CORONA Stew Peters & Dr Ardis: WATCH THE WATER - Covid 19 Expose


Fringe Ranger
I had a client in snohomish county, their well water smelled like heavily treated city water. I asked the man with big bucks that owned that estate why his well water was treated. He stated the state of Wa demands that his well water be treated or he will be heavily fined.

Wonder what the real story was. Sounds like his well got contaminated. Our well was contaminated a few years back, until a neighbor moved some agricultural stuff away from the area. Did your client have manure in the well region?


Veteran Member
So I can smoke again?? The only ones I smoked were the skinny brown cigs from India. They look like reefer joints. I stopped over a year ago when I got pnumonia, but even then I only smoked one a day. I recently bought a couple paks and was taking ONE or TWO drags a day and putting the rest out. Catch 22 though cuz bad for lungs, then again snake venom is bad too. Gonna watch the video now.......

Ok I watched it. Wow! Made sense. Holy cow!! I think there's another part to watch? Tomorrow cuz I gotta sleep's 5 a.m. not worried about it, but maybe I will take 3 drags of my India cigarette.

I was thinking....I don't like water, but I will drink fast food tea.....otherwise I'd have one cup of water a day. I drink a large and it's about 3 cups. Then I take some sips at home later which gives me 4 cups a day. I just can't drink 8 cups! So is the tea water poisoned with snake venom? I never use ice. I drank that tea all last summer and didn't get "covid". Ive also been taking Ivermectin since Dec 2020 started once a month for a year and now since Jan 2x a month.
If you don't know where the water came from in the tea, that could be a problem. Realize they are NOT dumping this stuff in ALL water systems,....yet, that would spoil their scheme. They are doing so randomly nationwide in order to announce a new v airunt found, thus justifying masks mandates etc and perpetrating the "never going back to normal" plan.


Veteran Member
Wonder what the real story was. Sounds like his well got contaminated. Our well was contaminated a few years back, until a neighbor moved some agricultural stuff away from the area. Did your client have manure in the well region?
No I did work for them from the day that bought the place, no contamination.


Veteran Member
I had a client in snohomish county, their well water smelled like heavily treated city water. I asked the man with big bucks that owned that estate why his well water was treated. He stated the state of Wa demands that his well water be treated or he will be heavily fined.
Maybe it’s his county...never have received anything requiring treatment or testing....even when we bought the house. We are Sw Wa


Veteran Member
You saw the well test results from before the treatment started? Without that, you don't know.
I talked extensively with the man regarding his well. I worked with large expensive sub tropical plants on his property, the water quality was essential.


Fringe Ranger
I talked extensively with the man regarding his well. I worked with large expensive sub tropical plants on his property, the water quality was essential.

Ok, not my circus. But there's no such requirement in Washington, and there's some backstory that you've missed hearing about.
My Benazepril is a venom derivative. It keeps my BP down where it belongs.

There are a LOT of venom-initially-sourced drugs keeping people alive, let's not toss out babies with bathwater, shall we?? A slightly finer brush needs to be utilized here.
I too take VeRAPamil for blood pressure. I wonder if its made from venom? I know Lisinopril is...made from the Viper snake that kills it's prey by Lowering it's blood pressure......the Viper Pit snake. I read that a long time ago....and I also read a news article by a doctor yrs ago. A lady wrote in and said she took Lisinopril for ten yrs and never had a problem and one day suddenly she had a horrible allergic reaction and had to be rushed to the hospital. Her throat was closing up and her tongue was swelling. The doctor said it was true that you can take it for years with no problem and then suddenly have a life threatening occurrence.
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He says that the venom is in the water. And also in the vaccine in a form that penetrates your cells more easily. He claims that it targets your body’s weaknesses. I’m not entirely buying it just yet. I need time to follow up on my own. But I do believe it’s a bioweapon. And don’t trust any government official to tell the truth.
I did read that "covid" attacks the weakest of part of our body and that's why everyone has varied symptoms.
In the first interview on Monday night, Dr Ardis mentioned the CDC had been "investigating" aka seeding water systems in over 400 cities. CDC announced this year they were expanding that program and it would be almost 700. Given that information, we might assume that it is not in the water everywhere in the US. But, they also told us they were going to put it in our food, and specifically mentioned lettuce. My expectation is that they have put a lot of effort to expanding the food vector far beyond any expectation. That is the only way to account for what some here have described, and personal family experiences in Podunk, USA.

There is evidence galore they are dumping toxins from the sky. Now, we are beginning to see documentation that they are causing illness and death from our water. It is not a big jump to food, especially when they told us they were going to do that. At this point, I don't think we can keep our physical bodies free of it. But, we can modify our shopping to be more local, we can produce and cook more of what we eat, and we can rely more fully on God. So, I bought a tortilla press. :)
OMG is all I can say.....


Fringe Ranger


Veteran Member

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To me, it doesn't matter if it is true or not. I'm suspicious of everything put out right now. Given what I know of the Good Book, including specific verses, it appears there is a "hero" that shows up to rescue from the bad guys. Thing is, both are bad. Stew and Bryan feel part of that hero roll out. If anyone wants to ask more about that, we can start a thread in the religion group.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Did you get covid? Just wondering. You don't have to answer.

no covid here.

