TERRORISM Riots in Minneapolis (now the main riot thread)


Veteran Member
So the town didn't burn last night? Wait 'til they have the day to gather their forces., and supplies.

OK...life-long Minnesotan here. Some mention was made last night of "How come Minneapolis seems to be such a powder keg...thought it (and Minnesota ) was a nest of liberals.

Don't be naive:

Minnesotans aren't "nice". I keep warning people about that, but they laugh.
Do-gooders DON'T. I keep pointing that out, but they laugh.
Liberals are VERY often self-serving, hypocritical TRULY racist SOB's.
Christians....hahaha! Don't turn your back.

In truth, Minnesota is still a Scandinavian/German culture. Stoic, silent, cold, bloody-minded bastards. Yeah...we'll make you hotdish, sell you minnows and open wide the doors to the State Fair, but you don't belong here. Never forget it.

Minnesota liberals? Two-faced elitist do-gooders. And they keep pandering or draggng minorities here to serve as their pets. To give them a "project" to feel good and one-up their neighbor liberal, do fundraisers and clothing drives at church.

I don't know what these cop's deal was. I really can't believe they were so stupid that they didn't see that the guy was dying, and I can't believe that they were at least not in fear of losing their jobs if they killed him. But then, hard as I try, I still often greatly underestimate how truly bone-stupid people can be.
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night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Ears are wrong.
Jawline (around the eye socket) is wrong
The guy in the red hat is at least 30 pounds lighter than the cop
The guy in the hat is notably older than the cop
'Stache is wrong as well.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

. . why we can't ever seem to show up for ourselves like big boys and girls

I have questioned this myself a few times and have not yet found an answer I feel complete.

Nowski regularly reminds us of the different natures of the beasts which I will refer to as blacks and whites because of popularity of the terms. Based upon my experience and observation:

Blacks generally are more excitable than whites. More prone to fear things they don't understand. Quicker to run in fear and fight in anger. This applies to educated and uneducated. Of course there are exceptions but they are so small in number they are not worthy of discussion. Consequently, when confronted, they generally react much more quickly.
This is easily observed on a basketball court. They are gregarious and usually prefer larger groups. I have encountered very few loners among blacks. Neither have I encountered many rugged individualists.
When they are grouped and one initiates some action or responds to an action it is akin to bumping a beehive.

Whites are gregarious but tend to have many more loners. Rugged individualists are pretty common. They don't generally react to situations as quickly as blacks and when grouped, if jostled, they don't strongly exhibit the beehive effect. In fact... when a large group of whites is jostled many will try to ignore it, many will wander away, a few will run and a few will fight. They rarely react in unison as do the blacks, especially if that reaction is beyond vocal.

Again... it is futile and foolish to point out exceptions because they are only that... exceptions.

Blacks appear to almost react automatically to any form of violence with violence. Not so much so with whites. Whites often have to be organized and almost directed to violence although that does seem to be changing.

Confronted individually blacks normally default to fighting right then and there with tools available. Whites confronted individually tend to (more frequently) default to retreat or some form of vocal resolution. Whites are more apt to return and fight with the legal system or with a weapon. I believe these responses result from social conditioning over the last 50+ years.

YMMV {but not much}

Much of that is spot on............however I must say the difference in your last paragraph has more to do with the genetic variation among racial makeup (i.e. frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex, male hormone percentage and MAOA allele gene expression) than it does from any socialization or conditioning from the last 50 years............Many people will state that Black cultural behavior was much more inline 50 plus years ago. Consider the reality of those times in that observation. In those days segregation, with both Sundown and Jim Crow laws meant that if a Black got out of line in White society there was hell to pay and they knew it.......so they kept in line. Not because they were more noble then. The social programs that have rotted out the Black community today are only a catalyst of a genetically inherited behavior of Blacks that would have regressed to that mean once given full civil rights and the responsibilities that come with that whether those social programs were implemented or not.

Allow me to further explain this genetically inherited behavior......

