CORONA Is the Entire Chi-Com Virus “Pandemic” an Elaborate Hoax?


The Executor
The virus that isn’t there and the sales-job
by Jon Rappoport | October 23, 2020

In previous articles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], I’ve established the fact that the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 is unproven; and I’ve brought forward Dr. Tom Cowan’s evidence that the genetic sequence of “the virus” was cobbled together, piecemeal, from databases, based on zero science. In other words, the “sequencing” was a fraud. [6] [7] [8]

The chosen direction of the fraud: a coronavirus. That was the arbitrary choice.

Researchers picked, off the data-shelf, a “new coronavirus”—meaning they assembled pieces of genetic code they claimed were “corona,” and they hooked them up and said, “Voila, we have a new SARS-type virus.”

If you look at the motley collection of pre-pandemic drills and exercises and conferences, the theoretical virus almost always turned out to be a coronavirus. THAT was the pre-ordained story line.

That was the plan. Selling that story.

Am I suggesting that many, many scientists, and even political leaders and globalist big shots knew, in advance, that no real virus would ever be discovered, that the sequencing would be a fake? Of course not.

In every major covert operation, information is compartmentalized. In this particular operation, we have a stunning fact: almost everyone automatically believes the genetic sequencing and the virus are real. That goes for elite scientists as well. They’re in the dark.

Only a very few are aware that the whole process of cobbling together the “new virus” is fraught with fraud. So, for all intents and purposes, “the virus” con is protected. It’s protected by institutionalized science. By massive consensus and massive ignorance.

The situation is even more stunning than that. All over the world, there are scientists in labs of various kinds who believe they’re working with “the virus,” when they’re working with a cobbled-together IDEA of the virus.

So, for the most part, in this COVID operation, the key players are only aware that researchers could arbitrarily choose one virus over another as the “cause of the pandemic.” They’re not aware that the choice is actually a fake virus.

The choice of a new coronavirus was made for a simple reason. The diagnostic test would turn up huge numbers of false positives, thus jacking up case numbers and providing the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation. Which were, all along, the real aims of the operation.

To put in more specifically, the PCR test would register positive, because it was geared to detect genetic sequences commonly present in people all over the world.

To put it still another way—the PCR test was pre-set with DATA which would “match” THE DATA extracted from patients. The fix was in.

The virus was concocted out of data. It was and is data. The test was loaded with data that frequently matches the virus-data.

Think of it this way. You have a map of a lost gold mine. It seems to chart a course through the mountains and valleys of California. Of course, the map is a fake. It was drawn and made to look old.

You follow the map, and sure enough, in a remote mountain area, you arrive at a giant hole in the side of a hill. But the hole and the “mine” are fake, too. They’re a Potemkin Village. The tunnel and the braces and the struts were built recently.

The “map” matches “the mine.” Fake leads to fake.

In the digital age, any material thing can be digitized. The material thing is then represented by code. “Activate the code” and a virtual portrait of the thing pops up. But it’s just as easy to invent code for something that doesn’t exist. Or has never been proven to exist.

Like SARS-CoV-2.

Pure gold and pure garbage are made interchangeable. In the form of DATA. [9]


[1] The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available. « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[2] COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[3] The fake coronavirus and the missing study: the secret in plain sight « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[4] Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the world « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[5] If the virus isn’t there…why do they believe it is? « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[6] Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’ – Dr Tom Cowan

[7] Dr. Tom Cowan explores the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense « Jon Rappoport's Blog

[8] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States

[9] The virus that isn’t there, genetic sequencing, and the magic trick « Jon Rappoport's Blog


Faithful Steed
This is the danger of a "in the bag" MEEDIA.

What if the "in the bag" tells you something that is blatantly untrue, for reasons of it's own advantage?

Think 2+2=5. Winston Smith was coerced into accepting that, and O'brien was actually quite proud of the concept that "Big Brother" could say that, and ALL information henceforth would reflect that.

THIS is what the CoronaVirus MEEDIA campaign is hoping to achieve.

