Solar Grand Solar Minimum part deux


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Adapt 2030 has a new podcast out, very ungood:

Dismal Crop Harvest Numbers (Pasta Shortages For the Holidays) - YouTube

Dismal Crop Harvest Numbers (Pasta Shortages For the Holidays)
Nov 1, 2021

Run time is 11:32

Synopsis provided:

A look at NOAA forecast for the CME that hit Earth Oct 30 & 31st vs actual event data. Wheat, oil and food costs continue to rise uncontrolled. Durum wheat shortages will affect holiday food choices, all other wheat varieties cut total yield substantially. Pakistan will not cut cooking oil import tariffs, so high prices continue there.


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Lows Nearing -40 Sweep Russia, Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass Above Average, + X-Flare: 'Swing And A Miss' - Electroverse


Articles Extreme Weather GSM


The lies of those with vested interests are being exposed — more and more people are realizing that the rules of humankind are malleable, that there is no fixed authority requiring religious-like adherence. The days of multinational conglomerates paying governments to push profitable falsehoods at the detriment of the human race are coming to an end. The average Joe, in enough numbers, can impart change — this epiphany is dawning on people, and it’s giving me a shit-load of hope.


As ‘our betters’ in Glasgow bemoan the impacts of global warming in, among other places, Siberia: “the planet’s last great wilderness”, northern Russia has actually been experiencing extraordinary lows for the time of year.

On October 31, -36.8C (-34.2F) was registered in Delyankir.

The infamous Verkhoyansk logged -36.6C (-33.9F).

A frigid -36.4C (-33.5F) was observed in Susuman.

While Oymyakon took the cherry with a reading of -38.9C (-38F) on Nov 1 — almost 10C below the seasonal average.



Looking ahead, northern Russia’s bout of anomalous cold won’t abate anytime soon.

It’s actually set to intensify.

As revealed by the latest GFS run (shown below), blues and pinks are forecast to sweep northern/central/southern Russia as well as the majority of Kazakhstan as the month of November progresses:

GFS 2m Temp Anomalies (C) Nov 3 [].


Accompanying the cold, heavy snow is also forecast to pound the Asian continent over the coming weeks:

GFS Total Snowfall (cm) Nov 1 – Nov 17 [].

Such impressive accumulations will only add to what is already an above-average snowfall season across the Northern Hemisphere. Looking at the latest ‘Total Snow Mass’ chart (shown below), courtesy of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, NH snow has been tracking above the 1982-2012 average since the season began more than a month ago:

[Finnish Meteorological Institute]

Regardless of the warm-mongering rhetoric spewing from COP26, the reality portrayed in the above chart was a considered a complete impossibility under the teachings of the original anthropogenic global warming theory compiled by the IPCC.

The narrative has shifted since then though –with the science still struggling to catch up– and now any and all weather events are the result of human carbon dioxide emissions–including above-average snowfall across an entire hemisphere and record-breaking, deadly freezes such as that suffered in Texas in February.

This is the perverse reality we’re all existing in, and merely questioning it sees you labelled a “denier” and exiled from society. But as hinted at above, this paradigm is shifting and more and more people are self-exiling: hordes of once dutiful and compliant citizens are quitting their jobs and escaping the cities. COP26 is the latest indication of this shift. The event, despite the best efforts of the MSM, has garnered very little widespread appeal — people just don’t care what politicians have to say anymore, on any topic. Politicians, like pop-scientists, have let the people down — they are now seen for exactly what they are: paid mouthpieces for the powerful.

There is a snowball building. A revolution is brewing. The elite’s desperation is palpable — you can see it in the Totalitarian measures currently being implement around the world. All we need do is stand up and say no, collectively — there are more of us and our numbers are growing with each and every passing day. Find like-minded people in your area, and make a change. Failing that, just don’t play their games — resist.


And finally, projections for the arriving X-Flare were wrong — the Coronal Mass Ejection missed Earth, for the most part.

I guess we should be thankful.

But still, I was keen for an update re the strength of our planet’s magnetosphere.

The CME was indeed a rather big one, but 1) it arrived later than expected, and 2) it only clipped us, briefly sparking a G1 geomagnetic storm (far from the G3 that was expected). Overall, the official predictions from NOAA and the like were off, and by some magnitude, which has actually been the case for the past few solar flares. But rather than pointing out the inadequacies of NOAA, I think this should instead serves as indication of just how far we have to go, of how little we know, and of how notions of ‘settled science’, in any field, are utterly absurd and fraudulent.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Solar-Cycle-25-NASA-full.png

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GSM-and-Sunspots-1024x398.png

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


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Interesting article:

Climate change fueled witch hunts....Then and now -- Secret History --

Climate change fueled witch hunts....Then and now

Gregory Wrightstone
CO2 Coalition
Fri, 29 Oct 2021 21:57 UTC

Witch Burns
© Landover Baptist Church

European witch hunts of the 15th to 17th centuries targeted witches that were thought to be responsible for epidemics and crop failures related to declining temperatures of the Little Ice Age. A belief that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns was the "consensus" opinion of that time. How eerily similar is that notion to the the current oft-repeated mantra that Man's actions are controlling the climate and leading to catastrophic consequences?

Inquisitor Kramer
© CO2 Coalition

The first extensive European witch hunts coincided with plunging temperatures as the continent transitioned away from the beneficial warmth of the Medieval Warm Period (850 to 1250 AD). Increasing cold that began in the 13th century ushered in nearly five centuries of advancing mountain glaciers and prolonged periods of rainy or cool weather. This time of naturally-driven climate change was accompanied by crop failure, hunger, rising prices, epidemics and mass depopulation.

Climate Change Witch Hunts
© CO2 Coalition

Large systematic witch hunts began in the 1430s and were advanced later in the century by an Alsatian Dominican friar and papal Inquisitor named Heinrich Kramer. At Kramer's urging, Pope Innocence VIII issued an encyclical enshrining the persecution and eradication of weather-changing witches through this papal edict. The worst of the Inquisition's abuses and later systemic witch hunts were, in part, empowered by this decree.

This initial period of cooler temperatures and failing crops continued through the first couple of decades of the 16th century, when a slight warming was accompanied by improvements in harvests. Clearly, the pogrom against the weather-changing witches had been successful!

Unfortunately for the people of the Late Middle Ages, the forty years or so of slight warming gave ground to a more severe bout of cooling. The summer of 1560 brought a return of coldness and wetness that led to severe decline in harvest, crop failure and increases in infant mortality and epidemics. Bear in mind that this was an agrarian subsistence culture, nearly totally dependent on the yearly harvest to survive. One bad harvest could be tolerated, but back-to-back failures would cause horrific consequences, and indeed they did.

