CORONA Stew Peters & Dr Ardis: WATCH THE WATER - Covid 19 Expose


Veteran Member

How to remineralize distilled water
by Jennifer Byrd
updated 1/27/22

How to Remineralize Distilled Water
by Jennifer Byrd / updated: January 27, 2022
Distillation is one of the oldest water purification solutions – and there’s a reason why it’s still popular today.

The distillation process (i.e. boiling water until it evaporates, then condenses into a clean jug) is highly effective and can remove hundreds of trace contaminants from any source of water, including spring water and tap water.

But the slightly ironic thing about distillation is that it’s almost too good. As well as removing the bad stuff from water, distillers also remove the healthy stuff – namely trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

While the human body can get plenty of these minerals from the food we include in our diet, such as fruits and vegetables and other foods developed from plants, you may still prefer to drink them in your water, too. Luckily, it’s really easy to add trace elements back into your distilled water. On this page, I’ve written about the best means of doing so in this guide.

home water distiller
What Minerals Does Distillation Remove?
Let’s start with a quick recap of why the existing distillation treatment is actually so great at what it does: it removes more than 99.9% of all TDS (total dissolved solids) that occur in drinking water.

That means all the potentially harmful contaminants that water contains, from chemicals such as chlorine to heavy metals, pathogens like bacteria, and particulates that affect water’s taste, color or smell like iron, can all be completely removed by distillation, leaving you with completely pure, impurity-free liquid.

But as well as properly removing a high content of these unwanted impurities, distillation also removes the stuff we actually want. That’s because there’s no smart way for a distiller to recognize the difference between healthy minerals and unhealthy metals, chemicals, bacteria and so on.

When water is boiled, anything that can’t evaporate into a gas ends up leftover in the boiling chamber – including those essential trace elements.

Calcium and magnesium, the two minerals found predominantly in drinking water, are removed by distillation. Sodium (salt), phosphorus, zinc and potassium are also removed during the distillation process.

The human body needs trace amounts of all of these minerals for good health. A lack of minerals can lead to deficiency, which can result in brittle bones, heart problems, behavioral changes, impaired muscle function and problems with the body’s cells.

healthy minerals found in water
Should I Remineralize Water That’s Been Distilled?
First thing’s first, you should know that no matter what, the existing minerals removed by distillation don’t need to be consumed in liquids. In fact, food such as fruits and veggies, which you hopefully include in abundance in your diet, contain much higher quantities of these trace minerals.

When you look at the levels of minerals present in drinking water, you can see that in comparison, you’re consuming so few minerals from this source that it wouldn’t make much of a difference whether you drink normal tap water or purified water from a distillation machine.

You may have seen the medical report by the World Health Organization (WHO). There are several worrying research-based mentions in the report that make references to the idea that drinking demineralized water – whether that’s distilled or RO water – may be damaging to the health of humans.

The article notes that our medical health is at particular risk of deficiency resulting from the lack of minerals in pure water. Additionally, poor hydration, a possible increased intake of certain toxic metals, and metabolic effects have also been linked in studies to drinking distilled mineral water.

What’s obvious is that this article isn’t intentional scaremongering – it comes from a legitimate source and contains information that’s backed by valid data. However, a number of the health concerns mentioned in the report, such as poor hydration and mineral deficiency in the body, could be avoided entirely if we made sure to eat healthy, mineral-rich food in our daily diets.

Potential health effects of demineralized water aside, you might simply choose to add minerals back into your water to improve its taste.

mineral water
Benefits of Adding Minerals to Distilled Water
Improves Water Taste
If you’re a fan of mineral-rich bottled water, you’ll know that alkalized water with a high pH has an appealing taste. On the opposite end of the scale, demineralized water with a very low mineral content, or a complete lack of minerals, will taste flat, flavorless and unappealing. Drinking distilled water with added minerals will raise its pH level and thus improve its overall flavor, bringing some life back into your beverage.

Improves Hydration
If you enjoy something, you’re probably going to consume more of it. You’re more likely to reach for a glass of water if you like the way it tastes, which is definitely useful from a hydration perspective. One of the most important factors for human health is hydration of the body, so it goes without saying that we should be drinking plenty of liquids on a daily basis.

General Health Benefits
While water from your faucet doesn’t contain the level of minerals the body needs to survive, there’s no harm in getting a few extra nutrients from your drinking water . Nutrients such as calcium and magnesium become increasingly important as we age, and every little helps. Just ensure you’re eating plenty of mineral-rich plant foods in your diet rather than solely relying on drinking distilled water with added minerals.