1) The frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex is the seat of IQ, rational thought, strategic planning, delayed gratification and future time management. This was naturally selected in races where agricultural settlements and the expanse of acceptance groups beyond small tribal hunter/gatherers required such rational thought to plan for seasonal changes of food supply and the division of labor that excess food supply through agriculture created. That never happened in Africa and so there was no selection for such behavior in surviving a temporal climate of the Sub Saharan environment. The great elephant in the room that every doctor knows and not dare say in the medical field is that MRI results show that the Black frontal lobe average size is smaller than any other racial average. Significantly enough so when compared to Whites and Asians. In fact the majority of them are really adults with the brain functioning similar to the IQ of 13 yr White or Asian..............When you hear the term "vibrant society" as a label to their culture it really is a culture defined on emotional extremes with less rational discourse in their behavior............They are the happiest most expressive worshipers in a church but yet can turn on a dime and become as violent as any primate. That is a more childlike behavior than adults in a rational society. It is why they destroy when they protest.....like a child that doesn't get their way or claims a situation is unfair and then throws a temper tantrum. While Mob behavior is bad enough in any race...........but in Blacks you are dealing with child like behavior in adult bodies that only becomes more obvious from their actions in "protesting".

2) There is a gene allele which has now been isolated in humans which controls aggression in human behavior. The MAOA or "warrior gene" is a replicator in which ironically the lack of that replication causes more aggressive behavior in response to stress. That lack of replication is expressed to a high percentage among inmates in prison populations of any race but again the majority of the aggressive expression if found more in Blacks than any other race. It is a product of natural selection from the environmental pressures Africans evolved in. Small tribal existence as hunter gathers in an environment of flight or fight naturally selected for Africans that were more aggressive allowing them to survive and pass this replicator aggressive trait in that gene allele. Much the same way that a sickle shape blood cell resists Malaria in Africa and was naturally selected out of an initial random mutation of the blood cell allowing those Africans with that mutation to survive and pass that on as an expressed genetic trait in future generations. However, that same mutation also is the cause of an anemia that Blacks have high rates of. How often do you hear of Whites or Asians with sickle cell anemia........one might say that all races bleed red but there is clearly a difference for many at the cellular level between Blacks and other races. That same reality faces humanity in dealing with the frontal lob variation averages of the cerebellum in races.

3) Blacks on average (including females interesting enough) average 3 to 8% more male test hormone in them. It is a proven fact that the test hormone makes one more aggressive and combative and less able to reason with and even a slight increase in that amount can cause antisocial behavior.

The above 3 descriptions are scientific facts.........not the rant of a master race idealist propaganda..........yet we cannot face these facts in the current climate of a social Marxist egalitarian march on America today..............and we will suffer the consequences as a result of this denial.

.......and a word to the White protesters who are "down with the cause" for Black "social injustice". Blacks will gladly tolerate you playing along with them in the destruction of White social infrastructure...........but in the back of their minds they don't trust you because you are not of their tribe and because you are White and of White society. While you may be locked arm and arm with some of them at times in what appears to be a common cause, if there ever comes a day when the demographic make up of Blacks completely dominate your surroundings and they have control of "governing" then they will turn on you because you won't be needed anymore. Never forget while MLK claimed contents of character as a social judge.....in reality for most Blacks its skin color first and foremost.............and to hell with that character stuff........that is White behavior.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
That’s what ticks me off. Television news was filled with happy swimmers yesterday, not wearing masks IN THE WATER (which I want to know, are those idiotic commentators serious about that?), and yet tens of thousands of rioters show up to destroy stuff, packed in there cheek by jowl, and it’s okay?

Where’s the talk about all the disease spreaders?!?! The ominous predictions? The slamming of citizens that aren’t following the rules?


This is exactly why I commented upthread about masks and social distancing. More hypocricy. We are drownng in it and don't need anymore, but more is inbound. It fits nicely with the hypocricy of equality. I am as equal to those people as an orange is to a tin pot.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just an opinion
Cop was out of line. Prior to my current line of work, I spent over 20 years teaching in the "hood" the worst of the worst ,last chance education, not ever allowed in mainstream settings. We were given extensive training on holds and restraints. Just common sense that a knee on the neck is asinine stupidity.

