CORONA POLL: Are you getting the vaccine? (Or have you gotten it?)

Have you been vaccinated, or do you plan to be?

  • Yes, I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna shots (both rounds)

    Votes: 26 7.3%
  • Yes, I am one round into the Pfizer or Moderna shot (one round)

    Votes: 13 3.6%
  • Yes, I've received the J&J shot

    Votes: 12 3.4%
  • I plan to get vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna shot

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • I plan to get vaccinated with the J&J shot

    Votes: 10 2.8%
  • Nope... not for me. I have zero plans to get any COVID vaccination shot

    Votes: 294 82.4%

  • Total voters


Neither here nor there.
Just for the record, the J&J/J version is tried and tested tech, the same sort of technology as the flu vax, as MMR, and etc vaxes we have been using for decades, it is NOT some freaky spike protein, Messenger RNA technology.

The only problem with this is the J&J vax is not widely available. Here locally they're pushing that other crap.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
The only problem with this is the J&J vax is not widely available. Here locally they're pushing that other crap.

Packy, the colleges are getting it and most will have it in May and June. There's a push to get the students and faculty Vax'ed. DMACC campus in your area has it and will open sessions to the community in the coming weeks. Shots are given by nurses and other medical personnel.

I'm NOT getting it at this point -- just letting you know that more J&J will be available.


Veteran Member
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Veteran Member
Option X: Wait-n-See. When enough data is available, a decision will be made, until then it's experimental.

My thoughts exactly. In general, I am very pro-vaccine. Vaccines work and are an important part of maintaining the overall health of the public. But there are so many unknowns at this point. I appreciate that others are willing to take those risks so that the unknowns can be known, but it won't be me. Before I can make a decision, I want to see how long immunity lasts, whether that immunity lasts longer or is stronger than natural immunity (pretty sure I've had COVID), and what the long-term side effects 3 or so years down the road are. I've not found a satisfactory answer to the question of what is the advantage of taking the vaccine when you've already had the illness.

I also absolutely hate it being referred to as the "JAB". Sounds silly.
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Neither here nor there.
Packy, the colleges are getting it and most will have it in May and June. There's a push to get the students and faculty Vax'ed. DMACC campus in your area has it and will open sessions to the community in the coming weeks. Shots are given by nurses and other medical personnel.

I'm NOT getting it at this point -- just letting you know that more J&J will be available.

We won't be getting it for at least four months after his knee replacement surgery at the end of the month, per his orthopedic surgeon.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am a no to vaccine. I don't take the flu vaccine either. Hubby is on the fence, yes one day, no the next.

In my lifetime I have survived the 1957 N2N2, Asian Flu; the 1968 H3N2 Hong Kong Flu (got that one); 2003 SARS; 2009 Swine Flu; 2012 MERS and so far maybe 2020 China Virus. (I think I had it in March of 2020)

Also survived POLIO; (neighbor got that), AIDS; EBOLA and ZIKA.

If I remember correctly, they were all going to kill us. Something will eventually but personally, I don't believe this is any worse than the previous attempts by China to kill us. Somewhere along the line, if vaccines work or getting it prevents getting it again, most of us have had different variants of this already in our lifetime.


Veteran Member
As we’ve seen documented on this forum since the Kung Flu hit, how severely one is afflicted is ENTIRELY a roll of the genetic dice. Members here know people personally in their 70’s and 80’s who’ve come down with it and had few (or no) symptoms. But others had friends or family in their 30’s and in otherwise perfect health who got it and died. It really is a genetic crap-shoot.

The stats suggest otherwise. People with normal or higher d & c levels are unlikely to have symptoms. People who use ivermectin prophylactically or after experiencing mild or strong symptoms recover rapidly. The reported “vaccine” reactions are already breaking records. The potential damage from the “vaccine” is most likely irreversible. It is my fervent hope that there will be a way to undo the mischief. I know too many people who plan to take it because they trust ....
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Neither here nor there.
I am a no to vaccine. I don't take the flu vaccine either. Hubby is on the fence, yes one day, no the next.

In my lifetime I have survived the 1957 N2N2, Asian Flu; the 1968 H3N2 Hong Kong Flu (got that one); 2003 SARS; 2009 Swine Flu; 2012 MERS and so far maybe 2020 China Virus. (I think I had it in March of 2020)

Also survived POLIO; (neighbor got that), AIDS; EBOLA and ZIKA.

If I remember correctly, they were all going to kill us. Something will eventually but personally, I don't believe this is any worse than the previous attempts by China to kill us. Somewhere along the line, if vaccines work or getting it prevents getting it again, most of us have had different variants of this already in our lifetime.

I survived a mystery flu/bug that made its way through the local university here back in 1998, IIRC, some 15,000 students got it and were sick for a good week and a half, and I'm talking bed ridden sick. It really didn't make it beyond the town here which was odd in and of itself. I was living in campus housing (small apartment) and cooking my own food so it wasn't because of dorm food.