✔ How to Remineralize Distilled Drinking Water
Trace Mineral Drops
Looking for an affordable, low-fuss way to remineralize your distilled water? Mineral or electrolyte drops are an effective solution to consider. These products add a measured amount of trace minerals to your water. A little goes a long way, so make sure to follow instructions carefully to ensure you’re only adding what you need.

The Quinton Wellness product is a fantastic solution if you’re looking for a product that’s been manufactured by a leading wellness company based on decades of medical research (visit the website here).

There are a number of options available on the market today, but not all brands are legitimate, so do your research and don’t be so quick to believe a marketing claim. It’s fine to message a company before making a purchase with whatever questions you may have if you’re unsure or looking for more data.

Using mineral or electrolyte drops is usually as easy as putting them in a glass or pitcher of distilled water and drinking as you usually would. Depending on what type of product you go for and the website you buy it from, minerals in the form of drops or electrolyte powder can last for weeks to months, and cost around $20-$40 on average.

I Recommend: Quinton Liquid Mineral Drops
quinton remineralizing drops

See price at
  • On the go remineralization
  • Improves electrolyte balance
  • Helps restore natural rehydration and homeostasis
  • Increases cellular response time
  • Boosts immune response time
  • Enhances brain function & nervous system
Alkalizing Water Pitchers
If you don’t want to bother with physically introducing something to your distilled water, an alkalizing pitcher filter may be the best solution for you. This solutionlooks like your average water jug or pitcher, but it features a lid with a built-in filter.

When you add distilled water to the top chamber of this jug, it will have to pass through the remineralizing filter to enter the bottom chamber, ready for drinking. This enables the filter to add a balanced amount of minerals to your water.

Alkalizing filter pitchers are really simple to use, and many people favor them because they require minimal effort to work. They’re also portable, which is a bonus for anyone looking for a remineralization option that they can take to work or on vacation. Keep in mind that you’ll have to change the remineralization filter once its minerals have depleted. Depending on the product you’ve gone for, this may require a new filter purchase once after 6 weeks to 3-6 months.

The only issue with alkalizing water pitchers is that you will have to wait a few minutes (usually around 10-20 mins, max) for your water to filter through. If you’ve already waited between 4 and 6 hours to produce a 1-gallon batch of distilled water, you might not want to have to wait extra time for your distilled water to be remineralized.

I Recommend: Invigorated Water pH Restore Alkaline Water Pitcher
Invigorated Water pH Restore Alkaline Water Pitcher

See price at
  • Last 96 gallons
  • High negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
  • Helps increased immunity and energy levels
  • Adds selenium & calcium
  • May assist with improved metabolism
Alkaline Water Bottles
An even more portable and convenient on-the-go remineralizing solution is an alkalizing water bottle. These bottles increase water’s pH level by adding measured amounts of calcium and magnesium as you drink through the straw.

The obvious benefit of an alkalizing bottled water solution is that it requires no setup. You simply add your distilled water source and drink from the straw as you usually would. Being smaller and more secure than filter pitchers, alkalizing bottles are also the better choice for carrying in a rucksack on hiking trips or in your purse while at work.

As with alkalizing pitchers, you’ll have to change the filtering cartridge after 6 weeks or so to get consistent results from this filtration process.

Pink Himalayan Salt
Pink Himalayan salt, a type of sea salt or rock salt, might seem a little strange to add to your water, but it’s high in natural minerals while relatively lower in sodium than table salt, making it a useful solution for introducing to your distilled water every day.

Using pink Himalayan salt is one of the most natural means of remineralization, but there’s a bit more to it than just adding a pinch of the stuff to a cup of water. The recommended method is to create a beverage called sole water, by introducing enough salt to fill a jar 1/4 full before filling it the rest of the way with water. You should then store the water for up to 24 hours to allow the salt to fully dissolve.

Sole water isn’t just good for you because of the calcium carbonate and magnesium it contains; the elements found in this type of sea salt are also said to balance the negatively and positively charged ions in the body’s cells.

Of course, pink Himalayan sea salt isn’t your average table salt, which is far higher in sodium and doesn’t contain many minerals at all. You’ll need to buy pink Himalayan salt online, where it’s widely available. It’s important that you’re precise with your measurements, here, as though pink Himalayan salt is lower in sodium than other salts, the sodium content could still be dangerously high if you added too much to your distilled water.

pink himalayan salt minerals
❔ Frequently Asked Questions
If I’m adding minerals to my distilled water, should I bother with this purification process in the first place?
The answer to this totally depends on what you’re looking for. A distillation system can free water of a whole host of impurities, including harmful contaminants such as bacteria and lead, resulting in clean, purified drinking water. Distillation methods would offer the peace of mind to know that your water isn’t dangerous to drink from a contamination perspective.

