PLAY The Official 'Just Because' Humor Thread


Swamp Gas
Well it looks like the liberal moon bats are going full retard and nothing short of civil war is going to please them... so I've started this thread in hopes of spreading some cheer.

It's sad and funny that the premise you started this thread on three years ago is still very applicable.
Thanks for bumping it to today.

Old Reliable

Veteran Member

Thread starter Dennis Olson
Start date May 14, 2004

Okay, jokesters and punsters! We get so much BAD NEWS on the board, that it's high-time we had a dedicated room to blow off steam. Yuk it up in here gang! I *NEED* to laugh, before I start screaming.

So - step up to the plate folks. Here's your chance!

BTW, the name of this room is in tribute to my favorite group ever, Monty Python's Flying Circus.

SPAM anyone....? :spam:


Membership Revoked

Even better:


Also, look at all the baby kitties!!!



Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
what do you call a cow with no legs? ground beef
what do you call a pig with no legs? ground hog
what do you call a dog with no legs? you don't, its not going to come anyway.

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
In parochial school students are taught that lying is a sin. However, instructors also advised that using a bit of imagination was OK to express the truth differently without lying. Below is a perfect example of those teachings

Getting a Hairdryer Through Customs.

An attractive young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, 'Father, may I ask a favour?
'Of course child. What may I do for you?'
'Well, I bought my mother an expensive hair dryer for her birthday. It is unopened but well over the Customs limits and I'm afraid they'll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry it through customs for me? Hide it under your robes perhaps?
'I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you, I will not lie.

'With your honest face, Father, no one will question you.'
When they got to Customs, she let the priest go first. The official asked, 'Father, do you have anything to declare?
'From the top of my head down to my waist I have nothing to declare.'
The official thought this answer strange, so asked, 'And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?
'I have a marvelous instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused.'
Roaring with laughter, the official said, 'Go ahead, Father. Next please!
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