OP-ED Trump at the Rubicon How the Insurrection Act and Militia Act Empower Trump to Cast the Die


Are you sure about that?
The Balance of Forces
Let’s return to our earlier assumption that Trump has invoked the Insurrection Act and then used it to call up the militia. Let’s continue to assume that the US Armed Forces are either paralyzed with indecision, split in their loyalties, or opting to stay neutral, and just look at the militia. So who is going to fight?

Now, no matter what the law says, not every eligible militia man would respond to Trump’s call. But it seems likely there’d be a large number who did respond, and an even larger number of noncombatant supporters. Right now, 70% of Republicans don’t think the election was free and fair. If Trump calls on the unorganized militia to save the Republic from voter fraud, a militia will come.
So too would an anti-militia or resistance. In fact, lots of people who are willing to fight are fighting on the streets already. It seems likely that if Trump crosses the Rubicon, he will trigger a civil war, just like Caesar triggered a civil war.
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, he had only one legion against the might of Rome. What would Trump and his opponents be able to muster?

Let’s assess the balance of forces. Trump’ voters consisted of 58% of 98M white men; 55% of 98M white women; 36% of 30M Hispanic men, 28% of 30M Hispanic women, 20% of 22M black men, and 9% of 22M black women.
Meanwhile, the demographics of gun ownership in the US are as follows: 48% of white men own a gun, while only 24% of white women own a gun, 24% of non white men, and 16% of non-white women.
Assuming that women largely don’t fight (which is the historical norm), the balance of forces looks like this:
  • 98 million white men x 58% Trump voters x 48% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 11 million white gun-owning Trump militia
  • 36 million Hispanic men x 30% Trump voters x 24% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 1 million Hispanic gun-owning Trump militia
  • 22 million black men x 20% Trump voters x 24% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 0.4 million black gun-owning Trump militia
  • 98 million white men x 42% Biden voters x 48% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 8 million white gun-owning anti-Trump resisters
  • 36 million Hispanic men x 70% Biden voters x 24% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 2.4 million Hispanic gun-owning anti-Trump resisters
  • 22 million black men x 80% Biden voters x 24% gun owners x 40% 18-45 = 1.7 million black gun-owning anti-Trump resisters
This basic math suggests 12.4 million potential Trump gun owners and 12.1 million potential anti-Trump gun owners.
However, it’s likely the odds would stack more favorably to Trump. Although only 39% of Americans are Republicans, gun owners are actually 64% Republican. In other words, those who own guns are disproportionately Republican by a factor of 1.64! If we replace the percentage of Trump voters with the percentage of Republican gun-owners, then the balance of forces changes to 17.6M pro-Trump and 6.9M anti-Trump.

3% of Americans fought in the Continental Army during the Revolution. If 3% respond to the call for the militia, that would mean between 450,000 to 700,000 militia and 210,000 to 450,000 resisters. To put that in context, there’s only 60,000 soldiers in the Infantry Branch of the US Army.

Of the militia who do respond, those on Trump’s side will be much better trained. As noted earlier, the military’s combat arms are disproportionately white, with the infantry being 79% white and only 9% black. Since the United States has now been at war for 20 years, there are millions of combat veterans, and the vast majority of those who fought as infantry are likely to be on Trump’s side. Likewise, the vast majority of LEO veterans seem likely to fight on Trump’s side, if they chose a side.

The Oathkeepers, a hundred-thousand-strong organization made up of military and law enforcement veterans and personnel, has already stated that it will refuse to recognize a Biden presidency. “We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” said founder Stewart Rhodes.
The founding fathers resisted, of course, with guns.

This Is Not a Drill
Meanwhile, those in the grip of normalcy bias still think that the ‘nuclear option’ is for Trump to ask the state legislatures to appoint some electors to the college. Using legislative ballots isn’t the nuclear option. It’s barely a grenade. The nuclear option is Insurrection Act and the Militia.

Left-wing media is a parade of ostriches marching heads down in the sand. “Trump will lose in a landslide!” Wrong. “Trump has already lost!” Wrong. “There is no evidence of fraud!” Wrong. “Civil War could never happen!” Wrong. Maybe it won’t happen. The future is unpredictable. But it really, really could happen.

