GOV/MIL 'It hasn’t been a good deployment' | Mom describes her National Guard son's experience protecting DC

Red Baron

You know what comes across to me are the optics of deploying NG to DC. Sure, it looks like someone is serious about security or whatever, but look at how ill-prepared the troops are. 3-day packs, rifles with no magazines, clean skin plate carriers with no ammo and gear pouches, and sleeping on the floors.

Think back, Trump has stated several times his administration inherited a broken, reduced military.

Matter of time before some MSM hack says, 'hey, these guys don't have all the gear they're supposed to have. Trump pocketed the money that was supposed to be used to supply them with the best equipment for his wall.' or some such other bullshit they can come up with.

Also I have to look at the chain of command for these units. Sure, this call-up seems last minute, but, as these are NG troops, some with SWA (South West Asia) deployments, that's Middle East = Iraq, the Stan, etc, the individual troops should have been a bit more prepared. Those with deployments under their belt should have had the 'talk' with the others in their squad. The talk about how when deployed you can't count on anything finding you when you need it or want it.

Meaning you can't depend on hot chow therefore plan for that. You can't depend on the mail catching up with you, plan accordingly, you can't depend on supply finding you when you're short on what you need, plan for that. The only thing you can depend on, as soon as you're screwing off somewhere, the CO or SGM will show up. That's a given.

What all that means is these troops with some experience behind them, should be squad leaders, platoon leaders, and all should be familiar with a GOTH = Go To Hell plan. You plan for items not being there and support not reaching you. If you are getting cold chow, there are camping stoves and this place called Costco, or even the PX which they can access with their ID, where one finds bulk items, instant coffee, tea, apple cider, instant oatmeal, meal bars, snacks, etc. Al that should have been done prior to any deployments and these items standing ready for your squad or platoon when the time comes for a deployment.

As to there not being laundry service, if the soldier around which this OP was posted was able to leave the perimeter, there are coin operated laundromats in the area. If he's getting deliveries from a relative, that can work both ways. Relative can take dirty laundry, wash and return. Seems pretty simple solution to a minor problem.

Also, cell phones and food delivery works as well. Chow not finding you? Make a call, get something delivered. Do that often enough and word starts getting out to the senior NCOs that something smells about the supply and support chain. As its been said, shit rolls downhill. Get a couple of senior NCOs barking at the mess section sergeant and one will be surprised how fast food starts getting to the troops while its still warm.

Improvise, adapt, overcome used to be drilled into recruit's head. What happened to that?

I still say this is an optic for the media to exploit about how Trump says our military is the best equipped. I figure a matter of time before that happens.

All great points!

Grouchy Granny

I know when the OS had to go to AT (Annual Training) he would always pack a small stove (not sure what kind he had/has), instant coffee, powdered eggs and assorted whatnots that were not on the list, but were light and easy to cram into a pack.

He could not be without his "wakey wakey juice" no matter what.

And the NG feeds their people like beyond crap! Maybe WW2 MRE's (or whatever they were called) and has the absolute balls to charge the guys to feed them.

OS would rather go hungry and forage than eat that garbage!


I'm essentially clueless about the military, so this may be a really dumb question... but why would these MEN (isn't the guard mostly made up of people who have already completed at least a few years of regular service?) not check the weather report for DC after getting orders to deploy, And *pack for the weather*?

Do they really need mommy to tell them how to pack?

Something is off about this story.



Knuckle Dragger
I'm essentially clueless about the military, so this may be a really dumb question... but why would these MEN (isn't the guard mostly made up of people who have already completed at least a few years of regular service?) not check the weather report for DC after getting orders to deploy, And *pack for the weather*?

Do they really need mommy to tell them how to pack?

Something is off about this story.


To some degree, you load per orders.

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't know who ordered their deployment but their CO's are still responsible for their troops. The whole scene looks like a cluster fxxx to me. Could make fragging come back in style. I know we who have served and others before have seen worst conditions but this is downtown DC where chow wagons and hot drinks can just roll down the street. Good first start for the Demoncraps. Be great to find out the CO's are staying at Trumps Hotel.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
All great points!

The money for the wall was taken from construction projects. There were dilapidated buildings that were put on delayed rebuild to pay for the wall.

Lack of ammo is more to do with Posse Commitus than anything. Ammo is supposed to be delivered upon arrival to the location.

