Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


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"Hey Jobe, will ya go get my keys out of the ignition and lock the doors, please?" Tyson tried to sound pitiful, failed totally, and noticed that Jobe didn't seem to be interested in complying.

"Maybe later," Jobe sounded disinterested, "I want to go home, the Sheriff outta be here soon."

Tyson stayed quiet. Boy oh boy, the Sheriff hated him more than Skeeter and Jobe combined. Tyson had been slick enough to evade out right illegal notice, but the Sheriff was spreading heat in his effort to pin a crime on Tyson.

Tyson sat on his bunk and all the misery of his current status kept flashing through his mind. Orrie was a major player; why the old man finally got a backbone was puzzling. But then; Orrie was tight friends with Bub, so that might have been the reason .All he could hope for, would be that the old man didn't croak.

Upstairs in the hospital, Bub wasn't worse, but he wasn't much better. He was fretting about the motel being unmanned and unprotected.

"Not so Granddad. Don is there and he is very capable. Skeeter said Don's parents had to leave, something about an important meeting they needed to attend. Skeeter said he would stop by and talk to Don. and then drop by and tell us the news. I'm not going to allow him in here, if you don't stop worrying, there's no sense in disturbing you further, so lay back and rest, or do without the current news." Mercy Rose couldn't believe she spoke that way to her grandfather, and it shocked Bub also.

"See here girl, don't you be speakin to me that-a-way. That's plumb unbecoming to you." Bub retorted, but he did lay back and tried to relax.

Rosie looked shocked, but managed to give MR a small smile and a thumbs-up when Bub had his eyes closed.

"I kin feel you two plottin agin me," he said in a tired voice, and then went off to sleep. MR got up noiselessly and went out of the room, walking down to the visitor's lounge.

She tried calling Don, and got the dead silence of unoperative lines. That's where Skeeter found her as he got off the elevator.

"Excellent," he announced; "I'm very happy to find you here. Don is fine, he's guarding the motel. He also told me that he shot the windshield out of a pickup that the driver was sneaking down toward the motel. It's quite a coincidence that Tyson's pickup is parked behind the diner with a tarp for a windshield." Skeeter laughed out loud. "Both Tyson and Clayton are in jail, and I'm on my way over there to help Fred with a laundry list of complaints and charges. So, tell me, how's Bub?"

"You know Granddad, he's all worked up and not resting. Do you and the Sheriff keep in touch?"

"Yes we do, especially on this matter. I'll tell you right now, if Bub and Rosie will testify against Tyson and Clayton, they will go to jail for a couple of years for extortion. But we have to have a first hand story from a victim." Skeeter was prepping Mercy Rose with the truth and the method on how to get the extortion stopped.

"Humm, I'm not sure Granddad will, but I believe Grandma will. Her inner mama bear is coming out, and Granddad might be astonished to find out how strong and independent Grandma could be." Mercy Rose smiled as she recalled Rosie's thumb's up. "I hope you find enough charges to keep Tyson for years."

"We can, if Bub will comply. That's the only way it can proceed." Skeeter reminded her. "Is he asleep now?"

"Yes, finally, after I scolded him."
"Then I'm on my way to the Sheriff's office. Feel free to tell Bub everything I've told you. See ya."


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Milo drove Clora and Mark home after a good meal and conversation. It was catch up time for the grandparents, Mila and Robby were growing so fast. Milo was anxious to let his parents know what he thought about their harum-scarum idea of moving to the Greenville area and building a house.

"Three of us kids live here in Raleigh, we're busy, tied down with work, the business of living. If you go and remove yourselves from our ability to help you, we can't reply in a timely manner." Milo was honest and sincere, and it didn't deter Mark and Clora one bit.

Neither of them wanted to tell Milo that they were looking forward to being by themselves .After so many years of children, harsh life conditions, sitting in the sun with way fewer responsibilities seemed like a reasonable goal for old age.

"So you're really hard and fast sure you want to do this?" Milo finally admitted defeat as he pulled into the back driveway of his parent's place.

The house loomed large and dark, not very appealing to weary people,

"I hate this house, it's the worst mistake I have ever made. I was so taken in by the wood stove, I would have bet anything the hidden chimney was functional. To find out it wasn't, was the final straw." Clora grumbled in her tiredness, "I need to go to bed."

"Sit tight," Mark advised, "let me clear the house before we go in. Old habits die hard," he halfway apologized. as he unsnapped his side arm and opened the car door.

"Dad will always be Dad, won't he?" Milo said in an approving voice as they waited in the darkened car. "I'm afraid I've gotten lax about security, and just because times are better, doesn't mean it's right to get stupid"

"Agreed," Clora said quietly, "but don't forget; we are older, tired and need to reduce our responsibilities considerably."

"Then leave my sister where she's at. She has the drama to suck the life out of anybody. Honestly Ma, if she was having trouble with Wyatt, why didn't she tell Dad? He could have taken care if the problem in a jiffy. Instead we get this long, drawn out bordering on the hysterical, soap opera. Honey and I have already talked about the necessity of taking the triplets while she goes to some facility to get her mind going in the right direction. I know Tess can feel this about me, and she avoids me like the plague."

"Well," Clora started to say, when she was interrupted by a muffled gunshot from inside the house.


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It was a tense time waiting for Mark's whistle. It finally came in the almost total darkness. Mark opened the car door and invited Clora and Milo in the house.