As for the protests ? Riots is more like it Hardly peaceful, already destroying property and typical BLM tactics just like antifa. The complaints of vs Michigan protesters who had guns is irrelevant, behavior is the key. Media is parading as usual. Protesting peaceful-bad whites.
Protesting with bad behavior- good whites/blacks.

Antifa- good whites/blacks

This is what will escalate an uprising in America and yet isn't the behavior of the protests being labeled by the powers that be inciting the whole problem?
If they are going to protest, at least do it the way that draws attention without destroying.

They might consider (since they ain't in Somalia no more, Toto) to redress their grievances Constitutionally. Alas, that document (thank you Mr. Bush) is now "just a GD piece of paper".
I assure you they noticed that comment and have acted accordingly.


Veteran Member
A couple of thoughts here.

Remember that you can't just broad brush the cops any more than you can broad brush race. Every group has its bad actors but they also have good ones.

My comments below are based on the videos I have seen - there is always more to these stories that we haven't seen/heard yet.
I would guess that 99% of the former and current LEO's on this board are appalled by what they saw as much as you are. We were all trained with the Protect and Serve mindset that is no longer the way most modern cops view police work.

Frankly, my Use of Force trainer would of kicked my ass if I had responded the way they did.

I have a friend who is a NYPD Detective (a Black Cop - if that really matters) and recently retired. We had several long discussions (arguments) about the take down and death of the Black Man that was selling cigarettes. He told me straight out that there was more to the story than the media was saying and that the responding officers did go beyond what he thought was necessary in the take down. He said he decided to retire because the quality of the recruits being hired were rougher and tended to react with violence earlier than older and more seasoned officers would.

Please remember we are not all JBTs.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What you mean is that Whites will react in a planned manner that will end the resolution as when we do come back it is to kill everything we meet. We play to win.

there is a lot of truth to that..........Blacks will excite and riot and at the best of their ability burn down some of their local neighborhood................when Whites react they plan, prepare and execute in such a manner that they can destroy nations and continents if they so desired.

The so called White blue eyed devil isn't really a devil race at all.................but they are just more cognitively capable when it comes to a goal or task at hand whether that is constructive or destructive.
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Contributing Member
Too riddled with self loathing, white guilt and hatred of their own race and country...or something like that!
Not the biggest fan of cops in general. But, I don't recall anybody rioting in Mpls when that Somali cop shot an unarmed white woman.
There were protests then too. The Minneapolis police department has serious problems. I don’t know if it is a problem with hiring or training. Here is a link to the protests for Justine:
Protest for Justine


Veteran Member

i don't understand. i am not on twitter, so i don't know how it all works, but how does she know that they are coming to defend the police? how does she know that they are not coming to protest with them?

and are they trying to make it sound like anyone who says "boogaloo" is a racist?!


Veteran Member
Yup, as much as I'd like to disagree, I can't this looks bad, a stupid mistake by the cop, put the knee and pressure on the big old head, not the neck, and that brother is playing monkeyshines in the Minneapolis jail tonight, dumb move on the cops part and it pains me to say that.

no. a mistake is me buying canned beans when i was supposed to buy canned corn.

this was not a mistake or oops.

Fenwick Babbitt

Veteran Member
no. a mistake is me buying canned beans when i was supposed to buy canned corn.

this was not a mistake or oops.
So the four cops got together before their shift and decided that they were gonna kill a black guy during their shift? Of course not so, therefore, it's a mistake, they'll appropriately be charged with manslaughter and more than likely found guilty unless some not yet revealed evidence makes an appearance.


