bags, and the usual laundry detergent for daughter along with a few other miscellaneous things

Our pool shut down due to one of the staff testing positive for the Wu-Flu; it's supposed to re-open tomorrow and I sure hope it does. I could use daughter's pool, but having two (or more) very active little boys in there with me means I don't get to do some of the exercises that I need to do. It doesn't hurt near as bad to do them in the pool as it does on dry land.

And speaking of the grandsons.... they've both had another growth spurt, so I need to move older's clothes to younger's dresser, and sort and pack up younger's for the foster kid closet. I feel like the boys are pretty rough on their clothes - but then I remember my foster brother... Sears had a deal back then that if the kid wore out a pair of their Toughskin jeans before they outgrew them, they would replace them for free, and he usually got at least one free replacement per pair of jeans before he outgrew them, so maybe it's just a boy thing...

Well, I'm not getting anything done sitting here, so I guess I'd better get my inside stuff done so that I can go out and enjoy the cool weather as soon as things dry up a bit.

You folks all take care out there - stay safe!!


Veteran Member
I’ll probably be doing more corn this week and maybe some tomatoes, not sure on how many tomatoes we have ripening yet though. Everything is late this year.

I’ve got a Sam’s order in but haven’t received any shipping emails yet, so we’ll probably be looking for different shipments all week. If the temps are a little cooler this week, we may do some in store shopping on a day we aren’t babysitting the Princess. Two cases of the jars I ordered from Walmart finally got here late afternoon yesterday. Since they sent me an email on the other 2 cases that it was delayed and didn’t know when it would be shipped, I canceled the order. And on that order they have the nerve to tell me that the Cancellation is Pending SMH.

DH went to our closest Walmart yesterday afternoon to get some deli meats for today and actually found Ball canning lids! First time he’s found any lids of any kind in there since last year. He bought a few more dozen for us but said there was 2 cases left, I hope those needing them get them instead of the people that buy them and turn around and resell them for exorbitant prices. I’m so glad to have a few more because I really need to get some meats out of the freezer and can up. We need the freezer space but I’ll feel better having more meat on the shelf ready to eat.


Veteran Member
Back in Y2K days I learned to make tortillas from scratch a skill I still use today. Back then I never perfected flat breads. Thought I would ask all of you if you had this skill and would be willing to share recipes. Sure that I can find some online but I love to use what is already known to work! I would like to be able to make the recipe on a wood stove or open fire. Have any of you saved out cookware for woodstove or outdoor cookery?

Back to the garden activities...working on vineyards today. Retrellissing some vines and tidying up. Putting out more mulch. The thorny blackberries and raspberries are killing me! Beginning to seed start for fall garden. So much to do! We are anticipating colder temps so I am choosing a few different varieties than what I usually use for the fall. So part of our Fall garden will be with old choices and part with new choices.

Our melons cantelopes and watermelons have been greatly affected by the wet summer we have had. They are splitting before ripening completely. Beginning to plan for spring. Harrowed yesterday and sending off soil samples to see what needs to be done now for the spring.

Everyone have a great day!


TB Fanatic
got up to a box from walmart on the cabin porch, its a 300 pack of paper plates. Sometimes you have to search for something 2 or 3 ways to find what you are looking for.

DH picked a bucket of tomatoes, he gave some the other day to our friends that came by, so the tomato plants are still producing. All of the plants in my raised bed have died, of course the goat getting in there and munching on them didn't help. My garlic didn't do squat this year so I may not have any to plant this fall, unless I buy some. These tomatoes are going in the freezer.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Back in Y2K days I learned to make tortillas from scratch a skill I still use today. Back then I never perfected flat breads. Thought I would ask all of you if you had this skill and would be willing to share recipes. Sure that I can find some online but I love to use what is already known to work! I would like to be able to make the recipe on a wood stove or open fire. Have any of you saved out cookware for woodstove or outdoor cookery?

Cast iron is what I use on the wood stove, and for outdoor cooking over a fire. I also use cast iron griddles and skillets indoors in my regular oven and stovetop. I make fried corn fritters on a griddle on my wood stove. The recipe is the same for my cornbread, just ladeled onto the griddle like pancakes, instead.


