Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member
Out in the lawn, there arose such a clatter. Only it wasn't Christmas and Clement Moore wasn't around. The neighbor insisted on showing the responding officers exactly where he had last seen the very suspicious activity.

The helpful man was talking loud enough to be heard three blocks over.. Artie Magnuson was almost beside himself with excitement; nothing his wild and dangerous ever happened on their block, and here he was, right in the thick of it.

Tall and short snorted helplessly at the stream of endless chatter, that Artie in his nervousness was issueing.

"Sir, be quiet and go home. We are the professionals here and request that you let us do our job." Tall ground out in frustration.

The excited neighbor was in no danger. Any self respecting burglar was long gone. However; Artie's insane curiosity about the unusual people that lived in the house, knew no boundaries.

Artie was busy telling tall and short about all the goings on, that had happened since the strange family moved in.

"We're aware Sir, we are the officers that responded to the call when that crazy lady chained herself to the porch railing." Short finally got a word in edgewise.

"Oh, but did you know about them having some sort of camping vehicle in the back yard?" The helpful man interjected. "And they have people coming and going at all times of the day and night; and once, there was this big black limousine with flags on the front fenders came and men with guns got out and knocked on the door. But nobody was home." Artie let his disappointment show.

"I don't know why they bought the house, if they never intended to stay home," Artie gave his opinion. "Do you suppose they are spies or drug dealers?"

By this time the trio was rounding the north-east corner of the house, Artie was practically running in his haste to see what might be hidden around back.

What was hidden around back, it was Mark.

Mark stepped out of the shadows, grabbed Artie by the arm, twisted it behind the man's back and put his pistol right behind Artie's ear.

Artie pooped himself in fright.

Nancy in OK

Senior Member

"It sure did get quiet in here. Who was that guy in the skirt and what's he doin bein so silly as to wear a skirt in weather like this?" Cotton asked in a loud voice.

Donny chuckled as he explained to the group that Seamus was a Scotsman, and true Scots wore kilts like Seamus did. "He's also our minster, along with Dad."

"I'm sure glad our Dad never wore no skirt, that would be hard to live with, 'cause I ain't never." Cotton was very definite about his choice of clothes.

"Kids," Donny intervened, "we wait to eat until the blessing has been said. No matter how little or how much we have to eat, we always thank God for whatever it is. Cotton, I will say the thanks right now and for supper. You will be responsible for saying Breakfast blessing tomorrow, so be thinking on what you want to say." Donny concluded.

There was no talking as Donny dished up bowls of rice with green bean sauce, just the clink of spoon against the bowls.

Andy and Judy shared a quick lunch. "How come your brother hasn't been around pestering us?" Judy asked as she put the dishes in the sink.

"I dunno," Andy answered shortly. He really didn't like Judy's question, but it seemed petty to complain about it. "He's just moody, I guess." Andy wanted to explain that since they had gotten married, Judy was a whole lot different than she had been. She was bossy and aggressive and always ready to pick on every little thing he said or did.

Andy didn't care if she wanted to call the shots on what they did or where they went, just not all of them. He was busy thinking that it must be two weeks since he had seen Donny, when he missed Judy speaking to him.

She got right in his face and started berating him for never listening to her, when Andy suddenly had enough. Pushing her away, he stood up, went to the door, grabbed his coat and went outside to the barn. He knew full well why no one came to visit, or why they weren't invited anywhere. It was Judy's waspish attitude and criticism that never seemed to let up; it made the rest of the family uncomfortable to listen to it.

Andy cleaned the barn, he had four of the expecting workhorse ladies plus his own two saddle horses. There was always a chore to do, and lately the horses were better company than Judy. He was putting off having a confrontation with her, and he couldn't really say if it was cabin fever or if they were at odds that couldn't be overcome.

The more he got to thinking about his situtation, the more Andy thought about getting another opinion. Perhaps Dad with his many years of experience, could explain what he, Andy, was doing wrong. or.... not wrong.

Clora took one look at Andy's face, put coffee and cookies on the table and went to the back bedroom to go through the closets and trunks.