If I had told you last November that in the next 12 months the US would endure the worst pandemic since Spanish Flu, AND the worst depression since the Great Depression, AND the worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War, AND the worst civil unrest since the summer of 1968, AND an unprecedented nation-wide lockdowns that led to the end of sports, bars, restaurants, movies, in-class attendance at school, and commuting to work, AND that it would culminate in the World Economic Forum announcing a Great Reset to the global economy to lock in this new normal, would you have believed me? No, you’d have laughed me off as a tinfoil nutjob. Yet here we are.

To repeat a statistic from earlier: 70% of Republicans think that the most recent election is illegitimate. In a functioning democracy, if 70% of the second-largest political party in the country thinks an election has been stolen, the elites come together to cooperate to investigate and restore legitimacy in the eyes of the voters.

In the US, that’s not happening. Instead, an enormous machine, consisting of tech oligopolies, liberal media, watchdog groups, and partisan activists, is doing everything it can to silence and suppress the dissenters. Simultaneously, this same machine is making enemy lists and actively declaring that when it wins, it will be taking vengeance, against Trump, against everyone who helped him, and against everyone who voted for him.

This is not a drill. This is where we are. If Trump is standing on the banks of the Rubicon, it’s because the leftist machine has purposefully widened the Rubicon River until it reaches his feet.

Clear-headed left-wingers — if there are any left — need to step in and deescalate the threats against Trump and his supporters, and listen to 70 million Americans clamoring for fair and fraud-free voting. There is still time.
Otherwise, as another great military leader put it, “when on death ground, you must fight.”

Update (1230AM 11/20/20): This afternoon, Trump’s legal team made serious allegations of election fraud in the Presidential election and indicated their intent to pursue these allegations in as many as 10 states. In response, Democrat thought leaders have declared the litigation efforts to be an attempted coup, begun a #sedition hashtag on Twitter, and written op-eds demanding felony charges against the entire legal team for treason — a legal team led by one of the nation’s most respected prosecutors and mayors in history! Taking the position that litigating before the Supreme Court is sedition is a perfect example of purposefully widening the Rubicon River until it reaches Trump’s feet.

Powerful. Sobering. This stuck out to me:

If I had told you last November that in the next 12 months the US would endure the worst pandemic since Spanish Flu, AND the worst depression since the Great Depression, AND the worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War, AND the worst civil unrest since the summer of 1968, AND an unprecedented nation-wide lockdowns that led to the end of sports, bars, restaurants, movies, in-class attendance at school, and commuting to work, AND that it would culminate in the World Economic Forum announcing a Great Reset to the global economy to lock in this new normal, would you have believed me? No, you’d have laughed me off as a tinfoil nutjob. Yet here we are.

The intent of the article was not to validate the tinfoil, but the paragraph above is invigorating, nonetheless. If all of the above is true (and it is) what other ideas thrust into the dustbin are also subject to reevaluation? Right now, it makes me think specifically of the "The Great Reset" as a pressure point to address first. It's the belt bucket restraining the weight of all the fraud, IMHO.
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On TB every waking moment
The Great Reset is just the extended plan. The Big Boogaloo may toss a sabot in the works, I hope, if it comes to that, but the Reset is a global plan not just ZUSA specific.

I still say we will not get to party kinetically without crashers. FWIW Clay Martin agrees that there will be foreign interference in any kinetic activities domestically - evidence says there already has been.


The Great Reset is just the extended plan. The Big Boogaloo may toss a sabot in the works, I hope, if it comes to that, but the Reset is a global plan not just ZUSA specific.

I still say we will not get to party kinetically without crashers. FWIW Clay Martin agrees that there will be foreign interference in any kinetic activities domestically - evidence says there already has been.
History shows that there will be foreign interference... probably on both sides


Are you sure about that?
The Great Reset is just the extended plan. The Big Boogaloo may toss a sabot in the works, I hope, if it comes to that, but the Reset is a global plan not just ZUSA specific.

I agree. My point is that if enough people digest that the WEF really, really is planning on deciding for them for how the world is going to be for them forever, a lot of people will balk. Openly rebel in many cases. Then all of the preamble activity leading to that extended plan fails.

I still say we will not get to party kinetically without crashers. FWIW Clay Martin agrees that there will be foreign interference in any kinetic activities domestically - evidence says there already has been.

I have that on my mind, as well. If the crashers crash too hard, there will be a lot of people on both sides of he political fight that will join in common cause. The defintion of "hard" wouldn't even need to be all that much, mainly just visible. Some will go the Vichy route, sure, but a lot of Dems, even the homegrown commie Dems will not take kindly to an invasion. The recipe for chaos will be very spicy.


