ECON Report food and grocery price increases/shortages here: 2021 Edition

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von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Had some of my fresh? fruit rapidly spoiled from the last online order from my local Walmart.

First time that happened. Before everthing has perfect.
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Since 1999
Checked out Walmart this morning. Hadn't been there for a couple weeks.
Holes on shelves pretty much thru out the store. Some bigger than others, but for sure the food is spread out to cover the fact that they don't have much.

Potato chip aisle...less than half full. Huge gap of about 8 feet with nothing.

Baking goods...cake mixes was full so picked up some. Vegetable oil...only 3...took 1. Not a lot of sugar or flour.

Bottled water. NO big cases of water of any kind. I usually buy the the Walmart brand and always there is a pallet sitting in the aisle....not today. Picked up 2 of the half case size.

Canned fruit. Very slim.

Canned veggies. Beans were thin. Finally found a couple cans of Great Northern that I needed. Also got some canned beets since Aldi's hasn't had any for months. What was on the veggie aisle was stacked one case high and one deep. So not much.

Condiment aisle pretty wiped out. Next to no ketchup. Salad dressing pretty thin as well.

Meat bunkers were very very low, with spaces where there was nothing.
Lunch meat and hotdogs....thin and empty spaces.

Frozen veggies...well stocked
Frozen convenient food...about half full.

Bread...almost all gone.

I saw several people with big carts of stuff. One lady had 2 and they were stuff full and well planned with numerus cases or items all stacked together like she had come in with a plan, not just grabbing things. This was a 8am. So usually don't see shopping like that so early.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
I just ran up to Meijer (Northern Michigan) to get a few things I forgot to get on my last shopping trip. There were four main areas that had noticeable gaps. The paper towel and toilet paper sections, the Ramen noodle section, and for whatever reason there was not a single package of fresh pasta/ravioli/tortellini.



Veteran Member
Quick Walmart run this morning....only 1 pkg of the extra lean ground chicken thighs with bone in or turkey filets. With the exception of steak the meat was scarce. Many pkgs of various steaks were marked down because today was the buy or freeze date....but even those were pricey and the meat looked terrible.

Friskies canned cat food~no boxes at all and just a few dented up single cans...canned cat food has been scarce in all the stores around here of late.

No lunch meat to speak of....just some bologna and a few pkgs of sliced chicken.
Mostly empty shelves in the baking area...little sugar and flour.
Hardly any frozen vegetables...freezer space empty except for some very large bags of broccoli.

Paper products were well stocked

Many price increases since the last time I was there about 2 weeks ago. A gal of milk is now $2.71...30 oz jar of Hellmans mayo has gone up to $4.14( Aldis Hellmans $3.77), crackers I purchased 2 weeks ago have gone up 21 cents and on it goes...ugh

~Southern Tier of New York~
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Neither here nor there.
OT but lots of train traffic today, this rail system runs east to west along HY 30 through central Iowa. And by lots of train traffic I've counted 40 plus trains since early this morning, in the past year it's been about eight or nine trains a day. Most of the trains sound like their heading east and they are quite heavy. House makes a rattling noise when the cars are light/empty.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
So, it's not just Augason Farms that's going to be impossible to find. I took a peek on Amazon to see what's happening with Mountain House. The only thing I see in #10 cans that can ship out now besides chili mac is diced beef, which is going for $70 each.

It looks like long-term storage food is the new toilet paper. If you see any or need to get some, do it now while there are still a few things to choose from.

Funny how the good Lord nudges us. I'm so grateful for His direction. We had a little extra money back in the summer and I felt compelled to really stock up on our long-term food storage, since our pantry is in good shape. Despite my husband's protests, I spent a nice chunk of change on freeze dried foods and cans from Mountain House and Augason Farms. I got it all at some great prices. The Augason Farms vegetable stew blend I paid $13 for back then is $24 now. The Mountain House Rice & Chicken I bought for $16 is now $29 (and not currently in stock).

I mentioned this in another thread, but there are rumors out there that the government is buying up all of the freeze dried foods.

Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 5.51.48 PM.png

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
With prices surging worldwide for heating oil, natural gas and other fuels, the U.S. government said Wednesday it expects households to see jumps of up to 54% for their heating bills from last winter.

Heating bills set to soar as inflation hits energy pricesBy STAN CHOEAP Business WriterThe Associated PressNEW YORK
NEW YORK (AP) — Get ready to pay sharply higher bills for heating this winter, along with seemingly everything else.

With prices surging worldwide for heating oil, natural gas and other fuels, the U.S. government said Wednesday it expects households to see their heating bills jump as much as 54% compared to last winter.

The sharpest increases are likely for homes that use propane, which account for only 5% of U.S. households, but others are also likely to see big increases.

Homes that use natural gas, which make up nearly half of all U.S. households, may spend $746 this winter, 30% more than a year ago. That could make this winter’s heating bills the highest for them since the winter of 2008-2009.

