
On TB every waking moment

UNREAL: Federal Elections Commission Votes to Allow Foreigners to Fund Local US Ballot Initiatives and Congressional Redistricting Efforts

By Julian Conradson
Published November 4, 2021 at 9:31pm

A shocking report by Axios revealed that over the summer the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) quietly voted to allow foreign donors – including individuals, companies, or GOVERNMENTS – to fund committees that handle local US ballot initiatives. The unbelievable decision also paves the way for any well-funded foreigner to influence key referenda such as congressional redistricting.

Prior to Axios’ report earlier this week, the July ruling had been mostly unknown to the public and even to most lawmakers.

The commission passed the decision with a 4-2 vote to dismiss a 2018 complaint about foreign money spent on a Montana ballot initiative, citing a bogus ‘technicality’ to get around US laws that prevent foreign nationals from influencing our elections. According to them, ballot measures arent ‘technically’ elections, so the traditional election financing laws do not apply.

The decision only applies to federal law. Now, individual states must specifically outlaw foreign funding through their legislature to protect the sovereignty of their elections.

As of now, there are only 7 states that have done so.

After finding out about the ruling in the press like the rest of the public, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) slammed the agency’s bewildering decision, calling it nothing short of “shortsighted and dangerous.” He points out that there are no guardrails at all that would prevent hostile enemies of the US from gaining a foothold in important state-level measures, and. guarantees that adversaries like communist china are “going to take advantage” of this loophole.
“In America, it is illegal for foreign entities to donate to American politicians or campaigns. That is for good reason: you don’t want a foreign country meddling in our political process. For example, you don’t want the Chinese Communist party throwing a bunch of cash around trying to influence US political outcomes, which they’re already doing by hiring former US Senators [and] former Members of the House to lobby on behalf of their state directed companies.

The FEC is further opening the floodgates to foreign money to come into our political process by making it legal for foreign money to fund ballot referenda, which may include things like congressional redistricting.

This is shortsighted and dangerous. if you open this little crack, I can guarantee you that the Chinese Communist Party will take advantage of it.

This is crazy and should be illegal, but I digress because we are actually going beyond that.”
Rep. Gallagher called on the FEC to immediately reverse their decision, but, since they are unlikely to do so, he also implored every state to pass their own laws that would ban foreign donors from contributing to any part of our elections.
“We do not want foreign money flooding into our political system, so the FEC should reverse this decision. But failing that we need states to outlaw.

The last thing we need is to allow foreign adversaries like China or Russia an opportunity to throw a bunch of money into our political process and further corrupt career politicians who are just looking for an easy buck.”
Even the leftist hacks at MSNBC characterized the ruling as “terrifying” and “jaw-dropping.”

These swamp creatures at the FEC are the same partisan crooks who ignored and buried overwhelming evidence of fraud to deem the 2020 election the most “secure election in history.” Now, they’ve officially greenlighted the sale of American interests to the highest bidder.

It’s criminal.


On TB every waking moment

BREAKING: New Jersey Senate President Won’t Concede to Republican Truck Driver – Says “12,000 Ballots Recently Found in One County”

By Joe Hoft
Published November 4, 2021 at 4:02pm

New Jersey’s Senate President Sweeney says he is not conceding to the Republican truck driver who beat him in Tuesday’s election.

We reported earlier on the truck driver in New Jersey who beat the Democrat President of the New Jersey state senate. Durr only spent $6,000 on the race.

We also reported that Mr. Durr was the winner earlier today.

But now far-left Politico reports that Sweeney is not conceding:
New Jersey state Senate President Steve Sweeney is not conceding in a race The Associated Press called for Edward Durr, a virtually unknown Republican challenger, on Thursday morning.

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in an email to POLITICO. “While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results.”
Sweeney, who as Senate president is the state’s second-most powerful elected official, was down more than 2,000 votes to Durr,a truck driver who says he spent less than $10,000 on the race.
Here we go again.


On TB every waking moment

Daily Beast Op-Ed Frames White Women Youngkin Voters as ‘Handmaidens of White Supremacy’
NORFOLK, VIRGINIA - OCTOBER 25: Political stickers are seen on a woman's cowboy hat at a campaign event for Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin at the Azalea Inn & Time Out Sports Bar on October 25, 2021 in Norfolk, Virginia. Youngkin is facing Democratic candidate and former Virginia Gov. …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

One Daily Beast op-ed writer, who seems to be suffering from severe cognitive dissonance, apparently swallowed so much Critical Race Theory (CRT) propaganda that he does not even seem to realize he is indoctrinated and actively espousing its racist tenants himself.

Following a soul-crushing loss for Democrats in the Virginia governor election on Tuesday, the far-left Daily Beast published an opinion piece by Wajahat Ali called “You Damn Karens Are Killing America.” The article is laden with Critical Race Theory terminology, which is comical considering he repeatedly pretends CRT is not being taught in schools and is a “manufactured” panic by the right. In line with every other left-wing news source in corporate media, Ali rants about how racism is the real reason Youngkin won, rather than engaging in a fair argument or presenting any evidence to back up his assertions. He specifically targets white women in the piece, painting them as villains who enabled Youngkin’s win.

Also, as typical of people indoctrinated in CRT, Ali seems to only look through the lens of race to explain why Democrats’ policies are failing, instead of critically looking at all the reasons people vote the way they do.

Throughout the entire piece, Ali makes a caricature of white women and looks at them simply as a homogenous demographic with the sole intent of mashing down minorities —a typical manifestation of CRT’s directive to look at the world by race and divide people into “oppressed” and “oppressor” categories. At one point Ali sarcastically wrote that Youngkin “should reserve the parade for white women who came out for whiteness like a Bath and Body Works candle sale,” though logically, an affinity for nice smelling candles and soaps extends to women and men of all races and ethnicities.

Ali began, ironically using several terms central to CRT:
I never underestimate the white, hot rage, anxiety, and resentment of a Karen scorned. You might think you’ve won them over with Beyonce, Oprah, chai latte, and henna, but the cult of Karen will always turn on people of color on a dime to uphold oppressive systems that ensure they remain influential and powerful handmaidens of white supremacy. [emphasis added]
Ali then cited poll data showing that 75 percent of white women without college degrees voted for Youngkin and slammed them for voting for him over a “manufactured bogeyman,” despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. He wrote:
They voted for a man whose single campaign message was about stopping the manufactured bogeyman of Critical Race Theory, the latest incarnation of the Southern Strategy, which most of his voters can’t define and isn’t taught in schools, but they are certain it is absolutely terrifying and worth canceling because it’s making their kids hate white people and become transgender.
In fact, CRT was found being pushed in Virginia schools repeatedly — see here, here, here, here, here. The author also flippantly brought up the transgender debate without mentioning that a girl was actually raped by a boy wearing a skirt in a Virginia school bathroom, only to have the school board engage in a massive coverup perpetuated by the Biden administration’s subsequent attempt to label conservative parents “domestic terrorism threats.”

No matter the literal piles of evidence that CRT is a real problem in schools, Ali did not engage on any logical front. Instead, he proceeded to lay out how white women have played a historical role in upholding a system to preserve “whiteness at all costs.”:
Why dismantle a system where you can always be the victim and weaponize your tears into bullets against Black and brown bodies?
When doing the right thing means that your white son and daughter would have to compete equally with children of color in academics, sports, and the workplace, and your white husband won’t get a head start on job promotions, higher wages, and bank loans compared to colleagues of color? Why dismantle a system that will protect your white children from having to confront the enduring sin and trauma of white supremacy, which includes slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, xenophobia, and racist dog whistles that continue to degrade, humiliate, and incarcerate so many people of color?
Again, “dismantling the system” and talk of generational sin is part of CRT— yet another example of circular thinking on Ali’s part as he tried to discredit and gaslight conservatives into believing CRT indoctrination is not a real problem.

Ali further broached the fact that these apparent “racists” elected two people of color, Republican Attorney General elect Jason Miyares, a son of Cuban immigrants, and conservative Winsome Sears, the state’s first female, black lieutenant governor. He then proceeded to slam well-know black conservatives , because of course [as per leftist thought] black people can only vote Democrat or they are guilty of participating in “white supremacy.” He went on to write they apparently:
…provide further cover of color to many of these white women and GOP voters who delude themselves into believing they have “zero racist bones in their body” because they elected two people of color.
Of course, no person of color has ever caped for whiteness, embraced racist policies, and echoed racist dog whistles to attain fame, fortune, or political office. Oh, hello, Candace Owens and Larry Elder! Sorry, I didn’t see you, the ghost of Herman Cain! [emphasis added].
Again, again, the idea that whiteness is an “ideology,” and that black people can be “white supremacists,” stems from CRT.

“The manufactured CRT panic isn’t going away, and it will work wonders across the nation, especially with white moms, unless Democrats confront it head on.

Democrats need to take this seriously and develop a counter-message, because ignoring it isn’t an option,” Ali concluded.

The author is right about one thing — Democrats do need to “take this seriously,” but not in the way Ali proposes. The media and Democrats’ repeated refusal to engage in the argument and look at the evidence is precisely why parents came out in droves to elect Youngkin, [among other reasons, i.e. the economy and jobs.] They did not feel heard by Democrat officials, they did not want another Democrat in power, and so they cast their ballots and Youngkin won.

Ironically, lots of other demographics besides “white women” voted for Youngkin. For example, a Fox News exit poll found that Youngkin garnered 54 percent of the Hispanic vote, despite the fact that Latinos typically vote blue in Virginia. Are they too white supremacists? Or are they also worried for their children and think the government has overplayed its hand?

Overall, Ali’s illogical perspective is living proof of why not just “white women” are worried about CRT and their children — his whole racist rant shows just how much vitriol and divisiveness the ideology creates between races, as seen by his implicit hatred for white people woven through his entire op-ed.
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Take This Dog Whistle and Shove It
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | Nov 04, 2021 4:30 PM ET
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(AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)
The Democrats need to stop being lazy and pedantic, and get a new playbook—and fast. But with a history embedded in slavery and the Ku Klux Klan, they cannot seem to help being a broken record.

Tuesday’s elections and the Democrat reaction to their losses shows that whites, Blacks, Hispanics, whoever, aren’t down with playing the Democrats game of race-baiting. The legacy media meltdown over Tuesday’s results, especially in Virginia, was a sight to behold.

Video on website 2:17 min

These people are supposed to be educated, but they cannot parse out any reasons beyond racism as to why the 2021 elections overwhelmingly favored the GOP and coalesced around issues of voter concern, rather than the Democrats pet causes and projects. And for the love of God, remove “dog whistle” from the vernacular. If voters across the country said anything, it was that they can take their dog whistle and shove it. It’s an insult to voters, it’s an insult to whistles, and it is especially an insult to dogs.

