Story Market Day


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Later, in Garen’s Truck

“ATC, TMO Heavy Flight… ATC, TMO Heavy Flight…”

“TMO Heavy, this is ATC. Go.”

“ATC, TMO at RON Point X-Ray. Warbler.”

“Copy, X-Ray, Warbler.”

“TMO Heavy, Out.”

Garen looked up from where he was looking at the map in front of him, then the checklist as he went through the complicated shut down procedures. Top off the internal tanks from the ones in the bed of the truck, reset the radio frequencies, lights reset to NVG bulbs, all fluid volumes and temps checked against their green levels. As he went through this process, he glanced over at Rahel. She was going though resetting her own stuff.

“Rahel, when you are done, pop out and check with the others to find out any problems we have to address. I’ll meet you in the center of the group when I’m done.”

“Sounds good.” She looked from the checklist to the dash and all the things he was doing. “This thing seems more and more like an aircraft the longer I look.”

He looked over at her. “Yeah, well that was the intent of the guy who built it into what it is now. Besides, it’s a lot less mess and bother to look at a gauge than pulling dipsticks and getting your hands dirty checking things.”

“That makes sense.” Rahel opened the door to get out, then paused. “Are there more places like the one we checked out today?”

Garen thought back to the jumble of crashed and burned-out cars they had to detour around earlier, the bits of bodies left in the burned ones, the bloodstains and shredded remains around the unburned ones. “We haven’t come across many, but that’s why we are being so careful. I can’t afford to lose any of you.”

“Your plan seems good, and it would take some seriously large or stupid group to try anything with as big as we are.”

“Anyone who has lasted this long is either smart, ruthless, or desperate by this point. I think it was Einstein who said the only infinite things are the universe and stupidity, and he wasn’t sure about the universe. We just need to stay on our toes and keep working this like an elephant herd, all the tender bits in the middle protected by the rest of us.”

She gave him a quizzical look. “The front scout is the most dangerous job. You’re one of the leaders. Why are you doing this part?”

“The person scouting has to know where we are going, so that cuts it down to four of us. Veronica and Violet are more useful in with the rest of the people. That leaves me and Kara. Kara is actually the primary person leading the group as we go north. That’s why she and Kingfisher are in front while we run ahead to make sure the way is clear. I love Kara and I’ve asked her to do so many dangerous things. I promised Bekka I’d…Well, let’s just say it was time for me to do the dangerous part for a change.” Garen saw movement behind Rahel.

“Speaking of, How do things look with the others?”

Kara answered, a sing-song tone to her voice. “Oh, you know, Barney is pulling Wilma’s pigtails, Betty kicked Fred in the rocks, standard shit. I was just about to walk the line and check on everyone.”

I’ll catch up. While you are walking them down, doublecheck the watches with everyone and let me know if anything has to change.”

Kara looked over at Rahel. “Come on. We can do the checks together.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass

Garen walked around the perimeter of their encampment. The enormity of everything hit him again. Here they were parked on the Interstate, blocking both lanes and the shoulder of one side where, less than a year ago, thousands of cars and trucks would be screaming by at eighty miles an hour. He looked up at one of the trucks at the far end and saw one of the lookouts sweeping the horizon. He couldn’t tell who it was at a glance and honestly didn’t feel like working down through the lists in his head to work it out from the watch schedule they concocted this morning.

How the hell had he and Bekka end up in this position. Hell, he wondered what might have happened if he and Kara hadn’t stopped at old man Chenkof’s store the day after the quake. He knew the answer. A hell of a lot of people would be dead. He saw movement ahead, coming his way. He knew that walk.

“Hey, shouldn’t you be resting? You have watch later.”

“So do you. I was looking for you to make sure you get some rest too.” Kara said as she walked up to him.

“It’s a hell of a group we are bringing in.”

“Yeah, some definite positives in the ‘add’ column, that’s for sure.”

“What’s your take on Kingfisher?”

“He’s an…” and she stopped, obviously stuck for words.


“He’s kinda like me, I guess. Or at least like I was a few years ago. He’s a warrior who doesn’t know how not to be yet.”

“So, kinda like we were thinking of Ivar and Silas?” Garen asked.

