POL Ben Carson Doesn't Get It: All Our Vaccines Prevent Death


Veteran Member
By Tara Haelle

We already knew Donald Trump didn’t understand medicine. He once again parroted the tired falsehood that autism and vaccines have anything to do with each other. They don’t. He added insult to injury by also repeating the tired falsehood that “autism has become an epidemic.” Not only is that untrue, it’s offensive to the millions of autistic individuals living rich lives and the families and friends who love them. But sweeping inaccurate statements and being offensive are nothing new for Trump.

What I found far more disturbing were the contributions of the only two people on stage for last night’s CNN Republican debate who actually have medical licenses (as opposed to the one man who thinks he does). Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, and Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist, weighed in on vaccines when the moderator asked Carson whether Trump should stop beating his autism-vaccines drum. (Yes, he should.)

Carson correctly responded that “We have extremely well documented proof that there’s no autism associated with vaccinations.” Anyone can see a summary of more than two dozen of these studies at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) website. The problem is that he didn’t stop there.

“Vaccines are very important, certain ones — the ones that would prevent death or crippling,” he said. “There are others, a multitude of vaccines that don’t fit in that category, and there should be some discretion in those cases.”

The problem is, our country doesn’t make or recommend vaccines that aren’t important, that don’t prevent death. So, I have a question for Dr. Carson. Below are the vaccines recommended through age 18. I’d like to know which one of these we should “use discretion” with. Which ones are not important enough to administer?

Let’s review the vaccines on the CDC childhood schedule from birth to age 18:

* Hepatitis B — Prevents a chronic infection which can lead to liver cancer. And kill you.
* Rotavirus — Prevents a gastrointestinal virus which kills nearly a half million children across the world annually. Death is rare in the U.S. Instead, your child will spend a week in the hospital, miserable, crying, with severe diarrhea, while you look on helplessly.
* DTaP — Prevents diphtheria, which killed a child in Spain last year; prevents tetanus, which kills 1 in 8 who get it; prevents pertussis (whooping cough), which killed 10 babies in California in the 2010 epidemic. (Babies under 3 months old are most likely to die from pertussis.)
* Hib — Prevents Haemophilus influenzae type b, a type of meningitis which killed 1,000 U.S. children a year before the vaccine.
* Pneumococcal — Prevents pneumonia and meningitis. Which kills 1 in 15 children who get it.
* Inactivated polio vaccine — Prevents polio. Which can paralyze you. Or kill you.
* Influenza — Prevents the flu. Which kills children every year. It killed healthy 3-year-old Emily Lastinger. And 13-year-old Brittney Peters. And 9-year-old Brandon Gonzales.
* MMR — Prevents measles, which can cause brain damage and killed 123 children during the 1989-90 epidemic in the U.S.; prevents mumps, which rarely kills (though it can) but can cause deafness and infertility; prevents rubella, which can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects… and autism.
* Hepatitis A — Prevents hepatitis, which, yes, rarely, can kill you.
* Varicella — Prevents chickenpox, which killed about 100 children a year before the vaccine. It also killed this girl’s father.
* Meningococcal — Prevents meningitis, which maims and kills children and teens. It killed Texas A&M student Nicolis Williams.
* HPV — Prevents human papillomavirus, which can lead to cervical, vaginal, vulval, anal, penile and throat and neck cancers. Which can kill you.

That’s it. Those are the only vaccines that the CDC recommends families give their child, barring any medical contraindications. Which ones should we stop administering, Ben Carson?

But he still wasn’t done. He had to address Trump’s other nonsense when Trump claimed “I am totally in favor of vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer period of time.” Vaccines are very precisely manufactured to include only what is absolutely necessary to induce enough of an immune response that the body can protect itself against those diseases. So a smaller dose wouldn’t protect a child. It would stick a child with a needle for no reason at all. And spreading out vaccines? That just increases the risks to the children, including leaving them more susceptible to the diseases for a longer period of time. Trump is not “totally in favor of vaccines” if he doesn’t want children protected from the diseases above as early as possible.

