
Faithful Steed

BREAKING: Windham Residents STAND WITH BACKS TURNED on Board As They Railroad Audit Process — SCREAM AND CHANT “RESIGN!” (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published May 3, 2021 at 8:20pm


HUNDREDS of local citizens turned out to the Windham, New Hampshire City Meeting tonight at the city hall.

The city leaders or “selectmen” moved the meeting back to the smaller venue at the city hall sometime today.

That way HUNDREDS of concerned citizens were left standing outside!

The board members then WALKED OUT of the meeting.

They did not expect the locals to fight back against their corruption!

View attachment 264869

The meeting was then moved over to the Windham High School auditorium.

The board members continued to ignore their residents and went on with other business!

That’s when the crowd STOOD UP WITH THEIR BACKS TURNED to the dirty board members!

The crowd started chanting, “Resign! Resign! Resign!”

Local activist Ken Eyring told the reporter, “This board is an embarrassment to the community.”

Via Bau Chau Kelley.

Rumble video 2:10 min

Full video via Bau Chau Kelley.

https://www.facebook.com/1b5c764b-f74e-49e3-858e-e3017142d288 1:25:14 min
Steve Bannon War Room Episode 918 (yesterday morning 11-12noon) covers in advance the Windham meet and Rally.

Reports this a.m. are that the Windham Board of Selectmen AT THE LAST MINUTE moved the meeting from the High School to the Windham Town Hall - a meeting venue which is considerably smaller, and with the (of course) enforced Covirus "social distancing" allows a total seating of about 16 people.

Um. Board of Selectmen, you can run but you can't hide.

Bannon War Room 918 covers legal moves to bring the Auditor Selection to a Court of Law. The Board of Selectmen violated several "Roberts Rules of Order" in their efforts to ramrod the Auditor selection.

Here is the actual meeting of 5/3/21. The first 14 minutes are pertinent. (Total RT 58 min)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDNzvxgfihY

This needs to be watched by EVERYONE. The meeting starts at the Community Development Dept. for the first 14 minutes. They then took a recess and moved (back) to the High School for the remainder. Over 500 peaceful patriots showed up to support a motion to consider Jovan Pulitzer (Kinematic), instead of Mark Lindeman (Verified Voting). I apologize for the the sound and picture at some points during the video, but it was out of my control. The streaming channel determined when sound and picture were aired.

The Board of Selectmen are playing "dirty political games" and are being called to task for it.

"You have 30,000 people watching via Youtube."

The pols fear.

This is good!

Edit: I'm continuing to listen past the 14 minute mark - the populist people are keeping the pressure on.
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On TB every waking moment

AWFUL! Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit — Who Is Advisory Board Member to Unscrupulous Verified Voting

By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 12:58pm

Bruce Breton, one of Windham’s Selectman, is the only city Selectman who did not vote for Mark Lindeman for the upcoming forensic audit. Bruce voted for computer expert Jovan Pulitzer to be Windham’s forensic analyst.

Last Monday night, the Windham Board of Selectmen held a public meeting to discuss their choice of an analyst for the forensic audit team that will investigate the largest discrepancy between machine and hand counts for any election in the history of New Hampshire. At the meeting, 3 of the 4 selectmen announced their support for the team of Dr. Andrew Appel and Mark Lindeman’s Verified Voting.

It was discovered the next morning that New Hampshire officials selected an operative who alleged the election fraud claims were fake and worked to try to get the Maricopa County audit shut down earlier this month!

This letter denouncing the Arizona audit WAS SIGNED by Mark Lindeman from Verified Voting!


So the local officials in Windham picked Mark Lindeman who is a far-left operative who has NO RESPECT for the auditing process at all and believes it is unnecessary!

On Saturday a reader tipped us off to another indictment of Mark Lindeman and Verified Voting.

According to an article at Fast Company back in December 2019, a year before the 2020 election, two experts working with Mark Lindeman and Verified Voting quit the organization over claims it was untrustworthy and was providing cover for the companies that make and sell the voting machines.

This was public knowledge and the Windham Selectmen obviously knew about this before they picked the allegedly corrupt organization to audit the 2020 Windham election results.

Mark Lindeman has also been accused of being a toady for the voting machine companies.
New Hampshire Secretary of State William Gardner and Attorney General John Fornella announced in a joint statement Monday that the state chose Harri Hursti to be its audit representative.
Hursti, is a founding partner for Nordic Innovation Labs and is well known for data security knowledge and election security. He and Lindeman and their teams will be joined by a third designee to handle the audit.
Harri Hursti was or is an Advisory Board member for Verified Voting which is also very concerning.

It appears the elected leaders are ready to hurl their constituents under the bus.


On TB every waking moment

The Use of Stingrays, Devices to Locate and Track Suspects Via Their Cell Phones, Is Used Around the Country – Does This Explain Arizona?

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 8:15am

Back in 2008, the use of Stingrays was reported in California when a tax cheat was captured after filing returns on dead people and obtaining their refunds.\

The culprit had thought he covered his tracks but later found out he was captured by the use of the stingray:
It turned out that the U.S. government had been secretly using the Stingray for years, first for military use and then for law enforcement, to locate and track suspects by their cellular connections. Rigmaiden became among the first civilians to learn about this technology, and his case opened the doors to public knowledge about it.

Yet several years later, as more information about Stingrays — also called IMSI catchers, cell-site simulators or fake cell towers — has become available, use of the devices by law enforcement appears to be routinely obscured in court records. At least one major manufacturer allegedly requires police departments to never disclose that they use the devices…
But by 2015, the federal government was required to obtain a warrant before using them on US citizens:

Nevertheless, on Sept. 3, 2015, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a new policy that requires its agencies — including the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) — to, in routine cases, get a warrant before using a Stingray. The policy also directs the agencies to destroy data collected from non-suspects as soon as a targeted suspect is located.

In 2015 new guidelines were established but they were just guidelines:

Last week, the Justice Department released new guidelines on how its agents can use cell phone trackers in investigations. As promised, the revised policy has a warrant requirement, clear guidance on writing a detailed warrant, and provisions for deleting bystander data. Civil liberties watchdogs call it an enormous step.
But the seven-page policy hardly closes the book on StingRays. The document’s minimal best practices have no authority beyond the Justice Department. Non-DOJ federal agencies remain free to set their own guidelines on cell site simulators, as do state and local law enforcement. What’s more, agencies under the Justice Department umbrella continue to fight disclosures regarding StingRays, as they have for years. Enormous a step as it may be, this policy is but an initial one toward true transparency on cell phone tracking by law enforcement.
In February 2013, the FBI/DOJ signed an agreement with Phoenix Police Department. In this document, it is clear that the Phoenix Police have equipment like cell phone trackers:

Phoenix Pd FBI Nda 11feb2013 by Jim Hoft on Scribd (doc access on website)


The first numbered bullet in the agreement states the following. Note the PD can only use this technology in support of public safety operations or criminal investigations:


As time has passed and by 2016, the federal government claimed they didn’t need a warrant for stingrays because everyone knows we can track cell phones:


This leads us to the planes flying around Phoenix these past few days and their congregation around the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum where the 2020 election audit is being performed. We obtained plane routes by a police plane on the 30th, for example:


The Phoenix Police Department wrote The Gateway Pundit yesterday and shared the following:
Regarding your authored article; EXCLUSIVE: Spy Plane Identified Circling the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum Where the Election Audit Is Taking Place - What's Going On? ...Update: Phoenix Police Respond . This was brought to our attention by another media outlet. The article narrative is not accurate. While the maps do accurately represent our flights, both times were the aircraft was on police calls that had nothing to do with the events at the Veteran Memorial Coliseum. Please update your news story. Maggie Cox, Sergeant Public Affairs Bureau Phoenix Police Department.
Here is the article Sergeant Cox is referring to:

We’re interested in hearing more about what these planes were doing in the air near the coliseum. There sure is a lot of activity in that area.


On TB every waking moment

EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Attorney’s Office Sends Out Warning to Staff: Watch Out for Black Lives Matter Protests Downtown Phoenix This Week!

By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 8:30am

Here we go.

Democrats failed to shut down the forensic audit at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix through the courts.

Next, panicked far-left lawfare groups petitioned the Biden Department of Justice to shut down the Arizona State Senate’s historic audit. The DOJ has not yet responded to this bogus request by the Brennan Center, Protect Democracy, and The Leadership Conference.

So Democrats are upping their war on this historic audit.

On Monday night the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office sent out a memo to all employees warning them of scheduled Black Lives Matter protests in the coming days.

Black Lives Matter has scheduled protests for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in downtown Phoenix in the afternoon.

This comes from a Maricopa County Attorney’s Office employee.



On TB every waking moment

Soros-Connected Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, Snuck an Arizona Outsider Into the 2020 Election Audit – A Clandestine Spy

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 11:10am

Soros connected Katie Hobbs needed help so she brought in Ryan Macias, her knight in shining armor. Hobbs inserted Macias onto the floor of the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum where the Maricopa County Election was taking place without notifying the auditors who he was or why he was there.

Here’s some information we reported on Hobb’s connections:

We’d written about Macias recently as well. His firm was one of four firms that signed the letter to the Head of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann, encouraging her to stop the audit in Maricopa County. They all claimed that prior audits were clean so there is no need for this audit:

Of course, we know the prior audits were garbage, there were numerous issues with the process and the sample sizes were minuscule. These prior audits were a joke and their only apparent purpose was to provide a clean bill of health of the 2020 Election results. They were a waste of $100,000 of taxpayer money:


But the Democrats are desperate and so they snuck Macias onto the floor where the audit was being performed and got caught by the former Secretary of State:


Macias is the lonely little petunia in the onion patch, sticking out like a sore thumb in that threatening letter to the President of the Senate, Karen Fann, noted above. Three far-left (and if so illegal) Democrat attack nonprofits and him! Macias is a for-profit guy selling some kind of election gadgets or security services or some such, and somehow got inserted into that letter.

His being in on that letter gave his company national notoriety, exposure, and business opportunities. Money for RSM Election Solutions!

His name on that letter was unusual, strange, it did NOT belong. Three nonprofits and him, the sole for-profit business? What gives?

That certainly indicates premeditated action between Hobbs, the three nonprofits, and this profiteer, Ryan Marcias.

By bringing Ryan Macias into the Arizona Audit and onto the floor to spy for the Democrats, Katie Hobbs and the Democrats are showing how desperate they really are.
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On TB every waking moment

Soros Connected Katie Hobbs in Arizona Reportedly Supports BLM – Did She Invite Them to Phoenix to Stop the Maricopa County Audit?

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 12:56pm

Katie Hobbs, the George Soros and Hillary Clinton connected Secretary of State in Arizona. She is fighting frantically to stop the current audit taking place in the Arizona Veteran Memorial Coliseum. She also reportedly supports BLM. Did she invite BLM and Antifa to Phoenix to stop the Maricopa County audit she promised she would shut down?

