(pol) if kerry wins today do i want to be here?


Membership Revoked
i wasn't a member here during the last election cycle, and looking at the polls this is still a largely bush supporting board,

so what should i expect if kerry wins today, much weeping and knashing of teeth i suppose,
i can imagine a few people on here who's heads will just explode ala' scanners

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Well........ I wasn't here either back then, but I can imagine a few outspoken members who will be slinging the anti-American label fast and furious. Cries of conspiracy (....wait, conspiracies are for nutjobs!), drooling blather, whining and fussing, talk of shooting lefties, nuking Mecca and all that.

I predict the 'finger' will be used a lot tomorrow if Kerry wins........or whenever he wins it.


Well, the Republic will probably survive the next four years, but I'm sure there will be even more complaining about the Government than there is now (although that seems hard to believe).


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, I don't remember a whole lot of sorrow and hair pulling with Clinton. Seems like we just pretty much ignored him.

editted to add - I was a lurker for a long time before I joined.


Membership Revoked
Gotta hand it to you, Freebyrd, getting your licks in advance of the rush and all that
hey i'm early where ever i go ;)

whats gonna be funny is watching some the folks on here rail against kerry when he continues the exact same policies as bush,
what can we expect?
kerry has already said he would expand the war in iraq, the size of government will balloon, defecits and spending will explode, and the border will stay wide open sounds a lot like bush so far,
but when kerry does it he will be an evil liberal
partisans are a strange breed :screw:


Global Moderator
What you can expect is that if Kerry wins, those of us in our right minds will be watching and reporting closely every move that reprobate makes.......just like we did slick willy. We will bitch, and we will moan. Over and over....day after day. We will scream when the new judges take office, and the U.N. gun control policies take effect. Stuff like that. Over and over and over.


Membership Revoked
What you can expect is that if Kerry wins, those of us in our right minds will be watching and reporting closely every move that reprobate makes.......just like we did slick willy. We will bitch, and we will moan. Over and over....day after day. We will scream when the new judges take office, and the U.N. gun control policies take effect. Stuff like that. Over and over and over.

good i am glad you'll be out of your comfort zone, once bush's phony conservatism has ceased to mezmorize you , you will be a valuable assett in defeating the new world order,
welcome aboard ;)


whats gonna be funny is watching some the folks on here rail against kerry when he continues the exact same policies as bush,

it will be far harder on the left! :lol:


Veteran Member
Problem isn't just going to be here on TB tomorrow if Kerry is elected. It will be a serious problem for every human being alive on the planet. 1984 will have gotten postponed until 2004.

Hope you've got several years of preps topped off because taxes are gonna skyrocket. Post-Kerry election tax return:
A) How much money did you make last year: $____
B) Taxes - Pay amount in line A

The US flag will be replaced with the UN Flag and the US Constitution will be replaced with the UN Charter (amended of course to ensure the total subservience of American citizens). Those of you living in big cities ... I wish you well ... what little time you will have left. You're the designated crop for the first batches of Soylent Green. (See below.)

Osama will probably get designated the new US Att'y General. The CIA will be replaced with Al Queda and the FBI will be replaced with a coalition of Hizbollah and Hamas

All crimes will be declared death penalty cases with law enforcement authorized to impose and carry out sentence upon arrival at scene. BTW - did I mention that all law enforcement duties in the US will be assumed by the reorganized FBI? Cities with crime rates deemed 'excessive' will be liquidated. (See paragragh on Soylent Green above.)

All food, medicines, housing and construction materials, energy supplies, etc will be Nationalized and shipped overseas to 'needy countries.' These will be replaced with government-issued rations. Food supply in US will be Soylent Green, medicine will be strictly limited to band-aids and aspirin, new housing will be limited to those built from recycled materials scavenged from dump sites, landfills, etc (of course, numerous homes will be available - their owners or prior tenants having mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the night), energy will be limited to direct access sunlight (all wood, organic & petroleum compounds, etc have been nationalized and anyone caught in possession will be charged by the FBI with felony theft of government property - see prior paragragh for details).

Medicine will be nationalized and services provided on a first-come, first served basis ... expect a 6 to 9 month waiting list so be sure to sign up early. Ohh, and emergency rooms will be eliminated as unnecessary waste of materials, supplies, and other materials ... they are needed overseas.

Then again, I'm not really happy with Bush either - he did not bother to have Kerry charged under the UCMJ with High Treason in a combat zone (there is no statute of limitations for that). Statute of limitations on charges of derelection of duty, falsification of combat reports, and conduct unbecoming an officer have probably expired. <sigh - oh well> As a combat vet - that issue really steams me!H-E-double hockey stick - as far as I'm concerned, Ronald Reagan was a bleeding heart liberal.