But Carson’s pandering response was worse: “But it is true that we are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time, and a lot of pediatricians now recognize that and, I think, are cutting down on the number and the proximity in which those are done.” Again, the CDC schedule is calibrated to give children the most protection from the most diseases as early and safely as possible. And that second part? That’s flat out false.

The only pediatricians who promote delaying vaccines are the irresponsible ones who would leave children more vulnerable to disease for longer. The policy statements of the AAP make it very clear that the largest organization of pediatricians in the U.S. supports the CDC schedule, does not support any delayed schedule, and wants to help pediatricians in ensuring that all the children in their practice are fully protected.

So the only thing “a lot of pediatricians” recognize is that low immunization rates can cause serious outbreaks like the Disneyland measles outbreak last year. Any responsible pediatrician is encouraging parents to follow the CDC recommended schedule.

Finally it was time for Paul to jump in: “I’m all for vaccines, but I’m also for freedom,” he said. “Even if the science doesn’t say bunching them up is a problem, I ought to have the right to say I want to spread them out.”

I’m for freedom too, Rand Paul. I’m for freedom from disease. I’m in favor of ensuring that my child and those in my community don’t get sick from measles and die because fear has led others in the community not to vaccinate their children. As former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.” And the problem when someone else spreads out vaccines and gets sick in the interim is that that person can spread the disease to others. As the libertarian magazine Reason noted on this issue, the right to make up your own schedule becomes problematic when your child is “swinging their microbes at other people.”

Perhaps it’s too much to ask for presidential candidates to understand even basic medical concepts, such as vaccines. But at the very least, we should expect the two men who have practiced medicine to understand them. If they don’t understand the subject matter they’ve made careers out of, what confidence does that offer for their leadership of a nation?

And for what I wish were the last time. Vaccines don’t cause autism. They just don’t.



On TB every waking moment

Tara Haelle ,

I offer straight talk on science, medicine, health and vaccines.

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I am a freelance science journalist and photojournalist who specializes in reporting on vaccines, pediatric and maternal health, parenting, nutrition, obesity, mental health, medical research, environmental health and the social sciences. My work has appeared in Scientific American, the Washington Post, Politico, Slate, NOVA, Wired, Science and Pacific Standard, and I write regularly for HealthDay, Frontline Medical Communications and my science and health mom blog Red Wine & Apple Sauce. I was the health editor at Double X Science and am currently co-authoring an evidence-based parenting book due in late 2015. I received my master's in journalism at the University of Texas at Austin (also my undergrad alma mater), and I teach journalism at Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. I previously taught high school and often think of my journalism as a form of teaching, by helping others understand science and medical research and by debunking misinformation about vaccines, chemicals and other misunderstood topics.

The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

And she feels she knows more than two MDs?

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
There are two issues with vaccine. The first is the actual manufacturing process. We have many actual, documented examples where sterile technique was violated in order to save money by the corporate whores. We also have documented examples of where poor quality, expired, potentially lethal vaccines were sent to third world countries for the tax right off. Again, people died from that.

Vaccines, when properly manufactured using modern aseptic techniques are one thing. Yep, vaccines ain't as harmless as this lady seems to think.

sierra don

Veteran Member

What an idiot.

It would be good to quote the entire original post and highlight/bold the areas that you have a problem with. The way you have done your quotes gives he impression that these are "Mixin's" own words, all this member did was to post an article that was written by someone else.
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Nuns with Guns
Then there is the minor problem of using aborted baby parts in the vaccines. Seems like cannibalism to me.


Veteran Member
It would be good to quote the entire original post and highlight/bold the areas that you have a problem with. The way you have done your quotes gives he impression that these are "Mixin's" own words, all this member did was to post an article that was written by someone else.

Lol.. thanks.

You are correct, sir; not my opinion.