Medieval Witch Hunts
© CO2 Coalition

Of course, the people's misfortunes were attributed to weather-changing witches who had triggered the death-dealing weather, most often in the form of cold, rain, frost and devastating hailstorms. Horrific atrocities were alleged of the witches, including Franconian witches who "confessed" to flying through the air to spread an ointment made of children's fat in order to cause a killing frost. Across the continent of Europe, from the 15th to the 17th centuries there were likely many tens of thousands of supposed witches burnt at the stake, many of these old women living without husbands on the margins of society.

Number of Witches Killed
© CO2 Coalition
The worst of the witch hunts occurred during the bitter cold from 1560 to about 1680. The frenzy of killing culminated in the killing of 63 witches in the German territory of Wiesensteig in the year 1563 alone. Across Europe, though, the numbers of witches continued to increase and peaked at more than 500 per year in the mid-1600s. Most were burned at the stake; others were hung.

The end of the witch hunts and killings tie closely to the beginning of our current warming trend at the close of the 17th century. That warming trend started more than 300 years ago and continues in fits and starts to this day.

In the Late Middle Ages, a large segment of the population actually believed that evil people could negatively affect the climate. It appears that we haven't learned the lessons of the 16th century and the dangers of stirring unfounded fears concerning changes to our climate. Perhaps in the not too distant future we will have the benefit of hindsight and realize that people like Al Gore and Dr. Michael Mann were the Heinrich Kramers of the early 21st century, trying to convince us all that we can control the uncontrollable — the natural cycles of the Sun and Earth that are operating today, just as they have for many millions of years.


Pfister (2007) Witch Hunts: Strategies of European Societies in Coping with Exogenous Shocks in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries

Behringer (1999) Climatic change and witch-hunting: the impact of the Little Ice Age on mentalities.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is bestselling author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know.


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11 Feet Of Snow Pounds Alaskan Ski Resort, + Asia Braces For A Harsh Winter - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM



Alyeska Resort in Girdwood has started its snow season in jaw-dropping fashion.

Officially, Alaska’s largest ski resort begins recording its annual snowfall on October 1, but this year historic falls hit earlier than usual with 13 inches “unofficially” settling on September 23:


September’s snowstorm was a mere taster of things to come. Since that official start date of Oct 1, a whopping 136 inches (11.3 feet) of global warming goodness has accumulated at the top of the mountain (to Nov 1). Breaking down the numbers –data courtesy of— 22 inches of that fell within the last 24 hours, with the ‘snow depth’ at the summit currently standing at an astonishing 67 inches.

“We got pounded,” said one Girdwood local in an email to me.

“[This is] the most snow I have seen in my 37 years around here,” they added.

Temperatures across The Last Frontier have held cooler than the average in recent months. This is thought to have been brought about by “much more sea ice in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas northwest of Alaska,” according to Rick Thoman, climate specialist with ACCAP/IARC at UAF:


Moreover, and as was the case last season, a lingering anomalous chill contributed to Alyeska holding onto its snowpack into the summer — as reported by climatologist Brian Brettschneider, snow depth on the mountain was still at 98 inches in late May:


Perhaps this season’s heavy snowfall will lead to an early opening of Alyeska’s slopes (currently set for December) — a phenomenon we’re seeing in resorts across North America this season, including those in California and Colorado.


For vast swathes of Asia, including India, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia, the La Niña weather phenomenon is on course to deliver another extremely frigid winter–one potentially even more severe than last year’s record-breaker, which, at least in part, led to the intensifying global energy crisis (due to depleted supplies).

Focusing on India, La Niña conditions are forecast to prevail between December 2021 and February 2022, according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). And with La Niña also impacting the country last year, the cooling witnessed then “is expected to continue to evolve and may last till early spring of 2022,” reports

Last season, a seemingly endless barrage of ‘cold waves’ battered the Republic of India, taking many historic benchmarks with it, but in our world of agenda-driving propagandizing these unprecedented chills went largely unreported. The data doesn’t lie, though: India is cooling — a fact that correlates neatly with historically low solar activity and the resulting weakening of the jet streams (among other forcings).

In October last year, Delhi broke a 58-year-old record, logging a mean minimum temperature of 17.2C (63F).
November saw an even more impressive benchmark fall when the month’s mean minimum temperature dropped to 10.2C (50F), a level last seen in 1949.

December suffered a total of eight ‘cold wave days,’ the highest since 1965. The final month of 2020 also went down as Delhi’s second-coldest since 1901, and also contained the capital’s coldest December day since records began more than a century ago.

New cold records have also been set throughout 2021, and across India.

In January, record snowfall cut-off Kashmir from the rest of the country.

Delhi then suffered its coldest May day in 70 years. The high of 23.8C (74.8F) registered on May 19 went down as the city’s coldest May day since 1951. Also in May, incredibly rare and heavy snowfall was reported in Kashmir, northern India.
India’s historic chill persisted into June. A reading of 17.9C (64.2F) was observed on the first day of the month — Delhi’s lowest June temperature in recorded history. According to data from the IMD, Delhi’s previous coldest-ever June minimum was the 18C (64F) set on June 17, 2006

And most recently, in October 2021, I reported that ‘cold wave conditions’ have already commenced in the north of the country. Lifted from an article dated Oct 25, “Regional Met Center data reveals that as many as 13 locales in the state of Odisha have logged minimum temperatures below 20 degree Celsius in the last 24 hours, highly unusual for the month of October.

“In addition, heavy early-season snow has also been pounding the higher elevations of India.

All this doesn’t bode well for India’s winter season which is expected to hold colder than normal due, in part, to a La Niña emerging in region 3.4 of the Pacific … [and also] a weakened jet stream –linked to low solar activity– [which] is primed to exaggerate the chill by funneling colder Arctic air masses into northeast Asia, as well as the northern hemisphere as a whole.”

Total snow mass is off to rollicking start this season, with every data point –thus far– landing well-above the 1982-2012 average:


As is the case in India, these early accumulations (coupled with this year’s impressive sea ice gains) will lead to colder polar chills dropping down from the Arctic as air masses have to to traverse larger/thicker areas of snow/ice.

Asia’s first truly punishing cold wave of the season is due November 5:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Nov 5 []

The chill will deliver astonishing snowfall totals, to boot:

GFS Total Snowfall (cm) Nov 2 – Nov 18 []

Everything is pointing to this NH winter being a doozy.

Prepare accordingly.


As Europe enters the heating season with natural gas inventories at historically low levels, policymakers, consumers, and industries are unfortunately left at the mercy of the weather.

As reported by, following the colder than usual 2020/2021 winter, Europe has been struggling to fill gas storage sites to adequate levels in recent months as Asian buyers have been snapping up LNG cargoes. Buyers prefer to ship LNG to Asia where the price of gas per million British thermal units is higher than the equivalent prices in Europe.

Despite the fact that the global gas price surge originated from woefully low inventories in Europe and led to record Asian LNG spot prices, Asia is winning the bidding war for spot LNG supply, leaving Europe undersupplied.