I,m almost 70.


lethargic, and I eat very poorly.

mebbe I,m too outta shape to get covid.

in feb, I had a friend go for a 3 day weekend to the trucker protest in Ottawa.

first thing she did when she got home, is come to visit me.. :shkr:

coughing and sniffeling.

she was sick as a dog for several weeks.

the minute she left my house,

I started the eldeberry ticture, vit c and d, queceritin and ivermectin.

not a sniffle from me.
Many, many years ago it was illegal to show the GPS locations of public wells in the US. I don't know if that still holds true.

And the Canadian driller, having the knowledge of every well being GPS'd, you don't think he hasn't drilled a secret well, somewhere?
how about niccarette or patches?

I smoke heavily, so just tossing this out there.
Good idea for some, but I am sensitive to nicotine and caffeine so I can only have a tiny amount.


Veteran Member

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Wow! Never seen such quick and raging smear of what Ardis has brought to light. My son googled watch the water, snake venom in water etc. All of it came back as horseshit Q stuff. I don't follow Q so do not know if this came from Q.

What I do know, this has shaken something loose, they are rapidly trying to stop this calling it nonsense. Even AJ has kinda gently poo pood this, how much venom will it take to poison ALL the water supplies, :rolleyes: I lot I suspect. Here's the deal AG, they aren't putting it in all the water supply just some water supplies randomly. From what I garnered it is in the so called v acks.

So carry on searchers we must be over the target.
Not sure I'm buying it. Covid doesn't just affect blood clotting-- what about all the respiratory/cold symptoms?
But he said it would cause the blood NOT to clot, but we hear about a lot of blood clots so I am confused. I can't see the second video till I go home cuz I got 26 min left on my phone and I'm sitting in the car reading cuz I don't wanna go home, but I will have to soon as I get down to 5 minutes. I wanna see the other videos.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
While there are probably nuggets of truth in the "Dr's" video...meh too much woo and tinfoil.

I'm not sure why people need to "believe" it's something else or why something that was most likely designed (engineered) can do what it does to humans?

Frankly the "its in the water" is just retarded.

frankly I have been overwhelmed by “utterly impossible” coincidences repeatedly in my life. When they happen, I KNOW that I am being given a heads up about something important in my life. The “ li u bing” on the back side of his fortune cookie fortune is the kind of thing I am talking about. Totally sealed the deal for me! Sometimes, it can be a fatal mistake to ignore a clue...


Veteran Member
Wow! Never seen such quick and raging smear of what Ardis has brought to light. My son googled watch the water, snake venom in water etc. All of it came back as horseshit Q stuff. I don't follow Q so do not know if this came from Q.

What I do know, this has shaken something loose, they are rapidly trying to stop this calling it nonsense. Even AJ has kinda gently poo pood this, how much venom will it take to poison ALL the water supplies, :rolleyes: I lot I suspect. Here's the deal AG, they aren't putting it in all the water supply just some water supplies randomly. From what I garnered it is in the so called v acks.

So carry on searchers we must be over the target.
He may very well be correct in his assertions. However, I don't see anything wrong with researching a potential plausible explanation. If it's scientifically sound, who cares whether it's outside of the norm for what we know in our everyday lives. We're always saying on this forum, "They want you dead," but when evidence is discovered that backs up such a statement, a lot of folks immediately dismiss it and say it's too crazy. Why? If they want us dead, then what WOULDN'T they do to accomplish that goal? I like a lot of what Brian Cates says, but he also seems to have an axe to grind with Stew Peters--which I don't understand, frankly--so I will keep my feelers out on everything he says, just as I would with information presented by anyone else.


Talk is cheap
In the first interview on Monday night, Dr Ardis mentioned the CDC had been "investigating" aka seeding water systems in over 400 cities. CDC announced this year they were expanding that program and it would be almost 700. Given that information, we might assume that it is not in the water everywhere in the US. But, they also told us they were going to put it in our food, and specifically mentioned lettuce. My expectation is that they have put a lot of effort to expanding the food vector far beyond any expectation. That is the only way to account for what some here have described, and personal family experiences in Podunk, USA.

There is evidence galore they are dumping toxins from the sky. Now, we are beginning to see documentation that they are causing illness and death from our water. It is not a big jump to food, especially when they told us they were going to do that. At this point, I don't think we can keep our physical bodies free of it. But, we can modify our shopping to be more local, we can produce and cook more of what we eat, and we can rely more fully on God. So, I bought a tortilla press. :)

When there is a Will there is a Way. I refuse to embrace the suck.

How many people did Lot find??? How many people were kept out of the fiery furnace???


1984 is not fiction.
Believe what you want, but this explanation makes more sense than most explanations I've read or watched.
Remember we are to be vigilant and on guard against the evil forces that are running rampant right now.
He may not be spot on, but he is really close I'm sure.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Wow! Never seen such quick and raging smear of what Ardis has brought to light. My son googled watch the water, snake venom in water etc. All of it came back as horseshit Q stuff. I don't follow Q so do not know if this came from Q.

What I do know, this has shaken something loose, they are rapidly trying to stop this calling it nonsense. Even AJ has kinda gently poo pood this, how much venom will it take to poison ALL the water supplies, :rolleyes: I lot I suspect. Here's the deal AG, they aren't putting it in all the water supply just some water supplies randomly. From what I garnered it is in the so called v acks.

So carry on searchers we must be over the target.
Yeah, Clif High dumped on this too quickly too. Can’t take any more to poison the water supply than chlorine or fluoride...