Solar Grand Solar Minimum part deux


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Dr. Roger Higgs' Letter to John Kerry: "Global warming and cooling mimic Sun's magnetic activity, not CO2" - Electroverse




Below is Geologists Dr. Roger Higgs’ 3-page letter to John Kerry, released Aug 1, 2021 (a 5 minute read).

The letter is destined securely (via professional network) for John Kerry, United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.
It is part of a package of similar letters from a diverse international group of scientists and energy professionals, collated by John Shanahan, co-founder/owner of

Shanahan is confident that the package will be received by Kerry, who, it is hoped, will then discuss the contents with President Biden–between Biden’s Grandpa naps and Donepezil intake, I presume…

Here is a copy of the letter (blow it up fullscreen to read):

It is a terrible thing for politicians to be forcing humanity to abandon fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Imposing unreliable, inefficient, expensive, land-consuming, unsightly wind and solar energy schemes on the world is neither feasible nor green — it should be considered a crime against humanity, and should be punished as such.

Solar panel installations are surging in the U.S. and Europe as Western countries seek to cut their reliance on fossil fuels, reads the opening lines of a recent WSJ article.

But as the West proudly installs its “planet-saving” panels, it is ignoring the elephant in the room: the majority of solar panels are produced with energy from coal-fired power plants in China.

The solar industry is fast becoming one of the world’s most prolific polluters, according to analysts, completely undermining the emissions reductions achieved from widespread adoption.

Chinese factories supply more than three-quarters of the world’s polysilicon, an essential component in most solar panels, according to industry analyst Johannes Bernreuter. Polysilicon factories refine silicon metal using a process that consumes large amounts of electricity.

Chinese authorities have built an array of coal-burning power plants in sparsely populated areas such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia to support polysilicon manufacturers and other energy-hungry industries.

We already know the green movement is idiotic, and ideologically rooted…

Wind Turbine Blades Can't Be Recycled, So They're Piling Up in Landfills -  Bloomberg
Wind turbine blades can’t be recycled, so they’re piling up in landfills.

…but this is some fresh ‘off the scale’ stupidity.

It is further evidence that the entire AGW movement is nothing but a placating, sham-tastic scam — one that needs rejecting, vehemently, from all angles, particularly given the reality of our climate.

The sun looks to be slipping into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle (perhaps by solar cycle 26–so around the mid-2030s), which means cooling for the majority of the planet.

Past human civilizations have ALL thrived during times of constant warmth (brought about by high solar activity), and our modern civilization has been no different; conversely though, and as has been the case for time-immemorial, societies soon struggle as the cold sets in — the ‘systems’ put in place during those decades/centuries of predictable and reliable warmth quickly begin to fail as the climate deteriorates, and the fall of empires aren’t usually far behind (see graph below) — the elites lose control as the harvests fail, and as famine ensues the angry masses seek answers, and scapegoats, and food:

The Falls of Empires coincides with stark drops in temperature (red line depicts the ‘modern warming’, and goes on to predict the next few centuries).

History repeats.



The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
New Study: Jupiter's Hot Temperatures are caused by Auroras (i.e. Solar Activity) - this discovery has MAJOR implications for Earth's Climate Models - Electroverse




The IPCC didn’t account for this recent bombshell of a discovery — a big rethink of their climate models is in order…

At an average distance of 778 million kilometres (484 million miles) from the Sun, Jupiter should be cold.

Based solely on the amount of sunlight reaching the planet, the upper atmosphere, in theory, should be no warmer than a frigid -73 Celsius (-100F); however, Jupiter, in reality, averages out at a scorching 426C (800F).

This has prompted head scratching for the past five decades.

But the puzzle has just been solved, and, it turns out, the IPCC have had it all wrong.

An international team of astronomers using data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft, the W.M. Keck Observatory and Japan’s Hisaki satellite have pinned down the source of Jupiter’s toasty temps, reporting their findings in the journal Nature.

“We found that Jupiter’s intense aurora, the most powerful in the solar system, is responsible for heating the entire planet’s upper atmosphere to surprisingly high temperatures,” said James O’Donoghue of the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science in Sagamihara, Japan.

Jupiter's high temperature traced to planet's powerful auroras – Astronomy  Now

Auroras are the result of disturbances in a planet’s magnetosphere caused by solar wind.

These disturbances alter the trajectories of charged particles in the magnetospheric plasma. These particles, mainly electrons and protons, precipitate into the upper atmosphere, and thhe resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emit light of varying color and complexity.

Most of the planets in the Solar System, some natural satellites, brown dwarfs, and even comets also host auroras.

And while astronomers had previously considered auroras a possible explanation for Jupiter’s atmospheric heating, earlier models indicated heat from the polar regions would not reach lower latitudes because of high-speed winds powered by the planet’s swift rotation.

However, high-resolution temperature maps based on Keck observations of more than 10,000 data points, along with magnetic field data from Juno and Hisaki, have cobined to paint a compelling picture: there appears to be a powerful atmospheric ‘heat pulse’ pushing down toward the equator.

“We’ve attempted this multiple times with other instruments but with Keck’s NIRSPEC (Near-Infrared Spectrograph), we were able to measure for the very first time the light from Jupiter all the way to the equator quickly enough that we can then map out the temperature and ionospheric density,” said Tom Stallard, a co-author of the paper at the University of Leicester.

Instead of seeing high temperatures confined only to the polar regions, the maps showed heat in the upper atmosphere was more widely spread out, gradually decreasing toward the equator.

“We also revealed a strange localized region of heating well away from the aurora — a long bar of heating unlike anything we’ve seen before,” said Stallard. “Though we can’t be sure what this feature is, I am convinced it’s a rolling wave of heat flowing equatorward from the aurora.”


These findings are something of a bombshell, and even on their own threaten to debunk the IPCC’s climate rationale.

The IPCC states that the sun has a very limited impact on Earth’s climate, and that rising CO2 levels are the driving force — this stance has long been considered garbage by all those able to think critically, but now we realists have another weapon in our ever-expanding arsenal: auroras.

The IPCC has long stated that “changes in solar irradiance (TSI) are not the major cause of the temperature changes in the second half of the 20th century unless those changes can induce unknown large feedbacks in the climate system”.

Well, these “unknown large feedbacks” are now widely known, and they are numerous — yet, the IPCC is willfully ignoring all of them.

The effects of cosmic rays on the atmosphere (via cloud nucleation) is one such ignored large feedback–it is perhaps the largest.

At times of high solar activity, there are fewer comic rays bombarding Earth’s atmosphere, meaning less clouds; while conversely, at times of low solar activity, more cosmic rays are able to penetrate our atmospheric levels, meaning more clouds.

Basically, increased cloud cover acts as Earth’s sunshade, which equates to cooling.

Back in 2007, the IPCC said “more research to investigate the effects of solar behavior on climate is needed before the magnitude of solar effects on climate can be stated with certainty”.

That research was conducted, by many scientists over many years; but their findings have never made it into an IPCC report. This is because these new discoveries would have steered things away from the “humans are a cancer” theme that our elites seem so hellbent on pushing. They want depopulation. They don’t try to hide it, either. Moreover, they want us to want it, too — and, depressingly, a growing number of the indoctrinated are calling for it, begging for it, without any idea how dangerous the notion is. “You first,” is always my response.

The IPCC isn’t a scientific body, it is a political one.

As a result, and as is the case with most other questionable policies that navigate the greasy cogs of congress, anthropogenic global warming exists because it serves a powerful group of people. The theory is propped up by corruption, cherry-picking and obfuscation, and it is allowed to continue unchecked because of the cowardly silence of those that should know better, and indeed do know better — i.e., the higher echelons of today’s scientific establishment.

But getting back to the science: Jupiter’s aurora is giving heat to the entire planetary atmosphere.

Run time is 0:36

It will comes as no surprise that this isn’t incorporated in Earth’s climate models, nor does it even get a mention.

The IPCC, as touched on above, states that because TSI doesn’t fluctuate all that much (rangebound between 1360-1363 W/m2), the sun can have little to no impact on Earth’s terrestrial temperatures. But this a painfully over simplistic stance. Downplaying the sun’s role on climate is verging on laughable, but downplaying cosmological reality is something of an IPCC trait: the impacts of volcanoes, clouds (via cosmic rays), and the magnetic field are also sidestepped (again, because they would blow the AGW theory apart).

But the above forcings now have a new ally, and it may-well be Jupiter that puts the final nail in the global warming coffin, because with every coronal mass ejection; every coronal hole stream; every solar flare, heat is being pumped into our planet, heat which is completely missing from the models.

Few argue that Earth has warmed from 1979 (the start of the satellite record) to around 2010.

But this warming has arrived in line with historically high solar output:

climate4you Sun
Note the stark drop in solar activity during SC24 (2008-2020), which, after a short lag, is now having an impact on global average temperatures. From 2016 to date, terrestrial temps have fallen off the proverbial cliff (see here and here for more on that).

And although the rise in TSI from the late-1970s to the 2000s was indeed negligible, as stated by the IPCC, with an active sun comes an irrefutable increase of coronal mass ejections; coronal hole streams; solar flares, with each heating the planet.

It appears the sun is behind our planet’s climate after all.

Consensus debunked.

Let’s move on together, and prepare for those genuine threats:

A Magnetic Excursion.

An X-Flare.

A Grand Solar Minimum.

And a totalitarian takeover (no link here, I’m not allowed to write about it–evidence in of itself).


In growing support of the Grand Solar Minimum (due to begin in earnest during solar cycle 26–around the mid-2030s), the earth-facing solar disk is once again ‘blank’–devoid of sunspots, as of Saturday, August 7:

No sunspots (Aug 7, 2021).

Solar Cycle 25 has been faltering of late. This is the sun’s sixth spotless day since late-July, and is indicative of the historically deep solar minimum (of SC24, the weakest cycle of the past 100+ years) that it’s working hard to drag itself out of.