With low gas inventories and an already tight gas market, a colder winter –which of course is exactly what’s predicted– will likely send Europe’s gas prices soaring to newer record highs, accelerate the rush to coal and oil products, and leave the continent with no gas in storage before the end of the heating season–meaning many homes could go without heating during the coldest month(s) of the year.

For more on that read the article in full which goes on to suggest that Europe could rely on Russia fill its storage sites.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Solar-Cycle-25-NASA-full.png

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GSM-and-Sunspots-1024x398.png

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Heavy hail leaves Bolivian town covered in white -- Earth Changes --

Heavy hail leaves Bolivian town covered in white

Townsville Bulletin
Tue, 02 Nov 2021 11:27 UTC

A strong hail storm hit Taija on Sunday, causing floods and damage across the southern Bolivian city.

Run time is 0:34

Run time is 1:52
Looks like 3’ deep hail there in those pictures...
I think I need to up my game down in the wood shed....


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China Sparks "Panic Buying" After Telling Households To Stockpile Food Ahead Of Winter | ZeroHedge

China Sparks "Panic Buying" After Telling Households To Stockpile Food Ahead Of Winter
TUESDAY, NOV 02, 2021 - 09:30 AM

Central planners are at it again. In September, China ordered the country's top state-owned energy companies to secure supplies for this winter at "all costs." Now they're telling households to stockpile food ahead of winter, sparking wild conspiracies among netizens about heightening tensions with Taiwan.

According to Bloomberg, the Ministry of Commerce told households Monday to stock up on food in case of emergencies after a resurgence of the virus pandemic, heavy rains that sparked vegetable prices to jump, and the onset of colder weather.

The commerce ministry directive is similar to the one released ahead of the holidays at the start of October, which told local governments to secure food supplies. The order comes as a coronavirus outbreak prompted fresh lockdowns.

The directive was released on the government's Weibo account, a similar platform to Twitter, stated: "Ministry of Commerce encourages households to stockpile daily necessities as needed." It had more than 17 million views as of Tuesday. Some netizens were concerned that an impending invasion of Taiwan was the reason for the stockpiling directive.

"As soon as this news came out, all the old people near me went crazy panic buying in the supermarket," wrote one Weibo user.

The Economic Daily, a Communist Party-backed newspaper, told netizens not to have "too much of an overactive imagination," adding that the directive's purpose was to make sure citizens could feed their families in case of a lockdown.
The weather has been a significant concern in China. China Meteorological Administration (CMA) warned last month of a La Nina weather pattern which has already brought in the first round of cooler weather.

Temperatures across China are plunging, and the power crisis is worsening as demand for electricity generation ticks higher, straining coal supplies. However, on Tuesday, China National Radio quoted Vice Premier Han Zheng, who said coal-fired electricity generation should be normalized, which means power rationing across 20 provinces and regions making up more than 66% of the country's GDP should subside.

Extreme weather in early October also destroyed crops in Shandong - the country's largest vegetable growing region - threatened to disrupt food supply chains. At the end of October, broccoli, cucumbers, and spinach prices more than doubled in weeks.

The commerce ministry told local governments to purchase vegetables that can be stockpiled in state-owned freezers to provide adequate supplies if shortages develop.

According to a state TV report late on Monday, China also plans to release vegetable reserves "at an appropriate time" to prevent soaring food inflation.

The biggest problem with centralized governments is when they issue directives such as this one, people generally panic buy, sending prices of goods, such as vegetables, through the roof.

All of this will reinforce our thesis, that we've laid out for the entire year that global food prices will remain at record highs. If this winter is exceptionally severe in the Northern Hemisphere, there could be worldwide shortages of certain farm goods. China is being proactive in supply chains management.

So what does this mean for the average American - it's probably time to stockpile as well.


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SSW Event Threatens A Record Cold And Snowy December (Similar to 1989), + 'The Mother Of All Crashes' Could Now Be Just Months Away - Electroverse


Articles Extreme Weather GSM



The historically low solar activity we’ve been experiencing these past few years FULLY explains why Arctic outbreaks (aka the “Polar Vortexes”) are becoming more common. It is this natural forcing that is likely the key player in the onset of Ice Ages (Little or otherwise)–this and an increase in cloud-cover due to increasing Cosmic Rays.

It is also worth noting that any of the harshest winters on record arrived a few years AFTER a solar minimum. Currently, we have just been released from the grips of what was the weakest solar minimum of the past 100+ years: Solar Cycle 24 (Dec, 2008 – Dec, 2019) had maximum sunspot count substantially lower than the norm, down to a level not seen since cycles 12 to 15 (1878-1923). It’s a safe bet to assume that these next few winters will be some of the most destructive in modern times.

Despite MSM reporting, or lack thereof, last winter (2020-2021) was actually a historically cold one, particularly across Europe and Asia. And we’re still reeling from it now. Regardless of the agenda-driving drivel spouted by CNN and the like, the current global energy crisis is due, for the most part, to the depletion of coal and gas reserves in order to stave off last winter’s anomalous chill. Other factors include a naive dependence on failing renewables, and a lack of investment in unfavorable and “dirty” fossil fuels.

Looking to this winter (of 2021-2022), it is already setting up to be a doozy–as discussed in more detail here. But honing in on why the AGW Party is getting their nonsensical “Polar Amplification” excuses in early: along with a strengthening La Nina, events in the stratosphere are also conspiring to pour cold water on the elite’s “you’re all gonna burn up unless you hand over your money and freedom” rhetoric.

As climatologist Joe Bastardi recently tweeted, there is high confidence that a sudden stratospheric warming event is building “which points to our long-standing cold idea for November and December”:


Bastardi goes on to say that things are setting up “very similar to 1989 for Dec 3 at 10 mb,” which resulted in “one of the coldest Decembers on record” across much of the United States.

The year 1989 landed a few years AFTER the solar minimum of cycle 21 (which ended around 1986), and indeed, its winter entered the books as one of the harshest in modern history. A powerful Arctic Outbreak–I mean “Polar Vortex”–plunged frigid polar air masses to exceptionally low latitudes. Northern Florida saw snow. A white Christmas was seen in Jacksonville. While freezing lows were logged in Southern NJ in December.

Adding to the ferocity of this winter’s polar invasions will be the fact that the Bering Sea, as well as large parts of the Arctic around Siberia, are seeing the highest amounts of sea ice since 2005 — this will keep those Arctic air masses colder for longer as they descend south.


We humans are programmed to recognize cycles, however they come. This is no accident. We have evolved in a cyclical reality for over hundreds of millions of years –so the story goes– and posses an almost ‘enlightened’ level of comprehension deep within us. I am convinced that the universe, and so reality, runs entirely on cycles and that it is only a matter of time before the past repeats. I think its true that every happening can be plotted on charts, which adds support to the theory that we exist in a simulation.

The stock market runs on predictable cycles, and these past few years have served as a prime example of this. Despite the horrors that have bestowed the financial markets since 2008, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has just kept chugging on–and not because the economy is in good health, but simply because the chart, mathematics, and a ‘universal pattern’ dictated that it should.

