TERRORISM Get Ready - they are coming


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I put up that list because...

If you hit those in a coordinated way, you completely cripple society.

Who responds to the first, second and while they do...the third.

In the panic to get supplies before more happens...the 4th.

Taking down this big juicy soft-ish thing that is us, can happen relatively quickly.

Give me a squad of highly motivated men and we could do unimaginable damage to your average small to mid size area. Give me a platoon and it grows in scope and size.

Pray that if evil makes these moves, our good, highly trained and motivated men and women....get to work.

The hard work

The work of dangerous men, who have had enough.

Edited to add:

Now think about millions of them or only 10,000 of the millions kicking off operations.

Would it encourage the remaining ( and how many might be needed? ) to join in and strengthen " the cause" ?

We are in very dangerous waters, and the sharks are ravenous.


Veteran Member
I disagree.
It's good to disagree, as that is usually how both sides learn.

Maybe not all Mexicans, but the ones that do want to attack. And they are the only ones that need an accounting of.
I believe the majority have been told about their past victory at the Alamo, the one incentive to their being brainwashed into foolishly going off to their slaughter.


Adrenaline Junkie
My theory is that they'll hit the states that don't allow their citizens to own/carry guns. So, New York, Illinois, California, etc.

But IF they hit other places, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, etc -- they'll hit the places where guns aren't allowed. Movie theaters, malls, etc. Joke will be on them though, because most people I know who carry, also do so to the movie theater and the mall. Good people will still die, but the bad guys probably won't make it out alive. Not sure how important that is to these particular bad guys, though, so it's possible I'm completely wrong.


Goodness before greatness.
genericly look at local soft targets
these tangos are looking for mass casualty

Noticing an up-tic in sets of lingering FAM’s (Fighting Age Males) of Latin American.

‘Lingering’ as in not in atypical parking lot movement.

You don’t pull into a commercial parking lot full of stores and cafes to stay seated in your vehicle. <— VERY out of place Hispanic types! Not the usual hustle or chilling mode. (((Came across like))) surveillance of vehicle and foot traffic.

Two M.E.’s in a coffe shop, a bit unusual. Actually sitting in their respective chairs, scooted beside each others right flank, mouth shielded by their hands in low volume conversation. OK. That’s not strange right?


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
If "THEY" do start something here on our home turf like October 7th (Hamas attack on Israel).....there'll be a POGROM in this country like the world has NEVER SEEN!! It will cost a lot of lives, it won't be pretty and won't end at our own borders. Just ask Japan what happens when you sneak attack the U.S. We don't get mad, we don't get even.....WE WILL NUKE YOUR ARSE!!

‘I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I’ll kill you all.’ General James Mattis, USMC

We have over twenty years worth of combat veterans that fought ragheads that will unleash HOLY hell on every invader and muslim in this country....and there won't be any liberals left, there won't be anyone in congress or government that can stop them. No generals will be able to hold them back. There won't be a diplomatic solution. There won't be a cease fire......however, there will be A LOT OF WELL FED HOGS!!
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Knuckle Dragger
If "THEY" do start something here on our home turf like October 7th (Hamas attack on Israel).....there'll be a POGROM in this country like the world has NEVER SEEN!! It will cost a lot of lives, it won't be pretty and won't end at our own borders. Just ask Japan what happens when you sneak attack the U.S. We don't get mad, we don't get even.....WE WILL NUKE YOUR ARSE!!

We have over twenty years worth of combat veterans that fought ragheads that will unleash HOLY hell on every invader and muslim in this country....and there won't be anyone liberals left, there won't be anyone in congress or government that can stop them. No generals will be able to hold them back. There won't be a diplomatic solution. There won't be a cease fire......however, there will be A LOT OF WELL FED HOGS!!

There will not be an OFF switch.

Housecleaning will continue until there is a complete and total reckoning.


Veteran Member
I think we can all agree that attacks are inevitable - where & when are the great unknown factor, but they will happen.
PJ brings up the vital question -- what would the nation look like afterwards?
Would our "leadership" activate the guard & reserve units to initiate martial law?
Would the population cower in their homes afraid to venture out to get food & other necessities
Would our towns & cities resemble what Ferfal described during that conflict?
I can't think of what else to do other than to prepare to be well supplied and plan to hunker down -- hopefully with the kids over here so there's some other eyes to be on watch with.


Veteran Member
They are not going to pick an anniversary date.
At first, I thought the same but in reality, no matter what day they pick - virtually nobody is going to be prepared.

But the 7th would be a lousy day other than the obvious - no churches open no football games no craft fairs etc. But lots of schools.

When it happens, I can't help but think it is with our governments help. I mean they let them in here - for some reason.

I think just how much damage our leaders want them to do will be obvious - if the electric grid or military bases etc. is left unprotected.


Three-Time Trump Voter
If "THEY" do start something here on our home turf like October 7th (Hamas attack on Israel).....there'll be a POGROM in this country like the world has NEVER SEEN!! It will cost a lot of lives, it won't be pretty and won't end at our own borders. Just ask Japan what happens when you sneak attack the U.S. We don't get mad, we don't get even.....WE WILL NUKE YOUR ARSE!!

We have over twenty years worth of combat veterans that fought ragheads that will unleash HOLY hell on every invader and muslim in this country....and there won't be any liberals left, there won't be anyone in congress or government that can stop them. No generals will be able to hold them back. There won't be a diplomatic solution. There won't be a cease fire......however, there will be A LOT OF WELL FED HOGS!!

....that is going to be all a lot of people need to go open season on Brown People. And I mean that in the most generic of senses.