Winsome Sears, who is the first Black female Lieutenant Governor in Virginia’s history, hits all the intersectional markers. She is an immigrant, she is female, and she is Black. Normally the Democrats would be celebrating and dangling the bright, shiny objects of symbolism in everyone’s face. Instead, they are doing their utmost to ignore Sears’ symbolic weight, her obvious political prowess and experience, and her victory in winning the office. Why, you might ask? Because she’s a Republican. Not only that, Sears loooves America. She loves her country so much that she became a Marine because she was so grateful for the opportunities America afforded her that she was willing to bleed and die for her.

What?! Pearls were clutched and face-lifts cracked all over the D.C.-elite media complex. The MSNBC D-listers couldn’t even bear to listen.

Sears even sparked off a “USA” chant during her victory speech. So, you can kind of understand why the Democrats are losing their minds.

So, as per usez, legacy media COCs (Correspondents of Color) like Wajahat Ali and Jemele Hill ginned up the tired excuse of “white supremacy” at work.

They need to take all the seats.

Sears had this to say about her victory and the issues of race on Fox News’ Hannity, last night.


View: https://youtu.be/jH7VDUzDfYY
9:55 min

Winsome must have read my piece on her win, because I said almost the same thing:
So much for the hashtag, #GOPSoRacist, and what a slap in the face to critical race theory and all the Democrat social justice, inclusive, and equity measures that are doing little except pissing people off and dividing the country. The fact that these candidates swept their races in a Virginia statewide election proves 1. Blacks and Hispanics don’t need to be pandered to, or paternalized, we just need to be left alone to pursue our opportunities for excellence; and, 2. People are tired of party blather. They want real responses to the real issues that they face.

They also would like to be left alone to live out their freedom.
“Just leave us alone.” Seriously. Stop the freaking out when we exercise the individual liberties enshrined in the Constitution and vote as we see fit; not along racial lines, or how you think we should. Stop the pandering on things that do not affect us, or that we could not care less about. Ditch the pocket issues, like climate change and abortion, that are simply pet causes that allow Democrats to keep funding their coffers. Most of all, stop treating minorities as if we are the personal property of the Democrat Party, and they own our vote.

To use their Woke terminology, Check your privilege! Because all the caterwauling and stupid takes about white supremacy and dog whistles is straight up privilege in action.

Sears said it well:
“Who died and left you in charge of Black people?”
View: https://youtu.be/jH7VDUzDfYY
9:55 min

Sears also addressed the Democrat hypocrisy, pandering, and crisis-creation before the election, in an appearance on Fox & Friends First. Sears called out bagman loser Terry McAuliffe on his claim that Glenn Youngkin wanted to ban Black authors from the Virginia schools. Youngkin talked on the campaign trail about how parents objected to the novel, Beloved by Toni Morrison, due to the sexualized nature of the tale.
“This is what the Democrats do over and over again,” Sears explained.

“They come into the Black community and they try to gin up our anger over some supposed threat or some supposed slight, and then we’re supposed to run out and vote for them because they’re coming to save us.

“They’re our political saviors, folks, here come the Democrats,” Sears continued. “They are the cavalry… and this is the year it’s going to get old because we are sick of it.”
To the eye teeth. I couldn’t even stomach Toni Morrison’s Beloved because of the veiled incest and sexual overtones—and I’m an adult! I wouldn’t want children reading it either.

This Savior mentality is a huge problem among Democrats, yet they continue to double down on it. This has little to do with concern for voters or their needs, and much to do with the need to social engineer and control. It is not their job to save us, or save the country for that matter—it is our lives, our vote, and frankly, our country to save. We’ll do the job of forming a more perfect union. Democrats just need to get out of our way, and definitely rethink their policies. Because three-quarters of the problems Democrats claim they want to save us from have been fostered and exacerbated by their awful polices.

Instead of using this 2021 election to do some actual soul searching, and make some concrete changes for 2022, Democrats and their enablers prefer to gaslight about how no such problem exists, and it’s just racist Republicans taking advantage. This is what they did with the battle over critical race theory, with the school boards and their tone deafness to parents, as well as the role of parental input and authority in their child’s education.

The egregious Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, had the nerve to put out this Twitter thread full of half truths and misinformation, after her main-man Terry McAuliffe lost the VA governor’s race to Glenn Youngkin.
Losing in Virginia is rough. But it is important to understand why we lost and to look at what happened on the issue of education in other parts of America.
And frankly, as results come in, we are seeing big wins for pro-public education candidates in places where parents and educators worked together.

In Virginia Glenn Youngkin successfully drove a culture war message that exploited people’s concerns about #covid disruptions. It divided people. Misinformation was rampant. For ex,no one has to stop CRT from being taught in VA schools,because it’s NOT taught in VA public schools

It’s sad that it worked and we know the right will try this in other places, but we can and we will learn from this. So let’s take a look at the places where this kind of divisiveness didn’t work, because there are far more of those than what happened in Virginia.

It’s a long line of lies and obfuscations, and the lack of self-awareness is simply stunning.

No, CRT concerns were not made up, nor were people’s concerns “exploited.”

Weingarten is right about one thing: Youngkin’s and Sears’ winning strategy will be used in other places, and it will succeed; particularly since Democrats insist that they know better than we do about what is best for our children, and what children need is less reading, writing, and arithmetic, and, “Mo’ Grievance!”

That message will lose you elections every time.

The Left’s naked, wholesale theft of children’s innocence, their ability to think and reason, and their ability to critically think and make choices, has been obvious for quite some time, but it took the pandemic and the arrogance of the teachers unions and school boards for parents to say, “No more.”

Americans are so very tired of the divisiveness, and Sears addressed this as well.
“What I want to say to Black people Asian People, whatever, minorities, Latinos, whatever! Don’t allow political parties to divide us. Don’t allow political parties to use whatever grievances that there have been historically against you, to look at them as the “Savior,” so that they can swoop in and think they’re saving you when all they’re doing is pitting one race against another.”
But it wasn’t just Blacks. Hispanics also told Democrats where to stick that dog whistle.

A Fox News exit poll and an AP Votecast exit poll showed a 10 percentage point difference in favor of Glenn Youngkin among Latino voters. As is the case when the numbers don’t go their way, Democrats are disputing this. But if these videos from MRCLatino are any indication, Hispanics are voting for their lives and sanity, and not for the Democrats.

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1456060131226046466
.16 min

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1455926946974535684
.13 min

We know the Democrats will continue to ignore this, because the ridiculous cries of white supremacy and dog whistles are just too convenient. Actually doing some analysis and shifting their strategy will not only take time, it will cost them money. And they love their money more than they love hearing themselves talk.
Democrat and woman of color Tulsi Gabbard offered this perspective:
McAuliffe’s loss is a victory for all Americans. Why? Because it was a resounding rejection of efforts to divide us by race, the stripping of parental rights, and arrogant, deaf leaders. This benefits us all.
It does indeed. Hopefully the rest of the nation’s minority population recognizes this, and ignores attempts at division and distraction in order to continue to support failed Democrat agendas.


On TB every waking moment

(VIDEO) AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “I Want To See PERP WALKS. I Want To See ARRESTS And I’m Going To Bear Down On The Issue Until We Do.”

By Jordan Conradson
Published November 5, 2021 at 1:40pm

Photo by Sean Campbell

On Wednesday, Patriots rallied in Phoenix, Arizona for election integrity and Arizona’s audit.

AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake hosted a spectacular Election Integrity rally featuring the heroic Arizona State Legislators, Congressman Paul Gosar, Mike Lindell, OANN’s Christina Bobb, and President Trump.

It was exactly one year after our corrupt dictatorship scammed us out of our votes.


Photo by Sean Campbell

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers gave a fiery speech where she lambasted the RNC for their recent New Jersey election disaster and called on Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to proceed with indictments, perp walks, and “arrests for those who shamed us”.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson spoke to Senator Rogers after the event.
Conradson: Itis November 3 2021. It’s been one year since this fraudulent election and Americans are tired of waiting. What is the next step with Arizona audit?

Rogers: Well, first of all, great to be with you, Jordan here down in Phoenix at the Kari Lake event for election integrity. One year later, elections have consequences. Stolen elections have far worse consequences. We barely won Virginia last night. We won it because we won Chesterfield, we won rural Virginia, and we won Virginia Beach. They turned out in massive amounts, more than typical, which overcame the fraud and corruption that was attempted in Fairfax County. We’re losing New Jersey. I don’t know if we lost it now as of tonight, because of this fraud and corruption. I am doing everything I can here in Arizona to prevent this from happening, to get to the bottom of the truth, which means Brnovich needs to do his job. And I want to see perp walks. I want to see arrests and I’m going to bear down on the issue until we do.

Conradson: so I just saw Adrian Fontes, former Maricopa County Recorder he was brought in for some questions by Attorney General Brnovich. What do you think will come out of that? Who do you think needs to be in question next?

Rogers: Well, something needs to come out of it and just because fontes has was an attorney with the Attorney General’s Office at one time, he thinks he can skate he thinks he can skirt what is gonna come down on him. And I believe that the justice will be served. And I’ll tell you my constituents in northern Arizona are absolutely adamant, emphatic, HOT that arrests are being made.

Conradson: And not just constituents in your district, constituents around the country, not even your constituents. Constituents of other Legislators. They’re signing your letter to audit 50 states. Yes. How many signatures from how many states have you received?

Rogers: Well, we’re almost to 200 My phone is blowing up every day. I just got two from North Carolina this morning. I’ve got folks on Telegram, on Gab, Gettr, Twitter, Facebook, reaching out to their state representatives and state senators imploring them to get on board on my audit 50 states letter. It’s the only vehicle by which we state legislators from around the country are coming together to demand that we do audits in our states. And if corruption is found, that electors can be recalled.

Conradson: We know laws were violated here in Arizona, we know this election was stolen. We know they’re covering it up. What do we do If they get away with it?

Rogers: They’re not going to get away with it. And here’s the other thing to answer your question. If you know about monkey business that occurred in your county, in Arizona, I represent Gila, Yavapai, Navajo and Coconino counties. I have told my constituents if you know about fraud in one of our counties, you need to do affidavits, and then you need to present them to the sheriff, the sheriff which has broad authority, so that the sheriff can conduct an investigation.

This is on us. We are the plan. God Bless America.
State Senator Wendy Rogers has drafted a letter to our corrupt federal government demanding States’ rights over elections, full forensic audits in all 50 states, and decertification where necessary. nearly 200 legislators from almost every state have signed onto the new declaration.

Contact your legislators and demand that they add their names to this historic document.

Racine County sheriffs recently cracked down on a voter fraud operation by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, utilizing retirement homes to abuse the elderly and steal their vote.

These crimes will be prosecuted after the extensive investigation by Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling.

Gather affidavits, contact your Sheriff and Legislators, canvass the vote, and audit all 50 states.

They will only get away with this disgusting crime against our nation if we the people let them.

We will never let them get away with it.

Rumble video on website 3:37 min

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich now to demand perp walks.


