ECON Gold and Silver news

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
The end of civilization as we know it is fast coming to an end. It is the elephant in the room. The financial crash is at the heart of it so it's wise to be prepared with some silver and gold if you can afford it. Most can't at this point. Sure, gold, grub, guns will be helpful as will a good location. But don't forget God. He warned us long ago about the collapse of the world in Revelation 18. It's an important read imho. The sins of this world have indeed reached heaven and everyone can see it.... and judgments are even at the door. We're told in Revelation 18 4x that this world will fall "in one day" and "in one hour". The collapse will happen suddenly. Yes, let's have all the "G"s... but let's make sure we have the One that counts the most.

And here is the warning from James apropos at this time imho:

James 5:1 "Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. 4 Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you. 7 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. 8 You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."
EVERYBODY can afford an oz of silver per month; it's just a matter of if they want it more than everywhere else their money is going.


Meh... every time Ukraine funding passes, metals drop. The nearly $2 drop in silver and gold dropping over $70 is exactly the volatility some of us have been expecting for years... as a precursor to them losing control completely. Just more shaking PMs loose from weak hands to strong one's.

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Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Isn't anyone going to comment on gold being off 72.70 today and silver off close to 6 %?
That's why I came here today. Big shorting action. Fully expected since tptb have been trying to short it down for two months now (and the last 30 yrs +). Someone is losing a great deal of money. If the shorts lose again, it will be even more money they will lose. I think they are going to lose more money. As for the timing...........................................................

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Johnny, I don't usually talk but your comment attempts to envoke a response. I do have 2 kilos of gold that I bought in 2006 at 314/oz. Now I think lead and copper are better choices. If you doubt me ask thinwater.
Then you have all. Your comment, I suppose, would be for others to forsake any silver or gold and just get bullets, which I'm assuming most here already have. And I think pms will be needed, and more valuable to most, quite a while before lead and copper becomes predominant in usage. If lead and copper ever become predominant.


It's brass not copper! I know what you all mean. But when it comes to metal...

It is a copper alloy that contains a certain amount of oxygen, thus also known as oxy-copper, and can sometimes be regarded as a copper alloy. But ammo is made from brass and lead/tin.

Please excuse my weirdness... :D

Kathy in FL

It's brass not copper! I know what you all mean. But when it comes to metal...

It is a copper alloy that contains a certain amount of oxygen, thus also known as oxy-copper, and can sometimes be regarded as a copper alloy. But ammo is made from brass and lead/tin.

Please excuse my weirdness... :D
We love your weirdness.


Senior Member
Then you have all. Your comment, I suppose, would be for others to forsake any silver or gold and just get bullets, which I'm assuming most here already have. And I think pms will be needed, and more valuable to most, quite a while before lead and copper becomes predominant in usage. If lead and copper ever become predominant.
At these prices I would forgo PM'S
The prices will go down.


Meh... every time Ukraine funding passes, metals drop. The nearly $2 drop in silver and gold dropping over $70 is exactly the volatility some of us have been expecting for years... as a precursor to them losing control completely. Just more shaking PMs loose from weak hands to strong one's.

Your right. I actually looked. And your right!

Strange. Happenstance perhaps. I mean who would think that if Ukraine should be liberated back to Russia PMs would blast to the moon and the fed dollar crash to the real value of a computer digit in the cloud or electronic digit on a big screen computer. Worth its weight in air molecules? How much does a air molecular weigh?



Senior Member
It's brass not copper! I know what you all mean. But when it comes to metal...

It is a copper alloy that contains a certain amount of oxygen, thus also known as oxy-copper, and can sometimes be regarded as a copper alloy. But ammo is made from brass and lead/tin.

Please excuse my weirdness... :D
No, copper. I was thinking about FMJ projectiles.


No, copper. I was thinking about FMJ projectiles.
A full metal jacket (FMJ) bullet is a small-arms projectile consisting of a soft core (often lead and tin) encased in an outer shell ("jacket") of harder metal, such as gilding metal, cupronickel, or, less commonly, a steel alloy. A bullet jacket usually allows higher muzzle velocities than bare lead without depositing significant amounts of metal in the bore. It also prevents damage to bores from hard steel or armor-piercing core materials.

Stolen from wiki so could be BS.


Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
At these prices I would forgo PM'S
The prices will go down.
I take it you bought around 20 yrs ago or so? Still, you have yours. A lot of people don't. Nationally it is less than half of one percent. Silver is dirt cheap right now. And if you get a lb of it, 16 oz, and this is the start of the largest PM bull run in history, with a world that is burning up all it's silver and a world full of paper dollars of all types, then in your local neighborhood you might be a lord; for a short while. Point being, you have yours. Others need some before the real dollar/bank crash begins.