But you might not require the level of purification offered by a distilled water system. It’s worth arranging for a test to see exactly what impurities are in your home’s water supply. After testing, you can decide on the most suitable answer to your problems. If you’re just dealing with one or two contaminants, systems that use less thorough filtered methods, such as activated carbon filters, could be a better solution. These systems can produce chlorine and lead-free water, but would not diminish the concentration of healthy minerals in the liquid.

What’s the difference between remineralization and alkalizing?
Remineralized distilled water and alkalized distilled water are two slightly different things. An alkalizer changes the pH balance of water, giving it a more preferable alkaline flavor, but doesn’t necessarily have to add minerals to do this. Remineralization, on the other hand, is the process of introducing minerals back into the water, which automatically changes its pH level and makes it less acidic.

Which is the most suitable solution for introducing minerals back into distilled water?
Now you know what’s available, take a look at specific products online and see how they’ve been reviewed by customers and third-party experts in terms of quality. How a product is reviewed can answer a lot of the questions or concerns you may have had about a product’s function, effectiveness and value for money. You may believe a product is perfect for you until you check out personal reviews from previous customers, so it’s worth spending the extra bit of time to make sure you’re buying a high-quality product that lives up to every claim made by the manufacturing company.
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Veteran Member
Magnesium is vital. Research the list of ailments and diseases mitigated by and prevented by it!

A few years ago I took the wrong Mussinex and my blood pressure went up off the chart. I went online to find an aid. I saw claims that cayenne tea with honey would drop it within 8 seconds. I thought this cant be, but if its 8 minutes...that will work.

I made such a tea and drank it and within 8 seconds my blood pressure normalized!! Apparently, it dilates the blood vessels.

Also, I have been taking Hawthorn pills for 23 years. My blood pressure is that of a teenager and I'm 69. Hawthorn, magnesium,/calcium, billberry and large dosages of vitamin C are A MUST.
Where do you get your Bilberry ? Thx, Genny


Veteran Member
Just watched Ardis , more info than the others, amazing. Nicotine patches or Nicorette gum will turn bad c vhid around in 48 hours. Starts about 1/3 into the video. Almost 3 hour run time:



Veteran Member
Sorry, Jed. That thread was posted a few years ago, and I don't know how to access it.

Is it this one?


Bridey Rose

Veteran Member
Is it this one?

No, but I did go the the American College of Cardiology Conference in Dallas in the late '90s to warn the cardiologists there about the snake-venom based heart attack drugs and the on-going cover-up regarding their toxicity. At the time, there were several such drugs being promoted as THE treatment for everyone with heart-disease-related chest pain, and some were worse than others, but all were bad. And when the conference organizers found out what I was doing, they had security escort me from the conference center.

The thread I was referring to was a guessing game I played about the name of the Anti-Christ. I hesitate to repeat the name because I don't want her/him suing TimeBomb (or me), but her/his name is Barbara E. Warren. She/he is an intersexed person, otherwise known as a hermaphrodite. To be more specific, she has penis, but it's small. This qualifies what seems to be a female as the "Man of Sin" and "Son of Perdition." Plus it's more deceptive if she/he appears to be a women. No one is expecting a female Anti-Christ. And Satan's really into that gender-bending crap!
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jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
No, but I did go the the American College of Cardiology Conference in Dallas in the late '90s to warn the cardiologists there about the snake-venom based heart attack drugs and the on-going cover-up regarding their toxicity. At the time, there were several such drugs being promoted as THE treatment for everyone with heart-disease-related chest pain, and some were worse than others, but all were bad. And when the conference organizers found out what I was doing, they had security escort me from the conference center.

The thread I was referring to was a guessing game I played about the name of the Anti-Christ. I hesitate to repeat the name because I don't want her/him suing TimeBomb (or me), but her/his name is Barbara E. Warren. She/he is an intersexed person, otherwise known as a hermaphrodite. To be more specific, she has penis, but it's small. This qualifies what seems to be a female as the "Man of Sin" and "Son of Perdition." Plus it's more deceptive if she/he appears to be a women. No one is expecting a female Anti-Christ. And Satan's really into that gender-bending crap!
Oh, I don’t Know, Hillary was always in the running I reckoned...


Veteran Member
I haven’t finished watching it, and I’m only on Page one reading the comments here, but I did notice one glaring flaw. At about 30 minutes in, he says that the virus would not show up in the waste water system prior to the outbreak. This is false (and I think just about everyone here would know this). Viruses are being shed very soon after the patient gets infected, before symptoms begin; it doesn’t hide out in the body waiting for the body to fight it off before leaving. I couldn’t believe I was hearing any kind of doctor say that viruses would not be shed until after an infection had run it’s course. How the heck does he think they spread?!