Contact AG Mark Brnovich


On TB every waking moment

Things that make you go hmmm… In New Jersey…
Posted by Kane on November 5, 2021 1:13 am

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1455904921107193861
.22 min

Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin explains delay in 56 counties.

New Jersey machine won’t allow a vote for Ciattarelli…

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1456052351891132420
.45 min



On TB every waking moment

Big story being ignored in New York…
Posted by Kane on November 5, 2021 1:30 am



On TB every waking moment

Joy Reid — Winsome Sears is a white supremacist…
Posted by Kane on November 5, 2021 1:33 pm
View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1456446611912077318
1:10 min

Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson has a PhD in race hustling.

Winsome Sears one-liner…

Winsome challenges Joy Reid to debate…
View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1455984438911905799
.49 min



On TB every waking moment

war room.JPG

Marjorie Taylor Greene is seriously pissed… Raises hell on War Room…
Posted by Kane on November 5, 2021 2:44 pm

MTG Explodes On The Gov’t For Sickening Torture Of Political Prisoners 3:39 min

Two clips from War Room this morning

MTG and Gohmert visited the DC jail this week and were denied entry…

Call the DC jail to demand oversight and transparency — 202–673–7316

Prisoners being coerced into Vaccination

We Must Take A Stand For The Men Wrongfully Languishing In The DC Prison 10:41 min



On TB every waking moment

Tulsi Gabbard Says McAuliffe Loss 'Resounding Rejection' Of 'Arrogant Leaders' Efforts To Divide Us By Race

FRIDAY, NOV 05, 2021 - 01:25 PM

As GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy gloats about a new plan to invest heavily to try and flip 'swing-voter' districts presently occupied by Democrats following upset victories in Virginia's gubernatorial race, and a strong showing by the GOP candidate who nearly unseated NJ Gov. Phil "Goldman Sachs" Murphy - upsets that "nobody saw coming" except - of course, one of the most well-known political analysts in the country...


....Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard broke with mainstream Dems by calling the outcome of the off-year election a “victory for all Americans.”

Gabbard, who is well-known for her maverick views when it comes to her fellow Democrats, has criticized other members of her party, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of the leadership. On Thursday, she accused McAuliffe of running a campaign that was racially divisive which only served to further widen America's divide.
"McAuliffe’s loss is a victory for all Americans. Why? Because it was a resounding rejection of efforts to divide us by race, the stripping of parental rights, and arrogant, deaf leaders. This benefits us all," the former Hawaii representative and ex-presidential candidate tweeted Wednesday evening.
McAuliffe conceded the election to Glenn Youngkin Wednesday morning after several outlets declared Youngkin the winner the night before.
“While last night we came up short, I am proud that we spent this campaign fighting for the values we so deeply believe in," the former Va. Gov and Clinton crony said in a statement.
He added that "protecting Virginia’s schools and voting rights, and fighting for affordable health care coverage and raising the minimum wage" are worthy causes.

McAuliffe added that he is "confident that the long-term path of Virginia is toward inclusion, openness and tolerance for all."

However, when it comes to protecting public education, McAuliffe and Gabbard have extremely different views about how to go about doing that.

McAuliffe, whom Gabbard accused of looking to strip “parental rights,” got into hot water with parents across the state after a September debate in which he said, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."

Many credited McAuliffe's support for the teaching of CRT in public school classrooms, along with sexually explicit material taught under the guise of "health education," for his loss.

One major issue revolved around the novel "Beloved" by Toni Morrison.

The battle over the book ended up blowing up in McAuliffe's face, as the GOP aired an advertisement featuring a Fairfax County mother who in 2013 waged a legal battle against "Beloved" after her son shared excerpts of the novel with her when he was a senior in high school."

The book, written in 1987, tells the story of a family of former slaves and features explicit scenes of bestiality, sex, violence and infanticide. It's typically read by older students in advanced classes.

Some Democrats accused Youngkin of using "racist dog whistles" to attract far-right voters, a charge that Youngking denied. In his victory speech, Youngkin vowed to restore "excellence" in the state's schools while "embracing" parents, not driving the away.


On TB every waking moment

Jan. 6 defendant moved from DC jail, then home for cancer treatment, amid squalid conditions report
The judge's decision follows Marshal Services report finding overall jail conditions "deplorable"

Updated: November 5, 2021 - 3:16pm

Afederal judge has ordered a defendant in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot transferred from the D.C. jail in which he's being held, amid concerns about his medical conditions and possible retaliation for complaints about treatment and living conditions.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth announced his decision Wednesday to move defendant Christopher Worrell, then release him into home detention to start cancer treatment. The decision follows an unannounced inspection of the jail last month by U.S. marshals, the finding of which Lamberth on Wednesday also announced, according to CNN.

The inspection findings of mistreatment of detainees purportedly increased the judge's concerns that Worrell – who prosecutors say marched in tactical gear with the extremist group Proud Boys during the riot – could be subject to retaliation for complaining about conditions and a broken finger that might need surgery.

Lambert called the jail conditions "deplorable" and "beyond belief," in releasing the report.

"This court has zero confidence that the D.C. jail" will provide the treatment correctly and not retaliate against Worrell, Lamberth also said.

The Marshals Service is moving 400 prisoners out of a section of the D.C. jail after discovering unhealthy conditions such as clogged toilets and water being shut off in cells for several days, CNN also reports. However, most prisoners being held in connection with the riot will remain in the jail because they are in a section that passed inspection.

Worrell is the first Jan. 6 defendant to be removed from the jail after the inspection. He faces six federal charges including at least on related to allegedly using pepper spray to assault police officers. Worrell has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges, also according to CNN.


On TB every waking moment

President Trump’s Full Message at Kari Lake’s Election Integrity Rally on Election Fraud Anniversary 11/3/21

By Jordan Conradson
Published November 5, 2021 at 5:04pm

On the Anniversary of the Fraudulent 2020 Election, President Trump gave remarks to the American Patriots who know the truth.


Trump-endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake hosted an election integrity rally on the One Year Anniversary of the Corrupt Election featuring the heroic Arizona State Legislators, Congressman Paul Gosar, Mike Lindell, OANN’s Christina Bobb, and President Trump

President Trump made a special video appearance to thank the brave patriots in Arizona for all of their hard work, address the state of the Union, and endorse Kari Lake’s strong border, secure election, MAGA campaign for Governor of Arizona.
President Trump: I want to thank all of the great patriots in Arizona for the amazing job you did on the forensic audit report, finding all of the things you found, all of the fraud, all of the irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election. It’s just incredible.
And when they came out with the report, and for those people that studied that report, they couldn’t even believe how things went. It was a very sad day for our country. It was a sad election. So many things are taking place because of it that are so bad. You look at what’s going on with the border. Which by the way, Kari Lake who is running for governor, as you know, will straighten out. But you look at the border, you look at the economy, you look at inflation. You look at the withdrawal in Afghanistan, which was so pathetic, so bad, it was really not even a withdrawal. It was a surrender to people that didn’t even have weapons and giving $85 billion, losing 13 great soldiers, and many so badly injured. And hundreds of people were killed also during that so-called withdrawal. I think there’s never been a lower point in the history of our country. But the forensic report in Arizona and all the incredible work and the time you spent and the resources on getting to the bottom of it, and then just the other day another report was issued, which in many cases was even stronger.
And it shows the kind of fraud and irregularities that took place. So I just want to thank all of you. That was just an incredible job. But it continues, and it will also continue in the form of a terrific Patriot, a terrific person, a person that I’ve given a complete and total endorsement to, and that’s Kari Lake. She’s running for governor. You have right now a governor who didn’t do the job. He doesn’t have a clue as far as I’m concerned. He wanted to go to every one of my rallies and he wanted to sit up front and he wanted me to introduce him and all of those things. And we had rallies like nobody’s ever seen before in Arizona. So we won Arizona by a lot.
It was a fraudulent election. It was a rigged election. But I tell you what, Kari Lake is going to straighten things out. She’s respected. She’s really an incredible talent and she will win. She’ll win the nomination, she has my support. She’s going to win the nomination, and then she’s going to go on and easily beat, if it’s going to be Katie Hobbs, or whoever they choose. It wouldn’t matter. Katie Hobbs was terrible. And she was terrible for your state. All your state wanted in that respect was an honest, straight election. And she wasn’t willing to do that. And you know what? Kari Lake will do a job on everything, borders, and everything else. So I just want to thank you all. I want to pay my highest regards and respects to Kari Lake, and go get ’em Kari! thank you all!
Kari Lake has promised to fight for elections, secure our southern border with the wall, and fight back against the COVID tyranny and fake news jesters.

Before 2022, we need to fix 2020 and fortify the 2022 election with legislation and citizen action to prevent fraud.

All evidence of fraud in the 2020 election has now been presented to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who needs to act immediately and defend our constitution.

Volunteers sacrificed their time, money, and even their reputations to take a closer look at the stolen election and it will all be for nothing if AG Brnovich doesnt act now, and do the right thing.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich HERE, to demand accountability by indictment and arrest.

Rumble video on website 3:40 min



On TB every waking moment

(VIDEO) OANN’s Christina Bobb: “He Is Not The Most Popular President In American History And He Didn’t Win The Election”

By Jordan Conradson
Published November 5, 2021 at 2:43pm

Inside The Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum Covering The Arizona Audit OANN’s Christina Bobb (left) TGP’s Jordan Conradson (right)

On Wednesday, Arizona Patriots rallied in commemoration of the historic 2020 election theft, on the one-year anniversary of the unforgettable 2020 election day.

Trump-endorsed AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake hosted this rally focused on fixing 2020 and preventing it from ever happening again.

Speakers rocked the house, demanding action from Attorney General Brnovich and preparing to dominate the 2022 midterms.


A special video message from President Donald Trump was also played for the audience.

OANN’s Christina Bobb spoke at the rally to congratulate Arizona’s hard work, share updates from around the country, and call for action out of Arizona Attorney General Brnovich.

Attorney General Mark Brnovich has received all evidence of voter fraud from the Arizona audit and he is continuing to gather more evidence.

America is waiting for action.

Bobb covered the Arizona audit extensively alongside TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson.

TGP reported that Christina was once confronted by a weak leftist reporter inside of the audit facility and she ate her lunch. Lefty Jen Fifield shamefully went home and did not return for weeks.

Conradson spoke to Christina Bobb after the rally for her current analysis of America’s audit.
Conradson: We covered the Arizona audit together, we saw firsthand how secure that process was. We saw the leftists’ hateful smears. Now that we know the election was stolen, what do you expect to happen next? Do you think AG Brnovich is going to be able to do the right thing?

Bobb: I think he better. I think he’s probably going to be nervous.