Currently the death rate of CoVirus is incredibly low. Something like 0.1 per 100K humans. Some places like Cow Hampshire, the death rate is below that by a considerable amount (humans here are lucky!) Some places somewhat higher. But an average is 0.1.

To put this in perspective, the death rate for falls (generally) is 9.2 per 100K humans. That is 92x the chance of being killed in a fall than from being killed by CoVid. Nobody takes special care in passing between floors on stairs or working from ladders other than the mandated OSHA safety rules.

For more information on Death Rates by Cause, see List of causes of death by rate - Wikipedia The table can be "sorted" from least deaths to greater deaths by clicking on the top column headers.

And - curiously - the death rate from the USUAL seasonal viruses is now LOWER than it has ever been seen, reported by the CDC itself.

Why is not the Covirus number being ADDED to the typical seasonal flu death rate?

Death rates for 2020 from viri generally are unchanged, if not "down" a little, possibly due to masking - that alone should tell you something?

Still, Owner says, and I haven't checked this - your chance of dying of polio is about 4x your chance of dying of CoVid.

One can (Owner does) argue that his chances of catching Polio are very small, but given a known prevalence of the disease and the long term survival aftereffects, one would be foolish to NOT protect themselves INTELLIGENTLY. I.e - the long term survival rate from polio is quite good, but the nerve damage can be quite debilitating. As in for Polio and like CoVid: wear a mask if you're into a job with wide exposure to humanity who may have the disease and not know it (cashiers, police, service people) meanwhile use time/distance/shielding as your protection from others.

AND - perhaps if researchers had studied more common Viri illness, humans would know that the long term survival condition and debilitation for ANY viral pneumonia are not great. This is now being established - but not publicized.

As in - this CoVid may have been here for a LONG time. Only now (2020 and preceding a Trump Re-election) are researchers identifying an issue with CoVid disease IN PARTICULAR.

A viral disease identified (possibly made) in the hope of creating a panic thereby - and control the population - and their economic vitality.

BUT, 2+2=5, and November 4 with a Trump win or loss, suddenly CoVid will be declared a "seasonal flu variant" and the best course is to let herd immunity run its course, like happened with Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu, and a whole host of other viral infections that have hit humanity over the years.

And O'Brien will smile again, proud of what his Big Brother has accomplished in 2020.

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Veteran Member
what would be the cause of the deaths and the symptoms for people that have been said to have covid, if it wasn't actually covid?

seriously asking. the premise is intriguing and completely possible. so let's break down (with the assumption that this is accurate and correct for the purposes of our discussion) the details.


Veteran Member
from my perspective, this has been a globally orchestrated scam. the response has been absolutely inappropriate and self destructive...governments have killed their tax base.

this ties in with the obviously coordinated riots and arson along the west coast. people with means were prompted to disperse, shit heads were pulled in like moths to a flame, everybody was warned to stock up and given a nice long window to do it. That window is now closing! you are where you are with what you have for the duration!

now the lock downs are starting again in earnest.....something very nasty is coming and the mob of locusts will not be allowed to stampede when the threat becomes obvious. to let the mob stampede overwhelms the areas that would otherwise survive.

Restrictions on commerce in NM are already ramping way up. it's a safe bet that interstate travel will be verboten by Thanksgiving.

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
what would be the cause of the deaths and the symptoms for people that have been said to have covid, if it wasn't actually covid?

seriously asking. the premise is intriguing and completely possible. so let's break down (with the assumption that this is accurate and correct for the purposes of our discussion) the details.

Motorcycle accidents, for one.

I believe deaths attributed to corona in healthy individuals is, almost, non-existent.

Early on, Rappaport discussed the situation in the Lombard region of Italy that had all those deaths.
Going from memory here were some of those things:
Advanced age, weakened state, lots of prescription drugs, most polluted area of Italy, lots of 5G radiation and co-morbidities, pneumonia.

Add to the fact the virus has never been isolated.
Only 37 strands of DNA. He discussed the fallacy of the "proof" of this virus.

Just go to and everything has been posted more than once


Veteran Member
Motorcycle accidents, for one.

I believe deaths attributed to corona in healthy individuals is, almost, non-existent.

