Story Market Day


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Later, At Garen’s Truck

“You know, all this shuffling around, I worry about shit happening and someone running to the wrong seat, or worse, gets left behind.” Kara said to Garen through the window of the truck.

“Yeah, but you know, always improve your position.”

“Yeah, yeah, but at some point, it becomes ridiculous.” Kara shot back.

“Look at it this way, Ivar letting us sleep in his camper while we are on the move is a lot better than pads and bags under the truck.” Garen countered.

“It is a sweet camper. You should poke your head into the ones in the big 9-Pax trucks Kingfisher and Brice showed up with.”

“Maybe later, after we get home. Right now, all I want to do is get back underway. We still have about three days to go at the rate we are moving.”

“Well, if everyone else is in the trucks, and you two quit chatting, maybe we can get there sooner.” Rahel said from the passenger seat.

Garen looked over and grinned at Rahel, then back to Kara. “She’s got a point. Why don’t you walk the line and get them rolling while we run down the road and see what trouble is up ahead.”

Kara just shook her head before answering. “Kingfisher is already doing the back to front. I’m just waiting for him to get done and start up.”

“Good. We will look for the next rally point in case we need to stop and readjust for medical.”

Kara leaned in the window and looked over at Rahel. “I’ll tell you since I know Garen won’t listen. Be careful and if you spot trouble, call for help. We have plenty of bodies to tackle most situations. No reason to let him turn it into some psycho play.”

“I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise anything.” Rahel smiled.

Kara’s reply was cut off by the sounds of engines starting.

Garen grinned at her. “Catch me if you can.” And they started to roll forward, leaving Kara shouting at him as the black truck moved away.

“This is not Africa!”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Petra’s Truck

“I know, we keep changing who is where, but I think I came out on the better end. These seats are nice.” Amber said from the passenger seat.

“That’s ok. As much as I like Violet, our music tastes are…different.” Petra tried to be a little delicate, since she was basically badmouthing Amber’s daughter.

“Ain’t that the truth! There was a year where all she listened to was a mix of Gregorian chants and Japanese drums! She loved the high-end headphones she got for her birthday, but they were really presents for me!”

“Since I wasn’t in the planning meeting for today, how are things looking?” Petra asked.

“With Garen’s discovery yesterday, and the half a day lost with the fallout, he’s feeling seriously behind schedule, not that he let it show too much before Kara put him back in his place.”

“It’s weird how those two act with each other. I thought Garen was in charge, but it seems like Kara is doing a lot of the steering and keeping things on track.” Petra said.

“There’s definitely more to those two than meets the eye, for sure.”

“I heard Nolan say something about seeing the two of them sleeping together.” Petra said conspiratorially.

“Well, yeah, they are in Ivar’s camper together on this little jaunt we are taking.”

“No, this was back at Chance’s. He said he saw Kara in bed naked with Garen.”

Amber just shook her head before she answered. “Adult people playing adult games. Even if he walked in and caught them boinking on the dining room table, it’s none of our business until it is.” Amber grinned at Petra before she continued.

“Speaking of ‘none of our business’, how are Jennifer and Jonas doing? I haven’t had a chance to talk with them for more than five minutes, and you spend the most time with them.”

“They’re doing fine. What all do we need to do for the poor girl in our backseat?” Petra blurted, turning to look at where the older girl was laid out in sleeping bags and blankets on the back seat.

Amber smiled at Petra’s hurried topic change, along with the unconscious blush to her face. Given the obvious opening to bitch about Jonas being clueless to her advances like the last time the subject came up, and Petra dodged the topic in a hurry. This might be a good thing.

“I’ll mostly take care of her. That’s why I’m in here with you, and why Jennifer is in with the other two and Hanna. Lots and lots of tiny meals and slowly try to build up their strength again.”

“Jennifer will be good at that. She’ll keep Hanna entertained, too.”

Amber just shook her head. She already had to warn Hanna about Jennifer, especially how Hanna resembled one of Jennifer’s favorite animated characters. She also noted, not for the first time, the warmth in Petra’s voice when she was talking about Jennifer.

Amber glanced around and spied the flashcards sticking out of a slot in the console.

“I see you and Violet have been practicing.”

“Yeah. Don’t worry. If it comes to it, and we have to go in, we will be ready.” Petra’s voice turned to serious determination.

“I know you will. I have faith in you, but It’s a real shit sandwich of an idea Violet came up with. My daughter? Brilliant but too bold by a long way. I hate that I can’t find enough technical flaws to convince her out of it, or you for that matter. That’s why those of us in on the plan are trying to come up with every advantage, every last bit of training we can do to give you two the best shot of coming through the other side unscathed.”