“Yeah…but worse. Ivar and Silas have been doing the senior leader thing enough, they are semi-domesticated. Kingfisher probably dodged it as much as he could. He’s all straight line, point-target sort of focus.”

“That’s not a bad thing, at least for now.”

“True. At least now we have some people who’s job was actually fighting, instead of us half-assed amateurs.”

“If we are the ‘half-assed amateurs’, then what does that make the ones we are training?” Garen smiled up at her.

“The best we could. We should see if these guys will tune us up.”

“Sounds like a plan. Maybe after we get them a better lay of the land when we get home, we can see about setting up some more training rotations.”

“All of that has to wait until we get them home. First things first.” Kara said in her best Bekka imitation.

“You’re right. We should get to bed. Mid-watch comes early.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Kingfisher’s Truck

“All the plans and plotting, who rides where, who sleeps where, all trashed a half a dozen times on the drive north. Why did we even bother?” Brice said to Kingfisher.

“Look, at least Kestrel and Shannon always knew where they were going to be, and the rest of us were more able to shuffle. You and me sleeping in here and Dylan in with Kestrel is a good thing, at least in my eyes.” Kingfisher said sitting on the bed.

“Did you get more info about things ahead from Kara?”

“Not really. It’s hard to even get the right questions going. What I did confirm was we do have houses to move into. It sounds like there will be a good building for you to set up your shop.”

“Ok, and what is it they have planned for the rest of you?”

“It sounds like it’s all about each doing what they can to help the group, Veronica said they were doing patrols in the National Forest area to keep an eye out on interlopers, finding wild game and edibles, and general conservation work.”

“Well, Violet and Veronica were telling me about some sort of mission being planned to deal with a group doing real bad things, but I couldn’t keep the details straight. Are they going to expect you to get mixed up in it?”

“I don’t know, but they will have to explain it real good before I go off attacking some other camp. I got too many responsibilities to you, Kestrel, and Shannon to risk my life willy-nilly.”

“You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
The Next Day

Garen and Rahel were scouting ahead when they found something. They were up in the hills on the far side of a valley. Garen keyed the mic.

“Faith, hold up down there where you can see. I got to check something out up here.”

“Watch your ass and don’t take too long.”

He looked over at Rahel, who was scanning the area with binoculars.

“What are we missing?”

“I don’t know, because if we are missing it, then we are missing it. I don’t understand.”
“I know what it looks like, but it looks like bait too.”

“I have scanned the hillside and don’t see signs of others. They look real. Both have moved around independently, not like ropes or wires doing it.”

Garen took a quick glance at Rahel’s face. No polarized lenses. Good.

“It’s just a hell of a thing to see, just sitting there. I guess we better check it out.”

“And how do you propose we do that safely?” Rahel asked as she lowered the binoculars and looked over at him.

“I guess I’ll just have to go out there and check it out.”

“You sure that’s safe?”

“Probably not, but it beats a ton of other options.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Hillside and Sorrow

Garen looked over his shoulder. Rahel was there, keeping an eye on him. A stray thought hit him. Better Rahel than Kara. Not that he doubted Kara’s ability, but with it Rahel, he can sidestep the serious beratement he would be getting for even considering what he is doing. His weapon was slung, freeing up his hands. His helmet was on the carabiner on his belt. He walked slow but deliberately towards the target. When he got there, he knelt down.

“Hey, little guy. What are you two doing sitting all the way out here?” he asked in a soft tone.

“We heard you coming.” The boy said weakly.

Now, this close up, Garen could see their condition better. The boy sitting against the road signpost was somewhere between five and eight years old, maybe. The smaller one he was holding in his lap was a lot younger and smaller. Garen was never good at gaging little kid’s ages, but this one was somewhere around a year, maybe?

“Well, we are here now. Are you all alone up here?”

“Us and Megan.” The words were hard to hear, the boy’s voice was so soft.

“Where’s Megan?” Garen was almost too afraid to ask.

“She’s up in the hidey hole. She was too weak to come down here, so she sent us.”
Garen was having a hard time right now keeping focus. These kids were so skinny they looked like Halloween decorations! Their skin was like paper stretched over a skeleton. These guys made Missy and her son when they arrived look like Olympic athletes when they got there! He had to do more, find out more.