Despite a few outliers calling for a ‘record strong‘ solar cycle 25, so far, at least, the consensus is winning: SC25 remains on track to be another historically weak cycle (similar to SC24) and today’s spotless sun –during a ramp-up towards its next solar maximum no less– only adds further supports to this.

I’ll write another SC25 progression article next week — there have been a few updates to the forecast.

In the meantime though, enjoy your weekend.

I’m off out to ‘break ground’ on a walipini (an underground greenhouse) so I can sow/grow earlier/later in the season.

How are you preparing…?

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold -- Earth Changes --

Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Thu, 05 Aug 2021 18:54 UTC

The major Atlantic ocean current, to which also the Gulf stream belongs, may have been losing stability in the course of the last century. This is shown in a new study published in Nature Climate Change. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, transports warm water masses from the tropics northward at the ocean surface and cold water southward at the ocean bottom, which is most relevant for the relatively mild temperatures in Europe. Further, it influences weather systems worldwide. A potential collapse of this ocean current system could therefore have severe consequences.

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation,
© R.Curry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Science/USGCRP

"The Atlantic Meridional Overturning really is one of our planet's key circulation systems," says the author of the study, Niklas Boers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Freie Universität Berlin and Exeter University. "We already know from some computer simulations and from data from Earth's past, so-called paleoclimate proxy records, that the AMOC can exhibit - in addition to the currently attained strong mode - an alternative, substantially weaker mode of operation. This bi-stability implies that abrupt transitions between the two circulation modes are in principle possible."

Run time is 1:45

Loss of dynamical stability could ultimately lead to collapse

It has been shown previously that the AMOC is currently at its weakest in more than a 1000 years. However, so far it has remained an open question whether the observed weakening corresponds to a change in the mean circulation state, or whether it is associated with an actual loss of dynamical stability. "The difference is crucial", says Niklas Boers, "because the loss of dynamical stability would imply that the AMOC has approached its critical threshold, beyond which a substantial and in practice likely irreversible transition to the weak mode could occur."

Long-term observational data of the strength of the AMOC does unfortunately not exist, but the AMOC leaves so-called fingerprints in sea-surface temperature and salinity patterns of the Atlantic ocean. "A detailed analysis of these fingerprints in eight independent indices now suggests that the AMOC weakening during the last century is indeed likely to be associated with a loss of stability," says Boers. "The findings support the assessment that the AMOC decline is not just a fluctuation or a linear response to increasing temperatures but likely means the approaching of a critical threshold beyond which the circulation system could collapse."

In addition to global warming, freshwater inflow is a factor - which is also linked to climate change

A number of factors are likely important for the phenomenon - factors that add to the direct effect that the warming of the Atlantic ocean has on its circulation. These include freshwater inflow from the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, melting sea-ice, increasing precipitation and river run-off. Freshwater is lighter than saltwater and reduces the tendency of the water to sink from the surface to greater depths, which is one of the drivers of the overturning.

"I wouldn't have expected that the excessive amounts of freshwater added in the course of the last century would already produce such a response in the overturning circulation," says Boers. "We urgently need to reconcile our models with the presented observational evidence to assess how far from or how close to its critical threshold the AMOC really is." While the respective relevance of the different factors has to be further investigated, they're all linked to human-caused climate change.


Niklas Boers (2021): Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-021-01097-4


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has a new podcast out:

Cascading Effects of Global Crop Losses (Bob Kudla 1/2) - YouTube

Cascading Effects of Global Crop Losses (Bob Kudla 1/2)
Aug 7, 2021

Run time is 24:21

Synopsis provided:

Bob Kudla from Trade Genius and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss shortages occurring across the planet, how many are natural and how many are because of trade disputes and cross border restrictions. With rising fuel prices, what places that will weather the financial storm which Bob discusses. Ready to protect your family?

• Grain export stoppages
• Peak Centralization
• Average yearly global surface temperatures
• Synchronized cooling oceans
• US wheat crop losses 2021
• Mega-drought across US crop lands
• Brazilian corn losses 2021
• Mega-flood China
• China crop losses 2021
• Decentralization of food distribution
• China closes education sector


Day by day
The Oppenheimer Ranch Project has a new podcast out:

Minor Volcanic Eruptions Could ‘Cascade’ Into Global Catastrophe, Experts Warn - Full Dissection - YouTube

Minor Volcanic Eruptions Could ‘Cascade’ Into Global Catastrophe, Experts Warn - Full Dissection
Premiered 8 hours ago

Run time is 12:38

Synopsis provided:

Global catastrophic risk from low magnitude volcanic eruptions
Minor volcanic eruptions could ‘cascade’ into global catastrophe, experts warn
Worldwide Volcano News


Day by day
Flooding in Europe sends price of potatoes soaring -- Earth Changes --

Flooding in Europe sends price of potatoes soaring

Marc Walker
Bristol Post
Sat, 07 Aug 2021 20:07 UTC

floods Germany Rhineland-Palatinate
© Boris Roessler/picture alliance/Getty Images
Germany’s Rhineland-Palatinate state was hit the worst.

The UK could experience a shortage of chips as the demand for potatoes grows in Europe.

After heavy flooding last month, the price of spuds has soared on the continent and buyers are targeting Britain, the Daily Star reported.

A "perfect storm" of inflation, labour shortages, environmental disaster, Brexit, rising fuel and distribution costs, has caused the problem.

Comment: Note that some of these factors are entirely avoidable and their impact could be easily mitigated, however when these natural disasters are combined with these man-made crises, which are affecting more than just potatoes, the effect could be particularly devastating for producers and consumers.

But this has been added to by the continuing impact of Covid, triggering food shortages and spiralling bills, Lynx Purchasing reported.

Comment: Note that the relatively harmless coronavirus didn't do this, the lockdowns and the harsh and nonsensical restrictions did.

Frozen chips will be among the first to go with a leap in prices likely and our Christmas roasties are also under threat.

Rachel Dobson, of the catering firm, said: "Floods in Europe have affected potato growers and processors there, with varieties grown for frozen chips affected.

"UK pubs and restaurants, serving popular dishes like fish and chips, could find their usual supplier isn't able to deliver.

"The shortage abroad is likely to have a knock-on effect on availability of UK-grown potatoes and, come Christmas, we could find that the roast potato, a staple of festive dinners, is also in short supply.

"The same labour shortages hospitality is seeing on the front line stretch back through the supply chain via warehousing and distribution to picking and packing."

Spuds in Europe were struck by flooding in the chip-loving countries of Belgium, Germany and Holland, which killed at least 228 people and destroyed homes and businesses.


Comment: Back in 2018 the price of potatoes in Europe rose 900% because of a Europe wide heat wave and drought; the following year flooding caused the prices to rise because of widespread flooding, and this years unsettled and cool weather across much of western Europe is likely to take its toll on an already strained supply chain.

For more on the increasing climate upheaval on our planet, check out SOTT's monthly documentary Earth Changes Summary - July 2021: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs


Run time is 28:24

Also check out SOTT radio's:


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French wine production falls to 'historically low' level after vineyards devastated by severe frost -- Earth Changes --

French wine production falls to 'historically low' level after vineyards devastated by severe frost

Fri, 06 Aug 2021 15:08 UTC

Frosty grape leaves
© Screenshot
France's agriculture ministry reported on Friday that it has experienced one of the worst years on record for wine production, as a devastating late-spring frost sent output to "historically low" levels not seen since 1977.

The impact of the damaging frosts is expected to result in the nation, which is the second-largest wine producer globally, seeing its output fall to the "historically low"level of 24 to 30% in 2021. This would put it at a level below that of 1991 and 2017, when output was significantly hampered by a similar late-spring frost that destroyed harvests. Agricultural Ministry's statement read:
"For now, it looks like the yield will be comparable to that of 1977 - a year when the vine harvest was reduced by both destructive frost and summer downpours."
Addressing the department's findings, Agricultural Minister Julien Denormandie described the frost's impact as "probably the greatest agricultural catastrophe of the beginning of the 21st century."

The greatest amount of damage occurred back in April, when several nights of cold spells hit the main wine production regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, and the Rhône Valley with frosts that hadn't been seen in decades.

In addition to the impact on wine production levels, the ministry reported that crops of apricots, apples and kiwis had been damaged by the inclement weather. Apricot output is set to fall to its lowest level in more than four decades - this year's is half that produced five years prior.

The crop damage sustained in France is set to become increasingly common, according to climate experts. World Weather Attribution, which investigates the impact of global warming, predicted that the likelihood of a severe frost will increase by 60%.

Frost damage takes its toll, a harbinger for low production and increasing shortages as agriculture weathers the big chill.


Day by day
"Agricultural Catastrophe" - France Forecasts 30% Plunge In Wine Production Amid Cold Spells, Heavy Rains | ZeroHedge

"Agricultural Catastrophe" - France Forecasts 30% Plunge In Wine Production Amid Cold Spells, Heavy Rains

Oenophiles will be heartbroken to learn that the world's second-largest wine-producing country is expected to slash production by as much as 30% this year due to spring frosts and summer downpours caused disease in grapes.

"Wine production in 2021 is forecast to be historically weak, below levels in 1991 and 2017 that were also affected by severe frost in spring," the French farm ministry said in a report.
"Yields are expected to be close to those of 1977, a year when the harvest was cut by damaging frost and summer rainfall."
The 2021 wine outlook produced by the ministry said output would be between 32.6 million and 35.6 million hectolitres, 24-30% less than last year.

For some context, a hectolitre is around 100 liters or about 133 wine bottles.

Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie described the weather anomalies that impact crops this year as the "greatest agricultural catastrophe of the beginning of the 21st century."

The weather catastrophe in France is widespread and has affected all wine-producing regions. In Champagne, cold weather destroyed 30% of buds.

French wine prices aren't expected to surge because of producers' tradition of balancing supply with stocks from previous seasons.

However, if impacts continue into the next growing season - supply woes may develop, which would then be reflected in higher prices.


Senior Member
Omaha got slammed with rain last night..flash flooding everywhere. What a mess, by the time the storm moved on, it dissipated somewhat and over here in Iowa , we got just a little bit of rain.