“I know, and trust me, it scares me shitless just thinking about it, but Violet’s right. It’s probably the only way we can know who the bad guys are and who is just stuck or trapped in a bad situation.”

“So how has the practice going?”

“We know are details pretty good already and haven’t been stumped by any of the first three sets of cards.”

“Good.” Amber wasn’t sure if this was the right time for the next questions, but she had plenty of time while they drove to talk. It would help her not dwell on poor Megan’s condition as much.

“I know you said the physical aspect wouldn’t be a problem when we first started this process. Now that you are hip deep in the plan, are there going to be any issues? Do you still think you can pull it off?”

Petra winced, just a little before she answered.

“The…well…Yeah, I can do it. Part of the thing that will help sell it will be finding the right type of clothes to sell it easier.”

Amber could feel some of the hurt still under the surface. She knew there was some struggling deep in Petra she was pushing through. This also told Amber how important Petra thought Violet’s plan was. Time to put at least a half smile on her face.

“So, what does Jonas think of the plan now that you two are together?”

“WHAT? Did he tell you? Or was it Jennifer? I bet it was Jennifer! We weren’t going to tell anyone! We don’t know what to call it! Which of them told you?”

Amber smiled at her. “You did. Just now.”

“Oh…” Petra didn’t know what to say. That much was obvious.

“So, I know part of the thing was to not let him see you act the ‘little girl’ but you should at least talk to him about it, since he will find out sooner or later, especially if we have to go through with it.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want him to see me as…”

“As what? A brave woman playing a part? Give him a little more credit. Besides, he might have a little more insight to help pull it off. Look at most the teens on television shows. They are played by twenty-somethings.”

“I know, I just don’t want him to turn into someone like my mother’s boyfriends.”

Now it was Amber’s turn to cringe. When they talked before, she was finally able to get Petra to spill about why she thought she could pull it off, and why. Amber was cursed with an active imagination and her years of training let her paint a far too vivid picture in her head. She could see poor Petra as a kid, watching her mother playing into some boyfriend’s ‘little girl’ fetish. From what Petra told her, those were the type of boyfriends her mother ended up with, and why she was scared of Jonas seeing her like that.

“Better to talk to him about it. I’m not saying he should watch you practice or anything, just you should let him know about it beforehand, so he doesn’t find out from somebody else.”

“You’re right. I know that, but I wouldn’t know how to even bring it up.”

“Tell you what. How about a compromise. Once we get there and get settled a bit, I can bring it up so you can talk to him about it. That way we can get it out in the open in a controlled manner, instead of a surprise sort of thing.”


Amber smiled again. “So, tell me how you got him to pull his head out of his ass and when?”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
That Evening, in Camp

Garen was standing in front of the group. He was mulling over everything they briefed him on before dinner. The sick were still sick, but survived the day. The two youngest were responding well to Jennifer and Hanna. Amber was less positive on the older one. She wasn’t conscious, which may be a blessing. She was using a nasogastric to keep the cocktail Hanna concocted going into the girl, Megan?

He knew they had a couple options. None of them were really good. He already discussed it with Kara and had her opinion, and he knew what he was going to do, unless the group had a better idea or saw a problem he and Kara didn’t consider.

“Alright guys, we made good time and distance today.”

“I hear a ‘but’ coming.” Ivar said.

“The problem is, at the pace we are going, our next stop would be in a sketchy spot. We either need to go slower so we can leapfrog the bad zone instead of linger in it. Or, we need to speed up. Speeding up, we get there sooner, but the risks can be bigger. We push too hard, mistakes get made and that leads to other problems. I know the direction I am leaning, but let me hear the pros and cons, the opinions of you guys, since you are also taking this risk.”

The next twenty or thirty minutes was a series of back and forth. One of the stronger arguments came from the medical people. They were of the opinion that getting to a better, more stable environment would be a lot better for the sick and injured. Hanna and Chance thought it could make a difference in Megan’s survival. This was the deciding factor.

“So, we are leaving a touch earlier, pushing the pace, and targeting arrival tomorrow night. Any nay-sayers?” Garen looked out at the group. No hands.

“Good. OK, everyone. Square away what you can and get some sleep.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Later, at Garen’s Truck

“You know she isn’t going to be happy.” Kara said, looking at Garen.

“She’s not happy we are going through sector G already, so she worries about if we stay out here any longer, or she worries when we push ourselves going too far too fast. In other news, it gets light outside mostly in the daytime and water is usually wet. I can’t win for losing until we get home on this one.”