Membership Revoked
LOL. About 40,000 people died in car wrecks in the US in 2019; Over 400,000 from covid in 2020. Yep, exactly the same.........
Debullshitted, the latter numbers will be WAY lower. The stories about the groid brought into a big-city ER room who was DOA with 2 bullets in his head, but since his autopsy showed he was positive for the Chinky Pox, he got counted as a fatality from that so the hospital could recoup at least part of his shipping and handling costs (from what the Feds give every place that claims one) aren't all untrue.

Just Plain Mom

Alien Lizard Person
Now fully vaccinated, and happy for it.

There IS a virus, and it can kill, although it doesn't kill most people.

I have several serious medical issues, and have worked very hard for the last twelve years to keep living and be healthy. Although I am fairly successful and my doctor considers me "healthy" because of my efforts, she also told me that I am the target that this virus is looking for, and I probably wouldn't survive it. Lol, at the beginning of the pandemic, I got a message in all caps to STAY HOME and then later, GET VACCINATED. But not in her facility, although they had them first, because I'd have to drive 6 hours up there (mostly on I35 :chkn:) and, because of the diuretics I take, probably stop 3-4 times up and back, and she felt it was too dangerous.

Yes, the vaccine is not well-tested, and it was a risk to take it. I also take a drug that was originally tested on 22 people because one of the issues I have is rare. I've learned to weigh risks.


Veteran Member
Debullshitted, the latter numbers will be WAY lower. The stories about the groid brought into a big-city ER room who was DOA with 2 bullets in his head, but since his autopsy showed he was positive for the Chinky Pox, he got counted as a fatality from that so the hospital could recoup at least part of his shipping and handling costs (from what the Feds give every place that claims one) aren't all untrue.
Meh, "Stories".....

There are tons of "stories" on facebook and the internet about a lot of things.

I know hospitals don't get paid for dead bodies. They get paid for treatment. Therefore there's no monetary advantage to your example.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The stats suggest otherwise. People with normal or higher d & c levels are unlikely to have symptoms. People who use ivermectin prophylactically or after experiencing mild or strong symptoms recover rapidly.
Evidently you didn’t actually read what I wrote. Either that or reading comprehension is a problem for you today.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I survived a mystery flu/bug that made its way through the local university here back in 1998, IIRC, some 15,000 students got it and were sick for a good week and a half, and I'm talking bed ridden sick. It really didn't make it beyond the town here which was odd in and of itself. I was living in campus housing (small apartment) and cooking my own food so it wasn't because of dorm food.
Forgot that one. The Sydney Flu -
Sydney Flu
In the winter of 1998-99, America was in the second year of the virulent Sydney flu strain. The strain was genetically slightly different from previous type A strains, making it harder for immune systems to fight off the virus. The outbreak was severe even though that year's flu vaccine matched the Sydney strain exactly. But the elderly - who are at high-risk for severe flu complications - have aging immune systems that flu shots do not protect as well as those of younger people. By the time the 1998-99 flu season ended, 64,684 Americans had died.


Neither here nor there.
Forgot that one. The Sydney Flu -
Sydney Flu
In the winter of 1998-99, America was in the second year of the virulent Sydney flu strain. The strain was genetically slightly different from previous type A strains, making it harder for immune systems to fight off the virus. The outbreak was severe even though that year's flu vaccine matched the Sydney strain exactly. But the elderly - who are at high-risk for severe flu complications - have aging immune systems that flu shots do not protect as well as those of younger people. By the time the 1998-99 flu season ended, 64,684 Americans had died.

I do believe that was the virus. What was weird was how there were outbreaks in some areas but not in others.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Typical American centric poll. Americans seem to forget the internet is international. There are many different types of vaccine, around the world, developed in different countries. Most require 2 shots to be fully effective, but I think I read somewhere someone had released a one shot only vaccine. That one is not available in the UK.

Outside the US few have access to the Moderna / J&J vaccine. Many do have access to the Pfizer vaccine, but will often be given other types as in the Sputnik vaccine, Astra Zenaca vaccine, CoviVac vaccine, and more.

I feel your poll does not work for international readers.

Agreed. I should have added an "other" category. My bad. You know us Americans. We think the world revolves around us. :)

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
This sounds like it would make another good poll to me. A poll about if our employer requires a vaccine, what will we do.
Given that I've been laid off three times in the last 5 years and have never worked for a loyal company who actually cared about their employees, there's zero chance of me capitulating just to make my employer happy unless I get something in return. If they guarantee me employment for the next decade or something along those lines, I'll "consider it." LOL


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
My concern with the J&J is this:
Are we to assume the J&J is safe because it is not Mrna?
Why would so much time, money, and resources be spent on a vaccine that does not help fulfill their agenda?

Further, why should I trust a company that was using asbestosis in their talc that led to cancer in women?

That's why I think the bulk of their shots are saline. They can't afford another lawsuit.


Veteran Member
I will only get it if the data shows a proper effectiveness for a decent amount of time, the overall side effects are nil, and there is proof of no aborted baby tissue, samples, etc involved.

Right now, none are looking very good.

Furthermore, anything strongly recommended by the government is suspect......

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. You said that it’s entirely a roll of the dice, oui? I responded to that proposition.
What I said was entirely correct. One can take action to try and mitigate any symptoms should they come down with it, but even those attempts’ success rate will vary due to genetics. Your statements were absolutes, and thus in error.