You know, he’s demonstrated that he’s got some concerns and he’s not the hard charger that a lot of the people in Arizona want to see, but I do think he will ultimately do it. I think he knows he needs to it and I think the media is not letting him out the way that I think he probably hoped that he could get an out and just move on with something else. But the elections this week with Virginia and New Jersey, we see the importance of enforcing laws.
Virginia took the time to ensure that they had their poll workers and they had everything in place, and New Jersey did not. Of course, we’re seeing the mess with that so watching all of that I think Attorney General Brnovich, I think he will step up. I think he’ll produce something. I don’t know if it’ll be a home run, but I do think something will come out of it.

Conradson: So you’ve been traveling all across the nation covering just about every single audit. Out here in Arizona, we know our election was stolen. What is the general consensus in other states? Do people know that their election was stolen?

Bobb: I think so. I think people are starting to come around to it. You know what’s funny? What I think the biggest help or indicator is to get to change people’s minds is not even so much the audits. I think it’s Joe Biden’s performance. I think the nation is watching Joe Biden going he’s not legitimate. There’s no way he’s legitimate. So, I think the longer he’s in office and the more there’s questions of whether he pooped his pants in Rome or you know, whatever crazy thing he did, did he fall asleep on the Israeli Prime Minister, you know, all of that. I think it’s just proving the point that he is not the most popular president in American history and he didn’t win the election.

Conradson: That’s right. So, what state do you think will be the first decertify?

Bobb: I hate to say this because I really wanted it to be Arizona because of all the work that we did and Arizona is my home state.

I think it’s going to be Wisconsin. I do, I think Wisconsin is really pushing it, they’re close and I think they have probably more support in key positions in their legislature.

Conradson: that was a great speech that you gave out here tonight. What can we, here in Arizona, do to make sure that this election gets decertified election laws are followed and our voices are heard?

Bobb: First thing stay on it. Arizona is the leader by far hands down from the citizens making sure that their voices are heard and reaching out to their elected officials. Continue to do it. Don’t stop keep it up. The other thing is get involved. If you haven’t already, volunteer with a local organization. You’ll have to get involved with Arizona GOP become a poll worker become a challenger, make sure that there are enough Republicans involved in the election that is not overrun the way we saw in 2020 and we’ll keep talking about it. Talk about it with your neighbors talk about it with everybody that will listen and you can forge relationships with. Raise your voice, get involved, and continue to push your legislature.
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, after an extensive investigation into nursing home fraud, Wisconsin could be the first state to decertify the stolen 2020 election.

America needs to stand up and demand decertification of the fraudulent 2020 election, and step up next year to fight fraud in the midterms.

Every American can contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich here, to demand arrests be made and to tell him that his 2022 Senate race depends on it.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich NOW to demand perp walks for the Crime of The Century’s suspects.

Rumble video on website 3:19 min


Contact AG Mark Brnovich


On TB every waking moment

Lt Gen Thomas McInerney: New Jersey Switched More Than 40,000 Votes To Give Democrat Phil Murphy A Rigged Victory

by Two Mikes
November 5, 2021

Audio on website 32:24 min

or Rumble video Lt Gen McInerney: NJ Switched More Than 40,000 Votes To Give Democrat Phil Murphy A Rigged Victory 3:24 min

Today, The Two Mikes picked up with Lt. General Thomas McInerney (ret’d) after his pre-election visit with us.

General McInerney said that the Democrats did indeed attack the Virginia governor’s election, but “by God’s grace” the effort was unsuccessful. (The General is keeping some things close to his vest here.)

One of the negative factors in the election for the Democrats was the extremely heavy Republican turnout.

The closeness of the race is an artificial construct based on the illegal voters, invalid mail-in-ballots, and other illegal manipulations — such as Fairfax Country’s delayed-vote reporting — that made the Democrat’s candidate appear to be in the race for much longer than he was.

In New Jersey, the Democrats also attacked the Governor’s race and were able to find 40,000-plus votes to switch from Republican Jack Ciattarelli’s total over to Murphy — the death-dealer to elderly Wuhan Flu sufferers — to give him a rigged victory.

Fortunately, the automated real-time coverage of vote counts on television showed the moment the switching of the votes from Ciattarelli to Murphy occurred, and that video is now all over the internet.

Both Youngkin in Virginia and Ciattarelli in New Jersey should seek election audits, which would inevitably show Democratic cheating. General McInerney is confident that his associates could help both men with pertinent information for use in such audits.


On TB every waking moment

US Marshals Hold Surprise Inspection of DC Jails, Find “Egregious” Conditions And Transfers Inmates

This is the same facility that was found to have withheld medical care from a January 6 incident prisoner last month.

NOVEMBER 4, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Marshals issued a statement on Tuesday regarding their surprise inspection visit to the Washington, DC jail to check on conditions at the facility. The buildings subject to inspection included two DC Department Of Correction housing facilities (the Central Treatment Facility (CTF) and the Central Detention Facility (CDF)).

“The USMS inspection was prompted by recent and historical concerns raised regarding conditions at the DOC facilities, including those recently raised by various members of the judiciary,” the statement said. Over 300 voluntary interviews with detainees were conducted, they said.

The Marshals found that conditions at the CTF were sufficient. However, CDF was found to be severely lacking.

“The U.S. Marshal’s inspection of CDF revealed that conditions there do not meet the minimum standards of confinement as prescribed by the Federal Performance-Based-Detention-Standards,” the statement said.

This included mistreatment of prisoners and “egregious” conditions in the facility.


On TB every waking moment

Investigation Launched in NJ Governor’s Race After Voting Machines Went Down Without Counting Votes: Report

Photo of Jonathan Davis Jonathan DavisNovember 4, 2021


Getty Images/Creative Commons

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion

An investigation into why dozens of voting machines went down in New Jersey on Tuesday has begun amid a much tighter than expected gubernatorial race between Democratic incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy and GOP challenger and former New Jersey state Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli.

The Associated Press has already called the close contest for Murphy, though Ciattarelli’s campaign has called that premature and “irresponsible.”

But now there appears to have been an issue with as many as 56 voting machines, a glitch that is sure to conjure up thoughts regarding the post-2020 presidential election when surrogates for then-President Donald Trump made allegations of vote machine fraud that were never substantiated.

“Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin says he has a lot of work ahead of him after the votes from 56 districts were not counted Tuesday night in the county,” News 12 reported.

“It’s a mix but they are mostly in Newark, in East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood, Montclair, the majority of those 56 districts,” says Durkin.

“Durkin says you can call it poll worker error,” News 12 reported. “There will be an investigation as to why it happened. He asks New Jersey residents not to jump to conclusions as to why the 56 voting machines were shut down last night without being counted first.”

“Those machines are at the polling places right now,” Durkin noted further. “Those machines have to be brought back to the warehouse. A judge will issue an order for us to open those machines, retrieve the results and post those results.”

However, the report stated, it did not look like that would happen on Wednesday.

“We need to compile a list of the results that are missing then need to schedule a hearing in front of a judge and then the judge issued the order and then we’re able to go and retrieve those results,” Durkin added.

Durkin then tried to assuage voters’ concerns by saying that “issues like this happen in every election in every county,” though sometimes statements like that can have the opposite effect. “The fact that it’s 56 voting machines in such a close race has obviously magnified this situation,” he said.

He added that he believes he’ll have the districts’ results by Thursday night.
“The sooner, the better,” Durkin added.

Five districts in Paterson experienced a similar situation with their machines as Essex County, Mayor Andre Seigh told News 12. In fact, election issues in Paterson, N.J. were significant a year ago.

“The troubles plaguing New Jersey’s suddenly all-mail elections, including an alleged voter fraud scheme in Paterson that led to four arrests Thursday, have critics questioning whether election officials can ensure that next month’s primaries will be fair,” the New Jersey Herald reported in June 2020.

“New Jersey has yet to get to its second of three rounds of 2020 elections, and so far we’ve seen misdelivered ballots, ballots dropped in piles in apartment lobbies and ballots burned in a mail truck fire,” the report added. “Meanwhile, clerks’ offices are inundated with a flood of mail-in ballots, plus thousands more applications for ballots, many from unaffiliated voters who clerks said don’t intend to vote in the July 7 primary.”

“Gov. Phil Murphy ordered May’s local elections and July’s primaries to be conducted almost entirely by mail as part of the state’s effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus,” the report noted.

“The allegations out of Paterson may be the most troubling,” the report added.

“State Attorney General Gurbir Grewal alleges that Councilman Michael Jackson and Councilman-elect Alex Mendez handled mail-in ballots improperly. Jackson possessed too many mail-in ballots that were not his own and Mendez submitted voter registration applications he knew were false, Grewal claims. Two workers for a third campaign were also charged with election fraud.”

Trump’s campaign legal team filed a number of lawsuits in an effort to get courts to rule that changes made before the election without the input or authorization of state legislatures were illegal and unconstitutional, but they generally rejected such arguments.


On TB every waking moment

New York Poll Worker Claims Ballots Came in That Were Already Pre-Stamped with Candidate’s Name in Wrong Box

By Jim Hoft
Published November 6, 2021 at 8:40am

Democrat Byron Brown snatched victory from Socialist India Walton in this year’s Buffalo mayoral race.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown won a shocking upset over Socialist candidate India Brown in the Buffalo mayoral race. Walton defeated Brown in the Democrat primary.

One poll worker now admits to seeing numerous ballots pre-stamped with Brown’s name in the wrong box. The ballots apparently counted anyway. Democrats even cheat when they’re running against their own party members.

Breitbart.com reported:
A poll worker in Buffalo, New York, admitted stamping several ballots in her custody during this past week’s election, when Mayor Byron Brown won an upset victory over India Walton, the socialist who had defeated him in the Democratic primary…

…Some voters wrote Brown’s name in; others were able to use a stamp to do so. But one poll worker took matters into her own hands, according to the Buffalo News:
The Erie County Board of Elections dismissed a team of poll workers Tuesday after receiving an allegation of a ballot that was prestamped for Mayor Byron W. Brown on Buffalo’s West Side.

The board was alerted by a 36-year-old West Side voter named Allison. She spoke to The News on the condition that her last name be withheld because she has small children and did not wish to get involved in the controversy of a divisive mayoral race.
Allison said an elections inspector handed her a ballot that was already stamped with Brown’s name on it, though it was not stamped in the proper box for write-in votes.

The total number of prestamped ballots given to voters could not be higher than 50, [Republican elections commissioner Ralph M.] Mohr said. That’s how many ballots had been cast at that polling site when the Board of Elections was alerted to the problem.
Read the rest here.


On TB every waking moment
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVRzd5emvE8
1:21:56 min

Did Jan. 6 & Ray Epps Expose a Corrupt FBI? | Darren Beattie | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 124
Premiered 3 hours ago

Glenn Beck

The events of January 6 have had constant attention from the mainstream media, yet so much about that day remains cloaked in mystery. So much just doesn’t add up. It doesn’t feel right. Darren Beattie wrote an article for www.Revolver.News titled “Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol,” which dives into some of the unexplainable issues surrounding that day.