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has posted the 2nd part of that 2-part podcast started yesterday. Here it is:

What Industries Will Expand During this Crash (Bob Kudla 2/2) - YouTube

What Industries Will Expand During this Crash (Bob Kudla 2/2)
Aug 8, 2021

Run time is 22:43

Synopsis provided:

Bob Kudla from Trade Genius and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss shortages occurring across the planet, how many are natural and how many are because of trade disputes and cross border restrictions. With rising fuel prices, what places that will weather the financial storm which Bob discusses. Ready to protect your family?

• Double digit food inflation
• Beef and Pork prices 2021
• Global shipping prices record highs
• New delivery fuel surcharges 2021
• Amazon scrapping free delivery as transportation costs rise
• 2022 cost of living double digit inflation
• The end of on demand everything
• Extreme climate and crop losses


Day by day
Yesterday, during the height of summer, Greenland GAINED Enough Mass to Bury Central Park Under 2,200+ Feet of Ice - Electroverse


Articles Extreme Weather GSM


Look MSM, I can run decontextualized headlines, too!

Seriously though, if you want proof of mainstream media obfuscation and agenda-driving drivel, you need look no further than their reporting of the Greenland ice sheet.

For the majority of this SMB season, snow and ice have been building across the world’s largest island at a prodigious rate.

Throughout this summer melt season so far, record daily GAINS have been a regular occurrence, including that literally “off the charts” gain we reported in late-May:

‘Off the charts’ SMB spike in late-May [DMI].

These unprecedented summer GAINS have pushed the ice sheet’s surface mass balance (SMB) –a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier– above the 1981-2010 average, where it remains today:

Grey line is the 1981-2010 average. Despite MSM lies, this years acc. SMB (Gt) has tracked well-above the average for the entirety of the summer melt season. And now, it is once again building [source: DMI].

That’s right, despite the MSM’s wild reporting and hyperbole re the 2 days of anomalous summer melt in late-July, the Greenland ice sheet is currently in great health — a state it has been in all season, and one it’s been in for the past five seasons (see below).

LiveScience were among the first to post the obfuscating nonsense: “Massive melting event strikes Greenland after record heat wave,” reads a headline dated August 2–after the publication had been silent ALL year during the sheet’s record growth.

Soon, a horde of other publications leapt aboard the warm-mongering bandwagon, without a hint of a fact-check.

And as you might expect, TheGuardian were guilty of running the most spurious headline: “Greenland: enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in 2 inches of water”–but what is a person supposed to with that information? There is no context?

Where were these publications during Greenland’s record snow and ice GAINS during this year’s melt season?

And where are they now, as the ice sheet bounces off that late-July loss to post another day of unprecedented summer GROWTH? I can run spurious headlines, too — the 2 Gigatonnes gained yesterday, Aug 8, is indeed enough to bury Central Park, New York City under 682 meters (2,238 feet) of ice (Central Park is 4 kilometers long and 0.8 kilometers wide–do the math).

Greenland has been GAINING record amounts of snow and ice throughout the summer melt season, bouncing off the 2-day blip in late-July [DMI].

Also, why haven’t the likes of LiveScience and TheGuardian informed its readers of Greenland’s healthy SMB readings since 2016?

Here’s 2016-2017:

Diablobanquisa on Twitter: According to DMI, second season in a row with a  SMB mass gain well above average for the #Greenland Ice Sheet, sharply  contrasting with previous years.…
2016-2017 [DMI]

And here’s 2017-2018:

Greenland Gained 349 Billion Tonnes of Ice Over the Past Year + Record  October SMB Gains - Electroverse
2017-2018 [DMI].

The fraud is clearer than ever.

If ever you want to convince someone ‘on the fence’ of the global warming scam, point them to the reporting of Greenland’s surface mass balance; in fact, even the staunchest of alarmists can have no comeback to the blatant obfuscation and propagandizing.

Massive GAINS logged in southern Greenland on Aug 8 [DMI].

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
Antarctic Blast delivers Freezing Lows, Rare Snows, and Power Outages ACROSS New Zealand - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM


Central Wellington has experienced a rare snow flurry today, August 9, as a powerful Antarctic blast pummels New Zealand.

Videos posted on Twitter show flakes falling outside the Molly Malones bar on Courtenay Place Monday afternoon:

Run time is 0:10

The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) posted its own footage of snow falling at sea level in the capital:

Run time is 0:15

This isn’t normal, and has happened not once but twice this year, tweets NIWA.

Rare snowfall was also reported in the hills around Wellington with reports of flurries in Karori.

The higher elevations of the South Island, most noticeably its ski fields, have also registered record-challenging accumulations:


Snow dumps up to a whopping 2m (6.6ft) have been reported.

However, for all the thrill of fresh powder, New Zealand’s Mountain Safety Council (MSC) has urged Kiwis not to rush to the slopes, warning that the first two days after a snow dump brings a major risk of avalanches.

“The 24-48hr period after a storm like this one is the most dangerous, and while the temptation is to rush out and get the fresh powder it’s really the time for patience and a cautious approach,” said MSC Chief Executive Mike Daisley.

The MSC issued a ‘High’ avalanche warning for most of the country, including Aoraki/Mt Cook, Two Thumbs, Craigieburns, Nelson Lakes and Tongariro.


The difference a day makes at Mt Lyford village [].

Snowfall over Mt Oxford on Monday afternoon.
Snowfall over Mt Oxford on Monday afternoon.

The North Island hasn’t been spared the Antarctic blast, with widespread power failures reported after electricity demand hit a record high.

More than 20,000 households are understood to be without power after high winds brought down lines and freezing weather saw usage surge beyond generation capacity.

A Trustpower representative said the outages were affecting Wellington, Kapiti Coast, Palmerston North, Taupo, New Plymouth, Taranaki, Hamilton, Napier, Hastings, Auckland and Whangārei.

Many areas lost power at about 6pm on Monday (local time), reports the

A voice message on the Trustpower 0800 number says it “currently has no restoration times”.

Wel Network, which supplies power to the Hamilton area, says due to insufficient generation to meet New Zealand’s load demands it had been instructed by national grid operator Transpower “to reduce the amount of load on our network with immediate effect”.

So much for New Zealand being the top rated country to survive a global collapse — one of the key reasons cited in that recent study, conducted by UK researchers, was that NZ was an island nation capable of surviving off its own resources; clearly, this isn’t the case–not least given the ever-intensifying cooling epoch (aka Grand Solar Minimum) we’re now descending into.

Note: I love NZ, I have family there, it just wouldn’t be my number one location to ‘bug out’ during what’s coming–volcanism alone is one major concern.

A Powerco outage map shows various unplanned outages across the central and lower North Island. Photo / Supplied
A Powerco outage map shows various unplanned outages across the central and lower North Island.

The big freeze closing roads, knocking out the power, and overwhelming ski fields on Sunday and Monday is forecast to make way for a “fine and frosty start in Christchurch on Tuesday,” according to MetService forecaster Aidan Pyselman.

An additional 40+cm (16+ inches) of snowfall is also expected over the higher elevations as the week progresses.

New Zealand’s powerful Antarctic blast arrived just as NIWA released its latest climate outlook: the long-range forecast calls for “unseasonal warmth” from August until the end of October, with NIWA saying that temperatures are “very likely” to be above average for the majority of regions over the next three months due to increased warm north-westerly winds.

Well, the government agency’s warm-mongering forecast isn’t off to the best of starts now is it…


And, never-mind the catalog of real world observations debunking the AGW scam on a daily basis, it is apparently these placard-brandishing crazies that are the possessors of scientific truths:

A recent protest by climate activists in the United Kingdom. Photo: @xr_cambridge / Twitter
A climate activist in the UK who lacks the ability to think critically [@xr_cambridge / Twitter].

Life is hard for logical people right now…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Texas might see another winter storm, says 2022 Farmers' Almanac (

Farmers' Almanac predicted Texas' terrible winter storm. Another one is forecast for 2022.
Katie Friel
Aug. 4, 2021

A fountain along Aldine-Westfield at Bellchase Drive is covered with ice in Spring on Feb. 15.

A fountain along Aldine-Westfield at Bellchase Drive is covered with ice in Spring on Feb. 15.
Brett Coomer/Staff photographer

For over 200 years, the Farmers' Almanac has been a reference for farmers and gardeners, hobbyists and weather watchers.

Though much of its content has moved online (the publication's even on TikTok!), the Farmers' Almanac still releases a physical copy each year, just as it has since 1818. Before the 2022 edition is slated to hit shelves next week, the almanac released its upcoming winter storm predictions, sending a shiver down the spines of Texans across the state.

"The arctic outbreak in February 2021, which the Farmers' Almanac accurately predicted, brought frigid temperatures along with snow and ice to Texas and Oklahoma," says an August 4 release. "The Almanac is predicting similar cold and snowy conditions in late January, but fortunately, they shouldn't be as bad as last year."

Farmer's Almanac managing editor Sandi Duncan tells MySA that in 2022, our region is predicted to see a winter storm in late January.

The good news is we don't think it’ll be as bad as last year, but we do want people to be prepared," Duncan says.

The almanac is predicting a "frosty flip-flop winter" for the entire country, meaning that while precipitation levels will hit yearly averages, there will patterns of extreme cold and precipitation offset by more mild temps.

In our region, Duncan says Texas is likely to have a colder-than-normal winter with regular precipitation.

"We’re summarizing this winter to be really 'chilled to the bone,'" she says. "Near normal precipitation, but then if you look on our website where we break it into actual months, we do have some very cold temperatures predicted."

The almanac uses a 200-year-old formula that combines astronomical and mathematical factors that Duncan notes has been "fine-tuned" over the centuries. The exact equation is known by only one anonymous employee who goes by the moniker Caleb Weatherbee.

"People consult us for vacations, weddings, we're often called a bride’s best friend," Duncan adds.

Before San Antonians begin looking up real estate listings in Hawaii, it's important to note that weather prediction is just that — a prediction. Though the almanac did accurately predict Winter Storm Uri, it was off by a few days.

