PRYR RQST Goin under the knife in the AM (Now home, Update Post #175)

RB Martin

Veteran Member
Well after a year of delays, looks like my heart surgery will finally go ahead in the morning. Quintuple bypass. So…. A prayer or two would be appreciated. I’ll see you guys either sooner…. Or later.

I’m still in my forties. This sucks.
May God be with your medical team and uphold you in his strong right arm. May He grant you recovery and rapid healing once the surgery is complete.


Veteran Member
Prayers for you Imrik. I've been there. You will be ok. Yes, it will hurt to get around for a while, especially getting in and out of bed. Make sure you hang on to the little red pillow they will give you, it' is worth its weight in gold when you have to cough. You're in God's hands so you've got this. Prayers for you.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
The work starts when you're in post op.
DO the rehab!
MAKE the changes!
TEACH your family! Most important, take this opportunity: we don't all get a reset option.

Praying the surgery team are ALL on their game and you're blessed with great nurses and therapists.

And remember, there's no end of people here to talk with.

ALL the best!
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