Seamus sent Pricilla and the boys to the basement, when the bells rang. "Ye be leavin the wee ones here with their mooother," he announced, "Suisan you go with yer brooothers and be behaving yerself."

Calvin grabbed the recalcitrant little miss and it was like towing a dead weight, until Pricillia came along and added a swat to the bottom.

"Punky, you grab her other hand and help her down the stairs," The housekeeper had a basket of sandwiches and cookies in one hand and a pitcher of water in the other.

"I gotta potty," Suisan tried one last ditch stall to keep from leaving her daddy.

"I'm sure we can fix something up downstairs," and Pricilla said. "move it." Suisan gave a deep sigh and said something under her breath.

Calvin turned astonished eyes on his sister. "Miz 'Cilla, she just said she gave it a good try. That ain't no baby talkin, that's a sneaky girl trick."

"Indeed it is," Cilla replied. "I'm sure her daddy will be interested to know she can talk and understand so well."

Suisan was trying to think a hundred miles a minute. It put her in a position that she didn't want to be. Like the age old you still beat your wife....there was no good answer. So. to the basement they went.

Seamus had Phoebe in bed resting, a baby snuggled in each arm. "There's no goin dooonstairs love, whatever comes, we'll be riding it out right here. Ooohh I wish I had me pipes, me fingers are itchin to play to the glory of God."

For once, Phoebe said a prayer of praise, that her sweet new babies wouldn't hear the strident music. They were sleeping quietly, and as worn out as she was feeling, she need the time to gather her strength. The clan had banded against Seamus, telling him to go way out into the woods to play his pipes, and he reluctantly agreed.

"Seamus, we need your prayers and thanks to God for the safe birth of our babies. We need you to pray for our safety from whatever is coming in the way of weather. I need you here Seamus, please don't leave me to rush out and play your pipes."

Seamus stiffly got down on his knees beside Phoebe's bed and clasp his hands. Trust Phoebe to keep him on the straight and narrow, he smiled as he opened his heart to praise his Lord.

Mark helped Clora down the narrow stairs into the storm shelter and passed cloth covered bowls of sandwiches, cookies and the all important coffee pot and cups. He looked up to see Wyatt walking from the barn.

"Come to the shelter," Mark invited, "I have no idea what is going to happen with that cloud, but it is weather for sure."

"Thanks, it's way to advanced to try and make a run for home. I guess the animals will be Ok in the barn?"

'I pray that the barn will be adequate, not much we can do until we know what's happening." Mark waved his hand for the Sheriff to precede him into the shelter.

The only family unprepared was the family huddled around stove in Donny's big house. No one had explained what the bells meant, so Sally had Cotton bring in a lot of wood, and she cooked rice and beans as Millie had instructed, and then canned venison as a sauce for the filler. Children ate slowly, enjoying the feel, taste and flavor of the precious food in their mouth. It was Cotton who brought up the anxious question they were all thinking.

"Sally, what we gonna do if this goes away, where we gonna go and live, what we gonna eat?" he asked and all the serious kids nodded. They were having problems believing their good fortune.

"Well, I can only tell ya that Donny says being married is forever, until we are really white haired and old. He says it's his duty and job to provide for us, and our duty to help us all by working together. I've been thinking about this ever since we got here. What Donny is asking is something we can do, I mean, we'd do most of it anyway, so doing that in exchange for a place to live, eat and be safe is something I can do. What do you guys think?"

Kids nodded, and Cotton said, "Donny is a really great teacher. He's learning me how to file a ax and how to chop."

"Donny's teaching me, is the correct way to say that Cotton, did you guys see the books in the one room upstairs? I think we can have some sort of school." Sally smiled and asked if anyone wanted seconds. Everyone did.


Veteran Member

Mark decided to teach his snoopy neighbor a lesson. He knew who Aerie was, the man practically stood by his front window and wrote down the comings and goings of the Linderman's.