“and what’s your name?”

“I’m Roan, and he is Jasper.”

“Well Roan. You stay right here, and I’ll go check on Megan.”

Garen turned and looked at Rahel. “You heard all of that. I’m going up and find Megan. Ten-minute check-in. Keep an eye on these two.”

“You should wait for help.”

“Help would either pull apart the formation or have us running back and forth. Don’t worry. I’ll be right back.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
In the Convoy

Kara wasn’t expecting the burst of Norwegian from Rahel. The group had slowed when they got in the middle of the small valley while Garen and Rahel checked the heights at the far end. When they didn’t get a quick ‘all clear’ like the last several times, they stopped to wait. Kara and Kingfisher weren’t taking any chances.

They were stopped for a good ten minutes when Rahel came over the radio. Even with the recent tune up talking with Hanna and Rahel, Kara’s Norwegian was a little, no, a lot rusty and it took her a few moments to catch up to what she was saying. Her translation wasn’t helped by Kingfisher looking at her expectantly since he could hear the conversation but understood none of it.

She franticly scribbled notes on her kneeboard before giving a quick acknowledgement over the radio to Rahel.

“Well?” Kingfisher asked impatiently after the radio call.

“Rahel and Garen are coming back with some sick people we need to take care of before we move forward. Get Ivar, Silas Nolan and Jenson and you guys work a perimeter screen while we get to work in the middle of the formation. This might end up as our overnight, but I don’t know. I’ll let you know more when I know more.”

Kingfisher grabbed some gear and hopped out. Kara wasn’t sure what the expression on his face was when he hopped out. Frustration? Anger? Eagerness? Gas? Right now she didn’t have time for that puzzle. She had a lot of stuff to get underway and not a lot of time to do it. She didn’t like being in the valley, especially didn’t like the idea of using this as their overnight position. She wanted to get away from all this overlooking terrain. It made her feel claustrophobic. She grabbed her carbine and her bag. She had a lot of stuff to get taken care of before they got here.

She caught up with Kingfisher as he was talking with Silas outside Silas’s camper.

“Silas, how big is your water tank and is it full?”

“Pretty small. Petra’s trailer probably has the biggest. Why?” Silas looked confused snapping from Kingfisher’s conversation to Kara’s question.

“We need hot water outside of a vehicle. OK, we will put our casualty collection point at Petra’s trailer. We will probably move some vehicles back and forth to shelter that area. Let me know as soon as the perimeter is set up.”

Kara didn’t even wait for them to answer. She had more stops to make. Her next one was with Chance.

“Hey Kara, what’s up?”

“Garen and Rahel are bringing in some sick people and we ned to do some stuff. Garen asked for clippers and sheep dip from you. We will need them over by Petra’s trailer as soon as you can.”

And she was off again. She got to Hanna’s trailer next. There she found Hanna outside her trailer looking through her bag.

“OK, Hanna. We are going to meet them by Petra’s trailer. You have one of the litter bags, right?”


“Good. Grab it and bring it with you. I’m getting the rest of the stuff now.”

“I need to stop and get something from Bekka’s truck but I will be right there.”

Petra’s truck was the next target for Kara’s frantic mission.

“Petra, Garen and Rahel are bringing in some sick people, but we need to get them cleaned up and you have the biggest water tank with a heater and an outside shower head. We can refill your tank from the drum on top of Chance’s trailer.”

“Anything else we can do to help?” Violet asked.

“I don’t know. I have Kingfisher working a perimeter, but I don’t know how long we will be here. This might be our overnight stop so get with him in case we need to start rotating watch.”

“No problem.” Violet said to her retreating back.

Kara went to the truck with Jenson in it.

“Hey, Kingfisher is putting together a perimeter while we work on some patients. Do you know where the extra sleeping bags scooped up from down south went?”

“Yeah, they are on the trailer behind Ivar.”

“Great! Expect Kingfisher or Silas to be along any minute for the perimeter plan.”

Off to the next stop she went.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
On the Hillside

Garen followed a small trail up the hill away from the kids. He had no real idea what he would find at the end of it, but he had to move forward. As he moved higher, he saw what might be his intended location. It sent chills through him he knew would never truly go away, they had been with him so long.