Don’t get me wrong though, that “mother of all crashes”, as Michael Burry calls it, is looming –the charts demand that, too– and we’re getting perilously close. This crash will be akin to the Great Depression of 1929 — it is written in the stars, if you will, and there isn’t a dam thing anyone can do about it, not least those pocket-lining crooks at the Fed.
Below is a comparison of the DJIA.

On the left is today’s modern bull-run, and on the right is the run-up to 1929’s peak and then the aftermath:

Dow Jones Industrial Average comparison: today (left) vs run-up to 1929 (right).

The similarities are striking.

And if the charts are to be believed then the markets have one last ‘pump’ before the top is in and the crash begins.

Adding weight to this theory is the fact that the full 4.236 of the Fibonacci Extension (a scarily reliable charting tool) also shows that today’s potential peak is approaching that of the 1929 run.

Below is another more detailed breakdown, courtesy of fernandoc17 via

Dow jones 1929 vs Dow Jones 2021 for DJ:DJI by fernandoc17
Dow Jones Industrial Average comparison: today (top) vs 1929 (right).

4 Things The Great Depression Teaches Us About Today's Stock Market

Of course, I have no crystal ball, but my confidence in all of this has led me to put my money where my mouth is.

It appears that the markets (including cryptocurreny) is gearing up for that one last ‘hooray’ before the great capitulation. And I’m riding ADA (Cardano), as well as a few other cryptos, in expectation of this final parabolic pump. But taking the Dow Jones Industrial Average as our example, the index, according to the charts, is set for an additional 10 percent gain in the coming weeks/months before destiny is fulfilled and the index tanks — the true great reset.

ADA –being part of the Wild West that is crypto– has a chance of surpassing $10 by year’s end, and if this does play out then I’m telling you now, I will be running for the hills, I will be ignoring all projections of a $300K Bitcoin and will be using my newly acquired funds to continue my preparations for the coming societal collapse and the return of the COLD TIMES.

Just like the stock market, the solar cycles are also following a predictable, chartable pattern, too — and we see they’re in a downward trend almost identical to that during the onset of the Dalton Minimum (1795-1820): Solar Cycle 22 was almost a carbon copy of Solar Cycle 3, Cycle 23 was very similar Cycle 4, Cycle 24 matches Cycle 5 (and the latest Solar Cycle –25– has opened in the same vein as Solar Cycle 6):

The recent government overreach and the roll-out of draconian powers are a conditioning of the masses for the true horrors that are fast-approaching. History repeats, and the patterns don’t lie — something monstrous is coming, and they know it.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Solar-Cycle-25-NASA-full.png

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GSM-and-Sunspots-1024x398.png

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


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Previous periods of abrupt climate change cannot be explained by current scientific models -- Science & Technology --

Previous periods of abrupt climate change cannot be explained by current scientific models

University of Birmingham
Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:00 UTC

dsert field climate change

Climate 'tipping points' can be better understood and predicted using climate change data taken from the ancient past, new research shows.

Current understanding of tipping points, in which the climate system exceeds a threshold beyond which large and often irreversible changes occur, is limited. This is because such an event has not occurred in recent times and certainly not since scientists started to record climate data.

Comment: There's actually a wealth of data across various fields of expertise that show abrupt climate change has occurred in our recent past, and, as just one data point, mainstream science has shown that these shifts appear to correlate with periods of low sun spot activity: 536 AD, the year the sky went dark

Earth System models, routinely used to predict climate, are taken from our understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that work together to shape our planet's environment.

Scientists know that these models do not provide a complete picture, however, because they fail to simulate known climate events from the past.

Comment: If current models can't explain catastrophic climate changes of the past why would scientists believe they can predict the future?

In a new study published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Birmingham and the University of Bristol demonstrate how knowledge of climate reconstructions from thousands of years ago can be used to fine-tune Earth System models to provide a more accurate understanding of climate system thresholds.

Senior author, Dr. Peter Hopcroft, of the University of Birmingham's School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, said: "Climate modelling is the only way we have to predict future climate change, but when models are developed they are only evaluated with weather observations from the past 150 years or so. This means we have no way to verify their predictions of potential abrupt change — the risks of which are only likely to increase as the planet warms. Palaeoclimate records of abrupt climate changes from the deeper past allow us overcome this problem."

In their study the team focused on one key example, the 'greening' and subsequent rapid desertification of the Sahara, which took place in the mid-Holocene period, around 6,000 years ago.

Comment: Other studies have shown that the Sahara swings between periods of desertification and greening: Past river activity in northern Africa reveals multiple Sahara greenings

By feeding data from fossil pollen and sedimentary records into a typical climate model, they were able to show how the model could then predict the Sahara's transformation into a savannah, which was marked by increased plant coverage, expansion of lakes and most importantly increased rainfall.

The results were then independently compared with studies of marine sediment records from the region, showing how the model accurately captured a very rapid return to the desert conditions over the Sahara.

"We now need to apply these methods to other models to test how universal the results might be," added Dr. Hopcroft. "But by demonstrating how paleoclimate information can be used to improve the way models can simulate past abrupt climate change, we hope that we can begin to increase our confidence in future projections of abrupt events."

Comment: Evidently current climate science fails to take into account the primary drivers behind climate change, which doesn't bode well for our own time: The Seven Destructive Earth Passes of Comet Venus

See also:
And check out SOTT radio's:


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"Cannibal" CME Sparks Strong Geomagnetic Storms - Electroverse




A “Cannibal” Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) hit Earth’s magnetic field on Wednesday, November (~20:00 UT).
The impact sparked a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm:


Intense auroras were observed around the Arctic Circle.

Aurora tour guide Markus Varik photographed the outburst from Tromsø, Norway:


Markus Varik, Nov 3

Varik is one of the most experienced guides in Norway, reports

“Even I was impressed,” he says.

“The auroras were strong, one of the best displays in years.

“I am very tired, but happy.”

The solar flare responsible for last night’s display may have only registered as an M-class (so much weaker than the X-Flare from the end of October), but there are other factors to consider when rating the potential atmospheric impact of a resulting CME.

In addition to these recent flarings originating from different hemispheres of the sun, which meant that their magnetism was different, the flares duration is the second factor to consider, and this most recent flaring –the M-class– was a long one, much longer than the “jab” that was the X-1 from a few days prior:

Short-duration X-Flare circled in green (left), longer-duration M-Flare circled in red (right).

Another factor to take into account, and as the name “cannibal” would suggest, a CME can “eat” its own kind.
As Dr. Tony Phillips of explains:

“On Nov. 2nd, sunspot AR2891 hurled a fast CME toward Earth. As it approached our planet, it overtook at least one other CME and swallowed it. The mashed-up pair struck Earth on Nov. 3rd (2000 UT). Solar wind data from the DSCOVR spacecraft showed a stairstep structure (shown below) indicative of two or more CMEs pressed together.”