'Thank you officers, for catching the burglar that I flushed out of my house? What did he do with the gun he was carrying?" Mark Mark growled as he tightened his grip on the trembling Artie;s arm.

"Gun?" squeaked Artie.

"He must thrown it in the bushes," Mark growled. "I want to prosecute to the full extent of the law."

"I'm no burglar," Artie tried to say, but in his fright all the words came out as gibberish. "I'm your neighbor."

"Don't give me that crap, why else were the officers chasing after you with drawn guns?" Mark was starting to enjoy himself, despite the odor wafting from Artie's lower region.

"I was just showing them where I had seen a suspicious light," Artie stammered.

"You don't really expect me to swallow such a phony story, no one in their right mind goes charging into a possible home invasion these days. I should have shot you when I flushed you through the front door." Mark growled again for good measure.

The Short officer was going to protest, when Tall stopped him. The reckless actions of Artie had put them all in danger.

By this time, Artie was sweating profusely, the acrid smell adding to the high stink.

"What did you do? Poop yourself?" Mark asked in disgust; "you smell worse than a outhouse."

"What say you? Officers?" he questioned.

"He claims he's a neighbor, that's all we know," Tall said casually, playing along with the 're-education' of the neighborhood busybody.

Mark let go of Artie's arm, the rubber kneeded man collapsed on the ground .

"Well, if you vouch for him being a total stupid snoop, and not the invader, I'll let him go."

When Artie hit the ground, he was in a sitting position, squishing the extra load in his shorts, all over his backside.

Artie rolled over on his hands and knees and got up with as much dignity as he could muster. He turned around and walked away, he'd be dammed if he ever lifted a finger to help those people again.


Veteran Member

Mark stood chatting with Tall and Short, he had to show iis Badge, gun permit and driver;s license for the 'official record' that went into Tall's incident book.
"Did that guy really mess his pants?" Short looked over his shoulder at the house across the street.

"He's really lucky you're such reasonable guy, it's a wonder he didn't get shot."

"Believe me, I thought about it," Mark said under his breath.

"Huh, what did you say?" Short picked up on the voice inflection.

"I said I hate living in town, we're trying to get a house built west of here, I just don't do well in town."

Both officers agreed wholeheartedly; each thinking they hoped the house was way west of the city limits.


Veteran Member

As soon as Suz got her ffteen minute morning break, she was on the phone with Dulsey Fern Whipple, Tysons some time girlfriend. "He'll be hitten ya up for money, just as sure it's still snowin outside. Let m tell you what I heard right from Joby; both Tyson and Clayton are in jail." Suz activated the gossip line, and when Dulsey told her Ma and aunt that was visiting; in a half hour it was all over town.

"Now you listen here Dulsey Fern, you pay me your rent right now, I know you got paid yesterday, and yer Pa is gonna be mighty provoked if I let you skip another month. I want the money fer yer phone plan also. It'll just be too bad if you don't have the money to get that scum outta jail..."

"Ma," Dulsey whined, "that ain't fair."

"Pay up now," her mother demanded, and Dulsey reached in her tight jeans pocket for the folded wad of cash.

"Nobody else has to pay $200,00 to stay in their parent's house, and Sula get her phone free."

"It's two hundred if you wanna stay here, and I ain't Sula's ma. She never had no sense anyhow." Ma Whipple folded the cash and put it in her pocket. Later she confided to her sister over their fourth cup of coffee; that she didn't trust Dulsey not to go through her purse for the money. "She's that nuts over that no[good Tyson. Randy has said several time he's like to meet up with Tyson in a dark alley."

The sister bit the inside of her cheeks, thinking that banty rooster Randy wouldn't be anything but a grease spot when Tyson got through with him. Tyson was big, 6' several inches and something close to 300 pounds. Probably double the size of Randy. But she did have to admit, when Randy had been drinking, he was pretty tough, plus he despised Tyson.

"Yeah," the sister agreed in a strangled voice, "Yeah." Right then the sister got her third call, letting her known that Dulsey Fern;s boyfriend was in jail. "Thank you Sherrie, Madge and Ava already called.."