Veteran Member
So the four cops got together before their shift and decided that they were gonna kill a black guy during their shift? Of course not so, therefore, it's a mistake, they'll appropriately be charged with manslaughter and more than likely found guilty unless some not yet revealed evidence makes an appearance.

no. that is not what i said. they did not all get together at the start of their shift and have a meeting to pick the guy.

it was not a mistake. he knew what he was doing, and he did it. how many people were telling him the guy was not moving? how many people were telling him to get off of him. the business owner with the video of his arrest says he was not resisting. the guy was telling him how many times that he could not breathe. he sat there on his neck/head for what...10 minutes after all sound and movement had stopped. did he get up and check if the guy was ok? no. there is talk now that his neck was broken and it could be heard. did he at any point get up to check if that was the case if it was audible? no. did any of the other cops get him up off of him? no in the situation, the cop decided that he was going to do this, and he did it at that point. probably not beforehand, but while it was going on, he sure did. he sat there for ( i believe i read) a full ten minutes AFTER all movement/sound/ANYTHING from the guy had ceased. this was after the guy had told him he could not breathe, and multiple people told him he cound not breathe and that he was not moving. that is a long time of deciding. it wasn't a quick instantaneous not knowing your own strength type thing. THAT would be an oops or a mistake. not this.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
So the four cops got together before their shift and decided that they were gonna kill a black guy during their shift? Of course not so, therefore, it's a mistake, they'll appropriately be charged with manslaughter and more than likely found guilty unless some not yet revealed evidence makes an appearance.
You sure do spend a lot of time and effort defending people who kill blacks.

I wonder why that is....


So the four cops got together before their shift and decided that they were gonna kill a black guy during their shift? Of course not so, therefore, it's a mistake, they'll appropriately be charged with manslaughter and more than likely found guilty unless some not yet revealed evidence makes an appearance.
Actually, this fits the definition of Murder 1 (premeditated), given that "intent" (or premeditation) is legally considered to be able to be developed in a very short time. Once these yahoos kept their dangerous pressure on the guy *despite multiple warnings from bystanders* that the guy was dying, on top of their own (assumed) ability to feel him stop resisting and go limp... we're WAY beyond manslaughter.

A "mistake" leading to a manslaughter conviction would be if they piled on him to take him down in order to get handcuffs on, and he accidentally struck his head and died.

I've never had much chance (thank God) to have to try to restrain or control humans. Hubby worked for the local "children's home" (read: detention center) and was trained in various "control" holds and techniques... most of which barely slowed even a pissed off 10 year old down. But I've physically restrained a lot of livestock over the years, often kneeling on their neck (if you can keep them from being able to raise their head, you can keep even large animals on the ground) to keep them down.

And I can assure you that one thing that was *always* at the forefront of my thinking was making sure their breathing was unobstructed, and making sure I wasn't causing injury.

And yes, it's fully possible to do that even while dodging hooves or otherwise watching out for my own safety.

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Has No Life - Lives on TB
That's more than a little disturbing.
I'm glad I don't live near any big cities, or any cities for that matter!

I'm just on page 3 so this may have been addressed. Not living in a big city is no reason to not be armed. You could go through a small community and they are having a shindig in the middle of the road, and there you are.

You can carry and not need it - great. BUT if you need it, and don't have it - bye.

Fenwick Babbitt

Veteran Member
You sure do spend a lot of time and effort defending people who kill blacks.

I wonder why that is....

Think what you want, all I said is that it was a mistake, if it wasn't a mistake then they'll be charged with murder simple as that, just an opinion, which are like assholes if ya didn't know.


Veteran Member
i don't understand. i am not on twitter, so i don't know how it all works, but how does she know that they are coming to defend the police? how does she know that they are not coming to protest with them?

and are they trying to make it sound like anyone who says "boogaloo" is a racist?!

i still don't get this.

who is what in this scenario?

Jackpine Savage

Veteran Member
I worked in downtown Minneapolis 30-40 years ago. Back then Minneapolis cops had a reputation for being hard asses. I avoid the Cities these days, so I don't know what their current reputation is. It looks like there are about 800 officers, so besides the basic culture they are going to reflect society, good, bad, and otherwise.

I've crossed paths with a few of them over the years and it bears that out. Two of them provided a good part of the effort to establish the Minnesota 3gun group. They are great guys that I've shot with many times. One of them got a medal for stopping a crime in progress without any bloodshed, when he could have lit up the bad guy.

My other experience was getting invited on a turkey hunt with four other guys. It was one of those friend of a friend deals. One of the guys was a Mpls cop who had his brother along. They were both close to my age and grew up in the Mpls hood in the 60's and 70's. They were absolutely lawless and pretty much drunk most of the time. The cop made headlines a few years later and got fired. He had a drunken altercation with his GF and the St. Paul cops got called. He displayed his badge and gun and ended up getting arrested.