The contents above this line is only partially tongue-in-cheek. Note that "tongue-in-cheek provisions" do not apply to the first or last paragraph above or this paragraph. Author is not responsible for gripes, complaints, whining or other words, sounds, motions or other signs of distress by any reader, now or at any time hereafter, should they cast a ballot to elect John Kerry as President. Readers so doing shall accept with humble pie their role in knowingly and willingly causing their own distress and shall accept and submit themselves to their fates without hesitation or complaint in full and total submission to the whims of the forces that they themselves unleashed.




On TB every waking moment
My head will explode.

Actually, I spent the better part of a decade trying to counter the Clinton Administration's attack on my small Forest-dependent communities. Those communities are now destroyed, plunged into the post spotted owl depression of double digit unemployment and social malise. So far, our small family farmers are hanging on by their fingernails, although the Klamath farmers have still not recovered from the shut off of their water pre 9/11.

I figure that a Kerry administration will just about suck the remaining life out of this place. There will be lots of families here with their backs against the wall that may just resist losing everything they have. I am anticipating difficult times.

But, hey, should be interesting being a Bush Administration appointee and a Property Rights and Local Control Advocate serving on two federal task forces in a Kerry Administration - lol.

And yes, I will gripe over and over and over.


Stone Cold Crazy
Kerry won't win.

The DNC just needed a fall-guy to pave the way for Hillary. Scared now? Wait four years.


Veteran Member
Nope... I'll just cry and pray for the babies...

More infanticide....more babies brains sucked out... :shk:

1 out of 3 babies....42 MILLION and counting...God have mercy on us.

Mom's should fight for babies not babies die for moms.

Infant stem cell research.

God will wipe us off the face of the earth for this if we don't change it AND ask for forgiveness.

That is why I vote against Kerry.

I am a Christian first then a republican.


Stone Cold Crazy
Quote awat but I don't claim to be one of those 'pshycics' so many grovel for. I'm just the white bear.


I agree with Satanta, I've been saying that for the last few weeks. The Dems don't really want Kerry in, at least not as a strong Pres.. If Pres. Bush wins, then it's a freeway for Hillary in '08, she'll run against GW Bush. If Kerry wins, he'll do badly enough (they hope), so he'll bow out to Hillary in '08 . In the meantime, she won't have to deal directly with the present situation on the WOT and "they" can manipulate the road to the Whitehouse thru the next 4 yrs. :shk:


Veteran Member
Satanta said:
Quote awat but I don't claim to be one of those 'pshycics' so many grovel for. I'm just the white bear.
Don't worry Satanta - being psychic isn't a job requirement - after all, American politics is no different from what you see on Tribal Council ... the best politicians money can buy!

polyticks ... many bloodsuckers!




Stone Cold Crazy
caint spale wurth a crap neither.

thunderlight-at least the drums make the council worth sitting in. :shr:


If Kerry wins the definition of marriage will surely change.

I honestly believe that the family unit is the fundamental unit of society. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of god and central to his plan of happiness for us.

I believe the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets will come with the disintegration of the family.

We live in very interesting times.....


Veteran Member
Satanta said:
caint spale wurth a crap neither.

thunderlight-at least the drums make the council worth sitting in. :shr:
Yep, love them drums and, while we're at it, we can't forget the indian tacos (don't forget the frybread) after the meeting ... They almost make going to them worthwhile, eh?

OTOH, it would be nice to have the Council to really listen to and do something for the People, at least every now and then.



Nothing much will change.

The same old whining we've suffered with for the last four years will go on.

The same pissing and moaning.

The same documenting.

A few of the names doing these things will trade places, but other than that nothing much will change.

Four more years of whining.



Hoosier Gardener
Satanta said:
Kerry won't win.

The DNC just needed a fall-guy to pave the way for Hillary. Scared now? Wait four years.

I think Sat's right. I think the DNC must be amazed at just how close the election appears to be. I'll bet Terry McAuliffe and the other Clintonistas never expected Kerry to get this far and never thought this election would be winnable.

Terri in Indiana


Membership Revoked
I'll still be here. I'm wont whine or moan about it. I EILL be afraid for our country , though I imagine we will weather it, as we have weathered the presidents that came before. But you better believe that Kerry will get the same scrutiny and judgement that GW has been subject to for the last four years, and especially the last year. Lets see if the liberals on board will hold Kerry to the same standard, if he gets elected (BIG IF) as they held Bush. Its just not going to happen.