Sword At-The-Ready
Some will go the Vichy route, sure, but a lot of Dems, even the homegrown commie Dems will not take kindly to an invasion.

What are you talking about? THEY EMBRACED OUR INVASION!

What did you think open borders to the welfare state and importing middle east Muslim "Refugees" here was all about?

The invasion is already complete.

Their troops have not yet left the horse to do their thing yet.


Are you sure about that?
What are you talking about? THEY EMBRACED OUR INVASION!

What did you think open borders to the welfare state and importing middle east Muslim "Refugees" here was all about?

The invasion is already complete.

Their troops have not yet left the horse to do their thing yet.

No, Invar. You're wrong about that. Not universally wrong, mind you. You have to know that many people voted not FOR Joe Biden, but against the Orange Man Who Is Bad. Voting against OMWIB is not the same thing as cheering the Chinese pouring over the Western seaboard or popping a nuke to disrupt an American city. It's also not the same as watching illegal aliens squatting in other's homes or doing horrible things to their children. There will be some that persist in their delusions unto their death, certainly. Some population of Che-T-Shirt-Wearing punks will even cheer them on, Vichy to their core.

But a lot will say "WTF is this? Oh, I don't think so" and will not submit. Some will be very surprised, embarrassed, and pissed off to have bought the con. Many will not openly embrace an international force raping their country and will respond accordingly. Those are the people of whom I speak. But damn them for setting the stage for it.

As I believe you imply, of course, we have indeed been infiltrated, since long before OMWIB took the Presidency. I have no illusions about that, and it means surprises lurk in the weeds and it will suck.


I agree with Invar.

The bastards already here will be difficult to eliminate. More will come and will.be embraced by ones already here


Senior Member
The last I heard, the Mexican President was going to wait until the election was legally called before congratulating either candidate. I know that Mexico has been doing a pretty good job of patrolling their southern border after he and President Trump had their talk. It has been awhile since I have heard of a "caravan" heading toward our border.


Sword At-The-Ready
No, Invar. You're wrong about that.

Am I? What do we think DACA and open borders to welfare was for? Democrats overwhelmingly voted for and supported that for DECADES. Hell, even W was all for it. It was an invasion intended to REPLACE the existing White population that had a stagnated replacement birthrate. They have engineered a Camp Of The Saints invasion to flood us with tens of MILLIONS of hostile aliens squatters with zero allegiance to anything American and only allegiance to handouts from the government. As a result, we are not allowed to even ask for English to be the preferred language on tests and government documents. Some schools ONLY allow Spanish.

We have already been invaded while we watched and shrugged while those engineering the flood called it 'Immigration" and compared it to European immigration in the early part of last century.

And now, those aliens are being "elected" to the halls of power. Tlaib, Omar and other American-Hating aliens taking the reins by Democrat Communists who are intent on dismantling the culture and the country from the bottom-up and top-down, which is fully underway.

Voting against OMWIB is not the same thing as cheering the Chinese pouring over the Western seaboard or popping a nuke to disrupt an American city.

CHICOM's won't need to do that. That is what the Jihadists are for. They have been busy training ANTIFA and BLM leaders and combat troops for years - uptick since OMB took the office in 2016.

It's also not the same as watching illegal aliens squatting in other's homes or doing horrible things to their children.

But we have been watching that very thing. MS-13 and child-sex trafficking ring any bells? Been going on in exponential growth for the last 20 years.

Some will be very surprised, embarrassed, and pissed off to have bought the con.

Yes. Bewilderment is coming

Many will not openly embrace an international force raping their country and will respond accordingly.

We have been watching them do it for decades, with mere whimpers and complaints about it - even after TEA party victories over the entire issue of the alien insurgency got middle fingered by Bush, McConnell and the rest of the GOP who were just as off-put by OMB winning the White House largely on this very issue.

As I believe you imply, of course, we have indeed been infiltrated, since long before OMWIB took the Presidency. I have no illusions about that, and it means surprises lurk in the weeds and it will suck.


Yes it will.