Rabbit hole to get you to spend time and energy on. I don’t believe the venom angle for a number of reasons but the vector really doesn’t matter. What matters is we have to deal with it personally regardless. Ivermectin and other prophylaxis treatments will mitigate the covid regardless if the source is viral or toxin.


Veteran Member
Rabbit hole to get you to spend time and energy on. I don’t believe the venom angle for a number of reasons but the vector really doesn’t matter. What matters is we have to deal with it personally regardless. Ivermectin and other prophylaxis treatments will mitigate the covid regardless if the source is viral or toxin.
NO worries, it has been completely ridiculed and buried by those we trusted.

The fact that every (&^% thing that could have stopped the death of millions were outlawed by uncle sam; just a coinsidonk all those outlawed treatments treated snake venom poisoning!

The truth of this is so outrageously demonic, they knew it would enrage those who have buried their dead, can't have that.


Fringe Ranger
I don’t believe the venom angle for a number of reasons but the vector really doesn’t matter.

The venom and vector are unrelated issues. The venom chemistry has some elusive evidence supporting it, and hasn't been persuasively debunked. Meddling with water systems is well within the pattern of past government behavior. It's something to be aware of and alert to future developments. The error is in people glomming onto this as the new One True Story to answer all their doubts and unknowns.


Veteran Member
The venom and vector are unrelated issues. The venom chemistry has some elusive evidence supporting it, and hasn't been persuasively debunked. Meddling with water systems is well within the pattern of past government behavior. It's something to be aware of and alert to future developments. The error is in people glomming onto this as the new One True Story to answer all their doubts and unknowns.
None of us including Ardis claimed all his findings are the one truth in this whole plandemic take down of humanity. It is truly one that should be looked at thoroughly though before dismissing it within 2 hours of its release.


Fringe Ranger
None of us including Ardis claimed all his findings are the one truth in this whole plandemic take down of humanity. It is truly one that should be looked at thoroughly though before dismissing it within 2 hours of its release.

Read back through the posts here. Some people have only rudimentary critical thinking skills.


The venom and vector are unrelated issues. The venom chemistry has some elusive evidence supporting it, and hasn't been persuasively debunked. Meddling with water systems is well within the pattern of past government behavior. It's something to be aware of and alert to future developments. The error is in people glomming onto this as the new One True Story to answer all their doubts and unknowns.

Vector in this case being the avenue of contamination whether viral or toxin. Local governments have to add chemicals to the water be it chlorine or flouride but there would need to be a lot of people in on this to contaminate water supplies around the globe. And then of course what about those that get covid and are on private water wells and don’t drink bottled waters or sodas, etc? Airborne and viral explains the disease process a lot better with far fewer mental hoops to have to jump thru to make it plausible. Regardless, we have to deal with it anyway and I’m grateful to be on a well that I don’t have to filter.


Veteran Member
Vector in this case being the avenue of contamination whether viral or toxin. Local governments have to add chemicals to the water be it chlorine or flouride but there would need to be a lot of people in on this to contaminate water supplies around the globe. And then of course what about those that get covid and are on private water wells and don’t drink bottled waters or sodas, etc? Airborne and viral explains the disease process a lot better with far fewer mental hoops to have to jump thru to make it plausible. Regardless, we have to deal with it anyway and I’m grateful to be on a well that I don’t have to filter.
You are assuming they are locked in their well water homes. Most people eat at restaurants etc.
Vector in this case being the avenue of contamination whether viral or toxin. Local governments have to add chemicals to the water be it chlorine or flouride but there would need to be a lot of people in on this to contaminate water supplies around the globe. And then of course what about those that get covid and are on private water wells and don’t drink bottled waters or sodas, etc? Airborne and viral explains the disease process a lot better with far fewer mental hoops to have to jump thru to make it plausible. Regardless, we have to deal with it anyway and I’m grateful to be on a well that I don’t have to filter.
In below ~June 2021 interview, Dr. Lee Merritt was interviewed by Mike Adams. They discuss the idea of lab-created poisons that can target the human physiology in specific, intended ways.

Take this discussion, and overlay the idea that poisons - in this case, synthetic snake poisons manufactured in labs - may be involved in the COVID mystery.

Well worth a listen.

Runtime: 01:01:27


08:15 - Dr. Merritt mentions a 1998 book written by two Chinese generals

16:00+ - Dr. Merritt discusses ability to target certain organs via synthetic viral (lab manufactured) pathogen/poison. Then, Mike and Dr. Merritt discusses the idea of "created" poisons designed to target certain aspects of human physiology.