Who is Ray Epps? What was his role in the riot? Is it a coincidence that 1/6 is so eerily similar to the events involving Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? How much did the feds know about the events? Did they know about the riot in advance and do nothing? Or, a more terrifying possibility, did they play a role in the riot? The more you poke around, the more it makes your head spin. Merrick Garland, the Oathkeepers, the FBI. Beattie wants to know all the answers. And Glenn wants to know, how did Beattie, a Duke professor, become the only non-tenured professor in the country to publicly support Trump ahead of the 2016 election, only to try his hand at uncovering what could be the biggest corruption story of our time?


Let's Go Brandon!

Lt Gen Thomas McInerney: New Jersey Switched More Than 40,000 Votes To Give Democrat Phil Murphy A Rigged Victory

by Two Mikes
November 5, 2021

Audio on website 32:24 min

or Rumble video Lt Gen McInerney: NJ Switched More Than 40,000 Votes To Give Democrat Phil Murphy A Rigged Victory 3:24 min

Today, The Two Mikes picked up with Lt. General Thomas McInerney (ret’d) after his pre-election visit with us.

General McInerney said that the Democrats did indeed attack the Virginia governor’s election, but “by God’s grace” the effort was unsuccessful. (The General is keeping some things close to his vest here.)

One of the negative factors in the election for the Democrats was the extremely heavy Republican turnout.

The closeness of the race is an artificial construct based on the illegal voters, invalid mail-in-ballots, and other illegal manipulations — such as Fairfax Country’s delayed-vote reporting — that made the Democrat’s candidate appear to be in the race for much longer than he was.

In New Jersey, the Democrats also attacked the Governor’s race and were able to find 40,000-plus votes to switch from Republican Jack Ciattarelli’s total over to Murphy — the death-dealer to elderly Wuhan Flu sufferers — to give him a rigged victory.

Fortunately, the automated real-time coverage of vote counts on television showed the moment the switching of the votes from Ciattarelli to Murphy occurred, and that video is now all over the internet.

Both Youngkin in Virginia and Ciattarelli in New Jersey should seek election audits, which would inevitably show Democratic cheating. General McInerney is confident that his associates could help both men with pertinent information for use in such audits.

The part that amazes me about all this is that the Dems only had two elections to rig. They could only rig ONE.


TB Fanatic

Things that make you go hmmm… In New Jersey…
Posted by Kane on November 5, 2021 1:13 am

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1455904921107193861
.22 min

Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin explains delay in 56 counties.

New Jersey machine won’t allow a vote for Ciattarelli…

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1456052351891132420
.45 min

View attachment 300663

And that just shows how they inserted the imposter and chief.


On TB every waking moment

Wisconsin Investigation Uncovers Potential Tip Of A Voting Fraud Iceberg

The investigation revealed both blatant violations of state election law by election officials and detailed evidence of voter fraud by stealing elderly Americans’ votes.

Margot Cleveland

By Margot Cleveland
NOVEMBER 1, 2021

Last Thursday, the Racine County, Wisconsin sheriff’s office held an hour-long press conference detailing the results of an investigation into a complaint the office received of potential violations of state election law. While leftist media ignored the story, the investigation revealed both blatant violations of state law by election officials and detailed evidence of voter fraud by stealing elderly Americans’ votes.

The methodical presentation by the Racine County Sheriff’s Office provided the context, as well as additional texture, to one discrete aspect of the irregularities that took place in Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election. The press briefing highlighted the Wisconsin Election Commission’s illegal directive to municipalities not to “use the Special Voting Deputy process to service residents in care facilities,” and instead to “transmit absentee ballots to those voters by mail.”

Those well-versed in the many violations of election law that occurred in the last election have long known of the WEC’s override of the legislatively mandated use of special voting deputies. But Thursday’s presentation provided an accessible summary of the situation that (should have) resonated beyond political lines and put a figurative face to the fraud enabled by the state’s election officials’ own apparent fraud.

Sgt. Michael Luell, who led the investigation and presented his findings during the briefing, also has a law degree and has served as a prosecutor. This unique combination allowed him to simplify the situation, which he did by first highlighting key portions of Wisconsin code in a crisp PowerPoint presentation.

Ignoring the Law Because COVID
Section 6.875 of the Wisconsin election code provides the “exclusive means” of absentee voting in residential care facilities, the presentation noted. That statute requires the local municipality to dispatch two special voting deputies, or “SVDs,” to a facility. The SVDs must then personally deliver a ballot to residents of the facility and must witness the voting process. The statute further provides that only a relative or an SVD may assist the voter and then, following the vote, must seal the ballot envelope and deliver it to the clerk.

In addition to laying out Section 6.875’s mandates for voting in residential care facilities, Luell provided quotes and video clips establishing that the WEC commissioners knew their directive to eliminate SVDs violated state law.

Further, in an attempt to justify their decision to violate state law, WEC commissioners focused on the dangers of COVID to the senior community, Luell stressed that in response to the WEC’s request that the governor “suspend” the portions of Wisconsin election law related to SVDs, the governor’s office informed the WEC that the governor lacked that power.

Moreover, the WEC continued to claim to override the SVD provisions even after the governor’s lockdown orders—which did not ban SVDs from nursing homes in any event—expired in September. Then, to illustrate the absurdity of the WEC’s position, Luell highlighted for the public the visitors allowed into senior facilities.

His report detailed facility access allowed from April to November in 2020 for the following:


Luell also excerpted details from a document the WEC apparently distributed to nursing homes throughout the state. That document, entitled “Absentee Voting at Care Facilities in 2020,” informed “care facility administrator and staff member” that they could, among other things, “assist residents in filling out their ballots or certification envelops,” in express violation of Section 6.875.

My Mom Voted After She Died?

Throughout the press conference, Luell made election law minutia understandable with the personal element, beginning with the fact that he launched his investigation based on a complaint his office received from “Judy.”

As Luell explained, Judy discovered her mother had purportedly voted by absentee ballot in the November 3, 2020 election, even though “Shirley” had died on October 9, 2020.

Judy filed an affidavit with the WEC, stating she believed the residential care facility where her mother had resided, the Ridgewood Care Facility, “took advantage” of her mother’s “diminished mental capacity and filled out ballot(s) in her name.” WEC refused to investigate and forwarded the complaint to the Racine County Prosecutor’s Office, which forwarded it to the sheriff’s office for investigation.

As part of the investigation, Luell obtained a list of all Ridgewood Care residents who voted in the 2020 election: 42 in all. After subpoenaing the named contacts for each voter from the nursing home’s file, Luell attempted to contact the next-of-kin to inquire if they had any concerns about whether their family member had actually voted.

In addition to Judy, the children of six other residents of Ridgewood Care Facility expressed concerns about a ballot cast in their parents’ names. The patients’ children detailed to the sheriff’s office their parent’s lack of mental capacity and other facts indicating the votes did not represent the freewill of their parents, such as the difficulty in convincing one mother to sign any documents and one father’s statement that if he couldn’t vote in person, he did not want to vote.

Also, none of those other six residents had voted in the 2016 presidential election, or in any election since 2012.

This Is What a Real Investigation Looks Like

Worse still was the case of “SL,” whom a court had declared legally “incompetent.” SL’s legal guardian told Luell “she believed SL’s right to vote had been taken away.” Records likewise showed SL had not voted since 2012.

In addition to these interviews, Luell interviewed the Mount Pleasant Village Clerk, who told him “the rate of new people registering to vote and the number of people voting at the Ridgewood Care Center was unusually high in the November 20202 election.” According to Luell’s report, the clerk stated that for most previous elections, including presidential elections, the number of people voting would total about ten, and the number of new requests for absentee ballots would be zero to two people.

The clerk further noted that the director of Ridgewood Care Center “would call her and tell her that she had ‘80 people’ who were newly requesting absentee ballots,” and that in 2020, 36 new requests for absentee ballots were received and 43 residents voted in the November 2020 election.

Also questioned was the director of Ridgewood Care Center and several employees, including one aide who spoke with the sergeant a second time after leaving her job at Ridgewood Care Center. Luell’s report from this follow-up interview included a note that the former employee claimed “that she told Director [REDACTED] that she lied to the police and she should not have done that.”


These interviews also revealed staffers improperly completed a portion of the absentee ballots, mishandled ballots, and discussed the elections and candidates with the residents beyond merely reading them the ballots or turning on NBC News to spark an interest in voting.

This Is Just One of Hundreds
Before taking questions, Luell returned to the Wisconsin Election Code and Section 12.13, entitled “Election Fraud.” Here, he noted at Section 12.13(2)(b)(7) expressly provides that it is a crime if, “in the course of the person’s official duties or on account of the person’s official position,” the official “intentionally violates or intentionally causes any other person to violate any provision” of the election code, “for which no other penalty is expressly prescribed.”

He then noted several other relevant criminal provisions, including the crime of receiving a ballot from, or giving a ballot to, a person other than the election officer in charge, or receiving a complete ballot from a voter unless qualified to do so.

During the Q&A period that followed, the Racine County Sheriff’s Office stressed that it does not make prosecutorial decisions, and had turned the results of the investigation over to the prosecutor’s office. The office also called for the Wisconsin attorney general to launch its own investigation.

Sheriff Christopher Schmaling also noted that Racine County is just “one of 72 counties,” and “Ridgewood is one of 11 facilities within our county.” “There are literally hundreds and hundreds of these facilities throughout the entire state of Wisconsin,” he continued, noting “we would be foolish to think for a moment that this integrity issue, this violation of the statute, occurred to just this small group of people at one care facility in one county in the entire state.”

Unfortunately, we would also be foolish to think that the corporate media will care about election integrity. Absent a very public light being shined on the problem, it will continue unabated, leading to further distrust in our electoral process and the press.


On TB every waking moment

How Media And Tech Elites Seized Control Of Elections

SUNDAY, NOV 07, 2021 - 12:00 AM
Authored by David Gordon via The Mises Institute,

Mollie Hemingway, an editor of the online magazine The Federalist, calls our attention in this well-researched book to a problem of vital significance. She is a supporter of Donald Trump, though not an uncritical one, and writes from this point of view, but whether you like the former president or not, you cannot ignore her message.

She begins the book with a paradox. Almost all the polls predicted a decisive win for Biden in the November 2020 presidential election, but in fact the result, setting aside altogether the allegations of rigged voting by the former president and his supporters, was very close:
“The political class, the corporate media, and their pollsters were all dramatically wrong, and yet Biden would eke out a presidential victory of just under 43,000 votes across three states, out of a total of nearly 160 million.” (p.36. All page references are to the Amazon Kindle edition.)
Why were the polls so inaccurate?
One answer would be mistakes in the way in polls were conducted, but Hemingway sees something more sinister in the errors. The inaccurate polls were part of a massive campaign by the government and corporate elite to ensure Trump’s defeat in the election.