"I need you for a bit Milo. whomever was in the house hit me on the cheek with something, I think they had a cast on their hand or arm. We need to go through the house with the lights on; I believe I caught the intruder working on the cameras, It was either a smaller man or a hefty woman."

"How'd they get in?" Milo sat Clora at the table with her back to the wall.

"Front door, and I know I locked it and sat the deadbolt before we left to go West." Mark was perturbed. "I had fiddled with the cameras we had found, tearing out the guts m but leaving the light on." Mark laughed at his orneryness, "SoI really stepped on someone's toes. A fairly clever someone, evidently versed in electronics." Mark opened the broom closet and checked it thoroughly.

He shut the door and said "two in there. that person has been busy."

"How'd he get away?" Milo was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the frontroom. He noticed a camera high in the rubble of the crumbled chimney.

"Camera high in the chimney," he announced, "how long was that guy in here? Several days?" Milo stood on a chair and reached fir the little single eyed unit. It shocked him, causing him to lose his balance. Rather than crash, he jumped and landed flat footed on the floor with a jarring thud..

Mark looked up to see an arcing flash from the unsecured camera, it hung by a wire, swinging against the masonery. "Oh maybe he's not as smart as he thinks he is. I wonder where he got the wire to activate the camera, we didn't find any when he inspected the bricks."

With each swing, the arc flashed brighter and lomger and then all the lights went out in the house.

All three of them went to their pockets for flashlights. Three clicks activacited light. "I think we need to secure the house and you guys need to sleep at our house tonight." Milo spoke up.

"I won't be run out of my own house," Mark grumbled, "I'm too old for that kind of crap. Besides we have the trailer."

"Well then, bring it to my place, it always pays to be better safe than sorry. This jerk seems to be playing for keeps." Milo leaned his considerable size against the kitchen door and smiled at his father. The same stubborn smile that Mark had seen in the mirror, was duplicated on Milo's face.

Clora had to cough and cover most of her face.

"You might as well come along peaceful," Milo intoned ", after all, I am a chip off the old block."


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Clora stopped the exodus long enough to check the refrigerator, if the power was off, she didn't want any food expired. There wasn't much inside the cool interior, just some butter and a small jar of yeast. She gathered them up and waited by the door as Milo and Mark secured the front door.

In the flashlight beam, Mark inspected the deadbolt; "I don't see how or why it could have been opened from the outside. Now this guy seems to have some electronic knowledge. but I still don't see how he could manipulate a hand thrown bolt."

"Maybe he didn't come through the front door. What if he entered some other way and simply left all the doors open in case he needed to make a quick get-away. Did the back door lock feel different when you keyed it?" Milo quired

"Blast it, I don't remember, I was trying to be very sneaky and quiet. It just felt like someone was inside, and I was expecting some sort of action." Mark said disgustedly. "I'm going to stay here tonight. It won't take long for the camper to heat up, and in truth, I'd like to meet up with that yahoo, we need to have a little discussion."

Milo smiled in the darkness. Nothing riled Dad quicker than getting one over on him. The little talk didn't sound the least bit friendly, from Milo's point of view.


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Don was fixing himself a noon dinner of pancakes. All eight, plate sized cakes were rapidly going down the hatch, when Dal pulled into the motel yard.

"Skeeter asked me to stop by and tell you that both Tyson and Clayton are in jail for several days. I hear tell you shot out Tyson's windshield; that would be some fancy shooting." Dal was acting somewhat suspicious.

"I really surprised myself," Don deadpanned. "That's by far the longest shot I've ever made. I've got my Dad's old 30-06, and that old honey kicks worse than a mule. I think he thought that the recoil would keep me from shooting it much. I've shot it three times here, once at the bear, once at an ambush from the trees, and then last night at the pickup." Don gave the State man a dumbed-up version of a 'good ole boy,'

'humm," Dal played along, as he watched in amazement as the towering stack of pancakes dissapered inside tall and skinny Don.

"Hey, would you like some ,I';n gonna make more." Don offered.

"No thanks, I just came on duty. Skeeter thought you might want to come into town, if you do, the roads are slick." Dal cautioned. "I gotta get back on the road, see ya." Dal left, the cable chains keeping the sedan going straight.

Don ate another four pancakes, stood up and jumped up and down and decided to have another three to fill in the cracks. He washed the dishes and decided he needed to see MR and go to the store. So, into town he went.


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Mark tested the electricity in the garage, it was on, so he pluged in the RV, turned the furnace on and sent Milo home.

"Thanks son, we appreciate your care and concern. Tell Honey once again, thanks for supper and the good time, It really fills our hearts with peace and joy." Clora gave Milo a hug and a smile.

"Ok, if you're sure; you know I'm gonna be in deep doo-doo with Honey, when she learns about this." Milo ruefully put his hat on and stepped outside, shaking his head.

Mark was going to suggest that Milo simply not tell her, when he remembered all the confidences he had shared with Clora. He cleared his throat, and gave his thanks to Milo.

Clora turned the bed covers down to help warm the bed, and put another blanket close. By heavens she was tired. She sat at the table and closed her eyes.

Mark was outside bird-dogging around the property, looking for clues as to how the intruder got in the house. His bobbing flashlight alerted an observant neighbor who called the police, thinking a burgler was casing the house.

Of course, it was the tall and short officers that responded with drawn guns.