"We’re not 100-percent accurate, I don’t know any weather predictions that are," she says. "But you should be prepared.

Extended Winter Forecast for 2021-2022 - Farmers' Almanac (


Day by day
The Oppenheimer Ranch Project has two new podcasts out, there's the first:

Major Atlantic Ocean Current May Be Approaching Critical Threshold - AMOC Shutdown =European Ice Age - YouTube

Major Atlantic Ocean Current May Be Approaching Critical Threshold - AMOC Shutdown =European Ice Age
Premiered 10 hours ago

Run time is 9:36

Synopsis provided:

Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold
How a Wayward Arctic Current Could Cool the Climate in Europe
The Threat of an Ice Age is Real
Analysis of the Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Content in 2003–2018


Day by day
Here's the 2nd from Oppenheimer:

Record Cold Kept Hidden - Wildfire Risk Normal - IPCC Climate Lies Exposed - 3D Model Iceland Lava - YouTube

Record Cold Kept Hidden - Wildfire Risk Normal - IPCC Climate Lies Exposed - 3D Model Iceland Lava
Premiered 7 hours ago

Run time is 19:37

Synopsis provided:

Sewers collapsed, cars totaled: Omaha begins to total damage from Saturday's deluge
Weekend Storms Set Records For Severe Weather In Western, Southern Wisconsin
Where Did Summer Go? Looking Back On A July That Featured Record-Breaking Rain And Cold
From Drought and Derecho Damage, to Losses from Record Cold Temps, $8.5B Disaster Aid Bill Passes House Ag Committee
Hazard Mapping System: Fire and Smoke
Air Quality Forecast Guidance - CONUS Area
US job openings soar to 10M for first time as companies struggle to hire
Tropical Storm Warnings Issued For Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands; System Likely to Become 'Fred'
Key Message For Tropical Cyclone 6
Severe Storms Likely For Midwest; Widespread Heat
'Unprecedented': Massive forest fire ravages Greek island
Mount Etna roars into action
Three Volcanoes In Alaska Erupt At The Same Time
Worldwide Volcano News
Fagradalsfjall volcano update: New 3D model of eruption
Chicago cops turn their backs to Mayor Lightfoot at hospital after two officers shot
Climate change: IPCC report is 'code red for humanity'
Extreme weather events may share the same mechanism
How global warming causes both extreme heat and cold weather
Canadian Lodgepole & Spruce Data Do Not Lie - Alberta -
Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold
The Threat of an Ice Age is Real
Perfectly preserved cave lion cub found frozen in Siberia is 28,000 years old. Even its whiskers are intact
The Preliminary Analysis of Cave Lion Cubs Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from the Permafrost of Siberia
Shamans Gallery
Toxic invasive poison hemlock is spreading into US parks and backyard gardens
‘It could feed the world’: amaranth, a health trend 8,000 years old that survived colonization
32st Annual Crestone Energy Fair


Day by day
Here Come the Climate Lockdowns, "for the good of the planet" - Electroverse




For those unquestioningly accepting the IPCC’s latest doomsday report, you need to accept this, too: climate lockdowns are now a formality. Migration will be stopped, food rationing will be imposed, and your freedoms will be erased; all for a completely fabricated crisis that you’ve been suckered into.

The elites’ aim is control, unsurprisingly — and this latest IPCC report is a final push to gain as much of it as possible before the real issues of food shortages and the resulting civil unrest grip our global society, and descend it into chaos.

Unimaginable crop failure is on the horizon as the Grand Solar Minimum continues its intensification.

Unpredictable weather patterns are ravaging harvests across the planet right now: severe freezes in South America have transformed Argentina and Brazil into import nations, Southern African crops have been devastated by recent record-smashing cold, the drought and persistent chills in the U.S. have seen wheat estimates tumble 70%, while the well-documented floods in Europe and China are decimating the harvests there, too.

These will ALL have a knock-on effect at your local supermarket: prices are already rising, shortages are already noticeable.

These are the realities we’re living, today.

And there are no man-made influences here (other than our naive belief when setting up these mono-cropping systems that the climate would remain constant, forever); no, this ‘changing climate’ is tied to a drop-off in solar output and a waning magnetic field — blaming these monumental perturbations on things like cow farts is an embarrassment to science, it isn’t science; it’s dogma; it’s witchcraft, but as history has shown us, humans are born to follow, and an authoritative voice, no matter how inconceivably stupid its message is, is always compelling.

A rise in temperatures sees life and biodiversity thrive. This have been the case for time-immemorial. That’s why tropical forests contain the majority of plant and animal species on earth, despite covering less than 12 percent of all land.

It’s cooling where the trouble lies. Life struggles in the cold. The Arctic covers 10 percent of the planet’s land area, but contains only 600 plant species, only 100 species of birds, no reptiles or amphibians, and only 20 mammals.

Cooling, unfortunately, is in all of our futures.

The sun appears to be slipping into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle: a 400-year cycle which brings a prolonged drop in solar activity, which, through the combination of various mechanisms, brings about a stark drop in terrestrial temperatures.

The IPCC does not want you to know this.

It doesn’t even want you to perceive it as a possibility, because their AGW theory would be threatened.

The IPCC states that because Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) doesn’t fluctuate all that much (rangebound between 1360-1363 W/m2), the sun can have little to no impact on Earth’s terrestrial temperatures; but this a painfully over simplistic stance.

Downplaying the sun’s role on climate is verging on laughable; however, downplaying cosmological reality is something of an IPCC trait.

In reality, low solar activity brings about far more than just a slight reduction in TSI, there are many more forcings that affect our planet’s temperature: low solar output also brings with it an influx of cloud-nucleating cosmic rays, it sees an uptick in volcanism, and even a drop of auroras — these, along with our planet’s ever-waning magnetic field, are completely sidestepped by the likes of the IPCC and their MSM lapdogs.

It is only logical to assume the sun plays a crucial role in earth’s climate.

And once you accept that, the fact that our host star is currently in its weakest state of the past 100+ years –and weakening– should of course form the backbone of any climate-related theory. ‘They’ expect us to believe that the sun suffering its weakest state in more than a century occurring simultaneously with an increasing swing between extremes of our weather patterns is merely coincidental; in fact, ‘they’ don’t even mention that the sun is in a histrionically low state of activity.

Also, why is it that the IPCC only listen to the views of scientists that already agree with them?

That isn’t very scientific.

There are many eminent and respected voices claiming not only that the IPCC have AGW wrong, but that a coming cooling epoch is on the cards:

However, the public isn’t allowed to hear these alternative, equally qualified views — they are instead suckled on a diet of warm-mongering EOTW rhetoric, squirted down their throats on a daily bases (no wonder our youth have been so utterly corrupted by this garbage–again, an authoritative voice is compelling no matter how illogical, or frankly impossible, its message is):

Metro 10 August 2021



Today, August 10, the sun is once again ‘blank’, completely devoid of sunspots–and during the ramp-up into Solar Cycle 25, no less — a time when the sun should be firing on all cylinders.

Yet here we are, witnessing the eighth spotless days since late-July.

The sun is faltering.

SC25 is on track to be just as weak as the cycle which preceded it (SC24)–the weakest cycle of the past century+.

Since 2016, global temperatures have tumbled by around 0.7C. This is another fact missing from the IPCC’s latest doomsday report, but informing the public isn’t their aim, the goal, of course, is to propagandize and to prepare the masses for the totalitarian future of permanent lockdowns, food shortages, and intensifying global electric phenomena — ‘something is coming’.


The world blindly accepting the IPCC’s nonsense is perhaps the scariest part.

It’s not as if the panel has a great track record, or even a fair one — they’ve been wrong from the starting gate, at every turn; from their predictions of an ice free Arctic, their global temperature forecasts, to rising sea levels (which were originally supposed to see coastal cities inundated by the year 2000).

Also, note the twisting of the narrative as real-world observations didn’t play ball.

The ‘global warming’ hypothesis used to be a relatively simple one to understand, even a coherent one worthy of further investigation: “rising atmospheric CO2 levels are leading to ever-increasing temperatures, which will bring hotter summers and warmer winters with less snow”.

However, in 2021, as the planet shows unmistakable signs of cooling, and as real-world observations continue to leave scientists like Michael Mann and self-indulgent prophets such as AL Gore with serious egg on their big fat lying faces, ‘Devastating Terra Firma Broiling’ –as I like to call it– now constitutes EVERY WEATHER EVENT KNOWN TO MAN, including record-breaking freezes, unprecedented snow mass totals across entire hemispheres, and an expanding Antarctic ice sheet.

Here are just two recent data-points those original IPCC reports claimed would be an impossibility by now:

This season, total snow mass for the Northern Hemisphere peaked at 500+ Gts above the 1982-2012 average [FMI].

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (which includes 90% of earth’s freshwater) is tracking well-above the 1979-1990 average, and increasing [NSIDC].

Rising temperatures are the cornerstone of the anthropogenic global warming theory.

Therefore, nothing else matters if the mercury fails to rise.

And here we are — not only are temperatures failing to rise, they are now reversing the trend observed since the late-1970s (since the end of the previous mini-cooling period):


Current indicators suggest that travel restrictions are likely to be with us a while, not only because of the pandemic–but also because of political and environmental reasons (I can’t speak of the virus without being penalized, I certainly can’t write negatively about the vaccines–but DYOR into the roaming and biologically active ‘spike protein’–start with DarkHorse on YouTube).

The exaggerated threats of COVID will remain in full force, and the virus will indeed continue to circulate and mutate into more vaccine-resistant strains–just as the seasonal flu does every year; however, unlike the seasonal flu, this will lead to more lockdowns.

Crucially, governments are keeping travel restrictions and complicated testing requirements in place to drastically deter people from traveling–“for reasons other than Covid-19,” reads a recent article.

And this leads us to the other excuse for stripping the masses of their most basic of freedoms — the so-called ‘climate emergency’.