27:00+ - Discussion about Harvard researcher Charles Lieber, and the technology he created - likened this bio advance to a "Manhattan Project-level" discovery (31:00). This brings to mind the idea that there is bio-technology that is much further advanced than medical/research folks understand, particularly within the COVID puzzle framework/paradigm.

Lastly, let's not become hung-up on the idea that the only way a "snake poison" can be distributed is via drinking water or contaminated ice cubes in soda fountain drinks. There is a distinct odor about this that suggests other vector mechanisms may be in play in distributing synthetic "snake poison" or some sub-set of such, that may be wrapped up in a lab created delivery mechanism/vehicles (think nano-gels, for instance) and/or agents that require a specific "signal" to fully activate.

I think that we can all agree that there is much more to understand, here.

Perhaps there are multiple types of delivery vectors and/or artificially/lab created/engineered antigens being tried out/employed upon unsuspecting populaces.

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Where I am supposed to be.
Can our pets be affected? I was thinking they drink the same water, but I haven't seen anything about pets dying
I had to laugh, the article says that "people" are likely the source of contamination :geek:

Scientists have found SARS-CoV-2 spreads like, well, a virus among white-tailed deer and other wild animals in the United States.
People are the likely source, but that doesn't mean the virus can't evolve among these animals and then spill back into humans, and researchers are worried about what this spread means for the risk of future pandemics.
There's little doubt SARS-Cov-2, the virus that caused the ongoing pandemic, came from an animal -- almost certainly a bat. And the prevailing scientific opinion is that there as an intermediate host, an animal of some sort, that was infected by a bat or bats and then infected people.
An Oregon mink farm has reported a Covid-19 outbreak

An Oregon mink farm has reported a Covid-19 outbreak

It's also clear that people can infect animals. Pets such as cats, zoo animals such as gorillas and snow leopards and farmed mink can all be infected. Multiple cases have been reported, and evidence of changes in the viruses infecting mink have led to mass culls of those animals on fur farms.
Snow leopards die of Covid-19 complications
The latest species to capture the attention of wildlife biologists are white-tailed deer. It's little surprise that farmed deer would catch the virus from people. Any visitor to a deer farm knows the animals behave like goats, shoving their wet noses into the pockets, hands and faces of human visitors or caregivers as they clamor for food and treats -- and setting themselves up for infection.


Where I am supposed to be.
I call BS, BS and BS. I hate using MSM as a reference, but:

Watching for new COVID variants in wildlife "now critical," CDC says

PRIL 11, 2022 / 11:20 AM / CBS NEWS
Citing concerns over new coronavirus variants that are mutating in American wildlife and could spread back to humans, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now urging health authorities to ramp up their efforts to regularly track the spread of the virus in animals.

The shift in the CDC's guidance, which strips out an earlier recommendation that state agencies could "avoid routine animal testing," comes as key officials from across the country have been huddling to strategize over the potential threat. It's part of the CDC's "One Health" initiative, which focuses on how human health "is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment."

"One of CDC's primary One Health concerns is the establishment of a North American animal reservoir in which the virus could 'hide,' mutate, and potentially re-emerge as a new variant in the human population," Jasmine Reed, a CDC spokesperson, said in a statement.

It echoes similar recommendations last month from the World Health Organization, which called out the risk posed by the virus circulating among North American deer.

In January, blood collected from white-tailed deer by the Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in four states — Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania — turned up antibodies to the virus in at least a third of their samples.

That agency has backed several other projects to study the spread of the virus in American wildlife, including an effort to test rats around New York City's sewer systems as well as wildlife around mink farms. Mink appear to be highly susceptible to the virus, and in some cases have spread it to humans.

"These and other wildlife surveillance projects are important because scientists estimate that three out of every four new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals," Lyndsay Cole, an APHIS spokesperson, said in a statement.

Cole said that, based on "limited information available," the risk of animals spreading SARS-CoV-2 back to people was low. However, APHIS still urged Americans to keep their families, including their pets, at "a safe distance from wildlife and their droppings."

A study from researchers in Canada, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, recently found evidence suggesting "spillback" from deer — the virus spreading back to humans — had occurred there with a highly-mutated variant.

"Given our current state of knowledge in the pandemic, we have updated CDC's Evaluation for SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Animals to reflect that surveillance efforts are now critical for early detection and prevention of virus spillover from animals, especially wildlife, to people," said Reed.

Strategizing for the virus in wildlife
While this is not the first virus public health officials have worked to track and prevent spreading between humans and animals, deer have so far appeared to be alone in North America in spreading SARS-CoV-2 in the wild.