The more they screw the troops, the more they are endangering their own longer term safety.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Its the National Guard. Not exactly the crème de la crème here.

This can also be true, but, the equipment and lodging accomodations are a real stickler and is something that will backfire.

Remember after this year, campaigning starts for 2023 seats. The more they rivet folks now and make it painful, the more they are stepping on their petards...


Disaster Cat
There's a question to which I don't know the answer, but when were these guys even told where they were going?

From some of the reports,I saw in the bomb shelter and also heard from folks in the US, some of these people got a "be ready in two hours call" but no information as to where they were being deployed.

If that is actually the case (and not just rumors) then packing becomes more difficult, people probably grabbed their usual weekend kits or whatever and figured they would find out more when they got there.

Again, I totally understand that military life isn't intended to be comfortable, but putting people in unhealthy situations that are likely to cause medical casualties when it is obviously isn't necessary seems stupid and wasteful to me.

I'd feel totally different if they had been called in because the New Madrid Quake 2.0 had just destroyed most of the midwest or in the aftermath of a REAL terror attack on DC with thousands dead and wounded.

But this is a "deployment" in the US Capitol, surely they can do better, especially given the country is in the middle of a pandemic with a disease that attacks the lungs and respiratory system, keep them dressed warm and fed at least!


TB Fanatic

'It hasn’t been a good deployment' | Mom describes her National Guard son's experience protecting DC

"In many ways he felt he was better cared for by the Army in Afghanistan than he feels he’s cared for now.”


Author: Tom Dempsey (WUSA)

Published: 8:40 PM EST January 13, 2021

Updated: 9:24 AM EST January 14, 2021

WASHINGTON — Among the men and women now serving on the front lines to protect the Nation's Capital is a Maryland National Guard member who saw combat in Afghanistan.

He also works as a police officer and has a wife and young son waiting for him to come home.

Years after fighting in the Middle East, his current deployment has him stationed at the US Capitol.

The shifts are long, the outside conditions are cold, and the overall experience of being there has been anything but pleasant.

"I just got off the phone with him and he said some of the young men that he’s with don’t have enough money to buy some extra gear they might have so they’re wearing three pairs of extra socks to keep their feet warm," his mother said on Wednesday. "He went online today to order some more gear from Amazon that he’s going to have delivered to my nephew who lives in DC and then my nephew is going to walk over some of the stuff.”

The guardsman's mother asked WUSA9 not to broadcast their last names due to the sensitive nature of her son's deployment.

However, after hearing about the conditions her son is living in now, she wanted to let others know about the experience facing the men and women working to keep DC secure.

After her son deployed last Thursday, she said he and other Guardsmen have been forced to use trash bags and armor for pillows and blankets.

The servicemembers aren't allowed to drink coffee "because of the optics," according to her son.

No laundry service is available after her son brought enough clothing for two days, the mother claimed.

By the time dinner rolls around, the guardsman's mom said troops could be greeted with an unappetizing option.

"He gets cold food at about eight o’clock at night. He gets a box of cold food left out on the sidewalk for him. Cold spaghetti at eight o’clock," she said. "He feels like he really isn’t getting enough food, so he’s bought some of his own food. He’s gone to local convenience stores.”

"I can hear stress in his voice. He sounds tired," she said. "It hasn’t been a good deployment and he doesn’t feel like he has a defined mission.”

With the world still dealing with a pandemic, the concerns have also stretched to COVID-19.

Her son says troops often sleep close to one another at night, with some often taking their masks off.

"He said he’s not allowed to request a test unless he has obvious symptoms," she said.

After many photos of guardsmen sleeping on floors were posted to social media on Wednesday, the National Guard released a statement saying the photos likely showed the troops when they were considered on-duty.

"Please know our National Guardsmen have appropriate lodging for when they are off-duty; the photos circulating are of them on-duty, in a designated rest area between shifts," the statement read. "Being present is the first step in ensuring the safety of our citizens and our Nation's Capitol. Our security personnel work in shifts and rest when they can as others stand watch."

With many people reaching out about how they could help, the National Guard added that it cannot logistically accept donations of any kind.

Moving forward, the mother of the Maryland National Guard member who spoke to WUSA9 hoped her son's time on the front lines would be over soon.

"It’s hard and we’ll be thankful when all of our soldiers can come home," she said. "He said in many ways he felt he was better cared for by the army in Afghanistan than he feels he’s cared for now.”