We know Katie Hobbs has a checkered past with connections to George Soros and Hillary:

Hobbs also hates the millions of Americans who love this country who voted for Trump she calls Neo-Nazis:


GOP Chair Kelli Ward shared that Hobbs supports BLM on her Twitter profile. Sure enough, there is a blue checked profile with Hobbs’ name that supports BLM. This account says it’s not an official account but the blue check says otherwise.


Hobbs has shared that she believes the current audit is a sham:
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs slammed the efforts of Republicans in her state to lead an election audit of ballots cast during 2020, saying that it “seems like such a farce” and should end.
As we reported previously, Hobbs is going crazy trying to stop this audit in Phoenix and yet her job should be to welcome audits of the electoral process so any recommendations on improvements can be implemented. Instead, she is freaking. On April 1, Hobbs sent a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) just before these five Supervisors had scheduled a 10:00 AM, secret, closed-door, emergency meeting, which is absolutely in violation of open meetings laws. In her letter, she twisted the intent of the Senate, which is to remain hands-off during the audit, as “abdicating any responsibility or engagement in the audit process,” and “dangerous and irresponsible.” She utterly trashed the Senate’s lead firm, Cyber Ninjas as well as Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, and made this pronouncement, “Even if some previously harbored hope that this audit would build voter confidence, it should be clear now that the Senate has chosen another path. They’ve prioritized conspiracy over confidence.
Hobbs ended by giving the MCBOS unmistakable marching orders for their secret meeting:
“…this morning, I asked Attorney General Brnovich’s Office to advise me of any legal options the Secretary of State may have to protect the integrity of our system and out voters’ confidence in it. But the County’s options in this regard are undoubtedly clearer than my Office’s. As you meet today, I ask that you carefully consider every option, and do what is necessary to protect our voters and our democracy.”
Now today we reported that BLM is in Phoenix:

This all seems too consequential. Are Katie Hobbs and the Democrats behind the BLM protests beginning today? Is BLM’s real purpose for coming to Phoenix to stop the Maricopa County audit? Time will tell. There are no consequences.


On TB every waking moment

Minnesota Senate GOP Passes Voter ID Requirement to Prevent Voter Fraud

By Cristina Laila
Published May 4, 2021 at 1:59pm

The Minnesota Senate on Monday advanced a proposal to require a photo ID in order to cast a ballot in a 32-34 vote.

The Democrat-controlled House is expected to kill the proposal.

Minnesota Republicans argued voter ID will restore the integrity of the election system.

Of course the Minnesota Democrats are calling the voter ID bill worse than “Jim Crow.”

The Duluth News Tribune reported:
The Minnesota Senate on Monday, May 3, advanced a proposal to require photo identification to cast a ballot in the state on a 34-32 vote.

Republicans, all of whom supported the measure, said the plan was key to ensuring election integrity and preventing voter fraud, while Democrats and an Iron Range Independent lawmaker opposed the proposal and said it would bar some from having their votes counted.
The bill is unlikely to gain traction in the House of Representatives where Democrats hold the majority. Lawmakers in that chamber have approved bills creating an automatic voter registration system and restoring the right to vote to people convicted of a felony who’ve served their prison sentence.
The plan would also make available free voter identification cards to those who don’t have another form of photo identification and can’t afford it. Under the Senate proposal, if someone went to vote without photo identification, they would cast a provisional ballot that would be held separately until the person can prove their identity or sign an affidavit.


On TB every waking moment

Swiss Billionaire Pumps $208 Million Into Left-Wing Groups That Help Democrats Win Elections: NYT Report

By Ryan Saavedra
May 3, 2021 DailyWire.com

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: (L-R) Hansjorg Wyss, Michael Bloomberg and Sam Waterston attend Oceana's 2015 New York City benefit at Four Seasons Restaurant on April 1, 2015 in New York City.
Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Oceana

An explosive report from The New York Times this week outlines how a Swiss billionaire has become a top player in influencing U.S. politics in a manner that helps Democrat politicians win elections even though it is not clear whether the individual is a U.S. citizen.

The report said that Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss has donated massive amounts of money “through a daisy chain of opaque organizations that mask the ultimate recipients of his money.”

“Newly obtained tax filings show that Mr. Wyss’s foundations donated $208 million from 2016 through early last year to three nonprofit funds that doled out money to a wide array of groups that backed progressive causes and helped Democrats in their efforts to win the White House and control of Congress last year,” the report said. “Mr. Wyss’s representatives say his foundations’ money is not being spent on political campaigning. But documents and interviews show that his foundations have come to play a prominent role in financing the political infrastructure that supports Democrats and their issues.”

In addition to donating heavily to the three non-profits, Wyss’s foundations also directly donated tens of millions of dollars throughout the Trump-era to groups that “opposed former President Donald J. Trump and promoted Democrats and their causes.”

Wyss donated to far-left groups that organized grassroot campaigns to increase the turnout of Democrat voters, created media organizations that publish pro-Democrat news, pushed for Trump’s impeachment, and sought to cause other problems for the Trump administration. Officials from his organizations have also worked on the Biden transition or have joined the administration.

Wyss’s political profile gained noticeable attention recently after he was one of the top bidders for the Tribune Publishing newspaper chain before dropping out.
“Born in Switzerland and living in Wyoming, he has not disclosed publicly whether he holds citizenship or permanent residency in the United States,” the report noted. “Foreign nationals without permanent residency are barred from donating directly to federal political candidates or political action committees, but not from giving to groups that seek to influence public policy — a legal distinction often lost on voters targeted by such groups.”

The report comes as Democrats have pushed to rein in dark money in politics, despite the fact that they spent more than double the amount of dark money that Republicans did — $514 million vs. roughly $200 million — during the 2020 election cycle.

Democrat strategist Rob Stein told the Times that Wyss and his advisers have built a “strategic, evidence-based, metrics-driven and results-oriented approach to building political infrastructure” to “create measurable, sustainable impact” on U.S. politics.

Wyss’s foundations have increased their donations to organizations that champion other Democrat causes, including abortion, and have become more involved in “partisan political debates” after Trump won in 2016.

A spokesperson for Wyss claimed that Wyss’ donations were not meant to help Democrats and that he was only focused on issues important to him. Wyss refused to be interviewed for the report.

The Wyss Foundation, located in Washington, D.C., registered under a section of the U.S. tax code that bans it from giving money to support partisan political campaigns. “But it can, and does, donate to groups that seek to influence the political debate in a manner that aligns with Democrats and their agenda, including the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank where Mr. Wyss sits on the board,” The Times added. “The organization was started by John D. Podesta, a top White House aide to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. A foundation that Mr. Wyss led as chairman and that has since merged with the Wyss Foundation paid Mr. Podesta as an adviser, and the two men remained close, according to associates.”

Another Wyss foundation — the Berger Action Fund — shares office spaces with The Wyss Foundation and is registered under a section of the U.S. tax code that allows it to “spend money supporting and opposing candidates, or to donate to groups that do.”

The Berger Action Fund donated more than $135 to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which the Times notes is “among the leading dark money spenders on the left.”

The Sixteen Thirty Fund donated more than $63 million to PACs promoting Democrats or opposing Republicans in 2020, including pro-Biden groups and “the scandal-plagued anti-Trump group Lincoln Project.” Tax filings for the Sixteen Thirty Fund do not specify how it spent the money it received from Wyss’s foundations.

A California-based group — Fund for a Better Future, which works to shape political processes in a way that helps Democrats — “has received the majority of its funding, nearly $45.2 million between the spring of 2016 and the spring of 2020, from the Berger Action Fund.”

The spokesperson for Wyss said that Berger Action Fund had its own internal policy banning it from funding “political candidates or electoral activities.” The report noted that the “voluntary restriction” was especially newsworthy given the questions that surround Wyss’s citizenship. Wyss also gave $70,000 to Democrat candidates and leftist PACS from 1990 to 2003 before appearing to halt the spending.


On TB every waking moment


Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Election Posts

The records show communications between the Secretary of State’s office and representatives of Facebook and Twitter to Target Judicial Watch Posts.
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 624 pages of records from the office of the Secretary of State of Iowa, revealing how state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter and Facebook) to censor posts about the 2020 election. Included in these records were emails from Iowa state officials to representatives of Big Tech pressuring these companies to remove Judicial Watch’s posts. The emails show how the state agency successfully pressured Facebook to censor Judicial Watch’s post about Iowa’s management of its voter rolls.

Judicial Watch received the records as a result of a June 2020 Iowa Open Records lawsuit that was filed after the Iowa Secretary of State failed to comply with a February 2020 request for records and communications about a Judicial Watch report regarding the accuracy of the state’s voter registration rolls (Judicial Watch v. Iowa Secretary of State (No. 05771 EQCE085973)). Judicial Watch was represented by Iowa lawyer Alan R. Ostergren of Des Moines, Iowa.

The records show that officials in the Iowa Secretary of State office on multiple occasions contacted officials from Facebook and Twitter to try to have these companies remove Judicial Watch posts that raised concerns about Iowa’s failure to maintain accurate election rolls.

On February 3, 2020, at 5:19 p.m., Kevin Hall, the communications director for the Iowa Secretary of State, wrote in a February 3, 2020, email to Facebook official Rachel Holland:


We’ve been playing whack-a-mole with this false story all day. Is there anything you can do to help:
[likely View: https://www.facebook.com/JudicialWatch/posts/10157583458431943
We’ve told them is fake. They have it PINNED to the top of their page.

Here’s our rebuttal: https://sos.iowa.gov/news/2020_02_02.html

Holland responded at 6:11p.m., writing:

Hi Kevin,

Circling back with an update regarding the content posted by Judicial Watch. Our third-party fact checkers have rated this content false, and we have applied a filter over the content warning users before they click to see it that the content has been rated false by independent fact checkers.

Please continue to report violating content to us by emailing reports@content.facebook.com, and copying me (RachelHolland@fb.com), as I will be on an airplane for the next couple hours.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matters.

A couple of hours later, Hall followed up, “Thank you! They have new posts up, doubling down on the false claims.”

And Holland responded, “Thanks for flagging- we’ve got a full team with eyes on this now and are applying the false filter to similar articles as well. I’ll send you an additional update shortly!”

That same day, Hall and Maria Benson, the director of communications at the National Association of Secretaries of State, both tried to convince Twitter to censor Judicial Watch’s posts but were ultimately unsuccessful.

Hall filed a report with Twitter, and Benson escalated it by looping in Kevin Kane from Twitter. On February 3, 2020, Benson wrote, “Iowa Secretary of State has reported the below election misinformation, but Twitter has declined to take it down. As you can see from facts the tweets are clearly wrong. I wanted to bring this to your attention to hopefully remedy the situation. I’ve cc’d Kevin Hall, their Communicators Director.”

Kane responded rejecting the request saying, “Thanks Maria – This was reviewed by our team and is not in violation of our election integrity policy as it does not suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when. where. or how to vote. I understand this is not the outcome you are seeking and appreciate you continuing to report Tweets to our team.”