“Yeah, she’s got us there.”

Moments later, they had Bekka on the radio.

“ATC, TMO Heavy Flight…”

“It’s about time, TMO”

“Well, we had some flight planning to do, ATC”


“We are at Checkpoint Bobcat, intact. We are looking to modify filed plan and push straight through tomorrow to avoid a second RON near sector G.”

“Copy, Since you are pushing through, we will have Sandy in overwatch for you when you transit Golf Delta corridor.”

“That shouldn’t be necessary. No reason to drag more peo…”

“Not an option, TMO. This also puts assistance in range to help. Period.”

“I guess I can’t convince you otherwise.”

“Not happening.”

“We will keep you updated on our progress.”

“You better.”

“See you soon, ATC.”

“You better.”

“TMO Heavy Flight, out”

Garen looked over at Kara. “Well, that went better than I expected.”

“I wonder who she’s sending for overwatch?”

“No telling at this point.” Garen said, his thoughts chasing that train of thought for a moment.

“I guess we will find out tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Garen just sat there looking blank.

“Alright, Garen, to bed. You need your sleep.”

“Yeah, long day.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
On the Road

It was late in the day when the radio lit up with traffic. Kara was back in the passenger seat with Kingfisher at the wheel when she heard Bekka’s voice followed by Garen’s answer.

“TMO Heavy Lead, this is Sandy.”

“Sandy, TMO Heavy Lead, Go.”

“TMO, go to channel six.”

Kara was a little curious now. Wrong, a lot curious. Sandy was supposed to be out here on overwatch. What the hell was Bekka doing out here? She didn’t have all the channels programmed into the radio in the truck she was in. Not enough radios for that and she didn’t want to change it of the group frequency for the convoy. Fortunately, Garen was close enough the portable with her linked to the truck would still pick up. She switched over and listened in.

“We are in position just south of point walrus. Have detected a problem there, but it should be manageable, as long as we do like your grandfather.”

“Could we divert?”

“The close in divert routes are too slow and anything further out goes though previous bad weather locations.”

“I take it you have a plan?”

Kara almost laughed when she heard Garen ask Bekka if she had a plan.

“We work on the problem some prior to your arrival, then Inkspot’s sister joins with you for the crux. Then it’s like your grandfathers’ days.”

“How soon?” Kara thought Garen didn’t sound convinced of the plan.

“How far out are you?”

“About two hours out from the bottom of Walrus’ grid. Add another half for us to shuffle some seats around.”

“We will join up in about two hours at…” Kara could hear the shuffling of maps. “…the wide spot at goldfish.”

“See you soon.”

“Don’t be late, TMO. There’s still a long way to go.”

“I’m rowing as fast as I can, Sandy.”

Kara barely had time to digest the conversation when Garen came over the convoy radio.

“TMO Flight. Seat check in ten miles.”

Kara ticked off the vehicles on her list as they all checked in, in order, from the back to the front until it was her turn.

“TMO Lead, TMO Flight acknowledged and accounted for.”
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At the Rally Point

Brice, Kestrel, Dylan, Kingfisher, and Nolan stood together in one group, Chance and his family in another, Alonzo, Hanna, Ewa, and Rahel were another cluster and Ivar and Silas’ group plus Violet and Veronica. Everyone could feel a different ‘vibe’ coming off Kara and Garen as they gathered.

“We were hoping to avoid trouble, but it looks like there is going to be some up ahead. We need to make a few last-minute adjustments and go over our plan really quick.”

Garen tried talking over the low murmur of everyone talking amongst each other. This didn’t last long. Kingfisher’s voice cut through it all.

“Enough. We need to pay attention.”

Into the sudden silence, Garen continued.

“Thank you. As I was saying. We have some help that came down and scouted the worry point and found some trouble up ahead. They think we can push through, but we will need to be on our toes and commit to the push. We already have tow ropes attached to the front of every vehicle, but at the choke points we can’t afford to stop. If your vehicle gets damaged, if it can still move at all, keep moving until you make it free, then we can assess the damage and tow it further if need be to get well away from the trouble.”

Worried looks were exchanged all around.

“The only vehicles that have any business stopping will be my truck and the other one that came down to scout for us. Everyone else is loaded heavy and needs to push through. Period. If and when this happens, everyone else keeps going no matter what they see going on. Kingfisher, you, and Kara will be in the lead still. You job is to get through and press on with the rest of the train. If something happens to you guys, then it's Veronica, then Violet.”

Garen paused a moment for it to sink in before he continued.