Our big cities are devolving. I honestly don't know why anyone would choose to be a cop in that environment. I'm sure some are there for the wrong reasons. But they are vilified, used as political pawns, and expected to deal with a bunch of drugged up, pandered to, increasingly uncivilized crazies with kid gloves. I don't see any happy ending.


Veteran Member
So the town didn't burn last night? Wait 'til they have the day to gather their forces., and supplies.

OK...life-long Minnesotan here. Some mention was made last night of "How come Minneapolis seems to be such a powder keg...thought it (and Minnesota ) was a nest of liberals.

Don't be naive:

Minnesotans aren't "nice". I keep warning people about that, but they laugh.
Do-gooders DON'T. I keep pointing that out, but they laugh.
Liberals are VERY often self-serving, hypocritical TRULY racist SOB's.
Christians....hahaha! Don't turn your back.

In truth, Minnesota is still a Scandinavian/German culture. Stoic, silent, cold, bloody-minded bastards. Yeah...we'll make you hotdish, sell you minnows and open wide the doors to the State Fair, but you don't belong here. Never forget it.

Minnesota liberals? Two-faced elitist do-gooders. And they keep pandering or draggng minorities here to serve as their pets. To give them a "project" to feel good and one-up their neighbor liberal, do fundraisers and clothing drives at church.

I don't know what these cop's deal was. I really can't believe they were so stupid that they didn't see that the guy was dying, and I can't believe that they were at least not in fear of losing their jobs if they killed him. But then, hard as I try, I still often greatly underestimate how truly bone-stupid people can be.
sounds just like NE Iowa.


On TB every waking moment
I worked in downtown Minneapolis 30-40 years ago. Back then Minneapolis cops had a reputation for being hard asses. I avoid the Cities these days, so I don't know what their current reputation is. It looks like there are about 800 officers, so besides the basic culture they are going to reflect society, good, bad, and otherwise.

I've crossed paths with a few of them over the years and it bears that out. Two of them provided a good part of the effort to establish the Minnesota 3gun group. They are great guys that I've shot with many times. One of them got a medal for stopping a crime in progress without any bloodshed, when he could have lit up the bad guy.

My other experience was getting invited on a turkey hunt with four other guys. It was one of those friend of a friend deals. One of the guys was a Mpls cop who had his brother along. They were both close to my age and grew up in the Mpls hood in the 60's and 70's. They were absolutely lawless and pretty much drunk most of the time. The cop made headlines a few years later and got fired. He had a drunken altercation with his GF and the St. Paul cops got called. He displayed his badge and gun and ended up getting arrested.

Our big cities are devolving. I honestly don't know why anyone would choose to be a cop in that environment. I'm sure some are there for the wrong reasons. But they are vilified, used as political pawns, and expected to deal with a bunch of drugged up, pandered to, increasingly uncivilized crazies with kid gloves. I don't see any happy ending.
The cops I talk to claim the job is getting harder and harder because of less and less public support. The public come across as feeling the cops are more of an enemy than the perps.

What the anti-coppers are incapable of discerning is that attitude is driving us to a new kind of cop. And we are not going to like those cops.


Veteran Member
You know what as I scrolled down reading comments I said the same thing to myself. My only hope is the cop is not married and they put his head on a pole. I hate to see his family suffer for his wrong doing. I hate to see them destroy thier town. I have seen policemen use the same type maneuver on their shoulders from shoulder to the persons back but never on their neck, although in many videos we have seen them stepping on their neck and nothing ever done. Of course no one died even though it was the adrenal frenzy of the feeding cops.

Being around LE for many many years, when they use this technique, they know how it works, how well it works and what the outcome can/will be if they don't let up. There was no excuse for this treatment. Ok, there are many other ways to handle someone like Mr. Floyd but they chose NOT to use any other tecniques...this is on them and rightly so. Those police knew what they were doing when they applied that specific technique and in spite of outsiders telling them to let Floyd up, they chose not to...and because of their actions, then inactions, those involved police have brought the citizens rath upon themselves and their city. This is not a case of Bad cop, no doughnut...this is wayyyy beyond that.