In an email the next day, Hall wrote to Kane saying, “Facebook, thankfully, was helpful. I would suggest perhaps reviewing your policies at Twitter and putting them more in line with what Facebook is doing to counter election misinformation.”

After being rejected by Twitter, Benson emailed Brian Scully, an official at the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, writing on February 3, 2020:

Hey Brian,

Can you report this as well? Hannity is now retweeting and Twitter isn’t playing ball with us. I’ve cc’d Kevin Hall who you met Saturday. He’s IA SOS’s Communications Director. He’s been reporting and playing wack a mole by trying to reply to misleading tweets.

Scully responded promising to contact Twitter. “Sorry … been out of pocket a bit. Will reach out to Twitter. Let me know if you get something.”

“These records are yet another example of state officials conspiring with Big Tech to deny Americans their First Amendment rights,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These records further show that Big Tech censorship is a government scandal: Iowa government officials worked with Facebook to remove posts they didn’t like, and Facebook bowed to this political pressure immediately.

It should be disturbing to all Americans that government officials are working to censor speech they disagree with and that these behemoth companies often seem willing to roll over and censor free speech.”

Judicial Watch last week released records from the office of the Secretary of State of California revealing how state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election.

Included in these records were “misinformation briefings” emails that were compiled by communications firm SKDK, that lists Biden for President as their top client of 2020. The records show how the state agency successfully pressured YouTube to censor a Judicial Watch video concerning the vote by mail and a Judicial Watch lawsuit settlement about California voter roll clean up.


On TB every waking moment

The Real Story Of The Battle For Fulton County, GA GOP Chair

by CD Media StaffMay 4, 202104217

Image by The Conmunity – Pop Culture Geek

On April 17th Georgia Republicans held their county conventions required by the state party. The results yielded massive victories for pro-Trump grassroots conservatives and a statewide upheaval of the Republican establishment. These newly energized groups captured key positions at mass precinct caucus meetings just a few weeks earlier. Two of their key concerns are election integrity and medical freedom, topics that the Republican establishment has disregarded and even “Pooh Poohed”.

In metro Atlanta, Republican establishment leaders survived only in Gwinnett County. In Cobb County, Salleigh Grubs won the Chair position in a landslide and received a congratulatory call from former President Donald Trump. In DeKalb County, Marci McCarthy was elected as Chair. She served as an adjudicator during recent elections and has pointed out deficiencies in the Georgia process in several national interviews. In Cherokee County, Grassroots for Trump organizer, Marcia Cox, helped engineer victories for Jordan Ridley as chair and Ellen Diehl as first vice chair. Counties like DeKalb, Fulton, Appling, Baldwin and Whitfield subsequently passed resolutions to censure Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who was sued by the state party for failure to ensure that voter signatures on returned ballot envelopes were validated against voter signatures on file.

But nowhere was the upheaval more dramatic than in Fulton County, Georgia’s largest and most populous county that covers large parts of the 5th and 6th Districts in both north and south metro Atlanta. Grassroots attendees challenged and replaced absentee establishment members who typically get courtesy delegate spots for the district convention. Former U.S. Congresswoman Karen Handel who did not keep her promise to do something about Georgia’s old, unverifiable voting system when she was elected Secretary of State in 2006, was challenged and replaced along with her husband Steve. Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and his wife, state Representative Betty Price, were also challenged and replaced. Anti-election integrity legislators like State Senator John Albers and Rep. Chuck Martin were challenged and replaced too along with Albers’ wife Kari.

But the most dramatic moments for the Fulton County Grand Olde Party (GOP) convention at the Metropolitan Club in Alpharetta came during the prolonged battle for chair between incumbent Trey Kelly and challenger Susan Opraseuth.

Kelly who, in his role as chairman, established general convention procedures and appointed individuals to run the convention but then discovered he could not live with the results. The complete inside story of the battle for chair appears for the first time in print here:


The election for chairman was conducted with little colored chips similar to “tiddlywinks”. Kelly was assigned blue and Opraseuth yellow. The chips were collected from delegates in red SOLO cups carried through the room by collectors designated by the chairman. The cups were not verified as empty before the count began and the cups were not visible at all times as the collectors brought the chips to the counting area.

On the first vote, Trey Kelly was recorded as a 167-164 winner but there were multiple problems with the “official” vote count. First, the 331 chips cast represented one more than the 330 delegates in attendance. Secondly, two lime green chips that looked more yellow than blue were improperly awarded to Kelly’s totals by counters, thus artificially inflating the real margin which was 165-164. That action is in direct violation of the rules which should have found those two votes “illegal” since neither of the candidates were to receive votes for chips of that color. Thirdly, only 328 attendees were eligible to vote since two had left the premises without authorization and returned. So, there were still more chips cast than eligible voters even after taking away the votes that were improperly awarded to Kelly.

In spite of all these unresolved anomalies that compromised the integrity and transparency of the election, Convention Chairman Rusty Paul declared Trey Kelly the winner. Nate Porter then pointed out that the 331 awarded votes were more votes than 330 delegates in attendance. He made a motion to overrule the chair and hold a second vote. His motion was seconded by Karen Parrish and the convention body easily passed it.

On the second vote, the integrity and transparency of the election was improved. Each delegate showed their armband to qualify when voting. They then put their colored token into a large glass vase that was visible throughout the room. Kelly was assigned red and Opraseuth was assigned purple. Opraseuth won the second vote without controversy by 172-148, a 24-vote margin.

When the vote count was announced and Opraseuth was declared chair, Kelly stated he would object. Kelly made no such objection regarding the decision to take a second vote. He only objected after seeing the second vote results although no mention of his objection is recorded in the meeting minutes. Kelly subsequently made a written appeal claiming the first vote results should stand to the 5th District Executive Committee which has more voters (not Republican voters) than the 6th District.

Kelly contended there was a controversy that gave the executive committee the power to overturn convention results even if they were achieved under proper procedures. Although convention activities conformed to Roberts Rules of Order, the 12-person committee decided to back Kelly as a re-elected chairman by a vote of 8-0 with two abstentions and two not present. Those members who voted were:
  • Brandon Seigler
  • John Guest
  • Travis Bowden
  • James Edwards
  • Michael Abramson
  • Ginger Howard
  • Frank Strickland
  • Linda Herren
Kelly then sent an Email from the Fulton County GOP indicating he had been re-elected chairman despite the 24-vote defeat at the convention. In reality, the matter now rests with the state Republican Party. Kelly’s Email conflicts with state chairman David Shafer’s direction that Susan Opraseuth will remain as the duly elected chair until a five-person committee he appoints can make a determination.

That determination should not be too difficult. After all, how can the state Republican party maintain any type of moral authority if they overturn a duly elected chairman and ignore the will of convention delegates from their largest county? Georgia Republicans need to clean up their own corruption before criticizing Democrats about theirs.


On TB every waking moment

Leftist's video proves critical to U.S. Capitol riot probe

John Earle Sullivan backed antifa, egged on 'Stop the Steal'
John Earle Sullivan. (Tooele County Sheriffs Office photograph)
John Earle Sullivan. (Tooele County Sheriffs Office photograph)

By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, May 3, 2021
The sole left-wing activist arrested to date in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots is the same man who created an on-scene video that has helped the FBI identify and arrest Trump-aligned participants.

John Earle Sullivan, a Black Lives Matter supporter known on social media as JaydenX, filmed a Donald Trump protester using a pole to smash a glass-panel door to the Speaker’s Lobby close to the floor of the House of Representatives, where fellow protester Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by a police officer moments later. The FBI has also used video stills, attributed to “JaydenX,” to identify others rioters, one of whom was arrested last week.

For his efforts, Mr. Sullivan has become something of a celebrity rioter. He appeared as an eyewitness that day on CNN, which bought rights to his video for $35,000 as did NBC News. He portrayed himself as a videographer/journalist.

But the FBI viewed him differently, and he was indicted on seven counts. His odd path to the heart of the Trump protest on Jan. 6 — he closed one harshly anti-Trump social media post days before the riot with the hashtag “#Antifa” — is one of the primary mysteries of the day.

He has a history of promoting violence, according to court filings. On his Capitol video, he can be heard urging invaders to burn the Capitol. At an August Black Lives Matter protest in Washington, he urged the crowd to pull President Trump from the White House. And at a George Floyd protest near his Provo, Utah, home in June, he threatened to assault a woman driver while blocking traffic and associating with a gunman, according to a police affidavit reviewed by The Washington Times.

In the Speaker’s Lobby/Babbitt shooting scene, an aggressive crowd gathered to try to bust through the door. Mr. Trump had pumped up protesters in a “Stop the Steal” speech by making unproven claims about thousands of votes being stolen from him and given to now-President Biden.

An FBI affidavit relied heavily on Mr. Sullivan’s video to describe the scene, including accounts of one rioter repeatedly punching the door’s glass as lawmakers and staff can be seen evacuating and another man “wearing a red hooded jacket and a gray skullcap starts striking the door’s glass panels with what appears to be a long, wood flagpole.” The affidavit contains still shots with the name “JaydenX” imprinted on each to convey who made the film.

The man punching the door glass turned out to be Chad Jones of Kentucky. A “family member” pointed him out to the FBI, the court document says, and he was arrested on a series of rioting charges.

Another Speaker’s Lobby eyewitness was also arrested based on JaydenX video. Thomas Baranyi of New Jersey faces trespassing and rioting counts.

Last week, Jeffrey Register of Florida turned himself in. Like Mr. Jones and Mr. Baranyi, it was the JaydenX video that provided the critical video evidence, according to clips attached to his FBI affidavit. Law enforcement used the video to track Mr. Register as he entered through a broken window, ignored police warnings and moved around the Capitol.

The affidavit author is not a bureau agent, but a deportation officer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement delegated to the FBI’s Northeast Florida Joint Terrorism Task Force.

A Washington Times review of hundreds of arrest affidavits shows that all the rioters are depicted by law enforcement as Trump backers, except one — John Sullivan. He has had a busy last 12 months.

Mr. Sullivan, 26, and his group, Insurgence USA, organized an unlicensed George Floyd protest in Provo on June 29. Mr. Sullivan went on Facebook Live to urge protesters to block motorists downtown.

Examining protests videos, a Provo police official later wrote that Mr. Sullivan took an active role in the protest, kicking at passing vehicles and issuing obscene threats to passengers. The affidavit said he led the protest alongside a colleague who carried a handgun and used it to fire shots and wound a motorist.

Police charge Mr. Sullivan with rioting, criminal mischief and violent threats. No trial date has been set. He is scheduled for a pre-trial judicial review in August.
Weeks after the Provo demonstration, Mr. Sullivan was in D.C. for a Black Lives Matter rally, again capured on video using obscene language and exhorting the crowd to “drag” President Trump out of his office.

He next came to Washington Jan. 6, for Mr. Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally against the election results. As a lead-up, Mr. Sullivan actively recruited followers to show up. “We need numbers to show up No fascist in DC—March against Fascism spread the word Comrades.” He added the hashtags, “F— Trump” and “Antifa.”