Early on, Rappaport discussed the situation in the Lombard region of Italy that had all those deaths.
Going from memory here were some of those things:
Advanced age, weakened state, lots of prescription drugs, most polluted area of Italy, lots of 5G radiation and co-morbidities, pneumonia.

Add to the fact the virus has never been isolated.
Only 37 strands of DNA. He discussed the fallacy of the "proof" of this virus.

Just go to and everything has been posted more than once

ok, i get that part, but i was going on the assumption that we had weeded out the obvious and very deceptive practice of taking a motorcycle death and claiming it as covid. that crap was tried and people did catch on. the numbers were adjusted.

perhaps i should have stated that. i am talking about the people that had the symptoms of covid and people that died from those symptoms.

to get to the bottom of it, we have to look at every single aspect of it, correct?

so if it is fake, then what caused the deaths of people with the symptoms of covid, and what caused the symptoms?


Veteran Member
The virus is real enough the response is unreal though. Highly infectious cold going around doesn't have the same ring as what has been put out there...

and that is a logical statement. so lets look at that. if it is made up (not in a lab, but from out of the ether as mr rappaport is claiming and that is doesn't really exist), then what is causing these new symptoms?

i am not trying to make trouble on either side. i am trying to look at this whole thing objectively with the evidence and claims made by BOTH sides to see if we can winnow out the important facts and details.


The Executor
what would be the cause of the deaths and the symptoms for people that have been said to have covid, if it wasn't actually covid?

seriously asking. the premise is intriguing and completely possible. so let's break down (with the assumption that this is accurate and correct for the purposes of our discussion) the details.
Well statistically, virtually NOBODY has died of "old age" since March. NOBODY has died from seasonal influenza either. They want us to believe that EVERYONE who has died this year died FROM COVID, not just WITH COVID.


Veteran Member
October is Beast Cancer Awareness Month. Has anyone died from cancer lately...anyone know any stats about that? How about heart attacks, strokes , etc.
I do know of someone who died of cancer a few months ago. Wonder what was the COD on his Death Cert. He was unable to get some of his treatments towards the end.


Veteran Member
ok, i get that part, but i was going on the assumption that we had weeded out the obvious and very deceptive practice of taking a motorcycle death and claiming it as covid. that crap was tried and people did catch on. the numbers were adjusted.

perhaps i should have stated that. i am talking about the people that had the symptoms of covid and people that died from those symptoms.

to get to the bottom of it, we have to look at every single aspect of it, correct?

so if it is fake, then what caused the deaths of people with the symptoms of covid, and what caused the symptoms?
I believe that there really is a Corona virus. i am convinced that this bug is lab made for a specific purpose. i also believe that a second wave will do some real culling. I plan on isolating my family for this next go round.

to believe that global governments are actually shutting down their economies to save a bunch of geriatrics, obese, and other net drains on society while at the same time sending healthy young productive members of society to combat is the pinnacle of absurdity!

consider that social security was designed to not pay out until the age that most people was never supposed to be a retirement plan....never forget that government is not about altruism but pragmatism and self preservation.


Veteran Member
Condolences on your friends.

Owner knows of a work associate killed in a fall at a construction site. No hoax on that either.

Death happens. It may even be Maker's will.

No may about it.

The question wasn’t “is it Gods will”.

The question was “is it a hoax?”

The dead would say no, if they could speak........

Its up for discussion as to whether there was an over reaction related to the economy, etc. But the crap about the virus not existing, that’s just lunacy spread by weak minds that can’t resist money grubbers like Rappoport.


Veteran Member
Well statistically, NOBODY has died of "old age" since March. NOBODY has died from seasonal influenza either. They want us to believe that EVERYONE who has died this year died FROM COVID, not just WITH COVID.

yes, i know that has happened. i am not talking about the obvious crazy in counting someone that died of cancer but happened to have covid at the same time.

i am talking the people that were fine and then they had symptoms of covid and then died from covid.

if there is not actual covid 19, as is claimed by the article, then what did they die of?

like that actor (i don't remember his name, i'm sorry) that was perfectly fine and then got covid and then he spent months in the hospital and i believe had to have his legs amputated. then he died.

if mr rappaport says that there is no covid, then what is doing this?

do you see what i am asking?