Contributing Member
I gotta chime in too. I agree that Kerry won't win, I'm just not sure what it will take to get Bush back to the White House. Hillary in 2008! I'm not sure what scares me more, the prospect of 4 more years of Bush, or the following 8 years of Mrs. Rodham-Clinton.
However, whichever one wins, I DIDNT VOTE FOR THEM!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Naw, my head won't explode; I've got plenty of duct tape stored up! Wrap 'er up tight, and it'll contain the overpressure!! ;)

delta lady

Hope you've got several years of preps topped off because taxes are gonna skyrocket

If for no other reason than to PAY for the HUGE defict that Bush gave us.



keep your eye on the ball
If Kerry wins- he will be under daily scruntiny and openly opposed everytime he puts America second. If a pro-gay, pro-tax, pro-abortion, liberal from Mass. can beat a "conservative" from Texas in a time of war- I think that we all can agree that this administration would have squandered its opportunity to lead this country. If this administration loses this election, I think history will not be kind to them- they will be remembered as a failed administration, IMO.


Membership Revoked
Hope you've got several years of preps topped off because taxes are gonna skyrocket

Because Bush increased spending and gave out tax cuts.....I think thats fiscal irresponsibility....its like not having enough money for baby formula and going out and buying an 8 ball.

The US flag will be replaced with the UN Flag..............

Well if all that does not happen you will have no credibility left just like Aussie Bloke.

More infanticide....more babies brains sucked out

I just called to see if I could schedule an abortion...and I could.....and Bush is president at the moment....so that means its Kerrys fault? :shr:

great logic :screw:

I believe the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets will come with the disintegration of the family.

Have you checked the divorce rate lately?...and thats for heteros....something tells me the horsemen already had the horses tacked and ready to go before this election.

But you better believe that Kerry will get the same scrutiny and judgement that GW has been subject to for the last four years,

Who was doing the scrutinizing of Bush....surely not you.


Membership Revoked
Actually, a Kerry win will be very good for this board. During the "Klintoooon" years, this forum was almost universal in its revulsion of the government, since most of the members here are either "anti-government" or just plain conservative. With an "enemy" in office, the conservatives and the "anti-government" types could agree and live in peace and harmony. It was actually quite difficult to tell the two groups apart.

During the last 4 years, however, it became very clear who belonged to which group. For example, I thought INVAR for sure was an "anti-government" type what with all his talk about bloody revolutions and marching on Washington and rivers of blood and lots of people dead (and, of course, bloody). Whatever it was, it was sure to involve lots of bleeding. Turns out, all he really needed was a Republican in office, no bloody revolution required. Now the government is just peachy keen, heck, it's our friend!!!

I suspect that if Kerry is elected, everyone here will once again agree that the government is corrupt and needs to be changed, with at least a few reprising their long-absent calls for violent uprisings and, of course, lots of blood.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Kerry wil "win" whether he gets the most votes or not---the Democrats have enough voter fraud, etc., going on that they won't tolerate another loss.

BTW, I'm a registered Independent and voted for Peroutka, so don't start the "Bush-lover" BS with me.

Tesss, you are SO right.

thunderlight---I'd sit in on any kind of meeting you like if I could get some frybread to go with it :D (beloved DIL is part Dakota).


I got in on early voting last week, and had only two choices: Gvt approved choice A or Gvt approved choice B. No third party candidate on the ballot, and no way to write in Tom Selleck or Ted Nugent...:tng:


Membership Revoked
dieseltrooper said:
I got in on early voting last week, and had only two choices: Gvt approved choice A or Gvt approved choice B. No third party candidate on the ballot, and no way to write in Tom Selleck or Ted Nugent...:tng:

Sounds like the election was rigged from the start.

What do the R and D parties have to hide anyway.....(patriot act logic)


Giltric....you hit it on the head....Bush has been in office and there are still abortions, if that is why you're voting for him again think about what he HAS NOT done in the past 4 years with 3 of them with a Republican Senate and congress. If you think Bush has lowered your taxes figure out how much your State and local stuff has all gone up, your property taxes...why do you think this is? Look at the deficit! They could have done all those things he's promising to do next time around...simple logic!!

I predict and pray for a giant Kerry win! and yes I will bitch and scream if it doesn't happen, it's our jobs, our money, our freedoms and our children that are all in danger if Bush wins again...mark my words.
Tisha said:
Bush has been in office and there are still abortions, if that is why you're voting for him again think about what he HAS NOT done in the past 4 years with 3 of them with a Republican Senate and congress.

I predict and pray for a giant Kerry win! and yes I will bitch and scream if it doesn't happen, it's our jobs, our money, our freedoms and our children that are all in danger if Bush wins again...mark my words.

Great post Tisha, I agree with you 100%


Membership Revoked
record turnouts seem to be materializing around the country, i don't think that bodes well for bush,
my precinct was rather like a tomb though


If Pres. Bush wins, then it's a freeway for Hillary in '08, she'll run against GW Bush.

i agree, ARUBI. if GWB wins this time, he will be very difficult to extricate in '08. there probably won't be elections. do we really need them? ;)


Membership Revoked
If Bush wins, then I predict Hillary vs. McCain in 2008. Cheney's already said he wasn't interested in being Pres.