TB Fanatic
The reason they have to give so many vaccines is that the effectiveness of the vaccines is so poor that they have to re-vaccinate (a booster does not boost anything - it is a re-vaccination because of the poor performance of a single dose).
Example -
Mumps: In 1963, vaccine researcher Maurice Hilleman used samples from his own daughter's mumps case to isolate and create a mumps virus vaccine. He called it the Jeryl Lynn strain. It was licensed in 1967.
Effectiveness: CDC - One dose is 78% (range: 49%−92%) effective. Do you see that? It is never 100% effective. And the range begins at less than 50%.
How do they improve the effectiveness? They give a second vaccination. They call it a booster. But it does not "boost" anything. It is exactly the same vaccine as the first. SO people that it worked on the first time are getting something they do not need. And even with a second vaccination, two doses of the vaccine are 88% (range: 66-95%) effective at preventing mumps. Do you see that? It is still not 100% and it only improves effectiveness by 10%. Statistically, 12% of people who have received two vaccination are not protected from the mumps. And these are the CDC advertised numbers.
These are terrible numbers. These vaccines were created 50 years ago and have had no R&D to improve performance. How do they get away with providing a consumer product that falls so short of meeting requirements?
Pretty easy. They don't have to try. Vaccines are required by the government so they have a captive market. And it does not hurt that they are protected from product liability.
Have you ever heard of a lawsuit from someone who received the vaccine and then caught the mumps? And the best part? You have to pay for it.


Time Traveler

What an idiot.

Not an idiot, my guess is, she got paid by big pharma for that little propaganda piece. That said, Carson ticked a lot of people off by saying that baby parts should be used for science since they are there anyway, use them. The moral issues apparently flew over his head.


Problem is with vaccinations or anything else injected you have to take it on complete faith that there is nothing harmful to your system within the injection. I do not have that kind of faith as a former army trained nuclear, biological, chemical officer. Yes, sloppy manufacturing processes, all sorts of adjuvants being utlized and a huge profit motive on behalf of big pharma to push as many injections as possible leads me to choose not to participate. I do not deny the theory behind vaccines but vaccines can be used as a means to an end. If you've heard of a binary chemical weapon then think what could be done with a binary population control weapon. Yeah, it's a bit of tin foil but with good reason. I'll leave it at that. I'll accept lifesaving injections in the case of a cardiac event or major trauma but other than that there is no way that anyone is going to inject me with anything.


Time Traveler
Interesting Raven, thanks for sharing that bit of info.

Fascism, big corps being protected and run by government goons, what could go wrong?


Time Traveler
Problem is with vaccinations or anything else injected you have to take it on complete faith that there is nothing harmful to your system within the injection. I do not have that kind of faith as a former army trained nuclear, biological, chemical officer. Yes, sloppy manufacturing processes, all sorts of adjuvants being utlized and a huge profit motive on behalf of big pharma to push as many injections as possible leads me to choose not to participate. I do not deny the theory behind vaccines but vaccines can be used as a means to an end. If you've heard of a binary chemical weapon then think what could be done with a binary population control weapon. Yeah, it's a bit of tin foil but with good reason. I'll leave it at that. I'll accept lifesaving injections in the case of a cardiac event or major trauma but other than that there is no way that anyone is going to inject me with anything.
Prudent. I always recall that Baxter Labs debacle where they shipped live virus to Europe, which was not normally tested as it was supposed to be a vaccine using dead cells. A bored lab worker tested it anyway and it turned out to be a live shipment that would have killed millions IIRC. A member here on the forum said that he worked in either Baxter or another like it, and there was no way it was possible that it could have been shipped out by accident as there are many levels of checking and rechecking to prevent such a thing ever happening. One must conclude it was a purposeful deed-coming from the same people who profess to protect you with their products.

One only has to see who is backing big pharma, who operates the CDC/FDA and do a little background on who owns them via stock and board, to realize they are mostly participants in the global satanic push to eradicate the majority of the earth's population. There are far more reasons to distrust them than believe what they say on the surface.


Veteran Member
Do you really want to spin the cylinder on the autism/vaccine revolver and pull that trigger?

Talk to the people that have autistic children. Do you want to do that to your child?

I for one will not pull the trigger on myself and will not do it to a loved one.
This issue needs to be resolved with unbiased science. Not studies paid for by vested interests.

Ask yourself a few questions

What is the autism rate in countries who do not have our vaccine dose schedule?
I know many believe that the TV tell them and if you want the vaccines then go for it! Just do not force it on me!

Why is our autism rate climbing ever year?

Why do some countries ban the vaccines used here and make their own?