Let's Go Brandon!
The "news media" is increasingly screaming about "COVID fatigue", in which people basically start ignoring all the contradictory nonsense and nanny-state rules pouring out of the government like someone turned on a faucet. They keep yelling about cases, but then when people point out that

1. Death counts are a remarkably small percentage of case totals


2. People die from the flu, too, but no one stops the whole world for the flu

All you get is hemming, hawing, and then governments starting to scream about new restrictions.


Faithful Steed
October is Beast Cancer Awareness Month. Has anyone died from cancer lately...anyone know any stats about that? How about heart attacks, strokes , etc.

These shown at the Wiki Link I gave earlier. List of causes of death by rate - Wikipedia

Owner is a survivor of a heart attack.

Owner tells a LOT about heart disease - he's been there done that.

He says 1 in 5 male humans will have a heart attack in their life. Fully half of these go undiagnosed and probably by in large untreated.

About half of these proceed to death making the male death rate about 1 in 10 for males - heart disease.

The chart I referenced above shows "cardiovascular cause" as 31.60% of all deaths nationwide, 2nd in cause of death behind "Disease - general" which is the remaining percentage up to 100 percent. One expects that cardiovascular disease at 31 percentage includes strokes, embolisms, and other things beside Ischemia - cardiac.

So that sort of proves out Owner's rule of thumb percentages.



Veteran Member
We have tested positive for covid, got the results yesterday. They thought it was allergies till the test came back positive. Now we worry if we passed it on to a grand-daughter and our infant G-G daughter.

and i know someone will come in and say that we can't trust the testing because the tests are notorious for false positives and has been admitted by "officials". they also have admitted that covid testing is actually only testing for coronavirus as a whole, not the specific covid19 strain.

i am not arguing that at all. that is admitted and real.

i am trying to look at his specific claim and sort it out.


I’m just here for the gasoline...
I see that there are three distinct things that need to be separated. 1) the actual virus..., 2) the overreaction of government to the detriment of society, and 3) excess mortality stats that need to be explained.

I'm of the opinion that all three are real phenomenon. There is a virus, it does kill some, the government HAS overreacted in some cases, and there has been a spike in deaths.

The camp that says all excess mortality is DIRECTLY contributed to COVID is are the COVID deniers saying that nobody has died from it, or that all excess death is attributed to suicide or lack of medical attention or some global cabal lurking in the shadows.

The fact is, more folks have died this year than in an average year. Most likely, a small group died of COVID by itself, in a good chunk of those deaths COVID was a contributing factor with combined co-morbitities (in nearly every case, more than one), and another small group had nothing to do with COVID (or died WITH COVID).


Veteran Member
Well statistically, virtually NOBODY has died of "old age" since March. NOBODY has died from seasonal influenza either. They want us to believe that EVERYONE who has died this year died FROM COVID, not just WITH COVID.
You don’t even realize how ridiculous this statement is. Around 3,000,000 people die each year in the US in an average year. They are hardly saying EVERYONE that died in US this year died of COVID.


Res ipsa loquitur
Something that is quite a rare breed.

What is your proof that they died of Covid?

The question wasn’t “is it Gods will”.

The question was “is it a hoax?”

The dead would say no, if they could speak........

Its up for discussion as to whether there was an over reaction related to the economy, etc. But the crap about the virus not existing, that’s just lunacy spread by weak minds that can’t resist money grubbers like Rappoport.

OR . . . they would say I died from pneumonia that existed concomitantly with a REAL virus . . . but the virus didn't take me the pneumonia did. difference between dying WITH and dying FROM . . . not to mention the widely known but oft unmentioned FINANCIAL INCENTIVES to die FROM it.