As reported by The Telegraph, “Covid restrictions have been a dry run for how our lifestyles might be curtailed in future for the good of the planet” where governments are looking to curb cheap travel and reduce carbon emissions under the guise of ‘environmentalism’, when in reality their intentions are far more sinister.

A population already locked-down before the SHTF is a far more manageable one. Now add to that food rationing (due to global shortages and the aforementioned travel restrictions), and moving forward, the only way to feed your family will be full compliance to whatever draconian rules put in place by the overarching –yet unseen– system of global governance.

In that situation, well, they have you bent over a barrel.

You’ll have no choice.

No freedoms.

You’ll be a true slave to the system, if you weren’t already.

This is indeed a “Code Red For Humanity”.

Break free, before it’s too late — run for the hills, and grow your own.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Are you sure about that?
Yesterday, during the height of summer, Greenland GAINED Enough Mass to Bury Central Park Under 2,200+ Feet of Ice - Electroverse


Articles Extreme Weather GSM


Look MSM, I can run decontextualized headlines, too!

Seriously though, if you want proof of mainstream media obfuscation and agenda-driving drivel, you need look no further than their reporting of the Greenland ice sheet.

For the majority of this SMB season, snow and ice have been building across the world’s largest island at a prodigious rate.

Throughout this summer melt season so far, record daily GAINS have been a regular occurrence, including that literally “off the charts” gain we reported in late-May:

‘Off the charts’ SMB spike in late-May [DMI].

These unprecedented summer GAINS have pushed the ice sheet’s surface mass balance (SMB) –a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier– above the 1981-2010 average, where it remains today:

Grey line is the 1981-2010 average. Despite MSM lies, this years acc. SMB (Gt) has tracked well-above the average for the entirety of the summer melt season. And now, it is once again building [source: DMI].

That’s right, despite the MSM’s wild reporting and hyperbole re the 2 days of anomalous summer melt in late-July, the Greenland ice sheet is currently in great health — a state it has been in all season, and one it’s been in for the past five seasons (see below).

LiveScience were among the first to post the obfuscating nonsense: “Massive melting event strikes Greenland after record heat wave,” reads a headline dated August 2–after the publication had been silent ALL year during the sheet’s record growth.

Soon, a horde of other publications leapt aboard the warm-mongering bandwagon, without a hint of a fact-check.

And as you might expect, TheGuardian were guilty of running the most spurious headline: “Greenland: enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in 2 inches of water”–but what is a person supposed to with that information? There is no context?

Where were these publications during Greenland’s record snow and ice GAINS during this year’s melt season?

And where are they now, as the ice sheet bounces off that late-July loss to post another day of unprecedented summer GROWTH? I can run spurious headlines, too — the 2 Gigatonnes gained yesterday, Aug 8, is indeed enough to bury Central Park, New York City under 682 meters (2,238 feet) of ice (Central Park is 4 kilometers long and 0.8 kilometers wide–do the math).

Greenland has been GAINING record amounts of snow and ice throughout the summer melt season, bouncing off the 2-day blip in late-July [DMI].

Also, why haven’t the likes of LiveScience and TheGuardian informed its readers of Greenland’s healthy SMB readings since 2016?

Here’s 2016-2017:

Diablobanquisa on Twitter: According to DMI, second season in a row with a  SMB mass gain well above average for the #Greenland Ice Sheet, sharply  contrasting with previous years.…
2016-2017 [DMI]

And here’s 2017-2018:

Greenland Gained 349 Billion Tonnes of Ice Over the Past Year + Record  October SMB Gains - Electroverse
2017-2018 [DMI].

The fraud is clearer than ever.

If ever you want to convince someone ‘on the fence’ of the global warming scam, point them to the reporting of Greenland’s surface mass balance; in fact, even the staunchest of alarmists can have no comeback to the blatant obfuscation and propagandizing.

Massive GAINS logged in southern Greenland on Aug 8 [DMI].

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
The thing that bothers me is that graph showing the big melt, then the big freeze. The ice growth has been consistently well above normal, to melt that fast makes me think that something really anomalous happened.

With all the volcanism going on, I think a big undersea event occurred.


Are you sure about that?
The thing that bothers me is that graph showing the big melt, then the big freeze. The ice growth has been consistently well above normal, to melt that fast makes me think that something really anomalous happened.

With all the volcanism going on, I think a big undersea event occurred.

Let me further explain what I mean. The overall ice accumulation trend has been positive, but some volcanic event triggered a near-term melt. Once the event peaked, the ice growth trend continued on, so a rapid refeeze happened.

This is similar to the sorts of refeeze events that happen on the moon Europa. It is a recipe for chaos.

Of course, the AGCC cult only see the event as an opportunity to proselytize their religion and actively ignore the real dangers.


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has a new podcast out:

Downfall of Civilization Triggers - YouTube

Downfall of Civilization Triggers
Premiered 19 hours ago


Run time is 12:52

Synopsis provided:

The Histomap of the last 4000 years of world history published in 1931 shows all of the major Grand Solar Minimums with contractions of empires and kingdoms through history. Its simple, inadequate food supplies equal civilization crumbling. There are several unnamed GSM's in the 4000 years as well. 2024 brings the next global contraction in food supplies.


Day by day
Polar Cold Blasts Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - Brazil Corn Output Slashed after Historic Freezes - as Portugal Suffered a Colder-than-Average July - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM


The IPCC’s latest report is propaganda, it isn’t based in science — one day the truth will out: the sun controls the climate.

[A takedown of that “Code Red” report will be posted later this week, along with the promised SC25 progression update]


Snow has fallen in Western Australia for the second time in a fortnight, as temperatures tanked across the Aussie state.

As reported by, much of the southern half of the state froze through below average temperatures, with maxima in single figures in some parts of the Great Southern.

A severe weather warning was in place on Monday and Tuesday as the polar front delivered gales, hail, heavy rain and snow:

blob:Log In or Sign Up to View
Run time is 0:09


Turning attention to nearby NZ, two additional cold waves are forecast to sweep both islands beginning Thursday, Aug 12.

These fronts are arriving hot on the heels of the nation’s recent cold and rare snow events:

According to, “colder sou’westers” will prevail over the coming days, which will lead to heavy snow–especially this weekend as the second and colder of the two fronts engulfs the nation.

“This may dump 70cm (2.3ft) of snow on the Southern Alps in some locations, and the alpine highways may have some disruptions. There may also be another period of lighter snow into the North Island’s Central Plateau this weekend (Desert Road/SH1 and maybe Napier-Taupo Highway/SH5 could be impacted for a time),” said the weather organization.

The snow will actually begin falling before the weekend.

Below is a look The Weather Company’s 2-day snowfall outlook for Thursday to Friday:

Rug up NZ.


The South African Weather Services (SAWS) has said yet more snow and intense cold are expected to pass through the country Thursday through Sunday.

SA forecaster Wayne Venter said “very cold, snowy, wet, and windy conditions should be expected in the Eastern Cape”.

Heavy snowfall is expected to accumulate the Eastern Cape mountains by Thursday evening, he added, with flurries continuing unabated until Sunday — some record-challenging totals could be on the cards.

SAWS have issued a cold weather advisory for the Western and Northern Cape, too.

“The public and small stock farmers are advised that very cold conditions with daytime temperatures below 10°C are expected to set in over the Western Cape and southern Namakwa District (Northern Cape) on Thursday and Friday, due to a cold front moving through the areas, bringing in light snowfalls over the mountain peaks and very cold conditions,” reads the advisory.

KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) residents have also been told to brace themselves for exceptionally frigid conditions.

According to local KZN meteorologist Julius Mahlangu: “From Thursday we are expecting a cold front to be moving through. It’s quite an intense cold front” — one that will likely bring rain to the area, and snowfall over Drakensburg.

Last month, South Africa busted at least 19 all-time low temperature records.

Never before in recorded history had the southern tip of African been so cold:

And as highlighted above, winter is far from over.

Already decimated crops have further rounds of polar cold to contend with (see below).

SAWS has warned farmers that such low temperatures, particularly in the early hours of the morning, will negatively impact crops and livestocks.


GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 14 [].

This blast of intense cold is being kicked-up from the Antarctic continent, which, as of today, Aug 11, is sitting some -3.9C below the 1979-2000 average. This is roughly where it has been all season, and, as a result, the Antarctic ice sheet (which is home to 90% of earth’s freshwater) has been growing exponentially all year to levels comfortably above the 1979-1990 average:


I don’t recall seeing this dataset in the IPCC’s latest doomsday propaganda pamphlet.


Speaking of decimated crops, many South American farmers are suffering a disastrous growing season in 2021, as historic freeze after historic freeze pummels the nations of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, in particular.

Off the back of record lows and unprecedented snows, Brazilian crop agency Conab has once again cut its forecast for the country’s total corn production for the 2020-2021 growing season.

Brazilian farmers will produce 86.7 million metric tons of corn this season, the agency said Tuesday. Just last month, the agency had forecast a crop of 93.4 million tons, which was already down from the 96.4 million tons it had forecast back in June.

But note: the job of Conab is to stabilize the markets, not to inform us of the real situation; in that regard, it operates much like the USDA. Also worth noting: Brazil produced 102.6 million tons of corn in the 2019-2020 season.

Brazil’s consumer price inflation accelerated in July.

This is due to 1) the aforementioned historic and persistent cold that has sent certain fruit, vegetable and grain prices soaring, and 2) because of the rising electricity costs, linked to a drought that has left reservoirs at low levels (Brazil gets more than half its electricity from hydroelectric sources).

Consumer prices increased almost 1% from June, the biggest rise in July since 2002, and rose 9% from a year earlier, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), said Tuesday.

The exceptionally cold weather has hit farm production across the board –not just corn– which in turn has pushed prices higher: food and drink prices rose 0.6% in July, after an increase of 0.43% in June, with the cost of tomatoes, for example, up a whopping 18.7%.

This is a sign of the times, and it isn’t just confined to South America.

Global food prices are on the rise:

Alimentos mais caros na pandemia — idealista/news


And finally, the average temperature across Portugal in July finished up at just 21.54C (70.77F).

