I'm going upstream this election.


Veteran Member
I could vote for Mickey Mouse and it wouldn't matter. A republican candidate for pres has never won here since Nixon.
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Veteran Member
Any vote other than Romney, and you vote for Obama. That is my opinion. If you do not vote, you voted for Obama. If you vote for the Libertarian, you voted for Obama. If you write in Ron Paul, you voted for Obama.
Everyone bitches and moans that the country is dieing, yet they some how have found a crystal ball that can foretell the future of a Romney Presidency. You can only guess, or assume, or maybe secretly hope he fails, but to actually SEE that future of our country? NO you cannot. BUT let me tell you this, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY WE HAVE SEEN the last 4 years under the leadership of Obama. Do you want another 4? Do you wish the consequences of those 4 years on your children? and their children? If you do then by all means polish your cyrstal balls and throw your vote away. Vote for Obama.


I already cast my vote for Gary Johnson. I voted by mail. Where a Libertarian was running for office, I voted for the Libertarian this time around.
Where a non-incumbent Republican was available in lieu of a Libertarian candidate, that's how I voted, and my third preference was for an incumbent
Republican. If only a Dem was available, I wrote in Ron Paul (yes, even for state seats here in California).


paradigm shaper
i voted for perot and saw clinton take the reigns

i voted for huckabee in '08

i don't see romney as the usa's savior and don't think he can stop the slide into the abyss

but i don't see how freedom and liberty's illusion can make it thru a 2nd o term. a 2nd term o doj is more frightening to me than the un

its true romney will only delay the inevitable

but any delay this close to the edge of the abyss is a good delay

i am going to hold my nose and vote romney

and while my popular vote doesn't pick the president i expect the electoral votes representing me to vote according to the popular vote for our state and if they do i will be satisfied i have been represented

voting on principles is an admirable thing i have done it many times

i don't think this election bears an innocuous enough field of play on the other side to turn my back on compromise this time


Since I'm also in the state of Jefferson and all our electoral college votes will go to O regardless of who I vote for I voted for the candidate I really wanted. Really if you're not in a swing state you might as well vote your conscience.


I live in California. No swingin' here.


I'm from New Mexico, the state where Gary Johnson was Governor. I will say that he did a good job for the people in my state. He was not able to overcome a lot of what our Dem majority in our State House wanted, we have a ton of redundancy that our current Governor Martinez is cleaning up from his 8 years as gov and then the 8 years of Richardson. He was very good at money, he did accumulate a lot of wealth for our state, and Richardson spent it, big time, and more dem controlled redundancy. I like him, but I am not voting for him. Since he was not able to begin this Presidential race strongly in his own party, he is a republican, he has now just moved his aspirations where he could find a slot as a Libertarian. I do not see him viable as President of our House and Senate remain divided, would just be a 3-way circus.

I voted Ross Perot years ago, it was a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to vote my consicous. We got Clinton as a result on people who chose the same direction. After Clintons first year or two, that warm and fuzzy feeling went away, and it stayed away for his remaining 6 years in office. I will not amke that mistake again. History of 3rd parties is about 10% or so of the total vote and does not result in one electorial point. Yes, it is good for your conscious, and I respect your choice, but right now every vote possible needs to go to Romney/Ryan . . our nation will not survive 4 more years of Obama, and we certainly will not survive as a people under Sharia Law and the gains of Islam. I cannot in good consicous be part of the voter generation that seals the deal for Islam and brings America into the position of the 57th State of Islam.



Time Traveler
You have forgotten that Perot withdrew from the campaign in July 1992 when he was leading in the polls and only came back when it looked like Bush Sr. had a chance of winning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Perot_presidential_campaign,_1992

Yes indeed, he was a billionaire who ran, then withdrew when he realized he was not ever going to make it, then, just before election time, hopped back into the fray which made ZERO sense but people gulped it down hook, line and sinker, and some still believe perot was a good guy! It was a set up, he's always been tight with the klintons, and was on hillary's health care board after billyjeff got in.

I did as Lurker so picturesquely put it, 'choked back the puke', voted for mccain and have never forgiven myself for it. To vote for a purposely placed globalist stooge when thousands of better people were available to run, is throwing away a part of yourself. The game is rigged, if you play with their dice they will win. We all pretty much understand that the fix is in, the POTUS is chosen by globalists and our votes mean nothing. Really. I SAW THE ELECTION RESULTS IN 1996 TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE ELECTION. And recently it happened again. They are pretending to count the votes in SPAIN for cripe's sake. SPAIN? A communist nation will count the votes of the bastion of the free world??? Come ON people.

Your vote is symbolic and has been for decades. Make it count to you and your conscience.


TB Fanatic
A large majority of libertarians used to be liberal Democrats who discovered economics.
They are still very liberal on all social issues and all defense issues and conservative on economics.

Many college students who say they are libertarian were initially just plain liberal.
They were able to adapt the libertarian stance because of the reasons stated above.
Basically you can be an Obama liberal and switch your view on economics to conservative and presto you are a libertarian. :lol:

A true conservative is conservative on social, defense and economic issues. There aren't that many of us, even in the Republican party.


On TB every waking moment
Serious question, Marsh. Why do you believe Romney will do all that you say?

To me, Romney appears the same as Bams - endless war, paper money, NWO puppet.

We have formed a coalition of local County government, local schools, retired Forest Service and scientists from throughout the west who have worked on proposed legislation to turn the management of our public lands back to the original multiple use/sustained yield emphasis. I have been told by highly placed individuals in the coalition leadership that they have been in contact with his policy folks. They are also angling to have a voice in his transition team. I qualify this by saying that I have had no personal contact with the Romney people, so my information is not first hand.