This campaign continued the efforts by the same elite to secure his defeat in the 2016 election; and, when those efforts failed, to derail his presidency.

Hemingway stresses especially one tactic used in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. In previous elections, most voting took place on the appointed day in November, and although some people cast absentee ballots, these were of minor importance. No longer is this the case, and voting by mail now predominates.
“’No excuse’ absentee voting allows citizens to cast their ballots early.
With the widespread adoption of this practice in recent years, the United States can no longer be said to have an election day in the strict sense of the term. The country has a months-long voting season. . .In 2016, absentee and mail-in ballots accounted for roughly 33 million of the 140 million ballots counted. In 2020, more than 100 million of the 159 million ballots counted were cast prior to Election Day, including by early voting.” (p.222)
This is of great significance, Hemingway says, because fraud is much easier with this sort of voting: it is much harder to verify signatures and voters’ addresses.

If voting fraud is to be stopped, this requires vigilant election officials, and here is where the mass media elites enter the scene.

Far from aiding in efforts to interdict fraud, the elites promote it through subventions to interested parties. Hemingway highlights the role of Mark Zuckerberg, who made large donations to private groups that acted in a partisan way to “help” election officials. “That’s to say nothing of the widespread privatization of election systems in key districts thanks to the efforts of leftist outfits funded by Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires. Multi-million dollars grants to public election commissions, and the strings attached to them, were the means by which the left’s sprawling voting activist arm took over huge parts of the 2020 election. . .This private interference in the running of a national election had never before happened in the history of the country.” (p.xiii)

These efforts to bias election results go hand-in-hand with the attempt by the same elites to control information that reaches the public. The media giants, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, relentlessly promoted items unfavorable to Trump and suppressed stories that could have helped him. As an example, damaging news about Hunter Biden and his corrupt dealing with Chinese officials that emerged in the final days of the campaign and was published in the New York Post was banned from Twitter.
“Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would eventually tell Congress and censoring the New York Post and locking it out of its Twitter account was a ‘mistake.’” (p.36)
Hemingway’s focus is on the presidential campaign, but the censorship by the statist-corporative elite extends even further. Facebook and YouTube ban videos that criticize Covid-19 vaccinations and advance points of view that the proprietors of the platforms deem “misinformation.”

The author is prepared for the objection that her charges of a leftist plot to derail Trump reflect the biased perspective of a partisan. In response, she points to a notable article in Time magazine in which those involved in the machinations admitted and took pride in what they had done.
“Without agony or shame the magazine reported that ‘[t]there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes’ creating ‘an extraordinary shadow effort’ by ‘a well-funded cabal of powerful people’ to oppose Trump. Corporate CEOs, organized labor, left-wing activists, and Democrats all worked together in secret to secure a Biden victory. . .
Time would, of course, disingenuously frame this effort as an attempt to oppose Trump’s ‘assault on democracy,’ even as Time reporter Molly Ball noted this shadow campaign ‘touched every aspect of the election.
They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.’ The funding enabled the country’s sudden rush to mail-in balloting, which Ball describes as ‘a revolution in how people vote.’” (p.36)
What if anything can be done about this state of affairs? I do not think the solution lies mainly in stricter laws about voting and certainly not in governmental regulation of the mass media, which would only increase the power of the state. Rather. our aim ought not to be to make democracy “work better” but to use the example of corruption she has highlighted as a tool to help us throw into question altogether its value as a political and social system of organization, and defend in its stead a genuine free market society, along the lines set forward by Murray Rothbard and his followers, who include most notably Hans Hoppe.

Hemingway is an assiduous researcher and, so far as I can discern, an accurate one. To my regret, I have been able to find only one outright error in the book. She says, “Five U.S, presidents since 1900 lost their bid for a second term. . . While each election is determined by unique factors, all five of these incumbents dealt with internal party fights or significant primary challenges. “(p.39) This is not true for Herbert Hoover, one of the five she mentions, who did not get significant Republican Party opposition in his quest for the 1932 nomination.

By calling attention to what has happened to or political system in recent years, Mollie Hemingway strengthens our resolve to come up with something better.


On TB every waking moment

Jesse Kelly: Who Is Really In Charge Of America? (VIDEO)

By Mike LaChance
Published November 6, 2021 at 11:55pm

Have you wondered who is really in charge of the Biden presidency?

It’s a fair question and it was the topic of a recent monologue by conservative talk host Jesse Kelly.

Here’s a partial transcript:

We really have some of the least capable worst people in the country leading the country and it is hard to wrap your mind around how we got here.

I don’t know if you struggle with this at all but I’ll be honest with you, I do. I have these moments I try, I try to get away from politics when I’m not doing TV or radio because I do so much of it. I like to make sure I’m doing other things just step away every now and then, but sometimes I’ll be sitting at home maybe I’ll be browsing the news on my phone.

Maybe maybe I’ll be watching the First, all the great programming on the First but just catching up on some news and I’ll think to myself, I just have this private moment where I’ll say: How is it possible that a country with 330 million people, a very educated nation, remember our literacy rates and things like that. Very educated nation, 330 million people and it’s Joe Biden and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris. They’re running the country…

Why does the president of the United States of America, why is he told to call on anybody?

He is the commander-in-chief. He’s the boss. He’s he’s the guy at the top. Why is he being told to call on anybody? Who is telling him?

Why aren’t any of these reporters out there who brag about speaking truth to power, why aren’t they curious about who exactly is telling the president who to call on? That’s one. Two, he has note cards. Our president is so incapable of basic thought, they not only tell him who to call on, they give him note cards so he’ll make sure he doesn’t mess up the name.

Watch the video below:

View: https://youtu.be/KUvgwn_bu1k
10:14 min

It really doesn’t seem like Biden is in charge some days.

Cross posted from American Lookout.


On TB every waking moment

The Election Integrity Battle Will Determine the Fate of America

by Dr. Steve LaTulippe | Nov 7, 2021 | Elections, Faith, Politics

Irony of ironies! American sovereignty is rapidly collapsing not because foreign powers have attacked us, but because a domestic Socialist regime has been not-so-quietly at work behind the scenes, dismantling our stable fabric that has long supported a free republic. Beyond doubt, the strongest fibers in that fabric is a free and trusted election system. That’s why we’re losing the war on liberty. In-house insurgents have already condemned our way of life. The evidence is ever before us now.

Of course, open borders will eventually destroy a nation. So will censorship and loss of free speech. Indoctrination of our children with critical race theory sets the stage for acceptance of a Marxist agenda that is vital to nullifying our Constitution. Sissifying our military invites an attack from a foreign aggressor when the time is right. But if a nation loses its ability to elect its own officials to represent the will of the people, all is immediately lost. This is no time for cognitive dissonance. Let there be no conflict or confusion about what took place in the 2020 election: our vote was stolen by Communist-minded Democrats who carefully schemed and carried out this act of treason against the American people. Your vote didn’t count. The highest seat of power in the world was snatched from President Trump and from we who elected him. Since November 3, 2020, America has been no longer a free republic.

Many Americans now mourn as the death knell tolls, but take heart! Our fate is not yet sealed. The sleeping giant is now awakening and will likely be more alert and determined than ever before to end the tyranny once and for all. Keepers of the gate across the land are still doing their duty. They have shouted, “Something is wrong!” Watchmen have blown the trumpets, crying out, “Wake up!” Our vigilance must not fail at a time when the enemy of our nation is striking at America’s most vital organ. The enemy is aware of this awakening, and surely they are already planning their next assault. In truth, they fear us. We need only to recognize their strategy, and then counter it with a lethal punch. What is that strategy?

Look at what has just taken place in the 2021 elections. Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race. Great news! This gave hope to many Conservatives that America may be on the way to achieving a House and Senate majority—a goal essential to restoring a free America.

What happened in New Jersey? Democrat Governor Phil Murphy just barely eked out a victory to retain his seat against Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, while Democrat Steve Sweeney, a well-grounded State Senate President, lost re-election to a Republican novice truck driver Edward Durr who spent only $153 on the GOP campaign. Many Conservatives view the close race between Murphy and Ciattarelli as a victory, despite the Democrat win. Think again.

Yes, we who love America were all pleased that the projected landslide victor Murphy won only by a hair. But was it a hair? Here’s what we know. First, Republicans got out there and voted, while Democrats may have voted with less zeal than Republicans, thinking the cat was in the bag. The Biden administration really is destroying America in breakneck time, and that does have its effect at the polls. As this marginal victory is discussed by CNN, NBC, and other mainstream media, you’ll hear all kinds of excuses to explain the close race. What you will not hear is any suggestion of voter fraud, despite the fact that 56 voting machines somehow “went down” without votes being tallied. What does that mean? We may soon find out. Consider the possibility that Ciattarelli actually won the election. The message is this: we have not yet achieved voter integrity.

All eyes are on Arizona right now as voter fraud is under intense scrutiny via the election audit. The evidence is now before us, and criminal election fraud has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. The evidence is still being gathered, and the picture only grows dimmer. Having just attended the election integrity rally for governor nominee Kari Lake in Arizona on November 3, 2021, I was truly inspired by messages from grassroots patriots who initiated the audit, and by other great leaders including Kelli Ward, Sen. Wendy Rogers, and Kari Lake. This group of warriors has inspired many other states to investigate voter fraud. In Wisconsin, the picture is no better than Arizona. In fact, all 72 counties have been implicated in a massive crime scheme. In Racine County alone, some 4000 voters were at least 121 years old. That’s just the beginning of “irregularities.” And what happened in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and likely all other of the 50 states has yet to be revealed. What we do know is that the “like-a-toilet” installed President Joe Biden was an act of treason. President Trump won the 2020 election! If our nation’s founding fathers still walked among us, criminals would be swinging from ropes, and these sinister insurgent leaders would have met their Maker by now. Yet some Americans still doubt the reality of a robbed election, incredulous as that may seem. Some Americans still do not understand that America is at war.

Is the American patriot spirit gone? Hardly. Fear has quieted many a weak-minded, cowardly folk; but the once touted Home of the Brave still harbors many soldiers with a fighting spirit. We will take back our land and our freedom. By the grace and will of God, if we restore the Christian faith and our ever-true Christian standard, the Bible, to its central place, we shall defeat this diabolical enemy called the Democrat. Satan’s minions will be swiftly destroyed if only Americans will beseech our Lord in prayer, re-establish the Christian Way, and teach our children all they have not been taught in schools (and perhaps at home) for decades: honor, kindness, trustworthiness, godliness, integrity, justice; and let’s not forget American history.

You who still think the COVID-19 pandemic was not an instrument of war to destroy the giant while she slept, wake up! It’s time to toss the mask of shame, to open your eyes, and see the violence of this war that has already killed many thousands of Americans.

Voter fraud has been with us for decades, yet we haven’t seen it—or at least declared it—until now, until an elected President of the United States of America was wretchedly canceled right under our own collective eyes. We were blind, but now we see. And now we must act to conquer this domestic enemy. We mustn’t just resist the beast. Nor should we merely cage the beast by holding the line.