If "the herd" has the vaccine then why do your loved ones need it?

*** DO NOT use a straw man argument for any question. Use critical thinking.

ps. who do you trust. who CAN you trust.

Wise Owl

Wow, only 1 person that still thinks all vaccines are great, wonderful things.

Proud of the members above. They have done their homework and stopped drinking the coolaide........

Good on ya !

Oh and the 1 dissenter? All pharma products are good as far as he is concerned. Always will be. He can have em all. My share, my dh's, my children, grandchildren and so on and so forth.........


TB Fanatic
Interesting Raven, thanks for sharing that bit of info.

Fascism, big corps being protected and run by government goons, what could go wrong?

Please. Don't take my word for it. Go to the CDC website and look it up. It's not even research - the effectiveness is published. When I started, i wasn't concerned with autism. I was concerned with Flu. I will never pay for one because no one knows whether the vaccine you get will be for this years strain and I don't think the CDC has ever picked the correct one. And then there was the measles out break. So I looked some more.
Can you image buying a car that was known to have a 50% fail rate?


Veteran Member
Another post.

My grandfather told me " is many of the people you see tell you that you look sick you had better go lay down".

Where there is smoke there is fire.
Too many people are saying the vaccines are a bad deal as offered.
Am I a sheep and going by what some "crazy people" are saying? Hell no.
I am just being prudent.

Oh, one more thing.
Why is there a special "vaccine court"?
That right there should be what I like to call, A CLUE.


Molon Labe!
I couldn't get past this-

He added insult to injury by also repeating the tired falsehood that “autism has become an epidemic.” Not only is that untrue, it’s offensive to the millions of autistic individuals living rich lives and the families and friends who love them.


It's untrue that it's an epidemic. But......there are "MILLIONS" of affected individuals out there, just in the U.S. alone!?

I guess my reading comprehension has slipped since my CPR...............or, the author is a complete retard, and a liar.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hep B is a disease that is only transmitted via blood, using dirty needles, and sexual activity. Anyone that wants to inject every baby born with it moments from the womb doesn't understand what babies do all day.
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On TB every waking moment
How B is a disease that is only transmitted via blood, using dirty needles, and sexual activity. Anyone that wants to inject every baby born with it moments from the womb doesn't understand what babies do all day.

I think you mean Hep B. You are correct however. Due to my work as a first responder I've had the shots (FYI, if you are at risk because of your work and you don't take the shot and catch it you're SOL regarding workers' comp.). I can't or the life of me see why an infant needs that shot. Measles, Rubella, Whopping Cough, Polio and Tetanus, I can definitely see, but all at once as early as they've been doing them I've got reservations on. As to the flu shot, my grandmother was one of the ones that got ill and nearly died from that bad batch of Swine Flu vaccine back in 1975, and the number of times I've gotten really sick from the shot far exceeds the number of times I caught it bad "au natural" enough to actually put me on my back. YMMV.


Problem is with vaccinations or anything else injected you have to take it on complete faith that there is nothing harmful to your system within the injection. I do not have that kind of faith as a former army trained nuclear, biological, chemical officer. Yes, sloppy manufacturing processes, all sorts of adjuvants being utlized and a huge profit motive on behalf of big pharma to push as many injections as possible leads me to choose not to participate. I do not deny the theory behind vaccines but vaccines can be used as a means to an end. If you've heard of a binary chemical weapon then think what could be done with a binary population control weapon. Yeah, it's a bit of tin foil but with good reason. I'll leave it at that. I'll accept lifesaving injections in the case of a cardiac event or major trauma but other than that there is no way that anyone is going to inject me with anything.

Ever since Bill Gates said:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!"

I have thought the same thing about a binary "killer" vaccine...get most people vaccinated with the first ingredient (like included in the yearly flu shots) and then when they're ready --boom-- a fake epidemic where they push or require everyone to get the second vaccine all at once as an emergency, by the time people are dying it's too late, most everyone is already sick.