TB Fanatic
Back in Y2K days I learned to make tortillas from scratch a skill I still use today. Back then I never perfected flat breads. Thought I would ask all of you if you had this skill and would be willing to share recipes. Sure that I can find some online but I love to use what is already known to work! I would like to be able to make the recipe on a wood stove or open fire. Have any of you saved out cookware for woodstove or outdoor cookery?

Back to the garden activities...working on vineyards today. Retrellissing some vines and tidying up. Putting out more mulch. The thorny blackberries and raspberries are killing me! Beginning to seed start for fall garden. So much to do! We are anticipating colder temps so I am choosing a few different varieties than what I usually use for the fall. So part of our Fall garden will be with old choices and part with new choices.

Our melons cantelopes and watermelons have been greatly affected by the wet summer we have had. They are splitting before ripening completely. Beginning to plan for spring. Harrowed yesterday and sending off soil samples to see what needs to be done now for the spring.

Everyone have a great day!
I learned to cook tortillas when I lived on a farming commune, I have their cook book somewhere to remind me. The rolled theirs out with a rolling pin to flatten them. I've used a cast iron griddle or a large cast iron skillet works well to cook them on, I've never cooked them on an open fire, but the cast iron would work just fine that way.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
I've only had naan bread once; not really sure how it's made. Years back when we couldn't afford to use a/c much if at all, we used to mix up regular yeast bread, let it rise once, punch down, let rise a second time, then take golf ball size pieces, roll them flat with a rolling pin, then cook them on a hot, dry iron griddle until done. It would puff up a bit while being cooked, so they were not flat like a tortilla. We used them for tacos, regular sandwiches, dinner rolls or buns. We did the corn bread griddle cakes, and would also mix up a batch of muffins but cook them on the griddle like a pancake instead. Slap a little jam or butter on them, roll them up and hand them to the kids.

Po' folks gots po' ways :)
(And I'm really glad I learned those po' ways :lol:)


TB Fanatic
I've never been a fan of anything instant, not healthy in my opinion anyway. However, I just placed an order for several boxes of instant oatmeal, different varieties. I stayed away completely from anything Quaker. The reason for my change of heart is that I can use a package of that or instant grits as a snack, but I'm not fooling myself that its healthy. I do have a good bit of organic regular oats stored, I'm just lazy and want something quick.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
Finished chores inside and out. Got my books to pack upstairs and that's it. I'm done. I'll be living in my cabin full time, pretty much as I am now and not having any responsibility for the house.
They all live in it so I'm handing it over. It will work better this way because they need the house and I don't.
Now. I am planning what I need to finish the cabin interior before winter. I can do it in a weekend with a little help.
Then call propane company to put a bigger tank up for me. I have to go this way because I am in no condition to haul wood or coal.
I used mr. Buddy heater last winter and bout froze a lot. Getting interior done and bigger wall heater will help.
I have whatever I need out here and system for winter and my solar which works great.
I'm just exhausted. Dh is a slob and hoarder and builds nests all over with useless junk and trash.
My birthday is a week away so that's my present to myself. LOL


Veteran Member
It's been over a year since my back injury. It's an extrusion at the L5. I got a ct scan. That's all I can have done except my chiropractor and that really isn't helping. He told me 2 months for it to reabsorb. It's been over a year. I have to use a cane and the pain is pretty much all the time. Made worse with too many extra chores. I just cannot keep up.
Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening


Veteran Member
I canned 6 pints of chicken thighs on my new Cadco hotplate. Worked great! I think I let it run too hot because I had some siphoning. Am going to try canning hamburger this week. I've never done meats. I'm a little leary but will eat some of the chicken this week.

I was out of Elderberry syrup so I made 2 qts. (Summer's recipe.) I have more dried berries. Should I vacuum seal them or mylar and O2? Dd is wanting to get the jab. We're very much against it. She's agreed to wait, for now.

Stocked up on some Kroger sales, pasta, marinara, Annie's mac n cheese, cheeses, butter. I was out of larger size freezer bags, completely out! I try to run out of nothing. Restocked at Aldis.