No, we must wholly slay this beast attacking America so that it can arise no more to torment us and our offspring!

Let us all who consider ourselves true Americans take a survey of our hearts and see if there is any deceit in our own lives. Let us inventory our own homes and our own souls. With all diligence, we must arm ourselves to fight this pervasive darkness that now threatens our very existence. It’s time for repentance from our insipid blindness and inaction. We have a war to win, and the decisive battle is surely election integrity. Fight it! If you have personal knowledge of voter fraud, report it to your local sheriff. Shout it on the hilltops. Satan be damned! This is America! We are one nation under God, or no nation at all. I hope to see you at the battlefront. I’m already there!


On TB every waking moment

The World No Longer Believes in American Democracy, and Neither do We
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AP Photo/David Goldman
If the end of the world came, but nobody told you about it, would you care?

Here’s a stunning piece of information that appeared in exactly no American news media, right, left or center. I read about it in Global Times, the Chinese government’s English-language newspaper.

The Pew Research Institute, a respected non-partisan opinion research organization, polled the world’s major countries about American democracy.

Only 17% said the U.S. “is a good example for other countries to follow,” while 57% said it used to be. Twenty-three percent said it never was.

It’s troubling that Americans have similar views. Only 19% of Americans think our democracy is a good model for others to follow, while 72% said it used to be 8% said it never was.


On the other hand, a majority had a good opinion of American entertainment products.

As Victor Davis Hanson laments in a fiery new book, America’s elites have degraded the concept of citizenship to the point that “tribalism and globalism are destroying the idea of America.”

Has it really come to this—that four out of five Americans think American democracy has fallen so far that the rest of the world would do well to shun our example?


On TB every waking moment

New Criminal Charges Reveal How 'No Election Fraud' Was the Lie
New Criminal Charges Reveal How ‘No Election Fraud’ Was the Lie

by Bob Unruh
November 7, 2021

Democrats and other far-left interests, such as both legacy and social media, have harped on President Trump for his claims of a mishandled 2020 election ever since Election Night 2020.

Article by Bob Unruh from our news partners at WND News Center.

They call it the “Big Lie.” But perhaps the really big lie is that there is no vote fraud. After all, a new criminal case in Philadelphia, where vote-fraud cases are becoming common, suggests the worst actually is happening.

It’s Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, who explained in a column at The Daily Signal about the evidence.

He explains this is just the latest situation in Philadelphia’s “long, unfortunate history of election fraud.”

This case involves Marie Beren, a former city council staffer, who is accused by acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania of voting more than once in a federal election, conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election and to deprive persons of their civil rights, and aiding and abetting submission of fraudulent ballots.

Von Spakovsky explained the case alleges Beren for a time was an election judge made responsible for three polling places in Philadelphia’s 29th Ward by “Consultant #1.”

The court documents allege Beren then became a “certified poll watcher” but still “ran things,” including recruiting and installing all election officials in those locations.

The commentary said, “The way this fraud unfolded, according to the Justice Department, is that Consultant #1 would give ‘Beren directions to add fraudulent votes to candidates supported by Consultant #1, including candidates for judicial office whose campaigns actually hired Consultant #1, and other candidates for various federal, state, and local elective offices.’

“After getting her instructions from Consultant #1, Beren would ‘cast fraudulent votes’ in her polling places ‘on behalf of voters she knew would not physically appear at the polls.’”

Beren also, allegedly, would report on how many “legit votes” were cast and also “shift her efforts from one of Consultant #1’s preferred candidates to another.’”

She also would not only allow, but “encourage” voters to cast ballots for other family members, and “tell them which candidates to vote for.” The scheme allegedly took place in both primary and general elections over recent years.

Von Spakovsky reported “Consultant #1” likely is Michael Myers, a former congressman who was accused last year of paying bribes to another Philadelphia election official. He is the same Myers who was thrown out of Congress and given three years in prison in the 1980s after being caught in the famed Abscam scandal, the FBI sting that targeted members of Congress with a fake Arab sheikh offering bribes.

The commentary pointed out while the current case involves allegations only so far, another Philadelphia election official already has pleaded guilty to taking bribes “to stuff ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots.”

The Department of Justice said that would be Domenick Demuro, who admitted a political “consultant” gave him directions and paid him to manipulate votes.

“Sound familiar?” von Spakovsky wrote.

“For anyone who doubts that fraud occurs in our elections—particularly in Philadelphia—this should be a wake-up call to the seriousness of this problem.”


On TB every waking moment

November 7, 2021
Everyone Should Watch Tucker Carlson’s ‘Patriot Purge’
By Christopher Garbacz

I saw Tucker Carlson’s Patriot Purge (all three parts) for free on RoxyTube yesterday along with 175 others. (That’s right only 175 people were watching it then.) There is a lot to recommend. Indeed, everyone should see it and determine for themselves if Tucker has raised relevant issues as to whether there was an “insurrection” on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol or not.

Most of you who read American Thinker know that Tucker set out to tell the truth. For reasons discussed below, he may not yet have the complete truth, but there are numerous markers he reveals that suggest what may have happened.

Tucker has lots of video footage of the events of January 6. After the Trump rally, thousands walked down the Mall to the Capitol. They thought they were exercising their Constitutional right to demonstrate in favor of Trump. Many thought that Mike Pence had the power to invalidate electoral votes from questionable states as a result of fraudulent voting and throw the Presidential contest into the House Of Representatives to be resolved. They thought that, by being near the Capitol, they could stiffen Pence’s backbone. There was no plan to enter the Capitol.

When the crowd arrived at the Capitol there were people with bullhorns urging the crowd to enter the Capitol and express their views. It is highly unlikely that these were Trump supporters. If not, who were they representing? Could they have been FBI, BLM. or ANTIFA, or any of a host of other organizations that wanted to frame Trump?

It is interesting to view the videos that Tucker puts up. On the one hand, a few very strong people were scaling the walls as though there was an assault in progress ala Pont du Hoc in Normandy. At the same time, everybody else was being ushered into the Capitol by merely walking up the steps, where the Capitol Police ushered them in.

Come on in, they were told. Just don’t do any damage. In fact, there was little damage. Trump supporters don’t do damage. I can only assume that those scaling the walls were not Trump supporters, but those who wanted to create a lasting visual of an assault.

When the citizens entered the Capitol our brave members of Congress were told to hide. They did. Not one member of Congress came out to greet their fellow citizens.

A horrifying episode is the video of Ashli Babbitt being shot after putting her hands on a window into the Speakers Lobby. There is no warning. She is unarmed. She is not attacking anyone. An eyewitness journalist reports all this.

Nothing then or now explains why she was shot. You see her on the floor bleeding to death. You hear her mother lament her loss unable to understand what happened.

After January 6, Tucker tells us that the FBI mounted the greatest manhunt in the history of the U.S. to capture and prosecute 630 citizens who were possibly entrapped mainly into trespassing. They knocked doors down and terrified families with shock and awe. Tucker claims they wanted to emulate our Iraq experience. Those who likely did the entrapping have not been prosecuted.

Hundreds of January 6 trespassers have been held in the D.C. jail for months on end without either bail or a trial, and they experience gulag-like political punishment. One who is out on bail describes the horrors of the DC gulag—beatings and inhuman conditions are rampant. The prosecutors and judges in D.C. are adamant that these people are domestic terrorists—yet there is no evidence to support this. How are the jailers allowed to continue to abuse Trump supporters?

Tucker makes a strong case that half the country and most all of D.C. have gone mad. This ties in with Tucker’s earlier historical listing of hysterias throughout the ages—witch trials, heretic trials, pogroms, and so forth.

There is a House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. “Attack” in the committee’s name seems to imply that it’s already passed judgment. Censorship of committee members also suggests the committee has already arrived at its conclusion.

If you read some of the documents the committee released, it is obvious that its entirely anti-Trump membership has already made up its mind that Trump supporters are domestic terrorists and that Trump instigated the “insurrection.”

The committee has asked for all relevant information regarding January 6. Ask this: Will the committee watch Patriot Purge?

The main flaw in the documentary is something over which Tucker had no control: I don’t believe he had access to those members of the government who could have provided more details on what happened.

Obviously, the FBI was not available. The FBI has a long history of being a police force unto itself, able to act without consequences. This extends back to J. Edgar Hoover’s blackmailing presidents. It has continued thru Ruby Ridge, Waco, and right to the present. Does anyone believe that the FBI is a national treasure and that we couldn’t do without it?

The FBI has an agenda that doesn’t necessarily support a constitutional republic with checks and balances and a rule of law under which all are treated equally.

Agents specialize in early morning arrest raids that are totally unnecessary and in infiltrating innocuous organizations and then leading them into illegal activities.

The basic rule for anyone who is paying attention is that you never answer questions from the FBI. They are very good at entrapment, as we know from what happened to Michael Flynn.

But the FBI is only one branch of the federal police. How many federal police are there? Almost every federal agency has its own police. Bureau of Land Management, Customs, IRS (adding thousands of agents to attack conservative tax filings), EPA, FDA, Secret Service, Federal Marshals, Capital Police (which now has set up new operations outside of D.C.), Interior Department, Border Police (which now waves anyone across the border), DEA, CIA, Transportation, National Park Police, and on and on, not to mention secret government organizations.

And don’t forget the National Guard deployed from all over the country to “protect” the Capitol from further domestic terror attack after January 6. Exactly where the threat came from no one knows since no evidence has ever been presented that there was a viable threat. The total number of Federal Police we know about is greater than 100,000 not counting support staff. With support staff, it’s around the size of the Marines. This might tell you something about how afraid DC is of ordinary citizens who must be kept under control. But Tucker couldn’t get information from any of them.

Julie Kelly would have provided an interesting interview for Patriot Purge regarding who really are the most dangerous people in DC—a few hundred mainly peaceful and older trespassers for a few hours on January 6 or the everyday crowd in Congress. She could explain, as she did here, that the D.C. in-crowd is the most dangerous given its utter contempt for fellow citizens, enactment of legislation detrimental to the country, and wild spending coupled with excessive taxation on an ongoing basis.

Take the time, as I did, to watch the documentary (which is also available for free at TuckerCarlson.com)—and then contemplate how much more Tucker could have shown if our government was transparent about the events of January 6.



On TB every waking moment

Formal Complaint Filed Against Green Bay Mayor for Turning 2020 Elections Over to Far Left Operative, Including Secret Access to Internet and Ballot Warehouse

By Jim Hoft
Published November 8, 2021 at 8:00am

Mayor Eric Genrich

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich gave the keys to the arena where ballots were stored before the the 2020 election to far left radical and former Facebook employee Michael Spitzer Rubenstein.

We then reported that emails revealed that Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin state lead for the National Vote at Home Institute, was given secret internet access to the hotel convention center where ballots were counted in Green Bay.