Too many people in or close to power have written and spoken about depulation plans to ignore the possibility. I don't get any shots.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My Mom got a vaccine that was recommended by Walgreens that is FOUR TIMES the strength of a regular vaccine. The Walgreens Tech said it was recommended for people over 50. She got it and has NOT been the same ever since. She even got the flu. She asks me stuff she just asked me two minutes ago and it's getting worse. Sad to say she is a vaccine proponent. It will kill her. Here we are in another vaccine push for flu season. My MIL is 95 and HAS NEVER had a vaccine. I'm doin' the math. I had a vaccine back in '93 that paralyzed my arm for three days. I won't EVER willingly take another vaccine again.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
I personally know two children who were happy, thriving toddlers that babbled, talked and walked until they got whatever round of vaccine it was they got. Both ended up getting sick with a fever. Both regressed sharply over the span of about a year. Now one is a non-verbal, low functioning autistic teen and the other is a moderately verbal (after years of therapy) but very special needs autistic pre-teen. Maybe the vaccines didn't actually cause it, but they at the very least triggered it. I saw it happen personally, and for that reason my stance on vaccines is a staunch one. Not saying that kids don't need them -- especially for the deadly diseases -- but something has gone terribly wrong. Whether it's the frequency, number, increase, dosage or ingredients, I have no idea. But until we figure that out, every parent should have the right to refuse. I'd take my chances with chicken pox, pneumonia or measles over autism. Those are curable. Autism is not.


Veteran Member
I know several people who have autistic children and I would beg to differ with that woman who wrote the article that they are living happy normal lives! They have to raise their children for the rest of their lives and hope that someone else will step in and take care of them when they are gone. How sad that they were born normal and healthy. I think vaccines cause some crib deaths too. Too many healthy babies die for no reason after receiving vaccines. Americans are still mostly stupid and sheeple that will do whatever they are told.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
By Tara Haelle

He added insult to injury by also repeating the tired falsehood that “autism has become an epidemic.” Not only is that untrue, it’s offensive to the millions of autistic individuals living rich lives and the families and friends who love them. But sweeping inaccurate statements and being offensive are nothing new for Trump.

As one of those families dealing with autism, I'd like to know why "autism has become an epidemic" is false. A very thorough study done more than 5 years ago proved that it is true and that better diagnosis could only account for roughly (max) ~10% of the increase. This "false" statement pisses me off more than the vaccine ones. It denigrates the realities of the struggles for both those with autism and their families. I am glad there is a portion of the autism population that can speak for themselves and live independently. But I'm getting real tired of the idea that all folks with autism can do so and that the difficulties are not difficult.


Nuns with Guns
You might want to support this assertion with a fact or two...

Ok. You can do a google search and find tons of info about this. I think this covers about everything but if you want more I'll post it.

Oh yeah...dead baby cells are in our food too.

One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All...
July 10, 2011

Former drug company scientist Helen Ratajczak recently created a firestorm of debate from all sides of the vaccine-autism issue when she published her comprehensive review of autism research. This is a massively important study, for more than one reason. One element brought to light that has managed to stay well below the radar is the use of aborted embryonic cells in vaccine production.

CBS News recently reported:

“Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue.

Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked.”

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Former drug company scientist Helen Ratajczak recently created a firestorm of debate from all sides of the vaccine-autism issue when she published her comprehensive review of autism research. However, her 79-page review contains one detail that could easily go unnoticed—five words that reveal one of the most shocking secrets Big Pharma has ever kept from you.

"…Grown in human fetal tissue."

The line reads (page 70):

"An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue."

If you are struggling to recall how you could have missed this important fact when signing your vaccine consent form, it wasn't your error—because it wasn't disclosed on any consent form. Most people are unaware that human cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for decades. And vaccine makers are happy that most of the public has remained ignorant of this fact, as awareness of it could blow up in their faces.

Setting aside, for the moment, unknown long-term health consequences of DNA contamination and religious beliefs about use of aborted fetal tissues—the ethics of nondisclosure are reprehensible. Drug companies and vaccine policy-makers should not be allowed to decide whether or not to share this information with you. This is information you should have received PRIOR to making a choice about whether or not to vaccinate.

Which Vaccines Might Be Produced Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines?