It's gonna be like the "Family Guy" joke.



Adrenaline Junkie
I think we can all agree that attacks are inevitable - where & when are the great unknown factor, but they will happen.
PJ brings up the vital question -- what would the nation look like afterwards?
You know those pics of moms in Israel with an AR on a sling over their shoulder while they push a baby carriage?

Yeah. Like that.

Not everyone. Some will cower in their houses, but a whole helluva lot won't.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
That will be an important 'tell' when things break out, which could be at any time. BTW, the Venezuela gangs don't necessarily wear tats like a lot of the Mexican cartel gangs do.

Just watch how they look at you. Some people can't hide contempt and hatred very well when they are looking at those they despise.

They sure can't. Some years ago I went to Meijer's late one evening.

Had a tee shirt with an American flag on it. A middle eastern looking man hatefully glared at me. Hadn't had that happen before that incident.

When I was working at the Air Base an Airman came in wearing a tee shirt that had Arabic writing on it. I asked him what it said and he replied: Proud Infidel. It was a cool looking shirt.

I got DH a tee shirt with Trump's face on it. He's wearing sunglasses. I told him I wouldn't wear it outside of the house these days. Everybody's so keyed up about their candidates right now.


Veteran Member
Just consider this contrarian point of view. Be patient and humor this never-was. :)

We have watched hundreds of Hezbollah and Hamas members get smoked.

Nothing but saber rattlin' from the Persians.

We are led to believe all these domestic cells have the collective restraint to sit on their hands.

Maybe our Intel is just a threat to Iran of what we'll do to them AFTER "we" false flag ourself and rain holy fire&brimstone using the best armament the military industrial complex can sell us.

There can be yuge holes in this hypothesis. Being wrong can look very bad. Since NOTHING has happened to date, we need to doublecheck our premises. Jmho

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
LUDITE, this is true. We DO need to look at our preconceptions and assumptions. After all, these are what we brought WITH us into this RED TEAM meeting.

But PENDING that exercise (which will be neither QUICK nor EASY) let's consider something.

Y'ALL are looking at and working on stuff that is HARD to do and takes a LOT more people than the following.

The EASY way right now would be to bring one of Hamas' better bomb chemists (or a team thereof) and set him/them to brewing 3 or 6 one gallon batches of PETN and be good enough to keep it from going **BOOM** until they want it to.
Next, take the PETN, and take out 2 of the Auto/Truck I-40 bridges in Central NC.
Ditto 2 of the RR bridges in the same area. If they have any PETN left, divide it between a PARALLEL bridge next to I-40 and a parallel RR bridge.

THEN they get set with their rakis or Modello (I'll take a Modello Negro) and watch the Nation crumble.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Mongo, these maps suggest your action team has a big part of theirwork done already.



Veteran Member
Good chance that some are military, they are hanging out and drinking beer... probably got a big BBQ going nearby.

I wouldn't take that picture as a representation of ability...at all.
You got one guy with his finger on the trigger. One guy pointing his gun at the cameraman, I see one maybe 2 holsters. No spare mags or ammo visible. Bird guns and pistols. Chances are they have never had to reload. They are relying on their presence as a deterrent. It could just be dress up at a bbq but they aren’t going to stop crap if it is real.


Senior Member
My theory is that they'll hit the states that don't allow their citizens to own/carry guns. So, New York, Illinois, California, etc.

But IF they hit other places, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, etc -- they'll hit the places where guns aren't allowed. Movie theaters, malls, etc. Joke will be on them though, because most people I know who carry, also do so to the movie theater and the mall. Good people will still die, but the bad guys probably won't make it out alive. Not sure how important that is to these particular bad guys, though, so it's possible I'm completely wrong.
operating under this premise. Unless you are in a football stadium at a college game or a professional game.... They will stay away from previously mentioned tailgates gatherings outside stadium if in the South or Midwest. Half the cars probably are packing in many places. Would not want to find out at a Alabama or Georgia football game how many tailgaters have firearms in their vehicles.
operating under this premise. Unless you are in a football stadium at a college game or a professional game.... They will stay away from previously mentioned tailgates gatherings outside stadium if in the South or Midwest. Half the cars probably are packing in many places. Would not want to find out at a Alabama or Georgia football game how many tailgaters have firearms in their vehicles.
IF this would start in a big nationwide way, it wouldn't be long before traffic was stopped and searched, especially in any kind of rural or semi city, rural and countryside.

People will start to defend themselves.


Veteran Member
I have no idea if it will be a false flag operation committed by the criminals in DC or the Chinese, Iranians, Russians, North Koreans, or someone else, but something is in the works. If the criminals in DC are really worried about losing the election they will do something to prevent Trump from taking the oath of President. There are something like only 13 critical substations that control the flow of electricity all over the country. Taking out 9 of them by flying drones with bombs into the transformers will shutdown the entire grid. No one will know who did it. You can sit in your house 50 miles away and fly a drone into the substation. How will anyone know who did it? If the grid was taken down in January. Where I live most people will be dead within a month if not sooner by freezing to death. Also no water and food. Something is going to happen.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
WYLARRY: The key here is to know WHICH 12 or 14. It won't be THAT obvious as looking for the BIG stations, either.

Further, Deponent sayeth not.


Veteran Member
If something as terrible as another 911 happens across the entire country. I can promise you that 9 out of 10 people in Wyoming will be armed no matter where they are going. To work, school, market, gas station, or church. If it goes as badly as some of our worthless intelligent agencies keep telling us. Then not only will people be carrying handguns, but 70% will also be carrying long guns of one type or another. America will be armed to the teeth.