"Oh," disappointment ws thick in Sherrie's voice. "Ok, if you already know, bye."

Dulsey Fern was in her room hanging up the clothes she had tried on that morning, Usually, she had thrown them in the dirty clothes, but lately Ma had been making her do her own laundry and ironing. Dulsey didn't realize she had cut her laundry by 75%, since she was responsible for her own.

Dulsey got the call she was expecting, :Tyson honey, are you Ok?"

"Sweet thing, I have an unfortunate problem, I need bail money. I know you got paid yesterday, bring me down the cash." Tyson purred in a syrupy voice;

"I can't, Ma made me pay rent and the phone bill. She's already got the money." Dulsey was miserable down to her toes.

Tyson swore and trhen picked up a thought. "Steal it back out of her purse." he ordered, knowing Dulsey was a fool for him.

Dulsey shook her head no; suddenly she understood Tyson's motives. She was nothing more than a meal ticket to Tyson. Dulsey ended the call, all the while thinking about Jace Nelson who had asked her to the movies. She tossed her hair back and looked through her phone contacts for his number.
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Veteran Member

Tyson's bad luck was just beginning. He stared at the phone when Dulsey Fern hung up on him. Damn fickle woman anyway. He'd show het he didn't need her. Tyson had talked the day shift jailer into a second phone call, and Bam, that possibility was down the drain.

The banker in town heard about Tyson and Clayton when his wife called with the latest gossip. It was the opportunity he'd been waiting for. It wasn't that he was afraid of Tyson, no siree, not at all. It was just, he didn't trust Tyson not to have a second copy of the picture showing the banker having drinks and lunch with a sweet young thing a couple of towns over. Tyson was such a petty thief; he only blackmailed the banker for a couple of hundred bucks.

Well Tyson was behind three payments on his fancy new pickup. The banker picked up his phone and ordered a repo. Giving the repo company explicit instructions on where to find the vehicle and the secure lot where he wanted it impounded The banker was a pretty big man in town, and there wasn't no,, two bit upstart to challenge him and come out on the ot6her side unscathed.

It wasn't until the repo man unloaded the broken window Ford, that they discovered all the modifications Tyson had made to the vehhicle.
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Veteran Member
I am having extreme eye problems. I have Shingles on the back side of my good eye. Today is the first day I hace been able to see the keyboard.
Hang on, I'm not to use the computer or strains my eyes for several more days. I have a box full of meds to tak, so eventually,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks Oac.


Veteran Member
Those of you familiar with Windows 10, is there a way to make the cursor larger or completely dark. I lose it, and have a terrible time finding it. Even though I have very large text, the sneaky little cursor hides.
I'm getting btter, but still not supposed to be on the computer, LOL. Thanks Pac.

Dumb Blonde

Contributing Member
Those of you familiar with Windows 10, is there a way to make the cursor larger or completely dark. I lose it, and have a terrible time finding it. Even though I have very large text, the sneaky little cursor hides.
I'm getting btter, but still not supposed to be on the computer, LOL. Thanks Pac.
Hi Pac, loving your story. From memory, (I'm at work and my computer is at home) Windows 10: go to "Settings" in the start menu. On that page, from the menus on the left hand side, choose the one for devices/keyboard/mouse.
There should be a sliding bar to increase the size of your mouse, as well as option to select a different style of mouse.
Hopefully this will help.


Veteran Member
Dear Folks
I covet your prayers for health and healing. In the last two months I have had all kinds of tests; a lumpectomy, a double mastectomy, Shingles on the left side of my face, Shingles behind my left eye that almost left me blind in my good eye. I have radiation every day that we drive 70 miles one way to enjoy. Because of the radiation, I have a very compromised immune system and have the flu and a cold.

I don't need sympathy, but I sure do need prayers. I should get the OK tomorrow to be on the computer for limited amounts of time.

I can get the cursor to change, but cannot find a 'save' and it goes right back to being a wicked little stinker. Thank you to everyone tht sent instructions Thanks Pac..