Chicken pox vaccine is not the only vaccine manufactured in this way. According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), the following 24 vaccines are produced using cells from aborted fetuses and/or contain DNA, proteins, or related cellular debris from cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses:

Polio PolioVax, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck)
Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline)
Varicella (Chickenpox and Shingles) Varivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax (Merck)
Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline)
Hepatitis A Vaqta (Merck)
Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine)
Avaxim, Vivaxim (Sanofi)
Epaxal (Crucell/Berna)
Rabies Imovax (Sanofi)
SCPI also lists cosmetics that are similarly produced from aborted fetal tissue cell lines, which I'll discuss a bit later.

The Sordid History of Viral Vaccines

There are two primary cell cultures that have been growing in labs for more than 35 years and have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines:

WI-38: Originating in the U.S. in 1961, this line came from the lung cells of an intentionally aborted female human fetus of 3 months gestation.

MRC-5: Originating in the U.K. in 1966, this line was derived from the lung cells of an intentionally aborted 14-week-old male human fetus.

The National Network for Immunization Information (NNII) has an article on their website explaining the rationale for using human fetal cells, and the history of how they've been used in vaccine production. The article states that these fetuses were not aborted for the purpose of vaccine research or vaccine production, nor did the cell biologists who created the cultures perform the abortions themselves.

The NNII article explains some of the difficulties involved in producing "biological medications," especially when it comes to growing viruses:

"It is far more complex to manufacture biological medications (for example, vaccines, antibodies) than it is to produce chemical medications (for example, penicillin or aspirin). In addition, certain vaccines are more complex to make than others. The bacteria that go into bacterial vaccines can be grown in simple laboratory cultures. In contrast, the growth of viruses requires living cells.

Viruses cannot reproduce on their own. They require a living host in which to grow, such as chicken embryos, and cells from animals that are grown in culture. Vaccine manufacturers currently have few options for viral culture, because of valid pharmaceutical reasons and because of human safety concerns. For example, varicella (chickenpox) virus does not grow well in most cells derived from species other than humans. Also, human cells are preferred because cells derived from animal organs sometimes may carry animal viruses that could harm people."

It may be more difficult, but it IS possible to prepare viral vaccines without the use of human or animal cells, as today's hepatitis B vaccine proves. The current version of the hepatitis B vaccine, used in the U.S. since 1986, uses yeast cells. Other virus vaccines use chicken embryos or monkey kidney cell lines.

So, why don't manufacturers avoid using human cells altogether and instead opt for less controversial methods? I suspect there is little incentive for vaccine manufacturers to develop and test new vaccines when they are already profiting from existing ones. Of course, when the truth becomes widely known about how these vaccines are derived, they may begin seeing their profits plunge and be forced to find new methodology.

One Particularly Egregious Example: Rubella Vaccine

The rubella virus used in making rubella vaccine was originally derived from tissues from the aborted fetus of a rubella virus-infected mother. Babies born to rubella-infected mothers are at risk for serious birth defects.

According to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center:

"The rubella vaccine currently used in the U.S. and in most countries was developed after an American researcher at the Wistar Institute cultured rubella virus from a fetus aborted because the mother was infected with rubella. This vaccine is called RA 27/3 because the rubella virus was isolated from the 27th aborted fetus sent to the Wistar Institute in the 1964 rubella outbreak. Researchers were unable to culture rubella from the tissues of the first 26 fetuses sent to Wistar, which had been aborted by doctors because the mothers had rubella during pregnancy."

A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has led to a question of whether there is a correlation between the abrupt rise in American autism rates with the introduction of fetal cells for use in vaccines (1988). This correlation has prompted researchers to ask the question about how aborted fetal DNA could be causing, or contributing to, the development of autism disorders in children. Thus far, there have been no proposed theories of a mechanism. However, it's a significant correlation that should at least be investigated. If you care about what you put into your body, and into your child's body, and you are outraged by this information, you are not alone.

How can a person be pro-life and NOT object to the use of these vaccines?

The impact of the finding that many vaccines are derived from aborted fetal cell lines is potentially enormous, given the great number of people who define themselves as Pro Life. For someone who is Pro Life to discover that a vaccine contains the DNA from aborted fetuses is like a Muslim finding out that a vaccine is derived from pork.