Yes it does.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Antifa/blm attacked the Mexican Consulate in downtown Portland last night, and by doing so have created a true INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT. It seems nobody in the official realm has figured that out yet, having been rendered immune to anything Antifa/Blm have done over the last six months or so.
However, out in the "real world," the fecal material might be flowing. At a minimum, Mexico could just close down their consulate and head back to Cancun for some R and R. Or Mexico could send up a platoon of Federales, or Mexican Marines, you know the guys that have mucho combat experience against the Mexican cartels, you know those guys with all the weapons they buy, like RPG's and anti-tank rockets and better small arms than US troops have these days. Yep, those guys.
Antifa points a AR-15 at one of those guys and it is pink mist time. Anyway, it will be truly interesting to see how the local morons deal with the kind of disaster, political, military, diplomatic, etc Portland is now faced with. The rest of the world will take all of the Portland shit much, much more seriously now. And Trump, well he can send in the tanks in another 15 minutes if he wants to. Defending foreign diplomatic consulates from a terrorist attack gives Trump all the cover he wants/needs and oh Fiiiing boy will the Trump tanks rolling down Broadway lit the situation up, and Biden et all will be left explaining why a TERRORIST ATTACK BY ANTIFA ON THE MEXICAN CONSULATE is just boys being boys. :lkick:

Sheesh, this is all going to end in blood and fire, gang, but I didn't think even Antifa was stupid enough to create an International incident that will bring in military types who will just shoot them dead and then drink another Corona beer. Game on. This may fade, but all the pieces are now in play for Trump.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Does anyone here REALLY think Trump will try to pull this Insurrection Act card on the country? SERIOUSLY??

I don't see this lawsuit thing working and any complaints/evidence they raise seem to be ignored or judicially tossed out of court. He's certainly not getting any support from the MSM or even his own party members. Do "they" really want to push that button? Do they?

It's one thing to talk about it.....totally another to actually step on that land mine.


Sword At-The-Ready
Does anyone here REALLY think Trump will try to pull this Insurrection Act card on the country? SERIOUSLY??

If he was going to do it - he would've done it already. Trump had a better legitimate shot of invoking that during the riots when the ANTIFA/BLM leadership was openly calling for the overthrow of the government. But his own Cabinet and SecDef told him to pound sand because they were not going to support or enforce the invocation of the order.

I imagine that in this situation it may be even less support as of this writing.

I don't see this lawsuit thing working and any complaints/evidence they raise seem to be ignored or judicially tossed out of court. He's certainly not getting any support from the MSM or even his own party members. Do "they" really want to push that button? Do they?

The Communist Left and their Deep State Oligarchy has told us and have shown us that not only are they willing to push the button, they already pushed it.

Why do we continue to ignore what they have said and done?


Pissed off Patriot
Does anyone here REALLY think Trump will try to pull this Insurrection Act card on the country? SERIOUSLY??

I don't see this lawsuit thing working and any complaints/evidence they raise seem to be ignored or judicially tossed out of court. He's certainly not getting any support from the MSM or even his own party members. Do "they" really want to push that button? Do they?

It's one thing to talk about it.....totally another to actually step on that land mine.

I've held my nose and voted for every Republican Presidential candidate since 1992. 2016 was the first year I ever filled in the circle for someone I respected and trusted. 4 years later, I'll lay my life down for him if needed.


Pissed off Patriot
If he was going to do it - he would've done it already. Trump had a better legitimate shot of invoking that during the riots when the ANTIFA/BLM leadership was openly calling for the overthrow of the government. But his own Cabinet and SecDef told him to pound sand because they were not going to support or enforce the invocation of the order.

I imagine that in this situation it may be even less support as of this writing.

The Communist Left and their Deep State Oligarchy has told us and have shown us that not only are they willing to push the button, they already pushed it.

Why do we continue to ignore what they have said and done?

Don't forget he recently sacked SecDef... and going back to the debate, do you really think that Trump doesn't know who the Proud Boys are? You think him saying stand down and stand by was an accident? I don't believe he sent an Army team into Germany to secure a server was a Hail Mary. I think he has a firm grasp on what is going on and is planning accordingly.


On TB every waking moment
Does anyone here REALLY think Trump will try to pull this Insurrection Act card on the country? SERIOUSLY??

I don't see that he has much choice myself, but as I keep getting asked, what does he know that I do not? If in fact he HAS been playing a long game with the BLM/Antifa riots, he has little to lose at this point. He and his are threatened, as are all of us, if this coup is allowed to go forward.


Membership Revoked
Don't forget he recently sacked SecDef... and going back to the debate, do you really think that Trump doesn't know who the Proud Boys are?
They are current-day rough equivalents of the late 1850s-era Wide Awakes in the North. When April 1861 came, they disproportionately enlisted in the Union Army.
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Sword At-The-Ready
I think he has a firm grasp on what is going on and is planning accordingly.