Veteran Member
A couple of thoughts here.

Remember that you can't just broad brush the cops any more than you can broad brush race. Every group has its bad actors but they also have good ones.

My comments below are based on the videos I have seen - there is always more to these stories that we haven't seen/heard yet.
I would guess that 99% of the former and current LEO's on this board are appalled by what they saw as much as you are. We were all trained with the Protect and Serve mindset that is no longer the way most modern cops view police work.

Frankly, my Use of Force trainer would of kicked my ass if I had responded the way they did.

I have a friend who is a NYPD Detective (a Black Cop - if that really matters) and recently retired. We had several long discussions (arguments) about the take down and death of the Black Man that was selling cigarettes. He told me straight out that there was more to the story than the media was saying and that the responding officers did go beyond what he thought was necessary in the take down. He said he decided to retire because the quality of the recruits being hired were rougher and tended to react with violence earlier than older and more seasoned officers would.

Please remember we are not all JBTs.

Have you seen the full video? I haven't, only blips being narrated by morons.

Was the cops surrounded by hostiles? That's one reason I could see why they didn't get him up in the car right away, a hostile crowd of onlookers.

As for the guy saying: "I can't breathe!" Ya, lot of folks doing that since Ferguson. If he's speaking, he's breathing.
If he's struggling and has an underlying heart condition that could trigger an MI easy.

The optics are horrible, and they shouldn't have held him down so long, but if the crowd was hostile, and he's struggling trying to get sympathy violence from the onlookers...makes it a tougher call. These flash mobs harassing cops trying to do their thing is exacerbating the issue and I think the mobs share the blame for this guys death, forcing the cops to control and prolong the scene rather than wrapping it up quickly and efficiently.

I still want to see the whole thing with a clinical eye before I pass judgement.

Unfortunately those cops aren't going to get a fair trial, the mob here is just as ready to kill them as the mobs on the streets of MN.

Ya'll calling for these cops to be hung or killed without fair trial have a few things in common with the liberals and rioters on the streets. Baaaaa Baaaaaaaaa
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Veteran Member
The cops I talk to claim the job is getting harder and harder because of less and less public support. The public come across as feeling the cops are more of an enemy than the perps.

What the anti-coppers are incapable of discerning is that attitude is driving us to a new kind of cop. And we are not going to like those cops.

I've always said "Police" are the symptom of a society's overall health.


Dot Collector
i still don't get this.

who is what in this scenario?
They (leftist, anti-trumpers) are trying to lump 'conservatives' 'pro-Tumpers' 'pro 2a' and 'boogaloo' (cw2) a term often used by Pro Constitution 1st-2a folks with white terrorist (Nazis/white supremist).


TB Fanatic
Being around LE for many many years, when they use this technique, they know how it works, how well it works and what the outcome can/will be if they don't let up. There was no excuse for this treatment. Ok, there are many other ways to handle someone like Mr. Floyd but they chose NOT to use any other tecniques...this is on them and rightly so. Those police knew what they were doing when they applied that specific technique and in spite of outsiders telling them to let Floyd up, they chose not to...and because of their actions, then inactions, those involved police have brought the citizens rath upon themselves and their city. This is not a case of Bad cop, no doughnut...this is wayyyy beyond that.

Oh I totally agree.


Veteran Member
I do not know modern Mpls and have not been back to visit in a good while, which was why I asked for more input. My outside looking in conclusion is city leadership saw near downtown begin to deteriorate in the 70's. The Ethiopian famine came along in the 80's and the liberal Lutherans decided they had found their pet project to endow. They imported a boatload of Somalian refugees thinking they were as docile as starving Ethiopians. Who'd be grateful to integrate, assimilate and live in vertical section 8 housing. As a role model and example to the locals of "muslims behaving well". End of ghetto gang issues. Except it backfired. We have turned our midwest meat processing facilities over to them in favorable hiring strategies. Now Mpls has to live with the situation they created. And the food chain is at risk from people who may or may not be hostile towards their benefactors and sponsors. Assessment of Scandinavian northern liberals was spot on.