On Jan. 2, he posted a distorted Trump photo on Twitter and said, “Time to kick this fascist out of DC on January 6, 2020 (sic). Trump is not our president dump him.” His Insurgence USA website provided a location for his followers to meet around the Washington Monument at 11 a.m.

But at the Capitol, Mr. Sullivan dressed as a Trump supporter and can be seen in video on a balcony urging the crowd to invade the Capitol.

The FBI used Mr. Sullivan’s video, stamped “JaydenX,” to incriminate him. Mr. Sullivan, who was indicted in February and has been released with restrictions on his social media activities, is scheduled for a case review on May 26 in U.S. District Court in Washington.


On TB every waking moment

Avalanche Of Leftist Lawsuits Aims To Make 2020 Voting Chaos Permanent

The left’s goal in fighting these commonsense proposals is to institutionalize less-secure COVID voting as the new norm for a post-pandemic America.

Chase Martin

By Chase Martin
MAY 4, 2021

Across the country, state legislatures are performing their constitutional duty, passing reforms to improve election procedures that worked well this past election, while addressing those that did not.

Yet as these reasonable, non-discriminatory bills are signed into law, mostly by Republican governors, a common pattern has emerged. D.C.-based Democratic Party-aligned lawyers are immediately filing lawsuits to contest the laws using local groups to establish standing.

These baseless lawsuits consist of copy-and-pasted legal briefs used to attack states focused on election integrity across the nation. With no legal leg to stand on, these lawsuits are light on facts and heavy on unsubstantiated, racially charged rhetoric. Even if these lawsuits don’t ultimately win in court, they attack the moral character of those who support these reforms while firing up left-leaning donors to fill leftists’ political coffers.

More importantly, the left’s goal in fighting these commonsense proposals is to institutionalize the unorthodox and less-secure voting procedures used during the height of the COVID challenge and make them the new norm for a post-pandemic America. Such measures include automatic registration of voters, doing away with any kind of verification that voters are who they say they are, all while pushing a massive expansion of mail-in ballots. The result will be elections that are less fair and free, in perception and reality.

Earlier this month, these left-leaning law firms turned their attention toward Georgia. The same day Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed the Election Integrity Act of 2021, also known as SB202, the lawsuits began pouring in. As of the end of April, there are at least six, all making nearly identical claims.

Georgians should expect all six lawsuits to fail because the plaintiffs have not shown an unreasonable burden upon Georgian voters caused by SB202 (discriminatory or otherwise), and there is zero evidence of a discriminatory purpose behind the law.

In determining whether new voting reforms enacted by a state are constitutionally permissible, courts weigh the character and magnitude of the burden placed upon voters against the interests put forward by the state as justifications for that burden, taking into consideration “the extent to which those interests make it necessary to burden the plaintiff’s rights.”

In the case of SB202, the burden imposed upon Georgian voters is minimal, with some of the reforms actually reducing the burdens of the last election which, as the plaintiffs admit, saw record turnout. Such reforms include setting a minimum number of hours that polls must be open in advance of elections, adding an additional Saturday to the voting period with option to include Sundays, and reducing wait lines by requiring polling locations to measure wait times and make adjustments if needed.

In SB202, the Georgia General Assembly articulated the precise state interests that the law is designed to address. These include “the lack of elector confidence in the election system on all sides of the political spectrum” while reducing “burden on election officials” and streamlining “the process of conducting elections in Georgia by promoting uniformity in voting.” According to the U.S. and Georgia supreme courts, these are all legitimate state interests that justify reasonable, non-discriminatory burdens on voters, which is exactly what SB202 accomplishes.

While the plaintiffs exhaust themselves unsuccessfully seeking to tie long wait times to racial discrimination, the Georgia legislature took a more logical approach, focusing instead on ways to improve polling location management to reduce the time voters must stand in line.

Long voting lines are a result not of racism, but of poorly managed polling locations. The Georgia General Assembly recognized this and stepped up to address it. With such smart and reasonable reforms as this embedded in SB202, Georgians can expect the efficiency of their elections to continue to improve, and voter participation to continue to rise.

Opponents of the law who are ignorant of its contents have also expressed unbridled outrage at Georgia’s voter ID requirement for absentee vote-by-mail ballots, which has registrars confirm the identity of an absentee voter by comparing identification card numbers rather than signatures. This less subjective approach, combined with the cost and availability of Georgia voter ID cards (they are free and available to all) makes this approach far more sensible and, more importantly, accurate. Yet even if it didn’t, the law also provides alternative forms of identification that can be used if obtaining the free voter ID card proves too difficult.

SB202 is a clear attempt by the Georgia legislature to employ a reasonable set of reforms to keep Georgia elections free and fair. The burdens it imposes are minimal, reasonable, and applied equitably to all Georgia voters.

The left’s legal attack on Georgia’s election law will fail. Its thinly veiled effort to normalize highly irregular and less secure voting practices employed in response to the challenges of COVID must also fail.


On TB every waking moment

In NH, Windham Selectmen’s Audit Obstruction Is A Microcosm Of America’s Terrified Democrats

We have seen every dirty trick in the book and a few we'd never imagined before played against those who support fair elections in Windham, NH.

by D_P_Patterson
May 4, 2021

Windham, New Hampshire, is attempting to audit the 2020 election. It should be just as closely monitored by American patriots as the Maricopa County, Arizona, audits that are also taking place right now. It’s not that Windham is as consequential. It’s that even in the small east coast town, Democrats are doing everything they can to continue to hide their theft of the election.

Last night, a city meeting of Selectmen—their equivalent of city council members—held a meeting that was attended by hundreds of concerned patriots who have worked hard for months to get an audit done of their corrupt 2020 election. Along the way, there has been clear obstruction and attempts to suppress the concerns of the people. But the people prevailed in ordering the audit. Then, the city picked Deep State shill Mark Lindeman to lead the audit.

This, of course, outraged the town’s patriots. They went to the city meeting to demand changes and a real election audit, not a rubber stamp version that will do everything possible to suppress voter fraud even further. As Ken Eyring from Granite Grok explained:
There are many disturbing issues that have led up to this point in time where the Windham Selectmen chose Mark Lindeman to perform an audit he is not qualified to perform. Should the public be concerned? Yes. Let’s connect the dots on Lindeman. To do this, let’s start with who certifies the voting machines.

Who certifies the the Voting Machines that are used in U.S. Elections?
Answer: The Federal Election Assistance Commission, where a former executive of Dominion Voting Systems is a chief employee.

This document contains the following excerpts that expose that Dominion Voting Systems has significant influence in the U.S. federal certification agency, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC):
“A deeper look into the certification process used for the machines, however, reveals that the main certification agency in the United States, the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC), maintains an unexpectedly small staff, and one of its chief employees is a former executive of Dominion Voting Systems.”
That is a serious conflict of interest. That document also lists the only two companies who are currently certified to perform certification testing on voting machines.
“Furthermore it appears the bulk—if not all—of the testing of the election equipment is conducted by only two companies, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.”
“On the EAC website, there are seven Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTL) listed. However, only two of these testing labs, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, are listed on the page as accredited, as the others are listed as having their accreditation expired.”
Who Certified the Maricopa County, AZ, November general election?
Answer: The same two companies who certify voting machines; Pro V&V and SLi Compliance

The only two companies who are certified by the EAC to certify voting machines (Pro V&V and SLI Compliance) are the same two companies who performed the first audit of the Maricopa County, AZ general election – using a bogus Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) process they claimed validated the results.
That is the equivalent of the fox guarding the hen house.

Mark Lindeman Supports the Results of the First Maricopa “Audit”
This article was sent to Windham Selectman Roger Hohenberger by Mark Lindeman. The article includes the following statement:
“The audit of the tabulation equipment’s software and hardware was performing by two independent Voting System Testing Laboratories: Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.”
Lindeman used that article to convince Hohenberger that the audit by Pro V&V and SLI Compliance in Maricopa County, AZ, was thorough and complete. It is hogwash, and Hohenberger bought into it without doing any additional research.

That speaks volumes about Roger Hohenberger’s inability to properly represent the people of Windham regarding one of the most important decisions he has ever made on behalf of the town.

Mark Lindeman Opposes the Current Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ
Lindeman stuck his elitist nose into Arizona. His opinion was not requested, nor welcomed by the AZ Senate. An April 13, 2021 letter to AZ Senate President Karen Fann (cosigned by Mark Lindeman, co-director of Verified Voting), made the following statements regarding the previous audits that were performed in AZ.
“These audits provided assurance of the accuracy of the results, which included victories for both Democrat and Republican candidates at the federal, state and local level. 

At this point, additional audits will have little value other than to stoke conspiracy theories and partisan gamesmanship – or worse.”
The Risk Limiting Audits that Lindeman is so fond of do not provide the type of certainty of results that he professes – nor what is needed to answer all of the questions regarding the “Windham Incident.”

Lindeman’s elitist attitudes are exposed through his condemnation of the current audit process that was demanded by the citizens of Maricopa County. His actions clearly reflect his contempt of those who live in Maricopa County, AZ. His actions and statements speaks volumes about Mark Lindeman’s character and liberal ideologies.
It’s crystal clear that the city is committing election audit malpractice if ever a thing existed. Some have argued that they’re not taking the audit seriously. This is false. In fact, they’re taking it very seriously. They’re trying to subvert the real audit by passing it on to someone who has the skills and desire to continue to cover up massive, widespread voter fraud across the nation.

Democrats realize it will only take one domino falling in order for their entire con job to come crashing down. From their perspective, exposing the theft of the 2020 election will destroy their party and, in their inaccurate opinion, the nation. As hard as it is for honest people to comprehend, the Democrats involved think keeping voter fraud under wraps is somehow a benefit to this country.

Their actions, including the unwillingness to properly hear the concerns of the citizens last night, demonstrate a true fear that’s pervasive among Democrats (and complicit Republicans) who are in the know. As The Gateway Pundit reported:
HUNDREDS of local citizens turned out to the Windham, New Hampshire City Meeting tonight at the city hall.

The city leaders or “selectmen” moved the meeting back to the smaller venue at the city hall sometime today. That way HUNDREDS of concerned citizens were left standing outside!

The board members then WALKED OUT of the meeting. They did not expect the locals to fight back against their corruption! The meeting was then moved over to the Windham High School auditorium. The board members continued to ignore their residents and went on with other business!

That’s when the crowd STOOD UP WITH THEIR BACKS TURNED to the dirty board members! The crowd started chanting, “Resign! Resign! Resign!” Local activist Ken Eyring told the reporter, “This board is an embarrassment to the community.”

https://www.facebook.com/bd0b401a-8599-4ee6-8e32-3195e520e536 1:25:14 min
It’s been said before and it must be said again. If these Democrats and complicit Republicans really thought the audits wouldn’t reveal massive voter fraud, they would WANT them to happen. Instead, they’re scrambling to quash them all.