This is a reading some -0.63C below the 1971-2000 average (and almost a full –1C below the now standard 1991-2000 baseline).

Portugal witnessed the largest negative anomalies in Europe last month.

I can attest to this: prepping in the center of the country, my days have regularly failed to reach 30C (86F), and readings above 40C (104F) have been all-but missing–I’ve only had one so far, which is very unusual.

I’m due one more this Friday; but after that, a fresh round of Arctic air looks set to descend into Western Europe, with the UK, France, Germany, and Spain, as well as Portugal, suffering yet more anomalous summer chills:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 18 [].

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 19 [].

Stay tuned for updates…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
We saw something today that really, really made me go uh-oh, not good.

DH and I were driving toward Bryan/College Station through a mostly rural area with a lot of cattle and hay pastures. In one with a good-sized pond I saw - and I'm not kidding or wrong - at least a dozen Canadian geese.

They winter here...absolutely no reason for them to be here this early. Unless, it's getting colder way up north already, or the light is different, etc.

Doesn't make any sense at all, but they were there.


TB Fanatic
Polar Cold Blasts Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - Brazil Corn Output Slashed after Historic Freezes - as Portugal Suffered a Colder-than-Average July - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM


The IPCC’s latest report is propaganda, it isn’t based in science — one day the truth will out: the sun controls the climate.

[A takedown of that “Code Red” report will be posted later this week, along with the promised SC25 progression update]


Snow has fallen in Western Australia for the second time in a fortnight, as temperatures tanked across the Aussie state.

As reported by, much of the southern half of the state froze through below average temperatures, with maxima in single figures in some parts of the Great Southern.

A severe weather warning was in place on Monday and Tuesday as the polar front delivered gales, hail, heavy rain and snow:

blob:Log In or Sign Up to View
Run time is 0:09


Turning attention to nearby NZ, two additional cold waves are forecast to sweep both islands beginning Thursday, Aug 12.

These fronts are arriving hot on the heels of the nation’s recent cold and rare snow events:

According to, “colder sou’westers” will prevail over the coming days, which will lead to heavy snow–especially this weekend as the second and colder of the two fronts engulfs the nation.

“This may dump 70cm (2.3ft) of snow on the Southern Alps in some locations, and the alpine highways may have some disruptions. There may also be another period of lighter snow into the North Island’s Central Plateau this weekend (Desert Road/SH1 and maybe Napier-Taupo Highway/SH5 could be impacted for a time),” said the weather organization.

The snow will actually begin falling before the weekend.

Below is a look The Weather Company’s 2-day snowfall outlook for Thursday to Friday:

Rug up NZ.


The South African Weather Services (SAWS) has said yet more snow and intense cold are expected to pass through the country Thursday through Sunday.

SA forecaster Wayne Venter said “very cold, snowy, wet, and windy conditions should be expected in the Eastern Cape”.

Heavy snowfall is expected to accumulate the Eastern Cape mountains by Thursday evening, he added, with flurries continuing unabated until Sunday — some record-challenging totals could be on the cards.

SAWS have issued a cold weather advisory for the Western and Northern Cape, too.

“The public and small stock farmers are advised that very cold conditions with daytime temperatures below 10°C are expected to set in over the Western Cape and southern Namakwa District (Northern Cape) on Thursday and Friday, due to a cold front moving through the areas, bringing in light snowfalls over the mountain peaks and very cold conditions,” reads the advisory.

KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) residents have also been told to brace themselves for exceptionally frigid conditions.

According to local KZN meteorologist Julius Mahlangu: “From Thursday we are expecting a cold front to be moving through. It’s quite an intense cold front” — one that will likely bring rain to the area, and snowfall over Drakensburg.

Last month, South Africa busted at least 19 all-time low temperature records.

Never before in recorded history had the southern tip of African been so cold:

And as highlighted above, winter is far from over.

Already decimated crops have further rounds of polar cold to contend with (see below).

SAWS has warned farmers that such low temperatures, particularly in the early hours of the morning, will negatively impact crops and livestocks.


GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 14 [].

This blast of intense cold is being kicked-up from the Antarctic continent, which, as of today, Aug 11, is sitting some -3.9C below the 1979-2000 average. This is roughly where it has been all season, and, as a result, the Antarctic ice sheet (which is home to 90% of earth’s freshwater) has been growing exponentially all year to levels comfortably above the 1979-1990 average:


I don’t recall seeing this dataset in the IPCC’s latest doomsday propaganda pamphlet.


Speaking of decimated crops, many South American farmers are suffering a disastrous growing season in 2021, as historic freeze after historic freeze pummels the nations of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, in particular.

Off the back of record lows and unprecedented snows, Brazilian crop agency Conab has once again cut its forecast for the country’s total corn production for the 2020-2021 growing season.

Brazilian farmers will produce 86.7 million metric tons of corn this season, the agency said Tuesday. Just last month, the agency had forecast a crop of 93.4 million tons, which was already down from the 96.4 million tons it had forecast back in June.

But note: the job of Conab is to stabilize the markets, not to inform us of the real situation; in that regard, it operates much like the USDA. Also worth noting: Brazil produced 102.6 million tons of corn in the 2019-2020 season.

Brazil’s consumer price inflation accelerated in July.

This is due to 1) the aforementioned historic and persistent cold that has sent certain fruit, vegetable and grain prices soaring, and 2) because of the rising electricity costs, linked to a drought that has left reservoirs at low levels (Brazil gets more than half its electricity from hydroelectric sources).

Consumer prices increased almost 1% from June, the biggest rise in July since 2002, and rose 9% from a year earlier, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), said Tuesday.

The exceptionally cold weather has hit farm production across the board –not just corn– which in turn has pushed prices higher: food and drink prices rose 0.6% in July, after an increase of 0.43% in June, with the cost of tomatoes, for example, up a whopping 18.7%.

This is a sign of the times, and it isn’t just confined to South America.

Global food prices are on the rise:

Alimentos mais caros na pandemia — idealista/news


And finally, the average temperature across Portugal in July finished up at just 21.54C (70.77F).

This is a reading some -0.63C below the 1971-2000 average (and almost a full –1C below the now standard 1991-2000 baseline).

Portugal witnessed the largest negative anomalies in Europe last month.

I can attest to this: prepping in the center of the country, my days have regularly failed to reach 30C (86F), and readings above 40C (104F) have been all-but missing–I’ve only had one so far, which is very unusual.

I’m due one more this Friday; but after that, a fresh round of Arctic air looks set to descend into Western Europe, with the UK, France, Germany, and Spain, as well as Portugal, suffering yet more anomalous summer chills:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 18 [].

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for Aug 19 [].

Stay tuned for updates…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

Kind of odd this happens with Brazil as it's just south of the Equator.
Last edited:


Day by day
The IPCC's Latest Climate Report is Antiscience and Antihuman - REJECT IT - Electroverse




The IPCC are still ignoring the influences of the sun, even in 2021. Their latest report pays it such little mind that it may as well not be there — and soon, I wouldn’t put it past these jokers to completely deny its existence.

They do have a section called “solar forcing” in the report, but this feels more of a placating inclusion rather than a genuine scientific inquiry. It appears to only get a mention so it can be immediately dismissed — but such lip service is often all it takes to fool the unthinkers into believing a topic has been covered, when in fact it most certainly has not.

As with their previous reports, when it comes to the sun, the IPCC’s focus is on “irradiance“.

This is an intentionally narrow-minded stance which excludes ALL secondary forcings, which are plentiful.

The IPCC purposefully ignore the global electric circuit; they fail to mention earth’s waning magnetic field; they don’t touch on auroras (i.e. solar wind/flares/CMES) which have been found to heat the planet; and they sidestep the influx of cosmic rays during times of low solar activity, which have been found to nucleate clouds (global cooling) AND heat the muons in the subsurface (volcanic and seismic uptick, with the former also leading to cooling).

The IPCC attempt to debunk the notion that cosmic rays have any sort of role in earth’s climate by stating: “There is high confidence that GCRs (Galactic Cosmic Rays) contribute a negligible ERF over the period 1750 to 2019”.

But that’s where they end it.

They offer no further insight and provide zero, yes zero, citations.

Basically, they just made it up.

In reality, recent years have seen a myriad of studies affirming the role of cosmic rays. In fact, the confidence in GCRs being a crucial climate component is now so high that much of today’s research is concentrated on the minutia of the mechanisms — these peer-reviewed findings are all published alongside the very same ones used by the IPCC in their reports, but they are ignored — evidence of cherry-picking.

As I mentioned volcanism above, I should point out that the latest report does include a “volcanic forcing” section; but once again, the IPCC’s analysis is yet more lip service, not scientific endeavor.

But come on now, we shouldn’t act surprised — the IPCC is political body, not a scientific one, and this fact has been showcased more than ever this week: rebuttals of natural forcings were concluded before pen was ever put to paper. After all, the sole purpose of the IPCC is to prove anthropogenic warming, that’s why the body was setup in the first place, and if ever it concluded that humans weren’t culpable for the observed changes in the climate, then, well, the organization would no longer exist.

Volcanoes, Cosmic Rays, the Magnetic Field, and the Sun are ALL forcings completely dismissed by the IPCC.

The latest report doesn’t address past failed predictions either, namely those temperature models–none of which have played-out as expected (earth has actually cooled some 0.7C since 2016).

All the IPCC has to say on this front is: “we now have more certainty in our projections”.

That’s right, failing to address their demonstrated climate model bias/uncertainty is substituted with claims of greater certainty: “we got it wrong, but we’ve learned from out mistakes, and so you can trust us now,” is my attempt at a translation.

I also don’t understand how modern climate science is supposed to accurately predict the future when it routinely fails to predict the past — and Michael Mann’s infamous ‘hockey stick’ graph is just one example of this:

Additionally, there is a clear carbon dioxide oversensitivity bias in the report, too.