They're supporting the communist takeover of the USA. I have ZERO pity for the NG troops. They were armed last week and are armed now ready to shoot citizens; tough sh*t on their part. F them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
On another note. IMOM these men/women are in DC to intimidate fellow citizens into not expressing their contempt for our Government or assembling freely. So they will have to grin and bear. I also agree they should have prepared better.
We really don't know what they are there for. We know the official story but I'm betting the truth is something much darker.


TB Fanatic
I agree if this was a 2nd or 3rd world assignment like New Jersey. This is the USA Capitol. There should be top notch food / beds / etc.

The MDW (military district of Washington) has the worst housing situation of any military base or area in the world. All the troops and where do you put them? Been this way for forever. The marine VAQ allowance for families living off post borders on the ridiculous. Troops like being posted here, they can get a cheap apartment and bank the rest of the monthly housing allowance. Here's VAQ rates by rank in the MDW/DC area. Remember, all this money is taxpayer supplied. Average DC apartment rent is 2500 bucks.

The troops are probably staying at Fort AP Hill, Fort Meade, maybe Ft. Dietrick. Those are the only posts I know that still have a significant amount of barracks still standing and usable.

2021 D.C. BAH (Basic Allowance Housing) Rates | Military Benefits

You are here: Home / 2021 BAH Rates By State and Local MHA / 2021 D.C. BAH (Basic Allowance Housing) Rates
2021 D.C. BAH (Basic Allowance Housing) Rates
Local BAH rates charts for Military Housing Areas in the state of District of Columbia.

See the latest update on the 2021 Basic Allowance for Housing rates.

MHA: DC053 - Military Housing Area Name: WASHINGTON, DC METRO AREA
E01 $2,520 $2,061
E02 $2,520 $2,061
E03 $2,520 $2,061
E04 $2,520 $2,061
E05 $2,544 $2,340
E06 $2,700 $2,493
E07 $2,865 $2,523
E08 $3,051 $2,580
E09 $3,225 $2,619
W01 $2,715 $2,520
W02 $2,943 $2,577
W03 $3,168 $2,625
W04 $3,249 $2,736
W05 $3,351 $2,907
O01E $2,904 $2,544
O02E $3,135 $2,610
O03E $3,264 $2,691
O01 $2,568 $2,490
O02 $2,697 $2,538
O03 $3,159 $2,640
O04 $3,384 $2,877
O05 $3,540 $2,982
O06 $3,570 $3,147
O07 $3,600 $3,204
About half the U.S. Counties (about 1,500) have little to no military population. While half the zip codes is significant, less than two percent of service members that are eligible for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) are within these counties. In order to account for these service members there are approximately 30 separate County Cost Groups (CCGs) assigned, each with similar housing costs. Use the BAH Calculator to enter your zip code to determine your Military Housing Area (MHA) aka County Cost Group. They range from ZZ510 to ZZ890 in increments of 10.

Military bases in District of Columbia:
Bolling AFB, Washington, D.C., Washington DC
Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington DC
Fort McNair, Washington DC
Marine Safety Center, Washington DC
Marine Barracks, Washington DC
National Response Center, Washington DC
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC
Navy Yard, Washington DC
The Pentagon, Washington DC
Walter Reed, Washington DC
BAH rates listed are for all branches of the military; Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Space Force and Reserves forces, where applicable.


TB Fanatic
FEMA should of been able to provide cots pillows n blankets immediately. Perhaps setting up the camp within the fences, ready for whatever comes there way.

The only stocks in this area that Fema has in any quantity are body bags and search and rescue equipment for state Task force one rescue units.

Press release from FEMA yesterday regarding the coronation.

FEMA Supporting Government Partners Across DC Region in Preparation for 59th Presidential Inauguration |