"We also are starting to see efficient deer-to-deer transmission. In other words, when deer get it, we're seeing that it actually seems to adapt to the deer and that, because of their nature, in congregations together that they can actually spread," said the University of Minnesota's Jeff Bender.

Bender led a pilot project to test hundreds of wild animals in Minnesota to look for SARS-CoV-2, as part of a study funded by the CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. White tailed deer were the only species to test positive.

While isolated COVID-19 cases have been spotted in hundreds of animals around the country, ranging from household pets to zoo animals, a nationwide tally maintained by APHIS has only turned up wild cases of SARS-CoV-2 spreading in deer.

"Who knows all the ways that SARS-CoV-2 got into deer? You and I could both make a list and they'd all be valid, either being in close contact with a deer, through feeding, or baiting, or farming of deer, as well as petting zoos. And just close contact people may have with deer in their yards,":geek::geek::geek:
said Colin Gillin, Oregon's state wildlife veterinarian and the vice chairman of the health committee for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Gillin said he has been meeting with a group of experts from an array of state and federal agencies, including the CDC and the Agriculture Department, which has been weighing new strategies that authorities could deploy to track and respond to the virus in wildlife.

"There aren't mandates on any of this, of course, because every state makes up its own decision. But they could take some of the tools or ideas from all these experts, and then look at the list as it relates to your state, and then decide to utilize something that came out of the committee," said Gillin.

For example, states might adjust their surveillance or decide to impose limits on the feeding or handling of wild deer, Gillin ventured, based on modeling by the agencies.

Bender, who previously served as director of the U.S. Agency for International Development's One Health Workforce Project, pointed to other diseases like Ebola or West Nile Virus where broad swaths of government agencies collaborate to come up with ways to mitigate the risk of transmission between wildlife and humans.

"These types of projects really do require the strength and cooperation of the state and regional partnerships, and gets into that One Health concept," Bender said.

Experts have already been collaborating on coming up with ways to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 spreading to animals, said Bender, like potentially treating wastewater or vaccinating zoo animals, as well as educating the public.

In response to outbreaks linked to animals in captivity abroad, some countries have also resorted to more dramatic steps to curb the risk of new spillback events.

Back in 2020, Denmark moved to cull millions of farmed mink. Amid a record-high wave in January, Hong Kong ordered thousands of hamsters and other small animals to be put down. But Bender cautions, that's not really an option in wild animal populations.

"One of the things we don't want to do, and we've seen historically in the past, is 'oh, we'll need to kill the wildlife.' And that's just really not a viable strategy," he said.


Talk is cheap
yeah I saw those videos way back then, but they didn't have the vaccine out yet. Interesting though.

Doesn't matter, betcha the CCP made some of their citizens take it then, or tricked them to take it, but more than likely, force.

They could have injected them knowingly with something that makes the victim drop in 10 minutes, and then filmed it.


Veteran Member
I wonder how long it will take for the sick deer to start spreading it to susceptible livestock (maybe they got it from livestock?)? Then we can be told to keep our poultry, cows, pigs, goats, etc. indoors under cover at all times. Can’t afford the barn and feed? Maybe that life isn’t for you anymore. (/sarc)


The Great Cat
I call BS, BS and BS. I hate using MSM as a reference, but:

Watching for new COVID variants in wildlife "now critical," CDC says

PRIL 11, 2022 / 11:20 AM / CBS NEWS
Citing concerns over new coronavirus variants that are mutating in American wildlife and could spread back to humans, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now urging health authorities to ramp up their efforts to regularly track the spread of the virus in animals.

The shift in the CDC's guidance, which strips out an earlier recommendation that state agencies could "avoid routine animal testing," comes as key officials from across the country have been huddling to strategize over the potential threat. It's part of the CDC's "One Health" initiative, which focuses on how human health "is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment."

"One of CDC's primary One Health concerns is the establishment of a North American animal reservoir in which the virus could 'hide,' mutate, and potentially re-emerge as a new variant in the human population," Jasmine Reed, a CDC spokesperson, said in a statement.

It echoes similar recommendations last month from the World Health Organization, which called out the risk posed by the virus circulating among North American deer.

In January, blood collected from white-tailed deer by the Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in four states — Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania — turned up antibodies to the virus in at least a third of their samples.

That agency has backed several other projects to study the spread of the virus in American wildlife, including an effort to test rats around New York City's sewer systems as well as wildlife around mink farms. Mink appear to be highly susceptible to the virus, and in some cases have spread it to humans.

"These and other wildlife surveillance projects are important because scientists estimate that three out of every four new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals," Lyndsay Cole, an APHIS spokesperson, said in a statement.