The Urban Heat Island effect is also ignored–a factor which might explain why ‘global warming’ only appears to be occurring at night:

There is also the omission of the Arctic’s “Ticking Climate Bomb” which is expected to shut down the AMOC (Gulf Stream) and, in turn, plunge much of the Northern Hemisphere into ice age conditions.

This revelation, it appears, would have muddied the ever-increasing temperatures/linear warming message, and so it too was left out:

Global electric systems are other forcings impacting our planet’s atmosphere that the IPCC claim don’t exist.

Another is the Polar Cusp (a region in which the magnetosheath plasma has direct access to the ionosphere). The cusp fluxes with energy every 8 minutes; but again, not even a whiff of this is included in modern climate models, even though NASA is on record as calling it “our magnetic portal to the sun”.

And finally, another unmentioned yet well understood reality is that tropical storms are also tied to solar activity — in recent years, there has been ever-mounting studies to support this (all googleable).


My takeaway from the report is that the IPCC are “sun deniers”.

I don’t know what they believe the purpose of that bright mass of energy in the sky is, but they are suspiciously dismissive of its influence — the sun, it appears, is an inconvenient spanner threatening to jam the cogs of their fragile politicized narrative.

This is why the majority of solar forcings are missing from the report, as these omissions mean any observed changes in the climate can be attributed to human activity. In other words, denying the sun leaves big gaps in our understanding of the climate system, but these gaps are intentional and required as they mean “human carbon dioxide emissions” can be used to plug them — only by ignoring powerful natural forcings can a rise in CO2 make any kind of sense.

This latest IPCC report is not a genuine attempt to impart truth, far from it.

It is instead a political document, intended to be rolled-up and used to browbeat policy makers into implementing the “correct” measures, measures which will soon include “food/fuel rationing” and “climate lockdowns” in the name of “saving the planet” but which in reality will extend totalitarian control over the population, control they deem essential before the real SHTF:

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has a new podcast out, it's a good one on food and crop issues, and a bit on storms (I just wish he wasn't doing ads now):

When the Easiest Food Source Stops - YouTube

When the Easiest Food Source Stops
Premiered 12 hours ago

Run time is 10:30

Synopsis provided:

Fast food chains experiencing paper bag shortages with McDonalds leading the shortages. Questions across the industry are how will people be able to take away food from the drive through? Crops in mega-drought zones. Cannon ball sized hail Germany and Lightning strike through a car aftermath.


Day by day
Japanese City Suffers Coldest Summer Temperature in 128-Years of Records, + Noctilucent Clouds Persist into August as the Atmosphere Continues to Cool (


Extreme Weather GSM


The MSM was keen to promote this year’s Olympic Games as potentially being the “hottest ever!”; but in reality, northern Japan is suffering all-time, never-before seen, record-breaking COLD — and it is going largely unreported.
In Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, the city of Wakkanai registered a daily high of just 51F (10.5C) this week — this was the city’s lowest August reading in 128 years of books, so since 1893 (the Centennial/Gleissberg Minimum).

The mercury plunged even lower overnight, as you’d expect — an astonishing 36.7F (2.61C) was logged early Thursday morning, Aug 11, according to local news station TV Asahi.

Shocked residents spoke of being able see their breath, in the height of summer.

japan hokkaido map

Wakkanai is located on Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido.

Extreme weather and wildly-fluctuating temperatures have been documented across Japan in recent weeks.

At the close of July, Wakkanai actually came close to busting a high temperature record, but fell just short.

Such swings between extremes are fully predicted during times of low solar activity –such as the historically low output we’re experiencing now– as the lower incoming energy weakens the jet streams, reverting them to a wavy (meridional) flow.

These swings are only forecast to intensify as the Grand Solar Minimum fully takes hold (due SC26–or the early-2030s).

For more on the mechanisms, click below:

Elsewhere, hundreds of thousands of Japanese residents have been instructed to evacuate their homes due to flood warnings and landslide risks from torrential rains on Kyushu island.

Authorities issued the highest level of evacuation orders in some central parts of the island on Thursday, reported Reuters.

People were warned to take immediate action to protect their lives.

Click “Cosmic Ray Flux Explained” below for more on increased precipitation:


Noctilucent clouds (NLCs), or night shining clouds, are spilling out of the Arctic Circle and descending farther south than ever before.

Generally speaking, August is not a good month for NLCs — the silvery clouds, made of frosted meteor smoke, begin to melt away as the mesosphere warms up in late summer.

This August, however, the clouds are still being spotted.

Nadja Maletzki photographed them on Thursday, Aug 12 over Zürich, Switzerland:

“It was a very nice display,” says Maletzki.

The significance of this picture is not that NLCs exist in August. They often do. Rather, it is the latitude of the display: +47 N, explains Dr. Tony Phillips over at

The clouds are usually retreating toward the Arctic Circle by mid-August, not showing up in the middle of Europe.

All summer long, NLCs have been descending farther south than they are “supposed to.”

At one point in June, they were sighted near the Mediterranean coast of Spain.


For NLCs to form, extremely cold temperatures –as low as -150F– are required.

These night shining clouds are always more prevalent during solar minimum conditions when there is less solar energy heating the extreme upper atmosphere (mesosphere). And with the Sun currently struggling to drag itself out of its deepest minimum of the past 100+ years (of SC24), this goes some way to explaining Maletzki’s rare mid-August and low-latitude sightings.

But there is also a long-term upward trend, too:

(a) SBUV merged seasonal average IWC (ice water content) values for three different latitude bands: 50N-64N (purple triangles), 64N-74N (green crosses) and 74N-82N (blue squares). The solid lines show multiple regression fits to the data for the periods 1979-1997 and 1998-2018. (b) SBUV merged seasonal average IWC values for 50S-64S, 64S-74S, and 74S-82S. The solid lines show fits for the periods 1979-1997 and 1998-2018 [source].

Before 2019, no sightings of Noctilucent Clouds at the mid-latitudes existed.

Then, as a result of the growing, record-breaking chill in the mesosphere (caused by low solar output), NLCs are being spotted farther south than ever before: in mid-June 2019, they were observed at Joshua Tree, CA (34 deg. N) and Albuquerque, New Mexico (35 deg. N)–new all-time records:

NLC sighting at +34.1 degrees set the record for low-latitude observations.

Run time is 0:33

But forget about August, continues Dr. Phillips.

Will this be the year that NLCs are seen in September…?

Stay tuned for updates.

The Universe continues to deliver signs, pointers that only those with an open mind, unpolluted by the political agenda of the day have any hope of deciphering. People need to block out the fabricated hysteria that surrounds modern life, and instead crane their necks back, and look up: NLCs are visible about 1-2 hours after sunset or before sunrise — happy viewing…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


TB Fanatic
Quiet out there in terms of GSM news so far this morning....I'll check again later.

I guess everyone is taking a break.
I have not updated the thread on Sunspots and we are getting a few days of blank Sun and some of the Sunspots are fading away the same day they show up or a day or two later, kind of like the sun is flickering out after having a few months run of Sunspots.


Day by day
There's a good thread started on the main about signs of winter. Last week I posted here on the GSM thread we'd seen Canadian geese near us already, which is way too soon... apparently someone else started seeing them in July according to their post:

(1) WEATHER - Signs of winter? | Page 3 | Timebomb 2000

(See savurselvs post #103)

This is what I posted there a little while ago:

Last evening while filling water troughs for our cattle I noticed three cows have the beginnings of their winter mid-August...the clear signs along the withers of a line like the beginnings of a razor back. Oh my gosh....this is just way, way too early. We have not been cool with temps in the mid to upper 90s.

This does not bode well.


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has a new podcast out on the recent earthquakes:

Awakenings Beneath Our Feet - YouTube

Awakenings Beneath Our Feet
Aug 14, 2021

Run time is 10:24

Synopsis provided:

Three 7.5 earthquakes in a few hour span in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly rocks the South Sandwich Islands, at the same time minor quakes are increasing along the New Madrid Fault zone. If there is a 7.5 mag quake across the Mississippi river, what would be the consequence?


Day by day
Three volcanoes are erupting at the same time in Alaska -- Earth Changes --

Three volcanoes are erupting at the same time in Alaska

Denise Chow
Fri, 13 Aug 2021 12:25 UTC

Active lava fountains spew from the Great Sitkin volcano in Alaska, on Aug. 5.
© Peggy Kruse
Active lava fountains spew from the Great Sitkin volcano in Alaska, on Aug. 5.

Along a remote, roughly 800-mile stretch of Alaska's Aleutian island chain, three volcanoes are erupting at the same time, with at least two spewing low levels of ash and steam.

The simultaneous eruptions have been going on for more than a week but do not currently pose a threat to nearby communities and have not disrupted any air travel so far, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

Still, the volcanic activity has made for a busier-than-usual time across the Aleutian Islands, the vast archipelago that juts westward from the Alaska Peninsula and acts as a border between the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea.

"Alaska has a lot of volcanoes, and we typically see maybe one eruption every year, on average," Matthew Loewen, a research geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory, told NBC News. "To have three erupting at once is less common, but it does happen."

Pavlof Volcano, Great Sitkin and Semisopochnoi Volcano all remain under an orange threat level Friday, which signals that eruptions are underway and minor ash emissions have been detected.

Pavlof is located almost 600 miles away from Anchorage. Its nearest city is Cold Bay, a small community that is home to fewer than 120 residents. Closer to the middle of the Aleutian Islands, Great Sitkin lies roughly 25 miles northeast of the city of Adak.

Semisopochnoi Volcano, meanwhile, is on an uninhabited island that forms the easternmost land location in the United States. Though the island is part of the western Aleutian chain, it lies in the Eastern Hemisphere, "well on its way to Russia," Loewen said.

The volcanic islands that make up the so-called Aleutian Arc are part of a horseshoe-shaped zone that can be traced along the rim of the Pacific Ocean where many of the world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. This region, known as the Pacific "Ring of Fire," is seismically and volcanically active because it is located at the boundaries of several tectonic plates that continually collide and mash together.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off Alaska, no tsunami warning issued
While Pavlof, Great Sitkin and Semisopochnoi are in remote parts of the Aleutian Islands, they can produce ash clouds that are hazardous for air travel.