FEMA Supporting Government Partners Across DC Region in Preparation for 59th Presidential Inauguration
Release DateRelease Number
January 14, 2021HQ-21-011
WASHINGTON -- FEMA is actively coordinating with our state, local and federal partners in support of the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
During this historic event, public safety remains FEMA’s highest priority. In light of recent events and the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage anyone planning to be in the Washington D.C., metro area to follow the guidance of local officials, adhere to public health precautions and report suspicious activity to law enforcement. Experiencing the inauguration from your home by watching on television or online remains your best option to view this event.
FEMA works closely with our federal, state and local partners and synchronizes federal interagency coordination to prepare for and respond to all hazards in the National Capital Region, enhancing homeland security and emergency management operations. FEMA has provided planning, training and exercise support to our federal, state and local partners to promote an enhanced preparedness posture over the past several months leading up to the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
The Department of Homeland Security designated the Presidential Inauguration as a recurring National Special Security Event (NSSE). Events may be designated NSSEs when they warrant the full protection, incident management and counterterrorism capabilities of the federal government. On Jan. 12, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Pete Gaynor extended the period of the NSSE to begin a week in advance of the Inauguration and run from Jan. 13 – Jan. 21. The Acting Secretary determined the extended NSSE period was necessary to provide for a unified command and control and ensure the safety and security of this special event.
Due to the complex and sensitive nature of this event, different federal agencies are designated to lead certain efforts.
  • When an event is designated a NSSE, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead federal agency for security planning and response.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the lead federal agency for incident investigation.
  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for incident management.
  • FEMA is the lead federal agency for consequence management in situations where a disaster or hazardous event exceeds local response capabilities. The mission of consequence management is to manage emergency response activities in order to ensure a quick and coordinated response to protect public health and safety, restore essential services, and provide emergency relief to all those affected by the consequences of a natural, man-made, or act-of-terrorism incident.
The preparation for any NSSE is a cooperative effort. FEMA has been fully engaged with our federal, state and local authorities before this event, and will remain so during and after the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
President Donald Trump approved the District of Columbia’s request for an Emergency Declaration on Jan. 11. This action allows FEMA to surge public safety resources and response teams to the District of Columbia in preparation for the inauguration. FEMA response teams are already in position at key locations throughout the National Capital Region and are prepared to support our public safety partners in any potential situations that may arise. Additionally, FEMA is deploying a national Incident Management Assistance Team to the area to support the agency's full-time staff who regularly coordinate, exercise and train with first responders and emergency managers in the Washington, D.C., metro area.
While FEMA does not operate in any law enforcement capacity, we are actively coordinating with our federal, state and local partners to ensure public safety throughout the 59th Presidential Inauguration. Our mission remains the same – helping people before, during and after disasters.


Senior Member
We really don't know what they are there for. We know the official story but I'm betting the truth is something much darker.
I don't think the Guard members think they are intimidating anyone, I feel the PTB have them there more for optics and intimidation though.


On TB every waking moment
There would if been a real insurrection if we were forbidden to drink coffee on deployment. I never drank coffee until I got in the Army. I blame that for a lifelong habit. Seeing top come around at 3:30 in the morning in a truck or CUCV with a couple of Mermites full of 80 weight Army coffee was the only thing we looked forward to because the powdered eggs and soggy toast wasn’t worth the trouble to throw it out.
twern't coffee in the Navy unless you could stand a spoon in it.


On TB every waking moment
Where’s the pillow guy. He should be able to deliver ten thousand pillows and blankets.

bet he comes to the charge, just press one can’t buy.
Last time I saw the "My Pillow guy" he was in Megan's Medicine cabinet, then her bedroom, where he adjusted her down pillow and her hubby's foam pillow...


Veteran Member
This whole thing stinks. Yeah, we’ve all slept on the ground, in ditch, in the rain, etc., but something doesn’t fit with: you will defend the capitol and sleep on marble floors like your at the Alamo. Come on people, something is just not right.
Then again, you have an inauguration of the most popular president ever, with more votes than anyone in the world, and you have locked down DC - built fences and walls - surrounding the place with 30,000 troops? In addition, no one is invited after a free and fair election to attend? Talk about OPTICS!
But hell I don’t know nothing. I prove that everyday, but I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday either... :kaid:
Last edited:


Senior Member
Not involved with this at all, but I was in the National Guard for 10 years. A lot of people on this site seem to think that makes me a complete moron, but the fact remains when I joined it was to help the USA. So a little note: if you are someone that has never joined the military forces either reserve or active then please STFU. If you are someone that was active duty and thinks the NG is completely useless then that is your prerogative, but not everyone in the NG is a complete waste of space.


Talk is cheap
If Biden manages to get into the White House they can expect much more of this kind of treatment. Hopefully this will make them VERY angry.

Yep, they want them angry, all right. The deep state wants to make use of a good crisis, and they do not care about the guard troops either. Being used to fulfill an evil agenda.