Earth is now passing through the CME’s wake.

Storm conditions have subsided to category G1 (minor) with occasional episodes of G2 (moderately strong) — this means auroras may be visible in northern-tier US states such as Minnesota and Montana.

“Dark skies are essential, so get away from city,” recommends Dr. Phillips — good advice all-round.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Solar-Cycle-25-NASA-full.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GSM-and-Sunspots-1024x398.png

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
Blizzards Batter The European Alps, Delivering 2M (6.6FT) Of Snow, + Rare Early-Season Snowfall Warnings Issued In Portugal - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM



Heavy, early-season snow arrived Tuesday evening in the Italian ski resort of Livigno, and it hasn’t let up.

Totals of approximately 2 meters (6.6 feet) have accumulated on the peaks of “Little Tibet”, with the latest weather models suggesting further historic early-November dumpings are on the way.

Below are clips of the wintry scenes in and around the Livigno and Lombardy regions of Italy on Wednesday, November 3 (video courtesy Dangerous Planet), where heavy snowfall paralyzed traffic and resulted in more than 100 snow-clearing operations:

Run time is: 1:52

The next video (from Storm Center) is titled “A Terrible Snow Storm Buries Houses, Streets And Cars” — and it shows just that, again in the Livigno region of Italy:

Run time is 1:52

Looking ahead, this week’s blast of polar cold is set to persist, and across the majority of Europe, too — latest GFS runs see anomalous lows and further heavy snows continuing to hit the continent as the month of November progresses:

GFS Total Snowfall (cm) Nov 4 – Nov 20 [].

Note also: northern Africa, namely Morocco and Algeria, can also expect rare November flurries starting this weekend.

Winter has begun early in the Northern Hemisphere this year, just as a prolonged bout of low solar activity predicted.

Across large swathes of Europe, Asia, and North America (pictured below), the story is the same — the growing seasons are shortening.

Heavenly Resort, California this week [].


Europe’s heavy snows aren’t just being confined to the continent’s Alps, either — vast swathes of eastern Europe are currently experiencing exceptional totals for the time of year, as are the higher elevations of Spain, and even Portugal.

Authorities in Portugal have even issued weather warnings across the nation’s mountains.

At elevations of above 1,400 meters (4.600 feet) snowfall warnings have been put in place for today, November 4, by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)–snow that the above GFS run isn’t actually picking up on.

As reported by, “the districts of Castelo Branco and Guarda will be under yellow weather warning for heavy snow until 15:00 on Thursday” as an Arctic air mass descends into the Iberian Peninsula.

I personally can attest to the cold — we registered a low of 4.6C (40F) on our land early this morning, which sits at an elevation of around 210 m (690 ft) — a highly unusual reading for early November.

The aforementioned accumulations have yet to be plotted on the FMI’s ‘Total Snowfall for the Northern Hemisphere’ chart (shown below), data-points that I’m fully expecting to accelerate the already above-average opening to the snow mass season.

[Finnish Meteorological Institute]

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Solar-Cycle-25-NASA-full.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GSM-and-Sunspots-1024x398.png

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Day by day
Great Lakes 'have a fever' as first lake-effect snow sets a record -- Earth Changes --

Great Lakes 'have a fever' as first lake-effect snow sets a record

Jesse Ferrell
Thu, 04 Nov 2021 11:22 UTC


The first significant lake-effect snow of the season dropped nearly a foot of snow near the shores of the Great Lakes Tuesday into Wednesday. The snowfall was enough to transform parts of Michigan's Lower Peninsula into a winter wonderland and break into the record books at one weather station in Michigan.

Snow totals topped 11 inches in northern parts of northern Michigan
. Gaylord, Michigan, picked up 11.7 inches of snow on Tuesday, which set a record for the heaviest snowfall in a calendar day in November. That amount also ranked as the sixth highest single-day snowfall in any month. Records have been kept at the National Weather Service (NWS) office there since 1998.

In Gaylord, which is about 225 miles north of Detroit and just to the east of the upper reaches of Lake Michigan, NWS meteorologists posted a slow-motion video on Twitter showing large snowflakes coming down outside of the office there on Tuesday.

Run time is 1:30

Into Wednesday, temperatures remained in the low to mid-30s in Gaylord, as snow flurries continued to fall. The average high temperature there at this time of year is 47 degrees Fahrenheit, but temperatures couldn't make it above the mid-30s Tuesday and Wednesday, though the area was poised for a rebound in the days ahead, according to the AccuWeather forecast.

This is just the beginning of what could be a blockbuster lake-effect snow season, according to AccuWeather forecasters.

With few cold outbreaks in October, each of the Great Lakes has a fever, so to speak. With water temperatures several degrees above normal, most of the lakes have set new records for this time of year according to NOAA CoastWatch, which maintains records back to 1995.

NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes daily average water temperatures in fall 2001 compared to the maximum on record for 1995-2021.

In fact, NOAA reported the average temperature of all five Great Lakes has set a daily record each day since Sept. 29. The warmer the lakes, the more potential for snow records to fall as more cold air pours over the lakes in the upcoming weeks.

Snow also fell across parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont and New York this week. As snowfall continued on Wednesday, Redfield, New York, reported a total of 9 inches.

Because of recent warm weather, Department of Transportation cameras showed roadways that appeared passable but slippery, with snowfall concentrated largely on the median and grass surrounding the highways rather than on top of the pavement.

A map showing 24-hour snowfall from the afternoon of Nov. 2 to Nov. 3, 2021.

But as the winter solstice approaches and the angle of the sun lowers along with temperatures dropping, untreated roads and surfaces are more likely to gather accumulation during these types of lake-effect snow events.


Day by day
From New Mexico to New England: More Than 100 Million Americans Under 'Cold Weather Warnings', + AGW/COVID Cults - Electroverse


Articles Extreme Weather GSM

More than 100 million Americans are under cold weather warnings, freeze or frost alerts, the National Weather Service (NWS) has said. Arctic air has descended into several major cities, bringing the first freezing lows of the season which have been record-breaking in some cases.

The mercury has plunged to as much as 16 degrees Celsius below the norm across the Eastern half of the CONUS.


In Chicago, the week has been marked by sub-freezing morning temperatures, tweeted the NWS.

New York’s tri-state area saw temperatures touched freezing in the early hours, for the second consecutive night.

While Orange County, New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut are all under frost or freeze warnings.

In Nashville, frost conditions first appeared Tuesday, with temperatures forecasted to reach -1.7C (29F) by Friday night.

Near freezing temperatures were also registered in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., area this week, with temperatures holding at least 8 degrees Celsius lower than average.

With parts of Virginia reaching lows of -3.9C (25F), reports

And across the East, a number of record lows were broken over the past 24 hours, including in the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware (data courtesy of — some benchmarks that have stood for almost a century have been toppled.