Cole said that, based on "limited information available," the risk of animals spreading SARS-CoV-2 back to people was low. However, APHIS still urged Americans to keep their families, including their pets, at "a safe distance from wildlife and their droppings."

A study from researchers in Canada, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, recently found evidence suggesting "spillback" from deer — the virus spreading back to humans — had occurred there with a highly-mutated variant.

"Given our current state of knowledge in the pandemic, we have updated CDC's Evaluation for SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Animals to reflect that surveillance efforts are now critical for early detection and prevention of virus spillover from animals, especially wildlife, to people," said Reed.

Strategizing for the virus in wildlife
While this is not the first virus public health officials have worked to track and prevent spreading between humans and animals, deer have so far appeared to be alone in North America in spreading SARS-CoV-2 in the wild.

"We also are starting to see efficient deer-to-deer transmission. In other words, when deer get it, we're seeing that it actually seems to adapt to the deer and that, because of their nature, in congregations together that they can actually spread," said the University of Minnesota's Jeff Bender.

Bender led a pilot project to test hundreds of wild animals in Minnesota to look for SARS-CoV-2, as part of a study funded by the CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. White tailed deer were the only species to test positive.

While isolated COVID-19 cases have been spotted in hundreds of animals around the country, ranging from household pets to zoo animals, a nationwide tally maintained by APHIS has only turned up wild cases of SARS-CoV-2 spreading in deer.

"Who knows all the ways that SARS-CoV-2 got into deer? You and I could both make a list and they'd all be valid, either being in close contact with a deer, through feeding, or baiting, or farming of deer, as well as petting zoos. And just close contact people may have with deer in their yards,":geek::geek::geek:
said Colin Gillin, Oregon's state wildlife veterinarian and the vice chairman of the health committee for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Gillin said he has been meeting with a group of experts from an array of state and federal agencies, including the CDC and the Agriculture Department, which has been weighing new strategies that authorities could deploy to track and respond to the virus in wildlife.

"There aren't mandates on any of this, of course, because every state makes up its own decision. But they could take some of the tools or ideas from all these experts, and then look at the list as it relates to your state, and then decide to utilize something that came out of the committee," said Gillin.

For example, states might adjust their surveillance or decide to impose limits on the feeding or handling of wild deer, Gillin ventured, based on modeling by the agencies.

Bender, who previously served as director of the U.S. Agency for International Development's One Health Workforce Project, pointed to other diseases like Ebola or West Nile Virus where broad swaths of government agencies collaborate to come up with ways to mitigate the risk of transmission between wildlife and humans.

"These types of projects really do require the strength and cooperation of the state and regional partnerships, and gets into that One Health concept," Bender said.

Experts have already been collaborating on coming up with ways to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 spreading to animals, said Bender, like potentially treating wastewater or vaccinating zoo animals, as well as educating the public.

In response to outbreaks linked to animals in captivity abroad, some countries have also resorted to more dramatic steps to curb the risk of new spillback events.

Back in 2020, Denmark moved to cull millions of farmed mink. Amid a record-high wave in January, Hong Kong ordered thousands of hamsters and other small animals to be put down. But Bender cautions, that's not really an option in wild animal populations.

"One of the things we don't want to do, and we've seen historically in the past, is 'oh, we'll need to kill the wildlife.' And that's just really not a viable strategy," he said.

All those bags of pets on the sidewalk....

Uhhh, I might have stayed up past my bedtime....oh the nightmares


TB Fanatic
In below ~June 2021 interview, Dr. Lee Merritt was interviewed by Mike Adams. They discuss the idea of lab-created poisons that can target the human physiology in specific, intended ways.

Take this discussion, and overlay the idea that poisons - in this case, synthetic snake poisons manufactured in labs - may be involved in the COVID mystery.

Well worth a listen.

Runtime: 01:01:27


08:15 - Dr. Merritt mentions a 1998 book written by two Chinese generals

16:00+ - Dr. Merritt discusses ability to target certain organs via synthetic viral (lab manufactured) pathogen/poison. Then, Mike and Dr. Merritt discusses the idea of "created" poisons designed to target certain aspects of human physiology.

27:00+ - Discussion about Harvard researcher Charles Lieber, and the technology he created - likened this bio advance to a "Manhattan Project-level" discovery (31:00). This brings to mind the idea that there is bio-technology that is much further advanced than medical/research folks understand, particularly within the COVID puzzle framework/paradigm.