The deep state hates us all.

That 5G tower will put the tempers over the edge when that is powered up. Is there now more than that one put up on the national mall?

Betcha dollars to doughnuts every state capitol puts one or more of those 5G-type towers up, and watch the tempers flare. If so, the snowflakes and other lemmings will think and tell each other, "Oh look, they want us to have fast internet!"


Veteran Member
I remember a few years ago (OK, OK, a few decades ago) when I was a ROTC cadet, the National Guard unit I was assigned to had a ceremony to kick off the new armory's construction. They needed people to stay overnight and secure the equipment. The only problem is, nobody arranged for dinner, not even C-rats. One of the guys got the idea and got the local Hardees to donate food for us. And, of course, there was no breakfast either. So all of us who volunteered our time went to Hardees and bought our own breakfast before working the rest of the day doing what needed to be done for the new armory groundbreaking.

Chicken Mama

Veteran Member
The only stocks in this area that Fema has in any quantity are body bags and search and rescue equipment for state Task force one rescue units.

Press release from FEMA yesterday regarding the coronation.

FEMA Supporting Government Partners Across DC Region in Preparation for 59th Presidential Inauguration |

FEMA Supporting Government Partners Across DC Region in Preparation for 59th Presidential Inauguration
Release DateRelease Number
January 14, 2021HQ-21-011
WASHINGTON -- FEMA is actively coordinating with our state, local and federal partners in support of the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
During this historic event, public safety remains FEMA’s highest priority. In light of recent events and the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage anyone planning to be in the Washington D.C., metro area to follow the guidance of local officials, adhere to public health precautions and report suspicious activity to law enforcement. Experiencing the inauguration from your home by watching on television or online remains your best option to view this event.
FEMA works closely with our federal, state and local partners and synchronizes federal interagency coordination to prepare for and respond to all hazards in the National Capital Region, enhancing homeland security and emergency management operations. FEMA has provided planning, training and exercise support to our federal, state and local partners to promote an enhanced preparedness posture over the past several months leading up to the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
The Department of Homeland Security designated the Presidential Inauguration as a recurring National Special Security Event (NSSE). Events may be designated NSSEs when they warrant the full protection, incident management and counterterrorism capabilities of the federal government. On Jan. 12, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Pete Gaynor extended the period of the NSSE to begin a week in advance of the Inauguration and run from Jan. 13 – Jan. 21. The Acting Secretary determined the extended NSSE period was necessary to provide for a unified command and control and ensure the safety and security of this special event.
Due to the complex and sensitive nature of this event, different federal agencies are designated to lead certain efforts.
  • When an event is designated a NSSE, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead federal agency for security planning and response.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the lead federal agency for incident investigation.
  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for incident management.
  • FEMA is the lead federal agency for consequence management in situations where a disaster or hazardous event exceeds local response capabilities. The mission of consequence management is to manage emergency response activities in order to ensure a quick and coordinated response to protect public health and safety, restore essential services, and provide emergency relief to all those affected by the consequences of a natural, man-made, or act-of-terrorism incident.
The preparation for any NSSE is a cooperative effort. FEMA has been fully engaged with our federal, state and local authorities before this event, and will remain so during and after the 59th Presidential Inauguration.
President Donald Trump approved the District of Columbia’s request for an Emergency Declaration on Jan. 11. This action allows FEMA to surge public safety resources and response teams to the District of Columbia in preparation for the inauguration. FEMA response teams are already in position at key locations throughout the National Capital Region and are prepared to support our public safety partners in any potential situations that may arise. Additionally, FEMA is deploying a national Incident Management Assistance Team to the area to support the agency's full-time staff who regularly coordinate, exercise and train with first responders and emergency managers in the Washington, D.C., metro area.
While FEMA does not operate in any law enforcement capacity, we are actively coordinating with our federal, state and local partners to ensure public safety throughout the 59th Presidential Inauguration. Our mission remains the same – helping people before, during and after disasters.


TB Fanatic
Not sure how this applies to the current situation or has anything to do with NG housing or OP.

Under DHS, FEMA is logistics and incident/consequence management. IE they should be the agency providing the NG troops with either a place to stay, or at the very minimum meals and bedding. They aren't.
That's how it applies.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
well when I was in the guard, we had a very good mess section. Food was always very good, and plenty of it.