He better. Because the Communists are openly stating that they intend to arrest him, punish him, his family and everyone and anyone who supported him. Because they have said it is not enough to win office, but that the very ideas he stood for and the people that believe them must be eradicated from their society.

And I also have a firm grasp on the fact that the Republican Party is The Stupid Party for a reason.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Geez, they are going to KILL us if Trump doesn't get a second term. The Samuel Johnson quote: "Knowing you are to be hanged in a fortnight concentrates your mind wonderfully."
It is all laid out: The fortnight is 12-14 when Trump isn't certified, or he is certified. If he is, civil war 2 starts, and if he isn't civil war two starts. We might muddle away till 1-20-2021, I'm not sure. I am planning for the shooting to start on the 15th.
Trump is my POTUS and my CIC. I am drinking eggnog and listening to Mitch Miller Christmas Music from the 1960's. Enjoy life. We cross the Rubicon soon. And Trump may be Sulla and not Julius.


Flats Captain
When the Trump Team files these lawsuits, if the judges throw them out, will Trump use his power to call for the insurrection action?
I think this is where we will be.


Wheat or Tare, which are you?
Trump had better have the public behind him if he pulls these stunts. And that will take some public education so the citizenry knows the basis for the actions he is taking.
And advise the deep state of his plans?

Better get cracking. Not much time left to explain a course of action never done before in this here country.
Ah, so that was why the "Q" ministry was started... Those of us who listened are in a position to enlighten those who are caught by surprise when Trump does activate this part of the plan to take back our country. No?


Knuckle Dragger
The volume of "evidence" is building.

I said elsewhere that conservatives have been in the majority in a lot of places, but the margin of theft has kept the commies in power.

If Trump can prove that, it's a whole new ballgame.


Knuckle Dragger
Proof has no hope in a crooked Just Us system.

Will Trump push the bullshit button if required?

The only chance he has is relying on a majority of Patriots and Deplorables to back his play.

Part of that is having them know that they are in the majority.

Getcha some "democracy" ya' commie cork-soakers.


Wheat or Tare, which are you?
When the Trump Team files these lawsuits, if the judges throw them out, will Trump use his power to call for the insurrection action?
I think this is where we will be.
I think he will wait until he sees what the state legislatures do with their choice of electors... It looks like Dec 13 might be the last day he can hold off calling for the Insurrection Act, US Code 50, §253...
Dec 14 is the day the State Electors make their votes. MAYBE Trump will act once the results becomes known.

At some point, if the SC endeavor doesn't work, he can use the Insurrection Act to nullify the electoral votes of the rebel states.

I have heard talk about a plan in case of a null vote outcome by using the very last chance to win the reelection. The Constitution provides for a fallback to Congress for the House to elect the President by State vote. Via one vote per state by each state party majority. The Repubs control 26 states so it would be a forgone conclusion for Trump to emerge as the winner, in the last resort.

I can see the reason to use the Insurrection Act to void rebel state's electoral votes, but at the same time, the US Constitution does provide a last chance path to choose the next President via Congressional vote, one per state.

At any rate, either Trump pulls the Insurrection Act card out before Congress counts the state's electoral votes or sits and waits for the House to select the next President.

Plus there's the fact that Q taught those of us who would listen, that the Deep State would be tried in Military Court because the civilian Courts would be proven to be corrupt (including the SC), so there is that...

We all will know by Jan 20, 2021...
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On TB every waking moment
Most of the dotmil is ash and trash.

Shooters and kickers are only about 10%. It's called 'tooth to tail' and these days it's about 13 tail (support) per 'tooth.'


Knuckle Dragger
Most of the dotmil is ash and trash.

Shooters and kickers are only about 10%. It's called 'tooth to tail' and these days it's about 13 tail (support) per 'tooth.'

Any clue as to how that ratio holds in Combat Arms types?


On TB every waking moment
Proof has no hope in a crooked Just Us system.

Will Trump push the bullshit button if required?

What makes this actually less of an issue is the possible/probable foreign involvement in the fraud. Being as the Dems "legitimized' such claims last time with "Russian interference", the hurtle is a lot lower to cross.

Be that as it may, operating within the regular legal process as long as he can before he pulls the state of emergency switch is necessary.