Snowfall records have also been broken.

The first significant lake-effect snow of the season dropped nearly a foot of powder near the shores of the Great Lakes this week, reports The snowfall was enough to transform parts of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula into a winter wonderland and break into the record books. Snow totals surpassed 11 inches in northern parts of northern Michigan. Gaylord, Michigan, for example, picked up 11.7 inches of snow on Tuesday, which set a record for the heaviest snowfall in a calendar day in November:


Run time is 1:30

So-called ‘climate experts’ are pointing to this year’s wild temperature swings as the direct impact of “global climate change” — but there is a far more likely culprit that is being willfully ignored: The Sun, the source of our climate system’s energy, is currently in a historically weak state–a fact nobody is disputing. Frustratingly though, investigating the impact such reduced solar output could have on the climate (via the weakening of the jet streams, among other forcings) has been labelled heresy, and there are very few academics left with the gumption to openly discuss it, let alone study it--not that they’ed ever receive funding.

So, in place of open scientific debate we have censorship where even online comments questioning the consensus are removed from the record. On top of that, you have the “it’s all your fault” rhetoric: “humans are a cancer on the planet, and unless you relinquish your affordable energy and modern way of life (i.e. your freedoms) the planet will burn to a crisp,” the story goes.

This is not a healthy message to infect the population with, and not least our children — even if intentions are genuine, even if fears that world is indeed about to end are real, who are the parents out their imparting this dire prophesy on their own kids? Do you genuinely expect 10, 14, even 19-year-olds to impart change on a world of wily adults when you can’t even achieve it yourself? People don’t know ANYTHING at these ages. I know I sure didn’t. Kids have neither the body of knowledge or wealth of experience to evaluate such existential issues for themselves, and so they are merely pawns/mouthpieces for the ideological views of adults that should be there to protect them. The thought of my parents and/or teachers instructing me that lobbying politicians –effectively what parents today are doing– is our only hope of saving the planet from catastrophe is the sickest of jokes. It’s akin to child abuse, or to an extremist cult — it isn’t an honorable way of enacting change.

And to the alarmist parent: fix your own life first. If AGW is indeed a genuine fear of yours then exit the system and live off-grid, innovate solutions and then build those solutions and market them. Thinking that bitching to politicians, painting placards, and taking naps in the middle of motorways will lower the levels of an atmospheric gas is insanity, a circus, and a dangerous waste of everybody’s time, because while you’re busy marching over the ppm of a trace gas the elite’s are busy reclaiming our freedoms.

Politicians, on both sides of the divide, are merely following a script — they don’t have anywhere near the power people perceive. If the script requires it of them, these people will backtrack on anything and everything that they once held to be true. Taking British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as an example, the man spent the past few decades denying global warming, and in as recently as December 2015 suggested that a bout of global cooling may actually be on the cards.

But just look at the useless dolt now, dutifully pandering to the baseless claims other useless dolts at COP26:

COP26: Boris Johnson faces backlash after being pictured without facemask  while next to Sir David Attenborough | Politics News | Sky News
Life of the AGW Party: Johnson following orders and towing the AGW Party line (he can’t help if it’s boring as f**k).

A word on COVID, and back to the topic of ‘cults’ and ‘child abuse’: who are the parents volunteering their children to be shields against this virus? Who’s brainwashing is now so complete that they think injecting kids with an untested vaccine is a noble idea?

Note: the mRNA jabs can now officially be called a vaccine — not because the science has changed in any way, but because the wording has: Merriam-Webster recently redefined “vaccine” to fall in line with the updated definition from the CDC. So there’s that…

Long-term side effects remain unknown, while short-term impacts aren’t looking too great. Moreover, there is now a suspicion that over time these “vaccines” chip away at your body’s immune system, leaving you susceptible to falling seriously ill with not just the latest coronavirus doing the rounds but with any nasty bug. Anecdotally, and with people who have had an mRNA vaccine, this is becoming more and more prevalent. I am seeing otherwise young and healthy adults bedridden with sicknesses that never would have impacted them so severely in the past. Blaming this increasing phenomenon on the lockdowns is one approach, as keeping people indoors would, logically, have limited their exposure to ‘germs’, but the question then is: why does the data show that these public health outbreaks are more prevalent in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated?

I don’t have any comprehensive answers here, and I’m not necessarily insinuating anything. I’m asking questions. I don’t know what’s going on. But this isn’t due to a lack of effort and digging on my part, it’s because we the public aren’t privy to the full story. A lack of answers to our questions ultimately leads to suspicion and distrust. And if explanations still aren’t forthcoming, even in the midst a ‘public health emergency’ and during the enforcement of vaccine mandates, etc., then the elites are backing people into a corner where conspiracy theories can flourish. This is intentional. This compounds our divisions.
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Day by day
Slower Atlantic Ocean currents are driving extreme winter weather -- Science & Technology --

Slower Atlantic Ocean currents are driving extreme winter weather

Mikayla Mace Kelley
University of Arizona
Wed, 20 Oct 2021 22:22 UTC

Slower ocean circulation as the result of climate change could intensify extreme cold weather in the U.S., according to new UArizona research.
Texas Winter
Throughout Earth's oceans runs a conveyor belt of water. Its churning is powered by differences in the water's temperature and saltiness, and weather patterns around the world are regulated by its activity.

A pair of researchers studied the Atlantic portion of this worldwide conveyor belt called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, and found that winter weather in the United States critically depends on this conveyor belt-like system. As the AMOC slows because of climate change, the U.S. will experience more extreme cold winter weather.

The study, published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment was led by Jianjun Yin, an associate professor in the University of Arizona Department of Geosciences and co-authored by Ming Zhao, a physical scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.

AMOC works like this: Warm water travels north in the upper Atlantic Ocean and releases heat into the atmosphere at high latitudes. As the water cools, it becomes denser, which causes it to sink into the deep ocean where it flows back south.

"This circulation transports an enormous amount of heat northward in the ocean," Yin said. "The magnitude is on the order of 1 petawatts, or 10 to the 15 power watts. Right now, the energy consumption by the entire world is about 20 terawatts, or 10 to the 12 power watts. So, 1 petawatt is enough to run about 50 civilizations."

But as the climate warms, so does the ocean surface. At the same time, the Greenland ice sheet experiences melting, which dumps more freshwater into the ocean. Both warming and freshening of the water can reduce surface water density and inhibit the sinking of the water, slowing the AMOC. If the AMOC slows, so does the northward heat transport.

Run time is 1:45

This is important because the equator receives more energy from the sun than the poles. Both the atmosphere and ocean work to transport energy from low latitudes to high latitudes. If the ocean can't transport as much heat northward, then the atmosphere must instead transport more heat through more extreme weather processes at mid-latitudes. When the atmosphere moves heat northward, cold air is displaced from the poles and pushed to lower latitudes, reaching places as far south as the U.S. southern border.