Yeah it took a few billion I'm sure out of the 61 billion to make only a fair correction in the PMs market.

Let's see what happens at the end of the week. If it corrects back to $2200au and $25ag, it's all good. I might even buy a 4th silver eagle.



Veteran Member
Isn't anyone going to comment on gold being off 72.70 today and silver off close to 6 %?

It's "buying on the dip" time ???

As I tell my friends, I honestly do not care what the "price" is. Every week/month/whatever, I have $xx dollars to invest in precious metals. And I buy whatever amount of PMs that money will buy. I am not looking at selling anytime soon. I think the cool term now-a-days is "stacking".


Looking at the 6 month chart, it's only been a few months that gold started up and way over $2000 a ounce. I think if they can get it beat down past $2175 it could go even lower. But I muse it will not.

IDK, about silver, it should be over $100 a ounce years ago. It's just a punching bag that is filled with hooks and crooks to keep it suppressed. It's unbelievable that such a usefull, industrial and alike the world over commodity is so cheap, in today's FIAT induced inflationary environment.


If I had more money I would use every pullback to buy more. I cost average and am pretty disciplined about it. (Pay yourself first you know). Nothing has changed and things are only getting worse and with another 90 billion of bribe money going overseas inflation is just going to go in one direction. Patience has it’s own reward and hard assets in your possession is the only way to go with any spare dollars you might have.

Kathy in FL

Looking at the 6 month chart, it's only been a few months that gold started up and way over $2000 a ounce. I think if they can get it beat down past $2175 it could go even lower. But I muse it will not.

IDK, about silver, it should be over $100 a ounce years ago. It's just a punching bag that is filled with hooks and crooks to keep it suppressed. It's unbelievable that such a usefull, industrial and alike the world over commodity is so cheap, in today's FIAT induced inflationary environment.

Not with inflation being what it is. It doesn’t mean that gold holds any higher value. It means the dollar holds a lower one. That’s what people forget.

The problem is you still need dollars to pay the bills. I called up several local municipal offices and asked about paying bills with metal and they are specifically not accepting anything but digital payments … you can’t walk up and even use paper dollars to pay. Taxes especially. You can write a check but that’s just another form of digital currency.

Every bank we do business with I’ve asked about depositing metals at and they don’t even have a process by which they could do that. Some won’t even deposit foreign currency to change it to American currency. Some that will sell foreign currency won’t/can’t take it back.

When I get a chance I will call around to some local currency exchange locations and see if they will take metals for cash. Not that I intend on doing that but to see who (or even if) has a process for accepting metals in the event of a dollar crash.


Not with inflation being what it is. It doesn’t mean that gold holds any higher value. It means the dollar holds a lower one. That’s what people forget.

The problem is you still need dollars to pay the bills. I called up several local municipal offices and asked about paying bills with metal and they are specifically not accepting anything but digital payments … you can’t walk up and even use paper dollars to pay. Taxes especially. You can write a check but that’s just another form of digital currency.

Every bank we do business with I’ve asked about depositing metals at and they don’t even have a process by which they could do that. Some won’t even deposit foreign currency to change it to American currency. Some that will sell foreign currency won’t/can’t take it back.

When I get a chance I will call around to some local currency exchange locations and see if they will take metals for cash. Not that I intend on doing that but to see who (or even if) has a process for accepting metals in the event of a dollar crash.
Also talk to some small local banks. Many will still loan you fiat no questions asked while taking your gold for collateral. Not a good or even fair deal. Their no better than most pawn brokers. ETA, talk to the vice or president of said local bank. You will get no where talking to any other bank employee. It's gotta be the president or vice.

However many established local gold exchangers will give you fiat cash at or just below spot for your precious.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
A full metal jacket (FMJ) bullet is a small-arms projectile consisting of a soft core (often lead and tin) encased in an outer shell ("jacket") of harder metal, such as gilding metal, cupronickel, or, less commonly, a steel alloy. A bullet jacket usually allows higher muzzle velocities than bare lead without depositing significant amounts of metal in the bore. It also prevents damage to bores from hard steel or armor-piercing core materials.

Stolen from wiki so could be BS.

It is not BS.

bullets traveling over 1100 FPS start to melt as it travels down the barrel. Thus fouling, and very hard to remove. Note .22 at 1300 FPS and .22's are well known for fouling.

Now imagine your .223 at around 3000 FPS. Without the jacket, after only a few shots the fouling would throw your zero off at every shot.