I would anticipate that many of the people who object to use of aborted fetal tissues for scientific research are going to be shocked and outraged when they learn that their children have been secretly injected with vaccines containing DNA, proteins, or related cellular debris from cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses.

This is not a small portion of the population!

The two largest religious preferences in the U.S. are Catholic and Evangelical, representing 50 percent of the population. And those are not the only two groups who typically share Pro Life views. Given these numbers, you could extrapolate that more than one of every two people receiving vaccines might have opted out of them based on religious beliefs alone, had they been given truthful and complete information about how the vaccines were produced.

The Catholic Church objects to "formal cooperation" with abortion. However, in terms of its vaccine policy, there are more gray areas than mandates.

The Vatican states it's your "grave responsibility" to use alternative vaccines when available, i.e., vaccines not derived from aborted human fetuses. It also states that those with moral problems should make conscientious objections. However, the Vatican dictates it's within your right to make your own choice about whether or not to use these vaccines. It takes the position that, in the absence of alternatives, the health of the population as a whole must be considered, stating these vaccines may be utilized "to avoid a serious risk not only for one's own children but also, and more specifically, for the health conditions of the population as a whole—especially for pregnant women."

For more details on the Catholic Church's stance on this issue, the National Catholic Bioethics Center has a section of their website devoted to Q & A about vaccines derived from fetal cells. If you are Catholic and confused about this issue, you may want to discuss it with your priest.

If you are Pro Life for religious or other reasons, you owe it to yourself to take a serious look at this information before consenting to be vaccinated. Catholics and others who share a Pro Life point of view may play an important role in the future of vaccine policy by pressuring the vaccine industry and policymakers to adopt alternative strategies for vaccine research and production.

Shocking Examples of Aborted Fetal Cells Used by the Food and Cosmetic Industry

With a little further probing, you'll discover the practice of using aborted fetal cell lines extends far beyond vaccines. Biotech companies are using these cell lines in the research and development of products ranging from soup to anti-aging skin creams. For example, a San Francisco cosmetics company, Neocutis Inc., acknowledges that the key ingredient in its anti-aging skin care line, PSP, was developed from an aborted and donated male fetus. The use of fetal tissue in anti-wrinkle creams certainly crosses moral and ethical boundaries for most consumers, especially when companies choose to HIDE this information. But it gets worse…

Cells from an aborted fetus may have been used to create flavor enhancers for your soup or soft drink. Yes, you read that right.

PepsiCo, (it's reported that Pepsi has stopped using dead babies in their products, eens) Kraft Foods, and Nestle are reported to have partnered with a biotech firm called Senomyx, which uses human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted fetus (HEK 293) in their product testing to find flavors that will positively affect human taste receptors.

When this news leaked, Campbell soup responded to an outraged public by severing all ties with Senomyx. However, PepsiCo has maintained their relationship with the company, saying the collaboration is necessary for creating low-calorie, tasty products for their consumers.

REALLY? Must they really use human fetal cells just to make soda pop taste good?

This makes me wonder how many companies out there are engaging in such practices that we haven't yet discovered. If they've been doing this with vaccines, cosmetics and food, I wonder what else they might be doing.

Take Action Now!

NVIC has provided a webpage to educate you about vaccine contamination that could harm your health. There is also a Vaccine Ingredients Calculator on NVIC's website that helps you learn about what kinds of human protein, DNA, chemicals and other ingredients are in vaccines. NVIC publishes a Vaccine E-newsletter regularly with alerts about vaccine policy and law updates that you can subscribe to, free of charge.

NVIC supports and defends your right to make fully informed, voluntary decisions regarding pharmaceutical products, including vaccines. This includes the right to know EXACTLY what is in vaccines and how vaccine ingredients could affect your health.

Included on the page are clear steps for how you can take action, plus many useful resources.

For more information about vaccines, I also invite you to visit my vaccine news page.


Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Well, Autism covers a broad range of "disorders" that are now ranked in terms of social interaction and function. What used to be called "Asperger's Syndrome," is now classified as "high functioning autism." People with Autism have various abilities to interact with people from one to five on the scale. I have Asperger's Syndrome, which makes me a high functional Autistic person. People think of the movie "Rainman," when they think of Autism, but that only refers to some people with Autism. People with Asperger's, no longer called Asperger's by the way, can lead reasonably functional lives, with issues in personal space, social skills etc. If you want to know where the true artist's are, they are either blessed, or suffering, from Autism, depending on your view. I think of it as having my brain wired differently than what I call the "normal people."

At any rate, Autism covers a wide area in terms of what impact it will have on your daily life. Aside from the sterile, manufacturing process, there is also the issue of both overuse of vaccine and anti-biotics. Life is a dirty, rollicking thing, and people get exposed to disease all the time. The key is to keep your body healthy, so when exposure happens you have a shot at being healthy. Yep, vaccine are not really needed, except in actual plague conditions. Much of the benefit of vaccine can be gained from public sanitation measures, personal hygiene and cleanliness.


Nuns with Guns
The impact of the finding that many vaccines are derived from aborted fetal cell lines is potentially enormous, given the great number of people who define themselves as Pro Life. For someone who is Pro Life to discover that a vaccine contains the DNA from aborted fetuses is like a Muslim finding out that a vaccine is derived from pork.

I beg to differ with this statement. Injecting human DNA collected from murdered babies into yourself or children should be repugnant to EVERYONE. Pork not so much.


TB Fanatic
Recent History.
Vaccine Failure -- Over 1000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months

March 6 - 2010

More than 1,000 people in New Jersey and New York have been sickened with mumps since August.

Almost all of those infected with the virus are of the Orthodox or Hasidic Jewish population. The mumps outbreak began at a summer camp for Orthodox Jewish boys in Sullivan County, New York. Health officials have linked the outbreak to an 11-year-old boy at the camp. He had recently returned from the United Kingdom, where a mumps outbreak had spread to 4,000 people.

The boy had been fully vaccinated against the mumps, as had 77 percent of the patients in New Jersey.
The vaccine is not 100 percent effective, according to the CDC.


Goodness before greatness.
Problem is with vaccinations or anything else injected you have to take it on complete faith that there is nothing harmful to your system within the injection. I do not have that kind of faith as a former army trained nuclear, biological, chemical officer. Yes, sloppy manufacturing processes, all sorts of adjuvants being utlized and a huge profit motive on behalf of big pharma to push as many injections as possible leads me to choose not to participate. I do not deny the theory behind vaccines but vaccines can be used as a means to an end. If you've heard of a binary chemical weapon then think what could be done with a binary population control weapon. Yeah, it's a bit of tin foil but with good reason. I'll leave it at that. I'll accept lifesaving injections in the case of a cardiac event or major trauma but other than that there is no way that anyone is going to inject me with anything.

No more tin foil than one + one equalling two.

Of course my opinion is based upon my experience in March of 1996 when I happened to find a full page ad in the bi-monthly (March / April) periodical Foreign Affairs. There was a full page ad from a think tank out of Columbia University calling for a culling of the U.S. Population to World War Two levels of 145,000,000 people by the year 2010.

They can stick their needles where the sun don't shine!:bhrt:


Veteran Member
Every 10 years I do get a tetnus shot.
(I think I spelled that wrong)

I live in horse country and it is in horse poop.


Country exile in the city
I couldn't get past this-


It's untrue that it's an epidemic. But......there are "MILLIONS" of affected individuals out there, just in the U.S. alone!?

I guess my reading comprehension has slipped since my CPR...............or, the author is a complete retard, and a liar.

"untrue that it's an epidemic'?

Has this author checked the FIGURES lately?

The autism rate is now 1 in 10.....which I confirmed with my PEDIATRICIAN TODAY.

Maybe he doesn't call a 1-in-10 chance a child come become autistic "not an epidemic."

If so, we have very different ideas of what constitutes an "epidemic rate."


Talk is cheap
CBS News recently reported:

“Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue.

Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked.”

No thanks. Gross beyond belief. The thimerosal: they took out most? Not good enough. Mercury, aluminum, human cells. Uh, nasty. How come they are including these useless, very harmful ingredients in vaccines?

I don't even think I want to get another tetanus shot when it comes due.