The second-most typical heating source for homes is electricity, making up 41% of the country, and those households could see a more modest 6% increase to $1,268. Homes using heating oil, which make up 4% of the country, could see a 43% increase — more than $500 — to $1,734.

This winter is forecast to be slightly colder across the country than last year. That means people will likely be burning even more fuel to keep warm, on top of paying more for each bit of it. If the winter ends up being even colder than forecast, heating bills could be higher than estimated, and vice-versa.


Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
From another forum:

Here's some facts from the trucking industry.

The NEWS says the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage.
Not so fast: It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators.
Traditionally the ports have been served by Owner Operators (non union). California has now banned Owner Operators.
Long term, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because California has a law that makes them illegal in 2035. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.
And in the words of Paul Harvey, “Now you know the rest of the story”

CARB to begin blocking certain trucks’ DMV registrations in 2020

Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020 or their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV, the state has said.
The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the Department of Motor Vehicles, CARB says. A new enforcement tool used by the DMV beginning in 2020 will automatically block 2010 and older trucks from registration.
Then there's the $5+ a gallon diesel prices in California. We simply aren't going there and paying those prices.
Wake up people your $20 gallon of milk is coming with your $10 loaf of bread.

Can't blame private business, you have to blame government...

62 ships with countless containers full of junk, mostly from China still unable to port and unload. The government and media say it's because of the "epic" buying power of the US citizens prepping for the holidays. BS
Californian officials are blaming labor shortages and trucking shortages. BS

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
From another forum:

The sad point is, these increases and shortages are ALL ARTIFICIALLY CREATED. The United States is being leveraged and systematically being destroyed from within! The damn psychopaths have organized, meet and conspired together to do this deed at all strategic levels. Unfortunately, organized psychopaths rule the world, we would have a paradise world without them. You know what the remedy is instinctively but fail to take that extra step to enact. Psychopaths are victorious due to your ignorance, procrastination, cowardice, resolve and apathy.


Veteran Member
Cacoa, low fat blend (Chocolate)
Instant coffee
You're welcome!!


I guess I can become a SHTF millionaire.

I likely have over 1,000,000 seeds on hand.
Cacoa, low fat blend (Chocolate)
Instant coffee
You're welcome!!


I guess I could become a SHTF millionaire.

I likely have well over 1,000,000 seeds on hand. A few thousand tomato varieties, 500+ bean varieties, dozens and dozens of cucumber, squash, lettuce, melon, etc... varieties. The only thing is, if I got money for the seeds, the money would be worthless.


Veteran Member
So, it's not just Augason Farms that's going to be impossible to find. I took a peek on Amazon to see what's happening with Mountain House. The only thing I see in #10 cans that can ship out now besides chili mac is diced beef, which is going for $70 each.

It looks like long-term storage food is the new toilet paper. If you see any or need to get some, do it now while there are still a few things to choose from.

Funny how the good Lord nudges us. I'm so grateful for His direction. We had a little extra money back in the summer and I felt compelled to really stock up on our long-term food storage, since our pantry is in good shape. Despite my husband's protests, I spent a nice chunk of change on freeze dried foods and cans from Mountain House and Augason Farms. I got it all at some great prices. The Augason Farms vegetable stew blend I paid $13 for back then is $24 now. The Mountain House Rice & Chicken I bought for $16 is now $29 (and not currently in stock).

I mentioned this in another thread, but there are rumors out there that the government is buying up all of the freeze dried foods.

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We've been here before.
It's sorta like ammo.

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
From another forum:

Walmart is facing shortages of these 5 essential groceries
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and the Delta variant in particular, grocery stores like Walmart are having problems stocking certain items. This is due to a number of varying reasons. For one, some consumers are still keen on hoarding essential products. Two, employers are having a tougher time hiring and keeping employees, a dynamic that impacts the efficacy of the supply chain.

It’s unfortunate that we’ve been in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic for nearly 20 months now. Even though we have effective vaccines available, many people still remain reluctant to get vaccinated. As a result, vaccines didn’t stop COVID-19 dead in its tracks. On the contrary, the virus had a chance to mutate. A few months ago, the Delta variant began spreading like wildfire across the US.

In a post that went viral on Facebook, Taste of Home asked its readers to detail any grocery store shortages they encountered. The response was overwhelming.

A few items that are particularly hard to find at the moment include beef, pork, chicken, juice products, and snacks.

With respect to beef, one issue is that some meat processors have seen a huge dropoff in employees on account of vaccination requirements.

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Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
One Walmart employee, commenting on Reddit, said the following about the supply of Gatorade:

We get half a pallet to a pallet randomly. Not enough to fill the shelves, but enough to stripe and face them so they don’t look empty, until ten minutes after we open that is. I’ve noticed we’re short on a lot of great value juices and overall a lot of great value products, which is weird since I thought Walmart owned them.