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Rafi Farber joins Ron in the Basement for a 40 minute talk. A bit in the middle is boring as they talk one specific mining conglomerate. I find it interesting as Rafi tells Ron WHEN to 'sell, trade, exchange' silver based on historial cycles and events. There will be a blow off top, so don't get too greedy (Don't get greedy Armstrong, save some for the rest of us. No, I won't). About 70% in Rafi gives his take on what is happening in Israel right now. His voice is shakey throughout which is odd.

As an aside, someone a long time ago talked about when gold starts making $100 swings a day, and when silver starts to make $1 swings in a day. Are we at that point now?



Veteran Member
Rafi Farber joins Ron in the Basement for a 40 minute talk. A bit in the middle is boring as they talk one specific mining conglomerate. I find it interesting as Rafi tells Ron WHEN to 'sell, trade, exchange' silver based on historial cycles and events. There will be a blow off top, so don't get too greedy (Don't get greedy Armstrong, save some for the rest of us. No, I won't). About 70% in Rafi gives his take on what is happening in Israel right now. His voice is shakey throughout which is odd.

As an aside, someone a long time ago talked about when gold starts making $100 swings a day, and when silver starts to make $1 swings in a day. Are we at that point now?

His perspective on Israel and what is happening over there was even more valuable than his insights about gold/silver! Definitely worth a watch! Thanks for posting.


So, sell mom's gold jewelry for silver. Hold, then exchange the silver for gold when it takes 20 ounces of silver for a ounce of gold.


Kathy in FL

Also talk to some small local banks. Many will still loan you fiat no questions asked while taking your gold for collateral. Not a good or even fair deal. Their no better than most pawn brokers. ETA, talk to the vice or president of said local bank. You will get no where talking to any other bank employee. It's gotta be the president or vice.

However many established local gold exchangers will give you fiat cash at or just below spot for your precious.

The bigwigs are who we do business with due to the type of deposits we make. You have no idea the hassle a cash busines goes through. We’re down to about 40% of our deposits in cash and we still hit “ceilings” on our business accounts.

So we are forced to deal with a certain level at the banks we deal with. Worse than getting a loan. And we deal with loacal, regional, and national banks. A couple of credit unions as well.

So when i have a question, it isn’t the tellers that i ask. Usually it is the trust and wealth advisor or the branch manager.


Veteran Member
Gold & Silver are doing fine, Gold holding @ $2220.00, Silver @ $27.00.
Both catching a rise this AM. They failed in hammering to back to minus $2000.
I'm not saying they can't hammer it, just this time they failed.
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Very significant warning about the clearing houses reference the The Great Taking missive authored last June. When the clearing houses fail the various securities and equities that people think they own in their brokerage and 401-K accounts they will find out they were only the Beneficial Ownership Meaning and Regulation and be left with nothing. Complete and legal thievery as they never held title to their financial instruments.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Very significant warning about the clearing houses reference the The Great Taking missive authored last June. When the clearing houses fail the various securities and equities that people think they own in their brokerage and 401-K accounts they will find out they were only the Beneficial Ownership Meaning and Regulation and be left with nothing. Complete and legal thievery as they never held title to their financial instruments.
The PTB will rue the day they bring this down on the population.

But do it, they will.


The PTB will rue the day they bring this down on the population.

But do it, they will.

And after the masses kill each other off those that are left will be willing to do what they are told in order to be safe and the promised three hots and a cot.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Then you have all. Your comment, I suppose, would be for others to forsake any silver or gold and just get bullets, which I'm assuming most here already have. And I think pms will be needed, and more valuable to most, quite a while before lead and copper becomes predominant in usage. If lead and copper ever become predominant.
Last Thursday I introduced myself to my new bank officer at the local branch I used. She wasn't busy so I took the opportunity to give her a fun demonstration about real money. I pulled a one dollar bill out of my pocket, a real silver dollar and a one ounce gold Krugerrand from my wallet. She'd never seen a Krugerrand before.

I asked her what the teller would credit me if I sent the dollar bill across the counter. Of course she said, "One Dollar." I then asked her what credit I would receive if I deposited the Silver Dollar. Again she said, "One Dollar." I asked what credit I would receive if I deposited the Krugerrand and she said that they couldn't take it. I explained that currently, the Silver Dollar was worth around $30, which merely indicated how debased American currency had become. I also explained that the Krugerrand was a true bullion coin with no face value, but that in previous eras, banks would gladly accept gold and were able to test it on site. She was fascinated by my little demonstration, but we were not able to conclude my business that day and I'd have to return on Monday.