Then in October a group of local Wisconsin patriots who call themselves ‘Wisconsin HOT’ uncovered another major elections scandal in Wisconsin. A Racine Clerk worked with a former Facebook employee to create an app to track votes in real-time before the 2020 election. The former Facebook employee was Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein. Rubenstein asked to get into ‘WisVote’ per an email obtained by Wisconsin HOT.


Information in this email was received from the City of Racine, Wisconsin in a record request made on March 20, 2021, by H.O.T. This information was posted at www.hotgoverment.com.

This scandal was reported by Christina Bobb at OAN.

Now this…

A new formal complaint was filed against Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich on Friday.

FOX 11 reported:
The complaint states Genrich mishandled the November election by allowing a non-resident to run Central Count operations.
In the Code of Conduct for City of Green Bay , the code states that “members of the Common Council and the Mayor shall maintain the utmost standards of personal integrity, trustfulness, honesty, and fairness in carrying out their public duties.”

Green Bay resident Kimber Rollin alleges Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich violated that code in a complaint filed with the city on Thursday.

Rollin points out the city used grant money from the Center for Tech and Civil Life to help carry out the November election.

The complaint alleges, as part of that grant, Genrich allowed non-resident Michael Spitzer Rubenstein to run Central Count.

Rollin argues allowing a non-resident to run Central Count is a violation of Wisconsin State Statutes.

Genrich has defended the city’s handling of the election for the past year, including comments during a March 16 common council meeting. Genrich said, “Now nothing of human creation is perfect, but our election was pretty darn close.”
Why did the city of Green Bay ever give control of their election to any other entity?


On TB every waking moment

Sham January 6 Committee Subpoenas Six Trump Campaign Associates, Including Gen. Flynn

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published November 8, 2021 at 3:30pm


The House Select Committee on the January 6 protest has issued subpoenas to six top Trump campaign associates — including General Michael Flynn.

The political witch hunt is now specifically seeking testimony from people involved with Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign.

The subpoenas were sent to Trump 2020 campaign manager William Stepien, former senior adviser to the campaign Jason Miller, attorney John Eastman, Gen. Flynn, national executive assistant to former President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign Angela McCullum and former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik.
“In the days before the January 6th attack, the former President’s closest allies and advisors drove a campaign of misinformation about the election and planned ways to stop the count of Electoral College votes,” Select Committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a statement. “The Select Committee needs to know every detail about their efforts to overturn the election, including who they were talking to in the White House and in Congress, what connections they had with rallies that escalated into a riot, and who paid for it all.”
Thompson added that “the Select Committee expects all witnesses to cooperate with our investigation as we work to get answers for the American people, recommend changes to our laws that will strengthen our democracy, and help ensure nothing like January 6th ever happens again.”

CNN reports that “the committee writes in their subpoena letter to Stepien that his role as Trump’s former campaign manager makes him a key player to understanding the Trump campaign’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and promote the ‘Stop the Steal’ narrative that rioters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 echoed.”

The subpoena cites some anonymous person who claimed to have knowledge that Stepien was “deeply involved” in the Stop the Steal efforts.

The individuals were asked to give the committee the requested documents on November 23 and conduct depositions from the end of November through mid December.

Those named have not yet publicly commented about the subpoenas.


On TB every waking moment
war room.JPG

Future Of The Republican Party Is On Referendums and Propositions 6:58 min

Future Of The Republican Party Is On Referendums and Propositions (Scott Presler, Rise-Pact)
Bannons War Room Published November 8, 2021


We Must Take Over The Apparatus Of The GOP 2:07 min

We Must Take Over The Apparatus Of The GOP (Dan Schultz, Precinct Committeeman strategy)
Bannons War Room Published November 8, 2021


An Empowered Citizenry Has Put Their Shoulder To The Wheel 4:25 min

An Empowered Citizenry Has Put Their Shoulder To The Wheel (Quisha King, Mom's for Liberty)
Bannons War Room Published November 8, 2021


Faithful Steed
Those named have not yet publicly commented about the subpoenas.
Like Bannon - they may say nothing - and never show.

Truth is - should they show they may not be allowed to leave - the law is as such now - and 500 people can affirm this.



On TB every waking moment

BREAKING: President Donald Trump Releases Statement On Election Fraud Investigation: “The American People Deserve An Answer Now!”

By Jordan Conradson
Published November 8, 2021 at 6:18pm

On Monday, November 8th, President Trump released a statement reminding Americans that the 2020 Election fraud investigation is not over.

It has now been more than one year since our Country was hijacked and plunged into chaos.'

Nearly two months ago, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich received all the evidence needed to arrest those accountable.

“The findings of the Forensic Audit Report were clear and conclusive,” said President Trump.

The auditors even provided video footage of individuals deleting election data before the federally mandated 22-month election record retention period was over.

The Gateway Pundit reported that nearly 700,000 ballots are now in question after the full forensic audit and independent canvass of Maricopa County revealed elections laws violations, missing chain of custody, missing or unverified signatures on mail-in envelopes, internet connectivity within the Elections Management Server (another law violation) and incredible opposition to transparency from the County.

Joe Biden stole the state by less than 10,500 votes.

President Trump released the following statement on Monday regarding the large-scale election fraud in Arizona.
President Trump: The great Patriots of Arizona are anxiously awaiting the Attorney General’s review of the large-scale Election Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election. The findings of the Forensic Audit Report were clear and conclusive. The results from the Congressional Election Integrity hearing that just took place in Washington D.C., upon cross-examination, were devastating to the other side. The Arizona Legislature (and other states!) should, at a minimum, decertify the Election. The American people deserve an answer now!


President Trump recently made a special video appearance at Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake’s election integrity rally on November 3rd, the one-year anniversary of the stolen 2020 Election. He thanked the great patriots in Arizona for their heroic work and addressed the destruction created, so far by the Biden Regime.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers told the crowd at this rally that she also wants to see the fraudulent 2020 election decertified along with accountability through “perp walks” and arrest.

This is not over until we get the truth and we see accountability.


On TB every waking moment

UPDATE: Racine County Sheriff Refers Criminal Charges Against Five Top Wisconsin Elections Commissioners in Nursing Home Voting Scam

By Jim Hoft
Published November 8, 2021 at 8:40pm

The Racine County Sheriff’s Office announced during their press conference one week ago on Thursday that they were submitting their investigation to the Racine District Attorney’s office following their hearing.

The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) violated state law in a statewide nursing home voting scam. The WEC did not follow the law.

The Wisconsin Election Commission took advantage of impaired seniors. The Racine Sheriffs believe this crime occurred in all 72 counties.

The Racine County Sheriff’s Department believes the WEC committed a Class I Felony and numerous misdemeanors by abusing impaired seniors to get their votes.

On Wednesday Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced criminal charges against five of the six members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC).


The Washington Examiner reported:
Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced in a news release Wednesday that he had referred recommendations for criminal charges against five of the six members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson, a Republican.
Last week, Schmaling called a news conference to lay out allegations of election fraud against the commissioners but said he hadn’t sent the investigation to the DA and was instead calling for a statewide investigation into the matter from Attorney General Josh Kaul. After Kaul declined to open an investigation, Schmaling sent his recommendations, which include felony charges.

Schmaling and his investigator allege that when the WEC voted unanimously in Spring 2020 not to send special voting deputies (SVDs) into nursing home facilities because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they’d broken the law. SVDs are pairs of people appointed by local election clerks to go to nursing homes to assist with voting. At the time of the unanimous vote, visitors weren’t being allowed into nursing homes to protect residents from the virus so the WEC voted to forgo the two visits SVDs are required to attempt to make to nursing homes and instead use the normal absentee ballot process.
On November 4th Sheriff Schmaling referred recommendations for criminal charges against five of the six commission members. The referral has gone to Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson, and does not mean that charges will, in fact, be filed.

Constant Contact reported:
The Wisconsin Examiner reported that the commissioners apparently broke state law by preventing special voting deputies from entering nursing homes to help people vote. Instead, officials or workers in the homes helped. And sometimes might have even voted for residents, since a review by Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling confirmed that relatives told his investigators some of the residents did not have the cognitive ability to vote, but did.


On TB every waking moment

Jan. 6 Protester Seeks Asylum In Belarus After Being ‘Persecuted’ By Biden Regime

Jan. 6 demonstrator Eric Neumann has resurfaced on Belarusian TV, explaining why he is seeking asylum there

Eduardo Rivero
November 8, 2021

Jan. 6 Protester Seeks Asylum In Belarus After Being ‘Persecuted’ By Biden Regime

Eric Neumann, a protester during the January 6 ‘Stop the Steal’ rally, is seeking asylum in the Eastern European Republic of Belarus, as a consequence of him being “persecuted by the U.S. government”.

Neumann was introduced on the Belarusian media network ‘Belarus 1’, which appeared to provide far more accurate coverage of the January 6 situation than the liberal-dominated U.S. mainstream media.

The network described Neumann as a “simple American” who “looked for justice and asked uncomfortable questions, but lost practically everything and is being persecuted by the U.S. government.”

Hundreds of January 6 protesters have been arrested and detained in abysmal conditions in Washington, D.C., following their participation in the demonstrations against Joe Biden’s rigging of the 2020 elections.

The presenter of the show noted how the increasingly violent, anti-white environment in the United States had led people to take the “difficult to imagine” step of seeking asylum in a much poorer country.

“Judging by his story, [Neumann] is the same type of simple American whose shops were burned by Black Lives Matter activists,” the presenter added.

Neumann stressed his innocence during the interview with the Belarusian reporters, denying “wholly without merit” FBI claims that he attacked the police.

He gave his perception of the events of January 6, suggesting a false flag incident may have taken place at the Capitol.

“When I was outside the Capitol, nobody came in through the windows, there were hundreds of people, and after a man broke a window and invited us in, told us to come in, nobody did it,” he said. “And that’s how the government has been creating these situations since the 1990s that they test on us, and call it a terrorist event or something like that.”

“[The surveillance] is awful,” he said. “This is political persecution.”

Following this, Neumann fled by foot to Belarus, a neighboring country to Ukraine that has been at odds with Western globalists following an unsuccessful attempted Soros-backed color revolution there last year against national-populist President Alexander Lukashenko.

Following Lukashenko’s victory in the 2020 elections in Belarus, U.S. deep state authorities and Soros-funded NGOs chose to instead recognize the losing candidate, liberal Sviatlana Tshikanouskaya. Joe Biden and other leading globalists demanded that Lukashenko commit to a so-called “peaceful transfer of power”. Lukashenko refused the globalists’ edicts, and remains in power today.

According to Belarusian migration authorities, three U.S. citizens have applied for asylum in Belarus so far in 2021. It is unknown whether the other cases are linked to the events of Jan 6 or subsequent persecution of patriotic Trump supporters by the Biden administration.