On TB every waking moment

Trump Vindicated as Judge Rules Michigan Secretary of State Violated Election Laws


AP Photo/John Raoux
A judge in Michigan has vindicated President Trump by ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, broke state law when she unilaterally changed election rules concerning absentee balloting in the 2020 election. This ruling legitimizes a key claim made by the Trump legal team in its challenges to the 2020 election.

A major change imposed by Benson was loosening the signature verification requirement for absentee ballots. Michigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray ruled that this change violated Michigan Administrative Procedures Act.

The court made the following conclusion:
…nowhere in this state’s election law has the Legislature indicated that signatures are to be presumed valid, nor did the Legislature require that signatures are to be accepted so long as there are any redeeming qualities in the application or return envelope as compared with the signature on file. Policy determinations like the one at issue — which places the thumb on the scale in favor of a signature’s validity — should be made pursuant to properly promulgated rules under the APA or by the Legislature.
Over 3.1 million Michiganders voted by absentee ballot in November. Biden “won” the state by just over 154,000 votes, according to the state-certified results.

“I’m glad the court sees Secretary of State Benson’s attempts at lawmaking for what they are – clear violations of her authority,” said State Rep. Matt Hall, a Republican. “If she wants to make changes like these, she needs to work with the Legislature or properly promulgate them through the laws we have on the books.”

“The Legislature is an equal branch of government charged with crafting laws,” Hall continued. “This is not the role of the Secretary of State, and there is a clear process that must be respected. Unfortunately, Secretary of State Benson has a pattern of not respecting that process. She issued a mandatory directive requiring local election officials to apply a presumption of validity to all signatures on absent voter ballots, but there is nothing within state law allowing for that type of power from her position. As a result, this directive was found to be not in accordance with our laws and not valid.”

Michigan was not the only state where Democrat state officials unilaterally changed election laws, so this ruling certainly raises legitimate doubts whether Biden truly won the election without invalid votes.


On TB every waking moment

Kansas Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto, Bans the Election Zuck Bucks. Plus: A Win for 2A Rights.


(AP Photo/John Hanna File)

In the span of a month we’ve come full circle on election reforms — actual reforms, not the Democrats’ monstrosity that’s merely advertised as such. That unconstitutional power grab is going nowhere.

Kansas’ legislature has just overridden its governor’s veto and put into law a set of election reforms similar to those that just weeks ago Joe Biden declared were “Jim Crow on steroids.”

Biden would know these laws are nothing like Jim Crow, if he still had all his mental faculties, because he was around for Jim Crow. Biden happily cavorted with segregationist Democrats when it suited him. And Jim Crow was a Democrat policy.

Biden slammed Georgia a month ago, and Coke, MLB, American, and Delta Airlines duly lined up with Biden and his shrill supporters — many of whom, like Stacey Abrams, can’t actually win elections. Their power is mostly on social media and as any real PR pro will tell you, much of what you see on social media isn’t real. MLB moved the All-Star Game from majority black Atlanta to very white Denver in the name of social justice, or something. Following Biden is a fool’s game and has been for going on 50 years. He’s the guy who would have left Osama bin Laden alive 10 years ago if it had been up to him.

That boycott effort has crashed hard. Republicans didn’t bow to woke corporate America. We called them out for being moral cowards swayed by partisan tripe.

Coke, baseball, the airlines, they’ve all taken a public relations hit. Which is ironic, since corporate wokeness is coming from their public relations and human resources departments.

A smart CEO at any of these companies would remember who advised the woke path, and take those people off the path to the corner office and put them on a path to the parking lot. They give poor advice that does not work in the real world.

A month after all that, the Kansas legislature adopts some sensible election reforms. Media will spin it six ways from Sunday and Joe Biden, who isn’t very bright, will also trash it, but here’s what the new law does:

The Legislation⬇️
-Bans Ballot Harvesting
-Prohibits Electioneering
-Bans Private Funds from being used to administer elections (Ex. Zuckerberg)
-Prohibits SOS or Governor from making emergency changes to election laws
— Tim Swain (@SwainForSenate) May 3, 2021
2020 proved that all of that needs to be done in every state that monkeyed around with election processes and/or accepted Zuck Bucks. Ban that nonsense hard.

Bonus: Kansas also pumped up Second Amendment rights.
The Legislature overrode Kelly’s veto of a bill that would create a special concealed carry permit for 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds, and that’s a major victory for gun-rights advocates. The state already allows people 21 and older to carry concealed guns without a permit and adults can carry them openly, but Kelly’s election had advocates of tougher gun laws hoping for a roll back of Kansas’ generally loose policies.

The votes were 84-39 in the House and 31-8 in the Senate. The measure also expands Kansas’ recognition of other states’ concealed carry permits.

That’s what I call a win.

Keep going woke, Democrats. You’re not strong in Kansas anymore and you’re on the road to losing deep blue places like Austin.

Did I mention that the media would spin? Get a load of this from the AP in reaction to another vote in the legislature.
Republicans also overrode Kelly’s veto of a bill expanding the number of specialty license plates available to drivers willing to pay an extra fee. The votes were 86-37 in the House and 28-12 in the Senate.

The governor and other Democrats objected to a provision allowing a special plate featuring a coiled snake and a “Don’t Tread on Me” slogan. They’re featured on what’s known as the Gadsen flag, after its Revolutionary War-era creator, who owned a wharf where an estimated 100,000 African slaves arrived. Critics also see the flag as a symbol of white supremacist and alt-right groups.
The guy owned a wharf. Wokes have a problem with that. Media carries their water, as usual, without offering any counter sanity. Because the media is fresh out of sanity.


On TB every waking moment

Antrim County Plaintiffs Introduce New Evidence in 2020 Election Case — Experts Were Able to Compromise Data on Data and Flip Votes

By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 2:49pm

Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno filed an explosive new report in the ongoing Antrim County 2020 election lawsuit.

According to DePerno, his team of experts was able to prove the voting machines were vulnerable to compromise.

And DePerno’s team says they were able to manipulate software that was able then to flip votes to Joe Biden.

Matthew DePerno filed his latest legal report this week.

Matthew DePerno: We have the proof that voting machines used in the 2020 elections can be compromised and votes easily transferred from one candidate to another. We can flip votes at the tabulator/precinct level. We can flip votes at the county level. The American people are losing their voice for the future of our democracy. We must fight together for free and fair elections.

Matthew DePerno says he will be able to show the tabulator tapes at the precinct lever were different than the paper ballots.
Jack Posobiec ran this shocking report on the alleged voter fraud.

This is a BIG story! — And, of course, the fake news media will ignore it.

Rumble video on website 7:28 min


On TB every waking moment

URGENT: Windham Selectman Says He Will Change Vote if Majority of Town Wants Different Audit Team! — LET’S GET TO WORK! (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 4:02pm


Windham County, New Hampshire Selectman Heath Partington told a local activist on video that he will change his vote for forensic auditor away from the Verified Voting group if a majority of the locals disagree with his choice.

This was all caught on video last night at the Windham City Leaders Meeting.

Local residents are OUTRAGED after the five elected Selectmen railroaded the community and chose a far-left corrupt group to audit the 2020 election results.

The chosen group Verified Voting signed off on a letter in Arizona calling the audit there frivolous. What made these community leaders then decide to choose Verified Voting for the Windham audit? They still can’t explain this.

Last night the board members continued to ignore their residents and went on with other business!

That’s when the crowd of hundreds STOOD UP WITH THEIR BACKS TURNED to the dirty board members!

The crowd started chanting, “Resign! Resign! Resign!”

Local activist Ken Eyring told the reporter, “This board is an embarrassment to the community.”

One local activist got Selectman Heath Partington to say he will change his vote for the Verified Voting group if a majority of the locals disagree with his choice.

Rumble video on website .42 min

It’s time to get to work, people!

We will post any updates on local activists canvassing the community for their choice of auditers.

The citizens of Windham are not yet ready to give up!
Look for updates at:

“>NH Voter Integrity Group
** Granite Grok


On TB every waking moment

Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Dems Quietly Inserted into the Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 4:30pm

More on Ryan Macias – the character in Maricopa County invited by the Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs?

Three individuals were seen walking around the election floor and whispering to each other. ABC15 reports that Hobbs now has three people working as monitors inside, “an election machine expert and two election auditing professionals.”
ABC15 reports that the observers are “Ryan Macias [who is] the former acting director of certification and testing for the U.S. election assistance commission. Macias certified Arizona’s voting machines. The two other observers are Jennifer Morell, an election consultant with Protect Democracy, and Liz Howard, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice. Until Thursday, Secretary of State Hobbs was denied access to monitor the audit; a judge later ordered her office be allowed. Senate President Karen Fann, who is orchestrating the recount, and Hobbs worked out an arrangement before a noon deadline.”
Given his familiarity with the technology, and his skill set described by the EAC, and the fact that he’s working with the Democrats, he should be monitored:

At a meeting of the EAC Commissioners on May 20, 2019, around the time Ryan Macias has resigned his position with the EAC, one of the Commissioners, Thomas Hicks, asked Dr. Hall, (Joseph Lorenzo Hall, a current member of the Verified Voting board of advisors), “what he meant by ‘trained security experts,’ and Dr. Hall explained that those are people who are hired to break into people’s systems to find vulnerabilities.”

There were suspicions that Ryan was paid to be there:


Macias denied any payment and claimed according to a reporter that he was not let in:


However, ‘pro bono’ refers to free or ‘no charge’ services provided by an attorney, usually for an issue in the public interest. We see no evidence whatsoever that he is an attorney and anyway what does “pro bono” have to do with anything whatsoever in this scenario?!

But the most shocking thing we have found out about Macias is that he is a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises.

This character is on the same team as former Comey FBI Attorney James Baker which apparently was created for events like the audit in Maricopa:


This list of operatives in this ‘task force’ includes individuals with shocking pasts (e.g. Michael Steele, the NeverTrumper, and former RNC Chair). There is much more to this organization than meets the eye.

Ryan Macias is likely not an attorney. He is in Phoenix for a reason. Given that he’s working with the Democratic Party, we should all be concerned with what he’s doing there.


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Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor 2020 Election Posts

By Cristina Laila
Published May 4, 2021 at 5:20pm

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday released documents showing Iowa officials working with Big Tech to censor 2020 election posts.

The records show Iowa officials in the Secretary of State’s office on multiple occasions successfully pressured Facebook and Twitter to remove Judicial Watch’s posts sounding the alarm on the state’s dirty voter rolls.

Via Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch announced today that it received 624 pages of records from the office of the Secretary of State of Iowa, revealing how state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter and Facebook) to censor posts about the 2020 election. Included in these records were emails from Iowa state officials to representatives of Big Tech pressuring these companies to remove Judicial Watch’s posts. The emails show how the state agency successfully pressured Facebook to censor Judicial Watch’s post about Iowa’s management of its voter rolls.