It looked like a crude attempt at a debris hut, to put the nicest terms on it. Sticks, piles of leaves, parts of a tarp, shreds of shopping bags and who knew what else were all woven together in a desperate attempt to shield them from the weather. All that was missing was a bridge abutment and Jim’s watery cough and he could be back there, back to a place where he swore he would never let himself get to again. He was ten then, but right now it felt like yesterday.

He moved closer and found an entrance.


No answer.

“Hello? Roan and Jasper said you needed some help?”

Still no answer. Not good. He fished in his pocket for a light. He got to his hands and knees to look inside.


No answer and no movement. He felt a heaviness and an emptiness in the air. He felt them both many times before but rarely in the same location. He swept the light around, dreading what he might find.

There were little bits of trash, the leftover ruin of clothes in small piles, a few fire-blackened cans stood along the back wall near a steady trickle of water coming from a spot on the hillside and running in a little channel downhill and out under the far side of the ‘hut’. As his light played across the interior, his eyes adjusted to the gloom, and he picked out more details.

He knew there were piles of ‘useful stuff’ off to one side, but the most important things would be clumped together near the tiny fire ring in the middle. That’s where he found her.

His eyes passed over her the first time, thinking it was just an empty sleeping spot since it was so small and flat. He moved in and looked closer. There, in the blanket was a tiny, emaciated form.

‘Oh God’ was the only thing his brain could say, but the Paramedic in him found a way to keep moving forward.

“Megan? Roan and Jasper sent me in to help you.” He reached out with one hand and ran it over her dry scalp and down to her neck to check for a pulse. She didn’t move when he did this. There was a pulse, weak and thready. He pulled back the blanket but was unprepared for what he saw. Her body was almost nothing. It reminded him of working excavating mass graves in Bosnia, except she was still alive.

He pulled the blanket back over her. He pulled a space blanket from one of the pouches on his gear and gently wrapped her in it. When he picked her up, there was nothing there. He kept the space blanket around her and walked back down the hill to where Rahel waited. He didn’t know if they were in time, but he wasn’t leaving her here.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At the Truck

Rahel watched him come down the hillside, a small bundle in his arms. The two little kids looked up at him too.

“Is Megan going to be OK?” Roan asked.

“I’m sure Garen will do everything he can to help you all.” Rahel answered as she looked closer at what, no, who he was carrying. The bundle was maybe five feet, but with the size it was, couldn’t weigh much more than the SAW in her hands.

“What do I need to do Garen?”

“Drop the tailgate. I’m going to sit on the tailgate with her and the boys while you drive us back to the others.”

“Why there? Why not put them inside? We could drive quicker and bee there sooner.”

“I don’t want to put them inside anything before we eliminate creepy crawlies. Call ahead and see if Chance has clippers and some sheep dip.”

“What’s ‘sheep dip’?”

“It’s like flea soap. I need them all cleaned up and as bug free as possible before we get them inside anything. That’s also why they all get haircuts to the scalp. Lice, bedbugs, fleas, ticks, I don’t want any of it going with us.”

“I’ll call ahead after we get you on board.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At the Convoy

It was a weird mix of frantic activity and static nervousness once Garen and Rahel arrived with their patients. Plenty of medical people to work the issues but one of the first issues was a problem of turf and who was in charge. Amber had the highest certifications, but Hanna, Kara and Garen had the recent experience with these conditions. Garen solved it by shouting short and loud.

“Look, we need to strip and clean them up. We take everything off them, get them cleaned, down to buzz cut zero their hair. Chance if you have some flea dip or some other anti-bug stuff we can clean them up with without killing them with a can of Raid. The most critical is the girl. She is the front of the line. Get them clean, get them warm, and then we start getting tiny bits of calories in them. Hanna, you already know about preventing rebound. Hanna, Kara, take lead, let us know how to help. I’m going to start work on where they will be riding.”

After that, it was smooth but sad work. Kestrel brough out some creamy beef broth for the kids to drink in small amounts. Ewa took one glance at the cup and quickly left to go find Alonzo to see how she could help somewhere else.

Amber spent time talking to Roan, trying to keep him calm and getting more information from him while Savanna was using the clippers to cut his and Jasper’s hair all the way down to their scalps.