NOBODY with any common sense says that corona virus "doesn't exist" . . . just as NOBODY with any common sense says that corona virus "hasn't been over hyped". want to see a REAL pandemic? look here: A Global Threat . . . from page one:

"Tuberculosis (TB) is a global disease, found in every country in the world. It is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.8 billion people—close to one quarter of the world's population—are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the bacteria that causes TB. Last year, 10 million fell ill from TB and 1.4 million died."

where's our lockdowns? where's our financial incentive to make that the primary cause of death? wheres our drive through testing centers and school closings? why aren't we given daily TB death counts - reminiscent of what we subjected to during Vietnam - and like we are forced to endure for the covid?

there will NEVER BE a vaccine for this - just as there has never been an effective vaccine for the common cold or ANY variety of the flu. the reasons have been widely discussed and are well understood.

lest my intent be misunderstood or my words twisted:
  • corona virus is real
  • covid is overhyped
  • that financial incentives exist are well known but unreported/unacknowledged
  • there will never be an effective vaccine for ANY corona virus due to speed of mutation
  • the "scam" is rooted in gaining CONTROL . . . manipulation of elections; forced vaccination; dehumanization of the individual preparatory to the coming of CWII; ultimately financial control and global dominance
ever hear this before?
think for yourself
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Veteran Member
I see that there are three distinct things that need to be separated. 1) the actual virus..., 2) the overreaction of government to the detriment of society, and 3) excess mortality stats that need to be explained.


these are the distinct and separate things. very good!

edit: sorry. the "very good" made you sound like a dog that just fetched the paper. that was not how i intended it! i just meant that this was very good that we are getting to more clear lines in this.


I’m just here for the gasoline...
OR . . . they would say I died from pneumonia that existed concomitantly with a REAL virus . . . but the virus didn't take me the pneumonia did. difference between dying WITH and dying FROM . . .
I get that...but that's like saying an obese smoker's death from a heart attack had nothing to do with diet, exercise, or habit.

"The heart attack killed him", while technically true, omits the root causes that put the person in the position to be at risk for a heart attack.

Pneumonia is caused by something (virus, bacteria), it just doesn't happen on its own.

Covid can certainly cause it.


TB Fanatic
Lets start with the premise that this pandemic was created for the purpose of creating a NWO and collapsing the US.

Lets also admit this is very much in woo category but we are playing with this assumption.

The proverbial they cobbled together a very real virus from the common cold and other components like flu.

For the most part it is non lethal but their efforts are aided by people with comorbidities.

If they would release the first one, why not do spot releases of a more lethal one where they wanted to show a spike or further the narrative.

They get the media on board hyping thing.

It is ironic the Dimocratic Governors and Mayors are the ones passing draconian measures and total control.

Remember the stories of tests that already had covid on them, as if someone wants this to look like a pandemic?

Where did the flu go, it has been pretty consistent in numbers over the years.

The best lie contains elements of the truth.

So to summarize

Covid is real, it is man made and released on purpose
It can work synergistically with comorbidities to be deadly
There could be more than one strain with differing levels of severity

influence political outcomes

So I am not saying it is not real or not deadly, I am saying we are being played
This is just the first step in pushing toward certain agendas with future steps involving tighter lockdowns, vaccines and more centralized control.

eta: What are the odds that this pandemic gets 100x worse as if someone pulled a switch in December, January? lets hope that does not happen

phase one - get people used to totalitarian edicts
phase two - impose severe draconian measures world wide, mandate vaccines
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Veteran Member
Person A: I know someone that suffered/ died from COVID.

Person B: OK. You are therefore an expert on the topic and I must spoon feed you any and all information that is available on this website and elsewhere that might conflict with your feelings/logical analysis. Or not.



No. Control mechanism.



Res ipsa loquitur
I get that...but that's like saying an obese smoker's death from a heart attack had nothing to do with diet, exercise, or habit.

"The heart attack killed him", while technically true, omits the root causes that put the person in the position to be at risk for a heart attack.

Pneumonia is caused by something (virus, bacteria), it just doesn't happen on its own.

Covid can certainly cause it.

all very true statements - the exception I would take is this:

assume the pneumonia would have been best controlled via the addition of dexamethasone (steroid) but the patient was profoundly diabetic and unable to tolerate the dex . . . what ultimately killed her - the diabetes which prevented an otherwise appropriate intervention or the pneumonia which went under-managed and suffocated her?


