CRISIS Gotta ask, is da sh*t hittin' da fan?


Oregon's screaming, once again, how there's this contract between the taxpayer and the PERS system; Which has dropped significantly; And, was already in the hole 25 billion. Yeah, Black Swans everywhere.
. . . .The ripple from this is that pension funds and others that are required by law to invest only in investment grade bonds will have to divest themselves of the bonds that slip to junk. That will cause a cascading effect. Everyone is watching the stock market, but that is being played by the pump monkeys and those pull their funds out at our expense.

Yes, the Wuhan Virus is bad, but what is happening in the bond markets is going to be a lot worse.
Thanks Lone_Hawk.

Yea know, . . . . I'm already tapped out. Just waitin on a Gibsmedat.


Ford was just lowered to junk status.

My recollection may be bad but it seems to me that the auto industry shut down six weeks after the crash in 1929. The computer has very much so shortened the time frame of event ocurrances. But, hey, just a second I've got to check my cell phone life.

Orion Commander

Veteran Member
I took spring break week as vacation. Work called to say everyone 60 and older needs to stay home and be on call. Now the city has authorized 80 hours of covid-19 leave for several reasons. So far it's like a long weekend. Given PW's health issues the Dr. recommend I stay in self quarantine. It's a test run for retirement.

It's like living in a small town where you roll up the sidewalks at 8:00 pm. Traffic is low. I can now easily walk the dog across the four lane street which a US Hwy. Grocery stores are pretty normal. The Governor just announced book stores and shoe stores are now to be closed and some others.


Contributing Member
I've been thinking about what could trigger unrest. Utilities i mentioned. Parts issues due to supply chains. Another thread got me to thinking about grocery employees. People still have bills to pay. What about when the gov checks hit peoples accounts. Is it still worth the risk to go to work? What's the minimum number of people to run a walmart. Are areas with high infection rates having issues? Closed stores could be a trigger. What if dispensery workers didn't show up for work? Liquor stores? Ill be watching closer when the checks start going out.


On TB every waking moment
We are stuck in a slow moving train wreck. Might take a year or two to finally come to rest.

The Fed is saying 18 months. I think that's blind optimism, but what do I know.


Federal Reserve President Says Coronavirus Pandemic Needs an '18-Month Strategy' for Healthcare and Economy
By Jason Lemon On 4/12/20 at 2:52 PM EDT