We got a Big Berkley with flouride filters. We like it so far. It's pricey though.

Hope it's a good week. I'm so sick of thinking about CV. I just want to live my life. There appears to be no end in sight....


Veteran Member
Hope it's a good week. I'm so sick of thinking about CV. I just want to live my life. There appears to be no end in sight....

So with you on that!! I got the canning kitchen cleaned yesterday, just in time to can green beans and turnips today. Checked the corn, but I"m not seeing any developed ears (it's past due). We used seed from last year and it never got very tall, so I"m not hopeful. the broccoli however is going crazy.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Yes, I'm tired of CV, too, Amazon. I'm going on a mini-news fast this week. I don't dare step away entirely because there's too much going on, but I can just scan headlines and maybe the first paragraph or two, instead of reading whole articles.

I've also cut back on youtubes recommended on other threads. I give them 7-10 minutes, especially the 45+ minute ones. Most of them aren't worth more than five minutes; the hosts tend to blab on and on and on.

This is a harvesting and freezing week. I hope to get corn and green beans blanched and bagged. I have given up canning due to back problems, plus I can freeze several months' worth in about 40 minutes, whereas canning takes all afternoon.

I harvested some of my potatoes. I think they need at least another two weeks. They got off to a very slow start. They will be kept in lightproof bins in my basement, unwashed when I do dig up the rest.

Reminder mostly to me and anyone who lives or will be shopping in Iowa: Tax free weekend is this Friday and Saturday.


Veteran Member
I've never been a fan of anything instant, not healthy in my opinion anyway. However, I just placed an order for several boxes of instant oatmeal, different varieties. I stayed away completely from anything Quaker. The reason for my change of heart is that I can use a package of that or instant grits as a snack, but I'm not fooling myself that its healthy. I do have a good bit of organic regular oats stored, I'm just lazy and want something quick.

God is good all the time

Now don't quote me on this but I think instant oatmeal is just oats that are cut in smaller pieces...a couple of spins in blender or food processor.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Now don't quote me on this but I think instant oatmeal is just oats that are cut in smaller pieces...a couple of spins in blender or food processor.

It is, and for some reason, I can generally find "old fashioned oats" cheaper than instant. Toss several cups in the blender or food processor and you'll have "instant" oatmeal.


It's been over a year since my back injury. It's an extrusion at the L5. I got a ct scan. That's all I can have done except my chiropractor and that really isn't helping. He told me 2 months for it to reabsorb. It's been over a year. I have to use a cane and the pain is pretty much all the time. Made worse with too many extra chores. I just cannot keep up.
Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening
Oh, I feel for you! At this point, you *need* to see a neurosurgeon! It's possible a simple discectomy can give you your life back.

When I badly ruptured a disk at L4-5 during my last pregnancy, it was awful. A year of agony (and I don't use that word lightly). Woke up from the surgery in LESS pain than I'd been in for a year.

If you wait too long, you can end up with permanent numbness or weakness. My only residual issue was 2 numb toes on my left foot- the two that ended up being amputated in my bout with MRSA! You can't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor!

I learned then that 95% of bulging or herniated disks WILL resolve with judicious rest, physical therapy and "tincture of time". But 5% DON'T... and these days, the means to deal with them really is worth looking into.



TB Fanatic
Now don't quote me on this but I think instant oatmeal is just oats that are cut in smaller pieces...a couple of spins in blender or food processor.
Can't disagree, maybe its just the food purist in me, the whole ours are better for you though because they are less processed, the plain instant has nothing nasty in it but the flavored oats are a horse of a different color. The oat groats are the most healthy, although I've never had them, just stuck with organic whole oats. I've stuck with this way of thinking for over 50 years and its kept me healthy, I'll probably die from terminal tiredness, I've been tired since I had mono when I was 14.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
Oh, I feel for you! At this point, you *need* to see a neurosurgeon! It's possible a simple discectomy can give you your life back.