“I need to borrow two people to help me and Rahel in the truck. Nolan and Jenson were who I was figuring. That’s going to leave two vehicles as solos.” Garen was interrupted by a raised hand.

“Yeah, Silas?”

“Swap Jenson for me. That will give you Nolan and me in your back seats.”

Garen seemed to think on it.

‘OK, Silas and Nolan in with Rahel and me in my truck.” He paused. “Look, this may all be just overreacting and paranoid, but It’s better we think too much than not enough. We get through this point, then it won’t be long until we are home. Questions?”

There weren’t any, or at least any they wanted to ask Garen.

“Alright, pee and get set, we roll in five.”
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Garen and Kara as the Group Broke Up

“No ****ing heroics!” Kara said forcefully.

“Me? Heroics? I’m a ****ing coward. You should know better.” Garen grinned, winking at her.

“Yeah, right. You get hurt or killed, Bekka would never let me hear the end of it.” There was a tear in the corner of her eye now.

“Don’t worry. We got this. You worry about getting these bloated targets through the kill zone as quick as you can.” Garen said as he wiped the tear away with his thumb.

“I will. You just keep your own ass whole and don’t take too long catching back up with us. You don’t have your grandfathers armored five-ton and a whole crew manning miniguns in the bed.” Reminding him of what Bekka’s plan was.

“I know, but it would be nice, wouldn’t it?” He smiled.

“Talk to Paige when you get back. She can probably build you one.”

Garen got a funny look in his eyes before he spoke. “I love you, Kara. Never forget that. Tell Bekka I love her and give her several good kisses for me.” He kissed her several times, ending with a long lingering one.

‘Don’t you…”

“Better get going, Kara. Kingfisher’s waiting for you.” And Garen stepped away, walking back towards his truck.

Kara had a hard time seeing as she walked to the truck where she was riding with Kingfisher. Everything was a wet and watery haze as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Amber and Silas

“Why did you volunteer yourself and bump Jonas?” Amber asked him.

“Because it was the right thing to do.” Silas said as he slid into his gear and grabbed his pack.

“OK, mister, it was the right thing to do, but why?” It was always the right thing to do. He always did the right thing. She was sick of him being the one to step forward leaving her behind. Leaving her.

Silas stopped and turned to Amber.

“Because he has already done a ton of shitty jobs. Because I’ve been sitting on the bench too much. Because we have to show we are willing to shoulder some of the burden. Because I never wanted to be the person who would just order people to do things, I wasn’t able to do or haven’t done. Because I don’t want to have him get hurt and do that to Jennifer.”

“But you have no problem doing that to me.” Amber said flatly.

“You have already delt with me getting shot, getting blown up. You have known and lived with the issue from all the deployments over the years….”

“And I didn’t sleep for months at a time, every time!” Amber shot back.

“I know, and I’m sorry. It’s not fair to you but it’s part of who I am, and you have always known that. This is also my way of doing everything I can to get you, and Violet, Veronica, Petra and the others through this safely.”

“I still don’t have to like it.”

“I don’t like that it needs done, but I can’t not do it.”

A fierce embrace and a passionate kiss later, he was walking off to the big black truck. It reminded her of the many times he did it before leaving her to wonder if he was coming back. She thought those days were gone but here she stood wondering was he going to come back.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At Garen’s Truck

“OK, time to shuffle some seats around. Rahel, I’m going to need you behind me. That puts’ Silas and Nolan out the right side. They will have a slower rate of fire individually, but together they should make up for it and balance out.”

“Do you actually think we will have to cut loose?” Nolan asked.

“Most likely. Hopefully just suppressive fire as the others push through if it happens.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Brice’s Truck

“This is ****ing nuts, mom.”

“Hey, at least it’s better than a few days ago, when we didn’t have all this help.”

“I know. I saw stuff on TV and read about things, but it’s all different being in the middle of it.”

“That’s for sure. The war movies don’t show the crushing boredom. It just doesn’t make a good movie to show sitting on your ass for nine days in an airport terminal waiting for airlift, eating crappy box lunches, or worse, MREs.” Brice shuddered.

“I’d be quite happy being bored right now.”

“Me too, but safety is ahead of us, on the other side of the danger. We just have to get through it to get there.”

“So, what do I need to do to help?”

“Be ready to jump behind the wheel if I have to get out and help or hook up ropes and shit.”

“Last times I did that, I ended up driving away and leaving people behind. I don’t want to do that again.”

“I know, but if you have to, you better do it. Your first priority is right behind you in that cradle.”

“I get that, but I can’t think of doing this without any of you.”