Veteran Member
Lets start with the premise that this pandemic was created for the purpose of creating a NWO and collapsing the US.

Lets also admit this is very much in woo category but we are playing with this assumption.

The proverbial they cobbled together a very real virus from the common cold and other components like flu.

For the most part it is non lethal but their efforts are aided by people with comorbidities.

If they would release the first one, why not do spot releases of a more lethal one where they wanted to show a spike or further the narrative.

They get the media on board hyping thing.

It is ironic the Dimocratic Governors and Mayors are the ones passing draconian measures and total control.

Remember the stories of tests that already had covid on them, as if someone wants this to look like a pandemic?

Where did the flu go, it has been pretty consistent in numbers over the years.

The best lie contains elements of the truth.

So to summarize

Covid is real, it is man made and released on purpose
It can work synergistically with comorbidities to be deadly
There could be more than one strain with differing levels of severity

influence political outcomes

So I am not saying it is not real or not deadly, I am saying we are being played
This is just the first step in pushing toward certain agendas with future steps involving tighter lockdowns, vaccines and more centralized control.

all of this is reasonable.

the one thing that may be not clear is that mr rappaport is saying that there really is NO actual and real virus.

he isn't saying it was cobbled together sloppily in the lab.

he is saying it is saying it is sloppily cobbled together on paper, or digitally. he is saying that the scientists that are studying this are not using actual virus direct from blood. he is saying that they are using models and formulas and sequences from what they were told was the virus and given to them on paper and are working things out on the blackboard and that there is no actual virus. since even the very high ups are not even in on it and are going by what they are being told, and it is being pushed by the media and hyped, then everyone is believing it. but there is no actual physical evidence of said virus.

he says this:

The virus was concocted out of data. It was and is data. The test was loaded with data that frequently matches the virus-data.

Think of it this way. You have a map of a lost gold mine. It seems to chart a course through the mountains and valleys of California. Of course, the map is a fake. It was drawn and made to look old.

You follow the map, and sure enough, in a remote mountain area, you arrive at a giant hole in the side of a hill. But the hole and the “mine” are fake, too. They’re a Potemkin Village. The tunnel and the braces and the struts were built recently.

The “map” matches “the mine.” Fake leads to fake.

so if it is itself fake and only on paper (the virus, not the media and government hype and running with the ball), what is causing the illness.

i am not trying to be pedantic. it is important that we suss out these things. if mr rappaport is going to make claims, then there needs to be the logical proof or at least be able to answer certain questions in regards his statements. it is important that is it is said that the virus is actually not real, but only on paper, then we need to ask and answer the question, "then what is causing the illness and deaths when all the other factors are being ruled out in regards statistical fakery?".


Veteran Member
According to the charts it shows that people "stopped" dying of heart disease, pneumonia and the flu.
I suspect they never stopped dying from those at all. All ya need is a covid test that will give a positive
whether it's actually positive or not. Voila you can then have people dying from something they didn't actually die from.


Veteran Member
Sorry, but the article is correct it is a massive hoax and power grab, period. We have ALL been exposed by now. All of us. Are we all dead? Nope, nothing like we have been made to believe. They wanted to push the limits on how far they can go. And it was a huge success. They can control us like rats in a maze, with minimal pushback. They can tell us what we can do, when we can do it and how. I've never worn a mask since this started, I've continued to live through it all. No changes, grocery store, work, eat out the whole bit. This is monumental bullshit and most fall for it. Some may get sick, but there are underlying issues. Not purely this joke of a virus.


I’m just here for the gasoline...
all very true statements - the exception I would take is this:

assume the pneumonia would have been best controlled via the addition of dexamethasone (steroid) but the patient was profoundly diabetic and unable to tolerate the dex . . . what ultimately killed her - the diabetes which prevented an otherwise appropriate intervention or the pneumonia which went under-managed and suffocated her?
Again, while correct, without the catalyst for the pneumonia there would be no scenario. No disease, no treatment required.