When I badly ruptured a disk at L4-5 during my last pregnancy, it was awful. A year of agony (and I don't use that word lightly). Woke up from the surgery in LESS pain than I'd been in for a year.

If you wait too long, you can end up with permanent numbness or weakness. My only residual issue was 2 numb toes on my left foot- the two that ended up being amputated in my bout with MRSA! You can't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor!

I learned then that 95% of bulging or herniated disks WILL resolve with judicious rest, physical therapy and "tincture of time". But 5% DON'T... and these days, the means to deal with them really is worth looking into.


Summer thank you so much for sharing your experience.
After 11 years of caregiving for my hubby, I've had 2 torn rotator cuffs among other stuff.
Post herpetic neuralgia from 8 years of shingles, which I came down with 4 days after the one and only flu shot I had to have after his transplant.

So. All that is done. I would go back to work part time if I could but it's getting where I can barely get around the farm yard.
I'm too young for social security, too messed up to work full time for insurance. So all I have is state medicaid that doesn't pay for much.
I'm going to call my doc this week and see if there is anything else that can be done.
Possible may get another ct scan since it's been a year.
I can't even get mammogram even though my mom is terminal with breast cancer and grandma and sister had same.
I'm lucky to get an A1c once a year.
Like Judy, I end up just trying to treat my own ills.
I'm sorry guys to rant.
I love having my daughter and her hub and the boys here. They will be taking over here. So making do in my cabin is best plan.


Summer thank you so much for sharing your experience.
After 11 years of caregiving for my hubby, I've had 2 torn rotator cuffs among other stuff.
Post herpetic neuralgia from 8 years of shingles, which I came down with 4 days after the one and only flu shot I had to have after his transplant.

So. All that is done. I would go back to work part time if I could but it's getting where I can barely get around the farm yard.
I'm too young for social security, too messed up to work full time for insurance. So all I have is state medicaid that doesn't pay for much.
I'm going to call my doc this week and see if there is anything else that can be done.
Possible may get another ct scan since it's been a year.
I can't even get mammogram even though my mom is terminal with breast cancer and grandma and sister had same.
I'm lucky to get an A1c once a year.
Like Judy, I end up just trying to treat my own ills.
I'm sorry guys to rant.
I love having my daughter and her hub and the boys here. They will be taking over here. So making do in my cabin is best plan.
Hey, I hear you! It's tough on those who are the normal caregivers. But we've got physical limits, too.

We've also got the state subsidized Medicaid, which was the reason for the last minute cancelation of my badly needed laminectomy last fall. But after a less than impressive visit to the supposed "best"in this part of the state, I was upset enough that hubby called the old surgeon back, and they now accept the new insurance, and he got me in to see them in August. A few weeks longer of pain after 4 years, to see a doc I actually trust... yeah, it's 4 hours each way (and sitting hurts!), but more than worth it.

I'm just telling you this to say that at least in NY state, (and their Medicaid rates are truly crappy) we've never had any trouble getting top tier doctors to take the insurance. The ones in poorer areas, generally less skilled (none did anterior hip replacements when hubby needed one, but the top ortho practice in Buffalo did) tended to be less accepting of Medicaid (probably because too high a percentage of patients on it will bankrupt them). Find out who you should try to see (ask your chiro).

It's also possible you've got something that could be fixed by a steroid/local anesthetic injection into the spine. I had it done when my back flared up badly probably 25 years ago. It was miraculous- in my case, it was a cure. For some folks (usually with spinal stenosis or other serious disease), it needs to be repeated every few months. A pain clinic *can*be very useful, but ask around- you don't want a pill mill.

Good luck! I'll put you on the prayer list.



Veteran Member
Summer thank you so much.
Ok I am going to do that. I have my doctor I've been with many years, since we actually had the good insurance. But, I am going to look in the bigger city not too far.
I was offered a shot in the spine last year. Chiro said don't as it probably wouldn't work? I might just try it anyway.
I'm diabetic so that's an issue.
But it's getting to where I can barely get to the porch. Walking an acre to the barn isn't working and as you know, winter time feeding of animals is fun.

Thank you for your support, I think I need to focus a bit on my own health for a spell.