Chance brought over a small metal tub they could use for a bathtub for the two boys, along with some medicated shampoos and debridement sponges so they could scrub them clean.

While Chance and Amber were busy bathing the boys, Savanna moved over to help Hanna. They had the girl on the mesh litter and all stripped down.

“Any idea how old she is?” Hanna asked as she finished getting the last of her clothes off her.

“If what the boys told Amber is correct, thirteen?”

“Damn. She can’t be more than sixteen, maybe eighteen kilos. she should easily be at least twice that.”

“Is she going to make it?” Savanna looked at Hanna, knowing the question was in bad form to ask in front of the patient, but she couldn’t help herself.

“It all depends on how much fight she has in her. It will be hard, but if she is willing to fight, she might.”

Their expressions were grim as they worked on cleaning Megan up. Savanna was as gentle as she could be with the clippers, cutting every scrap of hair off of Megan she could, including her eyebrows. All that was left were her eyelashes. Once she was done, she helped Hanna as she scrubbed layers of grime and dirt from Megan’s skin with the bug killing shampoo. This was followed by a round of anti-bacterial, then a third with a soft, moisturizing shampoo all over.

Hanna couldn’t place the smell of the last shampoo, but knew it was better than the foul-smelling anti-bug stuff.

“What is that shampoo?”

Savanna grinned at Hanna as she told her.

“Mane and Tail. It works great.”
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Veteran Member
"Ewa took one glance at the cup and quickly left to go find Alonzo to see how she could help somewhere else."
Is there something I'm forgetting, or will we learn more about Ewa later.

Thank you. Always a surprise in store for us.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass

It was a tense meeting after the initial backbrief on the condition of their new patients now passengers. They had a planning meeting for the evening’s watch schedules, along with the new ‘who rides where’ shuffling of the seats and responsibilities. As the meeting broke up, Kara, Garen Veronica and Violet were standing together.

“OK, next time we roll out the big black truck from the house, we need to maybe consider a rooftop tent for them.” Kara said to Garen as they were reviewing where everyone was sleeping this evening.

“They are handy. I was surprised you didn’t have one on them already.” Veronica said, looking at Garen.

“Well, in my defense, we were in a bit of a rush when we rolled out.”

“It wouldn’t be that hard to make or improvise a couple for them. We did it for Derek and Gretchen’s trucks.” Violet added.

“We don’t even have to improvise. We have the one off of Terry’s Suburban, and the one on Allyson’s Explorer too. She would probably be willing to donate it to the cause.” Kara said, remembering their shapes leaning against the wall in the Training Building.

“The only issue will be making the frame for them to sit on. We should add it to the list of shit to do when we get back.” Garen said as he started puzzling through the mounting issues in his head.

“Let’s focus on the first thing; getting these guys to the house first.” Kara said as they started walking towards the back of Hanna and Rahel’s trailer for a bowl of food and a cup of coffee.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Deep in the Night

Ivar, Garen, Silas, Kara, and Kingfisher stood around a pot of freshly brewed coffee discussing the next moves.

“From what we got from the kids, they all ran away from something bad, and the oldest did everything she could to keep them safe.” Kara said as they all sipped their coffee.

“Is the girl going to make it?” Ivar asked.

“Not sure yet. Hanna says she have some experience and we do too, but not this far gone.” Garen answered.

“Well, no signs of anyone else around, so it seems safe for the moment. Silas Said, met immediately with a snort from Kingfisher.

“That’s what I thought the other night.”

“Got a point.” Ivar replied.

“Any issues with the seating arrangements?” Garen asked the others.

“Not really. It all makes sense in keeping med people with the sick, but it’s still a bunch of juggling some already uprooted people.” Kingfisher said.

“Only a couple more days, then everyone can start settling into their soon to be permanent homes.” Kara said, a soothing tone to her voice.

“With as many sick, injured or recovering, we may have to look at some temporary quarters when we get home.” Garen said to Kara’s comment.

“We will look at the map and see where makes sense, but they can at least get their new home locations.”

Silas, Kingfisher and Ivar shared a look. Ivar was the first to ask.

“So, there are several locations, but you are talking about shuffling people around among them?”