Judicial Watch received the records as a result of a June 2020 Iowa Open Records lawsuit that was filed after the Iowa Secretary of State failed to comply with a February 2020 request for records and communications about a Judicial Watch report regarding the accuracy of the state’s voter registration rolls (Judicial Watch v. Iowa Secretary of State (No. 05771 EQCE085973)). Judicial Watch was represented by Iowa lawyer Alan R. Ostergren of Des Moines, Iowa.
The records show that officials in the Iowa Secretary of State office on multiple occasions contacted officials from Facebook and Twitter to try to have these companies remove Judicial Watch posts that raised concerns about Iowa’s failure to maintain accurate election rolls.

On February 3, 2020, at 5:19 p.m., Kevin Hall, the communications director for the Iowa Secretary of State, wrote in a February 3, 2020, email to Facebook official Rachel Holland:
We’ve been playing whack-a-mole with this false story all day. Is there anything you can do to help: [likely View: https://www.facebook.com/JudicialWatch/posts/10157583458431943
We’ve told them is fake. They have it PINNED to the top of their page.
Here’s our rebuttal: https://sos.iowa.gov/news/2020_02_02.html

Holland responded at 6:11p.m., writing:
Hi Kevin,
Circling back with an update regarding the content posted by Judicial Watch. Our third-party fact checkers have rated this content false, and we have applied a filter over the content warning users before they click to see it that the content has been rated false by independent fact checkers.
Please continue to report violating content to us by emailing reports@content.facebook.com, and copying me (RachelHolland@fb.com), as I will be on an airplane for the next couple hours. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matters.
“These records are yet another example of state officials conspiring with Big Tech to deny Americans their First Amendment rights,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These records further show that Big Tech censorship is a government scandal: Iowa government officials worked with Facebook to remove posts they didn’t like, and Facebook bowed to this political pressure immediately.

It should be disturbing to all Americans that government officials are working to censor speech they disagree with and that these behemoth companies often seem willing to roll over and censor free speech.”

Last week Judicial Watch announced it received 540 pages and additional documents from the California Secretary of State revealing how state officials pressured and coordinated with Big Tech to censor and remove Americans’ 2020 election posts to help the Biden campaign.

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.


On TB every waking moment

AZ Audit Director: Shady Democrat Operative Ryan Macias Misrepresented Himself as Media to Get on Audit Floor – GOT CAUGHT! (VIDEO)

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 7:30pm

Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett says the audit is going well in a visit with TGP’s Jordan Conradson. He also drops a bomb on Secretary of State’s guest Ryan Macias, who was inside the Coliseum recently.

Earlier today we posted an article about Ryan Macias who is connected with the ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’. This task force includes other notables such as former James Comey FBI Attorney James Baker and others:


Secretary Bennett shared that the audit was going well and they had approximately doubled the number of tables and auditors to assist in the audit. This will speed things up tremendously. He mentioned that the Democrats have told him that they are encouraging their fellow Democrats not to be involved in the audit. Next Jordan asked about this tweet:


According to Bennett, at a ‘Media Only Night’ about a week prior, Ryan Macias showed up and reportedly told people he was media but when Macias was asked for credentials he didn’t have any. Unfortunately, some of the staff thought he presented himself as part of the media and they didn’t like it. This was the night that the auditors explained what they were doing at each table to the press.

See Jordan’s discussion with former Arizona Secretary of State, and current Maricopa Audit Director, Ken Bennett:

Rumble video on website 6:38 min

Great interview. Mr. Bennett is on top of things.


On TB every waking moment

TGP Reporter Jordan Conradson Explains the Actions of the Pink Shirts – Observers Representing Katie Hobbs Secretary of State Office Inside the Maricopa Audit

By Joe Hoft
Published May 4, 2021 at 6:45pm

TGP reporter Jordan Conradson was on with Liz Harris in Phoenix to discuss what he saw inside the building where the Maricopa County audit is being performed.

Jordan had an excellent discussion with Liz Harris, one of the many individuals in Arizona who demanded a forensic audit of the 2020 election results in Maricopa County. Patriots like Liz may save this country. They discussed many things but their discussion of the individuals in the Coliseum involved in the audit was very informative.

They then discussed his observations from inside the Coliseum:

The interesting piece was when Jordan shared about the people who were in the pink shirts. These individuals were there at the behest of Arizona Democrat and Soros connected Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs. Jordan shared at the 15:00 mark and here is how he described it in the post above:
Two observers caught my eye because they were in pink shirts, unlike the rest of us. I asked one of them why that was and he said, “I’m from the Secretary of State’s office.” He declined to talk to me further. Every other time I saw him, he was whispering to his comrade, who was also in a pink shirt. Katie Hobbs has repeatedly called this audit a farce and “The Big Lie”, but her two minions surely see that this audit is in fact not a lie.
Jordan then at the 16:50 mark shared about the auditing miracle happening in Maricopa County:
2.1 million ballots and they’re going to get counted and they’re going to get done fast and they’re going to get counted. That’s a miracle…We’re actually going to have election integrity.
View: https://youtu.be/KYDuYqQAotg
46:23 min

Maricopa audit keeps rolling forward.


On TB every waking moment

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Arizona Election Fraud Challenge

May 4, 2021 Updated: May 4, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a challenge filed by an Arizona resident who had sought to prove claims of election fraud during the Nov. 3 election in her state.

The nine justices, without comment, dismissed (pdf) a request by Pinal County resident Staci Burk to find evidence of election fraud. Burk had sought access to ballots to prove that some were invalid or fraudulent.

Earlier this year, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a ruling that agreed with a trial court judge in Pinal County that Burk lacked the right to contest the election.

The reason given was that she wasn’t a registered voter at the time she filed her lawsuit, as required in state election contests. Both courts also agreed that she made her legal challenge too late, after the five-day period for filing such an action had passed.

Burk said in her lawsuit that she was a qualified Arizona voter, but officials said they discovered she wasn’t registered to vote. She later said she mistakenly thought “qualified electors” were people who were merely eligible to vote, and that her voter registration was canceled because election workers were unable to verify her address.

“There is nothing before the Court to indicate that Appellant timely contacted the appropriate authorities to correct any problems with her voter registration,” Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Brutinel wrote. “An election challenge … is not the proper vehicle to reinstate voter registration.”

Brutinel also said that Burk had admitted “that she was well aware before the election that she would not be able to vote in the general election … There is nothing before the court to indicate that [Burk] timely contacted the appropriate authorities to correct any problems with her voter registration.”

In her petition to the Supreme Court, Burk wanted a hearing over the question about whether she was an “elector.”

Meanwhile, an audit ordered by the Arizona state Senate of nearly 2.1 million Maricopa County, Arizona, ballots could last for weeks, according to former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, the Senate audit liaison.

Bennett said over the weekend that there is “no deadline” and added that the Senate has been granted permission to the state fairgrounds “for as long as we need it.”

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court threw out a slew of election-related lawsuits, including former President Donald Trump’s last remaining challenge.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
The case is 20-1243 Burk, Staci V. Ducey, Gov. of Az, et al.


On TB every waking moment

BREAKING: Michigan lawsuit claims to have ‘cracked’ Dominion election code


May 4, 2021

Last month, Michigan constitutional attorney Matthew DePerno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report.

In the report, expert witnes Dr. Douglas Frank concluded that in nine Michigan counties, including counties in the Detroit metro, over 66,000 ballots were recorded that are not associated with a registered voter from the October 2020 database. Frank also asserted that voter registration was either near or exceeded the population of those counties. Dr. Frank concluded that an algorithm based on census and registration data shifted votes in Michigan.

Today, DePerno released another expert exhibit, which claims to have cracked the Dominion code. In court filings, DePerno alleges his expert, Jeff Lenberg, conducted tests that “replicate the vote tally errors” seen in Antrim county.

DePerno asserts these errors run counter to the “human error” narrative.


Specifically, the court filings show DePerno’s expert conducted a test by running ballots into the tabulator at the precinct/township level. The suit alleges the “tally tape” shows Joe Biden receiving more votes than ballots that were actually cast for him. This occurred because the election system’s security protocols can be easily and quickly bypassed, the suit claims.

The suit further alleges that because a manipulated vote count can be transferred to the election management system, a “flip” in the count would never be caught by canvassers. “There will be no reason to doubt the election results because the number of votes on the printed tape will match the numbers in the poll pad,” the suit says.


The court filings further allege in Antrim County, Michigan, 9 out of 16 precincts were flipped from the indepedant candidate Jo Jorgenson to Trump, then flipped again to Biden.

Read the court latest filings here.

Click here to see a video explaining the expert’s test results.



On TB every waking moment
[This is the article referenced in the previous story]

HUGE NEWS: Michigan Elections Forensics Report Says 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied


“…Ballots are being harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
April 10, 2021

Michigan constitutional attorney Matthew DePerno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

On election night, Antrim County, a traditionally “red” county flipped overwhelmingly to “blue.” The flip raised major flags. The reported results featured a 3,260 vote margin for Joe Biden out of a total of 16,047 votes cast. The wide victory didn’t make sense to most political observers.

Following the oddity, the Antrim County Board of Canvassers conducted a series of recounts. Strangely enough, each recount produced different results.

The first recount on November 5, showed Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 2,494 votes out of a new total of 18,059 votes cast. The second recount conducted on November 21, indicated that Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 3,788 votes out of a new total of 16,044 votes cast.

Finally, on December 17, a hand recount (initially portrayed as an audit) was conducted that revealed that President Trump defeated Joe Biden by 3,800 votes out of a new total of 15,962 votes cast.

Thus, between November 3 and December 17, Donald Trump received an additional 5,250 votes while Joe Biden saw a 1,810 vote decrement. That’s a net swing of 7,060 votes.

The state of Michigan later attributed the tabulation error to the outdated software on the voting machines. According to state officials, the clerk’s staff in Antrim County did not update the media drives for all of the tabulators in the county, so some tabulators did not communicate properly with the county’s central election management system software.

But attorney Matt DePerno wasn’t convinced by the state’s explanation. On behalf of an Antrim County resident, DePerno filed a lawsuit in November of 2020. The state later intervened in the case, which opened the door to “discovery” regarding the Secretary of State’s role in the Antrim County election.

DePerno commissioned an audit of the Antrim county results after being authorized by a state judge. The audit was criticized for lacking what opponents said was the necessary rigor to be considered reliable. Nevertheless, the lawsuit persisted and DePerno issued subpoenas to several county clerks in Antrim, Barry, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Kent, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties.

Yesterday, DePerno’s released his latest expert report to the court. The court filing includes a voter analysis from Douglas G. Frank. Frank holds a PhD. in “Surface Analytical Chemistry.”

According to Dr. Frank’s work, in nine Michigan counties, including counties in the Detroit metro, over 66,000 ballots were recorded that are not associated with a registered voter from the October 2020 database. Also, Frank says in the counties, voter registration is either near or exceeds the county population.


Frank alleges the same pattern is seen not just in Michigan, but several other swing states too. He asserts that ballots were harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.