Let's Go Brandon!
Excuse my Canadian French, but not only no, but HELL no,
is Nowski going to take, the population reduction COVID-19 shot.

COVID-19 was released primarily for one reason.
To remove POTUS Trump as president, which it did.
Also the secondary reason, population reduction.

Planet Earth is massively overpopulated, and the overpopulation
is coming from the 3rd world. Nothing so far has stopped their
over population, however a shot for what is basically a super-flu,
might have the ability to sterilize them, which is good.

So give the shot to the illegals, and be done with it.

Now from my perspective. The blood clots caused by the shots.

I have posted about this before. It was back on October 24th 2003,
when my youngest brother and his wife, rushed me to the local
trauma 1 medical center’s cardiovascular HR.

I was in severe pain, left side of my face was numb,
left side of my neck was numb, in fact nearly my
entire left side was numb. I was getting ready to have
what would have been a widow maker.

The cardiovascular nurse at the ER desk said, “I know what
is getting ready to happen to you”, and she hollered out
to the ER, and about 6 people came to where I was sitting
in the wheel chair. They took me into the ER, 12 lead was
hooked to me, and 2 cardiologists showed up. One said,
“he is getting ready to have a massive MI, nurse give him
the biggest clot buster we have stat.” The nurse took off
and came back with a big shot. She said, “I have to give this
shot to you in your rear, as it is going to hurt.” I screamed
when she gave me that shot, but the crushing pain in my chest,
like a truck was sitting on my chest, disappeared. She told me,
that the clot buster had dissolved the clot, that was getting ready
to basically kill me.

Next morning, 8 hour quintuple bypass. The usual triple bypass,
but also the diagonals D1 and D2. The right coronary artery
bypass failed, and had to be done again. Several months later,
it failed again, and the right coronary artery was occluded
until it was opened in December 2010, with a laser, and 3 over
lapping stents were inserted, into the distal part of the artery.

My cardiologist at the time said, that I should take a full strength
aspirin everyday, as aspirin keeps blood thinned out,
and helps to prevent clots. Its the first medicine, that I take each day.

I just want to stay alive long enough, to see my nephews
graduated from university. All of them are incredibly intelligent,
and one is currently studying, bio-medical engineering and pre-med.
My understanding is, he wants to be a cardiologist. The other two,
are in the high honours class in their high skools, and both of them
appear to be interested in mechanical engineering.

That's it. So no shot for Nowski. He is old now, and simply wants
to be left the hell alone by the communist damocraps, and especially
the POS Africans. Nowski would like to exit this life, in a Rorke’s Drift
type of combat. That would be a most fitting exit, from this life.

Please be safe everyone. Know that massive amounts of POS
illegals are pouring over the Southern Border, as I type this post.
As long as they get the COVID-19 shots, especially their wymings,
I give a shitz.

Regards to all.



Veteran Member
What I said was entirely correct. One can take action to try and mitigate any symptoms should they come down with it, but even those attempts’ success rate will vary due to genetics. Your statements were absolutes, and thus in error.

I did not use absolutes, but you did. ENTIRELY.

Arguing with someone who has already taken a ”vaccine” Is about as fun as putting my hand in the maw of a wild tiger. I know it’s going to hurt and I can’t help that person (tiger) as much as I’d like to. Dennis, I would be miffed if you didn’t try to take a swipe at me when I challenged your comment.


Veteran Member
Further, why should I trust a company that was using asbestosis in their talc that led to cancer in women?

That's why I think the bulk of their shots are saline. They can't afford another lawsuit.
Exactly what I was thinking. Are some of the vaccines placebos.


My level of trust is so eroded now, and the level of unknown risk in pharma injectable products so high IMO, that I will likely never voluntarily take another injection. I deeply surprised my doc by getting the pneumonia vaccine in Feb last year, and that will likely be it for me. I updated my full shot record based on a titer in 2016 to do clinicals for my CNA class, if I live long enough I might worry about a tetanus booster at some point, maybe.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Not sure why I would get a shot for a virus that hasn't been isolated yet blamed for causing a disease but no proof except "testing" done with a test not suited for it.
Said "vaccine" doesn't prevent getting the disease or spreading it to others.

Pasteur, the fraud, recanted on his death bed and admitted that it was not the germ but the terrain

Flat earther here, I guess.

Did you REALLY REALLY MISS all of the Dr Niman sequencing done in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020, as posted in the first hundred pages o the Omnibus COVID thread???

Or are you of the opinion that viri don't ever exist?

As for Pasteur, yes, he got really lucky with his apparatus.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Arguing with someone who has already taken a ”vaccine” Is about as fun as putting my hand in the maw of a wild tiger. I know it’s going to hurt and I can’t help that person (tiger) as much as I’d like to.


Veteran Member
Chuck, IIRC BCD is of the opinion that viruses exist, but don’t cause illness.
I'm not sure he even believes they exist. He keeps saying the CDC doesn't even have samples of sars-cov-2. Honestly, I'd like to think that no one is that stupid and that he just likes arguing. But..............