Veteran Member
They (leftist, anti-trumpers) are trying to lump 'conservatives' 'pro-Tumpers' 'pro 2a' and 'boogaloo' (cw2) a term often used by Pro Constitution 1st-2a folks with white terrorist (Nazis/white supremist).

Ok so the people she is trying to lump in with conservatives ARE racists?

Jackpine Savage

Veteran Member
I do not know modern Mpls and have not been back to visit in a good while, which was why I asked for more input. My outside looking in conclusion is city leadership saw near downtown begin to deteriorate in the 70's. The Ethiopian famine came along in the 80's and the liberal Lutherans decided they had found their pet project to endow. They imported a boatload of Somalian refugees thinking they were as docile as starving Ethiopians. Who'd be grateful to integrate, assimilate and live in vertical section 8 housing. As a role model and example to the locals of "muslims behaving well". End of ghetto gang issues. Except it backfired. We have turned our midwest meat processing facilities over to them in favorable hiring strategies. Now Mpls has to live with the situation they created. And the food chain is at risk from people who may or may not be hostile towards their benefactors and sponsors. Assessment of Scandinavian northern liberals was spot on.

In the 70's and 80's there were also a lot of welfare transplants from Chicago and other areas. I remember cities in FL handing out bus passes. When I worked downtown Illinois plates were common. There was a lot of double dipping going on between IL and MN.


Veteran Member
I watced it till about 2 am last nite, all I can say they are very lucky that it rained a lot, could have been a lot worse, well see what happens tonight,

I wrestled in high school, one match a guy was choking me I thought to .. Ref said if you can talk, you are getting air,


On TB every waking moment
They (leftist, anti-trumpers) are trying to lump 'conservatives' 'pro-Tumpers' 'pro 2a' and 'boogaloo' (cw2) a term often used by Pro Constitution 1st-2a folks with white terrorist (Nazis/white supremist).

Heck they've been doing that via the MSM forever....


Membership Revoked

How many use-of-force incidents are you drawing on to make that conclusion?
From what I see there are three officers holding him down. And a forth standing near.
Do you really think, that with as many people that was there, that were taking pictures of the event, on their phones,,,that the officers would just kill him in public? For everyone to see?
Don't get me wrong. There are some bad cops. I've run up against one or two in my life.
But I have seen criminal resist arrest, especially black criminals, more often than not.IMG_0084.PNG
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Veteran Member
In the 70's and 80's there were also a lot of welfare transplants from Chicago and other areas. I remember cities in FL handing out bus passes. When I worked downtown Illinois plates were common. There was a lot of double dipping going on between IL and MN.

I had friends living in N. Minneapolis back in the 70's that I visited a lot. It was a craphole ghetto even back then...but the ugliest undercurrent I recall was all of the Indians (feather) that had been relocated urban in the 60's and well...Blacks and Indians do not get along - to put it mildly. Jeez...was always relieved to hit I-35 headed north, locked doors and no stopping. My impression was that the Indians finally wised up and got out. That city has ALWAYS had it's race problems. Never had to scratch the surface very deep.


I give up.
I can't tell much from this. By the way, before I fell in the sack last night, a mob did bust into a liquor store (it looked like), and ran off with all the booze.

Democrat posting:





Veteran Member
From what I see there are three officers holding him down. And a forth standing near.
Do you really think, that with as many people that was there, that were taking pictures of the event, on their phones,,,that the officers would just kill him in public? For everyone to see?
Don't get me wrong. There are some bad cops. I've run up against one or two in my life.
But I have seen criminal resist arrest, especially black criminals, more often than not.View attachment 199107

i understand what you are saying, but from multiple accounts now, he was not resisting. video footage is saying he was not. bystanders say he was not. the business owner that some of the footage came from say he was not. even if he HAD been, he was clearly not for a long time while under that cop's knee.

as to the other part, are ya KIDDING ME?!! yes, i do think that people will do whatever they think they can get away with, regardless of people watching.