I'm so glad you both got some decent care! Your such an institution around this place! When I have a farm question, I always think "Summertyme would know that"


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Monday! And if nothing happens, I'm off for awhile.

I've decided not to work at the state fair this year. I'm not alone in this decision. Most of the women I know over 55 are skipping it, too. Call me paranoid, but there will be huge crowds, and even though it's outside, I don't want to be around that many people in 90+ degree weather. And then if they insist on masks . . .

Anyway, I went shopping at the neighbor's and a farm stand and bought 24 ears of corn, several gallon bags of green beans, 1/2 dozen onions and a small shopping bag full of mixed varieties of potatoes, most of which will go into the basement bins. I'm growing potatoes, but I want to be sure I have a six-mouth supply.

I'm going to start blanching and freezing the corn and beans in a bit, plus I'll cut up half of the onions and store the other three.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I just made my orders out to Sam's, Chewy, and Keystone meats. Ordered more jugs of coffee and 6 can packages of canned chicken breasts from Sam's. Chewy was more dog food and treats. I went directly to Keystone's website, and ordered another 12 can case of their beef. I didn't want to take a chance with ordering another case of the B&M brown bread from Walmart, and have it screwed up again, so I'll look for it in store when I go to Hometown Market, Wednesday. If they don't have it, I'll do without.

It's raining, today, and our temps are much cooler. Only in the mid 80's all week.
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Senior Member
I'm in the market for a grain mill, I thought I'd get your thoughts on the subject.
In the process of bring in the Walmart order.
Cleaned out the cabinet under my stovetop, honestly it was a wasted space but it's now housing some small appliances and seasonal items.
Starting another grocery list.


Veteran Member
Lots of talk about shoes here lately so I bit the bullet and got some I've been looking at on ebay. I have one ankle that is mostly fused and has only 10% range of motion. I can't make a flat foot so I always have to wear shoes with heels. Over time I found a brand with the perfect height heel which is comfortable. New they're prohibitively expensive but gentley used they're not so $$$. A pair I've been looking at on ebay was a little more than I wanted to pay, but when I checked on the listing it was about to expire, sooooo they're on their way here. Thanks folks for nagging me. ;-)


TB Fanatic
I'm in the market for a grain mill, I thought I'd get your thoughts on the subject.
In the process of bring in the Walmart order.
Cleaned out the cabinet under my stovetop, honestly it was a wasted space but it's now housing some small appliances and seasonal items.
Starting another grocery list.
I only have manual grain mills.

This one

and this one

I may have two of these.

The first one I had before katrina and it sat in katrina water so I ordered a new one. I've used this one and it works well enough. I've not used the other one. But I do have a supply of grains that would need to be ground, if the time comes for needing them.

God is good all the time



TB Fanatic
Cast iron is what I use on the wood stove, and for outdoor cooking over a fire. I also use cast iron griddles and skillets indoors in my regular oven and stovetop. I make fried corn fritters on a griddle on my wood stove. The recipe is the same for my cornbread, just ladeled onto the griddle like pancakes, instead.
Dang I could be making corn fritters from all the jiffy mix I have. Although I do have the ingredients for the corn bread I use to make when I was raising my family, would hardly ever use a mix.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
I'm in the market for a grain mill, I thought I'd get your thoughts on the subject.
In the process of bring in the Walmart order.
Cleaned out the cabinet under my stovetop, honestly it was a wasted space but it's now housing some small appliances and seasonal items.
Starting another grocery list.
I only have a manual grain meal and have had it since 1990's Country living mill. I chose it at the time because it could grind corn. I hear good things about electric Whisper mills.


Veteran Member
DH and I decided today would be the best day to do a shopping trip since the weather has cooled off and we didn’t have our granddaughter today so off we went. It was 75 degrees as we were leaving our driveway and quickly warmed up to the low 80’s but it was so much better than the high 90’s we’ve had for weeks.