"Think of it as two highways connecting two big cities," Yin said. "If one is shut down, the other one gets more traffic. In the atmosphere, the traffic is the daily weather. So, if the ocean heat transport slows or shuts down, the weather becomes more extreme."

Yin said the study was motivated by the extreme cold weather Texas experienced in February.

"In Houston, the daily temperature dropped to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below the normal," Yin said. "That's the typical range of a summer/winter temperature difference. It made Texas feel like the Arctic. This kind of extreme winter weather happened several times in the U.S. during recent years, so the scientific community has been working to understand the mechanism behind these extreme events."

The crisis in Texas caused widespread and catastrophic power outages, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated that socioeconomic damages totaled $20 billion. Yin was curious about the role the ocean played in the extreme weather event.

Yin and Zhao used a state-of-the-art, high-resolution global climate model to measure the influence of the AMOC on U.S. extreme cold weather.

They ran the model twice, first looking at today's climate with a functioning AMOC. They then adjusted the model by inputting enough freshwater into the high-latitude North Atlantic to shut down the AMOC. The difference revealed the role of the AMOC in extreme cold weather. They found that without the AMOC and its northward heat transport, extremely cold winter weather intensifies in the U.S.

According to recent observational studies, the AMOC has weakened in past decades. Climate models project it will get even weaker in response to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

"But there is uncertainty about the magnitude of the weakening because, at this point, we don't know exactly how much the Greenland ice sheet will melt," Yin said. "How much it melts depends on the greenhouse gas emissions."

The researchers also didn't take into account in their model the effects of human-caused global warming, but that's an area of interest for the future, Yin said.

"We basically just turn off the AMOC (in the model) to look at the response by extreme weather," he said. "Next, we want to factor in the greenhouse gases and look at the combined effects of the AMOC slowdown and global warming on extreme cold weather."


Day by day
I'm not sure what our low was this morning, I'm a little late on the computer this morning, but it's 31 outside now. We're supposed to get a little warmer starting next week, thankfully.


Day by day
Adapt 2030 has a new one out on food shortages...the GSM historically caused food shortages and turmoil, so this may be relevant:

A Timeline When Shortages End - YouTube

A Timeline When Shortages End
Premiered 14 hours ago

Run time is 11:35

Synopsis provided:

Many details are now lining up for food and supply chain shortages ending, that's if everything continues to function perfectly. We are going to move through another 14-15 months of hardship. Here is what to expect.


Day by day
The Oppenheimer Ranch Project has a new one out:

Huge Snowfall For Minnesota? - East Coast Chills - La Palma Volcano Update - Iceland Askja Simmering - YouTube

Huge Snowfall For Minnesota? - East Coast Chills - La Palma Volcano Update - Iceland Askja Simmering
Premiered 9 hours ago

Run time is 19:12

Synopsis provided:

100 million Americans under cold weather warnings as temps drop
Antarctica's last 6 months were the coldest on record
First snowfall may have set a strong backcountry base
Great Lakes 'have a fever' as first lake-effect snow sets a record
Smokies sees first snow of fall season
GFS Model Total Snow US GFS
Model Temperature Contours
Eruption leads to temporary closure of Turrialba Volcano National Park
La Palma Activity slows down while ground deformation and gas emissions pick up
La Palms Seismicity Graph
Latest quakes near La Palma volcano: past 24 hours
La Palms Quakes vs Depth Chart Live
LIVE: La Palma Volcano Eruption, the Canary Islands
Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka): powerful eruption with huge ash cloud drifting over Pacific
Worldwide Volcano News
ICELAND - earthquakes during the last 48 hours
Askja Volcano Data
Examining the 1,800-plus 'young' volcanoes in the US Southwest
Minnesota treated to some vibrant Northern Lights
Minor (G1) to Strong (G3) geomagnetic storming continued throughout the day on Thursday
World food prices are up 30% in a year
November to bring 2 meteor showers and an eclipse
Map of Partial Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021


First killing frost- 24 degrees- last night. We were still picking peppers, celery and cucumbers, in NOVEMBER! Absolutely unheard of this far North (without cold frames or a greenhouse.)
Next week is supposed to be in the high 50s or even 60s... we're figuring that's our Indian Summer, although we haven't had a snow yet.

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Don't know what the temp was at it's lowest this AM, as I slept until nearly nine. By the time I got the cats fed, the two thermometers right behind my house read 36 degrees. I checked a potato plant growing in a container that is exposed to direct north wind and it was a little crushed under the rug I'd tossed over it, but definitely not frozen. No frost on the truck right near the plant, so I must have been barely grazed by any frost, at most.

I seem to be in a somewhat protected spot, as my sister a good mile up the road has had frost the last few nights. Frost as in needing to scrape a windshield when heading out in the AM just before daylight.

None of my various weeds looked frozen, like sorrel, Cypress Vine, wild morning glory, etc., and the domestic Morning Glory and the Comfrey are all fresh and lively looking.

I'm not sure how all the plants are still doing so well when I'm pretty sure my fingers were almost frozen solid from checking all those plants this morning!!!!! (: (:
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Day by day
Gee, we're in a heat wave this morning, just 36 out there. But, we have fog, so that indicates the warmer air coming up from the south. That's good, we dropped into the low 30s at night too soon, IMHO!


Day by day
The Oppenheimer Ranch Project has a new podcast out:

Strong Earthquake At Bárðarbunga Volcano - La Palma Update - Kilauea Hit's A New Milestone - Popo - YouTube

Strong Earthquake At Bárðarbunga Volcano - La Palma Update - Kilauea Hit's A New Milestone - Popo
Premiered 8 hours ago

Run time is 11:41

Synopsis provided:

Strange earthquakes in South Carolina traced to man-made lake
Worldwide Volcano News
Popocatépetl volcano: observation flight to measure crater dimensions
Strong earthquake in Bárðarbunga volcano this morning
Iceland Whole country - earthquakes during the last 48 hours
Bárðarbunga Data
La Palma Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTION AT 20210919/1410Z ASH EMISSION ONGOING. to 8000 ft (2400 m)
Latest quakes near La Palma volcano: past 24 hours
La Palma Quakes vs Depth Chart
Seismic Tremor at La Palma
LIVE: La Palma Volcano Eruption, the Canary Islands
HAWAIʻI VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK - Scientists say the lava lake has reached the the down-dropped blocks remaining from the 2018 summit caldera collapse event.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Early-season snow blankets Beijing, northern China
An early-season snowstorm has blanketed much of northern China including the capital Beijing, prompting highway closures and flight and train cancellations and delays
By The Associated Press
7 November 2021, 18:30


BEIJING -- An early-season snowstorm blanketed much of northern China including the capital Beijing, prompting highway closures and flight and train cancellations and delays.

Temperatures plunged to freezing and below as a cold front moved from west to east. A steady, blowing snow fell Sunday in Beijing, the nearby city of Tianjin and northeastern China after hitting parts of Inner Mongolia and other western regions the previous day.