On Monday I placed a $20 bill on her desk, as well as a US Double Eagle ($20) gold piece. Again, I asked what credit I would receive for the twenty dollar bill and for the twenty dollar coin. Of course she said twenty dollars. She'd never seen a Double Eagle coin before, but read the "Twenty Dollars" on the coin and satisfied herself that it was real, American money. I thought her eyes would bug out of her head when I explained that the Double Eagle was worth around $2600 and that its high price was - again - the result of the ongoing debasement of US currency! She believed me, but was surprised when I explained that until 1933 bank customers could walk into the lobby and exchange a $20 bill for a gold Double Eagle or vice versa.

Other metal business I did last week was to have a tire repaired at the local tire shop and pick up a couple of 5 gallon buckets filled with wheel weights. The tire guys know me and let me have them free. Also, they are kind enough to use their dolly to load the buckets into my truck, as a five gallon bucket is way the 'ell too heavy for me to load. Years ago, the wheel weights would be 100% lead, but now I have to laboriously separate them into steel, zinc and lead. It's worth it though, to get the free lead for my bullet casting.

Gold, silver and lead...I suspect that all three will become vastly more important as we go into a problematic future.



Isn’t it amazing that bankers (at least on the local and regional level) don’t know what real money is? If you really want to throw her for a loop ask her to explain the difference between money and currency. Pretty soon she isn’t going to want to talk to you anymore.


Veteran Member
Isn’t it amazing that bankers (at least on the local and regional level) don’t know what real money is? If you really want to throw her for a loop ask her to explain the difference between money and currency. Pretty soon she isn’t going to want to talk to you anymore.

Last Thursday I introduced myself to my new bank officer at the local branch I used. She wasn't busy so I took the opportunity to give her a fun demonstration about real money. I pulled a one dollar bill out of my pocket, a real silver dollar and a one ounce gold Krugerrand from my wallet. She'd never seen a Krugerrand before.

I asked her what the teller would credit me if I sent the dollar bill across the counter. Of course she said, "One Dollar." I then asked her what credit I would receive if I deposited the Silver Dollar. Again she said, "One Dollar." I asked what credit I would receive if I deposited the Krugerrand and she said that they couldn't take it. I explained that currently, the Silver Dollar was worth around $30, which merely indicated how debased American currency had become. I also explained that the Krugerrand was a true bullion coin with no face value, but that in previous eras, banks would gladly accept gold and were able to test it on site. She was fascinated by my little demonstration, but we were not able to conclude my business that day and I'd have to return on Monday.

On Monday I placed a $20 bill on her desk, as well as a US Double Eagle ($20) gold piece. Again, I asked what credit I would receive for the twenty dollar bill and for the twenty dollar coin. Of course she said twenty dollars. She'd never seen a Double Eagle coin before, but read the "Twenty Dollars" on the coin and satisfied herself that it was real, American money. I thought her eyes would bug out of her head when I explained that the Double Eagle was worth around $2600 and that its high price was - again - the result of the ongoing debasement of US currency! She believed me, but was surprised when I explained that until 1933 bank customers could walk into the lobby and exchange a $20 bill for a gold Double Eagle or vice versa.

Other metal business I did last week was to have a tire repaired at the local tire shop and pick up a couple of 5 gallon buckets filled with wheel weights. The tire guys know me and let me have them free. Also, they are kind enough to use their dolly to load the buckets into my truck, as a five gallon bucket is way the 'ell too heavy for me to load. Years ago, the wheel weights would be 100% lead, but now I have to laboriously separate them into steel, zinc and lead. It's worth it though, to get the free lead for my bullet casting.

Gold, silver and lead...I suspect that all three will become vastly more important as we go into a problematic future.

Too bad that you did not have a pre 60's silver dime on hand for the lady that day.

It would have woken her up and then some when you explained to her that the dime was worth two (2) of the paper one dollar bills.
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In the 1990s.i would have drank at least 4 double shots of vary good and expensive whiskey on the fact Gold closed about $5 bucks higher on a Friday.

Also would of drank at lest a 5th of cheap Canadian whiskey on the fact that silver had dropped a quarter dollar.

Of note, back then a fifth of cheap Canadian whiskey was only about $2 bucks. Today it's easily $5 Bucks plus...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Too bad that you did not have a pre 60's silver dime on hand for the lady that day.

It would have woken her up and then some when you explained to her that the dime was worth two (2) of the paper one dollar bills.

Meaning absolutely no offense, I don't understand how you imagine a silver dime worth $2 would have impressed her more than my Silver Dollar worth well north of $20 or my $20 gold piece worth well more than $2000 did?
