ECON Report food and grocery price increases/shortages here: 2021 Edition

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Ephesians 6:12
This is a new/continuation of the thread from the height of the pandemic. Same thing or idea. Post up your grocery getting experience as we enter the year during pandemic and political turmoil.
Shortages, runs, deliveries, finds, and what's new or back to normal at the grocery store, let us know what's happening in your AO.

Below is the link to the closed by Dennis original thread.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Went to Baker Creak seeds online this morning to find they temporarily closed the site again due to increased sales and Covid. I didn’t expect that to happen so soon. It closed a couple times in the spring due to a lot of sales
I fully expected this and on a post in the B shelter, I mentioned that it would be wise to get any and all seeds Now.

Last year around March when the media started hammering away on the 'great unwashed' and the lockdowns started, everyone and anyone, even those who never gardened before, made a run on the stores and online and bought up what they could for their newfound veggie gardens and you just couldn't find any seeds by the time April rolled around.

So, if you're thinking about starting a garden this spring/summer, do not hesitate and just get them now.

Even if you have to get them on Amazon, just do it. V


Neither here nor there.
Last year around March when the media started hammering away on the 'great unwashed' and the lockdowns started, everyone and anyone, even those who never gardened before, made a run on the stores and online and bought up what they could for their newfound veggie gardens and you just couldn't find any seeds by the time April rolled around.

seeds, potting soil, fresh plant starts, so on and so forth.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Took the DW to the eye doctor in McAlester today due to a problem with one of her eyes. Will be taking the DW to Tulsa tomorrow to an retina eye specialists.

Shopped at Walmart and all of the prices appeared to be up. Some shelve items were in short supply. The Walmart grill was closed.

Also shopped at Pruett's Food and bought fried chicken for my mother. Didn't do any other shopping at Pruett's had to pick up the DW.

Both Walmart and Pruett's were crowded.


John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
I fully expected this and on a post in the B shelter, I mentioned that it would be wise to get any and all seeds Now.

Last year around March when the media started hammering away on the 'great unwashed' and the lockdowns started, everyone and anyone, even those who never gardened before, made a run on the stores and online and bought up what they could for their newfound veggie gardens and you just couldn't find any seeds by the time April rolled around.

So, if you're thinking about starting a garden this spring/summer, do not hesitate and just get them now.

Even if you have to get them on Amazon, just do it. V
I've actually got really good heirloom seeds I couldn't find anywhere else off of Amazon, and our strawberry plants I bought from there did fantastic.


Veteran Member
seeds, potting soil, fresh plant starts, so on and so forth.

I have pretty much all the seeds I want plus more extras then I could grow in the next few years, I need about 5 big bags of potting soil but if I couldn’t get it I’d be fine. Even when I wasn’t actively prepping I’ve always grabbed seeds every season. Some years I didn’t even had a garden but I bought seeds..... just in case. I also do sprouts & micro greens year round so have those well stocked.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks for the new thread start! :)

We always buy garden seeds a year or two in advance, and store them in the freezer. Some years, we don't have a garden, so we have a good build up of seeds of all kinds.


Since 1999
I went into Walmart early this morning, 8am. Produce was good. Frozen half wiped out at the very least...some about 3/4 wiped out. Bread was empty except for a few loaves that someone had tossed back on a shelf after changing their minds. Canned goods had a lot of holes and empty shelves. Fresh meat ok. Frozen in bunkers half empty and several sections were completely empty. The whole store looked like it normally does after Thanksgiving.

It wasn't busy, but it was too early for most people.


TB Fanatic
I just got a sale flyer from a local grocery store. They have a 38.4 oz can of Folgers for 8.49. That seems extremely high for me. I buy the much larger canisters of folgers for around $10 at walmart. I know a lot of people are boycotting walmart and I respect that, there are places that I would not step foot in. But I'm still a walmart shopper because our income is low. Although they are not getting much of my money any more because I only replace what I use.

God is good all the time



TB Fanatic
The wife went shopping today as it was a short day for her.

note: Walmart likes to cut hours to the bone in January so Managers at store level and maximize bonuses. So hourly employees get cut a day per week (8 hours weekly) as a matter of routine. Usually it is in the form of short shifts.

She cleaned out all the Vlassic half gallon pickles a total of 6 jars. When she was checking out someone asked where the party was and she replied that she was getting ready for the Biden shut down next month. They were all shocked saying the never heard about it.

After a bit it boiled down to the wife saying that is what he promised and other things, I am not 100% sure he will do it, but I would rather have food in the house in case he does and you are idiots if you didn't know this already.

As you can see the wife is not as mean as I am. I am far far worse.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We were at Tractor Supply on New Year's Day to stock up on more cat and dog food, plus to add to our stock of doggie treats. The manager walked over to us as we were standing there picking out what doggie treats we wanted. He told us that we had better stock up good, because Biden was going to shut everything down for 100 days, once he took the throne. We laughed, and told him that was exactly why we were stocking up. He looked sorta surprised, LOL.