Watch Dr. Frank’s presentation of the data here.
View: https://youtu.be/G9J7D2at9OI
17:57 min


On TB every waking moment
The Professor's Record, [04.05.21 22:30]
[Forwarded from Michigan Audit]

Citing MI Secretary of State (D), Antrim County Clerk (R), Jonathan Brader, and Election Source as DEFENDANTS.

READ the Amended Complaint:

See OAN video on prior post #12,138

If you'd like to donate to the Election Fraud Defense Fund established by Matthew DePerno, please visit this page: Election Fraud Defense Fund



Faithful Steed
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a challenge filed by an Arizona resident who had sought to prove claims of election fraud during the Nov. 3 election in her state.
If she was not a registered voter at the time of the civil right violation, then she truly has "no standing."

A right has to be violated. If she had no right then no violation.

I wonder how much her legal confusion cost her?

If she was not a registered voter at the time of the civil right violation, then she truly has "no standing."

A right has to be violated. If she had no right then no violation.

I wonder how much her legal confusion cost her?
I would not put it past the deep state to have "paid her" <and her expenses> to run this national legal gauntlet in order to buy the public-facing optics of "See? Nothing here to look at," as yet another device attempting to lull the public back to sleep/lose attention and move on.

Cheap insurance for the deep state, with MILES of MSM "reporting" just waiting to be broadcast. Asleep folks hearing such will not remember the reason for (yet another) Supreme Court rejection, rather that the Supreme Court continues to reject the idea of a stolen election. (and, "they" simply CAN'T be "on the take," too . . . )


Created pot-holes.

Masters of misdirection and intended confusion/misunderstanding.




On TB every waking moment

Are Republicans So Afraid to Stand Out in a Crowd They’ve Lost Their Humanity?

By Jim Hoft
Published May 5, 2021 at 7:20am

Senators Liz Warren and Dick Durbin spoke out last week against the harsh treatment of the January 6 detainees.

Republican lawmakers are silent and afraid.

What good are they?

Via Jack Posobiec.
The Gateway Pundit has written extensively about the abusive treatment Trump supporters are facing after their participation in the January 6 demonstrations.

Many of these people DID NOT EVEN ENTER the US Capitol. Several others were waved into the Capitol and then later left when they were told.

There was never mass chaos or violence by any supporters at ANY Trump rally.

The few rallies that did see violence was because of leftist infiltrators starting fights.

Despite this many Trump supporters sit in jail today — in isolation– after three months — held without bond and without being convicted of any crime.

And yet these Trump supporters are still being tortured in prison today.
This is an abomination of justice.

Julie Kelly from American Greatness was recently on OAN’s Tipping Point to discuss the outrageous double-standard in our government and the silence of Republican lawmakers.

Julie Kelly is fearless in her defense of these abused Americans.

Rumble video on website 4:43 min



On TB every waking moment

The Phoenix Police Airplane Flew in a Data Gathering Pattern Near the Coliseum Where the Audit Is Being Held

By Joe Hoft
Published May 5, 2021 at 7:36am

What is going on with the surveillance near the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum by the Phoenix Police? Whose phone data are they after?

We first reported on the police airplane trolling the skies over and near where the Maricopa County Audit on Monday. This prompted a response from the Phoenix Police Department as noted in the below article:


Then on Tuesday, we provided information on the use of stingrays in smaller planes like the one being run by the Phoenix police. These devices are used “to locate and track suspects by their cellular connections.”

But we also pointed out that the Phoenix Police Department is in an agreement with the FBI from 2013 where they agreed to:
only use this technology in support of public safety operations or criminal investigations”.
However, the Police reported to us, in part, that:
While the maps do accurately represent our flights, both times were the aircraft was on police calls that had nothing to do with the events at the Veteran Memorial Coliseum.”
See the article attached below:
So we went back and reviewed a trip we identified of the Police airplane PC12 on Friday, April 30th. Note that the maps are in UTC time which is 7 hours ahead of Phoenix time.

Rumble video on website 4:17 min

We also listened to the first few hours of Phoenix Police audio archives for the same time period. We listened in on the police calls and found no calls related to official police business at this time.

We also looked at reported crimes on the 30th and there was only one shooting:


It really appears unreasonable for a police plane to make so many circles at that time in that area on April 30th, between cell phone towers near the Coliseum. There must have been a purpose.

We did uncover that the same plane (PC12) was circling above the George Floyd protests in Arizona on June 2nd and 3rd per a request for information at that time.

The question still remains, whose caller information was the Phoenix PD attempting to obtain over the past few days? Was there a reason it was so close to the Veterans Coliseum and near the cell towers near there?

We’ll contact the Phoenix Police and see if we can find out more about this strange activity and let you know what we find.


On TB every waking moment

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors At It Again – Won’t Provide Routers Requested by Auditors of County’s 2020 Election Results

By Joe Hoft
Published May 5, 2021 at 8:55am

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) is at it again. Silently they have decided not to provide routers to the audit team attempting to audit the county’s 2.1 million votes and machines used in the 2020 Election.

We’ve seen this time and again since the November 2020 election where the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) decided not to comply with reasonable requests related to the 2020 election and now again. The Arizona Daily Independent reports:
Maricopa County officials have not fully complied with the State Senate’s election audit subpoenas, a decision made to avoid causing a “significant security risk” to data utilized by numerous law enforcement agencies, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office said Monday.

“We had previously believed that the risk would be eliminated by redacting the law enforcement data on the routers and not producing it. But we were informed that redaction did not eliminate the risk,” Deputy County Attorney Joseph LaRue wrote in a letter to Senate Audit Liaison Ken Bennett. “We also learned that if criminal elements or others gained access to this data, it might compromise county and federal law enforcement efforts and put the lives of law enforcement personnel at risk.”

The letter from LaRue was prompted by Bennett’s comments to KFYI’s James T. Harris on Monday that Maricopa County officials are not in compliance with subpoenas signed by Senate President Karen Fann and Senate Judiciary Chair Warren Petersen. A judge ruled in February the legislative subpoenas are valid.
Of course, this is likely not the real reason these routers are being withheld.

We’ve seen the MCBOS do this kind of stuff in the past. When the Senate decided they wanted to perform an audit of the County’s results, the MCBOS sued the Senate to stop it. After the Senate updated the law so it was clear that they had the right to audit election results, the judge in the case opined that the MCBOS had to allow the Senate to perform an audit.

The MCBOS then claimed the Senate could perform an audit but only by using auditors certified by DC’s agency the US Election Assistance Commission (EAS). So the MCBOS selected the only two firms who appeared to be certified and had them give the County a clean bill of health. The problem was that we identified that these two firms were not certified when the MCBOS used them, they hadn’t been certified in years. Within hours the EAS certified these firms.

(We are waiting to find out what information they used to certify these firms on that day within four hours of our report.)


The fact that the MCBOS won’t comply with the Senate’s request is no surprise. They simply do not want to be transparent about the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona.


On TB every waking moment

USA Today Targets Chinese-Americans for Supporting Proud Boys

By Kristinn Taylor
Published May 5, 2021 at 12:00pm

USA Today published an article Tuesday by reporter Will Carless targeting anti-communist Chinese-Americans for donating to the Proud Boys. The list of private donations to the Proud Boys via GiveSendGo was revealed by a leak last month by the leftist group Distributed Denial of Secrets.


File image.
TGP reported on April 19 that Will Carless was targeting donors to a fund to help Proud Boys who were stabbed in Washington, D.C. during protests last December.


TGP reader Doug T. sent Carless’ email along with a note that read, “I am resident of Naples, Florida and saw your article about the Utah reporter harassing the paramedic. Despicable. However this reminded me of an email I received a few weeks ago which I have attached below. I donated money on givesendgo for medical expenses to brothers who were stabbed in DC back on 12-12-20. I know I’m not the only one that got this email and they are trying desperately to destroy conservatives. Thank You to you and your staff for getting the truth out to the public.”

Now Will Carless is targeting Chinese-Americans and even has the gall to lecture people who fled Communist China on who and who isn’t communist (Hint: Carless says Antifa and Black Lives Matter are not communist.)

Will Carless posted his article to Twitter with this comment targeting donors to the Proud Boys with “Chinese surnames”, “A Proud Boys fundraiser received a wave of donations 2 wks before the Jan. 6 insurrection. 80% of the donors were Chinese American or had Chinese surnames. A look at how “Western chauvinists” have built a following in the Chinese diaspora.”


USA Today excerpt:
Proud Boys saw wave of contributions from Chinese diaspora before Capitol attack
The donations started coming in around 10 p.m. on Dec. 17.

A donor named Li Zhang gave $100. A few minutes later, someone named Jun Li donated $100. Then Hao Xu gave $20, followed shortly by $25 from a Ying Pei. In all, almost 1,000 people with Chinese surnames gave about $86,000 to a fundraiser on the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo for members of the extremist street gang the Proud Boys.
Their gifts made up more than 80% of the $106,107 raised for medical costs for members of the Proud Boys who were stabbed during violent clashes in Washington in mid-December.

The donations, which are included in a trove of hacked GiveSendGo data provided to USA TODAY and posted on the whistleblower site Distributed Denial of Secrets, raise several questions. Chiefly: Why would people from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and members of the Chinese American community, donate to an organization with deep ties to white supremacists, whose members flash white power signals and post racist memes on social media?

The surprising answer to this question is that the Proud Boys enjoy significant support from a slice of the Chinese American community and the broader Chinese diaspora.

Some Chinese Americans have bought in to the rhetoric spread by the Proud Boys, conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones and conservative commentators that America is under attack from communism. They believe the Proud Boys are on the vanguard of protecting the country from a communist army controlled by antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement – claims that have been widely debunked.

For some who left China in rejection of communism, particularly those who support former President Donald Trump, the Proud Boys have taken on an almost mythical status as tough street soldiers on the front lines of this battle between democracy and communism.

“You have to understand how we feel – we came from communist China and we managed to come here and we appreciate it here so much,” said Rebecca Kwan, who sent the Proud Boys $500 on Christmas Day. “The Proud Boys are for Trump and they are fighting antifa, and can you see anything good that antifa did except destroy department stores and small businesses?”

Donors praise Proud Boys

The Proud Boys have long sought to portray themselves not as a white supremacist organization or a violent street gang but as a group of patriots willing to do the hard work they say America’s police departments and politicians won’t do.

Proud Boys chairman Henry “Enrique” Tarrio claimed that his group primarily exists to protect American citizens from anarchists and communists aligned with the antifa movement who are trying to overthrow the U.S. government.
End excerpt. Please read the entire USA Today article at this link. Will Carless and staff put a lot of effort into this hit piece and it should be fully read to understand the campaign against anti-communist Chinese-Americans.

Question: In this era of heightened awareness of violent attacks against Asian-Americans, are USA Today and Will Carless sending a dog whistle it is okay to attack Chinese-Americans because of their anti-communist political beliefs?


