CORONA Turns out masks are effective if you wear them. Who knew?


Non Solum Simul Stare
Clif High has a great explanation of this phenomena on his substack:

Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Worm that Flies at Night is Aimed at YOU....​

MAR 11

Weapon of Mass Destruction

MBP examined.

Munchhausen By Proxy (MBP) is a complex ‘social’ disease. The idea is, that in spite of no facts to support the disease claim, a person is made to feel as though they are ill by the perpetrator of the MBP. This projection is so powerful that the victim will actually exhibit physical symptoms of the factitious disease imposed upon their mind.

In MBP, at its most simple form, that of a caregiver providing the subtle, and mostly unconscious clues, acting as perpetrator, makes the person taking the ‘ill’ role, think that they are actually experiencing symptoms, and that there is a real disease process ongoing. It is often overlooked that MBP is a complex, and social illness. It is also overlooked that MBP is communicable in the sense of one victim (the perpetrator) supporting the supposed illness of the other victim.

It can be seen that even at the level of only two people, the emotional dynamic that is created at this level is complex, and not easily discovered. Reading descriptions of the MBP process in small group dynamics points out how much deception, of others, and self, occurs. At these levels, most of it is without either conscious control, or even, conscious recognition by either party.

When there is conscious application of the MBP emotional complex upon others, it is said that the MBP has been ‘weaponized’. It is this application of conscious intent that elevates the MBP from a complex social dynamic illness into a weapon of mass destruction.

At this time, the secret society cabal that controls most of humanity, and whose public ‘face’ has been the WEF in recent decades, has been using weaponized MBP to try to kill 13 out of 14 people within humanity. They intend to enslave those who survive this process.

The cabal, also known as the [Deep State], and the [Khazarian Mafia] have been using this tactic for over 250 years. They have managed to foment and control most wars in that time.

The [DS] has used weaponized MBP, among other tactics, to infiltrate and subsume most of the governments, and corporate power structures, on this planet to some degree.

All of the victims of the weaponized MBP have mental constructs that prevent them from recognition of their victim status, or even that MBP has been weaponized, and IS being targeted at them.

At this time, the [DS][KM] has weaponized MBP using several, socially acceptable targets. These include ‘planet earth’, and the mythical ‘trans kids’. These are created, objectified, ‘victims’ being used by the weaponized MBP language to infect humanity with the MBP that will be used to kill off 13 out of 14 people.

The stated goal of the ‘climate crisis’ form of the weaponized MBP is termed ‘net zero’. Which is framed as sounding laudable, but when examined it means reducing humanity to just a fraction of its size now, and enslaving those who live to the whims of the WEF masters. Examples of the language being weaponized to this effect is presented.

Note that the WEF /[DS][KM] has controlled ‘science’ by way of infiltration into the ‘academy of arts & sciences’ within the colleges since 1905. Thus all scientific consensus that has been formed in the Western Liberal republics since that time is tainted, distorted, and false.

This control of the academic reinforced view of Science has damaged humanity. It is one of the ancillary tactics being used by the [DS][KM] in their effort to conquer humanity.

Humanity is now waking to the existential threat that is weaponized MBP. The awareness of it being applied can be used to ‘break the spell’ of MBP at an individual level.

An effective response to a victim of MBP when confronted by them as they attempt to project the disease outward which is part of its engineering complex of behavior, is to go to the root of the issue, and provide steady, constant, refutation of the basic premise.

There is NO climate crisis on earth.

Earth is NOT at risk from humanity.

Humanity is NOT at risk.

There is NO need to fear climate.

An examination of the language shows that since the 1950s there has been language about a ‘decade threat’ constantly emerging from the [DS][KM] as they have engineered earth into the victim in their psychodrama. We see language in 1957 about an Ice Age crushing humanity by 1966. In the 1960s it was the emergence of Peak Oil by the 1970s. Same with over population from the 1950s into the 1960s. Same with all the planet wide, humanity existential threats projected out into the population...they all have a 10 year time frame, and few remember that they never occur, and are merely replaced by the next threat 10 years later.

Climate constantly changes…. and so should the victims of [DS][KM] be constant in their refutations including real factual science from untainted thinkers such as Vernadsky in his Biosphere and Noosphere writings.

The same approach can be used with the ‘trans kids’ myth being promulgated by the [DS][KM] in order to divide society to conquer it.

There is no evidence of trans ever, anywhere. Trans as it is defined now is weaponized MBP applied to normal childhood body dysphoria in order to amplify it into a disease. The ‘reward’ for the caregiver and other MBP projectors (co-victims) is increased dopamine flushes as they ‘identify’ as ‘saviors’. The perpetrators of weaponized MBP, in the most part, for the thousands of such, are unconscious of their part in the psychological warfare that is weaponized MBP.

These dopamine flushes induced by projected paradigm controlled by officialdom narrative (the Narradigm) are THE reward that is used by the perpetrator to induce the behavior. In this sense, the perpetrator is relying on the projective-covictim in the MBP becoming an ‘addict’ to the dopamine which is created by the radicalization of language.

The radicalization of language has been an ongoing process these last 40 years, with increasing frequency, and extremity over these last five years.

It is my opinion that the radicalization of the language has reached a point of natural collapse within the social order, and that this aspect alone is bringing much of the response to the perpetrators by the general populace who are now awakening to their real victim status as they see the weaponized MBP aimed at their lives.

It is noted in closing that the [DS][KM] is keeping

Space Aliens as the Ultimate MBP play. They will be using this extension of weaponized MBP in several forms as they desperately seek to retain their failing control, and to save their lives. When you become aware of the language about Space Aliens escalating, know that the end of the [DS] [KM] is close at hand.

Weaponized MBP is THE tactic that supports ALL of the social engineering of the [DS][KM]. Remove it and their castle of control is just sand in the rising tide.

Examples of weaponized MBP language below are extracted from a ChatGPT persona trained to see through the weaponized MBP being applied to Science since 1905.