“Kinda. We have several about to be new mothers, and we need to make sure things will be set up and comfortable for a few of us to go attend them when it’s time, and we have two different locations to potentially set up for veterinary clinics, and who knows what else we need to set up for. We just have to see what makes sense and where they want to be.” Garen said, wanting to cut off any arguments.

“Look, let’s worry about the details once we get there. The important thing is we have houses for you guys. Houses a hell of a lot better than some base housing I’m sure you’ve lived in. We have about an hour before the rest are up. Let’s get the food ready so we can all make tracks out of here. Sitting in this bowl of a valley gives me the willies.” Kara said forcefully.

Everyone’s eyes swept the dark horizon. Kara’s words had the intended effect. The chill down each of their spines put an extra pep into their actions.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Petra’s Trailer

Jonas woke up to movement in the trailer. He knew it wasn’t Jennifer. He could still her gentle snoring from the bunk over his head. He looked over and saw the source of the movement.

Petra was putting water into the hot pot. She was in a T-shirt and some shorts she had slept in. He watched her pour the water from the filtered pitcher by the light of the LED. He looked at her, seeing the outline of her face as she scrunched it up trying to not spill any of the water. Her hair hung forward now, long enough it can hang into her eyes. He grinned as she pushed it out of her face.

Nolan was right, not that he needed him to make him realize it. Petra was beautiful. And Smart. And Funny. And so full of life. Part of his brain kept trying to compare her to Margaret, but they were nowhere alike.

Margaret had a strength. It radiated from her as a force of will. Quick to anger, never forgave but worried all the time. She could be a sweet, loving person, but it was hard for others to see.

Petra, on the other hand, was a ball of loose energy. She had a way of taking over a room without trying. She was the shiny object others couldn’t ignore once they saw her. It was like when you would get a fly or a bee flying around in the house. As much as you tried to ignore it, you kept snapping back to watching it. Or at least that was the way he was with her.

She looked a lot like Shelia did all those years ago, but different. Same small build but the mannerisms didn’t match. Shelia was a bookworm, a self-proclaimed nerd always studying. Last he knew, she had her second or third doctorate and was teaching at some University back east.

Petra was more like he was then, always in motion, always looking for the next chaos to be in the middle of, except Petra didn’t seem to have a malicious bone in her body.

He knew Silas was right, he knew Nolan was right. He was a fool if he didn’t reciprocate the advances Petra seemed to be making. He asked himself a hundred times at least, and the answer kept coming back ‘yes he had feelings for her too’ but were hers just because he saved her? He didn’t want to spoil ‘good.’ He also didn’t want her to end up feeling jilted or rejected either.

He was never good at this sort of thing. There were no sure things or comfortable norms in the apocalypse.


His voice startled her, causing her to jump and spill some of the water on the counter and some on herself, setting off a small, whispered tirade.

“Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!...Now I’m wet!”

Jonas’ reply was whispered as well.

“Come over here. I can help.”
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Petra’s Trailer

Petra was trying to be quiet. She was up early, like she always was. She slipped out of the bed, trying to not wake Jonas. She wasn’t as worried about waking Jennifer. She could still hear her snoring in the upper bunk.

She ducked into the small bathroom for a quick wipe down. She was sweaty after sleeping in clothes under the covers. Jonas wouldn’t sleep under the covers with her. He insisted on sleeping on top of the covers under a separate blanket, ‘to keep things proper’ he said.

She wished he wouldn’t worry about ‘proper’. Hell, she sent him enough signals. What was wrong with him? Or, what was wrong with her? She thought he was interested in her, they hung out, enjoyed each other’s company. Where was the hang up? She knew what part of her feared it was; she was too young, or he saw her as too young.

There were times she caught him looking at her with a strange look in his eyes. As soon as he saw her looking, he would change his expression. She knew he had feelings for her. Hell. The way he shut down Nolan’s interest in her told her that much. He had a serious protective streak, that’s for sure! But what kind of protective? Was he seeing her like another daughter? That made some sense. Shit! She was the same size as Jennifer, why wouldn’t he?

But that’s not what she wanted! She already had Silas and Amber treating her like their own daughter, but not in a bad way. Hell! After meeting Violet…well, Amber and Silas might be treating her like one of their own, but there was no ‘babying’ in this family.