We don’t have an Aldi store nearby, I’ve shopped in a few before but this was the first time I’ve been in the one in Jackson TN, very pleasantly surprised. Larger than expected and clean, I didn’t look at cold or frozen items since we still had to go to Sam’s, next time we may reverse which way we shop! They had a lot of different items that I haven’t ever saw in the other smaller stores. I needed to resupply on baking chips for the cookie/candy makers in the family. So bought many bags of semi sweet chocolate, milk chocolate, semi sweet chocolate mini chips and a couple of bags Belgian chocolate chunks. We still had some white chocolate, butterscotch and dark chocolate chips left. We need to stock up on peanut butter chips and we should be good for the holidays and other baking for awhile. Also stocked up on some instant pudding that that was really inexpensive, canned beans, a few cans of mixed veggies, a couple of boxes of their kinda like velveeta cheese (I’ve bought it before, it’s pretty good and so much cheaper) lots of odds and ends that I can’t remember right now.

We left Aldi and went to Sam’s, I had a list but still managed to overlook a few items on there and of course many things went into the cart that wasn’t on the list LOL. DH and did a check on toilet paper and paper towels last night and found we were okay on toilet paper but didn’t have as much paper towels as we thought. Even though both the items are on order from Sam’s, we went ahead and bought 2 more packs of the p.t. Stocked back up on cheeses as we were getting very low, even though it’s just DH and I, our kids and grandkids are here a lot and we’re all cheese lovers and that was what really put a dent in the bill today. We bought several of blocks vintage aged cheddar (my fav) shredded cheddar, Colby jack and mozzarella, cheese sticks, etc. They had some large jars of sweet pickle relish on clearance for $3.31, the date is good until 23 or 24 so hubby put 2 in the cart. I was looking for a big jar of sweet pickles but they didn’t have any, I was gonna chop them up anyway so now I don’t have too. Went ahead and got more sugar, bread flour, canned pineapple and mangos. Some more odd and end things for the grandkids since they’re always hungry for snacks!

I‘m pooped!


I only have a manual grain meal and have had it since 1990's Country living mill. I chose it at the time because it could grind corn. I hear good things about electric Whisper mills.
It all depends on your circumstances. I bought a manual mill for Y2k, but also a Whisper mill. The Whisper mill ONLY grinds fine flour- you can't make cracked wheat or a coarse grind for cereal. But I've ground hundreds of pounds of whole wheat flour with it, and this spring, I ran 100# of some chicken crumbles which were too big and sharp for the chicks to eat. The Whisper mill turned it into fine mash I under 15 minutes.

The manual mill (can't remember the brand... Corona?) can be adjusted from a coarse Crack to a fine grind- but to get the fine flour the Whisper mill produces effortlessly, you have to run the manual mill at least twice, sifting the coarse stuff out to regrind... probably twice.

I refused to sell the manual mill when we moved... it still may be very valuable, if things *really* go South and we use up the pails of cracked cereal grains. I sure hope I don't live to see that!

Oh, and for any sort of practical use, a manual one MUST be able to be adapted with a pulley, so you can use a bicycle or a v belt and motor to run it. Shoulder replacements might not be available in 50 years!

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Veteran Member
We went to town for our monthly meet of CERT. Stopped at WW, was only able to get 2 items. Rest was gone. A lot of empty shelves. Employees all wearing masks.
The CERT meet was ultra boring. I sat quiet. Director and everyone there discussing how horrible covid was, how we are surely going to see another lockdown very soon. They all had the vax.
Man talk about sheeple in their knowledge base. Like Zero.
DH has redeemed himself, we go to lowes tomorrow to get rest of stuff to finish my cabin and put the wood stove in. I'll be using coal. Stove has been in the barn unused. So I will get some help and drag it out, clean and paint it.
Daughter did some more canning and cooking from the garden. She and the boys climbed up to 2nd story and fixed the tarp she hangs over the camper. It keeps the pigeons off and its the only thing thats worked.
Using sons truck as he works tomorrow. Made a list.
I need to get a few more items to stock. According to the cert director, the lock down is coming pretty soon. Masks will be first, then the lock downs, but very soon, no matter what WH told the press. Thats his words ver batim.
Made appt with doc for Wednesday. Go ahead and get set up for that back shot.