I know that the Mormons - at least in Utah and CA, have a very very strong ideological bent toward the protection of property rights and the devolution of power back to local government. Romney served as Governor in a VERY liberal state and was a statesman , (the art of compromising with opposition to attain your major objectives while sacrificing only the most minor ones) and I am of the impression that his personal beliefs in these areas are very much in alignment with resource/property conservatives.

If you look at the Agenda 21 page I linked to, you can see the comparison between Administrative actions by Bush and by Obama. Bush tried to unravel some of the Clinton damage (such as the Planning Rule, ecosystem management and Roadless areas) but it partially depends on the composition of the Congress you have as to whether you can be successful. On Natural Resources, the Senate is blocking most of the reforms that the House Natural Resources Committee is trying to put through. Obama has roared through the past four year putting into place a federalized framework for control over water and other natural resources.

There is a tremendous difference between Democrats and Republicans on these natural resource issues alone. I don't see how people can think they are the same. All wealth is labor added to natural reasources. Liberals seem to think we can get our natuiral resources from somewhere else and "preserve" our natural resources here. Unfortunately, this policy gets us involved in overseas wars, moves manufacturing offshore, stifles entrepreneuralism/invention, increases imports of value added products, reduces our industrial capacity and national security, invites foreign investment and devalues the dollar. On this difference alone, I would vote for Romney.


keep your eye on the ball
There is a tremendous difference between Democrats and Republicans on these natural resource issues alone. I don't see how people can think they are the same.

And differences in their Middle East policies...
their drilling policies...
their taxation policies...
their military funding policies...
their EPA policies...
their 'cap and trade policies...
their capital gains taxation policies...
their Israeli policy....
their European allies policies...
their Supreme Court nominees policy...
their small business regulations policies...
their muslim brotherhood policies...
its really black and White


TB Fanatic
The problem with voting Libertarian for the president is that Libertarians havent done their footwork. They simply haven't built the base they need to be effective on the national level.
They can make a difference at the local and even the state level and in Congress.
Ron Paul knew this and that is why he tried to run as a Republican.

As I said in another thread, it is almost like the few thousand people who every election vote for Mickey Mouse.
It's their protest vote. The trouble is, it doesn't register as a protest vote with the rest of the country. It registers as the foolish and comical vote.

The libertarians and conservatives need to concentrate on Congressional seats and state and local offices and continue to build their base. It would take at least a couple of election cycles before they would be ready for the President or the Senate elections.

It is the mark of amateurs and novices to think they can just run a policy platform up and pole and present their candidate and voters will flock to them. Naivety at it's worst. You have to do the grunt work. You have to go door to door. You have to call millions. You have to advertise.

Finally you have to compromise to bring new voters into the fold. This is where Ron Pauls campaign lost it. They had no problem getting the people who were essentially libertarians at heart. Their problem was when they tried to talk to members of the two main parties. It was the Ron Paul way or the highway. "You are just a brainwashed neocon or a stupid lib" was their response. Needless to say not many converts were won over. It continues now, even though Ron Paul is no longer in the race. Even though their man ran as a Republican, they instantly turned and now hate all republicans. Hell some of them hated republicans even while Ron Paul was one. :lol:

At least libertarians are a little better. For them, it's not all about the man. It's about the party policies and platform. It's a start.


TB Fanatic
As does ANY vote not for Dem or Rep.....

Nope, not so. Someone from one of those parties will be the next president of the United States.
Not Mickey Mouse, not not Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, but either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney.
But don't let that stop you. Just go ahead and vote for Mickey Mouse. Yeah that will show the rest of the country. NOT.

One more time, instead of bitching about how reality sucks, do the grunt work and change it.
Grunt work is not just writing on a forum or voting. Grunt work is building an organization. Going door to door. Soliciting money. Building a base.
Have you done any of that??


Faithful Steed
Not voting - can't. Town Clerk knows me personally and there is no disguise made that will get me past her prying eyes.

Maybe those who would vote for others simply stay home and save the gasoline for when Obama closes down the refineries? They're polluters yunno.

If all omniscient Obama can save a business from bankruptcy on the basis of "too big to fail," then he can close a business down for reasons of "too big to pollute our children's air."

And he WILL do it, given a second chance.

And then I'll shine in my glory. People will PAY to ride the cart into town to shop in empty stores to buy stuff to bring home to their cold dark houses.



Veteran Member
I am heartened, though, when I see how many, including young college age, that have been inoculated for life against socialism and
for Constitutionally limited govt, by Ron Paul. I supported him both campaigns not because I thought he'd ever win, with establishment
stacked against him, but because I saw how many he was converting. He's been credited with originally sparking many that led to the
Tea Party movement, too, besides much wider debate on Federal Reserve legitimacy today.

If/when we ever do take back our country, it will be with thousands more fellow patriots standing should-to-shoulder with us
then from RP having awakened them.

We need more like him that are running right now being supported and less of our time/money/energy focused on POTUS. Yes, vote for
who you want & say why, but then go get to work finding & supporting true Constitutionalists that'll better hold POTUS feet to the fire!

- Shane

For others that feel this way, throw a couple bucks at Todd Akin in MO... he has been shunned by the Republican party, he was a Tea partier before there was one, and I'll never understand how he got elected to congress in the first place... Now he is running for Senate, and got the shaft by the old guard. That Senate seat could end up being the majority breaker.