Brice looked over at Kestrel, fixing her in an iron gaze. “There comes a point for everyone where they realize, at their core, they are alone. The measure of them is what they do in that moment. Do they curl up and die? Give in to the darkness? Or do they take hold of the strength within them? You can do all of it without us, if you had to. You are strong enough. We will do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen that way, but never be afraid you couldn’t do it.”
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Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Father of 3, Grandfather of 7
I've seen Screen Names or tags like Father of Two & similar but this is the 1st time I recall seeing 'Grandfather'; tells me you know you're work isn't done yet.

Apologies to all for the slight thread jack.

As regards Arty support, "On the way!" is always something a grunt likes to hear.
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I've seen Screen Names or tags like Father of Two & similar but this is the 1st time I recall seeing 'Grandfather'; tells me you know you're work isn't done yet.

Apologies to all for the slight thread jack.

As regards Arty support, "On the way!" is always something a grunt likes to hear.
I just retired from the Army as the senior NCO and platoon Sergeant to a 20 soldier platoon. With the Grandkids, it's like I still have that. Helping them with projects, homework(where I can) and keeping them out of trouble and occupied is still a full time job. NCO's, Parents and Grandparents jobs are never done.
Even in Heaven, we still watch over those that we love.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Later, Up the Road

In the gloom, Garen struggled to see the other truck her knew was there at the turnout. When he pulled in, it still took a moment for him to get a good handle on it’s location and which way it was pointed. It was facing the direction he came in from, so he pulled up driver’s side top driver’s side. Bekka was behind the wheel of the other truck.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

“How far back are they?” was Bekka’s curt reply.

“About two minutes.”

“OK. We have a distraction going on we hope will keep them busy long enough for them to skate through the chokepoint.”

“Must be a hell of a diversion.”

“It is. Just tell the rest to stay on the pavement, single file down the middle on the concrete and stay away from the edges where the blacktop is and they should be fine. You and I will stop on the uphill side and cover the trenches while they go through.”

“Stay on the concrete?”

“Yeah, it won’t burn like the asphalt and shit will.” Bekka said quickly.

“Burn? What did you do?”

“Fire burns uphill real well, and that’s where most of their positions are, or were.”

“You set a forest fire? What the hell!?” Garen shouted. Bekka shouted right back.

“If I had B52s, I’d have plastered the place, but air support isn’t around! I have twelve slow-moving big ass targets trying to get through here, so yeah, we set their shit on fire! Now, emergency rally point is Canary Six Tango, and it’s even big enough to RON if they have to. I’ll spin around so we can move into position.”

Garen saw the look in her eyes and heard the tone in her voice. He looked past her into the interior of the truck. Heidi was behind Bekka, the MG3 sticking out the window. Allyson sat in the front passenger seat, the captured 203 on her lap. He could just get a glimpse of the right rear. The tall woman had to be Angelique. As the other truck moved alongside then past Garen, he thought he caught the unmistakable huge barrel shroud and flat-topped magazine of the Lewis gun.

He knew Bekka wasn’t playing around. He didn’t know how they could have brought more firepower to bear on the problem. He keyed the radio. He had stuff to do.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Moving Through Darkness and Flame

Kingfisher was behind the wheel as Kara was splitting her time between the map in her hands and staring out the windshield. The short burst of radio traffic was enough to put him on edge and send Kara into hyperdrive. He didn’t know Kara very well, but everything he did know made him respect her and her opinion. If she was worried and pouring out frantic energy, then he took it seriously too.

“If I heard right, there will probably be a bunch of fire off to the sides of the road. That’s why they are saying to stay on the concrete and push through. We don’t want to get any of these heavy assed things on the soft shoulders, and the tar in asphalt burns real good.” Kara said as they came through some hills.

Kingfisher thought he was seeing some of the effects of the fire now, a darkening of the horizon. Turns out this was only some of the smoke being blown around. When they crested the rise, he could see the fire ahead of them.

The whole ridge to their left was ablaze and there were at least hundred-foot-tall pillars of flame off to the right on the downhill side of the road.

“and we are supposed to drive through that?” Kingfisher asked. No answer. He spared a glance over at Kara. She was talking but no sound was coming out.

“KARA! We are supposed to drive through that?”

She turned and looked at him now. “Yes. Stay on the concrete and don’t slow down. We will get through this. The road isn’t burning, just the stuff beside the road. Push on. I have the emergency rally point plotted if we have to wait for stragglers.”

Kingfisher looked back at the road. The flames off to the left and right were mesmerizing. He always felt drawn to them, comforted by them. Not this time. He wasn’t worried for himself. He was worried for all those behind him.
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