Her brain was bouncing topic to topic, angle to angle like it did all the time first thing in the morning before she had some coffee or tea to smooth out the brain. Her friends always thought it was weird how a jolt of caffeine calmed her down instead of spooled her up. Amber was the one who told her it was actually a medical thing with ADD people.

Well, if she was going to get her brain on track, she better get the water heating.

She stepped out of the bathroom and glanced over at the bed. Jonas was still asleep. She still didn’t know what she was going to do about him.

The hotpot was still out from last night, but she forgot to put water in it. Well, at least she filled the filter pitcher, so she had water ready to heat. She just had to load it and start it. She didn’t want to turn on the light over the stove and wake the others, so she was working from the tiny nightlight. She had issues with the pot when the lid wouldn’t open, and she almost dropped the water pitcher twice. She had to force herself to slow down. One of the things distracting her was her hair was falling in her eyes. She swipped a hand across and pushed it back.


His voice startled her! She couldn’t help it! Her hands twitched and she splashed water all over the counter and, worse, all over her T-shirt! She almost dropped the pitcher on the floor before she got it to the counter. She stifled the scream at least. Instead she was talking in a frantic whisper.

“Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!...Now I’m wet!” With her hands free, she was now holding the T-shirt away from her skin, trying to get away from the cold water.

Jonas’ whisper cut through her attention, bringing her complete focus over to him.

“Come over here. I can help.”

All of what she had been thinking earlier and more raced back through her head. The worry he thought she was too young, the possessiveness when he talked to Nolan about her, Amber’s comment about how he was probably worried about something she called rescuer syndrome or transference or maybe it was limerence? Whatever it was, she knew something was about to change.

Her heart felt like it was beating a thousand times a minute as she walked the few steps over to where Jonas was now sitting up in the bed. She wasn’t sure what the look in his eyes was now, but it was the same as those times she caught him before.

His hands slid under the hem of the shirt, but she didn’t feel them on her skin. He was pulling it away from her without lifting it off of her like he did last time. She blushed a little more at the memory of him whipping her top off out by the barn, not even the first time he made her half naked, either. He was talking again.

“I know I’ve been dodging the signs and signals you have been sending, and I’m sorry. I didn’t want your attraction to be a whim or some sort of result of the thing at the RV dealer. If there’s going to be more to ‘us’ I want it to be for the right reasons.”

“But you want there to be more, right?” Petra wasn’t sure how she even found her voice to ask him the question, but here it was, out in the open.

“Yes, I do, but I want to do it right, for the right reason. You are too important to me to screw it up with just some…fling? Some kinda sorta thing? I didn’t want to maybe take advantage of you and hurt you in any way if it wasn’t what you wanted.”

Petra could hear the emotion, the uncertainty in his voice. How could he think she didn’t want this! She had been trying to show him how much she wanted this for what seemed like forever! How could she prove it? She might know.

“It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time now.” She took another step forward and felt his warm hands on her cool skin. It felt both warm and electric. Part of her was in heaven now. She felt his hands moving, but not in the direction she expected. They slid around to the sides of her ribcage, away from her chest. She opened her eyes, eyes she wasn’t even aware she had closed, and looked at his face. There was a smile there.

“As much as I want to, and don’t get me wrong, I want to, this isn’t the right time and place for such things. I don’t want to rush something so important to me, important to us. I want to do this right and not screw it up getting in a rush.”

Petra wasn’t sure exactly what he was talking about, but she didn’t care! He wanted her! His hands moved again, pushing upwards and outward. In the blink of an eye, her shirt was off. Not the first time he has taken her shirt off, but she was facing him this time and wasn’t sure what to do next. He solved her dilemma.

“Better put a dry shirt on, otherwise Jennifer is going to ask questions I don’t have answers for yet. I’ll heat the water.”

“But we will continue this later?” Petra asked him. She had to get an affirmation of where they stood.

“Oh, I fully intend to do a lot more, but I want to go slow and do it right. You deserve nothing less.”

She wasn’t sure if it was being half naked in front of him again, or the new smile on his face with all it’s implications, or something new she couldn’t put a name to, but she wasn’t cold now. Her skin felt hot, flushed with …embarrassment? She didn’t know but for at least right now, this very moment, she felt happy.
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