The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert for snowstorms, the second highest level in China's four-tier warning system. Accumulations of more than 30 centimeters (11 inches) were forecast in some areas.

Beijing was hit hardest Sunday morning. Several highway sections were closed, bus service was suspended on more than 160 routes and flights were reduced at the city's two major airports, state media said. High-speed trains to Tianjin and Shanghai were canceled or delayed. The skies cleared in the Chinese capital in the afternoon as the storm moved farther east.

The snow was a welcome sight at the skiing venues for the Beijing Winter Olympics, which will be held in February next year. Beijing typically has a dry climate, and most of the snow for the competitions is expected to be artificial.

The city also said that snow from neighborhoods with COVID-19 cases would not be removed, state media reported. They did not say why, but China has adopted unusually strict measures under a zero-tolerance approach to curb the spread of the virus.

In Inner Mongolia, flights were canceled Saturday at the airport in Hohhot, the capital of the Chinese region, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Also, some expressways were temporarily shut in Hebei province, which surrounds Beijing, and farther to the west in Shanxi province, Xinhua said.

Early-season snow blankets Beijing, northern China - ABC News (


Day by day
From Adapt 2030:

What's Happening Cant be Denied - YouTube

What's Happening Cant be Denied
Premiered 17 hours ago

Run time is 11:27

Synopsis provided:

Multiple CME's from the Sun the last week of October 2021 had so much electrical intensity that the plasma glowed bright enough to make Earth's magnetic field lines visible. What happened under the highest charged particle displays were 28 Feet of snow in 72 hours Alaska with the highest rainfall totals ever recorded. Do you think the areas where we grow crops across the globe will be affected?


Day by day
Exceptional Cold Wave Engulfs 90% Of China-Beijing Sees Snow 23 Days Earlier Than Usual, North Africa Suffers Rare November Flurries, + Continent-Spanning Polar Cold Sweeps Australia - Electroverse


Extreme Weather GSM



An exceptional ‘cold wave’ engulfed the majority of China over the weekend, delivering plunging lows and heavy snows.

On Saturday and Sunday, large parts of China, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, and Inner Mongolia, experienced their first snowfalls of the season, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) said in a statement.

The cold snap, widely reported as being the earliest and most widespread in a decade (since the solar minimum of cycle 23), is affecting approx. 1.2 billion people and 90 percent of the regions across the country, including the southernmost tropical island of Hainan, where temperatures nosedived at least 8 degrees Celsius, reports

The descending Arctic trough brought blizzard conditions to the north where they were measuring totals in the feet, totals that continue to pose serious challenges to transport, infrastructure, agriculture, and also the energy supply–at a time when much of the Asian continent has already been grappling with shortages.

Across China, authorities are warning people to stay inside and reduce outdoor activities.

Run time is 2:02

Beijing received its first snow of the 2021-2022 season on Saturday — 23 days earlier than the average.

Furthermore, the mercury in the capital broke a 10-year record low.

Run time is 0:08


Run time is 0:16

Looking ahead, meteorologists expect the cold wave to continue pushing south into early next week, with temperatures nationwide holding below average for at least the next 10 days.

Thanks to the climate phenomenon known as La Niña, China is expected to suffer frequent cold waves this winter, warned meteorologists Zhao Huiqiang, an official from the CMA. Many people are fearing a recurrence of the record-setting winter storm that swept southern China in 2008 (solar min of cycle 23). Jia Xiaolong, another official at the CMA, said the 2008 storm was partly caused by abnormal atmospheric circulation, which caused long-lasting snow in a region that does not usually experience severe winter weather. In other words, historically low solar activity weakened the jet streams and reverted their usual zonal flow to a meridional one which, in turn, pulled frigid polar air anomalously-far south:

Arctic air rode anomalously-far south in 2008, delivering rare heavy snow to southern China.


Morocco and Algeria have experienced their first frosts and widespread snowfalls of the season.

Remarkable lows of 4.9C (40.8F) were observed at Nado, a coastal city in northeast Morocco.

While rare early-November snow coated North Africa’s higher elevations, including the dunes of Algeria:

Algerian sand dunes in snow [2021].

The cold air sank south from western Europe–a region that has been suffering record low temperatures and exceptionally-early snowfall in recent days, particularly across Spain and Portugal:

Run time is 1:54

As picked up by the latest GFS run (shown below), additional Arctic fronts are primed to invade the European continent as the month of November progresses thanks, once again, to a violent ‘buckling’ of the jet stream.

Temperatures across France, for example, are on course to plunge a staggering 16C below the season average:


GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies, Nov 14 – Nov 24 [].

Additional early-season snowfall is also on the cards (see below).

Note the extra flakes forecast for Algeria, too.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies, Nov 14 – Nov 24 [].


The official start of summer may just around the corner, but Australian’s have been suffering intense chills of late.

This was the scene Sunday, November 7:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies for Nov 7 [].

Looking ahead, these unusually low temperatures, particularly low-maxes, are forecast to intensify across the entire Aussie continent this week, as are the rains in the east and the snows in the southwest. As reported by, heavy snow down to elevations of 1,000 metres (3,28 feet) is expected in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

Looking at the latest GFS run (shown below), those ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ –indicating temperature departures of between 6C and 16C below the norm– are projected to engulf every Aussie state over the coming days, from Western Australia to Victoria:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies for Nov 11 – Nov 15 [].

This is looking like a truly exceptional blast of late-spring cold — records are almost certain to fall.

“Australia’s most significant driver of weather patterns, La Niña, is now active for a second consecutive year and will fuel weather systems with moisture for up to six months,” said Sky News Weather senior meteorologist Tom Saunders.

In Australia, La Niñas increase the potential for more storms, wet weather and cooler temperatures, particularly across the east.

In its climate driver update in late October, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) was officially on ‘La Niña alert’, one notch away from La Niña being declared; but since then, sea surface temperatures have dropped again.

“Last week, sea surface temperatures across the central equatorial Pacific officially dropped below La Nina thresholds,” said Saunders. “This change in ocean temperatures couples with the atmosphere and leads to a shifting of weather patterns across the entire globe” — yes, alarmists, there are natural forcings capable of such a feat, with the Sun being the most prominent:

“Expect lower maximum temperatures as we move to La Niña,” said BOM senior meteorologist Sarah Scully.


Serving as just one example of the bone-chilling cold to sweep the eastern U.S. in recent days, Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, has tied a low-temperature record.

The thermometer at Lehigh Valley International Airport dipped to 23F (-5C) early Sunday, matching a record set in both 2009 and 1954 (solar minimums of cycle 18 and 23, respectively), the National Weather Service reported.

Also, the Northern Hemisphere logged its first -55C of the season over the weekend.

The mercury at Summit Camp on the Greenland Plateau dropped to -55.6C (-68.1F) on Sunday, November 7:


The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.