"The Aleutian Arc sits between North America and Asia, so we have a lot of air travel going over and ash is very dangerous for airplanes," Loewen said. "We're always paying attention to ash with our volcanoes in Alaska."

Loewen said it's been at least seven years since three volcanos erupted simultaneously in Alaska, and the recent unrest has kept monitoring campaigns lively at the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

"It's keeping us on our toes," he said. "It's definitely exciting and a busy time for us up here."


Day by day
Potentially 'explosive' losses of barley and wheat following extreme weather in EU - analyst -- Earth Changes --

Potentially 'explosive' losses of barley and wheat following extreme weather in EU - analyst

Corporate Dispatch
Thu, 12 Aug 2021 12:00 UTC

bride german flood
Large parts of Western Germany were hit by heavy, continuous rain in the night to 15 July resulting in local flash floods that destroyed buildings and swept away cars.

Adverse weather in the European Union has sharply reduced prospects for wheat and barley harvests, contributing to a potentially 'explosive' global supply outlook for the cereals, analyst firm Strategie Grains said.

In a monthly report, the French firm reduced its forecast for 2021 soft wheat production in the 27-country EU by 1.5 million tonnes to 131.5 million tonnes.

Wet weather in the run-up to harvesting had led to disappointing yields in France and Germany while high temperatures in June had lowered yields in Poland and northern Europe, Strategie Grains said.

The revised EU soft wheat crop forecast would nonetheless be 12.7 million tonnes above Strategie Grains' estimate of last year's output.

Comment: Whilst that is some good news, is it sufficient to offset the losses and increased demand?

But the downgrade comes as harvest prospects have also deteriorated in other exporting zones like North America and the Black Sea region.

Strategie Grains reduced its projection of world wheat production, including durum, by 14 million tonnes to 750.3 million tonnes.

Despite high prices and the spread of the Delta coronavirus variant, global wheat demand was expected to expand in 2021/22. This could contribute to the stocks-to-use ratio in major exporting countries falling to its second-lowest level on record after 2012/13, Strategie Grains said.

Forecast EU soft wheat exports in 2021/22 were raised by 1.7 million tonnes from last month to 32.7 million tonnes, despite mixed quality in the EU harvest, the firm said.

The share of livestock feed-grade crop in the soft wheat harvest was expected to be higher than last year, reflecting the impact of heavy rain, it said.

Projected EU barley production was lowered by 2 million tonnes from July to 53.0 million tonnes, contributing to a 7 million tonne cut to Strategie Grains' forecast of global barley output.

With drought ravaging crops in major exporter Canada, the market was facing "explosive situations for barley and wheat", putting the onus on maize (corn) to pick up additional demand for livestock feed, it said.

Comment: Some livestock can become unhealthy and even sick if forced to eat excessive amounts of corn.

Forecast EU maize production was raised to 66.3 million tonnes from 65.7 million in July. Rain has boosted crops in France, Germany and Poland, offsetting reduced prospects in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria due to dryness, it said.


TxGal, when I first read that post about Canada Geese in the Signs of Winter thread, I'd meant to post this but then forgot............

I heard what had to have been a fair sized ""V" of them fly over me back in, I think, the third week of July. I could tell by the sound that they were headed north to south, and it was not the sound of a few geese moving from pond to pond, as we often hear in my area. The sound was definitely higher in the sky and more regular than the squawking racket of the pond-jumpers


Day by day
TxGal, when I first read that post about Canada Geese in the Signs of Winter thread, I'd meant to post this but then forgot............

I heard what had to have been a fair sized ""V" of them fly over me back in, I think, the third week of July. I could tell by the sound that they were headed north to south, and it was not the sound of a few geese moving from pond to pond, as we often hear in my area. The sound was definitely higher in the sky and more regular than the squawking racket of the pond-jumpers

Martinhouse, do you think that's too early for your area to be seeing them, too? I just can't recall ever seeing them this early down here. Scares the willies out of me. I'm literally spending most of my free time trying to consolidate my pantry room as much as possible to squeeze in more, and making lists for getting ahead on feed and bedding for the chickens and ducks.

I'd already started laying in a supply of mineral blocks for the cattle, they're a long-lasting item for the cattle, their hay we'll be doing soon. Protein tubs have been in short supply due to the heat we've had, cubes we can't get in much ahead of need because of storage issues. Even still, I'm doing as much as I can, as fast as I can.

Deadfall we're already bringing in for firewood, but yesterday we spotted a few big oaks that had limbs break off in storms...gotta get them, too.

I'm really getting worried about this winter.....


TxGal, July is way too early for Canada Geese to be moving south over us here. Actually, right NOW is too early! And those that stay here year round do not fly high, in formation, like the ones I heard in July or that I normally see and hear in September and even October.

I'm worried about winter, too, but, physically, I can do almost nothing now, so I'll just have to go with what I've already done, face it as it comes, and hope for the best. I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for my nephew helping me out. I'd either be dead or at least in a nursing home.


Day by day
Big eruption in Japan, on the VEI scale:

No, July Wasn't the Hottest Month Ever, + Japan's Fukutoku-Okanoba Volcano Erupts to 53,000ft - Electroverse


Articles GSM Volcanic & Seismic Activity


NOAA and NASA can’t even seem to agree on Earth’s average temperature for July: NOAA is confidently claiming it was the hottest month ever, while NASA has put it in second place — so much for a scientific consensus...?

But those are the conclusions of two politicized governmental bodies, which exist to maintain a narrative.
Below are the actual facts.

Even according to NOAA’s own “Global Land and Ocean” dataset (which, 1) routinely ignores the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, and 2) simply guesses the temperature in areas lacking thermometer coverage–which is the majority of the planet btw), Earth’s temperature has actually trended cooler over the past 5 years, at a rate of -0.13C per decade:


According to NOAA, this rate of cooling is almost twice their official rate of increase since 1880:

“The global annual temperature has increased at an avg. rate of 0.07C (0.13F) per decade since 1880.”

Additionally, if you take an annual look at the temperature over the past 5 years, it gets even worse for the catastrophists.

The ‘Year-to-Date’ readings (from Jan-July of each year) reveals a global cooling rate of -0.27C per decade–almost 4x that official rate of increase:


Things turn even colder if we focus solely on North America.

Over the past 5 years (again, year-to-date), the North American continent has cooled at -1.88C per decadealmost 27x that rate of increase.


Again, it must be stressed that these readings are from warm-mongers NOAA, an agency with priors when it comes to data-tampering; however, this only makes the case more compelling, as even with NOAA’s ‘tweaks’, and even with the data coming from unreliable and sparsely located surface thermometer stations, the reality is still one of stark GLOBAL COOLING.

I expect there isn’t an alarmist on the planet aware of this fact.

Going up against those NOAA and NASA temperature datasets, we have the UAH.

The UAH uses satellites to measure our planet’s surface, and it is considered impervious to the UHI effect.

Moreover, it is maintained by former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer, who, it’s clear, has no obligation to the AGW narrative, making the dataset is also impervious to tampering — Spencer simply reports the raw numbers, offering little conjecture.

According to these 15x satellites that measure every inch of the lower troposphere (where us human’s reside), Earth’s average temperature in July extended the overall cooling trend witnessed since 2016–at just 0.2C above the baseline:

[UAH]–conveniently for the alarmists, satellite records begin in 1979–the very end of the previous cooling period.

July’s reading may be up from the -0.01C observed in June, but it clearly is nowhere near the hottest month on record.

Also, this latest datapoint is likely just another ‘bump’ on the road to the next cooling epoch — I fully expect the cooling to continue throughout the remainder of 2021, and then to intensify into 2022–particularly given the return of La Niña conditions:

It also stands that if alarmists consider 0.2C above the baseline a cause for climate concern, then, well, we realists have an even harder fight on our hands than I imagined. In this case, alarmists would be sidestepping logic and reality, and you can’t argue fairy-tales with facts. Indoctrination is far too powerful of a tool–it is akin to brainwashing.

In the real world, however –where my feet are firmly rooted– Earth’s overall temperature has averaged-out around baseline in 2021 (thus far), with March, April and June all coming out below the multidecadal average.

These are indeed the facts, yet this is the agenda-driving claptrap we have to contend with:


The ruse is clearer than ever.

Reject it.

Also, be sure to appose the coming ‘climate lockdowns’, too:


The renewed explosive activity at Japan’s submarine Fukutoku-Okanoba volcano stepped-up another notch over the weekend.

The volcano produced a powerful underwater explosion which, according to flight observation’s made by the Japanese Coast Guard, fired white steam and a spectacular plume up to an estimated 16km (53,000ft).

The ejection spread out into an umbrella cloud as it reached the stratospheric boundary

Umbrella cloud from Fukutoku-Okanoba volcano as seen from plane (image: @yoshikin2289/twitter).

The Coast Guard stated that “the eruption was so large that it could not be observed in close proximity,” and it called for caution for those vessels and aircraft navigating nearby.

The Himawari-8 satellite soon confirmed that a high-level stratospheric eruption had indeed occurred at the submarine volcano — GIF animation from the satellite revealed the extent of the Fukutoku-Okanoba blast, and also confirmed the altitude:

Run time is 0:38

Volcanic lightening was also associated with the explosion:


Run time is 0:33

The blast was so powerful that it formed a new island approximate 1km in diameter:

Run time is 0:33

Philippine Airlines continue to cancel flights to Japan due to the high-level eruption.

Moreover, particulates ejected above 10km (and so into the stratosphere) shade sunlight and reduce terrestrial temperatures.

Earth’s temperature is already dropping in line with the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum — an uptick in volcanism is the last thing we need, but this too is a symptom of reduced solar activity.

Seismic and Volcanic activity has been correlated to changes in the sun.

The recent global uptick in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is likely attributed to the drop-off in solar activity; coronal holes; a waning magnetosphere; and the increase in Cosmic Rays penetrating silica-rich magma.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.