On TB every waking moment

EXCLUSIVE: The Democrats are REALLY, REALLY Worried About the AZ Audit – All of Their Big Guns Now Involved

By Joe Hoft
Published May 5, 2021 at 1:00pm

It’s pretty clear the Democrats and their Deep State will do anything to stop the ongoing 2020 Election forensic audit in Maricopa County. They’ve tried using the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the Democrat Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, their attorneys, and their Non Profits. Now they’re bringing out their biggest guns.

To Republicans and onlookers who don’t fully understand what is going on in Maricopa County, Arizona – This is WAR!

Joe Biden supposedly won Maricopa County in the 2020 election by 40,000 votes.


He was the first Democrat to win the county since Harry Truman. This miracle happened only a few weeks after Biden and his VP candidate, together, held an event in the county where no one showed up:


It was a miracle (or maybe it was fraud)!
Ever since the final numbers were conjured up there has been a defensive to prevent any legitimate audits of the results. Sure, there were a couple of audit reports from a couple of auditors that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) claimed were legit, but most independent and objective observers were not sold this was the case.

Now here we are with an audit taking place of the results that includes a forensic review of all of the 2.1 million ballots recorded in this election and a review of six truckloads of voting machines used in the election. And… The Democrats are going crazy – we know this by the entities inserting themselves into this audit.

Last week three of the Democrats’ largest weapons wrote a letter to the DOJ demanding they step in and stop the audit based on what participants in the audit claimed were lies:


The entities that signed the letter were the really big nonprofit guns. The Conservative Treehouse wrote:
The audit started on April 23. A judge on April 28 rejected the attempt by Democrats to halt the process.
The Brennan Center, Protect Democracy and The Leadership Conference have signed a letter to the civil rights division of the DOJ asking them to get involved.

The arguments within the letter [pdf here] are identical to the arguments made previously by other Lawfare groups, including Perkins Coie, to a state judge. The state judge rejected the arguments because there was no evidence submitted to the court to back them up.
Protect Democracy was the same entity that joined in a letter sent to the audit firms conducting the audit and threatening legal action against them. The letter was also signed by Perkins Coie, the same firm that represented Hillary Clinton and was involved in the origination of the Trump-Russia Collusion sham.


The Brennan Center has connections to George Soros through his funding:
The Brennan Center is a radical activist legal organization that received over $1 million in funding from progressive globalist billionaire Soros in 2018 alone. You can read much more about the Center here.
The Leadership Conference is a coalition of more than 200 entities whose common purpose is ‘equality’ (which sounds like code for communism):
The Leadership Conference’s founders came together in 1950 out of the belief that the fight for civil rights could not be won by one group alone, but needed to be waged in coalition.

Our members — which have grown from 30 civil and human rights organizations at our founding to more than 200 today — differ in size, scope, and structure. But what transcends our differences and unites The Leadership Conference coalition is our enduring common purpose: full equality for all.
All these groups combined represent millions, if not billions, in funding over the years, connections to about every non-profit pushing for what is going on today in Washington and across the country. These are the far-left, anti-American big guns.

The Democrats are bringing out all the weaponry they can to stop this audit. They do not want the results of this audit to see the light of day. This is a war to them.


On TB every waking moment

Trump: Cheney, McConnell, Pence muffed on 2020 election fraud, turned US into 'socialist nightmare'
Trump said Cheney "continues to unknowingly and foolishly say that there was no Election Fraud."

President Trump at the border

President Trump at the border Getty Images

By Nicholas Sherman
Updated: May 5, 2021 - 2:07pm

Former President Trump on Wednesday added to the criticism facing embattled GOP Rep. Liz Cheney but also took aim at former Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell – for what he considers them not doing more about 2020 voter fraud.

"Warmonger Liz Cheney, who has virtually no support left in the Great State of Wyoming, continues to unknowingly and foolishly say that there was no Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election," Trump said in a statement.

GOP support for Cheney to remaining a member of House Republican leadership deteriorated quickly this week, amid her ongoing feud with Trump, largely over her saying there was no widespread vote fraught, contributing to Trump's 2020 loss.

On Monday, she said anyone who says the election was stolen is "poisoning our democratic system."

On Wednesday, Trump called McConnell "gutless and clueless" for failing to expose 2020 election corruption and for Republicans earlier this year losing two Senate seats in Georgia to Democrats.

He also said had his vice president, Pence, referred election information back to several state legislatures for approval – "as demanded by the U.S. Constitution" – along with Cheney and McConnell having done more, "We would have had a far different presidential result, and our country would not be turning into a socialist nightmare! Never give up!"


Faithful Steed
Updated: May 5, 2021 - 2:07pm

Former President Trump on Wednesday added to the criticism facing embattled GOP Rep. Liz Cheney but also took aim at former Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell – for what he considers them not doing more about 2020 voter fraud.

"Warmonger Liz Cheney, who has virtually no support left in the Great State of Wyoming, continues to unknowingly and foolishly say that there was no Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election," Trump said in a statement.

GOP support for Cheney to remaining a member of House Republican leadership deteriorated quickly this week, amid her ongoing feud with Trump, largely over her saying there was no widespread vote fraught, contributing to Trump's 2020 loss.

On Monday, she said anyone who says the election was stolen is "poisoning our democratic system."

On Wednesday, Trump called McConnell "gutless and clueless" for failing to expose 2020 election corruption and for Republicans earlier this year losing two Senate seats in Georgia to Democrats.

He also said had his vice president, Pence, referred election information back to several state legislatures for approval – "as demanded by the U.S. Constitution" – along with Cheney and McConnell having done more, "We would have had a far different presidential result, and our country would not be turning into a socialist nightmare! Never give up!"

Meh. Stating the obvious. Time for the Donald to start on his memoirs - write it all up (use a ghostwriter if necessary) and have it ready about 8 months before the 2022 elections. Maybe put it out "serially" on his website. This will get people back to see what is new.

This will give people time to "chew" on it for a while - and time for his base to seek out remedies for continuing Ballot Chicanery.

Continual finger-pointing is not helping - and may in fact be putting Trump into the "irrelevant" category faster.

Irrelevancy HAS been a claim among the Rachael Maddow set.

Trump should invest in a good "publicist." A strange entity for a businessman - and I think that the problem - Trump is Trump and plays him effortlessly, but he has to be "bigger" than a mere Trump to attract what little MEEDIA remains unbiased. Three nights a week he should be at Repub MAGA fundraisers. But stay away from the vote re-counting areas lest Trump be accused of "tainting" the very air the auditors are breathing.



On TB every waking moment

Louisiana House Passes Bill to Ban Private Funding of Election Administration

A person gets an I Voted sticker during a runoff election for Louisiana Governor at a polling station at Quitman High School on November 16, 2019 in Quitman, Louisiana. The October primary election saw no candidate receive an absolute majority of the vote so a runoff election was held between …
Matt Sullivan/Getty Images

The Republican-controlled Louisiana House of Representatives voted 69 to 35 on Tuesday to ban the private funding of election administration in the state. The bill now goes to the Louisiana State Senate for consideration.

Several states, including Arizona, Georgia, and Idaho have recently enacted laws to ban the private funding of election administration. The Florida State Legislature passed a bill banning the private funding of election administration last week, and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is expected to sign that bill into law this week.

The language of House Bill 20, the bill passed on Tuesday by the Louisiana House, most closely resembles the language of the recently enacted Arizona law, which Phill Kline, executive director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm, says is by far the strongest of the laws enacted so far in 2021 to ban the private funding of election administration:
No state or local official, including but not limited to a registrar of voters or a clerk of court, or agency responsible for conducting elections shall solicit, accept, use, or dispose of any donation in the form of money, grants, property, or personal services from individuals or profit or nonprofit corporations, for the purpose of paying costs related to conducting elections.
“This appears to be a complete prohibition for all government entities. If so, it is the most broad and encompassing legislation yet passed, indicating that the Louisiana legislature understands the danger of private interests managing US elections,” Kline told Breitbart News on Wednesday.
As Breitbart News reported in December:
A report released by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society at a press conference on Wednesday alleged Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife made $419.5 million in contributions to non-profit organizations during the 2020 election cycle–$350 million to the “Safe Elections” Project of the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and another $69.5 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research–that, “improperly influence[d] the 2020 presidential election on behalf of one particular candidate and party.”
“The 2020 presidential election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated public-private partnership to improperly influence the 2020 presidential election on behalf of one particular candidate and party. Funded by hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other high-tech interests, activist organizations created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican strongholds,” Amistad Project Director Phill Kline wrote in the report’s executive summary.
New Orleans City Business reported in October, “The nonprofit handing out the money across the nation, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, said 26 election officials across Louisiana applied for grants, with a total potential amount of about $7.8 million. Now, all those applications have been withdrawn after [Louisiana Attorney General] Landry’s intervention.”

Republicans have a 27 to 12 majority in the Louisiana State Senate.

Should the State Senate also pass HB 20, it will go to the desk of Gov. John Bel Edwards (D-LA) for his signature. If Gov. Edwards follows the example of his fellow Democrat governor in Kansas, Gov. Laura Kelly (D-KS), who vetoed similar legislation passed last month by the Kansas State Legislature, it will go back to the Louisiana State Legislature for a potential override.

Louisiana requires a two-thirds majority in each house to override a governor’s veto. Republicans have one vote more than the 26 required in the 39-member State Senate to reach a two-thirds majority, but are three votes shy of the 70 required in the 105 member State House to reach a two-thirds majority. However, the two Independents in the House voted along with the 67 Republicans to achieve the 69 votes for the bill’s passage.

One seat in the Louisiana House representing the 82nd District is currently vacant, but Republican Laurie Schlegel won the April 24 special election to fill that seat. State Representative-elect Schlegel has not yet been sworn in, but that swearing-in ceremony is expected to take place May 10, after the Secretary of State has certified the election. After her swearing in, Schlegel will likely represent the critical 70th House vote needed to override a potential veto of HB 20 by Gov. Edwards.


On TB every waking moment
Meh. Stating the obvious. Time for the Donald to start on his memoirs - write it all up (use a ghostwriter if necessary) and have it ready about 8 months before the 2022 elections. Maybe put it out "serially" on his website. This will get people back to see what is new.

This will give people time to "chew" on it for a while - and time for his base to seek out remedies for continuing Ballot Chicanery.

Continual finger-pointing is not helping - and may in fact be putting Trump into the "irrelevant" category faster.

Irrelevancy HAS been a claim among the Rachael Maddow set.

Trump should invest in a good "publicist." A strange entity for a businessman - and I think that the problem - Trump is Trump and plays him effortlessly, but he has to be "bigger" than a mere Trump to attract what little MEEDIA remains unbiased. Three nights a week he should be at Repub MAGA fundraisers. But stay away from the vote re-counting areas lest Trump be accused of "tainting" the very air the auditors are breathing.

After seeing the effects of aging front and center with Comrade Biden, there is also the nagging issue of how that will play on the future President Trump. It may have to be a President DeSantis with Trump as Secretary of State or Commerce.

I don't see how older Trump can step back into the Gladiator's arena after such a long period of being out of the super-heated hot seat.