Lastly, let's not become hung-up on the idea that the only way a "snake poison" can be distributed is via drinking water or contaminated ice cubes in soda fountain drinks. There is a distinct odor about this that suggests other vector mechanisms may be in play in distributing synthetic "snake poison" or some sub-set of such, that may be wrapped up in a lab created delivery mechanism/vehicles (think nano-gels, for instance) and/or agents that require a specific "signal" to fully activate.

I think that we can all agree that there is much more to understand, here.

Perhaps there are multiple types of delivery vectors and/or artificially/lab created/engineered antigens being tried out/employed upon unsuspecting populaces.


That was my take as well as I posted the other day when someone said there was not enough snake venom to poison the water. Synthetic- just like any compound they can make they can make it in tonnes at a time as long as the have the necessary products to make it.


Veteran Member
I had to laugh, the article says that "people" are likely the source of contamination :geek:

Scientists have found SARS-CoV-2 spreads like, well, a virus among white-tailed deer and other wild animals in the United States.
People are the likely source, but that doesn't mean the virus can't evolve among these animals and then spill back into humans, and researchers are worried about what this spread means for the risk of future pandemics.
There's little doubt SARS-Cov-2, the virus that caused the ongoing pandemic, came from an animal -- almost certainly a bat. And the prevailing scientific opinion is that there as an intermediate host, an animal of some sort, that was infected by a bat or bats and then infected people.
An Oregon mink farm has reported a Covid-19 outbreak
An Oregon mink farm has reported a Covid-19 outbreak

It's also clear that people can infect animals. Pets such as cats, zoo animals such as gorillas and snow leopards and farmed mink can all be infected. Multiple cases have been reported, and evidence of changes in the viruses infecting mink have led to mass culls of those animals on fur farms.
Snow leopards die of Covid-19 complications
The latest species to capture the attention of wildlife biologists are white-tailed deer. It's little surprise that farmed deer would catch the virus from people. Any visitor to a deer farm knows the animals behave like goats, shoving their wet noses into the pockets, hands and faces of human visitors or caregivers as they clamor for food and treats -- and setting themselves up for infection.
these skunks plan on culling every living carbon life form,


You are right. Sick isn't it? It is what they intend to bring here.
Tammy, has you wondered about he bio-labs in the UKr, the ones that our govt took it's time denying their existance, then after proven they were real, just called them defensive... riiiight. There's been discussion that Fauxi and the CIA gang used some of those to cook up the cv scam flu, then bring it to china and call it a 'release' thus deflecting all blame onto china - careful about assumptions at this point.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
I haven’t finished watching it, and I’m only on Page one reading the comments here, but I did notice one glaring flaw. At about 30 minutes in, he says that the virus would not show up in the waste water system prior to the outbreak. This is false (and I think just about everyone here would know this). Viruses are being shed very soon after the patient gets infected, before symptoms begin; it doesn’t hide out in the body waiting for the body to fight it off before leaving. I couldn’t believe I was hearing any kind of doctor say that viruses would not be shed until after an infection had run it’s course. How the heck does he think they spread?!
Municipal water supply would not be the only potential source. How many bottles of “spring water “ of “filtered water” are sold to Americans throughout America in every quickstop/9-11 to people on the go? Millions, a day.

the Federal government is subsidizing upgrading of water treatment plants by several billion dollars. How hard would it be to add another tank of “who really knows what” to the stuff like fluoride and chlorine that gets added to the water flow? Maybe even gets labeled as either of those two or Is just another add-on that is explained to the operators as something else (nanoparticles) to be able to “monitor” the presence of impurities in the water- of just simply added to the chlorine - Nobody questions the “boss”...
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That was my take as well as I posted the other day when someone said there was not enough snake venom to poison the water. Synthetic- just like any compound they can make they can make it in tonnes at a time as long as the have the necessary products to make it.
I'm not convinced that "tons" of snake synthetic snake venom poison could be produced and distributed without word getting out, and with any reasonable planned effectiveness. That scheme alone doesn't pass the logic test for me. The Ardis interviews do certainly bring up a whole lot'a questions though!

What I could fathom, is a more generalized cv flu, the one everyone fell for and was told and believed they would die from - but in actuality they couldn't - unless they were already very sick/old/diseased/immune compromised - and that was a tiny percentage of population. So a 'special' version of cv, weaponized venom if you care to call it that, was secretly created and very selectively deployed. It was more deadly and symptoms looked just like the scam cv flu, and it was called the same thing. Hey, who would know! Same symptoms, govt + msm + medical complex call it CV - quite an ingeniously evil scheme.

Could a team of assholes dump a few gallons into a building's water tanks? A hospital's water filtration system? THAT I think could easily have happened, versus who knows how many thousands of gallons (probably hundreds of thousands) necessary to effectively affect a city water supply, and get away with it. Go with the first scenario.