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
October 2021 shortages at Walmart

Coastal Alabama here.
Ongoing short supply of fresh beef, pork, and chicken. Last night, our shelves were almost bare.
Our Epson POS printer in the smoke shop (a very busy register) is printing receipts that are barely legible. It's been called in, but repairs are awaiting availability of parts.
Some of our bagging spindle turntables in the register lanes are difficult to turn because the bearings are worn. This has been reported. A previous post in r/Shortages mentioned a shortage of bearings in the US. It's possible that repairs to the turntables are on hold for parts. View:


Day by day
So, it's not just Augason Farms that's going to be impossible to find. I took a peek on Amazon to see what's happening with Mountain House. The only thing I see in #10 cans that can ship out now besides chili mac is diced beef, which is going for $70 each.

It looks like long-term storage food is the new toilet paper. If you see any or need to get some, do it now while there are still a few things to choose from.

Funny how the good Lord nudges us. I'm so grateful for His direction. We had a little extra money back in the summer and I felt compelled to really stock up on our long-term food storage, since our pantry is in good shape. Despite my husband's protests, I spent a nice chunk of change on freeze dried foods and cans from Mountain House and Augason Farms. I got it all at some great prices. The Augason Farms vegetable stew blend I paid $13 for back then is $24 now. The Mountain House Rice & Chicken I bought for $16 is now $29 (and not currently in stock).

I mentioned this in another thread, but there are rumors out there that the government is buying up all of the freeze dried foods.

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Costco must have gotten another shipment, their Emergency Foods section online had more Mountain House #10 cans, including cooked ground beef and cooked chicken. I was really surprised. It probably won't last long.

Emergency Food Supplies & Kits | Costco


Contributing Member
From another forum:

Walmart is facing shortages of these 5 essential groceries
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and the Delta variant in particular, grocery stores like Walmart are having problems stocking certain items. This is due to a number of varying reasons. For one, some consumers are still keen on hoarding essential products. Two, employers are having a tougher time hiring and keeping employees, a dynamic that impacts the efficacy of the supply chain.

It’s unfortunate that we’ve been in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic for nearly 20 months now. Even though we have effective vaccines available, many people still remain reluctant to get vaccinated. As a result, vaccines didn’t stop COVID-19 dead in its tracks. On the contrary, the virus had a chance to mutate. A few months ago, the Delta variant began spreading like wildfire across the US.

In a post that went viral on Facebook, Taste of Home asked its readers to detail any grocery store shortages they encountered. The response was overwhelming.

A few items that are particularly hard to find at the moment include beef, pork, chicken, juice products, and snacks.

With respect to beef, one issue is that some meat processors have seen a huge dropoff in employees on account of vaccination requirements.

It's regrettable that what could have been an interesting story with some fact-based information was corrupted by a screed against anti-vaxers. I'd enjoy having a place to go where everyone just talked about shortages, instead of who's vaxxed and who isn't, and why. I know there are people here from both groups, and I don't care, nor am I going to try to convert anyone. I'm just tired of hearing about it, is all.


Veteran Member
For over a year I tried to buy freeze dried peaches from ALL the different storage food companies and always got "out of stock". Finally, got one can which is fine since I only use them in my oatmeal so they'll last a long time. When I've checked the various sites its been hit or miss on what's available -- mostly miss. The meals seem to be more available but I don't like them as they have way too much sodium. I only like salt to enhance and not taste in my food and almost any prepared food has way too much sodium especially canned soups.


Veteran Member
For over a year I tried to buy freeze dried peaches from ALL the different storage food companies and always got "out of stock". Finally, got one can which is fine since I only use them in my oatmeal so they'll last a long time. When I've checked the various sites its been hit or miss on what's available -- mostly miss. The meals seem to be more available but I don't like them as they have way too much sodium. I only like salt to enhance and not taste in my food and almost any prepared food has way too much sodium especially canned soups.
My husband who had a heart attack in May of last year, was told by Dr it was because of his high salt intake. He used to put way too much salt on big bowl of popcorn a few nights a week. Or sit and eat a can of salted nuts, bacon, added too much salt to his food.


Veteran Member
I see a lot of people talking about stocking up on dried foods for long term storage. IMO wouldn't canned foods like soups, beans, veggies, meats be a better option? They can still be had and last just as long as anything else. Maybe even much cheaper.

Survival type buckets and long term storage foods seem to be priced higher than ever before.

I personally buy plenty of canned fish, chicken, etc. It's still available and often on sale at different stores.
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Veteran Member
Here in Norcal, in which I go to stores almost daily, not seeing too many holes this past week.

Costco TP is still hard to get (I always go there towards closing hours).

Our Super Walmart was fully stocked yesterday. All departments. Several departments do appear to be getting smaller though. Only the meat section had some empty space (as usual here lately) and canned pet food (not sure if dog or cat). I like going there as I can get good pricing and grab boxes/cases of stuff but the lines are brutal. Walmart cashiers move like turtles, possibly slower.

It seems the East Coast is seeing more holes from what I gather.
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