
  1. Little Wiggle

    ALERT Covid 19 vaccines are not vaccines

    “First do no harm!” I never trusted them, and never will, so glad I didn’t get any of them. Never trust anything given out for free, and then they were trying to pay people to get them when they wouldn’t, hmmm not at all suspicious. Sitting back watching all the people I know who proudly...
  2. Capt. Eddie

    CORONA POLL: New vaccinated / unvaccinated poll

    I know this poll won't answer who died, but the above posts in the "Brain Injury" thread got me curious. I feel very certain that the population of TB2K is in no way representative of the overall "vaccination" rate of the country, but I'm curious how far off we are. I made the poll private so...
  3. Melodi

    CORONA Novavax To Sell US Government 1.5 Million More Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccine

    This is a HUGE SCREAMING DOT! The Biden administration (after saying it would discontinue buying COVID vaccines) is contracting with NovaVax, the only non-mRNA vaccine I know of still available commercially in the UK and parts of Europe. I'm not counting vaccines made in Russia or China. I...
  4. C

    CORONA Needed it’s own thread CV-19 Vax is Bioweapon Dr. Peter McCullough: The COVID shot is a form of ‘bioterrorism,’ its spike protein is ‘pathogenic’ ‘You are about five times as likely to die of the vaccine than you are to take your risks with COVID-19,’ McCullough said...
  5. C

    ALERT Dire threat to check and balances!!! Record them here!! White House says businesses should still mandate jabs for employees in spite of court ruling A White House spokesperson said businesses ‘should continue to move...
  6. MinnesotaSmith

    INTL Vaccine opposers in Guatemalan village capture 2 medical teams w/ C0VID-19 vaxes

    Guats show Westerners how it's done. :applaud: LADY AMINA @The_AlphaX2 Big VICTORY! V⍺ccine opposers in a Guatemalan village captured two medical teams that arrived with C0VID-19 v⍺ccines. The wheels were lowered to cars, the...
  7. Doomer Doug

    WAR General Genocide to require ALL Active duty to get jabed

    Gateway Pundit is now saying that General Genocide Austin the third is requiring all active duty military to get vacinated. Well, now ain't that special. Watch and see the whites be purged, or mutiny, or verify they are all oathbreaking, cowards and fools. Gee, did Doomer Doug nail him with the...
  8. marymonde

    CORONA Norway Suspends Astra Zeneca Jab

    View: Norway suspends AZ: “Since there are few people who die from COVID-19 in Norway, THE RISK OF DYING AFTER VAX WITH THE AZ VAX WOULD BE HIGHER than the risk of dying from the disease, particularly for younger people”...
  9. Jubilee on Earth

    CORONA POLL: Are you getting the vaccine? (Or have you gotten it?)

    I know the bulk of the members here are on the "plus" side of 60, so I can understand the worry and concern about catching COVID. After reading Dennis' post about the J&J vax, I got curious to know how many others here are going to get their shot. My hubby and I are vehemently opposed to it...
  10. Melodi

    INTL Pfizer Demands Governments Gamble With State Assets To Secure Vaccine Deal

    Why does a pharmaceutical company want embassies and military bases as "collateral?" Is there someone(s) behind them that could use them? The countries had already agreed to set up "wealth funds" to pay off lawsuits - this is bizarre and rather scary - Melodi...
  11. Melodi

    INTL Northern Ireland at centre of major row between EU and UK over vaccine supply

    Well, that certainly escalated quickly, and considering that the UK resisted the urge to do this even in the face of some food shortages in Northern Ireland (it is calling a temporary suspension of the "All Island Customs Agreement" that allows a free-flow of goods and people between the...
  12. LittleYellowFlower

    CORONA Biden’s Daily Average of '100 Million Vaccines in 100 Days' Topped Repeatedly Under Trump

    Newsmax: Daily Average of '100 Million Vaccines in 100 Days' Topped Repeatedly Under Trump By Charlie McCarthy Friday, 22 Jan 2021 9:48 PM President Joe Biden's goal to vaccinate 100 million people against COVID-19 in his first 100 days in office depends on an average achieved several times by...
  13. marymonde

    CORONA Oxford U Covid Vaccine Update

    Million dollar question, if the virus itself doesn’t give lasting immunity to a person who was infected, how will the vaccine provide it? Creating an immune response, maintaining immunity, and providing protection couldn’t possibly be determined for years. No safety concerns? How could they know...
  14. H

    HEALTH Gonorrhea researchers identify novel route to vaccine, new antibiotic

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Gonorrhea researchers identify novel route to vaccine, new antibiotic July 05, 2018 STORY BY: Steve Lundeberg, 541-737-4039...
  15. H

    HEALTH A Cancer 'Vaccine' Cured 97% of Tumors in Mice. What's That Mean for People?

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... A Cancer 'Vaccine' Cured 97% of Tumors in Mice. What's That Mean for People? By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer | March 29, 2018 07:13am ET A promising new cancer "vaccine"...
  16. H

    HEALTH Dangerous strain of dog flu spreads concern across U.S.

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... CBS News/ January 14, 2016, 7:22 AM Dangerous strain of dog flu spreads concern across U.S. Comments 7 A dangerous new strain of dog flu is...
  17. M

    POL Ben Carson Doesn't Get It: All Our Vaccines Prevent Death

    By Tara Haelle We already knew Donald Trump didn’t understand medicine. He once again parroted the tired falsehood that autism and vaccines have anything to do with each other. They don’t. He added insult to injury by also repeating the tired falsehood that “autism has become an epidemic.” Not...
  18. RCSAR

    HEALTH Aborted Baby Cells and Vaccines.

    I could have stuck this under many different tags but health will work. What Pharma says. These human cells used in the vaccines are many many generations removed from the original donor cells. What the gang at the Vatican says. The lives of the children (red flag*) that the vaccines will...
  19. M

    HEALTH Finland will pay for damage caused by swine flu vaccine

    Finland vows care for narcolepsy kids who had swine flu shot AFPAFP – Wed, Oct 5, 2011 The Finnish government and major insurance companies announced Wednesday they will pay for lifetime medical care for...
  20. M

    HEALTH New evidence of vaccine induced Autism

    83 Cases of Autism Associated with Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensated in Federal Vaccine Court Government program has been quietly paying...
  21. C

    HEALTH Explosive Death For MRSA

    There's hope for a MRSA vaccine someday... Explosive death for MRSA 09:00 17 January 2011 by Catherine de Lange An antibody which causes MRSA bacteria to explode rather than divide brings hope for a universal vaccine. MRSA is a highly antibiotic-resistant form of the bacteria...
  22. F

    HEALTH H1N1 Flu Shot Triage

    65? Back of the Line for the Swine Flu Vaccine, Pal Life is unfair. Or, at least, it sure can look that way. Related For example, consider this: Who of these four is first in line for a swine flu shot: 1. A great-grandmother in a nursing home with lung problems? 2. A hospital cafeteria...
  23. L

    ALERT [Mandatory vaccines/pandemic/flu summit] Something you all need to watch!!

    Watch this video, listen to what she is saying. First, I will point you to my post from over a year ago, April 2008: My name is Lost Patriot on that forum. I called this pandemic over a year ago, which the link above points out.. I told...