TB Fanatic
We were at Tractor Supply on New Year's Day to stock up on more cat and dog food, plus to add to our stock of doggie treats. The manager walked over to us as we were standing there picking out what doggie treats we wanted. He told us that we had better stock up good, because Biden was going to shut everything down for 100 days, once he took the throne. We laughed, and told him that was exactly why we were stocking up. He looked sorta surprised, LOL.

I am seeing more people tell me this about the shut down, but the wife is seeing a lot of people who have no idea.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Operational Security Warning! I am either stocking up for the February ice storms or getting a little extra for my mother and sister, if I have to say anything at all. I don't use the word "prepper" to strangers in the real world. I just nod if they tell me to stock up because Biden will shut us down.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Operational Security Warning! I am either stocking up for the February ice storms or getting a little extra for my mother and sister, if I have to say anything at all. I don't use the word "prepper" to strangers in the real world. I just nod if they tell me to stock up because Biden will shut us down.

We would never have said anything to the man about stocking up on doggie treats if we hadn't known that he was a Trump supporter, thus his warning to us, and our continuing conversation with him. We never discuss our preps with anyone other than here on the forum, and even then, I'm sorta leery about it.


TB Fanatic
We would never have said anything to the man about stocking up on doggie treats if we hadn't known that he was a Trump supporter, thus his warning to us, and our continuing conversation with him. We never discuss our preps with anyone other than here on the forum, and even then, I'm sorta leery about it.
We keep ours to the forum and select individuals. OPSEC aside, though an important thing for sure, we found people thought we were crazy to have something set aside. Didn't matter if it was cash or food, they got that look of "I am dealing with a nut here like they talk about on the radio".

Granted that was before Covid, but it got us into the habit long ago.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We keep ours to the forum and select individuals. OPSEC aside, though an important thing for sure, we found people thought we were crazy to have something set aside. Didn't matter if it was cash or food, they got that look of "I am dealing with a nut here like they talk about on the radio".

Granted that was before Covid, but it got us into the habit long ago.

The only people who know that we are preppers are those here on the forum, our oldest son and DDIL, a close friend, and my mom. They wouldn't even know if they were not preppers themselves. We help each other by discussing among ourselves.


The Great Cat
We were at Tractor Supply on New Year's Day to stock up on more cat and dog food, plus to add to our stock of doggie treats. The manager walked over to us as we were standing there picking out what doggie treats we wanted. He told us that we had better stock up good, because Biden was going to shut everything down for 100 days, once he took the throne. We laughed, and told him that was exactly why we were stocking up. He looked sorta surprised, LOL.

Tractor Supply wanted to card and paperwork me for a slingshot last time I was there.

They also had a sign out front basically saying if you get covid here we aren't responsible. I have a pic of it but I guess I need to resize to post it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Tractor Supply wanted to card and paperwork me for a slingshot last time I was there.

They also had a sign out front basically saying if you get covid here we aren't responsible. I have a pic of it but I guess I need to resize to post it.

Nothing like that at the one we shop. Masks are required, and that's it.


TB Fanatic
Tractor Supply wanted to card and paperwork me for a slingshot last time I was there.

They also had a sign out front basically saying if you get covid here we aren't responsible. I have a pic of it but I guess I need to resize to post it.
They have those all over Georgia.


Veteran Member
If you want to grow sweet potatoes, buy one or two at the grocery store and put them in water to root. They will put out leafy shoots which you can break off and put in water to root and plant in the garden. If a bag of regular potatoes in the grocery store shows sprouts, you can likely use those as seed potatoes. Often dried beans will work as seed -- do a germination test. I also save seeds each year from my garden plus buy fresh seeds when i see them on sale at the end of the season -- not many last fall. I stocked up on seed starting stuff when it came back in the stores last summer so I think I'm good. Oh, peppers -- I really loved some peppers I bought at the grocery store so I saved seeds and have had bumper crops every year since.
That was really helpful...reading about the second store person confiding the need to buy what you need, now, because of Biden’s plan to shut things down for 100 days! I would guess that even the best prepared of us can think of items we still should be getting.....time to take inventory,
friends...we may not have much time. (If Trump stays, that won’t stop the shortages.....there still are the closed meat plants, many dairy farm closures, ranchers who culled their herds, and farmers losing or plowing their crops under because of various weather problems. Eventually, it’s going to bite us in the butt.

Yesterday, when I called an old friend, I mentioned the importance of stocking up. She lives several states away. She laughed and told me she had only about a day’s worth of food in her pantry...that she drinks a healthful drink for breakfast, eats at the cafeteria where she works (good pay as a nurse instructor) and has a sandwich for supper.

Without being preachy, I tried to let her know food shortages are in our future, but I don’t think it really sank in....sad.

Guess I’ll add to my pets’ stash of foods....they get top quality kibble from the pet store....even in different flavors, as well as frozen ground turkey logs I buy at Meijer.

As an aside, my Chihuahas LOVE fresh sugar snap peas...I cut each pea in a few small PCs., and the dogs go nuts over them......that’s one of the many different fresh veggies they get before their meat supper. Fresh broccoli, Bell peppers, cabbage slaw, chopped up sprouts....are among the many veggies they get and love. (Just thought you doggie owners might like to know what treats you might surprise your pets with if you hadn’t thought of doing it.
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